Chronicle of the Grey friars of London/Edwardus Tertius Rex
And here begynnyth the rayne of kynge Edward the third, borne at Wynsore, the yere of our Lorde 1327.
iijo. Ao. Thys yere was Roger Mortemer erle of March hangyd and drawne at Tyborne for treson.
vijo. Ao. Thys vijth yere of this kynge was the towne and castelle of Barwyke yelded up to the kynge. And in thys tyme was the order of the knyghttes of the garter made furst.
xijo. Ao. [This yere the kynge chang]ed hys armes and made a newe qwyne, as the nobylle, halfe nobylle, and ferdy[ng noble. This] yere was the battelle of Sklyice. And thys yere was gret deth of men and bestes; and wh[eat dear, for a qu]arter of whett was solde for xl s.
xivo. Ao. Thys yere was the battelle in the Slewse havyne with sheppes. And this yere the kynge . . . .
xvijo. Ao. This yere was a great yerth qwake.
xxo. Ao. This yere was the battell of Grece.[1]
xxjo. Ao. Thys yere the kinge wan Callys. And this yere the xj. day of September was the battelle of Durham, wher kyng David of Scotland was tane.
xxiijo. Ao. Thys yere was a gret pestelens in Yenglond.
xxvo. Ao. Thys yere was the Spanyche battelle abowte Romney and Wynchelsey.
xxxo. Ao. Thys yere the prince Edward toke the kynge of France, and the battell of Peyters.
xxxvo. Ao. Thys yere was the second grete pestelens. And this yere the xiiij. day of Aprill, the wyche was the monday after Ester day, the kyng beyng with hys pepulle at Paris, seyng the daye so colde and derke that moche of hys pepulle dyde, it was callyd the blacke monday. And then dyde dame Blanche duches of Lankester.
xxxvijo. Ao. Thys yere was a grete wynde on sent Maury's daye that dyd moche harme in many places. And Henry that was duke of Lankester dyde.
xlo. Ao. This yere in Januarij Adam Bury was dyschargyd of hys mayrehod by the commandment of the kyng, and John Lowken was chosyn in his rome.
xlio. Ao. Thys yere was the kynge of Spayne tane by the prince, and the erle of Dene[2] and . . aythn Claykyne[3] ware taken. And this yere was the iij. great pestelens.
xliijo. Ao. Thys yere was a grete warre in France by sir Roberte Knowlles knyght.
xliiijo. Ao. Thys yere was a grete dere yere.
xlvijo. Ao. Thys yere was one John Norwelde mercer of London slayne at Blackehethe at a wrestlynge.
ljo. Ao. Thys yere was John Mysterworth drawne and hangyd. And this yere dyde kyng Edwarde, and is burryd at Westmyster.