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Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary 1908/Freemartin Fytte

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fāte, fär; mē, hėr; mīne; mōte; mūte; mōōn; then.

Freemartin, frē′mar-tin, n. a cow-calf born as a twin with a bull-calf, usually barren.

Freeze, frēz, v.i. to become ice or like a solid body.—v.t. to harden into ice: to cause to shiver, as with terror:—pr.p. freez′ing; pa.t. frōze; pa.p. froz′en.adj. Freez′able.—ns. Freez′ing-mix′ture, a mixture, as of pounded ice and salt, producing cold sufficient to freeze a liquid by the rapid absorption of heat; Freez′ing-point, the temperature at which water freezes, marked 32° on the Fahrenheit thermometer, and 0° on the centigrade. [A.S. fréosan, pa.p. froren; Dut. vreizen, Ger. frieren, to freeze.]

Freight, frāt, n. the lading or cargo, esp. of a ship; the charge for transporting goods by water.—v.t. to load a ship.—ns. Freight′age, money paid for freight; Freight′er, one who freights a vessel. [Prob. Old Dut. vrecht, a form of vracht.]

Freischütz. See Free-shot.

Freit, frēt, n. (Scot.) any superstitious belief in things as good or bad omens—also Freet.—adj. Freit′y, Freet′y, superstitious. [Scand.; Ice. frétt, news.]

Fremd, fremd, adj. and n. (Scot.) strange, a stranger—Spenser has Frenne, a stranger.—The fremd, the world of strangers. [M. E. fremd, fremed—A.S. fremde; cf. Dut. vreemd, Ger. fremd.]

Fremescent, frem-es′ent, adj. raging, riotous.—n. Fremes′cence. [L. fremĕre, to roar.]

Fremitus, frem′i-tus, n. a palpable vibration, as of the walls of the chest. [L.]

French, frensh, adj. belonging to France or its people.—n. the people or language of France.—ns. French′-bean, the common kidney bean, eaten, pods and all, as a table vegetable; French′-berr′y, a small berry, the fruit of certain species of buckthorn, used in dyeing yellow; French′-chalk, an indurated clay, extremely dense, and of a smooth glossy surface and white colour; French′ery, French fashions collectively; French′-horn, a musical wind-instrument somewhat resembling a bugle; Frenchificā′tion.—v.t. French′ify, to make French or Frenchlike: to infect with the manner of the French.—ns. French′iness; French′man, a native or naturalised inhabitant of France:—fem. French′woman; French′-pol′ish, a varnish for furniture, consisting chiefly of shellac dissolved in some spirit; French′-pol′isher; French′-pol′ishing, the method of coating furniture with French-polish.—adj. French′y, with an exaggerated French manner.—French merino, a fine twilled cloth of merino wool; French pox (obs.), syphilis; French roof, a modified mansard-roof—really American; French white, finely pulverised talc; French window, a long window opening like a folding-door, and serving for exit and entrance.—Take French leave, to depart without notice or permission, to disappear suspiciously.

Frenetic, -al, fre-net′ik, -al, adj. frenzied: mad: distracted.—Also Phrenet′ic, -al. [See Frantic.]

Frenum, frē′num, n. a ligament restraining the motion of a part.—Also Fræ′num. [L., a bridle.]

Frenzy, fren′zi, n. a violent excitement: mania.—v.t. to render frenzied.—adjs. Fren′zied, Fren′zical, partaking of frenzy. [Through O. Fr. and L.,—from Late Gr. phrenēsis=Gr. phrenitis, inflammation of the brain—phrēn, the mind.]

Frequent, frē′kwent, adj. coming or occurring often.—ns. Frē′quence (Milt.), a crowd, an assembly; Frē′quency, repeated occurrence of anything.—v.t. Frequent′, to visit often.—ns. Frē′quentage, habit of frequenting; Frequentā′tion, the act of visiting often.—adj. Frequent′ative (gram.), denoting the frequent repetition of an action.—n. (gram.) a verb expressing this repetition.—n. Frequent′er.—adv. Frē′quently.—n. Frē′quentness. [L. frequens, frequentis; cog. with farcīre, to stuff.]

Frescade, fres-kād′, n. a cool walk. [Fr.,—It. frescata.]

Fresco, fres′kō, n. a painting executed with colours, consisting chiefly of natural earths, upon walls covered with damp freshly-laid plaster.—v.t. to paint in fresco:—pr.p. fres′cōing; pa.p. fres′cōed.adj. Fres′coed.—ns. Fres′coer; Fres′coing; Fres′coist. [It. fresco, fresh.]

Fresh, fresh, adj. in a state of activity and health: new and strong, not stale or faded: recently produced or obtained: untried: having renewed vigour: healthy, refreshing, invigorating: brisk: (slang) tipsy: not salt.—n. (Shak.) a small stream of fresh water: (Scot.) a thaw, open weather.—adj. Fresh′-blown, newly blown, as a flower.—v.t. Fresh′en, to make fresh: to take the saltness from.—v.i. to grow fresh: to grow brisk or strong.—ns. Fresh′ener; Fresh′et, a pool or stream of fresh water: the sudden overflow of a river from rain or melted snow.—adj. Fresh′ish.—adv. Fresh′ly.—ns. Fresh′man, one in the rudiments of knowledge, esp. a university student in his first year—also Fresh′er; Fresh′manship, Fresh′erdom.—adj. Fresh′-new (Shak.), unpractised, wholly unacquainted; Fresh′wa′ter, of or pertaining to water not salt: accustomed to sail only on fresh water—hence unskilled, raw. [A.S. fersc; cf. Dut. versch, Ger. frisch.]

Fret, fret, v.t. to wear away by rubbing, to rub, chafe, ripple, disturb: to eat into: to vex, to irritate.—v.i. to wear away: to vex one's self: to be peevish:—pr.p. fret′ting; pa.p. fret′ted, (B.) fret.—n. agitation of the surface of a liquid: irritation: the worn side of the banks of a river.—adj. Fret′ful, peevish.—adv. Fret′fully.—n. Fret′fulness.—p.adj. Fret′ting, vexing.—n. peevishness. [A.S. fretan, to gnaw—pfx. for-, inten., and etan, to eat; Ger. fressen.]

Fret, fret, v.t. to ornament with raised work: to variegate:—pr.p. fret′ting; pa.p. fret′ted. [O. Fr. freter.]

Fret, fret, n. a piece of interlaced ornamental work: (archit.) an ornament consisting of small fillets intersecting each other at right angles: (her.) bars crossed and interlaced.—ns. Fret′-saw, a saw with a narrow blade and fine teeth, used for fret-work, scroll-work, &c.; Frette, a hoop for strengthening a cannon shrunk on its breach.—adjs. Fret′ted, Fret′ty, ornamented with frets.—n. Fret′-work, ornamental work consisting of a combination of frets, perforated work. [O. Fr. frete, trellis-work.]

Fret, fret, n. a short wire on the finger-board of a guitar or other instrument.—v.t. to furnish with frets. [Prob. same as the above.]

Friable, frī′a-bl, adj. apt to crumble: easily reduced to powder.—ns. Frī′ableness, Friabil′ity. [Fr.,—L. friabilisfriāre, friātum, to crumble.]

