Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland/Additions and Corrections
Page | 4, | line | 1, | John Keppock, Just C. P., read Just K. B. |
6, | —— | 7, | Frier, read Prior. | |
10, | —— | 16, | Hawkenshaw, 2d Just C. P., read K. B. | |
29, | —— | 4, | Dowcra, read Docwra. | |
47, | —— | 16, | John Ponsonby, read George. | |
83, | —— | 16, | after 30 Oct 1496, read 12 Hen. VII. | |
88, | —— | 22, | Denham deceased, read appointed a Baron in England. | |
106, | —— | 24, | Dongan deceased, read appointed a Baron of the Exchequer. | |
109, | —— | 7, | Jeffrey, read Geffrey. | |
114, | —— | 16, | after patent, 1858, read (27 Edw. III.) | |
120, | —— | 9, | Keating read Keatinge. | |
137, | —— | 8, | after patent, 1446, read (24 Hen. VI.) | |
141, | —— | 9, | patent, 28 April, 1611. 9 Jac. I., read 1612. Jac. I. | |
155, | —— | 7, | from the bottom, after patent, 19 Jan. 1661, read(11.) | |
161, | —— | 14, | 1880, 1 Wm. IV., read 1881, 2 Wm. IV. | |
161, | —— | 20, | 6 Wm. IV., read 7 Wm. IV., and line 28, patent, 1367, read (31.) | |
161, | —— | 6, | from the bottom, after Inr. 2 Jan., read 1808. | |
209, | —— | 9, | Belyng, read Bellyng. | |
215, | —— | 8, | Carey, read Cary. | |
233, | —— | 8, | In the commission, omit Francis Abp. of Dublin. | |
269, | line | 15, | 5 Wm. IV. April 29, after Right Hon. Louis Perrin, At-Gen., read Michael O'Loghlen, Sol-Gen. | |
279, | —— | 25, | for such, read their. | |
282, | —— | 5, | or, read and. | |
283, | —— | 29, | numbers, read members. | |
284, | —— | 4, | from the bottom, prevented, read presented. | |
285, | —— | 16, | for 1604, read 11 April, 1614, and see the parliaments and councils of England, p. 264. | |
286, | —— | 14, | were, read was. | |
296, | —— | 16, | in, read with. | |
301, | —— | 4, | from the bottom, was merely, read was not merely. | |
303, | lines | 4 and 5, | read seem confirmed by this parliamentary ordeal, for such grounds properly supported, would satiate personal malignity and fix upon the culprit indelible disgrace." | |
305, | line | 25, | Ximines, read Ximenes. | |
311, | —— | 8, | was, read were. | |
315, | —— | 5, | omit,"his successor or a few of." |