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Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary 1908/Unmeted Unwondering

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fāte, fär; mē, hėr; mīne; mōte; mūte; mōōn; then.

Unmeted, un-mē′ted, adj. not meted or measured.

Unmethodical, un-me-thod′i-kal, adj. not methodical.—adj. Unmeth′odised, not regulated by method.

Unmew, un-mū′, v.t. to release, as from a mew, to set free.

Unmilitary, un-mil′i-ta-ri, adj. not in accordance with military methods, without military spirit.

Unminded, un-mīn′ded, adj. not heeded, forgotten.—adj. Unmind′ful, not keeping in mind, regardless.—adv. Unmind′fully.—n. Unmind′fulness.

Unmingle, un-ming′gl, v.t. to separate things mixed.

Unmiraculous, un-mi-rak′ū-lus, adj. not miraculous.—adv. Unmirac′ulously.

Unmiry, un-mīr′i, adj. not miry or muddy.

Unmistakable, un-mis-tā′ka-bl, adj. incapable of being mistaken: clear: distinct.—n. Unmistā′kableness.—adv. Unmistā′kably.

Unmitigable, un-mit′i-ga-bl, adj. that cannot be mitigated or alleviated.—advs. Unmit′igably, Unmit′igātedly.—adj. Unmit′igāted, not mitigated or abated, having full force.

Unmitre, un-mī′tėr, v.t. to deprive of a mitre, to degrade from the dignity of bishop.

Unmixed, un-mikst′, adj. free from any foreign admixture, unadulterated.—adv. Unmix′edly.

Unmoaned, un-mōnd′, adj. not lamented.

Unmodernise, un-mod′ėr-nīz, v.t. to give an old-fashioned form or manner to.

Unmodified, un-mod′i-fīd, adj. not modified, qualified, or limited.—adj. Unmod′ifīable, that cannot be modified.—n. Unmod′ifīableness.

Unmodish, un-mō′dish, adj. not modish or fashionable.

Unmoistened, un-moi′snd, adj. not moistened or wetted.

Unmolested, un-mō-les′ted, adj. not molested.

Unmomentary, un-mō′men-ta-ri, adj. without a moment's interval.

Unmoneyed, un-mun′id, adj. without money.—Also Unmon′ied.

Unmonopolise, un-mō-nop′ō′-līz, v.t. to free from monopoly.—adj. Unmonop′olising, not including in a monopoly.

Unmoor, un-mōōr′, v.t. to loose from being moored or anchored.—v.i. to weigh anchor.

Unmoral, un-mor′al, adj. not moral.—adjs. Unmor′alīsed, not moralised upon, having no moral attached; Unmoralīs′ing, not given to making moral reflections.—n. Unmoral′ity.

Unmortise, un-mor′tis, v.t. to loosen the mortises or joints of.

Un-Mosaic, un-mō-zā′ik, adj. not according to Moses or his law.

Unmotherly, un-muth′ėr-li, adj. not like a mother.

Unmotived, un-mō′tivd, adj. uninfluenced by a motive.

Unmould, un-mōld′, v.t. to change the form of.

Unmounted, un-mown′ted, adj. not mounted: not placed on horseback: not set or arranged with any suitable background, &c., for display or protection, as a precious stone, a drawing or photograph for framing, a lantern or microscopic slide, &c.

Unmourned, un-mōrnd′, adj. not mourned.

Unmoved, un-mōōvd′, adj. not moved, firm: not touched by emotion, calm.—adjs. Unmov′able, Unmove′able, immovable.—advs. Unmov′ably, immovably; Unmov′edly.—adj. Unmov′ing, not moving: unaffecting.

Unmuddle, un-mud′l, v.t. to free from muddle.

Unmuffle, un-muf′l, v.t. to take a muffle or covering from.—v.i. to throw off concealments.

Unmultiply, un-mul′ti-plī, v.t. to reverse the process of multiplication, to find the factors of.

Unmunitioned, un-mū-nish′und, adj. not provided with war materials.

Unmurmuring, un-mur′mur-ing, adj. not murmuring.—adv. Unmur′muringly.

Unmuscular, un-mus′kū-lar, adj. not muscular or physically strong.—adj. Unmuscled (un-mus′ld), with the muscles relaxed.

Unmusical, un-mū′zi-kal, adj. not musical or harmonious: not skilled in music.—n. Unmusical′ity.—adv. Unmū′sically.

Unmutilated, un-mū′ti-lā-ted, adj. not mutilated.

Unmuzzle, un-muz′l, v.t. to take a muzzle off.

Unnail, un-nāl′, v.t. to take the nails from.

Unnamable, un-nā′ma-bl, adj. not to be named.—adj. Unnamed′, not named.

Unnapped, un-napt′, adj. without a nap, as cloth: deprived of nap.

Unnative, un-nā′tiv, adj. not native or natural.

Unnatural, un-nat′ū-ral, adj. not natural or according to nature: without natural affection.—v.t. Unnat′uralise.—adj. Unnat′uralised, not naturalised.—ns. Unnat′uralism, Unnatural′ity.—adv. Unnat′urally.—n. Unnat′uralness.

Unnavigable, un-nav′i-ga-bl, adj. not navigable.—n. Unnavigabil′ity.—adj. Unnav′igated, not sailed on or over.

Unnecessary, un-nes′e-sa-ri, adj. not necessary: useless: needless.—adv. Unnec′essarily, without necessity.—n. Unnec′essariness.

Unneedful, un-nēd′fōōl, adj. not needful.—adv. Unneed′fully.

Unneighboured, un-nā′burd, adj. having no neighbours.—n. Unneigh′bourliness.—adj. Unneigh′bourly, not neighbourly, friendly, or social.—adv. in an unneighbourly manner.

Unnerve, un-nėrv′, v.t. to deprive of nerve, strength, or vigour: to weaken.—adj. Unner′vate (obs.), enervated.

Unnest, un-nest′, v.t. to turn out of a nest.

Unneth. See Uneath.

Unnetted, un-net′ed, adj. not enclosed in a net.

Unniggardly, un-nig′ard-li, adj. not niggardly or miserly.—adj. Unnigg′ard, not niggard, liberal.

Unnimbed, un-nimd′, adj. without a nimbus.

Unnoble, un-nō′bl, adj. (Spens.) ignoble.—v.t. to deprive of nobility.

Unnooked, un-nōōkt′, adj. with no nooks, simple, open, guileless.

Unnoted, un-nō′ted, adj. not noted or marked.

Unnoticed, un-nō′tisd, adj. not noticed or observed.

Unnotify, un-nō′ti-fī, v.t. to negative something previously told.

Unnumbered, un-num′bėrd, adj. (Milt.) not to be numbered, innumerable.—adj. Unnum′berable, innumerable.

Unnun, un-nun′, v.t. to divest of the character of a nun.

Unnurtured, un-nur′tūrd, adj. not nurtured or educated, rough.

Unobjectionable, un-ob-jek′shun-a-bl, adj. not liable to objection.—adv. Unobjec′tionably.

Unobnoxious, un-ob-nok′shus, adj. not liable or subject to.

Unobservance, un-ob-zer′vans, n. state of being unobservant, inattention: lack of observance of some law.—adjs. Unobser′vable, not to be observed; Unobser′vant, not observant or attentive; Unobserved′, not observed.—adv. Unobser′vedly.-adj. Unobser′ving, not observing.

Unobstructed, un-ob-struk′ted, adj. not obstructed or hindered, clear.—adj. Unobstruc′tive, offering no obstacle.

Unobtrusive, un-ob-trōō′siv, adj. not obtrusive or forward.—adv. Unobtru′sively, in an unobtrusive or modest manner.—n. Unobtru′siveness, state of being unobtrusive: modesty.

Unobvious, un-ob′vi-us, adj. not obvious, evident, or manifest.

Unoccupied, un-ok′ū-pīd, adj. not occupied: not used.

Unode, ū′nōd, n. (geom.) a limiting case of a conical point, in which the tangent cone has become a pair of coincident planes.

Unoffending, un-o-fen′ding, adj. not offending, blameless.—adj. Unoffen′sive, inoffensive.

Unofficial, un-o-fish′al, adj. not official.

Unofficious, un-o-fish′us, adj. not officious.

Unoften, un-of′n, adv. not often.

Unoil, un-oil′, v.t. to free from oil.

Unoperative, un-op′e-rā-tiv, adj. inoperative.

Unopposed, un-o-pōzd′, adj. not opposed.

Unoppressive, un-o-pres′iv, adj. not oppressive.

Unordained, un-or-dānd′, adj. not appointed or established: not having received ordination.

Unorder, un-or′dėr, v.t. to cancel an order.—adjs. Unor′dered, disordered: not ordered or commanded: Unor′derly, not orderly.

Unordinary, un-or′di-na-ri, adj. not ordinary.

Unorganised, un-or′gan-īzd, adj. not organised or having organic structure.

Unoriginal, un-ō-rij′in-al, adj. not original: (Milt.) without origin, birth, or source.—adjs. Unorig′ināte, -d.—n. Unorig′inātedness.—adv. Unorig′inātely.

Unornamental, un-or-na-men′tal, adj. not ornamental.—adj. Unor′namented, not ornamented.

Unorthodox, un-or′thō-doks, adj. not orthodox.—n. Unor′thodoxy, heterodoxy, heresy.

Unossified, un-os′i-fīd, adj. not yet formed into bone.

Unostentatious, un-os-ten-tā′shus, adj. not ostentatious or showy.—adv. Unostentā′tiously.—n. Unostentā′tiousness.

Unowed, un-ōd′, adj. not owed or due: (Shak.) unowned.

Unowned, un-ōnd′, adj. not owned, without an owner.

Unowned, un-ōnd′, adj. not avowed or acknowledged as one's own property or one's own work.

Unpack, un-pak′, v.t. to take out of a pack: to open.—n. Unpack′er.

Unpaid, un-pād′, adj. not discharged: receiving no pay.

Unpainful, un-pān′fōōl, adj. not painful.—adj. Unpained′, not pained.

Unpaint, un-pānt′, v.t. to efface the painting of.

Unpaired, un-pārd′, adj. not paired.

Unpalatable, un-pal′ā-ta-bl, adj. not agreeable.—adv. Unpal′atably.

Unpanel, un-pan′el, v.t. to unsaddle.

Unpanged, un-pangd′, adj. not affected with pangs.

Unparadise, un-par′a-dīs, v.t. to deprive of any supreme delight.

Unparagoned, un-par′a-gond, adj. unmatched.

Unparalleled, un-par′a-leld, adj. without parallel or equal.—adj. Unpar′allelable, incapable of being paralleled.

Unparched, un-pärcht′, adj. not parched.

