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Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland/Justices of the King's Bench

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Robert Bagot,—patent, 20 August, 1322.—Oct. 26, 1326, he had a liberate of £21 5s, 2d. being the arrears of his fee from 20 August to 1 March, 1323, viz. half a year, a week, and 2 days.—R. CL 20. Edw. II. f. R. 4.

Nicholas Fastolf,—patent, 1326.—Fee, £40.—He had a liberate of £20, half a year s fee, 24 June, 1327, due from 6 Oct. 1326 to 6 April following.—Idem, R. 2 and 7.

2d, Roger de Preston,—patent, 12 August, 1333.—Fee, 40 marks.—Styled, Justiciarius ad placita justiciarium nostrum Hibemise sequentia in 1334.—B. T. 8 Edw. III. f. No. 25.

John Hunter del Nash,—He had a liberate of £3 3s. 4d. dated at Cork, 28 August, 1344, due of his fee from 16 July to that day, viz. six weeks and two days, in full payment of his fee of 40 marks, which others had usually received in this office.—18 Edw. III. f. R. 8.

2d, Jeffrey Folejaumbe,—patent, 21 August, 1344.—Idem, R. 9.

2d, John de Rednessb,—patent, 14 June, 1352,—and so continued to 3 Nov. 1354. (28.)—B. T. 29, Edw. III. f. No. 15.

2d, Peter Malorre,—patent, 1357.—Rot. Cl. 31. Edw. III. f. R. 4.

Nicholas Meones.—As late justice ad placita he had a liberate, dated at Tristeldermot, 10 Dec. 1374, of four marks, being the arrears of 40d. a day from the 11 to 27 Sept. last, viz. for 17 days, granted by concordatum.—R. Cl. 48 Edw. III. f. R. 13.

2d, John Keppock,—patent, 1371.—Fee, £40.—March 16, 1372, he had a liberate of £40 due for his expenses from 13 July to 9 March following, viz. 240 days, at 40af. a day, pursuant to concordatum of the L. L. Wyndesore, and Privy Council.—46 Edw. III. f. R. 4.—And King Richard II. having lately been certified how much, was in arrear to him (late Justice) in the reign of Edward the Third, viz. £13 17s. 10¾d. of his fee from 22 March 1373 to 22 June 1374, (48.) being one year and a quarter, and £20 10s. 2d. of his daily wages of 40d. from said 22 June to 22 September, 1375, (49.) and £69 15s. 7d. from said 22 Sept. to 20 June 1377, (51.) of his yearly fee, and £17 8s. 7d. of his daily fee from 15 Nov. (47.) to Oct. (49.) and from 1 Nov. (49.) to 20 June (51.) £99, he had a liberate for those sums dated 6 April, 1378.—Rot. Cl. 1 Ric. II. f. R. 1.

2d, John Keppock,—patent. Trim, 3 March, 1381.—Pleasure.—With the like fees he had received in the office of Chief Justice.—24 April, 1382, he had not only a liberate of £40, being a year's fee as Chief Justice, due from 21 April, 1381, to 21 April, 1382, but also a liberate as Second Justice, and late Chief Justice, of £235 4s. 2d., due to him for his cares and expenses from 21 Jan. 1378 to said 21 April, 1382, viz. for three years and a quarter, at 3s. 4d. a day, granted by concordatum, whilst he should continue to be Chief Justice.—5 Ric. II. 2a pars f. R. 1 1 .

James Penkeston, one of the Justices ad placita,—patent, 20 May, 1382.—5 Ric. II. 1a pars f. R. 18.

John Sothern,—patent, 18 Oct. 1385.—Pleasure.—Fee, 40 marks.—9 Ric. II. f. R. 6.

Robert Coterell, one of the Justices,—patent, Tristeldermot, 10 July, 1388.—12 Ric. II. f. R. 1.

Walter Penkeston,—patent, same date as the last.—Idem.

2d, John Bermingham,—patent 13 June, 1402.—3 Hen. IV. f. R. 17.

2d, John Lumbard,—patent, 12 May, 1404.—B. T. 5 Hen. IV. 1a pars f. No. 72.

2d, Roger Hawkenshawe,—Bermingham deceased,—patent, 25 Jan. 1415.—Behaviour.—B. T. 2 Hen. V. 1a pars f. No. 80.

