Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland/Attorneys General
John de Lecestre was the King's Attorney in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer,—patent,1357,—fee, 5 marks.—Rot. Cl. 32 Edw. III. d. R. 6.
Henry Mitchell,—same.—4 May 1372, he had a liberate of 16s. 6d. a quarter's fee, due from 10 Jan. to 10 April last, and of 8s. 4d. arrears for the same time, in part payment of £l l3s. 4d., granted to him yearly, whilst he should continue in this office.—46 Edw. III. f. R. 6 and 48, f. 4, 10.
Robert Hore,—patent, 1379.—Rot. Cl. 3 Ric. II. f. R. 4.
Thomas Malalo,—Hore superseded,—patent, Cork, 15 Jan. 1381.—Pleasure.—4 Ric. II. 1a pars f. R. 10.
Robert Hemynborgh,—patent, Tristeldermot, 28 July, 1385.—Life,—with the like fees as Henry Mitchell had usually received, and power to make a deputy.—9 Ric. II. f. R. 5.
William Tynbegh,—patent, 20 Jan. 1400.—Fee, £5.—B. T. 1 Hen. IV. V pars f. No. 30.
John Barry,—patent, Westminster, 16 Feb. 1401.—Behaviour.—The King's Attorney as well in the Court of Common Pleas as in the Exchequer, with the usual fees.—2 Hen. IV. f. R. 1.
John White,—patent, 19 Oct. 1422, (1.)—B. T. 5 Hen. VI. f. No. 6, and Rot. Cl. 5 f. R. 6, 6 f. R. 3, and 14 f. R. 2.
Thomas St. Laurence,—patent, 19 August, 1532.—Pleasure.—Fee, £12.—24 Hen. VIII. f. R. 6.
Robert Dillon,—St. Laurence made a Justice of the King's Bench,—patent, August, 1535.—Pleasure.—Not inrolled.—He was continued hy King Edward VI. though his patent is not extant.—5 Edw. VI.
Barnaby Scurloke, of Bective, co. Meath,— Dillon made a Justice of the Queen's Bench,—patent, 1554.—Pleasure.—1 Mary.—Not inrolled.—A new appointment,—patent, 15 June, 1556.—Pleasure.—2 and 3 Philip and Mary, f. R. 7. Again, patent, 4 June, 1558.—Pleasure.—4 and 5 Philip and Mary, f. R. 9.—Continued hy Queen Elizaheth,—patent, 26 Jan. 1559.—Pleasure.—1 Eliz. f. R. 15.
James Barnewall, of Bymore, co. Meath,—Scurloke deceased,—patent, 3 Sept. 1559.—Pleasure.—1 Eliz.—(The Queen in recompense of his labour, diligence and attendance in the Castle chamher before the Privy Council, from time to time, as often as should be fit and necessary, granted him the annuity of £lO Irish, 17 May, 1564, from Michaelmas last, during pleasure.)—Fiant, 6.
Sir Lucas Dillon,—Barnewall deceased,—patent, 8 Nov. 1566.—Pleasure.—Fiant, 8 Eliz.
Edward Fitz Symon,—Dillon made Chief Baron,—patent, 4 June, 1570.—Pleasure.—Fiant, 12 Eliz.
John Bathe, Principal Solicitor,—Fitz Symon made Queen's Sergeant,—patent, 21 Feb. 1574.—Pleasure.—Fiant, 16 Eliz.
Thomas Snagg,—Bathe deceased,—Privy Seal, Oatlands, 13 Sept. 1577,—patent, 2 Dec. 1577.—The Queen by her said letters directed that he should have £100 English a year addition to his fee; and for his better encouragement, and supportation of his charges, to have in the pay of the army, without cheque, the wages of two horsemen and three footmen.—20 Eliz. d. R. 12.
Christopher Flemyng,—Snagg decea,sed,—patent, 9 Sept. 1580.—Behaviour.—Fiant, 22 Eliz.
