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Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary 1908/The More Common English Christian Names

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See especially Miss Yonge's History of Christian Names (2 vols. 1863).

Aaron (Heb.), lofty, mountaineer.—Ar. Harun, Haroun.

Abel (Heb.), breath, vanity.

Abiathar (Heb.), father of excellence or plenty.

Abigail (Heb.), father of exultation.—Dims. Abby, Nabby.

Abihu (Heb.), father [is] he [God].

Abijah, Abia (Heb.), the Lord is a father.

Abner (Heb.), father of Ner, or light, or the father [is] a lamp.

Abraham, Abram (Heb.), father of a multitude, high father.—Dims. Abe, Aby.

Absalom (Heb.), father of peace.

Ada. See Edith.

Adalbert (Teut.), nobly bright.

Adam (Heb.), man, earth, red earth.—Scotch dims. Edie, Yiddy.

Adeline, also Adaline, Adela, Adelaide, Adelia, Adelina (Teut.), of noble birth, a princess.—Dim. Addy.

Adolphus (Teut.), noble wolf.—Fr. Adolphe, It. Adolfo or Udolfo, Ger. Adolf.

Adrian. See Hadrian.

Æneas, Eneas (Gr.), commended.—Fr. Enée.

Agatha (Gr.), good, kind.

Agnes (Gr.), pure, sacred, chaste.—Dims. Aggie, Aggy.

Aileen, Eileen, an Irish form of Helen (q.v.), thus meaning light.

Ailie, a Scotch dim. of Alison, also of Alice, or of Helen.

Alaric (Teut.), noble ruler.

Albert (Teut.), nobly bright.—Dims. Bert, Bertie.—L. Albertus, Fr. Albert, Sp. and It. Alberto, Ger. Adalbert, Albert, Albrecht.—Fem. Alberta.

Alethea (Gr.), truth.

Alexander (Gr.), a helper of men.—Dims. Aleck, Alick, Eck, Ecky, Sanders, Sandy, Sawnie.—Fr. Alexandre, It. Alessandro.—Fem. Alexandra, Alexandrina.

Alfred (Teut.), elf in counsel—i.e. good counsellor.—Dim. Alf.—L. Alfredus, Aluredus, Fr. Alfred, It. and Sp. Alfredo.

Algernon (O. Fr.), with moustaches—prob. from the usual title, 'William als Gernons,' applied for this cause to William de Albini, the second husband of Henry I.'s widow, Alix of Louvaine.—Dim. Algy.

Alice, Alicia (Teut.), noble cheer—closely related to Adeline above.—Dims. Ally or Allie, Elsie.

Alison, a Scotch form of Aloyse, Elöise, Helöise, from Hlodovicia, a name of Teut. origin meaning holy fame.—Dim. Elsie.

Allan, Alan, a name first found in early Breton history, referred by Miss Yonge to Hilarius ('cheerful'), confused with Ælianus; more prob. Celt., meaning harmony.

Alpheus (Heb.), exchange.

Amabel (L.), lovable—whence Mabel.

Amaziah (Heb.), the Lord is strong.

Ambrose (Gr.), immortal, divine.—L. Ambrosius, Fr. Ambroise, It. Ambrogio, Sp. Ambrosio.

Amelia (Teut.), toiling, energetic.—Fr. Amélie, It. Amelia, Amalia.

Amos (Heb.), strong, one who bears a burden.

Amy (L.), beloved.—L. Amata, Fr. Aimée, It. Amata.

Andrew (Gr.), manly.—Dim. Andy.—L. Andreas, Fr. André, It. Andrea, Sp. Andres.

Angelica (Gr.), angelic, lovely.

Angelina (Gr.), angel.

Angus (Celt.), excellent virtue.

Ann, Anna, Anne (Heb.), grace—the same as Hannah.—Dims. Annie, Nancy, Nanny, Nina, Nan, Annette.

Annabel, Annabella, Annaple, made up of Anna (Heb.), grace, as above, and Bella (L.), fair; or probably the early Celtic name Aine, meaning joy, praise, Anglicised. It may be, however, a variant of Arabella, earlier Arnhilda (Teut.), eagle heroine.

Anselm (Teut.), divine helmet.—Fr. Anselme, It. and Sp. Anselmo.

Anthony, Antony (L.), worthy of praise.—Dim. Tony.—L. Antonius, Fr. Antoine, It. and Sp. Antonio, Ger. Antonius, Anton.—Fem. Antonia.

Antoinette, the French form of Antonia, Antonina, the fem. of Anthony.—Dim. Net, Netty.

Arabella (L.), a fair altar, or an Arabian woman—perh. Teut., meaning eagle heroine.—Dims. Bella, Bel, Belle. See Annabel above.

Archibald (Teut.), very bold, or holy prince.—Dims. Archy, Baldie.—L. Archibaldus, Fr. Archambault, It. Arcibaldo.

Arnold (Teut.), strong as an eagle.

Arthur (Celt.), high, noble.—L. Arthurus, Fr. Artur, Artus, It. Arturo.

Asa (Heb.), [the Lord is] a healer.

Athanasius (Gr.), immortal.—Fr. Athanase, It. Atanasio.

Athelstan (Teut.). noble stone.

Aubrey (Teut.), elf-ruler, ruler of spirits.

Augustin, Augustine, Austin (L.), belonging to Augustus.—L. Augustinus, Fr. Augustin, It. Agostino, Ger. Augustin.

Augustus (L.), exalted.—Dims. Gus, Gussie, Gustus.—Fr. Auguste, Ger. August.—Fem. Augusta.

Aurelius (L.), golden.—Fem. Aurelia.

Asaph (Heb.), a collector, [God] gathereth.


Baldwin (Teut.), prince-friend.—L. Balduinus, Fr. Baudouin, It. Baldovino, Balduino, Ger. Balduin.

Baptist (Gr.), a baptiser.—Fr. Baptiste, Batiste, It. Battista, Ger. Baptist.

Barbara (Gr.), foreign.—Dims. Bab, Babbie.

Bardolph (Teut.), bright wolf or distinguished helper.—Fr. Bardolphe, It. Bardolfo.

Barnabas, Barnaby (Heb.), son of exhortation.

Bartholomew (Heb.), son of one's own brother (i.e. friend).—Dims. Bart, Bat.—L. Bartholomæus, Fr. Bartolomée, Barthélemi, It. Bartolomeo, Ger. Bartholomäus, Barthel.

Baruch (Heb.), blessed [by God].

Basil (Gr.), kingly.—L. Basilius, Fr. Basile, It. and Sp. Basilio.

Bathsheba (Heb.), prob. daughter of the seven, or of an oath.