Friar, frī′ar, n. a member of one of the mendicant monastic orders in the R.C. Church—the Franciscans (Friars Minor or Gray Friars), Dominicans (Friars Major, Friars Preachers, or Black Friars), Carmelites (White Friars), and Augustinians (Austin Friars).—adj. Frī′arly, like a friar.—n. Frī′ary, a monastery.—Friars' balsam (see Benzoin); Friar's cap, the wolf's-bane; Friar's cowl, the wake-robin; Friar's lantern, the ignis-fatuus or Will-o'-the-wisp. [O. Fr. frere—L. frater, a brother.]

Fribble, frib′l, v.i. to trifle.—n. a trifler.—ns. Fribb′ledom; Fribb′leism; Fribb′ler.—adj. Fribb′lish, trifling. [Onomatopœic; prob. influenced by frivol.]

Fricandeau, frik-an-dō′, n. a thick slice of veal, &c., larded. [Fr., perh. from friand, dainty, nice, and perh. ult. conn. with fricassee.]

Fricassee, frik-as-sē′, n. a dish made of fowl, rabbit, &c. cut into pieces and cooked in sauce.—v.t. to dress as a fricassee:—pr.p. fricassee′ing; pa.p. fricasseed′. [Fr. fricassée; origin unknown.]

Friction, frik′shun, n. the act of rubbing: (statics) a force acting in the tangent plane of two bodies, when one slides or rolls upon another, and always in a direction opposite to that in which the moving body tends: difficulty, unpleasantness.—adjs. Fric′ative, produced by friction, used of those consonants which are produced by the breath being forced through a narrow opening; Fric′tional, relating to, moved by, or produced by friction.—n. Fric′tion-gear′ing, a method of imparting the motion of one wheel or pulley to another by mere contact.—adj. Fric′tionless, having no friction.—n.pl. Fric′tion-wheels, wheels that lessen friction. [Fr.,—L. frictionemfricāre, frictum, to rub.]

Friday, frī′dā, n. the sixth day of the week.—Black Friday, Good Friday, from the black vestments of the clergy and altar in the Western Church: any Friday marked by a great calamity; Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, kept in commemoration of the Crucifixion; Holy Friday, Friday in an ember-week—also Golden Friday, sometimes put for Good Friday itself. [A.S. Frígedæg, day of (the goddess) Fríg—Latinised Frigga—wife of Odin.]

Fridge, frij, v.t. (Sterne) to rub or fray.

Fried, frīd, pa.t. and pa.p. of fry.

Friend, frend, n. one loving or attached to another: an intimate acquaintance: a favourer: one of a society so called: (Scot.) a relative.—v.t. (obs.) to befriend.—adj. Friend′ed, supplied with friends.—n. Friend′ing (Shak.), friendliness.—adj. Friend′less, without friends: destitute.—n. Friend′lessness.—adv. Friend′lily.—n. Friend′liness.—adj. Friend′ly, like a friend: having the disposition of a friend: favourable: pertaining to the Friends or Quakers.—n. Friend′ship, attachment from mutual esteem: friendly assistance.—Friendly societies, or Benefit societies, associations, chiefly among mechanics, &c., for relief during sickness, old age, widowhood, by provident insurance.—Be friends with, to be on intimate or friendly relations with; Have a friend at court, to have a friend in a position where his influence is likely to prove useful; Society of Friends, the designation proper of a sect of Christians better known as Quakers. [A.S. fréond, pr.p. of fréon, to love; Ger. freund.]

Frier, frī′ėr, n. (Milt.) a friar.

Frieze, frēz, n. a coarse woollen cloth with a nap on one side.—adj. Friezed, napped. [Fr. frise.]

Frieze, frēz, n. (archit.) the part of the entablature between the architrave and cornice, often ornamented with figures.—v.t. to put a frieze on. [O. Fr. frize; It. fregio; perh. L. Phrygium, Phrygian.]

Frigate, frig′āt, n. in the Royal Navy, formerly a vessel in the class next to ships of the line, carrying 28 to 60 guns on the maindeck and a raised quarter-deck and forecastle—not now denoting a distinct class of vessels.—ns. Frig′ate-bird, a large tropical sea-bird, with very long wings; Frigatoon′, a small Venetian vessel with square stern and two masts. [O. Fr. fregate—It. fregata; ety. dub.]

Fright, frīt, n. sudden fear: terror: anything inspiring terror or alarm, a figure of grotesque or ridiculous appearance.—vs.t. Fright, Fright′en, to make afraid: to alarm.—adjs. Fright′able, Fright′enable, timid; Fright′ful, terrible: shocking.—adv. Fright′fully.—n. Fright′fulness.—adj. Fright′some, frightful: feeling fright. [A.S. fyrhto; cf. Ger. furcht, fear.]

Frigid, frij′id, adj. frozen or stiffened with cold: cold: without spirit or feeling: unanimated.—n. Frigid′ity, coldness: coldness of affection: want of animation.—adv. Frig′idly.—n. Frig′idness.—adj. Frigorif′ic, causing cold.—Frigid zones, the parts of the earth's surface within the circle drawn with the poles as centre, and a radius of 23½ degrees. [L. frigidusfrigēre, to be cold—frigus, cold.]

Frigot, frig′ot, n. (Spens.). Same as Frigate.

Frijole, frē-hōl′, n. the common Mexican bean. [Sp.]

Frill, fril, v.i. to ruffle, as a hawk its feathers, when shivering.—v.t. to furnish with a frill.—n. a ruffle: a ruffled or crimped edging of linen.—ns. Frilled′-liz′ard, a lizard with an extraordinary frilled membrane attached to the hinder part of the head, neck, and chest, and covering its shoulders; Frill′ing, frilled edging. [Usually conn. with O. Fr. friller, to shiver; but prob. related to furl.]

Frimaire, frē-mār′, n. the third month of the French revolutionary calendar, Nov. 21-Dec. 20. [Fr. frimas, frost.]

Fringe, frinj, n. loose threads forming an ornamental border: anything like a fringe, even a girl's hair cut in front and falling over the brow: the extremity.—v.t. to adorn with fringe: to border.—adjs. Fringed; Fringe′less; Fring′ent, fringing.—n. Fringe′-tree, in the United States, a large shrub with very numerous snow-white flowers in panicled racemes.—adj. Fring′y, ornamented with fringes. [O. Fr. frenge—L. fimbria, threads, fibres, akin to fibra, a fibre.]

Fringillaceous, frin-ji-lā′shi-us, adj. pertaining to the finches or Fringillidæ.—Also Fringil′liform, Fringil′line. [L. fringilla.]

Frippery, frip′ėr-i, n. worn-out clothes: the place where old clothes are sold: useless trifles.—adj. useless: trifling.—n. Fripp′er, one who deals in old clothes. [O. Fr. freperie, frepe, a rag.]

Frisette. See Frizzle.

Friseur, fris-ėr′, n. a hair-dresser.—n. Fris′ure, mode of curling the hair. [Fr. friser, to curl.]

Frisian, friz′i-an, adj. and n. pertaining to the people of Friesland, or to their language.—Also Fries′ian, Fries′ic, Fries′ish.

Frisk, frisk, v.i. to gambol: to leap playfully.—n. a frolic.—n. Frisk′er.—adj. Frisk′ful, brisk, lively.—adv. Frisk′ily.—n. Frisk′iness.—adj. Frisk′ing.—adv. Frisk′ingly.—adj. Frisk′y, lively: jumping with gaiety: frolicsome. [O. Fr. frisque; acc. to Skeat, from Ice. frískr, Sw. and Dan. frisk.]

Frisket, frisk′ėt, n. (print.) the light frame between the tympan and the form, to hold in place the sheet to be printed. [Fr. frisquette.]