Edmund Butler,—Flemyng deceased,—patent 8 August 1582.—Pleasure.—Fiant, 24 Eliz.
Charles Calthorfe,—Butler made a Justice of the Queen's Bench,—patent, 22 June 1584.—Pleasure.—Fiant, 26 Eliz.—Continued by James I.—Privy Seal, Holyrood House, 28 March,—patent, Dublin, 19 April, 1603.—Pleasure.—1 James I. 1a pars d. R. 32.
Sir John Davys, Knt., Solicitor-General,—Calthorpe made a Justice of the Common Pleas,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 19 April,—patent, 29 May, 1606.—Pleasure.—4 James I. 1a pars d. R. 2.—Same re-appointed,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 29 March,—patent, Dublin, 29 May, 1609.—Pleasure.—"Our Attorney now returning to his service there, we have thought good to accompany him with our testimony of his services performed here to our liking, as well in that which concerns the plantation of the lands in Ulster, escheated to us, as in reducing of our customs to our own hands, and otherwise concerning matters in our exchequer and revenues there, for the better ordering whereof he carries over now some directions, as you may perceive by our other letter written to you thereabouts; and because that in regard of his services we have graced him with the dignity of a Sergeant, it is conceived that his office of our Attorney, which he holds but at our pleasure, is thereby made void; for avoiding all scruple therein, we are pleased that you shall make unto him new Letters Patent of that office of our Attorney-General for that kingdom, in as ample a manner as he held it before, to hold the same during our pleasure. And for that his attendance here for so long time, as well now in this journey as about three years since, hath been no small hindrance to his profit, as well in his office as in his practice, our meaning being not that the time which is spent in our service shall hurt those which perform it in their private estates, we are pleased, for recompense thereof, to grant unto our said Attorney, and to his heirs and assigns, in fee farm of our manors, lands, rectories, tithes, chaunteries and other lands and hereditaments whatsoever, (except such as you have received heretofore from us any restraint from passing them,) so much and so many as shall amount to the clear yearly value of 1640 over and above all reprizes. Wherefore we will and require, &c., our meaning is not by this our gift to prejudice such allowances as by concordatuin he hath or is to have for his riding charges, but that the same remain to him as if he had received no such grant from us."—7 James I. 1a pars d. R. 5.
Sir William Ryves, Knt.,—Davys deceased,— patent, Westminster, 30 Oct 1619.—Pleasure.—17 James I. 2* pars d. R. 44.—The Attorney and Solicitor General only to draw fiants.—The Attorney and Solicitor-General of Ireland being always of the King's own choice and special nomination, and on whom above any other of his learned counsel, or officers of any of his courts he did, there, as well as in England, repose a more special trust, and impose a more special charge for the preservation of his revenues, possessions and tenures, and at whose hands he did chiefly expect a good account concerning the same; and to the end that they might not only the better discharge that trust and charge, but also be without all manner of excuse when he should require satisfaction at their hands, concerning the granting of any of his lands or tenements in that kingdom under the Great Seal, he should take the advice of the Attorney and Solicitor-General for the time being, or any one of them, and cause the said fiant to be viewed by one of them, and subscribed with their or one of their hands. And his Majesty did hereby explain his royal pleasure that in all directions for the causing of letters patent to be made with the advice of some of his learned counsel, his pleasure and intention thereby was that the same should be done by the advice of the Attorney and Solicitor-General, or by one of them, and not by the advice of any other of his counsel, unless upon some extraordinary occasion, or for the advancement of his service, the Chief Governor should at any time find cause to make use of their assistance in that kind.—Westminster, 15 May, 1620.—18 James I.
Sir William Ryves, Knt.—continued,—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 30 March,—patent, Duhlin, 13 April, 1625.—1 Charles I. 1a pars f. R. 5.