Unpardonable, un-pär′don-a-bl, adj. that cannot be pardoned or forgiven.—n. Unpar′donableness.—adv. Unpar′donably.

Unparliamentary, un-pär-li-men′tar-i, adj. contrary to the usages of proceeding in Parliament: not such as can be spoken in Parliament.

Unpassable, un-pas′a-bl, adj. impassable: not current.—n. Unpass′ableness.

Unpassionate, un-pash′un-āt, adj. dispassionate.—adv. Unpas′sionately.—adj. Unpas′sioned, free from passion.

Unpathed, un-pätht′, adj. pathless.—adj. Unpath′wayed, without pathway.

Unpatriotic, un-pā-tri-ot′ik, adj. not patriotic.

Unpatronised, un-pā′tron-izd, adj. without the support of patrons: not traded with usually.

Unpatterned, un-pat′ėrnd, adj. having no pattern.

Unpaved, un-pāvd′, adj. having no pavement: (Shak.) gelded.

Unpay, un-pā′, v.t. to annul by payment, to make undone.

Unpeaceable, un-pē′sa-bl, adj. not peaceable.—n. Unpeace′ableness.—adj. Unpeace′ful.—adv. Unpeace′fully.

Unpedigreed, un-ped′i-grēd, adj. not having a pedigree.

Unpeeled, un-pēld′, adj. not peeled.

Unpeerable, un-pēr′a-bl, adj. not to be matched.—adj. Unpeered′, unequalled.

Unpeg, un-peg′, v.t. to take the pegs from.

Unpen, un-pen′, v.t. to free from captivity.

Unpensioned, un-pen′shund, adj. not rewarded by a pension: not kept in one's pay.

Unpeople, un-pē′pl, v. t. to deprive of people.

Unpeppered, un-pep′ėrd, adj. unseasoned.

Unperceivable, un-per-sē′va-bl, adj. not to be perceived.—adv. Unpercei′vably.—adj. Unperceived′, not perceived.—adv. Unpercei′vedly, so as not to be perceived.

Unperch, un-perch′, v.t. to drive from a perch.

Unperfect, un-pėr′fekt, adj. imperfect.

Unperformed, un-per-formd′, adj. not performed or fulfilled: not represented on the stage.

Unperishing, un-per′ish-ing, adj. not perishing.—adj. Unper′ishable.—adv. Unper′ishably.

Unperjured, un-per′jōōrd, adj. not perjured.

Unperplexed, un-per-plekst′, adj. not perplexed.—v.t. Unperplex′, to separate.

Unpersecuted, un-per′sē-kū-ted, adj. not persecuted.

Unpersonable, un-per′sun-a-bl, adj. not personable.—adj. Unper′sonal, not personal.—n. Unpersonal′ity.

Unpersuadable, un-per-swā′da-bl, adj. not to be persuaded.—ns. Unpersuā′dableness, Unpersuā′sibleness; Unpersuā′sion.—adj. Unpersuā′sive, not persuasive.

Unperturbed, un-per-turbd′, adj. not perturbed.—n. Unpertur′bedness.

Unpervert, un-per-vėrt′, v.t. to reconvert.—adj. Unpervert′ed, not perverted.

Unpetrified, un-pet′ri-fīd, adj. not petrified.

Unphilosophical, un-fil-ō-sof′i-kal, adj. not philosophical—also Unphilosoph′ic.—adv. Unphilosoph′ically.—n. Unphilosoph′icalness.—v.t. Unphilos′ophise, to divest of the character of philosopher.

Unpick, un-pik′, v.t. to take out by picking: to unfasten, undo.—adjs. Unpick′able, that cannot be picked; Unpicked′, not picked.

Unpierced, un-pērst′, adj. not pierced.—adj. Unpierce′able, not to be pierced.

Unpillared, un-pil′ard, adj. stripped of pillars.

Unpillowed, un-pil′ōd, adj. without a pillow or support for the head.

Unpiloted, un-pī′lot-ed, adj. without pilot or guide.

Unpin, un-pin′, v.t. to loose what is pinned.

Unpinion, un-pin′yun, v.t. to set free from restraint.

Unpinked, un-pingkt′, adj. not pinked, not pierced with eyelet-holes.

Unpiteous, un-pit′e-us, adj. merciless, cruel.—adv. Unpit′eously.—n. Unpit′eousness.—adjs. Unpit′ied, not pitied; Unpit′iful, having no pity.—adv. Unpit′ifully.—n. Unpit′ifulness.—adj. Unpit′ying, showing no pity.—adv. Unpit′yingly.

Unplaced, un-plāst′, adj. not arranged in proper places, confused.—v.t. Unplace′, to displace.

Unplagued, un-plāgd′, p.adj. not plagued or afflicted.

Unplained, un-plānd′, adj. not lamented.

Unplait, un-plāt′, v.t. to loosen, undo.

Unplanted, un-plan′ted, adj. not planted or cultivated.—v.t. Unplant′, to strip of plants.

Unplastic, un-plas′tik, adj. not plastic, not suitable for sculpture.

Unplausible, un-plaw′zi-bl, adj. not plausible.—adv. Unplau′sibly, not plausibly.—adj. Unplau′sive, not approving.

Unpleaded, un-plē′ded, adj. not pleaded.—adj. Unplea′dable, incapable of being pleaded.

Unpleasant, un-plez′ant, adj. not pleasant: disagreeable.—adj. Unpleasable (-plē′), not to be pleased.—n. Unpleas′ance.—adv. Unpleas′antly, in an unpleasant manner: disagreeably.—ns. Unpleas′antness, state or quality of being unpleasant: disagreeableness; Unpleas′antry, want of pleasantness: any unpleasant occurrence, any particular discomfort.—adjs. Unpleased (-plēzd′), displeased; Unpleasing (-plē′), displeasing, disgusting.—adv. Unpleasingly (-plē′).n. Unpleasingness (-plē′).adj. Unpleas′urable, not giving pleasure.—adv. Unpleas′urably.

Unpliant, un-plī′ant, adj. not pliant, stiff, stubborn.—adj. Unplī′able, not pliable.—advs. Unplī′ably; Unplī′antly.

Unplucked, un-plukt′, adj. not plucked.

Unplugged, un-plugd′, adj. free from plugs: not short-circuited by a plug.—v.t. Unplug′, to remove a plug from.

Unplumb, un-plum′, v.t. to remove the lead from.—adj. not plumb or vertical.—adj. Unplumbed′, not measured by a plumb-line: unfathomed.

Unplume, un-plōōm′, v.t. to strip of feathers.

Unpoetical, un-pō-et′i-kal, adj. not poetical, prosaic—also Unpoet′ic.—adv. Unpoet′ically.—n. Unpoet′icalness.

Unpointed, un-poin′ted, adj. not pointed, blunt: having no vowel points, as in Hebrew: with the joints uncemented, of a wall.

Unpoised, un-poizd′, adj. not poised.

Unpoison, un-poi′zn, v.t. to expel the poison from.

Unpolicied, un-pol′i-sid, adj. without organised civil polity: impolitic.—adj. Unpol′itic, impolitic.

Unpolish, un-pol′ish, v.t. to take the polish from, to make rough.—adj. Unpol′ished.

Unpolite, un-pō-līt′, adj. not polite, rude.—adv. Unpolite′ly.—n. Unpolite′ness.

Unpolled, un-pōld′, adj. not polled.

Unpolluted, un-po-lū′ted, adj. not polluted.

Unpope, un-pōp′, v.t. to divest of papal authority.

Unpopular, un-pop′ū-lar, adj. not popular: disliked by the people.—n. Unpopular′ity, the state of being unpopular.—adv. Unpop′ularly, in an unpopular manner: not popularly.

Unportioned, un-pōr′shund, adj. not provided with a portion.

Unportuous, un-por′tū-us, adj. without harbours.

Unpositive, un-poz′i-tiv, adj. not assertive.

Unpossessed, un-po-zest′, adj. not possessed, not in possession (with of).—adj. Unpossess′ing (Shak.), having no possessions.

Unpossibility, un-pos-i-bil′i-ti, n. impossibility.—adj. Unposs′ible, impossible.

Unposted, un-pōs′ted, adj. not having a fixed post: not posted up for public information: (coll.) not posted or informed about anything.

Unpowerful, un-pow′ėr-fōōl, adj. not powerful.

Unpractical, un-prak′ti-kal, adj. not practical, disinclined to give attention to things immediately useful or profitable: not workable in detail.—n. Unpractical′ity.—adv. Unprac′tically.

Unpractised, un-prak′tist, adj. having no practice or experience: not carried out in practice, not usually done: not yet familiar through practice.—n. Unprac′tisedness.

Unpraise, un-prāz′, v.t. to deprive of praise.

Unpray, un-prā′, v.t. to revoke a prayer.

Unpreach, un-prēch′, v.t. to recant something already preached.

Unprecedented, un-pres′ē-den-ted, adj. having no precedent: novel.—adv. Unprec′edentedly.

Unpredict, un-prē-dikt′, v.i. (Milt.) to recall what has been predicted or foretold.

Unpregnant, un-preg′nant, adj. (Shak.) stupid, unapt for business: indifferent to (with of).

Unprejudicate, un-prē-jōō′di-kāt, adj. unprejudiced.—n. Unprejud′icateness.

Unprejudiced, un-prej′ōō-dist, adj. not prejudiced: impartial.—n. Unprej′udice, absence of prejudice.—adv. Unprej′udicedly.—n. Unprej′udicedness.

Unprelate, un-prel′āt, v.t. to deprive of the dignity of prelate.—adj. Unprelat′ical.

Unpremeditated, un-prē-med′i-tā-ted, adj. not planned beforehand, not previously thought of.—adj. Unpremed′itable, not to be foreseen, unforeseen.—adv. Unpremed′itatedly.—ns. Unpremed′itatedness; Unpremeditā′tion.

Unprepared, un-prē-pārd′, adj. without preparation, done without such.—n. Unpreparā′tion, unpreparedness.—adv. Unprepār′edly.—n. Unprepār′edness.

Unprepossessing, un-prē-po-zes′ing, adj. not predisposing in one's favour, unpleasing.—adj. Unprepossessed′, not prepossessed or prejudiced.

Unprescribed, un-prē-skrībd′, adj. not prescribed or laid down beforehand.

Unpresentable, un-prē-zen′ta-bl, adj. not presentable, not fit to be seen.

Unpressed, un-prest′, adj. not pressed.

Unpresuming, un-prē-zū′ming, adj. not presuming, unpretentious.

Unpresumptuous, un-prē-zump′tū-us, adj. not presumptuous, modest.

