Chinese Speaker (E. Morgan, 1916)/1/4/3
3. THE INSPIRING THOUGHT OF CHRISTMAS Foreign religion, though not a unity, yet is only divided into the two sects of Protestants and Catholics, whilst the origin of these two sects is identical. The Bible they use, and the Head of the Church they worship are one. It was only in aftertimes, that preachers held divergent views in their interpretation of the Bible. As their preconceptions were different, so also their interpretation was divergent, yet after all, if we consult their origin we shall find both still had the one Master, Jesus. As to the rest such as the Russian sect, and the Greek sect they also are minor branches of Christianity. Thus we see that though Western religion is not a unity, yet the heart and gaze of all are upon the one Jesus. Is this not unity in diversity? It would be difficult to treat exhaustively of the many works of Jesus for the human race, the whole of the New Testament is his biography. The dry-as-dust scholars of our China, have constantly maligned Jesus, saying that his is an unorthodox religion. This pernicious thinking must on no account be encouraged by the citizens of the Republic. Because any religion which has been able to survive thousands of years in the world,—this year is Anno Domini 1913, and received the homage of countless people, must contain some incorruptible and permanent truth. Otherwise, if these dry-as-dust old teachers for instance advocated some religion, is there any one who would worship them, may I ask; could it survive some thousands of years may I ask. This is absolutely impossible. According to the Bible, before Jesus came into the world, the God of Heaven saw that the sins of the world inhabitants were very great, which if unrepented of, would bring down the judgment of Heaven on them. Therefore God sent His Son Jesus into the world to preach. When Jesus came into the world he did not eschew any hardships, but with pain and sorrow rescued the inhabitants of the world one by one, from the depths of sin. All those who were brought under conviction, reformed their lives. Subsequently many Jews opposed Jesus, and laying hold on him, crucified him on the cross. Whereupon God, considering the sufferings of Jesus, and the reasons for them, which were that they came upon him in his work as Saviour, wiped out therefore the sin of the world. Afterwards the human race, having received the inspiration of Jesus, and knowing that Jesus gave his life to save the world, was full of boundless gratitude. Every year on the 21st of April, the day of his passion, all keep a memorial service, called the Feast of the Passion. The 25th of December again is the day of his nativity, when all observe a Merry Christmas, a feast called the Nativity of Jesus. Since the religion of foreigners is diverse, and, yet one, so whenever the day of the birth of Jesus comes round Protestants, Catholics, the Eastern and Greek Churches, scholars, farmers, artisans, tradespeople, men and women, old and young all indiscriminately, and without distinction show their worshipful love of Jesus. So it is that workmen stop their toil, shops suspend their business, schools cease their classes, officials refrain from public business, and the smoke of every manufactory and