2d, Roger Hawkenshawe,—former patent determined,—patent, 19 Oct. 1422.—As he had held it in the reign of Henry V., fee, £20, and 20d, a day wages.—1 Hen. VI. Rot. Cl. 5 Hen. VI. f. R. 5. and B. T. f. No. 3.

2d, Christopher Barnewall,—vice Hawkenshawe, late 2d Justice,—patent, 6 April, 1434,—sworn 9, and discharged 22 March, 1435.—13 Hen. VI. f. R. 1.

William Chevyrs,—Bamewall made Chief Justice,—patent, 24 March, 1435.—Behaviour.—Sworn 30 March, with the same fees as Roger Hawkenshawe, late 2d Justice, had held the same office.—Idem. John Beo, of Drogheda, one of the Justices,—patent, 21 May, 1461.—Pleasure.—1 Edw. IV. f. R. 1.

2d, Sir John Barnewall, Knt., Lord of Trimletstown,—patent, 2 June 1513.—Pleasure.—Fee, 40 marks Irish.—The salary of 40 marks was to he paid to him as follows, viz. £10 out of the manor of Newcastle, near Lyons, and the other 25 marks out of the forfeitures, felons goods, outlaws, fugitives, &c., in the counties of Dublin, Meath, and Louth.—5 Hen. VIII. f. R. 1.

2d, Sir Bartholomew Dillon, Knt.

2d, Christopher Delahyde,—Dillon resigned,—patent, 1527.—19 Hen. VIII.

Patrick White,—Delahyde removed,—patent, 26 Jan. 1535.—Fee, 40 marks Irish, out of the issues and profits of the fee farm of Drogheda, as Sir B. Dillon enjoyed the same.—26 Hen. VIII. fac. R. 10.

2d, Thomas St. Laurence, alias diet. Thomas Howth,—as Dillon held it,—patent, 12 August, 1535.—27 Hen. VIII. R. 13.— Continued, Privy Seal, Westminster, 24 March, 1547.—Fee, £30 English.—1 Edw. VI. 1a pars d. R. 11.—Continued,—patent, 20 Nov. 1553.—1 Mary 1a pars f. R. 13.

2d, Robert Dillon,—St Laurence deceased,—patent, 17 Jan. 1554, by the Lord Deputy.—The Queen, by letters patent from Westminster, dated 18 Feb. following, approved of his promotion, and directed that he should be confirmed therein, by patent as follows; "Whereas by your letters of the 4 of this instant, addressed to the lords of our Privy Council, you have recommended one Robert Dillon as a man meet in your judgment, for his sobriety and learning in the law, to succeed T. Howth, deceased, in the office of the 2d Justice of our Court of Chief Place there, whereunto (they write) you have already admitted him, desiring our confirmation of the same; we are therewith not only right well contented, but also do further signify unto you, that these our letters shall be your sufficient warrant, as well for the ensealing of his letters patent of the said office, with the accustomed fees and profits, under our Great Seal of that our realm of Ireland, as also for his admission by you into the number and fellowship of our council there. Given under our Signet, at our Palace of Westminster, 18 Feb., the first year of our reign."—Accordingly, his patent passed, 16 April, 1554.—1 Mary, 1a pars f. R. 13, 21.

2d, Robert Dillon, of Newton de Trim,—continued,—patent, 9 Jan. 1559.—Pleasure.—Fee, £30 English.—1 Eliz. fac. R. 15.

2d, Luke Nettervill, of Dowth, co. of Meath,—Dillon made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas,—patent, 19 Oct. 1559.—Fee, £30 Irish.—Idem, R. 15.

2d, Richard Dillon, of Prowtestown, co. of Meath,—vice Nettervill,—patent, 29 Oct. 1560.—2 Eliz. fac. R. 10.

3d, Bartholomew Russell,—patent, 10 Dec. 1566.—Same fees as any Justice received for 30 years past.—9 Eliz. fac. R. 1.

2d, James Dowdall, of Knocke,—Dillon deceased,—patent, 15 April, 1565.—Fiant 7.

2d, A new appointment of same,—patent, 26 Nov. 1577.—Fiant, 20 Eliz.

3d, Bartholomew Russell, now styled of Swords,—a new appointment,—patent, 26 .May, 1583.—Fiant, 25 Eliz.

2d, Edmund Butler, Attorney-General,—Dowdall made Chief Justice,—patent, 20 Sept. 1583.—Pleasure.—Fiant, 25 Eliz.