Beatrice, Beatrix (L.), making happy.

Benedict (L.), blessed.—Dim. Bennet.—L. Benedictus, Fr. Benoît, It. Benedetto, Bettino, Sp. Benedicto, Benito, Ger. Benedict.—Fem. Benedicta.

Benjamin (Heb.), son of the right hand (i.e. of good fortune).—Dims. Ben, Benny.—It. Beniamino.

Bernard (Teut.), bold as a bear.—Dim. Barney.—L. Bernardus, Fr. Bernard, Bernardin, It. Bernardo, Bernardino, Sp. Bernardo, Bernal, Ger. Bernhard, Barend, Berend.

Bertha (Teut.), bright.—Dims. Bertie, Berty.—Fr. Berthe, It. and Sp. Berta.

Bertram (Teut.), bright raven.—Dim. Bert.—Fr. Bertrand, It. Bertrando, Sp. Beltran.

Bessie, Betsy, a dim. of Elisabeth (q.v.).

Blanche (Teut.), white.—Fr. Blanche, It. Bianca, Sp. Blanca.

Boniface (L.), a benefactor.—L. Bonifacius, It. Bonifacio, Bonifazio, Sp. Bonifacio.

Brian (Celt.), strong.—It. Briano.

Bridget (Celt.), strength.—Dim. Biddy.—Fr. Brigitte, It. and Sp. Brigida, Ger. Brigitta.


Cadwallader (W.), arranger of battle.

Cæsar (L.), hairy, or blue-eyed, or born under the Cæsarean operation.—Fr. César, It. Cesare, Ger. Cäsar.

Cain (Heb.), artificer, smith.

Caleb (Heb.), a dog.

Calvin (L.), bald.—L. Calvinus, Fr. Calvin, Cauvin, Sp. Calvo.

Camilla (L.), an attendant at a sacrifice.—Fr. Camille.

Caroline, a French form of the fem. of Carolus, the Latin of Charles.—Dims. Carrie, Caddie.

Casimir (Slav.), show forth peace.—Dim. Cassie.

Cassandra (Gr.), she who inflames with love.

Catherine, also Catherina, Catharine, Katharine, Katherine (Gr.), pure.—Dims. Casy, Kate, Kathleen, Katie, Cathie, Kathie, Katrine, Kit, Kitty.—Fr. Catherine, It. Caterina, Sp. Catalina, Ger. Katharine.

Cecil (L.), blind.

Cecilia, Cecily, fem. of Cecil.—Dims. Sisely, Sis, Cis, Cissy.—Fr. Cécile, It. Cecilia.

Charles (Teut.), strong, manly.—Dims. Charley, Charlie.—L. Carolus, Fr. Charles, It. Carlo, Sp. Carlos, Ger. Carl, Karl.—Fem. Caroline, Charlotte.

Christian (L.), belonging to Christ.—Dims. Christie, Christy.—L. Christianus, Fr. Chrestien, Chrétien, It. and Sp. Cristiano.—Fem. Christiana, Christina.

Christina, fem. of Christian.—Dims. Chrissie, Teenie, Tina, Xina.

Christopher (Gr.), bearing Christ.—Dims. Kester, Kit, Chris.—L. Christophorus, Fr. Christophe, It. Cristoforo, Sp. Cristoval, Ger. Christoph.

Cicely, a form of Cecilia (q.v.).

Clara (L.), bright.—Dim. Clare.—Fr. Claire, It. Chiara, Sp. Clara.

Clarence (L.), illustrious.

Claribel (L.), brightly fair.

Clarice, Clarissa, derivatives from Clara.

Claud, Claudius (L.), lame.

Claudia, fem. of Claudius.

Clement (L.), mild, merciful.—L. Clemens, It. and Sp. Clemente, Fr. Clément, Ger. Clemens.—Fem. and dim. forms are Clementina, Clementine.

Conrad (Teut.), bold in counsel, resolute.—L. Conradus, Fr. Conrade, It. Conrado, Corrado, Ger. Konrad.

Constance, a fem. form of Constant.—Dim. Connie.—L. Constantia, Fr. Constance, It. Costanza.

Constant (L.), firm, faithful.—L. Constans, Constantius, It. Costante, Costanzo, Sp. Constancio, Ger. Constanz.

Constantine (L.), firm.—L. Constantinus, It. Costantino, Sp. Constantino, Ger. Constantin.

Cora, Corinna (Gr.), maiden.—Fr. Corinne.

Cordelia (L.), warm-hearted.—Fr. Cordélie.

Cornelius, prob. related to L. cornu, a horn.—Fr. Cornélius (fem. Cornélie), It. and Sp. Cornelio.—Fem. Cornelia.

Crispin, Crispian, Crispus (L.), curly-haired.—L. Crispinus, Crispianus, Fr. Crispin, Crépin, It. Crispino, Crispo, Ger. Crispus.

Cuthbert (A.S.), well-known splendour.

Cynthia (Gr.), of or from Mount Cynthus.

Cyprian (Gr.), of Cyprus.—L. Cyprianus.

Cyril (Gr.), lordly.—L. Cyrillus, Fr. Cyrille, Sp. Cirilo, Ger. Cyrill.

Cyrus (Pers.), the sun.


Daniel (Heb.), God is judge.—Dims. Dan, Danny.

Darius (Pers.), preserver.

David (Heb.), beloved.—Dims. Davy, Dave.—Fr. David, It. Davide, Davidde, Ger. David.—Fem. Davida, Vida.

Deborah (Heb.), a bee.

Delia (Gr.), of Delos.

Demetrius (Gr.), belonging to Demeter or Ceres.—Fr. Demétrius, It. Demetrio.

Denis, Dennis, Denys, a French form of Dionysius.

Derrick, a corruption of Theodoric.

Diana (L.), goddess.—Dims. Di, Die.

Dinah (Heb.), judged.

Dionysius (Gr.), belonging to Dionysos or Bacchus.—Fr. Denys, Denis, It. Dionigio, Dionigi, Dionisio, Ger. Dionysius, Dionys.

Dominic (L.), Sunday child.—L. Dominicus, Fr. Dominique, It. Domenico, Sp. Domingo.

Donald (Celt.), proud chief.

Dora, a dim. of Dorothea (q.v.).

Dorcas (Gr.), a gazelle.

Dorothea, Dorothy (Gr.), the gift of God.—Dims. Dol, Dolly.—Fr. Dorothée, Dorette, It. and Sp. Dorotea.

Dougal (Celt.), black stranger.

Drusilla (L.), strong.

Duncan (Celt.), brown chief.


Ebenezer (Heb.), the stone of help.

Edgar (A.S.), rich spear.—L. Edgarus, It. Edgaro.

