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Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Simon of Cremona

From Wikisource

From volume 13 of the work.

106617Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Simon of CremonaJames F. Driscoll

A theological writer and celebrated preacher belonging to the Order of St. Augustine, date of birth unknown; d. at Padua, 1390. He flourished in the second half of the fourteenth century, and the field of his labours was Northern Italy, especially the Venetian territory. Excerpts from his sermons were published under the title "Postilla super Evangliis et Epistolis Omnium Dominicarum" (Reutlingen, 1484). He left several works in manuscript, among which may be mentioned "In Quatuor Libros Sententiarum", "Quæstiones de indulgentia Portiunculæe" and "Quæstiones de sanguine Christi".

OSSINGER, Bibl. August. (Ingolstadt, 1768), 275 sqq.

James F. Driscoll.