Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern/Annotated/A Christmas Carol
Wolcu̅ ȝol þu mery ma̅ in worchepe of þis holy day,
- Wolcu̅ be þu heuene kyng,
- Wolcu̅ born in on morweny̅g,
- Wolcu̅ for ho̅ we xal syng,
- Wolcu̅ ȝol.
- Wolcu̅ be ȝe stefne & Jon,
- Wolcu̅ jnnocetꝯ euꝛychon,
- Wolcu̅ thomas martꝛon,
- Wolcu̅ ȝol.
- Wolcu̅ be ȝe good newe ȝerʼ,
- Wolcu̅ twelfþe day boþᵉ in fer,
- Wolcu̅ seyntꝯ lef & der,
- Wolcu̅ ȝol.
- Wolcu̅ be ȝe candylmesse,
- Wolcu̅ be ȝe qwy̅ of blys,
- Wolcu̅ boþe to mor & lesse,
- Wolcu̅ ȝol.
- Wolcu̅ be ȝe þᵗ arn her,
- Wolcu̅ alle & mak good cher,
- Wolcu̅ alle a̅ oþꝛ ȝer,
- Wolcu̅ ȝol.