Unpretending, un-prē-ten′ding, adj. not pretending or making pretence: modest.—adv. Unpreten′dingly.—adj. Unpreten′tious, not pretentious.—n. Unpreten′tiousness.

Unpretty, un-prit′i, adj. not pretty.—n. Unprett′iness.

Unprevailing, un-prē-vā′ling, adj. having no force, unavailing.

Unprevented, un-prē-ven′ted, adj. not hindered or prevented: (obs.) not preceded by anything.—adj. Unpreven′table, impossible to be prevented.—n. Unpreven′tableness.

Unpriced, un-prīst′, adj. having no fixed price: beyond price, priceless.

Unpriest, un-prēst′, v.t. to strip of the rank of priest.—adj. Unpriest′ly, unbecoming a priest.

Unprince, un-prins′, v.t. to deprive of princely dignity.—adj. Unprince′ly, unbecoming a prince.

Unprincipled, un-prin′si-pld, adj. without settled principles: not restrained by conscience: profligate.—v.t. Unprin′ciple, to destroy the moral principles of.—n. Unprin′cipledness.

Unprison, un-priz′n, v.t. to release from prison.

Unprivileged, un-priv′i-lejd, adj. not privileged.

Unprizable, un-prī′za-bl, adj. (Shak.) incapable of being valued, either as so far above or below price.

Unproclaimed, un-prō-klāmd′, adj. not proclaimed.

Unproductive, un-prō-duk′tiv, adj. not productive, profitable, or efficient, not effecting some particular result (with of).—adv. Unproduc′tively.—ns. Unproduc′tiveness; Unproductiv′ity.

Unprofaned, un-prō-fānd′, adj. not profaned or desecrated.

Unprofessional, un-prō-fesh′un-al, adj. having no profession: beyond the limits of one's profession: contrary to the rules or the usual etiquette of a particular profession.—adv. Unprofes′sionally.

Unprofitable, un-prof′i-ta-bl, adj. not profitable: bringing no profit: serving no purpose.—n. Unprof′itableness.—adv. Unprof′itably.—adjs. Unprof′ited, profitless; Unprof′iting, unprofitable.

Unprogressive, un-prō-gres′iv, adj. not progressive.—n. Unprogress′iveness.

Unprohibited, un-prō-hib′i-ted, adj. not prohibited.

Unprojected, un-prō-jek′ted, adj. not projected or planned.

Unprolific, un-prō-lif′ik, adj. not prolific.

Unpromising, un-prom′i-sing, adj. not promising or affording a good prospect of success, &c.—v.t. Unprom′ise, to revoke a promise.—adj. Unprom′ised, not promised.

Unprompted, un-promp′ted, adj. not prompted.

Unpronounceable, un-prō-nown′sa-bl, adj. difficult to pronounce: not fit to be mentioned.—adj. Unpronounced′, not pronounced.

Unprop, un-prop′, v.t. to remove a prop or support from.

Unproper, un-prop′ėr, adj. improper: (Shak.) common to all.—adv. Unprop′erly.

Unprophetic, -al, un-prō-fet′ik, -al, adj. not prophetic.

Unpropitious, un-prō-pish′us, adj. not propitious, inauspicious.—adj. Unpropi′tiable, incapable of being propitiated.—adv. Unpropi′tiously.—n. Unpropi′tiousness.

Unproportionable, un-prō-pōr′shun-a-bl, adj. disproportionable.—n. Unpropor′tionableness.—adjs. Unpropor′tionate, not proportionate; Unpropor′tioned, not proportioned.

Unproposed, un-prō-pōzd′, adj. not proposed.

Unpropped, un-propt′, adj. not propped or supported.

Unpropriety, un-prō-prī′e-ti, n. impropriety.

Unproselyte, un-pros′ē-līt, v.t. to prevent from being made a proselyte.

Unprosperous, un-pros′pėr-us, adj. not prosperous or fortunate.—adv. Unpros′perously.—n. Unpros′perousness.

Unpropected, un-prō-tek′ted, adj. not protected.—n. Unprotec′tedness.

Unprotestantise, un-prot′es-tan-tīz, v.t. to pervert from Protestantism, to strip of Protestant features.

Unproved, un-prōōvd′, adj. not proved.—adjs. Unprov′able, Unprove′able, incapable of being proved.—n. Unproved′ness.

Unprovided, un-prō-vī′ded, adj. not furnished or provided for, unprepared.—v.t. Unprovide′, to unfurnish, to deprive of what is necessary.—adv. Unprovī′dedly.—adj. Unprov′ident, improvident.

Unprovoked, un-prō-vōkt′, adj. not having received provocation, uncalled for.—adv. Unprovō′kedly.

Unprudent, un-prōō′dent, adj. imprudent—also Unpruden′tial.—n. Unpru′dence, imprudence.

Unpruned, un-prōōnd′, adj. not pruned.

Unpublished, un-pub′lisht, adj. not made public, esp. still in MS. or privately printed form: secret.—adj. Unpub′lic, not public.

Unpucker, un-puk′ėr, v.t. to smooth out the puckers or creases of, to relax.

Unpunctual, un-pungk′tū-al, adj. not punctual.—n. Unpunctual′ity.—adv. Unpunc′tually.

Unpunishable, un-pun′ish-a-bl, adj. that cannot be punished.—adv. Unpun′ishably.—adj. Unpun′ished, not punished.

Unpure, un-pūr′, adj. impure.—adv. Unpure′ly.—n. Unpure′ness.

Unpurged, un-purjd′, adj. not purged.

Unpurposed, un-pur′post, adj. not purposed or intended.

Unqualified, un-kwol′i-fīd, adj. not possessing the proper qualifications for anything, incompetent: given without restrictions, absolute.—adv. Unqual′ifiedly.—n. Unqual′ifiedness.—v.t. Unqual′ify, to disqualify.

Unqueen, un-kwēn′, v.t. (Shak.) to divest of the dignity of queen.

Unquenchable, un-kwen′sha-bl, adj. that cannot be quenched or extinguished.—n. Unquen′chableness.—adv. Unquen′chably.

Unquestionable, un-kwes′tyun-a-bl, adj. not questionable or to be questioned: (Shak.) not questioning or inquisitive.—ns. Unquestionabil′ity, Unques′tionableness, the quality of being unquestionable: that which cannot be questioned.—adv. Unquest′ionably, without question or doubt.—adj. Unques′tioned, not called in question, undoubted, not examined, indisputable.—n. Unques′tioningness.

Unquiet, un-kwī′et, adj. not at rest, disturbed: causing restlessness.—v.t. to disquiet.—n. Unquies′cence, inquietude.—adv. Unquī′etly.—ns. Unquī′etness, state of disturbance, restlessness; Unquī′etude, inquietude.

Unquit, un-kwit′, adj. not discharged.

Unquizzable, un-kwiz′a-bl, adj. incapable of being quizzed or ridiculed.

Unracked, un-rakt′, adj. not drawn off from the lees, as wine.

Unraised, un-rāzd′, adj. not raised.

Unraked, un-rākt′, adj. not gone over with the rake: not cleared out.

Unransacked, un-ran′sakt, adj. not ransacked.

Unraptured, un-rap′tūrd, adj. not enraptured.

Unravel, un-rav′el, v.t. to take out of a ravelled state: to unfold or explain: to separate.—v.i. to be disentangled.—adj. Unrav′elable.—ns. Unrav′eller; Unrav′elment.

Unrazored, un-rā′zord, adj. unshaved.

Unreached, un-rēcht′, adj. not reached.

Unread, un-red′, adj. not informed by reading, ignorant: not perused.—adj. Unreadable (un-rē′da-bl), indecipherable, too dull to be read.—n. Unrea′dableness.

Unready, un-red′i, adj. not ready or prepared: slow: awkward: (Shak.) not dressed.—adv. Unread′ily.—n. Unread′iness.

Unreal, un-rē′al, adj. not real: having appearance only, illusive.—v.t. Unrē′alīse, to divest of reality.—ns. Unrē′alism, Unreal′ity, want of reality or existence.—adv. Unrē′ally.

Unreasonable, un-rē′zn-a-bl, adj. not agreeable to reason: exceeding the bounds of reason, immoderate: not influenced by reason.—ns. Unrea′son, lack of reason; Unrea′sonableness, the state or quality of being unreasonable: exorbitance.—adv. Unrea′sonably, in an unreasonable manner: excessively.—adjs. Unrea′soned, not argued out; Unrea′soning, not reasoning.—adv. Unrea′soningly.—Abbot of Unreason (see Misrule).

Unreave, un-rēv′ v.t. (Spens.) to unwind.

Unrebated, un-rē-bā′ted, adj. unbated.

Unrebukable, un-rē-bū′ka-bl, adj. not deserving rebuke.

Unrecalling, un-rē-kawl′ing, adj. not to be recalled.—adj. Unrecall′able, that cannot be recalled.

Unreceived, un-rē-sēvd′, adj. not received.

Unreckoned, un-rek′nd, adj. not reckoned.—adj. Unreck′onable, that cannot be reckoned, immeasurable.

Unreclaimed, un-rē-klāmd′, adj. not reclaimed.—adj. Unreclaim′able, irreclaimable.—adv. Unreclaim′ably.

Unrecognised, un-rek′og-nīzd, adj. not recognised.—adj. Unrec′ognisable.—adv. Unrec′ognisably.

Unrecommended, un-rek-o-men′ded, adj. not recommended.

Unrecompensed, un-rek′om-penst, adj. not recompensed.

Unreconciled, un-rek′on-sīld, adj. not reconciled, restored to friendship, or made consistent.—adj. Unrec′oncilable, irreconcilable.—n. Unreconcil′ableness.—adv. Unrec′oncilably.

Unreconstructed, un-rē-kon-struk′ted, adj. not reconstructed: (U.S.) not yet admitted as a state of the Union.

Unrecorded, un-rē-kord′ed, adj. not recorded, not kept in remembrance.

Unrecounted, un-rē-kownt′ed, adj. not recounted or related.

Unrecoverable, un-rē-kuv′ėr-a-bl, adj. that cannot be recovered: sick beyond hope of recovery.—adv. Unrecov′erably.—adj. Unrecov′ered.

Unrecruitable, un-rē-krōōt′a-bl, adj. not able to be recruited.

Unrecumbent, un-rē-kum′bent, adj. not recumbent or reclining.

Unrecuring, un-rē-kūr′ing, adj. (Shak.) incurable.

Unrecurring, un-rē-kur′ing, adj. not recurring.

Unred, un-red′, adj. (Spens.) untold.

Unredeemed, un-rē-dēmd′, adj. not redeemed or ransomed: not fulfilled: unmitigated: not recalled into the treasury by payment of the value in money: not taken out of pawn.—adj. Unredeem′able, that cannot be redeemed.

