Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland/General Index to the Patents
Ady, J., page 125.
Alan, J., 16.
Alen, Sir J., 20.
Alen, J., 17, 64.
Alexander, Sir J., 128.
Allaunston, R., 14.
Alleyne, Sir J., 115.
Annaly, Earl of; see Gore.
Archbold, W., 148.
Armagh, J., Abp. of, 29.
Armagh, M., Abp. of, 36.
Ashburnham, E. de, 79.
Aston, R., 122.
Aston, W., 126.
Aungier, F., Lord, 26,63, 64.
Avonmore, Viscount; see Yelverton.
Aylmer, Sir O., 84, 124, 137.
Bagot, R., 97. 123.
Baldewyne, W., 123.
Ball, J., 199, 202.
Ball, N., 135, 171, 203.
Balscot, A., 6, 7.
Bardelly, W. de, 51.
Barnewall, B., 124.
Barnewall, C, 83, 99, 184.
Barnewall, Jas., 163.
Barnewall, Sir J.,(Lord Trimletstown,) 16, 100.
Bamewall, Sir J., 157, 195.
Bamewall, N., 115.
Bamewall, P., 55, 172.
Barrett, P., 9.
Barrington, Viscount, 72.
Barry, Sir J., (Lord Santry,) 92, 154, 187.
Barry, J., 162.
Basil, W., 92, 167.
Bathe, Sir Jas., 137, 138.
Bathe, J., 116, 163, 172, 173.
Bathe, T., 136, 148.
Bathe, W., 125.
Beckett, W., 195.
Beere, J., 186.
Beg, J., 100.
Bellyng, R., 174.
Bennett, J., 111.
Bereford, R. de, 2.
Bereford, E. de, 183.
Berkeley, W., 72.
Bermingham, J., 99, 184.
Bermingham, Patrick, 83.
Bermingham, Philip, 116.
Bermingham, W., 83.
Bernard, F., 131, 178, 189.
Bettesworth, R., 197.
Blackburne,F., 17I, 200,205.
Blakeney, J., 115.
Blennerhasset, A., 109, 189.
Blennerhasset, Sir J., 141, 152.
Blennerhasset, R., 188.
Blessington, Viscount, 37.
Boate, 6., 109, 189.
Bolton, E., 141, 176.
Bolton, Sir R., 93, 120, 128.
Booth, Sir R., 93, 120, 128.
Botheby, J. de, 3.
Botillier, T. Le, 9.
Bowes, Lord, 40, 143, 169, 179, 197.
Bowryng, T., 116.
Boyd, R., 111.
Bradstreet, Sir S., 42, 110.
Brady. M., 171, 181.
Bray, S., 82, 115, 135.
Brekdene, J., 148.
Bereton, J., 187.
Brettan, J., 146.
Brodrick, A., (Viscount Middleton,) 38, 94, 168, 177, 195.
Brodrick, W., 197.
Brown, H., 182.
Brown, R., 123.
Browne, A., 191.
Browne, J, 190, 191.
Brugge, W. de, 148.
Brun, Fromund le, 1, 2.
Buerlaoo, W. de, 2.
Burgh, H. de, 135, 145.
Burgh, W. H., 144, 190.
Burnell, H., 103.
Burnell, R., 149.
Burton, C, 50, 113, 200, 203.
Bushe, C. K., 50, 96, 181, 202.
Butler, E., 102, 164.
Butler, Sir T., 177, 195.
Bysse, J., 142.
Calthorpe, Sir C, 125, 164.
Cantoe, T., 2.
Carleton, H., Viscount, 42, 122, 180, 198, 201.
Carleton, J. de, 145.
Carter, T., 72.
Cary, T., 162.
Carysfort, J., Lord, 77.
Catelyn, N., 193.
Cavan, Ford, Earl of, 40.
Caulfield, St. G., 95, 169, 179.
Caulfield, W., 109, 189, 196.
Chamberlain, T., 112, 133.
Champflower, W., 15.
Charleville, C, Earl of, 40.
Chase, T., 13.
Chatterton, Sir J., 199, 202.
Chevyrs, W., 100.
Clare, Earl of; see Fitzgibbon.
Clay, E. del, 115.
Clayton, R., 122.
Cliffe, J., 196.