Edith (A.S.), rich gift.—L. Editha, It. Edita.

Edmund (A.S.), rich protection.—Dims. Ed, Ned.—L. Edmundus, Fr. Edmond, It. Edmondo, Sp. Edmundo.

Edna (Heb.) pleasure.

Edward (A.S.), rich guard.—Dims. Ed, Eddy, Ned, Neddy, Ted, Teddy.—L. Edvardus, Fr. Edouard, It. Eduardo, Edoardo, Sp. Eduardo, Ger. Eduard.

Edwin (A.S.), rich friend.—Dims. Ed, Eddy.—L. Edvinus, It. Eduino.

Effie, a dim. of Euphemia (q.v.).

Egbert (A.S.), terribly bright.—L. Egbertus, It. Egberto, Ger. Eckbert, Egbert.

Eldred (A.S.), terrible.

Eleanor, Elinor (Gr.), light—the same as Helen.—Dims. Ella, Ellen, Nell, Nellie, Nora.—It. Eleonora, Ger. Eleonore, Fr. Aliénor.

Eleazer (Heb.), God is a help.

Eli (Heb.), going up, or my God.

Eliab (Heb.), God is his father.

Elias, the same as Elijah (q.v.).

Elihu (Heb.), God the Lord.

Elijah (Heb.), God is the Lord.—L. Elija, Fr. Élie, It. Elia, Ger. Elias, Elia.

Elisabeth, Elizabeth, Eliza (Heb.), God of the oath.—Dims. Bess, Bessie, Bessy, Beth, Betsy, Betty, Elsie, Liz, Lizzie, Libby, Lisa, Liza.—Fr. Elisabeth, Élise, It. Elisabetta, Elisa, Ger. Elisabeth, Elise.

Elisha (Heb.), God of salvation.—L. Eliseus, Fr. Élisée, It. and Sp. Eliseo.

Ella, Ellen, dims. of Eleanor.

Elspeth (Heb.), God of the oath—a Scotch form of Elisabeth.—Dims. Elspie, Elsie.

Emeline, Emmeline, Emily (Teut.), industrious, energetic.—Fr. Émilie, It. and Sp. Emilia, Ger. Emilie.

Emma, the same as Emeline.—Dims. Emm, Emmie.—Fr. Emma, It. Emma, Sp. Ema.

Emmanuel, Immanuel (Gr. from Heb.), God with us.—Fr. Emmanuel, It. Emmanuele, Sp. Manuel, Ger. Emanuel.

Enoch (Heb.), consecrated.

Ephraim (Heb.), fruitful.

Erasmus (Gr.), lovely, deserving love.—Fr. Erasme, It. and Sp. Erasmo.

Erastus (Gr.), lovely.—Fr. Eraste.

Eric (A.S.), rich, powerful.—L. Ericus.

Ernest (Ger.), earnest.—Fr. Ernest, It. and Sp. Ernesto, Ger. Ernst.—Fem. Ernestine.

Ernestine, fem. and dim. of Ernest.

Esau (Heb.), hairy.

Esther (Pers.), a star, good fortune.—Dim. Essie.—Fr. Esther, It. Ester, Esterre, Sp. Ester, Ger. Esther.

Ethel (A.S.), noble.

Ethelinda (Teut.), noble snake.

Eudora (Gr.), good gift.—Fr. Eudore.

Eugene (Gr.), well born, noble.—L. Eugenius, Fr. Eugène, It. Eugenio, Sp. Eugenio, Ger. Eugenius, Eugen.—Fem. Eugenia.

Eugenia, fem. of Eugene.—Dim. Genie.—Fr. Eugénie, It. and Sp. Eugenia.

Eulalia (Gr.), fair speech.—Fr. Eulalie, It. Eulalia.

Eunice (Gr.), happy victory.

Euphemia (Gr.), of good report.—Dims. Effie, Euphie, Phemie, Phamie.—Fr. Euphémie, It. and Sp. Eufemia.

Eusebius (Gr.), pious.—Fr. Eusèbe, It. and Sp. Eusebio.

Eustace (Gr.), healthy, firm.—L. Eustachius, Eustathius, Fr. Eustach, Eustathe, It. Eustazio, Eustachio, Ger. Eustathius.

Eva, Eve (Heb.), life.—Dims. Evelina, Eveline, Evelyn.—Fr. Eve, It. and Sp. Eva, Ger. Eva.

Evan (W.), young warrior.

Evangeline (Gr.), bringing glad news.

Everard (Teut.), strong as a wild boar.—Fr. Evraud, It. Everardo, Eberardo, Ger. Eberhard, Ebert.

Ezekiel (Heb.), God will strengthen.—Dim. Zeke.—Fr. Ezéchiel.

Ezra (Heb.), help.—L. Ezra, Ezdras, Fr. Esdras.


Faith (L.), faith.

Faustina, Faustine (L.), fortunate.—Fr. Faustine, It. Faustina.

Felicia (L.), happiness.—Fr. Félicie, Félicite, It. Felicia, Sp. Felicidad.

Felix (L.), happy.—Fr. Félix, It. Felice, Sp. Felix, Port. Feliz, Ger. Felix.—Fem. Felicia.

Ferdinand (Teut.), brave.—Fr. Ferdinand, Ferrand, It. Ferdinando, Ferrando, Sp. Hernando, Fernando, Ger. Ferdinand.

Festus (L.) joyful.

Fidelia (L.), faithful.

Flora (L.), flowers.—Fr. Flore, It. Flora.

Florence (L.), blooming.—Dims. Flo, Flossie, Floy.—L. Florentia.

Frances, fem. of Francis.—Dim. Fanny.—L. Francisca, Fr. Françoise, Francisque, It. Francesca, Sp. Francisca, Ger. Franziske.

Francis (Fr.), free—dim. Frank—L. Franciscus, Fr. François, It. Francesco, Franco, Sp. Francisco, Ger. Franciscus, Franz.—Fem. Frances—dim. Fanny.

Frederic, Frederick (Teut.), peace ruler.—Dims. Fred, Freddy.—L. Fredericus, Fr. Frédéric, It, Frederigo, Frederico, Sp. Federico, Ger. Friedrich, Fritz.—Fem. Frederica.

Frederica, fem. of Frederic.—Dim. Freddie.—Fr. Frédérique, It. Frederica, Sp. Federica, Ger. Friederike.


Gabriel (Heb.), hero of God.—Dim. Gabe.—Fr. Gabriel, It. Gabriello.

Gamaliel (Heb.), God is a recompenser.

Geoffrey, the same as Godfrey.