Unredressed, Unredrest, un-rē-drest′, adj. without redress: (Spens.) unrescued.

Unreel, un-rēl′, v.t. to unwind from a reel.

Unreeve, un-rēv′, v.t. (naut.) to withdraw a rope from any block, thimble, dead-eye, &c. through which it had formerly passed.

Unrefined, un-rē-fīnd′, adj. not refined, unpolished.

Unreformable, un-rē-for′ma-bl, adj. not reformable.—ns. Unreformā′tion; Unrefor′medness.

Unregarded, un-rē-gär′ded, adj. not regarded.

Unregenerate, un-rē-jen′e-rāt, adj. not renewed in heart through regeneration, unreconciled to God.—ns. Unregen′eracy, Unregenerā′tion.

Unregistered, un-rej′is-tėrd, adj. not registered.

Unregretful, un-rē-gret′fōōl, adj. without having any regrets.—n. Unregret′fulness.

Unrein, un-rān′, v.t. to loosen the rein of.—adj. Unreined′, unchecked.

Unrejoicing, un-rē-joi′sing, adj. not rejoicing.

Unrelated, un-rē-lā′ted, adj. not related.—adj. Unrel′ative, not relative.

Unrelaxed, un-rē-lakst′, adj. not relaxed, strained.

Unrelenting, un-rē-len′ting, adj. not relenting: inflexible: cruel.—adv. Unrelen′tingly.—n. Unrelen′tingness.

Unreliable, un-rē-lī′a-bl, adj. that cannot be relied upon, untrustworthy.—ns. Unreliabil′ity, Unrelī′ableness.

Unrelievable, un-rē-lē′va-bl, adj. that cannot be relieved.—adj. Unrelieved′, not relieved.—adv. Unrelie′vedly.

Unremediable, un-rē-mē′di-a-bl, adj. irremediable.

Unremembered, un-rē-mem′bėrd, adj. not remembered.—adj. Unremem′bering, not remembering.—n. Unremem′brance.

Unremitting, un-rē-mit′ting, adj. not remitting or relaxing: continued: incessant.—adj. Unremit′ted, not remitted or forgiven: without remission.—advs. Unremit′tedly; Unremit′tingly.—n. Unremit′tingness.

Unremorseful, un-rē-mors′fōōl, adj. feeling no remorse.—adv. Unremorse′fully.—adj. Unremorse′less, having no remorse or pity.—adv. Unremorse′lessly.

Unremoved, un-rē-mōōvd′, adj. not removed, unshaken.—adj. Unremov′able.—n. Unremov′ableness.—adv. Unremov′ably.

Unrenewed, un-rē-nūd′, adj. not renewed, not regenerated.

Unrent, un-rent′, adj. not rent.

Unrepaid, un-rē-pād′, adj. not repaid.

Unrepair, un-rē-pār′, n. an unsound state.—adj. Unrepair′able, irreparable.

Unrepealed, un-rē-pēld′, adj. not repealed.—adj. Unrepeal′able, incapable of being repealed.

Unrepentant, un-rē-pen′tant, adj. not repentant or penitent.—n. Unrepen′tance, impenitence.—adjs. Unrepen′ted, not repented of; Unrepen′ting, not repenting.—adv. Unrepen′tingly.

Unrepining, un-rē-pī′ning, adj. not repining.—adv. Unrepī′ningly.

Unreplenished, un-rē-plen′isht, adj. not replenished.

Unreposing, un-rē-pō′zing, adj. not reposing or resting.

Unrepresented, un-rep-rē-zen′ted, adj. not represented.

Unreprievable, un-rē-prē′va-bl, adj. that cannot be reprieved.—adj. Unreprieved′, not reprieved.

Unreproachable, un-rē-prō′cha-bl, adj. irreproachable.—n. Unreproa′chableness.—adv. Unreproa′chably.

Unreproved, un-rē-prōōvd′, adj. not reproved: (Milt.) not liable to reproof, blameless.—adj. Unreprov′able, incapable of being reproved.—adv. Unreprov′edly.—n. Unreprov′edness.

Unrepulsable, un-rē-pul′sa-bl, adj. that cannot be repulsed.

Unreputable, un-rep′ū-ta-bl, adj. not reputable.

Unrequested, un-rē-kwes′ted, adj. not requested.

Unrequisite, un-rek′wi-zit, adj. not requisite.

Unrequited, un-rē-kwī′ted, adj. not requited.—adj. Unrequī′table, not requitable.—adv. Unrequī′tedly.

Unreserved, un-rē-zėrvd′, adj. not reserved or restrained: withholding nothing.—n. Unreserve′, absence of reserve.—adv. Unreser′vedly, without reservation: frankly.—n. Unreser′vedness.

Unresisted, un-rē-zis′ted, adj. not resisted.—n. Unresis′tance.—adv. Unresis′tedly.—adjs. Unresis′tible, irresistible; Unresis′ting, not making resistance.—adv. Unresis′tingly.

Unresolved, un-rē-zolvd′, adj. not resolved: not separated into its constituent parts.—adj. Unresol′vable, incapable of being resolved.—v.i. Unresolve′, to change a resolution.—n. Unresol′vedness, state of being unresolved or undetermined.—adj. Unresol′ving.

Unrespectable, un-rē-spek′ta-bl, adj. not respectable.

Unrespective, un-rē-spek′tiv, adj. (Shak.) devoid of respect and consideration, regardless, unthinking: not attended with regard, used at random.

Unrespited, un-res′pi-ted, adj. not delayed: not having received a respite from sentence.

Unresponsible, un-rē-spon′si-bl, adj. irresponsible.—n. Unrespon′sibleness.—adj. Unrespon′sive, not responsive.—n. Unrespon′siveness.

Unrest, un-rest′, n. want of rest: disquiet of mind or body.—adj. Unrest′ful.—n. Unrest′fulness.—adj. Unrest′ing, not resting.—adv. Unrest′ingly.—n. Unrest′ingness.

Unrestored, un-rē-stōrd′, adj. not restored, esp. to a former or better state: of a work of art, remaining in its original condition.

Unrestrained, un-rē-strānd′, adj. not restrained, licentious.—adv. Unrestrain′edly.—ns. Unrestrain′edness; Unrestraint′.

Unrestricted, un-rē-strik′ted, adj. not restricted.—adv. Unrestric′tedly.

Unretarded, un-rē-tär′ded, adj. not retarded.

Unretentive, un-rē-ten′tiv, adj. not retentive.

Unreturnable, un-rē-tur′na-bl, adj. incapable of being returned.—adj. Unretur′ning, not returning.

Unrevealed, un-rē-vēld′, adj. not revealed.—n. Unreveal′edness.

Unrevenged, un-rē-venjd′, adj. not revenged.—adj. Unrevenge′ful.

Unreverend, un-rev′ėr-end, adj. not reverend: (Shak.) irreverent, disrespectful.—n. Unrev′erence, want of reverence.—adj. Unrev′erent, not reverent.—adv. Unrev′erently.

Unreversed, un-rē-verst′, adj. not reversed.

Unreverted, un-rē-ver′ted, adj. not reverted.

Unrevoked, un-rē-vōkt′, adj. not revoked.

Unrewarded, un-rē-wawr′ded, adj. not rewarded.—adv. Unrewar′dedly.—adj. Unrewar′ding.

Unrhythmical, un-rith′mi-kal, adj. not rhythmical.

Unriddle, un-rid′l, v.t. to read the riddle of: to solve.—adj. Unridd′leable.—n. Unridd′ler.

Unrifled, un-rī′fld, adj. not rifled.

Unrig, un-rig′, v.t. to strip of rigging.—adj. Unrigged′, without rigging.

Unrighteous, un-rī′tyus, adj. not righteous: wicked: unjust.—n. Unright′, injustice.—adv. Unrigh′teously.—n. Unrigh′teousness.—adj. Unright′ful.—adv. Unright′fully.—n. Unright′fulness.

Unring, un-ring′, v.t. to take a ring from.—adj. Unringed′, having no ring.

Unrip, un-rip′, v.t. to rip up or open.

Unripe, un-rīp′, adj. not ripe.—adj. Unrī′pened.—n. Unripe′ness.

Unrivalled, un-rī′vald, adj. without a rival or competitor.—adj. Unrī′valable, that cannot be rivalled.

Unrivet, un-riv′et, v.t. to loosen the rivets of.

Unrobe, un-rōb′, v.t. to strip of a robe, to undress.—v.i. to take off a robe, esp. a robe of state.

Unroll, un-rōl′, v.t. to roll down: to open out.—v.i. to become uncoiled or opened out.—n. Unroll′ment.

Unromanised, un-rō′man-īzd, adj. not subjected to Roman laws or customs: freed from subjection to the Roman see.

Unromantic, un-rō-man′tik, adj. not romantic.—adv. Unroman′tically.

Unroof, un-rōōf, v.t. to strip the roof off.—adj. Unroofed′.

Unroost, un-rōōst′ v.t. to drive out of a roost.

Unroot, un-rōōt′, v.t. to tear up by the roots.

Unrope, un-rōp′, v.t. to loosen from ropes, to unharness.

Unrough, un-ruf′, adj. not rough.

Unroyal, un-roi′al, adj. not royal.—n. Unroy′alist, one not of royal blood.—adv. Unroy′ally.

Unrude, un-rōōd′, adj. not rude.

Unruffled, un-ruf′ld, adj. not ruffled: calm.—v.i. Unruff′le, to settle into calmness.

Unruined, un-rōō′ind, adj. not ruined.—adjs. Unru′inable, not to be ruined; Unru′ināte (obs.), not in ruins.

Unruled, un-rōōld′, adj. not ruled.—ns. Unrul′iment (Spens.), Unrul′iness, state of being unruly.—adj. Unrul′y, regardless of restraint or law.

Unrumple, un-rum′pl, v.t. to free from rumples.

Unsaddle, un-sad′l, v.t. to take the saddle off: to throw from the saddle.

Unsafe, un-sāf, adj. not safe.—adv. Unsafe′ly.—ns. Unsafe′ness, Unsafe′ty.

Unsaid, un-sed′, adj. not said.

Unsaint, un-sānt′, v.t. to divest of saintliness.—adj. Unsaint′ly.

Unsalable, un-sā′la-bl, adj. that cannot be sold, not in demand—also Unsale′able.—ns. Unsalabil′ity, Unsā′lableness.

Unsalaried, un-sal′a-rid, adj. not receiving a salary.

Unsalted, un-sawl′ted, adj. not salted, fresh.

Unsaluted, un-sa-lū′ted, adj. not saluted.

