Charities/Volume 13/Number 10/Contributors to the Slav Number
Contributors to the Slav Number.
Such a number as this is a co-operative undertaking and Charities has many to thank for voluntary contributions and editorial work. The personality of the contributors is of no little interest:
Emily Greene Balch (B. A., Bryn Mawr), associate professor of economics and sociology at Wellesley College, is devoting a two years' leave of absence to a study of the Slavs who come to America. Part of this time will be spent in the European homes of the immigrants, the rest of it in the principal colonies in this country. Miss Balch has studied under Levasseur in Paris and in the seminars of Schmoller and Wagner in Berlin, and has taken an active part in various forms of social work in Boston.
Kate Holladay Claghorn (Ph. D., Yale), at present acting registrar of the Tenement-house Department of New York city, is probably best known by her sympathetic studies of the social problems arising from immigration into the United States. Miss Claghorn made special reseaches into this subject for the Industrial Commission in 1900 and 1901, and did editorial work for the United States Census Bureau in 1902.
John R. Commons, professor of political economy in the University of Wisconsin, had charge of the special investigation of immigration carried on by the United States Industrial Commission of 1900. Professor Commons has been closely identified with the National Civic Federation, and is now associated with Professor Ely in the preparation of a history of industry in the United States. He is author of a series of articles, "Race Composition of the American People," Chautauquan, September, 1903 to May, 1904.
Joseph Elkinton, author of the entertaining book on the Doukhobors, is a minister of the Society of Friends, in Philadelphia, and has inherited from his father a sympathetic interest in all oppressed peoples. Mr. Elkinton is identified with movements for the diffusion of education, and for the promotion of international arbitration, and was a delegate to the Boston Peace Congress.
Laura B. Garrett, is a district agent of the Charity Organization Society of Baltimore whose work has familiarized her with the life and industry of the Polish quarter of that city.
Father A. Kaupas came to America from Lithuania in 1892, in consequence of having lost favor with the government. He studied theology in Detroit and has been a priest in the Seranton diocese since 1896. Father Kaupas, as priest and writer, is a leader among the Lithuanians and is especially identified with the Lithuanian Catholic Educational Society "Motinëlë," which has as its object the training of young American Lithuanians.
Owen R. Lovejoy, assistant secretary of the National Child-labor Committee, made a special study of conditions in the district affected by the anthracite coal strike two years ago, and has just completed a preliminary investigation there from the child-labor point of view. Mr. Lovejoy has been, until recently, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Mt. Vernon, and is general secretary of the New York State Conference of Religion.
Alice G. Masaryk (Ph. D., University of Prague), is the daughter of Professor Masaryk of the University of Prague, the leader of the Realistic party in Bohemia, who lectured recently at the University of Chicago. Her mother is an American. She has studied also in Berlin and Leipzig and is now making a special study of the conditions of Bohemians in America, among whom she is working as a resident of the Chicago University Settlement.
Mary E. McDowell has been for ten years head-resident of the University of Chicago Settlement in the stockyards district. Miss McDowell is a member of the faculty of the department of sociology of Chicago University, and is a leader in the Woman's Trade Union League movement. She organized the first women's labor union of the packing trades, and was a recognized influence for peace and order in the strike in Packingtown last Summer.
Louis A. Pink (St. Lawrence University), made a special study of the Magyars in New York in connection with his work in the Summer School in Philanthropic Work, in 1904.
Dr. Jane E. Robbins has had fifteen years of experience in settlement work and as a practising physician on the East Side in New York. For three years and a half, while head-worker at the Normal College Alumnæ House, Dr. Robbins lived in the heart of the Bohemian colony and had unusual opportunities for studying conditions in the cigar factories.
The Rev. Peter Roberts (Ph. D., Yale), is Welsh by birth and early education. His books show an intimate knowledge both of conditions and of people in the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania, where the Slavs are a large part of the labor force, and he was one of the most important witnesses in behalf of the miners before the Strike Commission of 1902. Mr. Roberts is a graduate of Yale Theological Seminary, is in charge of a Congressional church in the heart of the Pennsylvania coal country, and is a member of the Industrial Committee of the National Council of Congregational Churches.
P. V. Rovnianek is editor of the Slovensky Dennik, Pittsburg. During his sixteen years in this country Mr. Rovnianek has been an important influence in educating his countrymen in American citizenship and in impressing on them the value of organization, and to him is due the organization of the National Slavonic Society.
Mary Buell Sayles, at present inspector in the Tenement-house Department of New York city, made a study in 1901-2 of the housing problem in several neighborhoods of Jersey City, while holding a fellowship for the College Settlement Association.
Frank Julian Warne (Ph. D., Pennsylvania), was stationed in the anthracite coal fields, during the great strike, as staff correspondent of the Philadelphia Public Ledger. He is the author of The Slav Invasion and the Mine Workers, and of many pamphlets and articles on economic and social subjects. At present Dr. Warne is editor of The Railway World, and research fellow in economics in the University of Pennsylvania.
Walter E. Weyl (Ph. D., Pennsylvania), has done graduate work in economics in Halle, Berlin, and Paris. He has conducted investigations in Europe and in Mexico for the United States Department of Labor, the results of which are embodied in department bulletins. During the coal strike he acted as John Mitchell's economic advisor. Mr. Weyl is now a resident at the University Settlement, New York city.
This work was published in 1904 and is anonymous or pseudonymous due to unknown authorship. It is in the public domain in the United States as well as countries and areas where the copyright terms of anonymous or pseudonymous works are 120 years or less since publication.
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