Richard Osbaldeston, Bencher of Gray's Inn,—Ryves made a Justice of the King's Bench,—Privy Seal, Rufford, 7 August, —patent, Dublin, 7 Dec. 1636.—Pleasure.—12 Charles I. 3a pars d. R. 51.
Thomas Tempest, Reader of Lincoln's Inn,—Osbaldeston deceased,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 20 July,—patent, 1 Oct. 1640.—Pleasure.—He was appointed at the recommendation of the Earl of Strafford, L. L.—16 Charles I. 1a pars f. R. 19, and 2a pars d. R. 14.
William Basil,—Under the usurpation,—patent, Westminster, 18 July, 1649.—Behaviour.—He is styled Attorney-General of the Commonwealth in all the Courts of Record in Ireland.—1655, 56. 2a pars f. R. 11.
Sir William Domville, Knt.,—Tempest deceased,—patent, 23 June, 1660.—Behaviour.—12 Charles II. 2a pars f. R. 31.—Continued by James II.—Privy Seal, 19 Feb.—patent, 4 March, 1685.—Pleasure.—1 James II. 2a pars f. R. 5.
Sir Richard Nagle, Knt.,—Domville removed; he was buried in St. Bride's, 14 July, 1689.—Privy Seal, 31 Dec. 1686,—patent, 15 Feb. 1687.—Pleasure.—3 James II. 1a pars f. R. 6.
Sir John Temple, Knt.,—Nagle removed,—Privy Seal, 30 Oct. 1690,—patent, 21 March, 1691.—Pleasure.—3 William and Mary, 1a pars d. R. 7.
Robert Rochfort,—Temple resigned,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 10 May,—patent, 6 June, 1695.—Pleasure.—7 William III. 2a pars f. R. 3.—Continued by Queen Anne,—Privy Seal, 18 May,—patent, 4 June, 1702.—Pleasure.—1 Anne, 2a pars d. R. 3.
Alan Brodrick,—Rochfort made Chief Baron,—Privy Seal, Kensington, l2 June,—patent, 30 June, 1707.—Pleasure.—6 Anne, 1a pars d. R. 44.
John Foster,—Brodrick appointed Chief Justice of the Queens Bench,—Privy Seal, 24 Dec. 1709,—patent, 5 Jan. 1710.—Pleasure.—8 Anne, 1a parsf. R. 66.
Sir Richard Levinoe, Bart.,—Foster removed,—Privy Seal, 4 June,—patent, 5 July, 1711.—Pleasure.—10 Anne, 2a pars d. R. 4.
George Gore,—Levinge resigned,—Privy Seal, 8 Nov.—patent, 3 Dec. 1714.—Pleasure.—1 George I. 2a pars f. R. 50.
John Rogerson,—Gore made a Justice of the Common Pleas,—Privy Seal, 14 May,—patent, 23 May, 1720.—Pleasure.—6 George I. 2a pars d. B. 5.
Thomas Marlay,—Rogerson, appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—patent, 5 May, 1727.—Pleasure.—13 George I. 3a pars d. R. 16.—Continued by George II.—Privy Seal, Kensington, 31 July,—patent, 28 Oct. 1727.—1 George II. 2a pars d. R. 21.
Robert Jocelyn,—Marlay, Chief Baron,—Privy Seal, Windsor, 29 Sept.—patent, 22 Oct. 1730.—4 George II. 3a pars f. R. 33.
John Bowes,—Jocelyn, Lord Chancellor.—Privy Seal, 3 Sept.—patent, II Sept. 1739.—13 George. II. 1a pars d. R. 18.
St. George Caulfield,—Bowes appointed Chief Baron,—Privy Seal, 23 Dec. 1741.—patent, 15 Jan. 1742.—Pleasure.—15 George II. 2a pars f. R. 8.
Warden Flood,—Caulfield appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 27 August,—patent, 2 Oct. 1751.—Pleasure.—25 George II. 2a pars f. R. 4.