Frit, frit, n. the mixed materials of which glass is made, after being heated until they fuse partially without melting.—v.t. to fuse partially without melting:—pr.p. frit′ting; pa.p. frit′ted. [Fr. fritte—It. fritta.—L. frigĕre, frictum, to roast.]

Frit, frit, n. a small fly destructive to wheat.

Frith, frith, Firth, fėrth, n. a narrow inlet of the sea, esp. at a river-mouth. [Ice. fiörðr; Norw. fiord.]

Frith, frith, n. peace.—ns. Frith′borg (A.S. law), one of the tithings or groups of ten men into which the hundred was divided, the members of each being accountable for a fellow-member's misdeeds; Frith′gild, a union of neighbours pledged to one another for the preservation of peace; Frith′soken, the jurisdiction to punish for breaches of the peace; Frith′stool, a chair of sanctuary, placed near the altar in a church—as at Hexham and Beverley. [A.S. frith, peace; Ger. friede.]

Frith, frith, n. forest. [A.S. (ge)fyrhðe.]

Fritillary, frit′il-lar-i, n. a genus of plants of the order Liliaceæ, with drooping purple flowers: a species of butterfly. [L. fritillus, a dice-box.]

Fritter, frit′ėr, n. a piece of meat fried: a kind of pancake, a slice of some fruit sweetened, fried, and served hot: a fragment.—v.t. to break into fragments.—n. Fritt′erer, one who wastes time. [O. Fr. friture—L. frigĕre, frictum, to fry.]

Frivolous, friv′ol-us, adj. trifling: silly.—n. Frivol′ity, act or habit of trifling: levity.—adv. Friv′olously.—n. Friv′olousness. [Fr. frivole—L. frivolus.]

Frizz, Friz, friz, v.t. to curl: to render rough and tangled.—n. a curl, a wig.—adjs. Frizzed, having the hair curled or crisped into frizzes; Frizz′y. [O. Fr. friser, to curl; perh. conn. with frieze, cloth.]

Frizzle, friz′l, v.t. to form in small short curls.—v.i. to go into curls.—n. a curl.—ns. Frizette′, Frisette′, a cluster of small curls worn over the forehead.—adj. Frizz′ly. [Related to frizz and frieze.]

Fro, frō, adv. from: back or backward.—prep. (obs.) from. [A shortened form of from; but perh. directly derived from Ice. frá, from.]

Frock, frok, n. a wide-sleeved garment worn by monks: a loose upper garment worn by men: a sailor's jersey: a gown worn by females: an undress regimental coat.—v.t. to furnish with a frock: to invest with priestly office.—n. Frock′-coat, a double-breasted full-skirted coat for men.—adj. Frocked, clothed in a frock.—n. Frock′ing, cloth suitable for frocks, coarse jean.—adj. Frock′less, wanting a frock. [O. Fr. froc, a monk's frock—Low L. frocus—L. floccus, a flock of wool; or more prob. (acc. to Brachet and Littré) from Low L. hrocus—Old High Ger. hroch (Ger. rock), a coat.]

Frog, frog, n. a genus of tailless amphibians, with webbed feet, remarkable for its rapid swimming and leaping: a soft, horny substance in the middle of the sole of a horse's foot, forking towards the heel: a section of a rail or rails at a point where two lines cross, or of a switch from one line to another.—ns. Frog′-bit, a small aquatic plant, allied to the water-soldier, but with floating leaves; Frog′-eat′er, one who eats frogs, a Frenchman; Frog′-fish, a name for various fishes, esp. the angler; Frog′gery, frogs collectively: a place where frogs abound.—adj. Frog′gy, having or abounding in frogs.—ns. Frog′-hop′per, Frog′-spit (see Froth-fly); Frog′ling, a little frog.—Frog march, a method of carrying a refractory or drunken prisoner face downwards between four men, each holding a limb. [A.S. frogga, frox; cog. with Ice. froskr; Ger. frosch.]

Frog, frog, n. an ornamental fastening or tasselled button for a frock or cloak.—adj. Frogged, in uniforms, of ornamental stripes or workings of braid or lace, mostly on the breast of a coat.

Froise, froiz, n. a kind of pancake or omelette, often with slices of bacon.—Also Fraise. [Fr.]

Frolic, frol′ik, adj. merry: pranky.—n. gaiety: a wild prank: a merry-making.—v.i. to play wild pranks or merry tricks: to gambol:—pr.p. frol′icking; pa.p. frol′icked.adj. Frol′icsome, gay: sportive.—adv. Frol′icsomely.—n. Frol′icsomeness. [Dut. vrolijk, merry; cf. Ger. fröhlich, joyful, gay.]

From, from, prep. forth: out of, as from a source: away: at a distance: springing out of: by reason of. [A.S. fram, from; akin to Goth. fram, Ice. frá.]

Frond, frond, n. (bot.) a leaf-like expansion in many cryptogamous plants, organs in which the functions of stem and leaf are combined.—adjs. Frond′ed, having fronds; Frond′ent, leafy.—n. Frondes′cence, act of putting forth leaves: the season for putting forth leaves.—adjs. Frondes′cent, springing into leaf; Frondif′erous, bearing or producing fronds; Frondose′, covered with fronds. [L. frons, frondis, a leaf.]

Fronde, frond, n. the name given to certain factions in France during the minority of Louis XIV., hostile to the court and the minister Mazarin.—n. Frond′eur, a member of the Fronde: an irreconcilable. [Fr., a sling—L. funda.]

Front, frunt, n. the forehead: the whole face: the forepart of anything: a kind of wig worn by ladies: the most conspicuous part: boldness: impudence.—adj. of, relating to, or in the front.—v.t. to stand in front of or opposite: to oppose face to face.—v.i. to stand in front or foremost: to turn the front or face in any direction.—n. Front′age, the front part of a building.—adj. Front′al, of or belonging to the front or forehead.—n. a front-piece: something worn on the forehead or face: (archit.) a pediment over a door or window: a hanging of silk, satin, &c., embroidered for an altar—now usually covering only the top, the superfrontal—formerly covering the whole of the front, corresponding to the antependium.—adjs. Front′ate, -d (bot.), growing broader and broader: (zool.) having a prominent frons or forehead; Front′ed, formed with a front; Front′less, void of shame or modesty.—adv. Front′lessly.—n. Front′let, a band worn on the forehead.—advs. Front′ward, -s, towards the front.—Come to the front, to become conspicuous: to attain an important position; In front of, before. [O. Fr.,—L. frons, frontis, the forehead.]

Frontier, front′ēr, n. the boundary of a territory: (Shak.) an outwork.—adj. lying on the frontier: bordering.—v.t. (Spens.) to place on the frontier.—n. Front′iersman, one settled on the borders of a country. [O. Fr. frontier—L. frons.]

Frontispiece, front′i-spēs, n. (archit.) the principal face of a building: a figure or engraving in front of a book.—v.t. to put as a frontispiece, to furnish with such. [Fr.,—Low L. frontispicium—frons, forehead, specĕre, to see; not conn. with piece.]

Fronton, fron′ton, n. (archit.) a pediment.—Also Fron′toon. [Fr.]

Frore, frōr, Froren, frō′ren, adj. frozen, frosty.—adj. Frō′ry (Spens.), frozen. [A.S. froren, pa.p. of fréosan, to freeze.]