Unsalvable, un-sal′va-bl, adj. not capable of being saved.

Unsanctified, un-sangk′ti-fīd, adj. not sanctified, unholy.—n. Unsanctificā′tion.

Unsanguine, un-sang′gwin, adj. not sanguine.

Unsanitary, un-san′i-ta-ri, adj. not sanitary, unhealthy.

Unsapped, un-sapt′, adj. not sapped.

Unsatiable, un-sā′shi-a-bl, adj. not to be satiated or appeased.—n. Unsā′tiableness.—adv. Unsā′tiably.

Unsatisfactory, un-sat-is-fak′tō-ri, adj. not satisfying.—adv. Unsatisfac′torily.—n. Unsatisfac′toriness.—adjs. Unsatisfī′able, not to be satisfied; Unsat′isfied, not satisfied, not content: not fully informed about anything: not paid.—n. Unsat′isfiedness.—adj. Unsat′isfying.—n. Unsat′isfyingness.

Unsaturated, un-sat′ū-rā-ted, adj. not saturated.

Unsavoury, un-sā′vor-i, adj. not savoury, tasteless: unpleasing, disgusting.—adv. Unsā′vourily.—n. Unsā′vouriness.

Unsay, un-sā′, v.t. to recall what has been said: to retract.—adj. Unsaid′.

Unscalable, un-skā′la-bl, adj. that cannot be scaled or climbed.—Also Unscale′able.

Unscale, un-skāl′, v.t. to remove the scales from.—adj. Unscā′ly.

Unscanned, un-skand′, adj. not scanned or measured.

Unscarred, un-skärd′, adj. not marked with scars.

Unscathed, un-skātht′, adj. not harmed or injured.

Unsceptered, un-sep′tėrd, adj. deprived of kingly authority.

Unschooled, un-skōōld′, adj. not taught or trained in anything.

Unscissored, un-siz′ord, adj. not cut with scissors.

Unscottify, un-skot′i-fī, v.t. to deprive of Scotch qualities or characteristics.

Unscoured, un-skowrd′, adj. not scoured or rubbed clean.

Unscratched, un-skracht′, adj. not scratched.

Unscreened, un-skrēnd′, adj. not screened: unsifted.

Unscrew, un-skrōō′, v.t. to loose from screws: to unfasten.

Unscriptural, un-skrip′tū-ral, adj. not in with Scripture.—adv. Unscrip′turally.

Unscrupulous, un-skrōō′pū-lus, adj. not scrupulous, unprincipled.—adv. Unscru′pūlously.—n. Unscru′pūlousness.

Unscrutable, un-skrōō′ta-bl, adj. inscrutable.

Unsculptured, un-skulp′tūrd, adj. not sculptured, without inscription.

Unscutcheoned, un-skuch′ond, adj. having no escutcheon or claim to such.

Unseal, un-sēl, v.t. to remove the seal of: to open what is sealed.—adj. Unsealed′.

Unseam, un-sēm, v.t. to undo a piece of sewing, to split.

Unsearchable, un-sėr′cha-bl, adj. not capable of being found out by searching: mysterious.—n. Unsear′chableness.—adv. Unsear′chably.—adj. Unsearched′.

Unseasonable, un-sē′zn-a-bl, adj. not in the proper season or time: late: ill-timed: not suited to the time of the year.—v.t. Unsea′son (Spens.), to strike unseasonably, as the ear.—n. Unsea′sonableness, state or quality of being unseasonable or ill-timed.—adv. Unsea′sonably, in an unseasonable manner: not in due time.—adj. Unsea′soned, not seasoned or ripened by time: not experienced, unripe: not sprinkled with seasoning: (obs.) unseasonable: (obs.) inordinate.

Unseat, un-sēt′, v.t. to throw from or deprive of a seat.

Unseaworthy, un-sē-wurth′i adj. unfit for a sea voyage.—n. Unseaworth′iness.

Unseconded, un-sek′un-ded, adj. not seconded, supported, or assisted.

Unsectarian, un-sek-tā′ri-an, adj. not sectarian, free from the narrow qualities or prejudices of sect.—n. Unsectā′rianism.

Unsecular, un-sek′ū-lar, adj. not secular or worldly.

Unseduced, un-sē-dūst′, adj. not seduced.

Unseeded, un-sēd′ed, adj. not seeded.

Unseel, un-sēl′, v.t. to open the eyes, as of a hawk which has been seeled, to enlighten.

Unseemliness, un-sēm′li-nes, n. state or quality of being unseemly or unbecoming.—v.i. Unseem′ (Shak.), not to seem.—adj. Unseem′ly, not seemly, becoming, or decent.—adv. in an unseemly manner.

Unseen, un-sēn′, adj. not seen: invisible.—adj. Unsee′ing, not seeing, blind.

Unseized, un-sēzd′, adj. not seized: not taken or put in possession.

Unseldom, un-sel′dum, adv. not seldom.

Unself, un-self′, v.t. to deprive of individuality.—n. absence of weak self-consciousness.—n. Unself-con′sciousness, absence of self-consciousness.—adj. Unsel′fish, not selfish.—adv. Unsel′fishly.—ns. Unsel′fishness, Unself′ness (rare).

Unseminared, un-sem′i-närd, adj. (Shak.) deprived of seminal energy or virility.

Unsense, un-sens′, v.t. to free from the dominion of the senses—also Unsen′sūalise.—adj. Unsensed′.

Unsent, un-sent′, adj. not sent.

Unsentenced, un-sen′tenst, adj. not having received sentence: (obs.) not decreed.

Unsentimental, un-sen-ti-men′tal, adj. not sentimental, prosaic, matter-of-fact.

Unsepulchred, un-sep′ul-kėrd, adj. unburied.

Unsequestered, un-sē-kwes′tėrd, adj. not sequestered, unreserved.

Unservice, un-ser′vis, n. neglect of service or duty.—adj. Unser′viceable, not serviceable.

Unset, un-set′, adj. not set or placed: unplanted: not mounted or placed in a setting: not set, as a broken limb.

Unsettle, un-set′l, v.t. to move from being settled: to make uncertain.—v.i. to become unfixed.—adj. Unsett′led, not settled, fixed, or determined: changeable; not having the dregs deposited: not yet inhabited and cultivated: turbulent, lawless.—adv. Unsett′ledly.—ns. Unsett′ledness; Unsett′lement.—adj. Unsett′ling.

Unsevered, un-sev′ėrd, adj. not severed, inseparable.

Unsex, un-seks′, v.t. to deprive of sex: to make unmanly or unwomanly.—adj. Unsex′ual.

Unshackle, un-shak′l, v.t. to loose from shackles: to set free.

Unshaded, un-shā′ded, adj. not shaded: without gradations of light or colour.

Unshadowed, un-shad′ōd, adj. not clouded, free from gloom.

Unshakable, un-shā′ka-bl, adj. (Shak.) not to be shaken.—adjs. Unshaked′ (Shak.), not shaken; Unshā′ken, not shaken, firm, steady.—adv. Unshā′kenly.

Unshale, un-shāl′, v.t. (Shak.) to strip the shale or husk from, to expose.

Unshamed, un-shāmd′, adj. not shamed.

Unshape, un-shāp′, v.t. (Shak.) to deprive of shape, to derange, to confound.—adjs. Unshape′ly, not shapely; Unshā′pen, shapeless.

Unshaven, un-shāv′n, adj. not shaven.

Unsheathe, un-shēth′, v.t. to draw from the sheath or scabbard, as a sword.

Unshed, un-shed′, adj. (Spens.) unparted.

Unshell, un-shel′, v.t. to strip of the shell, to release.

Unshelve, un-shelv′, v.t. to remove the shelves from.

Unshent, un-shent′, adj. not disgraced.

Unshiftiness, un-shif′ti-nes, n. shiftlessness.—adj. Unshif′table, shiftless.

Unship, un-ship′, v.t. to take out of a ship or other vessel: to remove from the place where it is fixed or fitted.—n. Unship′ment.

Unshod, un-shod′, adj. without shoes, barefoot.

Unshoe, un-shōō′, v.t. to strip of a shoe.

Unshorn, un-shorn′, adj. not shorn, unclipped, unshaven.

Unshot, un-shot′, v.t. to take the shot out of.

Unshout, un-showt′, v.t. (Shak.) to retract, as a shout.

Unshowered, un-show′ėrd, adj. not watered by showers.

Unshown, un-shōn′, adj. not shown.

Unshrined, un-shrīnd′, adj. not placed in a shrine.

Unshrinking, un-shring′king, adj. not shrinking.—adv. Unshrink′ingly.

Unshriven, un-shriv′n, adj. not shriven.

Unshroud, un-shrowd′, v.t. to remove the shroud from, to disclose.

Unshrubbed, un-shrubd′, adj. not furnished with shrubs.

Unshunnable, un-shun′a-bl, adj. that cannot be shunned.—adj. Unshunned′, not shunned or avoided.

Unshutter, un-shut′ėr, v.t. to take the shutters off.

Unsifted, un-sif′ted, adj. not sifted, untried.

Unsighted, un-sī′ted, adj. not seen—earlier Unsight′: not furnished with a sight.—adj. Unsight′able, invisible.—n. Unsight′liness, the quality of being unsightly: ugliness.—adj. Unsight′ly, not sightly or pleasing to the eye: ugly.

Unsignificant, un-sig-nif′i-kant, adj. without signification.

Unsimplicity, un-sim-plis′i-ti, n. want of simplicity.

Unsincere, un-sin-sēr′, adj. not sincere, insincere: not genuine, alloyed.

Unsinew, un-sin′ū, v.t. to take the strength from.

Unsing, un-sing′, v.t. to take back what has been sung.

Unsingled, un-sing′gld, adj. not singled.

Unsinning, un-sin′ing, adj. not sinning, untouched by sin.

Unsistered, un-sis′tėrd, adj. being without a sister.—n. Unsis′terliness.—adj. Unsis′terly.

Unsisting, un-sis′ting, adj. not resisting or opposing.

Unsized, un-sīzd′, adj. not sized or stiffened.

Unskilful, un-skil′fool, adj. not skilful: wanting skill or experience: awkward.—adv. Unskil′fully, in an unskilful or awkward manner.—n. Unskil′fulness, want of skill or experience: awkwardness.—adj. Unskilled′, without special skill, untrained, unacquainted with.

Unslain, un-slān′, adj. not slain.

Unslaked, un-slākt′, adj. not slaked.

Unsleeping, un-slē′ping; adj. not sleeping.

Unsling, un-sling′, v.t. to release from slings, to take the slings off.

Unslipping, un-slip′ing, adj. not slipping.

Unsluice, un-slōōs′, v.t. to open the sluice of.