George (Gr.), a husbandman—dims. Georgie, Geordie—L. Georgius, Fr. Georges, It. Giorgio, Sp. Jorge, Ger. Georg.—Fem. Georgiana, Georgina—dim. Georgie.

Gerald, Gerard (Teut.), spear-power.—L. Geraldus, Gerardus, Fr. Gérard, Géraud, Giraud, Girauld, It. Gerardo, Giraldo, Ger. Gerhard.—Fem. Geraldine.

German, Germaine (L.), German.—L. Germanus, Fr. Germain, It. Germano.

Gertrude (Teut.), spear-maid.—Dims. Gertie, Trudy.—Fr. Gertrude, It. Gertrude, Geltruda, Sp. Gertrudes, Ger. Gertraud, Gertrud.

Gideon (Heb.), a hewer down.

Gilbert (Teut.), bright pledge.—Dim. Gil.—L. Gilbertus, Fr. Guilbert, Gilbert, It. and Sp. Gilberto, Ger. Gilbert, Giselbert.

Giles (Gr.), with the ægis, or a kid.—L. Ægidius, Fr. Gilles, Égide, It. Egidio, Ger. Egidius.

Godfrey (Teut.), God's peace.—L. Godefridus, Galfridus, Fr. Godefroi, Geoffroi, It. Godofredo, Goffredo, Giotto, Sp. Godofredo, Gofredo, Ger. Gottfried.

Godwin (A.S.), divine friend.

Grace (L.), grace.

Gregory (Gr.), watchman.—L. Gregorius, Fr. Grégoire, It. and Sp. Gregoiro, Ger. Gregorius, Gregor.

Griffith (W.), ruddy.

Griselda (Teut.), stone heroine.—Dim. Grissel.

Gustavus (Teut.), Goth's staff—Fr. Gustave, It. and Sp. Gustavo, Ger. Gustav.

Guy (Fr.), a leader, or Celt., meaning sense.—L. Guido, Fr. Guy, It. and Sp. Guido.


Hadrian, Adrian (L.), of Adria, a town in Picenum, whence also Adriatic Sea.—L. Hadrianus.

Hannah (Heb.), grace, the same as Anna (q.v.).

Hannibal (Punic), grace of Baal.—So L., Fr. Hannibal, Annibal, It. Annibale, Sp. Anibal.

Harold (A.S.), warrior power.—Fr. Harold, It. Araldo, Aroldo.

Harriet, Harriot, fem. and dim. forms of Harry, Henry.—Dim. Hatty.

Helen, Helena (Gr.), light.—Dims. Nell, Nellie.—L. Helena, Fr. Hélène, It. Elena, Sp. Helena, Elena, Ger. Helene.

Henrietta, a French dim. form of Henry.—Dims. Etta, Hetty, Nettie.—Fr. Henriette, It. Enrighetta, Sp. Enriqueta, Ger. Henriette.

Henry (Teut.), home ruler.—Dims. Harry, Hal, Hen, Henny.—L. Henricus, Enricus, Fr. Henri, It. Enrico, Sp. Enrique, Ger. Heinrich, Dut. Hendrik.—Fem. Henrietta, Harriet.

Herbert (A.S.), glory of the army.—L. Herbertus, Fr. Herbert, It. Erberto, Sp. Heberto, Ger. Herbert.

Hercules (Gr.), lordly fame.—So L., Fr. Hercule, It. Ercole.

Herman (Teut.), a warrior.—L. Arminius, It. Ermanno, Ger. Hermann.

Hester, Hesther, the same as Esther.

Hezekiah (Heb.), the Lord is strength.—Fr. Ezéchias, It. Ezechia, Sp. Ezequias, Ger. Hiskia.

Hilary (L.), cheerful.—L. Hilarius, Fr. Hilaire, It. Ilario, Sp. Hilario, Ger. Hilarius.—Fem. Hilaria.

Hilda (Teut.), battle maid.

Hiram (Heb.), noble.

Homer (Gr.), a pledge.—L. Homerus, Fr. Homère, It. Omero, Ger. Homerus.

Honora, Honoria (L.), honourable.—Dims. Norah, Nora.

Hope (Eng.), hope.

Horace, Horatio (L.).—L. Horatius, Fr. Horace, It. Orazio, Sp. Horacio, Ger. Horatius, Horazo.—Fem. Horatia.

Hortensia (L.), a gardener.—Fr. Hortense, It. Ortensia, Ger. Hortensia.

Hosea (Heb.), help, deliverance.

Hubert (Teut.), mind bright.—L. Hubertus, Fr. Hubert, It. Uberto, Sp. Huberto, Ger. Hubert, Hugibert.

Hugh, Hugo (Teut.), mind, soul.—Dims. Hughie, Hughoc, Huggin.—L. Hugo, Fr. Hugues, It. Ugo, Ugolino, Sp. Hugo, Ger. Hugo.

Huldah (Heb.), a mole, a weasel.

Humphry, Humphrey (A.S.), support of peace.—Dim. Humph.—L. Humphredus or Humfridus, Fr. Onfroi, It. Onofredo, Omfredo, Sp. Hunfredo, Ger. Humfried.


Ian, the Gaelic form of John.

Ichabod (Heb.), inglorious, the glory has departed.

Ida (Teut.), happy.

Ignatius (Gr.), fiery.—Fr. Ignace, It. Ignazio, Sp. Ignacio and Inigo, Ger. Ignaz.

Increase (Eng.), increase (of faith).

Inez, the Portuguese form of Agnes.

Ingram (Teut.), a raven.

Inigo. See Ignatius.

Ira (Heb.), a watcher.

Irene (Gr.), peace.—Fr. Irène, It. Irene.

Isaac, Izaak (Heb.), he laugheth.—Dims. Ik, Ike.—L. Isacus, Fr. Isaac, It. Isacco, Ger. Isaak.

Isabella, Isabel, Isobel, Isabeau, the same as Elisabeth.—Dims. Isa, Bel, Bella, Tib, Tibbie.—Fr. Isabeau, Isabelle, It. Isabella, Sp. Isabel, Ger. Isabelle.

Isaiah (Heb.), the Lord is salvation.—L. Isaias.

Israel (Heb.), God fighteth.

Ivan, the Russian form of John.


Jabez (Heb.), sorrow.

Jacob (Heb.), he taketh hold of the heel, or followeth after, a supplanter.—Dim. Jake.—L. Jacobus, Fr. Jacob, It. Giacobbe, Sp. Jacobo, Ger. Jakob.

James, the same as Jacob.—Dims. Jeames, Jem, Jim, Jemmy, Jimmy.—L. Jacobus, Fr. Jacques, It. Jacopo, Jachimo, Giacomo, Sp. Jacobo, Diego, Jago, Jaime, Port. Javme, Diogo, Ger. Jakob.—Fem. Jamesina, Jaqueline.