Frost, frost, n. the state of the atmosphere in which water freezes: state of being frozen: frozen dew, also called hoar-frost: (slang) a disappointment, a cheat.—v.t. to cover with hoar-frost or with anything resembling hoar-frost: to sharpen (the points of a horse's shoe) that it may not slip on ice.—n. Frost′-bite, the freezing or depression of vitality in a part of the body by exposure to cold.—v.t. to affect with frost.—adjs. Frost′-bit′ten, bitten or affected by frost; Frost′-bound, bound or confined by frost; Frost′ed, covered by frost or any fine powder: injured by frost.—adv. Frost′ily.—ns. Frost′iness; Frost′ing, the composition, resembling hoar-frost, used to cover cake, &c.—adj. Frost′less, free from frost.—n. Frost′-nail, a projecting nail in a horse-shoe serving as an ice-calk.—v.t. to put in such nails.—ns. Frost′-smoke, vapour frozen in the atmosphere, and having a smoke-like appearance; Frost′-work, work resembling hoar-frost on shrubs, &c.—adj. Frost′y, producing or containing frost: chill in affection: frost-like. [A.S. frost, forstfréosan; cf. Ger. frost.]

Froth, froth, n. the foam on liquids caused by boiling, or any agitation: (fig.) an empty show in speech: any light matter.—v.t. to cause froth on.—v.i. to throw up froth.—ns. Froth′ery, mere froth; Froth′-fly, also Froth′-hop′per, Frog′-hop′per, Frog′-spit, common names for numerous insects parasitic on plants, on which the larvæ and pupæ are found surrounded by a frothy spittle.—adv. Froth′ily.—n. Froth′iness.—adjs. Froth′less, free from froth; Froth′y, full of froth or foam: empty: unsubstantial. [Scand., as in Ice. froða, Dan. fraade.]

Frounce, frowns, v.t. to plait: to curl: to wrinkle up: to frown.—n. a plait or curl.—v.i. (obs.) to frown or wrinkle the brow. [O. Fr. froncier. See Flounce (2), of which it is an older form.]

Frow, frow, n. a Dutchwoman. [Dut. vrouw.]

Froward, frō′ward, adj. (Spens.) turned from: self-willed: perverse: unreasonable—opp. to Toward.—adv. Frō′wardly.—n. Frō′wardness. [A.S. fra, away, with affix -ward.]

Frown, frown, v.i. to wrinkle the brow as in anger: to look angry.—v.t. to repel by a frown.—n. a wrinkling or contraction of the brow in displeasure, &c.: a stern look.—adj. Frown′ing, gloomy.—adv. Frown′ingly. [From O. Fr. froignier (mod. refrogner), to knit the brow; origin unknown.]

Frowy, frow′i, adj. (Spens.) musty, rancid.

Frowzy, frow′zi, adj. rough and tangled.—Also Frow′sy. [Perh. conn. with frounce.]

Frozen, frōz′n, pa.p. of freeze.

Fructidor, fruk-ti-dōr′, n. the twelfth month in the French revolutionary calendar, Aug. 18-Sept. 16. [Fr.,—L. fructus, fruit; Gr. dōron, a gift.]

Fructify, fruk′ti-fī, v.t. to make fruitful: to fertilise.—v.i. to bear fruit.—adj. Fruct′ed (her.), bearing fruit.—n. Fructes′cence, the time for the ripening of fruit.—adj. Fructif′erous, bearing fruit.—ns. Fructificā′tion, act of fructifying, or producing fruit: (bot.) a term denoting sometimes the whole reproductive system, sometimes the 'fruit' itself; Fruc′tose, fruit sugar or levulose; Fruc′tuary, one enjoying the fruits of anything.—adj. Fruc′tuous, full of fruit. [Fr.,—L.,—fructus, fruit.]

Frugal, frōō′gal, adj. economical in the use of means: thrifty.—ns. Fru′galist, one who is frugal; Frugal′ity, economy: thrift.—adv. Fru′gally. [L. frugalisfrugi, fit for food—frux, frugis, fruit.]

Frugiferous, frōō-jif′ėr-us, adj. fruit-bearing.—adj. Frugiv′orous, feeding on fruits or seeds. [L. frux, frugisferre, to carry, vorāre, to eat.]

Fruit, frōōt, n. the produce of the earth, which supplies the wants of men and animals: the part of a plant which contains the seed: the offspring of animals: product, consequence, effect, advantage—(Spens.) Fruict.—v.i. to produce fruit.—ns. Fruit′age, fruit collectively: fruits; Fruit′-bud, a bud that produces fruit; Fruit′-cake, a cake containing raisins, &c.; Fruit′erer, one who deals in fruit:—fem. Fruit′eress; Fruit′ery, a place for storing fruit: fruitage.—adj. Fruit′ful, producing fruit abundantly: productive.—adv. Fruit′fully.—ns. Fruit′fulness; Fruit′ing, process of bearing fruit; Fruit′-knife, a knife with a blade of silver, &c., for cutting fruit.—adj. Fruit′less, barren: without profit: useless.—adv. Fruit′lessly.—ns. Fruit′lessness; Fruit′-tree, a tree yielding edible fruit.—adj. Fruit′y, like, or tasting like, fruit.—Small fruits, strawberries, currants, &c. [O. Fr. fruit, fruict—L. fructusfrui, fructus, to enjoy.]

Fruition, frōō-ish′un, n. enjoyment: use or possession of anything, esp. accompanied with pleasure.—adj. Fru′itive, of or pertaining to fruition. [O. Fr. fruition—L. frui, to enjoy.]

Frumentation, frōō-men-tā′shun, n. a largess of grain bestowed on the starving or turbulent people in ancient Rome.—adjs. Frumentā′ceous, made of or resembling wheat or other grain; Frumentā′rious, pertaining to corn. [L. frumentation-emfrumentāri, to provide with corn—frumentum, corn.]

Frumenty, frōō′men-ti, n. food made of hulled wheat boiled in milk.—Also Fur′mety. [O. Fr. frumentee, wheat boiled—frument—L. frumentum.]

Frump, frump, n. a dowdy and cross-grained woman: (obs.) a flout or snub.—v.t. (obs.) to snub.—adjs. Frump′ish, Frump′y, sour-tempered: ill-dressed.

Frumple, frum′pl, v.t. (prov.) to wrinkle.

Frush, frush, v.t. (Shak.) to break, bruise, or crush.—adj. broken or crushed: brittle.—n. an onset, attack. [O. Fr. froissier, to bruise—L. frustum, fragment.]

Frush, frush, n. (prov.) the frog of a horse's foot: a disease in that part of a horse's foot.

Frustrate, frus′trāt, v.t. to make vain or of no effect: to bring to nothing: to defeat.—p.adj. vain, ineffectual, defeated.—adj. Frus′trable, capable of being frustrated.—n. Frustrā′tion, disappointment: defeat.—adjs. Frus′trative, tending to frustrate; Frus′tratory, disappointing. [L. frustrāri, frustrātusfrustra, in vain.]

Frustule, frus′tūl, n. the siliceous two-valved shell of a diatom, with its contents.

Frustum, frus′tum, n. a slice of a solid body: the part of a cone which remains when the top is cut off by a plane parallel to the base. [L. frustum, a bit.]

Frutescent, frōō-tes′ent, adj. becoming shrubby; Fru′tex, a shrub.—adjs. Fru′ticose, Fru′ticous, shrub-like: shrubby; Frutic′ulose, like a small shrub. [L. frutescĕrefrutex, fruticis, a shrub.]

Frutify, frōō′ti-fī, v.t. and v.i. (Shak.)=Fructify.