Philip Tisdall,—Flood advanced to he Chief Justice of the King's Bench.—Privy Seal, 31 July,—patent, 27 August, 1760.—Pleasure.—34 Geo. 11.—Continued by George III.—Privy Seal, and Sign Manual, 19 Jan.—patent, 6 Feb. 1761.—Pleasure.—Inr. 7 Feb.—1 George III. V p. m. 13, 14, f. R. I.
1777. John Scott,—Tisdall deceased,—Privy Seal, 17 Oct.—patent, 1 Nov.—Pleasure.—18 Geo. III. 2a p. m. 16, 17. f. R. 52.
1782. Barry Yelverton,—Scott resigned,—Privy Seal, 2 July,—patent, 12 July.—Pleasure.— Inr. 12 July, 1782.—22 George III. 4a p. m. 22, 24. f. R. 70.
1783. John Fitzgibbon,—Yelverton advanced to be Chief Baron,—Privy Seal, 29 Nov.—patent, 20 Dec.—Pleasure.—Inr. 22 Dec. 1783.—24 George III. 1a p. m. 17, 18. d. R. 77.
1789. Arthur Wolfe,—Fitzgibbon, Lord Chancellor,—Privy Seal, 16 July,—patent, 12 August.—Pleasure.—Inr. 26 Sept. 1789.—29 George III. 6a p. m. 13, 15. d. R. 105.
1798. John Toler, Solicitor-General,—Wolfe promoted to be Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—Privy Seal, 26 June,—patent, 10 July.—Pleasure.—Inr. 11 July 1798.—38 George III. 4a p. 132. pag. R. 159.
1800. John Stewart,—John Toler (created Lord Norbury) appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas,—Privy Seal, 9 Dec.—patent, 22 Dec.—Inr. 23 Dec. 1800.—41 George III. 1a p. 51. pag. R. 186.
1803. Standish O'Grady,—letters patent to John Stewart revoked,—Privy Seal, 28 May,—patent, 8 June.—Pleasure.—Inr. 11 June.—43 George III. 3a p. 89. pag. R. 188.
1805. William Conyngham Plunket, Solicitor-General,—O'Grady appointed Chief Baron,—Privy Seal, 15 Oct.—patent, 23 Oct.—Pleasure.—Inr. 24 Oct.—45 George III. 2a p. 47. pag. R. 199.
1807. William Saurin,—letters patent to the Right Hon. W. C. Plunket revoked,—Privy Seal, 15 May,—patent, 21 May.—Pleasure.—Inr. 22 May.—47 George III. 3a p. 107. pag. R. 206.—Preaudience, place and precedence immediately after the Solicitor-General was granted to W. C. Plunket, in all places and upon all occasions as well in the Courts as elsewhere during pleasure.
1822. Right Hon. W. C. Plunket,—letters patent to W. Saurin revoked,—K. L. Cariton House, 15 Jan.—(Office Book, Irish Dep. Off. Westminster.)
1827. Henry Joy,—Lord Plunket appointed Ch. Just. C. P.—patent, 18 June.—8 Geo. IV.
1831. Francis Blackburne,—Joy, Ch. Baron,—patent, 11 Jan.—1 William IV.
1835. Louis Perrin,—Blackburne resigned,—patent, 29 April.—5 William IV.
1835. Michael O'Loghlen,—Perrin, Just. K. B.—patent, 31 August.—6 William IV.
1836. John Richards,—O'Loghlen appointed a Baron of the Exchequer,—patent, 10 Nov.—7 William IV.
1837. Stephen Woulfe,—Richards appointed a Baron of the Exchequer,—patent, 3 Feb.—7 William IV.
1838. Nicholas Ball,—Woulfe, Ch. Baron.—patent, 11 July.—2 Victoria.
1839. Maziere Brady,—Ball, Just. C. P.—patent, 23 Feb.—2 Victoria.