the noise of all machinery are not seen or heard. In the morning when the sun rises, all clad in fresh garments, as soon as they hear the tinkling of the church bell enter the church side by side, and one by one sit reverently, just like as though they were waiting for the descent of Jesus. Shortly when llie rolling tones of the organ are heard, all join with one voice in singing hymns. Then the sermon is preached by the pastor, and, earnest prayer is made by the congregation, until the hour of twelve when the service ends. In the evening every family has gatherings for all sorts of festivities, and relatives and friends meet in one room, and perform sacred rites. Besides these things there is yet the custom of Christmas presents. All acquaintances choose choice and beautiful articles for sending to one another. Parents also buy either toys or sweets which they put in an empty stocking and give to their children. The way they send these presents is really strange. As a rule these are prepared and put up beforehand, and on Christmas eve when the children are asleep, they place them on the bed. When the children wake next morning the parents tell them, Jesus loves you and sent you a stocking-full of presents in the night, you should always follow Him and not forget His kindness. Besides these things, there are very many charitable families, who buy loaves or cakes, or various articles of clothing and go round the village and place them at the doors of the poor people, making believe that Jesus sent them there. Again there are many people who know of the poverty of their neighbours, yet are ordinarily unable to offer help, though they desire to do so, because they are afraid to mention the matter of help. As every one possesses the spirit of independency, so when one sees a man really poor, and wishes to go to offer him help, he can't do it as he would, for fear of implying that the man lacks this spirit of independency. So nothing is to be done but just wait for Christmas, and put one's help at his door, taking care to hide one's name, and so when the poor man sees this, on opening his door, on the morrow, he is naturally moved to tears. In a word, foreigners look upon Christmas day as the most joyful day of the year. Moneyed people make merry, and penniless people make merry. But as it is hard for penniless people to make merry, so those with money share some of their own joy with them. Were all on earth to have this appearance of rejoicing, that joy indeed would be perfect. This generous and pure custom cannot find its equal with us Chinese. Not only do the common people spend this day joyfully, but the Kings and Presidents of the various countries too, summon their ministers and nobles together to a feast, and permit the people to come in, and, walk about in the palace, and, bestow much gold largess on them. There was once a Prince who not only bestowed largess on the people, but also washed their feet with his own hands, for the reason that the Bible recorded that Jesus washed the feet of the Jews ; princes must imitate Jesus and therefore act in like manner. Alack ! All men in the world from President to people none but have a birthday and a dying day, why is it that none are kept in memory by men, like that of Jesus? Yen