Fry, frī, v.t. to dress food with oil or fat in a pan over the fire: to vex.—v.i. to undergo the action of heat in a frying-pan: to simmer: (Spens.) to boil:—pr.p. fry′ing; pa.p. fried.—n. a dish of anything fried.—n. Fry′ing-pan, a flat iron vessel or pan for frying with.—Out of the frying-pan into the fire, out of one evil or danger merely to fall into a greater. [Fr. frire—L. frigĕre; cf. Gr. phrygein.]

Fry, frī, n. a swarm of fishes just spawned: a number of small things.—Small fry, small things collectively, persons or things of little importance. [M. E. fri—Ice. frió; Dan. and Sw. frö.]

Fuar. Same as Feuar.

Fub, fub, v.t. (Shak.) to put off, to cheat: to steal.—n. Fub′bery (obs.), deception.—Fub off, to put off or evade by a trick or a lie. [See Fob.]

Fubby, fub′i, Fubsy, fub′zi, adj. chubby. [Ety. dub.]

Fuchsia, fū′shi-a, a plant with long pendulous flowers, native to South America. [Named after Leonard Fuchs, a German botanist, 1501-66.]

Fucus, fū′kus, n. a genus of seaweed containing the wrack and other species: a dye: a disguise.—adj. Fuciv′orous, eating seaweed.—n. Fū′coid, fossil seaweed.—adj. containing fucoids.—adj. Fū′cused, painted. [L. fucus, seaweed.]

Fud, fud, n. (Scot.) a hare's tail: the buttocks.

Fuddle, fud′l, v.t. to stupefy with drink.—v.i. to drink to excess or habitually:—pr.p. fudd′ling; pa.p. fudd′led.n. intoxicating drink.—ns. Fudd′le-cap, a hard drinker; Fudd′ler, a drunkard.—adj. Fudd′ling, tippling. [Cf. Dut. vod, soft, Ger. prov. fuddeln, to swindle.]

Fudge, fuj, n. stuff: nonsense: an exclamation of contempt.—v.i. and v.t. to botch or bungle anything.—adj. Fud′gy, irritable: awkward.

Fuel, fū′el, n. anything that feeds a fire, supplies energy, &c.—v.t. (arch.) to furnish with fuel.—adj. Fū′elled, furnished with fuel.—n. Fū′eller, one who, or that which, supplies fuel for fires. [O. Fr. fowaille—L. focale—L. focus, a fireplace.]

Fuero, fwā′rō, n. the constitution of certain practically autonomous states and communities in northern Spain and south-western France—the Basque provinces, Navarre, Bearn, &c.: modes and tenures of property, &c., nearly equivalent to the French customary law. [Sp.,—L. forum.]

Fuff, fuf, n. (Scot.) a puff: the spitting of a cat: a burst of anger.—v.t. and v.i. to puff.—adj. Fuff′y, light and soft.

Fugacious, fū-gā′shus, adj. apt to flee away: fleeting.—ns. Fugā′ciousness, Fugac′ity. [L. fugax, fugacis, from fugĕre, to flee.]

Fugitive, fūj′i-tiv, adj. apt to flee away: uncertain: volatile: perishable: temporary: occasional, written for some passing occasion.—n. one who flees or has fled from his station or country: one hard to be caught.—ns. Fū′gie (Scot.), a cock that will not fight, a runaway; Fū′gie-warr′ant, a warrant to apprehend a debtor about to abscond, prob. from the phrase in meditatione fugæ; Fugitā′tion (Scots law), absconding from justice: outlawry.—adv. Fug′itively.—n. Fug′itiveness. [Fr.,—L. fugitivus, fugĕre, to flee.]

Fugleman, fū′gl-man, n. a soldier who stands before a company at drill as an example: a ringleader, mouthpiece of others.—v.i. Fū′gle (Carlyle), to act like a fugleman. [Ger. flügelmann, the leader of a file—flügel, a wing, mann, man.]

Fugue, fūg, n. (mus.) a form of composition in which the subject is given out by one part and immediately taken up by a second, its answer, during which the first part supplies an accompaniment or counter-subject, and so on.—n. Fug′uist, one who writes or plays fugues. [Fr.,—It. fuga—L. fuga, flight.]

Fulcrum, ful′krum, n. (mech.) the prop or fixed point on which a lever moves: a prop:—pl. Ful′crums, Ful′cra.—adj. Ful′crate, supported with fulcrums. [L. fulcrum, a prop, fulcīre, to prop.]

Fulfil, fool-fil′, v.t. to complete: to accomplish: to carry into effect:—pr.p. fulfil′ling; pa.p. fulfilled′.ns. Fulfil′ler; Fulfil′ling, Fulfil′ment, full performance: completion: accomplishment. [A.S. fullfyllanfull, full, fyllan, to fill.]

Fulgent, ful′jent, adj. shining: bright.—n. Ful′gency.—adv. Ful′gently.—adj. Ful′gid, flashing.—ns. Ful′gor, Ful′gour, splendour.—adj. Ful′gorous, flashing. [L. fulgent, pr.p. of fulgēre, to shine.]

Fulgurate, ful′gū-rāt, v.i. to flash as lightning.—adjs. Ful′gural, pertaining to lightning; Ful′gurant, flashing like lightning.—ns. Fulgurā′tion, in assaying, the sudden and final brightening of the fused globule; Ful′gurīte, a tube of vitrified sand frequent in loose sandhills—prob. due to lightning—adj. Ful′gurous, resembling lightning.

Fulham, ful′am, n. a die loaded at the corner.—Also Full′am, Full′an. [Prob. the place-name Fulham.]

Fuliginous, fū-lij′i-nus, adj. sooty: smoky.—n. Fuliginos′ity.—adv. Fulig′inously. [L., fuligo, soot.]

Full, fool, adj. having all it can contain: having no empty space: abundantly supplied or furnished: abounding: containing the whole matter: complete: perfect: strong: clear: (coll.) drunk: at poker, consisting of three of a kind and a pair.—n. completest extent, as of the moon: highest degree: the whole: time of full-moon.—v.t. to draw up or pucker the cloth on one side more than on the other.—adv. quite: to the same degree: with the whole effect: completely.—adjs. Full′-ā′corned (Shak.), full-fed with acorns; Full′-aged, having reached one's majority.—n. Full′-blood, an individual of pure blood.—adjs. Full′-blood′ed; Full′-bloomed, in perfect bloom; Full′-blown, blown or fully expanded, as a flower; Full′-bott′omed, having a full or large bottom, as a wig.—n. Full′-dress, the dress worn on occasions of state or ceremony.—adjs. Full′-eyed, with large prominent eyes; Full′-faced, having a full or broad face; Full′-fed, fed to plumpness; Full′-fraught (Shak.), full-stored; Full′-grown, grown to maturity; Full′-hand′ed, bearing something valuable, as a gift; Full′-heart′ed, full of heart or courage: elated; Full′-hot (Shak.), heated to the utmost; Full′-length, extending the whole length (n. a portrait showing such); Full-manned (Shak.), having a full crew.—ns. Full′-moon, the moon with its whole disc illuminated, when opposite the sun; Full′ness, Ful′ness, the state of being filled so as to have no part vacant: the state of abounding in anything: completeness: satiety: largeness: force and volume, as of sound: (Shak.) plenty, wealth.—adjs. Full′-orbed, having the orb or disc fully illuminated, as the full-moon: round; Full′-sailed, unbounded, absolute: moving onwards under full sail; Full-split (slang), with all one's might or speed; Full′-summed, complete in all its parts.—n. Full′-swing, the full extent or utmost limit.—adj. Full′-winged (Shak.), having perfect or strong wings.—adv. Full′y, completely: entirely.—Full back (football), see Back.—At the full, at the height, as of one's good fortune, &c.; In full, without reduction; In the fullness of time, at the proper or destined time.—To the full, in full measure, completely. [A.S. full; Goth. fulls, Ice. fullr, Ger. voll.]