Jane, the fem. of John (q.v.).—Dims. Janet, Jean, Jeanie, Jeannie.

Janet, a dim. of Jane (q.v.), hence 'grace of the Lord.'—Dims. Jen, Jennie, Jenny.

Japheth (Heb.), He extendeth widely.

Jaqueline, the French form of the fem. of James.

Jared (Heb.), descent.

Jason (Gr.), a healer.

Jasper (Pers.), prob. treasure-master.—Fr. Gaspard, It. Gasparo, Gasparro, Sp. Gaspar.

Javan (Heb.), clay.

Jean, Jeanne, Jeannette, French forms of Jane or Joan.

Jedediah (Heb.), beloved of the Lord.

Jemima (Heb.), a dove.

Jeremiah, Jeremias, Jeremy (Heb.), the Lord layeth the foundation.—L. Jeremias, Fr. Jérémie, It. Geremia, Sp. Jeremias, Ger. Jeremias.

Jerome (Gr.), holy name.—L. Hieronymus, Fr. Jérôme, It. Geronimo, Girolamo, Sp. Jeronimo, Jeromo, Ger. Hieronymus.

Jessie, a Scotch form of Janet, hence 'grace of the Lord.'—Dim. Jess.

Joab (Heb.), the Lord is a father.

Joan, Joanna, Johanna, fem. forms of John.—L. Johanna, Fr. Jeanne, Jeannette, It. Giovanna, Sp. Juana, Ger. Johanna.

Job (Heb.), repentant, or one persecuted.

Joel (Heb), the Lord is God.

John (Heb.), the Lord graciously gave, the gracious gift of God.—Dims. Johnny, Jack, Jock.—L. Johannes, Joannes, Fr. Jean, It. Giovanni, Gian, Gianni, Sp. Juan, Port. João, Ger. Johann, Johannes, Hans, Dut. Jan, Russ. Ivan.—Fem. Joanna, Joan, Jane.

Jonas, Jonah (Heb.), a dove.

Jonathan (Heb.), the Lord hath given.

Joseph (Heb.), may he add (children)! he shall add—dims. Joe, Joey—L. Josephus, Fr. Joseph, It. Giuseppe, Sp. José, Josef, Port. José, Joze, Ger. Joseph.—Fem. Josephine—dims. Jo, Jozy, Pheny—Fr. Joséphine, It. Giuseppina, Sp. Josefina, Port. Josephina, Ger. Josephine.

Joshua (Heb.), the Lord is welfare.—Dim. Josh.—L. Josua, Fr. Josué, Ger. Josua.

Josiah, Josias (Heb.), the Lord healeth.

Joyce (L.), sportive.

Judah (Heb.), praised.

Judith (Heb.), praised.—Dim. Judy.—Fr. Judith, It. Giuditta, Ger. Judith.

Julian (L.), sprung from Julius.—Dim. Jule.—Fem. Juliana.—L. Julianus, Fr. Julien, It. Giuliano, Sp. Julian, Port. Julião, Ger. Julianus, Julian.

Julius (Gr.), downy-bearded—dim. Jule—Fr. Jules It. Giulio, Sp. Julio, Ger. Julius.—Fem. Julia, Juliet—Fr. Julie, It. Giulia, Sp. Julia, Ger. Julie.

Justin (L.), just.—L. Justinus, Fr. Justin, It. Giustino, Sp. Justino, Ger. Justin.—Fem. Justina—Fr. Justine, It. Giustina, Sp. Justina, Ger. Justine.

Justus (L.), just.—Fr. Juste, It. Giusto, Sp. Justo, Ger. Justus, Just.


Kate, dim. of Catherine.

Katharine, Katherine, the same as Catherine.

Kenelm (A.S.), defender of his kindred.

Kenneth (Celt.), comely, or a leader.

Keturah (Heb.), incense.

Kezia (Heb.), cassia.


Laban (Heb.), white.

Lambert (Teut.), country's brightness.—Fr. Lambert, Lanbert, It. Lamberto, Ger. Lambert, Landbert.

Lancelot, Launcelot (Fr.), servant, or a little lance.—Fr. Lancelot, It. Lancilotto.

Laura (L.), a laurel—also Laurinda.—Fr. Laure, It. Laura.

Laurence, Lawrence (L.), crowned with laurel.—Dim. Larry.—L. Laurentius, Fr. Laurent. It. Lorenzo, Sp. Lorenzo, Ger. Lorenz.

Lavinia (L.), of Latium.

Lazarus (Heb.), God helpeth.—Fr. Lazare, It. Lazaro, Sp. Lazaro, Lazarillo, Ger. Lazarus.

Leander (Gr.), lion-man.—Fr. Léandre, It. Leandro.

Lebbeus (Heb.), a man of heart or courage.

Lemuel (Heb.), unto God.

Lena, dim. of Helena or Magdalene.

Leonard (Teut.), strong as a lion.—L. Leondardus, Fr. Léonard, It. Lionardo, Sp. Leonardo, Ger. Leonhard.

Leonidas (Gr.), lion-like.

Leonora, the same as Eleanor.—Ger. Lenore.

Leopold (Teut.), people's prince.—Fr. Léopold, It. and Sp. Leopoldo, Ger. Luitpold, Leupold, Leopold.

Letitia, Lettice (L.), happiness.—Dim. Lettie.—L. Lætitia, It. Letizia.

Levi (Heb.), wreathing or adhesion.

Lewis (Teut.), famous warrior.—Dims. Lewie, Louie, Lew.—L. Ludovicus, Fr. Louis, It. Lodovico, Luigi, Sp. Clodoveo, Luis, Port. Luiz, Ger. Ludwig.—Fem. Louisa, Louise.

Lilian, Lilly, Lily (L.), a lily.

Lionel (L.), young lion.—It. Lionello.

Llewellyn (W.), lightning.

Lois (Gr.), good.

Lorenzo, the Italian form of Laurence.

Lorinda, a variant of Laurinda.

Louis, the French form of Lewis.

Louisa, Louise, fem. of Louis.—Dims. Lou, Louie.—Fr. Louise, Lisette, Héloïse, It. Luisa, Eloïsa, Sp. Luisa, Port. Luiza, Ger. Luise, Ludovica.

Lucas. See Luke.

Lucia, the Italian form of Lucy;—Lucinda (L.), the same as Lucy.

Lucian (L.), pertaining to Lucius.—L. Lucianus, Fr. Lucien, It. Luciano.

Lucifer (L.), light-bringer.

