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Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Quadratus

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From volume 12 of the work.

105672Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — QuadratusPatrick Joseph Healy

The first of the Christian apologists. He is said by Eusebius (Chron. ad ann. Abrah. 2041, 124 A.D.) to have been a disciple of the Apostles (auditor apostolorum). He addressed a discourse to the Emperor Hadrian containing an apology for the Christian religion, during a visit which the latter made to Athens in 124 or 125. With the exception of a short passage quoted by Eusebius (Hist. Eccl., IV, iii), this apology has entirely disappeared. Eusebius states (Chron.) incorrectly, however, that the appeal of Quadratus moved the emperor to issue a favourable edict. Because of the similarity of name some scholars have concluded (e.g. Bardenhewer, "Patrology", p. 40) that Quadratus the apologist is the same person as Quadratus, a phrophet mentioned elsewhere by Eusebius (Hist. Eccl., III, xxxvii). The evidence, however, is too slight to be convincing. The later references to Quadratus in Jerome and the martyrologies are all based on Eusebius or are arbitrary enlargements of his account.

ROUTH, Reliquiæ Sacræ, I (Oxford, 1846), 69-79; HARNACK, Ueberlieferung der griech. Apologetem, 103; Gesch. d. altchrist. Liter., I, 95; II, 269-71; BARDENHEWER, Patrology, tr. SHAHAN (St. Louis, 1908).