Unslumbering, un-slum′bėr-ing, adj. not slumbering.—adj. Unslum′brous, not slumbrous.

Umsmirched, un-smircht′, adj. not smirched or stained, clean.

Unsmitten, un-smit′n, adj. not smitten.

Unsmooth, un-smōōth′, adj. not smooth, rough.

Unsmote, un-smōt′, adj. unsmitten.

Unsmotherable, un-smuth′ėr-a-bl, adj. unable to be smothered.

Unsnare, un-snār′, v.t. to set free from a snare.

Unsnarl, un-snarl′, v.t. to disentangle.

Unsneck, un-snek′, v.t. to draw the sneck or bar of a door.

Unsoaped, un-sōpt′, adj. not soaped, unwashed.

Unsociable, un-sō′sha-bl, adj. not sociable or inclined to society: reserved.—ns. Unsociabil′ity; Unsō′ciableness.—adv. Unsō′ciably.—adj. Unsō′cial, not social.—ns. Unsō′cialism, Unsocial′ity.

Unsoft, un-soft′, adv. (Spens.) not softly.

Unsolder, un-sod′ėr, v.t. to separate, as what has been soldered, to sunder.

Unsoldierlike, un-sōl′jėr-līk, adj. not characteristic of or becoming a soldier.

Unsolemn, un-sol′em, adj. not solemn, sacred, or formal.—v.t. Unsol′emnise, to strip of solemnity.

Unsolicited, un-sō-lis′it-ed, adj. not solicited.—adj. Unsolic′itous, not solicitous.

Unsolid, un-sol′id, adj. not solid, not sound, empty.—n. Unsolid′ity.

Unsolved, un-solvd′, adj. not solved.

Unson, un-sun′, v.t. to make unworthy of sonship.

Unsonsie, Unsoncie, un-son′si, adj. (Scot.) unlucky.

Unsoot, un-sōōt′, adj. (Spens.) unsweet.

Unsophisticated, un-sō-fis′ti-kā-ted, adj. genuine, unadulterated: free from artificiality, simple, inexperienced—also Unsophis′ticate.—ns. Unsophis′ticatedness; Unsophisticā′tion.

Unsorrowed, un-sor′ōd, adj. not sorrowed or regretted.

Unsorted, un-sor′ted, adj. not sorted or arranged: ill-chosen.

Unsought, un-sawt′, adj. not sought or solicited.

Unsoul, un-sōl′, v.t. to deprive of soul or spirit.

Unsound, un-sownd′, adj. not sound or perfect: not honest: erroneous: defective: (Spens.) not substantial, not to be depended upon.—adv. Unsound′ly.—n. Unsound′ness.

Unsoundable, un-sown′da-bl, adj. that cannot be sounded or fathomed.

Unspar, un-spär′, v.t. to take the spars or bars from.

Unsparing, un-spār′ing, adj. not sparing, liberal, profuse: unmerciful.—adj. Unspared′, not spared: not saved from ruin.—adv. Unspar′ingly.—n. Unspar′ingness.

Unspatial, un-spā′shal, adj. not extending into space.—n. Unspatial′ity.

Unspeakable, un-spē′ka-bl, adj. incapable of being spoken, uttered, or described.—v.t. Unspeak′ (Shak.), to retract, as what has been spoken.—adv. Unspea′kably, in an unspeakable or inexpressible manner.—adj. Unspea′king, not being able to speak.

Unspecialised, un-spesh′a-līzd, adj. not specialised in the biological sense: generalised.

Unspecified, un-spes′i-fīd, adj. not specified.

Unsped, un-sped′, adj. not performed.

Unspeedy, un-spē′di, adj. not speedy.

Unspell, un-spel′, v.t. to free from the power of a spell.

Unspent, un-spent′, adj. not spent or exhausted: not having lost its force of motion.

Unsphere, un-sfēr′, v.t. to take out of its sphere.

Unspied, un-spīd′, adj. (Spens.) not spied, unseen.

Unspike, un-spīk′, v.t. to remove a spike from.

Unspilt, un-spilt′, adj. not spilt or shed.—Also Unspilled′.

Unspin, un-spin′, v.t. to undo what has been spun.

Unspiritual, un-spir′i-tū-al, adj. not spiritual.—v.t. Unspir′itualise, to deprive of spirituality.—adv. Unspir′itually.

Unspleened, un-splēnd′, adj. free from spleen.

Unspoil, un-spoil′, v.t. to undo the ill effects of spoiling.—adj. Unspoiled′.

Unspoken, un-spō′kn, adj. not spoken, unconfessed.

Unspontaneous, un-spon-tā′nē-us, adj. not spontaneous.

Unsportful, un-spōrt′fool, adj. not sportful, melancholy.

Unspotted, un-spot′ed, adj. free from spot: not tainted with guilt.—n. Unspott′edness.

Unsquared, un-skwārd′, adj. not made square: undressed: irregular, unbalanced.

Unsquire, un-skwīr′, v.t. to strip of the dignity of squire.

Unstable, un-stā′bl, adj. not stable, unreliable, infirm, inconstant: in such a physical state that the slightest change induces further change of form or composition.—ns. Unstabil′ity, Unstā′bleness.

Unstablished, un-stab′lisht, adj. not firmly fixed.

Unstack, un-stak′, v.t. to remove from a stack.

Unstaid, un-stād′, adj. not staid or steady.—n. Unstaid′ness.

Unstained, un-stānd′, adj. not stained or tarnished.

Unstamped, un-stampt′, adj. not stamped, not having a stamp affixed.

Unstanched, un-stäncht′, adj. not stanched: incontinent.—adj. Unstanch′able.

Unstarch, un-stärch′ v.t. to take the starch from.

Unstate, un-stāt′, v.t. to deprive of state or dignity.

Unstatutable, un-stat′ū-ta-bl, adj. unwarranted by statute.—adv. Unstat′utably.

Unstayed, un-stād′, adj. not stayed or restrained.

Unsteady, un-sted′i, adj. not steady: changeable.—v.t. to make unsteady.—adj. Unstead′fast, not steadfast or resolute: insecure.—adv. Unstead′fastly.—n. Unstead′fastness.—adv. Unstead′ily, in an unsteady manner.—n. Unstead′iness, the state or quality of being unsteady: want of firmness: irresolution.

Unsteel, un-stēl, v.t. to soften, to disarm.

Unstep, un-step′, v.t. to remove, as a mast, from its place.

Unstercorated, un-ster′kō-rā-ted, adj. not stercorated or manured.

Unstick, un-stik′, v.t. to tear something free.

Unsting, un-sting′, v.t. to disarm of a sting.

Unstinted, un-stint′ed, adj. not stinted, profuse.

Unstitch, un-stich′, v.t. to take out the stitches of.

Unstock, un-stok′, v.t. to deplete of stock: to remove from the stock: (obs.) to launch.

Unstockinged, un-stok′ingd, adj. not wearing stockings.

Unstooping, un-stōōp′ing, adj. not stooping.

Unstop, un-stop′, v.t. to free from a stopper; to free from hinderance: to draw out the stops of an organ.

Unstopper, un-stop′ėr, v.t. to open, as a bottle, by taking out the stopper.

Unstopple, un-stop′l, v.t. to remove a stopple from.

Unstow, un-stō′, v.t. to empty of its contents.—adj. Unstowed′, not stowed or packed.

Unstrained, un-strānd′, adj. not strained or purified by straining: not forced, natural.—v.t. Unstrain′, to relieve from a strain.

Unstratified, un-strat′i-fīd, adj. not stratified, as rocks.

Unstressed, un-strest′, adj. not pronounced with stress, unaccented.

Unstretch, un-strech′, v.i. to become unstretched or relaxed.

Unstriated, un-strī′ā-ted, adj. not striated or striped.

Unstring, un-string′, v.t. to take the strings off: to relax or loosen.—adjs. Unstringed′; Unstrung′.

Unstruck, un-struk′, adj. not struck.

Unstudied, un-stud′id, adj. done without premeditation, natural, easy: not acquainted with through study.

Unstuffed, un-stuft′, adj. not stuffed.

Unsubdued, un-sub-dūd′, adj. not subdued.—adj. Unsubdū′able, incapable of being subdued.

Unsubject, un-sub′jekt, adj. not subject.

Unsubmissive, un-sub-mis′iv, adj. not submissive.—n. Unsubmis′sion.—adv. Unsubmiss′ively.—n. Unsubmiss′iveness.—adj. Unsubmit′ting, not submitting.

Unsubordinate, un-sub-or′di-nāt, adj. not subordinate.

Unsubstantial, un-sub-stan′shal, adj. not substantial, not real, not solid or strong.—v.t. Unsubstan′tialise.—ns. Unsubstantial′ity; Unsubstantiā′tion.

Unsucceeded, un-suk-sēd′ed, adj. not succeeded.—adjs. Unsucceed′able (obs.); Unsuccess′ive, without succession.

Unsuccess, un-suk-ses′, n. want of success: failure.—adj. Unsuccess′ful, not successful or fortunate.—adv. Unsuccess′fully, in an unsuccessful or unfortunate manner.—n. Unsuccess′fulness.

Unsuccourable, un-suk′ur-a-bl, adj. incapable of being succoured.

Unsucked, un-sukt′, adj. not sucked.

Unsufferable, un-suf′ėr-a-bl, adj. (obs.) insufferable.—adv. Unsuff′erably (obs.).

Unsufficient, un-su-fish′ent, adj. (obs.) insufficient.—n. Unsuffi′cience (obs.).—adv. Unsuffi′ciently (obs.).

Unsuitable, un-sū′ta-bl, adj. not suitable, fitting, or adequate: unbecoming.—v.t. Unsuit′, to be unsuitable for.—ns. Unsuitabil′ity, Unsuit′ableness.—adv. Unsuit′ably.—adjs. Unsuit′ed, not suited or adapted to; Unsuit′ing, not suiting.

Unsullied, un-sul′id, adj. not sullied, not disgraced.

Unsummered, un-sum′ėrd, adj. not possessing the characteristics of summer.

Unsung, un-sung′, adj. not celebrated in song, forgotten: not yet sung.

Unsunned, un-sund′, adj. not exposed to the sun, not lighted.—adj. Unsun′ny, not sunny or bright.

Unsuppliable, un-su-plī′a-bl, adj. that cannot be supplied.

Unsupportable, un-su-pōr′ta-bl, adj. insupportable.—n. Unsuppor′tableness.—adv. Unsuppor′tably.—adj. Unsuppor′ted, not supported.—adv. Unsuppor′tedly.

Unsuppressed, un-su-prest′, adj. not suppressed.