Lucius (L.), born at daybreak.—Fr. Luce, It. Lucio, Sp. Lucio.—Fems. Lucia, Lucy.

Lucretia, Lucrece (L.), gain, or light.—L. Lucretia, Fr. Lucrèce, It. Lucrezia.

Lucy, fem. of Lucius.—Fr. Lucie, It. Lucia, Sp. Lucia.

Ludovic, Lodowic, the same as Lewis (q.v.).

Luke.—L. Lucas, Fr. Luc, It. Luca, Sp. Lucas, Ger. Lukas.

Luther (Teut.), famous warrior.—L. Lutherus, Fr. Lothaire, It. Lotario, Sp. Clotario, Ger. Luther.

Lycurgus (Gr.), wolf-driver.

Lydia (Gr.), a native of Lydia.


Mabel (L.), lovable, worthy of love, inspiring love—a contraction of Amabel (q.v.).

Madeline, the French form of Magdalene (Heb.), belonging to Magdala.—Dims. Maud, Maudlin.—Fr. Magdelaine, Madeleine, Madelon, It. Maddalena, Sp. Magdalena, Madelena, Ger. Magdalene.

Madoc (W.), beneficent.

Malachi (Heb.), messenger of the Lord, or my messenger.

Manasseh (Heb.), forgetting, one who forgets.—L. Manasses.

Marcellus, dim. of Marcus.—Fem. Marcella.

Marcus, Marcius, Mark (L.), a hammer, or sprung from Mars—L. Marcus, Fr. Marc, It. Marco, Sp. Marcos, Ger. Markus.—Fem. Marcia—Fr. Marcie, It. Marcia, Marzia.

Margaret (Gr.), a pearl.—Dims. Margie, Margery, Marjory, Madge, Mag, Maggie, Meg, Meggy, Peg, Peggy, Meta, Gritty.—Fr. Marguérite, It. Margherita, Sp. Margarita, Port. Margarida, Ger. Margarethe, Gretchen.

Maria, the Latin form of Mary.

Marianne, a compound of Mary and Anne—so Marian, Maryann.—Fr. Mariane, Marianne, It. Marianna, Sp. Mariana, Ger. Marianne.

Marion, a French form of Mary.—Dim. Mamie.

Marmaduke (prob. Celt., last syllable L.), sea-leader, or mighty leader.

Martha (Heb.), lady.—Dims. Mat, Matty, Pat, Patty.—Fr. Marthe, It. and Sp. Marta, Ger. Martha.

Martin (L.), of Mars, warlike.—L. Martinus, Fr. Martin, Mertin, It. and Sp. Martino, Port. Martinho, Ger. Martin.

Mary (Heb.), prob. related to Mara, Marah, bitter.—Dims. May, Moll, Molly, Mamie, Pol, Polly.—L. Maria, Fr. Marie, Marion, It. and Sp. Maria, Pol. Marya.

Matilda, Mathilda (Teut.), mighty battle maid.—Dims. Mat, Matty, Maud, Patty, Tilda.—Fr. Mathilde, It. Matilda, Ger. Matilde.

Matthew (Heb.), gift of the Lord.—Dim. Mat.—L. Matthæus, Fr. Mathieu, It. Matteo, Sp. Mateo, Ger. Matthæus.

Matthias, the Greek form of Matthew.

Maud, a contraction of Matilda or of Magdalene.

Maurice (L.), Moorish, dark-coloured.—L. Mauritius, Fr. Maurice, It. Maurizio, Sp. Mauricio, Ger. Moritz.

Maximilian (L.), the greatest Æmilianus.—L. Maximilianus, Fr. Maximilien, Port. Maximiliãs, Ger. Maximilian.

May, the month of May, or a contraction of Mary.

Melicent, Milicent (L.), sweet singer, or (Teut.) strength.—Sp. Melisenda.

Melissa (Gr.), a bee.—Fr. Mélisse, Mélite, It. Melissa.

Mercy (Eng.), Mercy.

Micah (Heb.), who is like the Lord?

Michael (Heb.), who is like God?—Dims. Mike, Micky.—Fr. Michel, It. Michele, Sp. and Port. Miguel, Ger. Michael.

Mildred (Teut.), mild threatener.—L. Mildreda.

Miles (L.), soldier.

Minnie (Teut.), remembrance—sometimes for Mina, a contraction of Wilhelmina; sometimes put for Mary.

Miranda (L.), admirable.

Miriam (Heb.), the same as Mary.

Morgan (W.), seaman.

Moses (Heb.), he that draws out, but more probably an Egyptian name.—Dims. Mose, Mosey.—So L., Fr. Moïse, It. Moise, Sp. Moises, Ger. Moses.—Fem. Mosina.

Myra (Gr.), she who laments.


Naaman (Heb.), pleasant.

Nahum (Heb.), consolation, a consoler.

Nancy, a familiar form of Anne, not properly of Agnes.—Dims. Nan, Nance, Nina.

Naomi (Heb.), pleasant.

Napoleon (Gr.), of the new city.—Fr. Napoléon, It. Napoleone.

Nathan (Heb.), he hath given;—Nathanael, Nathaniel, gift of God.

Nehemiah (Heb.), the Lord comforteth.

Neil, Neal (Celt.), chief.

Nellie, Nelly, a dim. of Ellen, Helen, or Eleanor.

Nicholas, Nicolas (Gr.), victory of the people.—Dim. Nick.—L. Nicolaus, Fr. Nicolas, Nicole, It. Nicolo, Nicola, Sp. Nicolas, Port. Nicolao, Ger. Nikolaus.

Noah (Heb.), rest.

Noel (Fr.—L.), Christmas, born on that day.—Fr. Noël, It. Natale, Sp. and Port. Natal.

Nora, Norah, a contraction of Honora, Leonora, and Eleanor.

Norman (Teut.), Northman.


Obadiah (Heb.), servant or worshipper of the Lord.—L. Obadias.

Obed (Heb.), a worshipper (of the Lord).

Octavius, Octavus (L.), the eighth born—dims. Tavy, Tave—L. Octavius, Octavianus, Fr. Octavien, It. Ottaviano, Ottavio.—Fem. Octavia—Fr. Octavie, Octave, It. Ottavia, Sp. Octavia, Ger. Octavia.

Oliver (L.), an olive-tree.—Dims. Nol, Nolly.—L. Oliverus, Fr. Olivier, It. Oliviero, Uliviero, Sp. Oliverio, Port. Oliveiro, Ger. Oliver.—Fem. Olive, Olivia.

Olympia (Gr.), heavenly.—Fr. Olympe, It. Olimpia, Ger. Olympie.

Ophelia (Gr.), serpent.—Fr. Ophélie.

Orlando, the Italian form of Roland.