Full, fool, v.t. to press or pound cloth in a mill: to scour and thicken in a mill.—ns. Full′age, the charge for fulling cloth; Full′er, a bleacher or cleanser of cloth; Fuller's-earth, a soft earth or clay, capable of absorbing grease, used in fulling or bleaching cloth; Fuller's-thistle, -weed, the teasel; Full′ery, the place or works where fulling of cloth is carried on; Full′ing-mill, a mill in which woollen cloth is fulled. [O. Fr. fuler—Low L. fullāre—L. fullo, a cloth-fuller.]

Fuller, fool′er, n. a half-round set-hammer.

Fulmar, ful′mar, n. a species of petrel inhabiting the Shetland Isles, &c., valuable for its down, feathers, and oil. [Perh. Norse fúll, foul.]

Fulminate, ful′min-āt, v.i. to thunder or make a loud noise: to issue decrees with violence, or with menaces of grave censure.—v.t. to cause to explode: to send forth, as a denunciation—(Milt.) Ful′mine.—n. a compound of fulminic acid with mercury, &c.—adj. Ful′minant, fulminating: (path.) developing suddenly.—n. a thunderbolt, explosive.—adj. Ful′minating, crackling, exploding, detonating.—n. Fulminā′tion, act of fulminating, thundering, or issuing forth: a chemical explosion: a denunciation.—adjs. Ful′minatory; Fulmin′eous, Ful′minous, pertaining to thunder and lightning; Fulmin′ic, pertaining to an acid used in preparing explosive compounds. [L. fulmināre, -ātumfulmen (for fulgimen), lightning—fulgēre, to shine.]

Fulsome, fool′sum, adj. cloying or causing surfeit: nauseous: offensive: gross: disgustingly fawning.—adj. Ful′somely.—n. Ful′someness. [A.S. full, full, and affix -some.]

Fulvous, ful′vus, adj. deep or dull yellow: tawny.—Also Ful′vid. [L. fulvus, tawny.]

Fum, fum, n. a fabulous Chinese bird, one of the symbols of imperial dignity.—Also Fung.

Fumacious, fū-mā′shi-us, adj. smoky: fond of smoking.

Fumado, fū-mā′do, n. a smoked fish, esp. a pilchard. [Sp.,—L. fumāre, to smoke.]

Fumage, fūm′āj, n. hearth-money.

Fumarole, fūm′a-rōl, n. a smoke-hole in a volcano or sulphur-mine. [Fr. fumerole—L. fumus, smoke.]

Fumble, fum′bl, v.i. to grope about awkwardly: to handle awkwardly: to stammer in speech: to find by groping.—v.t. to manage awkwardly.—n. Fum′bler.—adv. Fum′blingly. [Dut. fommelen, to fumble; cf. Dan. famle, Ice. fâlma, to grope about.]

Fume, fūm, n. smoke or vapour: any volatile matter: heat of mind, rage, a passionate person: anything unsubstantial, vain conceit.—v.i. to smoke: to throw off vapour: to be in a rage: to offer incense to.—n. Fum′atory, a place for smoking or fumigation.—adjs. Fū′mid, smoky; Fumif′erous, producing fumes.—n. Fumos′ity, quality of being fumous: (pl.) the fumes arising from over eating or drinking.—adjs. Fum′ous, Fumose′, Fum′y, producing fumes. [O. Fr. fum—L. fumus, smoke.]

Fumet, fū′met, n. the dung of deer, hares, &c. [O. Fr. fumets, fumer—L. fimāre, to dung.]

Fumette, fū-met′, n. the scent of game when high.—Also Fumet′. [Fr.]

Fumigate, fūm′i-gāt, v.t. to expose to smoke or gas, to expose to fumes, as of sulphur, for purposes of disinfecting: to perfume.—ns. Fumigā′tion, act of fumigating or of applying purifying smoke, &c., to; Fum′igator, a brazier for burning disinfectants, &c.—adj. Fum′igatory. [L. fumigāre, -ātum.]

Fumitory, fūm′i-to-ri, n. a plant of a disagreeable smell.—n. Fum′iter (Shak.). [O. Fr. fume-terre, earth-smoke—L. fumus, smoke, terra, earth.]

Fummel. Same as Funnel.

Fun, fun, n. merriment: sport.—Be great fun, to be very amusing; In fun, in joke, not seriously; Like fun (coll.), in a rapid manner; Not to see the fun of, not to take as a joke. [Prob. a form of obs. fon, to befool. Skeat refers to Ir. fonn, delight.]

Funambulate, fū-nam′bū-lāt, v.i. to walk on a rope.—ns. Funambulā′tion; Funam′bulator, Funam′bulus, Funam′bulist, a rope-walker.—adj. Funam′bulatory. [L. funis, a rope, ambulāre, to walk.]

Function, fungk′shun, n. the doing of a thing: duty peculiar to any office: faculty, exercise of faculty: the peculiar office of any part of the body or mind: power: a solemn service: (math.) a quantity so connected with another that any change in the one produces a corresponding change in the other: the technical term in physiology for the vital activity of organ, tissue, or cell.—adj. Func′tional, pertaining to or performed by functions—opp. to Organic or Structural.—vs.t. Func′tionalise, Func′tionate.—adv. Func′tionally.—n. Func′tionary, one who discharges any duty: one who holds an office.—adj. Func′tionless, having no function. [O. Fr.,—L. function-emfungi, functus, to perform.]

Fund, fund, n. a sum of money on which some enterprise is founded or expense supported: a supply or source of money: a store laid up: supply: (pl.) permanent debts due by a government and paying interest.—v.t. to form a debt into a stock charged with interest: to place money in a fund.—adj. Fund′able, capable of being converted into a fund or into bonds.—p.adj. Fund′ed, invested in public funds: existing in the form of bonds.—n. Fund′hold′er, one who has money in the public funds.—adj. Fund′less, destitute of supplies or money. [Fr. fond—L. fundus, the bottom.]

Fundamental, fun-da-ment′al, adj. essential, basal, primary: important.—n. that which serves as a groundwork: an essential.—ns. Fund′ament, the lower part or seat of the body; Fundamental′ity.—adv. Fundament′ally. [Fr.,—L. fundamentum, fundāre, to found.]

Fundus, fun′dus, n. the bottom of anything: (anat.) the rounded base of a hollow organ. [L.]

Funeral, fū′nėr-al, n. burial: the ceremony, &c., connected with burial.—adj. pertaining to or used at a burial.—adjs. Funēb′rial, Funēb′ral, Funēb′rious; Fū′nerary, Funēr′eal, pertaining to or suiting a funeral: dismal: mournful. [O. Fr.,—Low L. funeralis—L. funus, funĕris, a funeral procession.]

Funest, fū-nest′, adj. causing or portending death, lamentable. [Fr.,—L. funestus, destructive.]

Fungibles, fun′ji-blz, n.pl. (law) movable effects which perish by being used, and which are estimated by weight, number, and measure. [Low L. fungibilis—L. fungi, to perform. See Function.]