Unsure, un-shōōr′, adj. not sure.—adj. Unsured′, not made sure.—adv. Unsure′ly.

Unsurmountable, un-sur-mown′ta-bl, adj. insurmountable.

Unsurpassable, un-sur-pas′a-bl, adj. incapable of being surpassed.—adv. Unsurpass′ably.—adj. Unsurpassed′.

Unsurrendered, un-su-ren′dėrd, adj. not surrendered.

Unsusceptible, un-su-sep′ti-bl, adj. not susceptible.—n. Unsusceptibil′ity.

Unsuspected, un-sus-pek′ted, adj. not suspected: not known or supposed to exist—(Milt.) Unsuspect′.—adv. Unsuspec′tedly.—n. Unsuspec′tedness.—adj. Unsuspec′ting.—adv. Unsuspec′tingly.—n. Unsuspec′tingness.

Unsuspicious, un-sus-pish′us; adj. not suspicious, unsuspecting: free from suspicion.—n. Unsuspi′cion, absence of suspicion.—adv. Unsuspi′ciously.—n. Unsuspi′ciousness.

Unsustained, un-sus-tānd′, adj. not sustained.

Unswaddle, un-swod′l, v.t. to remove swaddling-bands from, to unswathe.

Unswathe, un-swāth′, v.t. to take swathings or bandages from.

Unswayable, un-swā′a-bl, adj. (Shak.) not to be swayed.—adj. Unswayed′, not swayed.—n. Unswayed′ness.

Unswear, un-swār′, v.i. (Spens.) to recall an oath.

Unsweating, un-swet′ing, adj. not sweating.

Unsweet, un-swēt′, adj. not sweet.—v.t. Unsweet′en, to make unsweet.

Unswept, un-swept′, adj. not swept or cleaned, not swept over.

Unswerving, un-swer′ving, adj. not swerving, firm.—adv. Unswer′vingly.

Unsworn, un-swōrn′, adj. not sworn, not solemnly pronounced.

Unsyllabled, un-sil′a-bld, adj. not syllabled, not articulated.

Unsymmetrical, un-si-met′ri-kal, adj. not symmetrical—also Unsymmet′ric.—adv. Unsymmet′rically.—n. Unsymm′etry, want of symmetry.

Unsympathy, un-sim′pa-thi, n. want of sympathy.—n. Unsympathīsabil′ity.—adj. Unsym′pathīsable.

Unsystematic, -al, un-sis-te-mat′ik, -al, adj. not systematic.—adv. Unsystemat′ically.

Untack, un-tak′, v.t. to undo what is tacked or fastened.

Untackle, un-tak′l, v.t. to unhitch.

Untainted, un-tān′ted, adj. not tainted or stained, not made unfit for eating by putrescence.—adv. Untain′tedly.—n. Untain′tedness.

Untainted, un-tān′ted, adj. not attainted.

Untaken, un-tā′kn, adj. not taken.

Untalented, un-tal′en-ted, adj. not talented.

Untalked, un-tawkt′, adj. not talked or spoken (with of).

Untamed, un-tāmd′, adj. not tamed, not domesticated.—adj. Untā′mable, incapable of being tamed.—n. Untā′mableness.—adj. Untame′, not tame.—n. Untamed′ness.

Untangle, un-tang′gl, v.t. to disentangle.

Untappice, un-tap′is, v.i. (obs.) to come out of concealment.—v.t. to drive out of such.

Untarnished, un-tär′nisht, adj. not tarnished or soiled.

Untasted, un-tās′ted, adj. not tasted, not enjoyed.

Untaught, un-tawt′, adj. not taught, illiterate: not communicated by teaching: ignorant.

Untax, un-taks′, v.t. to take a tax from.—adj. Untaxed′, not taxed: not charged with any fault.

Unteach, un-tēch′, v.t. to cause to forget, as what has been taught.—adj. Unteach′able, not teachable.—n. Unteach′ableness.

Unteam, un-tēm′, v.t. to unyoke a team from.

Untell, un-tel′, v.t. to recall what has been told.

Untempering, un-tem′pėr-ing, adj. (Shak.) not softening.—v.t. Untem′per, to remove the temper from, to soften.—adj. Untem′pered, not tempered: not regulated.

Untemptible, un-temt′i-bl, adj. incapable of being tempted.—adv. Untempt′ibly.

Untenable, un-ten′a-bl, adj. not tenable, not defensible.—ns. Untenabil′ity, Unten′ableness.

Untenant, un-ten′ant, v.t. to deprive of a tenant, to evict.—adjs. Unten′antable, not fit to be tenanted or inhabited; Unten′anted, not occupied.

Untender, un-ten′dėr, adj. not tender, not affectionate.—adv. Unten′derly.

Untendered, un-ten′dėrd, adj. not offered.

Untent, un-tent′, v.t. to bring out of a tent.—adj. Unten′ted, having no tents.

Untented, un-ten′ted, adj. (Scot.) uncared for.—adj. Unten′ty, careless.

Unterminated, un-ter′mi-nā-ted, adj. without termination.

Untether, un-teth′ėr, v.t. to release from a tether.

Unthankful, un-thank′fool, adj. not thankful.—v.t. Unthank′ (obs.), to take back one's thanks.—adj. Unthanked′, not thanked.—adv. Unthank′fully.—n. Unthank′fulness.

Unthink, un-thingk′, v.t. (Shak.) to dismiss from the mind, as a thought.—n. Unthinkabil′ity.—adj. Unthink′able, that cannot be thought.—n. Unthink′er, one who does not think.—adj. Unthink′ing, not thinking: thoughtless.—adv. Unthink′ingly.—n. Unthink′ingness.

Unthought, un-thawt′, adj. not thought (with of).—n. Unthought′fulness, thoughtlessness.

Unthread, un-thred′, v.t. to take a thread from: to loosen: to find one's way through.

Unthrifty, un-thrif′ti, adj. not thrifty: without thriftiness.—ns. Unthrift′, Unthrif′tiness—(Spens.) Unthrif′tihead.—adv. Unthrif′tily.

Unthrone, un-thrōn′, v.t. to dethrone.

Untidy, un-tī′di, adj. not tidy or neat.—adv. Untī′dily.—n. Untī′diness.

Untie, un-tī′, v.t. to loose from being tied: to unbind: to loosen.—adj. Untied′.

Until, un-til′, prep. till: to: as far as (used mostly with respect to time).—adv. till: up to the time that.

Untile, un-tīl′, v.t. to take the tiles from.

Untilled, un-tild′, adj. not tilled.—adj. Untill′able, incapable of being tilled.

Untimbered, un-tim′bėrd, adj. not provided with timber.

Untimely, un-tīm′li, adj. not timely: before the time, premature: unseasonable, ill-timed.—adv. (Shak.) before the time: prematurely, unseasonably.—n. Untime′liness.—adj. Untime′ous, untimely, unseasonable.—adv. Untime′ously.

Untin, un-tin′, v.t. to take the tin from.

Untinctured, un-tingk′tūrd, adj. not tinctured.

Untinged, un-tinjd′, adj. not tinged, not infected.

Untiring, un-tīr′ing, adj. unwearied.—adjs. Untir′able, incapable of being wearied; Untired′, not tired.—adv. Untir′ingly.

Untitled, un-tī′tld, adj. having no title.

Unto, un′tōō, prep. to.

Untoiling, un-toi′ling, adj. without toil.

Untold, un-tōld′, adj. not told or related: not counted or capable of being counted.

Untomb, un-tōōm′, v.t. to take out of the tomb.

Untongue, un-tung′, v.t. (obs.) to silence.

Untooth, un-tōōth′, v.t. to deprive of teeth.—adj. Untooth′some, unpalatable.—n. Untooth′someness.

Untormented, un-tor-men′ted, adj. not tormented.

Untorn, un-torn′, adj. not torn.

Untouched, un-tucht′, adj. not touched, not mentioned, not moved or affected emotionally.—adj. Untouch′able, incapable of being touched.

Untoward, un-tō′ard, adj. not easily guided: froward: awkward: inconvenient—also Untō′wardly.—n. Untō′wardliness.—adv. Untō′wardly.—n. Untō′wardness.

Untowered, un-tow′ėrd, adj. not having towers.

Untrace, un-trās′, v.t. to loose from traces.

Untraced, un-trāsd′, adj. not traced or tracked.—adj. Untrace′able, that cannot be traced.

Untracked, un-trakt′, adj. not tracked.

Untractable, un-trak′ta-bl, adj. not tractable, difficult, rough.—ns. Untractabil′ity, Untrac′tableness.—adv. Untrac′tably.

Untraded, un-trā′ded, adj. (Shak.) unused, uncommon, inexperienced.—adj. Untrā′ding, not accustomed.

Untrained, un-trānd′, adj. not trained or disciplined.

Untrammelled, un-tram′eld, adj. not trammelled.

Untrampled, un-tramp′ld, adj. not trod upon.

Untransferable, un-trans-fer′a-bl, adj. that cannot be transferred.

Untransformed, un-trans-formd′, adj. not transformed.

Untranslated, un-trans-lā′ted, adj. not translated from one tongue into another.—ns. Untranslātabil′ity, Untranslā′tableness.—adj. Untranslā′table.—adv. Untranslā′tably.

Untransmutable, un-trans-mū′ta-bl, adj. that cannot be transmuted.

Untransparent, un-trans-pār′ent, adj. not transparent.

Untravelled, un-trav′eld, adj. not passed over: not having learned through travel: narrow-minded.

Untread, un-tred′, v.t. (Shak.) to tread back, to retrace.

Untreasure, un-trezh′ūr, v.t. to despoil of treasure: to display or set forth.

Untreatable, un-trē′ta-bl, adj. that cannot be treated.

Untrembling, un-trem′bling, adj. not trembling.—adv. Untrem′blingly.

Untrespassing, un-tres′pas-ing, adj. not trespassing.

Untressed, un-trest′, adj. not having the hair dressed in tresses.

Untricked, un-trikt′, adj. not adorned.

Untried, un-trīd′, adj. not tried, not yet experienced, not yet having passed trial: unnoticed.

Untrifling, un-trī′fling, adj. not trifling.

Untrim, un-trim′, v.t. to deprive of trimming, to put out of order.—adj. Untrimmed′, not adorned with trimmings: not made neat by clipping, &c.—n. Untrimmed′ness.

Untrodden, un-trod′n, adj. not trodden upon, unfrequented.—Also Untrod′.

Untroubled, un-trub′ld, adj. not troubled or disturbed: not rising in waves: not turbid.—n. Untroub′ledness.

Untruced, un-trōōst′, adj. without truce.