Clonmel, Earl of; see Scott, J.
Clayton, P., 149.
Cogley, P, 53.
Colton, J., 4.
Comerford, 6., 152.
Compton, Sir W., 16.
Cooke, J., 106.
Coote, T., 37, 108.
Coppinger, M., 198, 201.
Corbet, Al., 31, 142.
Cornewalshe, J., 136.
Corye, A., 186.
Coterell, R., 99.
Cottrell, W., 183.
Cowley, R., 54.
Cowley, W., 172.
Cox, Sir R., 38, 94, 120, 130.
Crampton, P. C, 113, 181.
Cranley, T., 8, 10.
Cressy, H., 106.
Cromer, G., 16.
Crookshank, A., 133.
Curran, J. P., 78, 79.
Curry, W., 203.
Curwen, H., 22, 23.
Cusake, A., 129.
Cusake, M., 151.
Cusake, R., 150.
Cusake, Sir T., 19, 21, 55, 124.
Dalton, T. 143.
Daly, D., 130.
Daly, St. O., 112, 160, 191.
Darcy, T., 54.
Dardys, B., 123.
Davys, Sir J., 164, 176.
Davys, Sir W., 93, 94, 187-
Dawson, A., 159.
Day, R., 112.
Dean, H., 15.
Deane, J., 143.
Delahyde, C, 100.
Delahyde, R., 116.
Denham, Sir J., 88, 141.
Dennis, J., (Lord Tracton,) 144, 190, 198, 200.
Dent, T. de, 114.
Dillon, Sir B., 83, 100, 137.
Dillon, Gerald, 103.
Dillon, Gerald, 188.
Dillon, Sir L., 138, 163.
Dillon, Richard, 102.
Dillon, Robert, Lord, 29.
Dillon, Robert, of Trim, 101, 117, 151, 162.
Dillon, Sir Robert, of Riverstown, 117, 125.
Dillon, T., 125.
Dixon, R,, 131, 197.
Docwra, Lord, 29.
Dogherty, J., 122, 181.
Dolben, Sir G., 130.
Domville, Sir W., 167.
Donellan, J., 119, 127, 128.
Dongan, T., 106, 155.
Donnellan, N., 37, 142, 158, 188.
Doughes, T. de, 146.
Dowdall, J., 84, 102, 125, 173.
Dowdall, R., 115, 185.
Dowdall, T., 54.
Downes, W., Lord, 48, 49, 50, 96, 111.
Doyne, R., 121, 142.
Draycott, H., 69, 161.
Dublin, Adam, Abp. of, 25.
Dublin, Charles, Abp. of, 39, 40.
Dublin, Francis, Abp. of, 37.
Dublin, John, Abp. of, 39.
Dublin, Michael, Abp. of, 36.
Dublin, Richard, Abp. of, 13.
Dublin, Robert, Abp. of, 4.
Dublin, William, Abp. of, 38.
Dublin, Abp. of, 42.
Dudley, Sir W., 15.
Duquerry, H., 199, 202.
Durninge, J., 151.
Dyke, R., 63.
Dynham, J., 13.
Echlin, Sir H., 108, 157, 158, 195.
Edwarde, R., 151.
Elliot, J., 151, 152.
Ellys, W., 177.
Ely, Viscount; see Loftus.
Everard, J., 103.
Everdon, T. de, 62.
Eustace, Sir M., 34, 67, 187.
Exeter, R. de, 113.
Farrard, H., Lord, 38, 39.
Farryngton, H. de, 149.
Fastolf, N., 97.
Finglas, P., 83, 137.
Finglas, R., 173, 185.
Finucane, M., 133.
Fitton, Sir A., (Lord Gosworth,) 36.
Fitz Adam, J., 116.
Fitz Eustace, Sir Richard, 13.
Fitz Eustace, Robert, (Lord Portlester,) 15.
FitzEustace, Sir Rowland, 15.
Fitzgerald, J., 191, 199, 201.
Fitzgerald, P., 125.
Fitzgerald, R., 189, 196.
Fitzgerald, T., 14, 15.
Fitzgibbon, J., (Earl of Clare,) 42,170.
Fitz John, W. 2.
Fitz Richard, S. 114,123
Fitz Symon, E., 61, 163, 186.