2d, Nicholas Walshe, Chief Justice of Munster,—Butler deceased,—patent, 8 Feb. 1584.—Pleasure.—Fiant, 27. d. 26 Eliz.—By letters under the Privy Signet, dated at Theobald's, 5 August, 1587, the Queen writes, "Nicholas Walshe having been here in this realm about such suits and causes as concerned his private estate, and now departs hence into that realm with our good favour, for that we are not ignorant how long and how faithfully he hath served us as our

Chief Justice of Munster, and now likewise in the Second Justiceship of our Bench at Dublin, we have thought good to let you understand, that we do not only allow and accept in very good part, his said service, hut moreover, for the good opinion we hold of his great discretion, wisdom, and fidelity, that we think him meet to be one of our Privy Council in that realm; and therefore do will and command you, immediately upon the receipt hereof, accordingly to admit and swear him one of the said council."—29 Eliz. d. R. 29.

3d, Henry Burnell,—Russell deceased,vpatent, 15 Oct. 1590.—For one term, "to hold pro hoc termino Sancti Michaelis Archangeli tantum." Fiant, 32 Eliz.

3d, Gerald Dillon,—Russell deceased,—patent, 26 Nov. 1590,—pleasure.—Fiant, 33 Eliz.

2d, William Saxey,vChief Justice of Munster,—Walshe made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas,—patent, 16 July, 1599,—pleasure.—41 Eliz. fac. R, 24.

2d, John Everard,—Saxey deceased,—patent, 10 May 1602,—pleasure.—"This patent was given free, in respect that he is a principal Judge, according to ancient custom."—Fiant, 44 Eliz.

2d, John Everard,—continued,—patent, 20 April 1603,—pleasure.—1 James I. 1as pars d. R. 37.

3d, Gerald Dillon,—continued,—patent, 7 May 1603,—pleasure.—Idem, R. 31.

3d, Lewis Prowde,—Dillon deceased,—patent, 13 Dec. 1604,—pleasure.—Fiant, 2 James I.

3d, Geffrey Osbaldestone,—Prowde deceased,—patent, 7 June, 1605,—pleasure.—3 James I. 1a pars f. R. 4.

3d, Sir Dominick Saarsfield, Knt.,—Everard deceased,—patent, 11 Feb. 1607,—pleasure.—4 James I. 1a pars f. R. 44.

3d, Christopher Sibthorpe,—Osbaldestone made Chief Justice of Connaught,—patent, 11 May 1607,—pleasure.—5 James I. 2a pars f. R. 10.

2d, Sir Dominick Saarsfield, Knt,—as Osbaldestone held it, late Second Justice,—patent, 12 July 1609,—pleasure. — 7 James I. 1a pars f. R. 30.

William Sparke,—patent, Nov. 1610,—pleasure,—not inrolled.—Mr. Sparke was made a fourth or additional Judge by the King's Letters from Kerby in order to ride the circuits, and avoid the protraction of suits, and to be second Justice when Saarsfield should be made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.—8 James I.

William Sparke,—Privy Seal, Kerby,—patent, Dublin, 20 Oct. 1615,—pleasure,—fee £150 English.—The Solicitor-General says in the fiant, that this patent passed to Mr. Justice Sparke upon the surrender of former Letters Patent passed unto him of the said office.—13 James I. 2a pars d. R. 12.

3d, Sir Edward Harris, Knt., Chief Justice of Munster,—Sparke deceased,—patent, 27 Oct. 1623, by the Lord Deputy,—pleasure.—Sir Edward Harris being thus appointed by the Lord Deputy Falkland, the King, by letters from Westminster, 11 Dec. 1623, thus wrote to the Lord Deputy.—"Albeit, it appears that we have not given you power by our commission to bestow offices of that kind, but have reserved the same to be disposed by our special warrant, and therefore do command you, and those that shall succeed in that government, to forbear the like courses hereafter, which cannot be sufficiently grounded upon precedents or acts done by others, contrary to our intention expressed in our commission; nevertheless, to preserve you from disgrace in this particular, being our Deputy in the great Government of that our kingdom, and because the person whom you have nominated is recommended by you for his learning, integrity, and sufficiency, to be very fit for that charge, we are pleased for this time graciously to permit his continuance in the same, requiring you, upon the resumption and cancelling the former patent made by you, and a vacat of the record thereof, to cause our letters patent to him of the said place," Sec. Accordingly, he surrendered his former patent the 26, and a new one passed the Seal 28 Jan. 1624.—Fee, £150 English.—21 James I. 2a pars d. R. 3, 6.