Yuan said, "he who exerts himself will also become such as he was." Heaven in begetting men endows them with the same talents: it only needs that men exercise them. Consider the number of heroes and celebrities in ancient times, who as a rule rose from the middle classes. Emperor Shun was a farmer. And so when Jesus came into the world he was pleased to be born in the family of a carpenter. At first people looked upon Jesus as nothing but a poor child ; who would have thought that he had the power of an enthusiastic preacher, and by giving his life for men, be their Saviour, and receive their worship eternally. Therefore though we are but feeble folk, unable to do any great thing, yet we should take Jesus as an example, and help other people mightily, doing everything conscientiously. In that case though we cannot compare with Jesus, yet we shall not come to that pass in life of being hated, nor meet with men's disapprobation after death.
(三) 耶 穌聖誕 節感言 麥倫 書院學 生江澂 斧來稿 1 外國的 宗教雖 然不統 一 可是 不過分 做耶穌 天主兩 教而這 兩教的 起原還 仍舊是 同 一 2 所 用的聖 經和所 崇拜的 教主還 仍舊是 一 個 3 不過 後 來傳教 的人把 聖經上 的 精義闡 發出來 意見各 有不同 4 就是 所說的 「智 者見 之謂之 智仁者 見之謂 之仁」 5 而追溯 他們的 本原還 仍舊是 一 個老祖 師耶穌 "其 餘什麽 俄國派 和希臘 派也是 耶教的 小分支 7 所以外 國的宗 教雖然 不統一 而人人 心目中 所景仰 的不過 是一個 耶穌 8 這不是 不統一 而統一 麼 9 說到 耶穌對 於人類 所做的 事業多 的說也 說不盡 10 新 約全書 就是他 一 生 的行傳 11 我們 中圃的 老師宿 儒往往 詆毀耶 穌說他 是邪教 12 這 種腐敗 的思想 我們共 和國的 國民萬 萬不應 該發生 13 因爲 旣成了 一 種 宗教能 官一夠 存立在 世界上 幾千年 (今 年是 耶穌降 生後一 千 九百十 三年一 受幾 萬萬人 民的崇 一 拜 必定有 一 種顚撲 不破歷 刦不磨 的道理 = ^不然 譬如那 老師宿 儒要倡 一 種 教請問 一 有人 肯崇拜 他麽請 問能夠 存立幾 千年麽 是萬 萬辦不 到的事 話 一 "據 聖經 上說耶 穌降生 的以前 天上的 上帝眼 看得世 界上的 人罪惡 很多再 不改悔 一 一 定要 犯天譴 所以派 他的兒 子耶穌 到世閻 來傳道 "耶穌 到了世 間就苦 口婆心 一 不 避勞苦 把世界 上的人 一 一 從罪 惡中超 拔出來 "受他 感化的 人都改 惡爲善 ,w 到 . 了後來 有許多 猶太人 反對耶 穌把他 捉住釘 死在十 字架上 . ^於是 上 帝看見 了耶穌 的痛 苦而所 以致死 的原因 無非爲 了救世 救人因 此就把 世界上 一 切 的罪惡 一 槪免 除 M 後來 人類都 受了耶 穌的感 化又知 道耶穌 捨身救 世所以 感激的 了不得 ,- 在每 年 三月一 一十 一 日是他 受難的 一 天大 家舉行 紀念祭 禮名叫 受難節 ,"又 每 年十一 一月 編 P 一十五 日是他 降生的 一 天大 家舉行 紀念的 慶祝名 叫耶穌 聖誕節 25 外 國人的 宗教旣 已不統 一 而統 一 所 以每到 了耶穌 聖誕日 不論是 耶穌教 天主教 一 俄國教 希臘教 不論是 士農工 商男女 老少大 家都有 敬愛耶 穌的心 26 所以工 匠停了 一 工店 鋪停了 業學校 停了課 官署停 辦公事 各製造 廠的煤 烟和機 器聲也 一 齊 停止了 27 早 晨日 光初上 的時候 大家都 穿了新 衣紙要 聽得禮 拜堂裏 鐘聲響 了就聯 狭入禮 拜堂一個個端正坐著好像等候耶穌降臨的樣子 28 不一刻堂中發出悠揚莊重的琴聲大家齊聲唱讚美歌 29 再由牧師演講聖道由大家懇懇切切的禱吿直到十二點鐘纔完結 到了 晚上各 人家都 有種種 有興趣 的宴會 親戚朋 友聚在 一 堂盡天 倫的樂事 31 此外還 有送聖 誕禮物 的風俗 "凡 是相識 的人都 選揀極 精美的 東西互 相贈送 " 做 父母的 也買了 許多玩 物或食 物裝在 一 種漏空 截裏送 給小孩 ! S 種送禮 的法子 最 是奇怪 大 概都是 預先置 備好到 聖誕前 一 天的晚 上候兒 童睡了 放在兒 WW 床 上 36 明 天兒童 醒了父 母就向 他說道 耶穌愛 你所以 昨天晚 上送來 一 截禮物 你該常 常順 從耶穌 不要辜 負了他 37 此 外還 有許多 慈善家 也買了 些麵包 糕餅或 各種衣 服到各 處鄕村 上放在 窮苦人 家的門 口算是 耶穌送 給他的 38 還有許多人眼看得鄰人很窮苦平時 雖然要 想資助 恐 怕說不 出資助 的道理 39 幷且 人人都 有獨立 性如果 我看得 他窮就 自已去 資助他 反 像說他 沒有獨 立性所 以要資 助也不 能資助 "紙好 等聖誕 到了隱 着名字 把東西 放在 人家的 門口明 天那窮 人開鬥 一看自 然要感 激涕零 "總 而言之 聖誕這 一 天外 國人的 心目中 以爲是 一 年中最 快樂的 一 天 。. ^有 錢的人 要快 樂沒錢 的人也 要快樂 "可 是沒有 錢的人 要快樂 很難所 以有錢 的人就 把自已 的 快樂分 一 點給他 "使得 普天下 的人都 有歡歡 喜喜的 樣子那 纔可、 枓得完 全的快 樂 _"這 種敦厚 純樸的 風俗我 們中國 人萬萬 比不上 "那 天非 但平民 是這樣 的怏樂 各國的 國皇和 總統也 都召集 了大臣 貴族宴 會又許 小百 姓進宮 裏去游 覽重重 的用金 錢賞賜 47 從前有 一 個國王 非但賞 賜百姓 幷且親 手 替百姓 洗脚因 爲聖經 上說耶 穌曾替 猶太人 洗脚國 王要效 法耶穌 所以要 這樣做 48 咳 49 世 界上 的人上 自總統 下至百 姓誰沒 有生辰 忌日 爲什麽 不能狗 像耶穌 一 樣 受人 紀念呢 50 從前顏 淵說道 有爲者 亦若是 51 天生了人本來是 一 樣 的才力 只要自 已肯做 就是了 52 試看 古來多 少英雄 豪傑大 都是從 平常人 當中磨 鍊出來 53 舜皇 是個農夫 54 耶穌 降生也 託生於 一 個木 匠家裏 55 當初 大家以 爲耶穌 不過是 一 個窮苦的小孩子誰知他能熱心傳道 爲人捨 命竟做 了教主 永遠受 後人的 崇拜呢 56 所以我們雖微賤沒有力量做大事業也應該拿 耶穌做榜樣努 力扶助 別人處 處憑着 良心做事 57 那就 將來雖 然不能 比到耶 穌總不 至於生 前受人 厭惡死 後遭人 吨罵了