Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Sauatra

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From volume 13 of the work.

106322Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — SauatraSophron Pétridès

A titular see of Lycaonia, suffragan or Iconium. Nothing is known of the history of this town, but some of its coins have been preserved and it is mentioned by Strabo, XIV, 668; Ptolemy, V, 4, 12; Hierocles, 672, 2; and the Tabula Peutingeriana. The name in this title is spelled as it occurs on the coins; Sabatra which is its equivalent in pronunciation is also found, also Soatra, in Strabo. The town was situated in an arid region on the road from Laodicea to Archelais, that is, near the village of Souverek, in the vilayet of Koniah: according to Ramsay "Asia Minor," 343, at the ruins four hours south-west of Eskil; according to Müller, "Notes to Ptolemy," ed. Didot, I, 858, near Djelil between Obrouklou, or Obrouk, and Sultan Khan. Le Quien, "Oriens Christianus," I, 1083, mentions two bishops of Sauatra: Aristophanes, present at the First Ecumenical Council of Constantinople, 381; and Eustathius, who was living at thc time of the Council of Chalcedon, 451. The Greek "Notitiae episcopatuum" mention the see till the thirteenth century.

SMITH, Dict. of Greek and Roman Geog., s.v.; RAMSAY, Asia Minor (London, 1890), 343, and passim.

S. Pétridès.