2d, Sir Christopher Sibthorpe, Knt.,—continued,—patent, 16 April, 1625,—fee, £l50 English,—pleasure.—1 Charles I. 1* pars f. R. 24.

3d, Sir Edward Harris, Knt.,—continued,— patent 16 April, 1625,—pleasure,—fee, £l50 English.—Idem, R. 23.

3d, Hugh Cressy,—Sibthorpe deceased,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 13 March,—patent, Dublin, 21 June 1633,—pleasure,—fee, £200 Irish.—9 Charies I. 1a pars d. R. 6, 7.—Privy Signet for Mr. Cressy to have the arrears and robe money from Sibthorpe's death, Westminster, 12 April, 1634.—10 Charles L 2a pars f. R. 25.

3d, Sir William Ryves, Knt., Attorney-General,—Harris deceased, 4 April, 1636,—Privy Seal, Rufford Abbey, 7 August, —patent, Dublin, 6 Dec. 1636,—pleasure.—12 Charles I. 3a pars d. R. 51. Upon the decease of Judge Cressy, Thomas Bavand was appointed to succeed him, by his Majesty's Letters dated in April, 1643, but never had any formal grant thereof, dying soon after; upon whose death was appointed Thomas Dongan.—19, 24 Charles I. f. R. 2.

2d, Thomas Dongan,—Cressy deceased,—Privy Seal, Oxford, 13 May, 1644,—pleasure.—Not inrolled; to hold from the time of Judge Cressy's death.

John Cooke,—under theusurpation,—patent, 1659,—pleasure.—Robinson's Mss.

2d, Sir William Aston, Knt.,—Dongan deceased,—Privy Seal, 3 Nov. 1660,—patent, Dublin, 19 Jan. 1661,—pleasure,—fee £300. The King writes that he appointed him in consideration of his singular honesty, ability, and integrity, his early and ready apperance for the King, and loyalty to his Majesty.—12 Charles II. 2a pars d. R. 29.

3d, Thomas Stockton, of Kiddington, co. of Chester,—Ryves deceased,—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 23 Nov. 1660,—patent, 19 Jan. 1661,—pleasure,—fee, £300. Having suffered much in his person and fortune for his fidelity and allegiance to King Charles I.—12 Charles II. 1a pars d. R. 35.

2d, Oliver Jones, 3d Justice of the Common Pleas,—Aston deceased,—Privy Seal, 19 Feb.,—patent, 11 April 1672,—pleasure.—24 Charies 11. 2a pars d. R. 24.

2d, John Lyndon, Sergeant at Law,—Jones deceased,—Privy Seal, 22 Dec. 1682,—patent, 20 Jan. 1683.—34 Charles II. 2a pars d. R. 2.—Continued,—Privy Seal, 19 Feb.—patent, 4 March 1685,—pleasure.—Harr. 1 James II. 3a pars d. R. 5.

3d, Sir Richard Reynell, Bart.,—Stockton deceased,—Privy Seal, 19 Feb.,—patent, 4 March 1685,—pleasure.—1 James II. 2a pars d. R. 7.

3d, Thomas Nugent, King's Counsel,—Reynell removed,—Privy Seal, 22 March,—patent, Dublin 23 April, 1686,—pleasure. — 2 James II. 3a pars d. R. 14.

3d, Sir Bryan O'Neile, Bart.,—Nugent made Chief Justice,vPrivy Seal, 16 Jan.—patent, 26 Jan. 1687,—pleasure.—2 James II. 2a pars d. R. 34.

2d, John Lyndon,—continued,—Privy Seal, 5 Oct.,—patent, Dublin, 20 Oct. 1690,—pleasure.—2 William and Mary, 1a pars d. R. 13.

3d, Sir Richard Stephens, Knt.,—O'Neile removed,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 3 Nov. 1690,—patent, 3 Dec. 1690.—Pleasure.—2 William and Mary, 1a pars f. R. 15.

3d, Sir Henry Echlin, Bart., Baron of the Exchequer,—Stephens deceased,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 3 March,—patent, 18 March, 1692.—Pleasure.—4 William and Mary, 1a pars d. R. 20.