Untrue, un-trōō′, adj. not true: false: not faithful: disloyal: not in accordance with a standard.—ns. Untrue′ness, state of being untrue; Untru′ism, something palpably untrue.—adv. Untru′ly, not truly, falsely.—n. Untruth, falsehood: a lie.—adj. Untruth′ful.—adv. Untruth′fully.—n. Untruth′fulness.

Untruss, un-trus′, v.t. to loosen or free from a truss: to unfasten, let down the breeches by undoing the points that kept them up, to undress.—adj. Untrussed′, not trussed.—n. Untruss′er (obs.), one who untrusses persons for whipping.

Untrustful, un-trust′fool, adj. not trusting: not trustworthy.—adv. Untrust′worthily.—n. Untrust′worthiness.—adjs. Untrust′worthy, not worthy of trust; Untrust′y, not trusty, not deserving trust.

Untuck, un-tuk′, v.t. to undo, as a tuck: to loose from a tuck.

Untuckered, un-tuk′ėrd, adj. not having a tucker on.

Untufted, un-tuf′ted, adj. without tufts, of scales, hairs, &c.

Untune, un-tūn′, v.t. to put out of tune: to disorder or confuse.—adj. Untū′nable, inharmonious.—n. Untū′nableness.—adv. Untū′nably.—adj. Untuned′.

Unturf, un-turf′, v.t. to strip the turf from.

Unturn, un-turn′, v.t. to turn the opposite way.—adj. Unturned′, not turned.

Untutored, un-tū′tord, adj. having had no tutor, uninstructed, raw.

Untwine, un-twīn′, v.t. to untwist: to open.—v.i. to become untwined.

Untwist, un-twist′, v.t. to open what is twisted, to unravel.—v.i. to become loosened out.—n. a twist in the opposite direction.

Ununderstandable, un-un-dėr-stan′da-bl, adj. not to be understood.

Ununiform, un-ū′ni-form, adj. not uniform.—n. Unū′niformness.

Unurged, un-urjd′, adj. not urged.

Unused, un-ūzd′, adj. not used, not accustomed.—ns. Unū′sage (obs.); Unused′ness.—adj. Unuse′ful, useless.—adv. Unuse′fully.—n. Unuse′fulness.

Unusual, un-ū′zhū-al, adj. not usual or common.—n. Unusual′ity, rarity.—adv. Unū′sually.—n. Unū′sualness.

Unutterable, un-ut′ėr-a-bl, adj. incapable of being uttered or expressed.—ns. Unutterabil′ity, Unutt′erableness.—adv. Unutt′erably.

Unvaccinated, un-vak′si-nā-ted, adj. not vaccinated.

Unvalued, un-val′ūd, adj. not valued; not yet having the value set: invaluable.—adj. Unval′uable, priceless.

Unvanquished, un-vang′kwisht, adj. not conquered.—adj. Unvanq′uishable, that cannot be conquered.

Unvaried, un-vā′rid, adj. not varied.—adjs. Unvā′riable, invariable; Unvā′rying, not varying.

Unvariegated, un-vā′ri-e-gā-ted, adj. not variegated.

Unvarnished, un-vär′nisht, adj. not varnished: not artfully embellished: plain.

Unvascular, un-vas′kū-lar, adj. non-vascular, devoid of vessels.

Unvassal, un-vas′al, v.t. to free from vassalage.

Unveil, un-vāl′, v.t. to remove a veil from: to disclose, reveal.—v.i. to become unveiled, to reveal one's self.—adv. Unveil′edly.—n. Unveil′er.

Unvenerable, un-ven′e-ra-bl, adj. not venerable.

Unvenomed, un-ven′umd, adj. not venomous.—Also Unven′omous.

Unvented, un-ven′ted, adj. not vented.

Unventilated, un-ven′ti-lā-ted, adj. not ventilated.

Unveracious, un-ve-rā′shus, adj. not veracious or truthful.—n. Unverac′ity.

Unverdant, un-ver′dant, adj. not verdant.

Unversed, un-verst′, adj. not skilled: not put in verse.

Unvexed, un-vekst′, adj. not vexed or troubled.

Unvicar, un-vik′ar, v.t. to deprive of the office of vicar.

Unviolable, un-vī′ō-la-bl, adj. not to be violated.—adj. Unvī′olāted, not violated.

Unvirtue, un-vėr′tū, n. lack of virtue.—adj. Unvir′tuous.—adv. Unvir′tuously.

Unvital, un-vī′tal, adj. not vital.

Unvitiated, un-vish′i-ā-ted, adj. not vitiated.

Unvizard, un-viz′ard, v.t. to divest of a vizard.

Unvoiced, un-voist′, adj. not spoken.

Unvoidable, un-voi′da-bl, adj. that cannot be made void.

Unvoluntary, un-vol′un-ta-ri, adj. (obs.) involuntary.

Unvoluptuous, un-vō-lupt′ū-us, adj. not voluptuous.

Unvote, un-vōt, v.t. to cancel by vote.

Unvowed, un-vowd′, adj. not vowed.

Unvoyageable, un-voi′āj-a-bl, adj. that cannot be navigated, impassable.

Unvulgar, un-vul′gar, adj. not vulgar.—v.t. Unvul′garise, to divest of vulgarity.

Unwaited, un-wā′ted, adj. not attended (with on).

Unwakeful, un-wāk′fool, adj. not waking easily, sleeping soundly.—n. Unwake′fulness.—adj. Unwāk′ened.

Unwallet, un-wol′et, v.t. to take from a wallet.

Unwandering, un-won′dėr-ing, adj. not wandering.

Unwarlike, un-wawr′līk, adj. not warlike.

Unwarm, un-wawrm′, adj. not warm.—v.i. to lose warmth.

Unwarned, un-wawrnd′, adj. not warned.—adv. Unwarn′edly.

Unwarp, un-wawrp′, v.t. to change from being warped.—adj. Unwarped′.

Unwarrantable, un-wor′an-ta-bl, adj. not warrantable or justifiable: improper.—ns. Unwarrantabil′ity, Unwarr′antableness.—adv. Unwarr′antably, in an unwarrantable manner: improperly.—adj. Unwarr′anted, without warrant or authorisation: not guaranteed as to quality, &c.—adv. Unwarr′antedly.

Unwary, un-wā′ri, adj. not wary or cautious (Spens.) unexpected.—adv. Unwā′rily, in an unwary or heedless manner.—n. Unwā′riness, the state of being unwary, careless, or heedless.

Unwashed, un-wosht′, adj. not washed, filthy: untouched by the waves.

Unwasted, un-wās′ted, adj. not wasted, not devastated.

Unwatchful, un-woch′fool, adj. not watchful.—Unwatch′fully.—n. Unwatch′fulness.

Unwater, un-waw′tėr, v.t. to free, as a mine, by pumping out the water.—adj. Unwa′tered, freed from water, not wetted or moistened: not supplied with water.

Unwavering, un-wā′vėr-ing, adj. not wavering.—adv. Unwā′veringly.

Unwayed, un-wād′, adj. not used to the road: having no roads or paths.

Unweakened, un-wēk′nd, adj. not weakened.

Unweaned, un-wēnd′, adj. not weaned.

Unwearied, un-wē′rid, adj. not tiring: indefatigable.—adj. Unwea′riable, that cannot be wearied out.—advs. Unwea′riably; Unwea′riedly.—n. Unwea′riedness.—adj. Unwea′ry, not weary.—v.t. to refresh after weariness.

Unweave, un-wēv′, v.t. to undo what is woven.

Unweb, un-web′, v.t. to undo the web of.—adj. Unwebbed′, not web-footed.

Unwed, un-wed′, adj. unmarried.

Unwedgable, un-wej′a-bl, adj. (Shak.) unable to be split with wedges.

Unweeded, un-wē′ded, adj. not weeded.

Unweeping, un-wē′ping, adj. not weeping.

Unweeting, un-wē′ting, adj. unwitting, not knowing, ignorant.—adv. Unwee′tingly, ignorantly.

Unweighed, un-wād′, adj. not weighed: not pondered: unguarded.

Unwelcome, un-wel′kum, adj. not welcome, causing grief.—v.t. to treat as unwelcome.—adv. Unwel′comely.—n. Unwel′comeness.

Unwell, un-wel′, adj. not well: not in good health.—n. Unwell′ness.

Unwept, un-wept′, adj. not mourned.

Unwhipped, un-whipt′, adj. not whipped.

Unwholesome, un-hōl′sum, adj. not wholesome: unfavourable to health: repulsive.—adv. Unwhole′somely.—n. Unwhole′someness.

Unwieldy, un-wēl′di, adj. not easily moved or handled.—adv. Unwiel′dily.—n. Unwiel′diness, the state or quality of being unwieldy: difficulty of being moved.

Unwilful, un-wil′fool, adj. not wilful.

Unwilling, un-wil′ing, adj. not willing: disinclined: reluctant.—v.t. Unwill′, to will the opposite of.—adj. Unwilled′, spontaneous.—adv. Unwill′ingly.—n. Unwill′ingness.

Unwily, un-wī′li, adj. not wily.

Unwind, un-wīnd′, v.t. to wind down or off.—v.i. to become unwound.

Unwinking, un-wing′king, adj. not winking, not ceasing to keep watch.

Unwinning, un-win′ing, adj. not winning, not conciliatory.

Unwiped, un-wīpt′, adj. not wiped.

Unwire, un-wīr, v.t. to take out the wire from.

Unwise, un-wīz′, adj. not wise: injudicious: foolish.—n. Unwis′dom, want of wisdom: ignorance: foolishness.—adv. Unwise′ly, not wisely or prudently.

Unwish, un-wish′, v.t. (Shak.) to wish not to be.—adj. Unwished′, not wished for.

Unwist, un-wist′, adj. (Spens.) not known.

Unwitch, un-wich′, v.t. to set free from the power of witchcraft.

Unwithdrawing, un-with-draw′ing, adj. not withdrawing.

Unwithered, un-with′ėrd, adj. not withered.—adj. Unwith′ering, not withering or fading.

Unwithheld, un-with-held′, adj. not withheld.

Unwithstood, un-with-stōōd′, adj. not opposed or resisted.

Unwitnessed, un-wit′nest, adj. not witnessed.

Unwittily, un-wit′i-li, adv. not wittily, without wit.

Unwitting, un-wit′ing, adj. without knowledge: ignorant.—adv. Unwitt′ingly.

Unwived, un-wīvd, adj. not having a wife.

Unwoman, un-wōōm′an, v.t. to make unwomanly.—n. Unwom′anliness.—adj. Unwom′anly, not befitting or becoming a woman.—adv. in a manner unbecoming a woman.

Unwondering, un-wun′dėr-ing, adj. not wondering.