Fungus, fung′gus, n. one of the lowest of the great groups of cellular cryptogams, including mushrooms, toadstools, mould, &c.: proud-flesh formed on wounds:—pl. Fungi (fun′jī), or Funguses (fung′gus-ez).adjs. Fung′al, Fungā′ceous, like a fungus; Fun′gic (′jik), Fun′giform, having the form of a fungus; Fungiv′orous, feeding on mushrooms; Fung′oid, resembling a mushroom.—ns. Fungol′ogist, a student of fungi; Fungol′ogy, the science of fungi; Fungos′ity, quality of being fungous.—adj. Fung′ous, of or like fungus: soft: spongy: growing suddenly: ephemeral. [L. fungus, a mushroom—Gr. sphonggos, sponggos, a sponge.]

Funicle, fū′ni-kl, n. a small cord or ligature: a fibre.—adj. Fūnic′ūlar.—n. Fūnic′ūlus, the umbilical cord.—Funicular railway, a cable-railway, esp. one ascending a hill. [L. funiculus, dim. of funis, a cord.]

Funk, fungk, n. (coll.) abject terror or fright.—v.i. and v.t. to shrink through fear: to shirk.—adj. Funk′y.

Funk, fungk, n. touchwood: a spark. [Cf. Dut. vonk.]

Funk, fungk, v.t. to stifle with smoke. [Ety. dub.]

Funkia, funk′i-a, n. a genus of Liliaceæ allied to the day lilies, native to China. [From the German botanist, H. C. Funck, 1771-1839.]

Funnel, fun′el, n. a tube or passage for the escape of smoke, &c.: an instrument (smaller at one end than the other) for pouring fluids into bottles, &c.—adj. Funn′elled, provided with a funnel.—n. Funn′el-net, a net shaped like a funnel. [Prob. through Fr. from L. infundibulumfundĕre, to pour.]

Funnel, fun′el, n. (prov.) the offspring of a stallion and a she-ass.—Also Fumm′el.

Funny, fun′i, adj. full of fun: droll: perplexing, odd.—adv. Funn′ily.—ns. Funn′iness, Funn′iment.—Funny bone, a popular name given to what is really the comparatively unprotected ulnar nerve, which, when struck by a blow, shoots a singular tingling sensation down the forearm to the fingers; Funny man, the clown in a circus.

Funny, fun′i, n. a light clinker-built pleasure-boat, with a pair of sculls.

Fur, fur, n. the short, fine hair of certain animals: their skins with the fur prepared for garments: rabbits, hares, as opposed to partridges, pheasants (feathers): (Milt.) kind or class, from the idea of particular furs being worn by way of distinction: a fur-like coating on the tongue, the interior of boilers, &c.—v.t. to line with fur: to cover with morbid fur-like matter:—pr.p. fur′ring; pa.p. furred.—adj. Furred, made of fur, provided with fur.—ns. Fur′rier, a dealer in furs and fur goods; Fur′riery, furs in general: trade in furs; Fur′ring, fur trimmings: a coating on the tongue: strips of wood fastened on joists, &c., to make a level surface or provide an air-space: strips of wood nailed on a wall to carry lath.—adj. Fur′ry, consisting of, covered with, or dressed in fur. [O. Fr. forre, fuerre, sheath.]

Furacious, fū-rā′shus, adj. thievish.—ns. Furā′ciousness, Furac′ity.

Furbelow, fur′be-lō, n. the plaited border of a gown or petticoat, a flounce. [Fr., It., and Sp. falbala; of unknown origin. The word simulates an English form—fur-below.]

Furbish, fur′bish, v.t. to purify or polish: to rub up until bright: to renovate. [O. Fr. fourbiss-, fourbir, from Old High Ger. furban, to purify.]

Furcate, fur′kāt, adj. forked: branching like the prongs of a fork—also Fur′cated.—ns. Furcā′tion, a forking or branching out; Fur′cifer, a genus of South American deer with furcate antlers.—adjs. Furcif′erous, of insects bearing a forked appendage; Fur′ciform, fork-shaped.—n. Fur′cūla, the united pair of clavicles of a bird, forming a single forked bone—the merry-thought.—adj. Fur′cular, furcate: shaped like a fork. [L., from furca, a fork.]

Furfur, fur′fur, n. dandruff, scurf—also Fur′fair.—adj. Furfūrā′ceous, branny: scaly—also Fur′fūrous.—n. Furfūrā′tion, the falling of scurf. [L.]

Furfurol, fur′fur-ol, n. a volatile oil obtained when wheat-bran, sugar, or starch is acted on by dilute sulphuric acid. [L. furfur, bran.]

Furious, fū′ri-us, adj. full of fury: violent.—adj. Fū′ribund, raging.—ns. Furios′ity, madness; Furiō′so, a furious person.—adv. Fū′riously.—n. Fū′riousness. [O. Fr. furieus—L. furiōsusfuria, rage.]

Furl, furl, v.t. to draw or roll up, as a sail. [Contr. of obs. furdle, from fardel.]

Furlong, fur′long, n. 40 poles: one-eighth of a mile. [A.S. furlangfurh, furrow, lang, long.]

Furlough, fur′lō, n. leave of absence.—v.t. to grant leave of absence. [Dut. verlof; cf. Ger. verlaub.]

Furmenty. See Frumenty.

Furnace, fur′nās, n. an oven or enclosed fireplace for melting ores and other purposes: a time or place of grievous affliction or torment.—v.t. to exhale like a furnace: to subject to the heat of a furnace. [O. Fr. fornais—L. fornaxfornus, an oven.]

Furniment, fur′ni-ment, n. (Spens.). Same as Furniture.

Furnish, fur′nish, v.t. to fit up or supply completely, or with what is necessary: to equip (with).—adj. Fur′nished, stocked with furniture.—n. Fur′nisher.—n.pl. Fur′nishings, fittings of any kind, esp. articles of furniture, &c., within a house: (Shak.) any incidental part.—n. Fur′nishment. [O. Fr. furniss-, furnir—Old High Ger. frummjan, to do.]

Furniture, fur′ni-tūr, n. movables, either for use or ornament, with which a house is equipped: equipage, the trappings of a horse, &c.: decorations: the necessary appendages in some arts, &c.: (print.) the pieces of wood or metal put round pages of type to make proper margins and fill the spaces between the pages and the chase. [Fr. fourniture.]

Furor, fū′ror, n. fury: excitement, enthusiasm.—Also Furō′re. [L.]

Furrow, fur′ō, n. the trench made by a plough: any groove: a wrinkle on the face.—v.t. to form furrows in: to groove: to wrinkle.—n. Furr′ow-weed (Shak.), a weed on ploughed land.—-adj. Furr′owy. [A.S. furh; cf. Ger. furche, L. porca.]

Further, fur′thėr, adv. to a greater distance or degree: in addition.—adj. more distant: additional.—adv. Fur′thermore, in addition to what has been said, moreover, besides.—adjs. Fur′thermost, most remote; Fur′thersome, tending to further or promote.—adv. Fur′thest, at the greatest distance.—adj. most distant.—Wish one further, to wish one somewhere else than here and now. [A.S. furðor, a comp. of fore, with comp. suff.]

Further, fur′thėr, v.t. to help forward, promote.—ns. Fur′therance, a helping forward; Fur′therer, a promoter, advancer.—adj. Fur′thersome, helpful. [A.S. fyrðran.]

Furtive, fur′tiv, adj. stealthy: secret.—adv. Fur′tively. [Fr.,—L. furtivusfur, a thief.]

Furuncle, fū′rung-kl, n. an inflammatory tumour.—adjs. Furun′cular, Furun′culous. [L. furunculus.]