Fitzsymons Thomas. W., 11, 13.
Fitzwilliam Sir W., 22.
Flemyng, C., 64.
Fletcher, W., 134.
Flood, W. 96, 169, 170.
Folejaumbe, J., 97.
Fortescue, H, 82.
Foster, A., 144.
Foster, J., 121, 168, 178.
Foster, J. L. 161.
Fox, L., 133.
Freeman, R, 38, 142.
French, R., 132.
Frowyk, J., 2.
Filburn, W. de, 2.
Gardiner,R., 80.
George, D., 160.
Gernoun, J.,114.
Gerrad, W., 25.
Gilbert, G., 109, 143.
Gland, J. 149.
Glandore, J., Earl of, 77.
Goldhall, E., 13.
Golding, W., 150.
Goold, T., 192, 203.
Gore, G., 131, 168.
Gore J., (Earl of Annaly,) 95, 170.
Gorges,S, 129.
GrAe, B. W., 192.
Griffin, M., 137.
Griffith, R., 194.
Guillamore, Viscount; see O' Grady.
Hale, B. 143.
Hambury, H. de, 114.
Hamilton, G., 160, 201.
Harris, Sir E.,104,105.
Hart, Sir A., 50.
Hartsounge, Sir S., 157, 158.
Hawkenshawe, R., 29.
Hellen, B., 133, 180.
Hely, Sir J.,120, 142.
Hemynburgh, R. 182.
Hene, H. 142, 157, 164.
Henn, W., 110.
Hewitt, James, (Lord Lifford,) 41.
Hewitt, Joseph, 111, 199, 201.
Hilton, W., 128, 154.
Holywode, R. de, 136, 148.
Hore, R., 162.
Howth, T. (See St. Lawrence 100.)
Hunt, J., 79.
Hussey, W., 150.
Hutchinson, J. H.,190
I. and J.
Jackson, J. D., 200.
Jacobe, R. 176.
Jebb, R., 38,113, 200, 203.
Jeffryson, Sir J., 37, 130.
Inge, H., 16.
Ingleby, Sir C., 157.
Jocelyn, R., Viscount, 39, 169, 178, 197.
Johnson, R., 128, 130.
Johnson, R., 158.
Johnson, R., 133.
Johnson, W., 134, 192, 199, 202.
Jones, O., 107, 129.
Jones, T., 26.
Jones, Sir W., 26, 88.
Joy, H., 145, 171, 181, 192, 200,202.
Karlell, W. de, 146.
Keatinge, J., 120.
Keightly, T., 3a
Kelly, T., 133, 190.
Kennedy, Sir R., 154.
Keppock, J., 4, 80, 98.
Kerdiffe, N., 186.
Kerdyffe, W., 124.
Kildare, R., Earl of, 38.
Kilmallock, Viscount; see Saarsfield.
Kilwarden, Viscount; see Wolfe.
Kirkeby, J., 52.
Lanesborough, H., Earl of, 39 ,40.
L'Archer, J., 2.
Lawrence, L. de St., 15.
Lawrence, N. St., 16.
Lawrence, Sir R. de St., 15.
Lawrence, T. St., 100, 162.
Lecestre, J. de, 161.
Lefroy, T., 192, 200, 203.
Leger, Sir A. St., 26, 63.
Leger, Sir J. St., 158.
Leinster, W., Duke of, 76.
L'Enfant, W., 79.
Levinge, Sir R., 121, 168, 177, 178.
Ley, Sir J., (Earl of Marlborough,) 26, 88.
Lifford, Lord; see Hewitt.
Lill, G., 132, 179, 201.
Lindsay, R., 131.
Lloyd, J., 200.
Loftus, A., (Viscount Ely,) 26, 27.
Loftus, Sir A., 29.
Loftus, E., 186.
Longford, F., Earl of, 37.
Lowther, Gerald, 126.
Lowther, Sir Gerrard, 118, 119, 153.
Lowther, L., 153.
Lumbard, J., 99.
Luttrell, R., 1.
Luttrell, Sir T., 116, 172.
Lydington, J., 149.
Lynch, Sir H., 157.
Lyndon, J., 107, 104.
Macartney, J., 108, 109, 130.
McClelland, J., 161, 180.