Oscar (Celt.), bounding warrior.—L. Oscarus.

Osmond, Osmund (Teut.), divine protection.—Fr. Osmont.

Oswald, Oswold (Teut.), divine power.

Owen (Celt.), lamb, or young warrior.

Ozias (Heb.), the Lord is strength=Uzziah.


Patience (L.), patience.

Patrick, Patricius (L.), noble.—Dims. Pat, Paddy.—L. Patricius, Fr. Patrice, It. Patrizio, Sp. Patricio, Ger. Patrizius.—Fem. Patricia.

Paul, Paulus, Paulinus (L.), little—L. Paulus, Fr. Paul, It. Paola, Sp. Pablo, Port. Paulo, Ger. Paul.—Fem. Paula, Paulina, Pauline—Fr. Paule, Paulìne, It. Paola, Paolìna, Sp. Paula, Ger. Pauline.

Penelope (Gr.), weaver.

Peregrine (L.), a stranger.—L. Peregrinus, Fr. Pérégrin, It. Pellegrino, Sp. Peregrino, Ger. Piligrim.

Persis (Gr.), a Persian woman.—Fr. Perside, It. Persida, Sp. Perside, Ger. Persis.

Peter (Gr.), a rock.—Dims. Pete, Peterkin.—L. Petrus, Fr. Pierre, It. Pietro, Sp. and Port. Pedro, Ger. Peter, Petrus.

Phebe See Phœbe.

Philander (Gr.), a lover of men.

Philemon (Gr.), loving.

Philip (Gr.), a lover of horses.—Dims. Phil, Pip.—L. Philippus, Fr. Philippe, It. Filippo, Sp. Felipe, Ger. Philipp.—Fem. Philippa.

Philippa, fem. of Philip above.—Fr. Philippine, It. Filippa, Filippina, Sp. Felipa, Ger. Philippine.

Phineas, Phinehas (Heb.), oracle—more probably an Egyptian word meaning negro.

Phœbe, Phebe (Gr.), shining.—It. Febe.

Phillis. See Phyllis.

Phyllis, Phillis (Gr.), a green bough.

Pius (L.), pious, dutiful.—Fr. Pie, It. Pio.

Pliny, Plinius (L.), the meaning doubtful.

Polly, a familiar dim. of Mary.

Polycarp (Gr.), much fruit.

Priscilla (L.), somewhat old.

Prudence (L.), prudence.—Dims. Prue, Prudy.

Ptolemy (Gr.), mighty in war.


Quintin, Quentin (L.), the fifth.—L. Quintus, Quintianus.


Rachel (Heb.), a ewe.—Fr. Rachel, It. Rachele, Sp. Raquel, Ger. Rahel.

Ralph (pron. rāf). See Rodolph.

Randal (Teut.), house wolf.

Raphael (Heb. rephael), God hath healed.—Fr. Raphael, It. Raffaello, Raffaele, Ger. Raphael.

Raymond, Raymund (Teut.), wise protection.—Fr. Raymond, It. Raimondo, Sp. Raimundo, Ger. Raimund.

Rebecca, Rebekah (Heb.), a noose.—Dims. Beck, Bex, Becky.—L. Rebecca, Fr. Rebecca, Ger. Rebekka.

Reginald (Teut.), powerful judgment.—L. Reginaldus, Fr. Regnauld, Renaud, Regnault, It. Rinaldo, Sp. Reynaldos, Ger. Reinwald, Reinald.

Reuben (Heb.), behold, a son!

Reynold, the same as Reginald.

Rhoda (Gr.), a rose.

Richard (Teut.), stern king.—Dims. Dick, Dicky, Dicken, Dickon.—L. Ricardus, Fr. Richard, It. Riccardo, Sp. Ricardo, Ger. Richard.

Robert (Teut.), bright in fame.—Dims. Bob, Bobby, Dob, Dobbin, Rob, Robbie, Robin.—L. Robertus, Fr. Robert, It. Roberto, Ruberto, Ruperto, Ger. Robert, Rupert, Rudbert, Ruprecht.

Roderick, Roderic (Teut.), famous king, or rich in fame.—Fr. Rodrigue, It. Rodrigo, Sp. Rodrigo, Ruy, Ger. Roderich, Russ. Rurik.

Rodolph, Rodolphus (Teut.), wolf of fame.—L. Rodolphus, Fr. Rodolphe, Raoul, It. Rodolfo, Ridolfo, Sp. Rodolfo, Ger. Rudolf.

Roger (Teut.), spear of fame.—Dims. Hodge, Hodgkin.—L. Rogerus, Fr. Roger, It. Ruggiero, Rogero, Sp. Rogerio, Ger. Rüdiger.

Roland, Rowland (Teut.), fame of the land.—L. Rotlandus, Rolandus, Fr. Roland, It. Orlando, Sp. Roldan, Port. Rolando, Roldão, Ger. Roland.

Rosa (L.), a rose;—Rosabel, Rosabella, a fair rose;—Rosalia, Rosalie, a little rose;—Rosalind, beautiful as a rose.—Dim. Rosie.

Rosamond (Teut.), horse-protection, or famous protection.—Fr. Rosemonde, It. Rosmonda, Sp. Rosamunda.

Roxana (Pers.), dawn of day—Dim. Roxy.—Fr. Roxane.

Rudolph, Rudolphus, the same as Rodolph, Rodolphus above.

Rufus (L.), red, red-haired.

Rupert, the same as Robert.—L. Rupertus.

Ruth (Heb.), friend.


Sabina (L.), a Sabine woman.—Fr. Sabine, Ger. Sabine.

Sabrina (L.), the river Severn.

Salome (Heb.), peaceful.—Fr. Salomé, Ger. Salome.

Samson, Sampson (Heb.), of the sun, solar.—Fr. Samson, Sp. Sanson, Port. Sansão.

Samuel (Heb.), heard of God, name of God.—Dims. Sam, Sammy.—Fr. Samuel, It. Samuele, Ger. Samuel.

Sarah, Sara (Heb.), princess, queen.—Dim. Sal, Sally.—Fr. Sara, It. and Sp. Sara, Ger. Sara.

Saul (Heb.), asked for.

Sebastian (Gr.), venerable.—L. Sebastianus, Fr. Sébastien, It. Sebastiano.—Sp. Sebastian, Port. Sebastião, Ger. Sebastian.

Selina (Gr.), the moon.

Sereno, Serenus (L.), peaceful.—Fem. Serena.

Seth (Heb.), set, placed.

Shadrach, Aramaic name of Hananiah (Heb.), the Lord is gracious.

Sibyl, Sibylla (Gr.), a prophetess.—Fr. Sibylle, Ger. Sibylle.