Fury, fū′ri, n. rage: violent passion: madness: (myth.) one of the three goddesses of fate and vengeance, the Erinyes, or euphemistically Eumenides—Tisiphone, Alecto, and Megæra—hence a passionate, violent woman. [Fr. furie—L. furiafurĕre, to be angry.]

Furze, furz, n. the whin or gorse, a prickly evergreen bush with beautiful yellow flowers.—adjs. Furz′y, Furz′en, overgrown with furze. [A.S. fyrs.]

Fusarole, fū′sa-rōl, n. (archit.) an astragal.—Also Fū′sarol. [Fr.,—L. fusus, spindle.]

Fuscous, fus′kus, adj. brown: dingy—(Charles Lamb) Fusc. [L. fuscus, akin to furvus.]

Fuse, fūz, v.t. to melt: to liquefy by heat.—v.i. to be melted: to be reduced to a liquid.—n. Fusibil′ity.—adjs. Fū′sible, that may be fused or melted—(Milt.) Fū′sile, Fū′sil.—ns. Fū′sing-point, the temperature at which any solid substance becomes liquid; Fū′sion, act of melting: the state of fluidity from heat: a close union of things, as if melted together.—Aqueous fusion, the melting of certain crystals by heat in their own water of crystallisation; Dry fusion, the liquefaction produced in salts by heat after the water of crystallisation has been expelled; Igneous fusion, the melting of anhydrous salts by heat without decomposition. [L. fundĕre, fusum, to melt.]

Fuse, fūz, n. a tube filled with combustible matter for firing mines, discharging shells, &c. [It. fuso—L. fusus, a spindle.]

Fusee, Fuzee, fū-zē′, n. the spindle in a watch or clock on which the chain is wound: a match used for lighting a pipe or cigar in the open air: a fuse: a fusil.—adj. Fū′siform, spindle-shaped: tapering at each end. [O. Fr. fusée, a spindleful—Low L. fusata—L. fusus, a spindle.]

Fusel-oil, fū′zel-oil, n. a nauseous oil in spirits distilled from potatoes, barley, &c. [Ger. fusel, bad spirits.]

Fusil, fū′zil, n. a flint-lock musket. [O. Fr. fuisil, a flint-musket, same as It. focile—Low L. focile, steel (to strike fire with), dim. of L. focus, a fireplace.]

Fusil, fū′zil, n. (her.) an elongated rhomboidal figure. [O. Fr. fusel—L. fusus, a spindle.]

Fusilier, Fusileer, fū-zil-ēr′, n. formerly a soldier armed with a fusil, now simply a historical title borne by a few regiments of the British army (Northumberland, Royal Scots, &c.).

Fusillade, fūz′il-ād, n. a simultaneous or continuous discharge of firearms.—v.t. to shoot down by a simultaneous discharge of firearms.—n. Fusillā′tion, death by shooting. [Fr.,—fusil, a musket.]

Fuss, fus, n. a bustle or tumult: haste, flurry.—v.i. to be in a bustle.—adv. Fuss′ily.—n. Fuss′iness, a needless state of bustle.—adj. Fuss′y. [Imit.]

Fust, fust, n. the shaft of a column. [O. Fr. fust (Fr. fût)—L. fustis, a stick.]

Fust, v.i. See Fusty.

Fustanelle, fus-ta-nel′, n. a white kilt worn by Greek men. [Mod. Gr. phoustani, Albanian fustan—It. fustagno, fustian.]

Fustet, fus′tet, n. the smoke-tree or Venetian sumach, or its wood. [Fr.,—L. fustis, a stick.]

Fustian, fust′yan, n. a kind of coarse, twilled cotton fabric, including moleskin, velveteen, corduroy, &c.: a pompous and unnatural style of writing or speaking: bombast: a liquor made of white wine with yolk of eggs, lemon, spices, &c.—adj. made of fustian: bombastic.—v.i. Fust′ianise (Holmes), to write bombastically.—n. Fust′ianist, one who writes bombast. [O. Fr. fustaigne (Fr. futaine)—It. fustagno—Low L. fustaneum, from Ar. Fostat (a suburb of Cairo) in Egypt, where first made.]

Fustic, fus′tik, n. the wood of a West Indian tree, formerly much used as a dye.—Also Fus′toc. [Fr. fustoc, yellow—Sp. fustoc—L. fustis.]

Fustigation, fus-ti-gā′shun, n. a beating with a stick.—v.t. Fus′tigate, to thrash with a stick. [L. fustigāre, -ātum, to beat with a stick—fustis, a stick.]

Fustilarian, fus-ti-lā′ri-an, n. (Shak.) a low fellow, a scoundrel.—n. Fus′tilugs (prov.), a frowzy woman.

Fusty, fust′i, adj. smelling of the wood of the cask, as wine: ill-smelling.—v.i. Fust (Shak.) to grow or smell mouldy.—adj. Fust′ed, mouldy.—n. Fust′iness. [O. Fr. fust, wood of a cask—L. fustis.]

Fusus, fū′sus, n. a genus of Gasteropods, usually referred to the Murex family. [L.]

Futchel, fuch′el, n. a piece of timber lengthwise of a carriage, supporting the splinter-bar and the pole.

Futhorc, fū′thork, n. the Runic alphabet. [From the first six letters, f, u, þ, o or a, r, k.]

Futile, fū′tīl, adj. useless: unavailing: trifling.—adv. Fū′tilely.—ns. Futilitā′rian, one who gives himself to profitless pursuits; Futil′ity, uselessness. [Fr.,—L. futilisfundĕre, to pour.]

Futtock, fut′uk, n. one of the separate pieces of timber composing the frame of a ship.—ns. pl. Futt′ock-plates, iron plates with dead-eyes, crossing the sides of the top-rim perpendicularly; Futt′ock-shrouds, short pieces of rope or chain which secure the lower dead-eyes and futtock-plates of topmast rigging to a band round a lower mast. [Perh. corrupted from foot-hooks.]

Future, fūt′ūr, adj. about to be: that is to come: (gram.) expressing what will be.—n. time to come.—n. Fut′ure-per′fect (gram.), a tense expressing action viewed as past in reference to an assumed future time (L. amavero=I shall have loved).—v.i. Fut′urise, to form the future tense.—ns. Fut′urist, one whose chief interests are in what is to come; Futurition (-ish′un), future existence: accomplishment; Futur′ity, time to come: an event or state of being yet to come. [Fr.,—L. futurus, fut.p. of esse, to be.]

Fuze, fūz, n. Same as Fuse.

Fuzz, fuz, v.i. to fly off in minute particles with a fizzing sound like water from hot iron.—n. fine light particles, as dust, down, &c.—n. Fuzz′ball, a kind of fungus, whose head is full of a fine dust. [Ety. dub.]

Fuzzle, fuz′l, v.t. (prov.) to intoxicate.

Fuzzy, fuz′i, adj. covered with fuzz, fluffy.—adv. Fuzz′ily.—n. Fuzz′iness.

Fy, fī, interj. Same as Fie.

Fyke, fīk, n. a bag-net for catching fish. [Dut. fuik.]

Fylfot, Filfot, fil′fot, n. an ancient symbol in the form of a Greek cross, with each arm continued at right angles, called also Gammadion, Gammation, and Svastika. [Prob. fill-foot, meaning a device for filling the foot of a painted window.]

Fyrd, fird, n. the military force of the whole nation, all males capable of bearing arms, in Anglo-Saxon times. [A.S. fyrd, army.]

Fytte. See Fit (3).