McMahon, Sir W., 48, 49, 79 ,199,202.
Maiart, S., 127.
Mainwaring, Sir P., 29.
Mainweringe, R. 151.
Malalo, T., 162.
Malone, A., 189, 204.
Malone, E., 132, 198.
Malone, R., 198
Malorre, P., 98.
Manners, T., Baron, 47.
Marlay, T., 95, 143, 168, 178.
Marlborough, Earl of; see Ley.
Marshall, R., 132, 197.
Martia, P., 130.
Mayne, E., 112, 134.
Meath, Alexander, Bp. of, 8.
Meath, Arthur, Bp. of, 39.
Meath, Edward, Earl of, 37.
Meath, John, Bp. of, 39.
Meath, William, Bp. of, 40.
Meones, N., 98.
Merbury, Sir L., 9, 10, 11.
Menryn, Sir A., 187.
Metge, P., 160, 201.
Methuen, J., 37, 38.
Methwold, Sir W., 26, 141.
Middleton, Viscount; see Brodrick.
Mitchell, H., 114, 135, 161.
Molesworth, R., Viscount, 39.
Moore, A., 134, 192, 202.
Morice, J., 2.
Mortimer, Sir T. de, 80.
Mountjoy, W., Viscount, 39.
Mountney, R., 159.
Nagle, Sir R., 167.
Napper, Sir R., 138.
Nash, J. H. del, 97.
Neave, W., 188, 196.
Netterville, L., 102.
Nevile, R., 1.
Norbury, Earl of; see Toler.
Northalis, R., 7.
Norwich, R., Bp. of, 1.
Nugent, N., in, 151, 173.
Nugent, T., (Lord Riverston,) 94, 107.
Nutley, R., 109.
O'Connell, D., 205.
Oglethorpe, R., 152.
O'Grady, S., (Viscount Guillamore,) 48, 49, 50, 145, 170.
O'Loghlen, Sir M., 79, 161, 171, 181, 200, 203.
O'Neile, Sir B., 107.
Osbaldeston, R., 167.
Osbaldestone, O., 104.
Osborne, C, 112.
Osborne, J., 187, 188, 194.
Outlawe, R., 2.
Packenham, Sir T., 188, 196.
Palmer, P., 125.
Parker, J., 57.
Parnell, J., 109.
Parsons, Sir L., 153.
Parsons, Sir W., 29.
Patterson, M., 122, 179, 198, 200.
Payne, J., 64.
Pelham, Sir E., 26, 138, 140.
Pembroke, J., 148.
Penkeston, J., 99.
Penkeston, W., 99.
Pennefather, E., 181, 192, 200, 203.
Pennefather, R., 161.
Penros, J., 81.
Pepys, R., 31, 90.
Perrin, L., 113, 171, 203.
Petyt, W., 182.
Phillpott, J., 127.
Phipps, Sir C, 38.
Pigot, D. R., 182.
Plunket, A., 15.
Plunket, J., 84.
Plunket, Lord, 50, 51, 122, 170, 171,181,205.
Plunket, R., 7,81, 183.
Plunket, T., 83, 185.
Pucklington, J., 158, 159.
Poer, R.le, 114, 145.
Ponsonby, G., 46.
Porter, Sir C, 36. .
Povey, J., 93, 155.
Power, R., 159.
Preston, Sir Robert, 114, 123, 182.
Preston, Roger de, 97.
Prowde, L., 104.
Purdon, H., 197.
Pyne, Sir R., 36, 94, 120.
Ranelagh, C, Viscount, 40.
Rede, Richard, 8, 136.
Rede, Sir Richard, 20.
Rednesse, J. de, 80, 97.
Redesdale, J., Lord, 45.
Reynell, Sir R., 94, 107, 194.
Reynolds, J., 121.
Rice, Sir S., 142, 157.
Richards, J., 161, 171,181.
Rigby, R., 74.
Robinson, C, 110.
Robinson, G., 125.
Rochfort, Sir R., 36, 143, 168.
Rogerson, J., 94, 95, I6a
Rokeby, W., 15, 16.
Rose, U., 109.
Rowe, P., 82.
Russell, B., 102.
Ryves, Sir R., 36, 158, 195.
Ryves, Sir W., 106, 165, 167.