3d, Thomas Coote,—Echlin made a Baron of the Exchequer,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 22 March,—patent, 8 April, 1693.—Pleasure.—5 William and Mary, 1a pars d. R. 53.

2d, Robert Tracey,—Lyndon deceased,—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 11 July,—patent, Dublin, 3 Oct. 1699.—Pleasure.—11 William III. 3a pars f. R. 35.

2d, James Macartney,—Tracey made a Baron of the Exchequer in England, he surrendered 13 Nov, 1700.—Privy Seal, Hampton Court, 2 May,—patent, 29 May, 1701.—Pleasure.v13 William III. 2a pars d. R. 32.—Continued,—Privy Seal,St. James's, 21 May,—patent, 18 June, 1702.—Pleasure.—1 Anne, 3a pars d. R. 43.

3d, Thomas Coote,—continued,—Privy Seal, same date,—patent same date.—Pleasure.—1 Anne, 2a pars d. R. 10.

2d, Richard Nutley,—Macartney removed,—Privy Seal, 4 June,—patent, 28 July, 1711.—Pleasure.—10 Anne, 2a pars d. R. 18.

2d, James Macartney,—Nutley removed,—Privy Seal, 30 Sept.—patent, Dublin, 14 Oct. 1714.—Pleasure.—1 George I. 1a pars d. R. 23.

2d, Jeffrey Gilbert,—Macartney removed to the Common Pleas,—Privy Seal, 8 Nov. 1714,—patent, 4 Feb. 1715.—Pleasure.—Idem, R. 52.

3d, William Caulfield,—Coote removed,—Privy Seal, 20 May,—patent, 3 June, 1715.—Pleasure.—1 George I. 1a pars f. R. 19.

2d, Godfrey Boate, Prime Sergeant,—Gilbert made Chief Baron of the Exchequer,—Privy Seal, 26 May,—patent, 23 June, 1716.—Pleasure.—2 George I. 2a pars d. R. 41.

2d, John Parnell,—Boate deceased,—Privy Seal, 19 May,—patent, 29 May, 1722.—Pleasure.—8 George I. 2a pars f. R. 23.

William Caulfield,—continued,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 31 July,—patent, 1 Nov. 1727.—Pleasure.—1 George II. 2a pars f. R. 26.

Michael Ward,—Parnell deceased, 2 July, 1727,—Privy Seal, 30 Oct.,—patent, 29 Nov. 1727.—Pleasure.—Idem, R. 45. Henry Rose,—Caulfield resigned,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 22 July,—patent, 5 August, 1734.—Pleasure.—8 George II. 1a pars d. R. 28.

Arthur Blenerhasset, Prime Sergeant,—Rose deceased,—Privy Seal, 25 April,—patent, Dublin; 5 May, 1743.—Pleasure.—16 George II. 3a pars d. R. 29.

Christopher Robinson, King's Counsel,—Blanehasset deceased,—Privy Seal, 16 Jan.—patent, 25 Jan. 1758.—31 George II. 3a pars f. R. 8.

William Scott, Prime Sergeant,—Ward deceased,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 26 June,—patent, 6 July, 1759.—Pleasure.—33 George II. 1a pars d. R. 6.—Warrant to the Auditor-General to place on the Civil Establishment a term fee of £10 for the elder, or Second Justice, in pursuance of his Majesty's letter, dated 29 March, 1760.—Civil Affairs Book, page 102, vol. ii.

1761. Christopher Robinson,—former patent determined,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 19 Jan.—patent, 6 Feb. 1761.—Pleasure.—Inr. 7 Feb.—1 George III. 1a pars m. 18. f. R. 1.

1761. William Scott,—former patent determined,—Privy Seal, 19 Jan.—patent, 17 Feb.—Pleasure.—Inr. 23 Feb. 1761.—1 George III. 1a p. m. 2, 3. d. R. 1.

1768. William Henn,—patent to W. Scott revoked,—Privy Seal, 12 July,—patent, 1 August.—Pleasure.—Inr. 2 Sept. 1768.—8 George III. 2a p. m. 43. d. R. 22.