Sigismund (Teut.), conquering protection.—Fr. Sigismond, It. Sigismondo, Sismondo, Sp. Sigismundo, Ger. Sigismund, Sigmund.

Silas, Silvanus (L.), living in a wood.—Fr. Silvain, It. Silvano, Silvio, Ger. Silvanus, Silvan.—Fem. Sylvia.

Silvester, Sylvester (L.), rustic.—Dims. Vester, Vest.—Fr. Silvestre, Ger. Silvester.

Simeon, Simon (Heb.), famous, that hears.—Dim. Sim.—Fr. Siméon, It. Simone, Sp. Simon, Port. Simão, Simeão, Ger. Simeon, Simon.

Sophia (Gr.), wisdom.—Dim. Sophy.—Fr. Sophie, It. Sofia, Ger. Sophia.

Sophronia (Gr.), of sound mind.

Solomon (Heb.), peaceable.—Dim. Sol.—Fr. Salomon, It. Salomone, Ger. Salomo.

Stella (L.), a star.—Fr. Estelle, Sp. Estella.

Stephen (Gr.), a crown.—Dims. Steenie, Steve, Stevie.—L. Stephanus, Fr. Étienne, It. Stefano, Sp. Estevan, Esteban, Port. Estevão, Ger. Stephan.

Stephana, fem., of Stephen.—Fr. Stéphanie, Ger. Stephanie.

Swithin (A.S.), strong friend.

Susan, Susanna, Susannah (Heb.), a lily.—Dims. Sue, Suke, Suky, Susie, Susy.—Fr. Susanne, It. Susanna, Sp. Susana, Ger. Susanne.

Sylvester, same as Silvester.

Sylvia, fem. of Silvanus.


Tabitha (Aramaic), a gazelle.

Thaddeus (Aramaic), strong.—L. Thaddæus, It. Taddeo, Sp. Tadeo, Ger. Thaddäus.

Theobald (Teut.), people's prince.—Fr. Thibaut, It. Teobaldo, Sp. Theudebaldo, Ger. Dietbold.

Theodora, fem. of Theodore.—Dim. Dora.—It. Teodora, Ger. Theodora.

Theodore (Gr.), gift of God.—L. Theodorus, Fr. Théodore, It. Teodoro, Ger. Theodor, Russ. Feodor.

Theodoric (Teut.), people's rule.—L. Theodoricus.

Theodosius (Gr.), divinely given.—It. Teodosia, Ger. Theodosia.—Fem. Theodosia.

Theophilus (Gr.), a lover of God.—Fr. Théophile, It. Teofilo, Ger. Theophilus, Gottlieb.

Theresa (Gr.), carrying ears of corn.—Dims. Terry, Tracie.—Fr. Thérèse, It. and Sp. Teresa, Ger. Therese, Theresia.

Thomas (Heb.), a twin.—Dims. Tom, Tommy, Tam, Tammie.—Fr. Thomas, It. Tomaso, Sp. Tomas, Ger. Thomas.—Fem. Thomasa, Thomasina, Thomasine, Tomina.

Tib, Tibbie, a Scotch dim. of Isabella (q.v.).

Timothy (Gr.), honoured of God.—Dim. Tim.—L. Timotheus, Fr. Timothée, It. Timoteo, Sp. Timoteo, Ger. Timotheus.

Titus (prob. L. tutus), safe.—Fr. Tite, It. and Sp. Tito.

Tobiah, Tobias (Heb.), the Lord is good.—Dim. Toby.—L. Tobias, Fr. Tobie, It. Tobia, Sp. Tobias, Ger. Tobias.

Tristam, Tristram (Celt.), a herald.

Tryphon (Gr.), dainty.—Fem. Tryphena.

Tryphosa (Gr.), dainty.

Tybalt, a form of Theobald.


Ulrica (Teut.), noble ruler.—Fr. Ulrique, It. Ulrica, Ger. Ulrike.

Ulysses (Gr.), a hater.

Urania (Gr.), heavenly.—Fr. Uranie.

Urban (L.), of the town, courteous.—L. Urbanus, Fr. Urbain, It. Urbano, Ger. Urbanus, Urban.

Uriah (Heb.), the Lord is light.

Uriel (Heb.), God is light.

Ursula (L.), a she-bear.—Fr. Ursule, It. Orsola, Sp. Ursola.


Valentine (L.), strong.—L. Valentinus, Fr. Valentin, It. Valentino, Sp. Valentin, Ger. Valentin.

Valeria, fem. of Valerius (L.), healthy.—Fr. Valérie, It. Valeria, Ger. Valerie.

Victor (L.), a conqueror.—Fr. Victor, Ger. Victor.

Victoria, fem. of Victor.—Fr. Victoire, It. Vittoria, Ger. Victoria.

Vida, a fem. form of David.

Vincent (L.), conquering.—L. Vincens, Fr. Vincent, It. Vincenzio, Sp. Vincente, Port. Vicente, Ger. Vincenz.

Viola (L.), a violet.—Fr. Violette, It. Viola, Sp. Violante, Ger. Viola, Viole.

Virginia (L.), virgin.—Fr. Virginie, It. Virginia, Ger. Virginia.

Vivian (L.), lively.—Fr. Vivien, Ger. Vivian.


Walter (Teut.), powerful warrior.—Dims. Wat, Watty.—L. Gualterus, Fr. Gauthier, Gautier, It. Gualtiero, Sp. Gualterio, Ger. Walther.

Wilfred (A.S.), resolute peace.

Wilhelmina, fem. of Wilhelm, the German form of William (q.v.).—Dims. Wilmett, Wilmot, Mina, Minnie, Minella.—Fr. Guillelmine, Guillemette, It. Guglielma, Sp. Guillelmina, Ger. Wilhelmine.

William (Teut.), helmet of resolution.—Dims. Will, Willy, Bill, Billy.—L. Guilielmus, Gulielmus, Fr. Guillaume, It. Guglielmo, Sp. Guillermo, Port. Guilherme, Ger. Wilhelm.—Fem. Wilhelmina.

Winifred, Winfred (Teut.), friend of peace.—Dim. Winnie.


Zabdiel (Heb.), God endoweth.

Zaccheus (Heb.), pure.

Zachariah, Zechariah (Heb.), the Lord hath remembered.—Dims. Zach, Zechy.

Zadok (Heb.), just.

Zebadiah, Zebedee (Heb.), the Lord has bestowed.

Zedekiah (Heb.), the Lord is righteousness.

Zenobia (Gr.), having life from Zeus.—Fr. Zénobie.

Zephaniah (Heb.), the Lord hideth.

Zoe (Gr.), life.