Saarsfield, Sir D., (Viscount Kilmarnock,) 104, 118.
Sambach, Sir W., 177, 194.
Sanctafide, A. de, 1.
Santhey, J., 90, 154.
Santry, Lord ; see Barry.
Saunders, M., 188, 196.
Saunders, R., 188.
Saurin, W., 170, 205.
Saxey, W., 103.
Scott, J., (Earl of Clonmel,) 42, 96, 169, 179, 191.
Scott, W., 110, 159,189.
Scurloke, B., 162.
Segrave, (or Sydegrove,) R., 136.
Segrave, Richard, 151.
Segrave, P., 151.
Shapcott, R., 177.
Sherwood, W., 15.
Shorthalls, T., 149.
Shriggeley, J., 81, 148.
Shurley, Sir G., 88, 89.
Shute, J., (Viscount Barrington,) 72.
Sibthorpe, Sir C, 104, 105.
Singleton, H., 73, 121, 189.
Skipwith, W. de, 80.
Smith, Sir E., 119.
Smith, J., 130.
Smith, Sir M., 77, 160.
Smith, Sir W. C, 160, 180.
Smyth, G., 159.
Smythes, J., 174.
Snagg, T., 163.
Somerton, E., 185.
Sothern, J., 99.
Sptfrke, W., 104.
Stanley, E., 191, 202.
Stannard, E., 189.
Staunton, J., 196.
Steele, W., 33, 34.
Stephens, Sir R., 108, 194, 195.
Stewart, Sir J., 170, 180.
Stockton, T., 107.
Sugden, Sir £. B., 51.
Sutton, R. de, 51, 52, 5%
Sutton, William, 53.
Sutton, William, 149.
Sydegrove, (or Segrare,) R., 136.
Sydgreve, R., 149.
Synterby, N. de, 123, 146.
Synterby, R., 149.
Talbot, Sir J., 13.
Talbot, Richard, 12.
Talbot, Richard, 124.
Talbot, Sir W., 71.
Tany, W., 3, 5.
Taxton, J., 15.
Taylor, T., 148.
Tempest, T., 167.
Temple, Sir J., 67,
Temple, J., 168, 177.
Temple, Sir W., 68, 70, 71.
Tennison, T., 132, 190.
Thelwall, T. de, 51.
Thornburg, W. de, 2.
Tisdall, P., 169, 179, 198.
Toler, J., (Earl of Norbury,) 48, 49, 50, 122, 170, 180, 199, 201.
Topcliffe, J., 83, 137.
Toppesfeld, F., 149.
Torrens, R., 134, 203.
Tracey, R., 108.
Tracton, Lord ; see Dennis.
Travers, P., 53.
Tuam, E., Abp. of, 38, 39.
Tullamore, C, Lord, 99.
Tullamore, J., Lord, 38, 39.
Turner, A., 129.
Turville, G., 1.
Tynbegh, W. de, 115, 136, 162.
Tyrell,J., 183.
U. and V.
Vandeleur, T. B., 113, 203.
Venham, G. de, 15.
Upton, A., 130.
Uriell, J., 136.
Utlagh, R., 2.
Wainwright, J., 159.
Walshe, N., 102, 117.
Wandesforde, C, 29, 64.
Ward, M., 109.
Welles, Sir W., 14.
Welward, W., 1.
West, R., 39.
Weston, R., 23.
Weston, Sir W., II7.
White, J., 162.
White, P., 100, 160.
Whitshed, W., 94, 121, 178.
Whyte, N., 60.
Wilbraham, R., 174.
Willes, E., 144.
Winche, Sir H., 88, 140.
Witherington, J., 196, 197.
Wodington, A., 2.
Wogan, R., 13.
Wolfe, A., (Viscount Kilwarden,) 96, 170, 180.
Wood, A., 199, 201.
Worcester, J., Earl of, 14.
Worcheley, J. de, 1.
Worth, W., 157.
Woulfe, S., 146, 171, 181, 203.
Wyche, J., 149.
Wycombe, N., 55.
Wyndham, T., Lord, 39, 121.
Yelverton, B., (Viscount Avonmore,) 144, 169.
Yonge, W., 11.
Yorke, Sir W., 40, 121, 131.