1784. Sir Samuel Bradstreet, Bart., Recorder of Dublin,—Privy Seal, 12 Dec. 1783,—patent, 13 Jan. 1784.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 15 Jan. He was appointed fourth Justice in addition to the three Justices heretofore appointed.—24 George III. 1a p. m. 50. d. R. 77.

1787. John Bennett,—Christopher Rohinson deceased,—Privy Seal, 1 May,—patent, 10 May.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 11 May, 1787.—27 George III. 2a p. m. 36, 37. f. R. 95.

1791. Robert Boyd,—Sir Samuel Bradstreet deceased,—Privy Seal, 10 June,—patent, 27 June.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 30 June, 1791.—31 George III. 3a p. 41, 42. pag. R. 114.—Vacatur, 28 Feb. 1798.—Grant of £1,600 per annum for life, without deduction for poundage or pells, St. James's, 23 Nov., Dublin, 17 Dec. 1798.—Inr. 3 Jan. 1799.—39 George III. 1a p. 55. pag. R. 162, and 41. 2a p. 16. pag. R. 175.

1791. Joseph Hewitt, Second Sergeant at Law,—Letters Patent to William Henn, surrendered,—Privy Seal 6 July, — patent, 27 July.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 27 July, 1791.—A pension of £1,200 per annum was granted to William Henn, upon surrendering the above office; the pension to him and his assigns for the term of his natural life.—Privy Seal, 22 July,—patent, 4 August.—Life.—Inr. 5 August, 1791.—31 George III. 4a p. 43, 45. pag. R. 115.

1792. William Downes,—John Bennett deceased,—Privy Seal, 14 Feb.—patent, 12 March.—Good behaviour.—32 George III. 2a p. 40. pag. R. 117.

1794. Tankerville Chamberlain,—Joseph Hewitt deceased,—Privy Seal, 27 May,—patent, 20 June.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 21 June, 1794.—34 George III. 5a p. 55, pag. R. 128.

1798. Robert Day,—Letters Patent to Robert Boyd, surrendered,—Privy Seal, 12 Feb.—patent, 28 Feb.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 28 Feb. 1798.—38 George III. 3a p. 60. pag. R. 158.

1802. Charles Osborne,—Tankerville Chamberlain deceased,—Privy Seal, 5 July,—patent, 20 July.—"Good behaviour.—Inr. 26 July, 1802.—42 George III. 4a p. 188. pag. R. 171.—Kings Letter, 44. 1a p. 134. pag. R. 192.

1803. St. George Daly, late Baron of the Exchequer,—Right Hon. W. Downes promoted to be Chief Justice,—Privy Seal, 22 Oct.,—patent, 3 Nov.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 8 Nov.—44 George III. 2a p. 49. pag. R. 193.—King's Letter, 44. 1a p. 233. pag. R. 192.

1817. Edward Mayne,—Charles Osborne deceased,—Prince Regent's Letter, Carlton House, 10 Oct.,—patent, 24 Oct.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 28 Oct—Annuity of £2,600 for life, to commence from the 1st December, 1818, the day on which he resigned his office of Justice of the King's Bench,—(P. R. L. Carlton House, 18 Nov.,)—to be charged on the consolidated fund, in the manner directed by the Acts of the fortieth and fifty-fourth of the King, enabling his Majesty to grant annuities to Judges and certain other law officers, on retiring from office.—Inr. 15 Jan. 1819.

1818. Richard Jebb, Second Sergeant at Law,—Letters patent to Robert Day surrendered,—P. R. L.,Carlton House, 12 Nov. 1818,—patent, 1 Dec.—Good behaviour.—Inr. same day.—59 George III.—Annuity for life of £2,600 to the Hon. Justice Day on retiring.—K. L., 18 Nov.—(King's Letter Book, Irish Department, office, Westminster.)

1820. Charles Burton,—Edward Mayne resigned, King's Letter, 21 Nov.—patent 2 Dec.—1 George IV.—K. L. B. as above.

1822. T. B. Vandeleur, third Sergeant,—St. George Daly resigned.—King's Letter, 20 Febr.—patent 4 March.—Annuity for life of £2,600 to the Hon. St. George Daly on retiring, 6 March.—K. L. B. as above.

1834. Right Hon. Philip Cecil Crampton, Sol.-Gen.—R. Jebb deceased,—patent 21 Oct.—5 Will. IV.

1835. Right Hon. Louis Perrin, At.-Gen.—T. B. Vandeleur deceased,—patent, 31 August.