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Climatic Cycles and Tree-Growth/Bibliography

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3755948Climatic Cycles and Tree-Growth — BibliographyAndrew Ellicott Douglass


Abbe, Cleveland. 1905. First report on relation between climate and crops. Bull. U. S. Weather Bureau 36.

Abbot, C. F. 1902. The relation of the sunspot cycle to meteorology. Mon. Wea. Rev. 1902, April: 179.

——. 1911. The sun.

——. 1913. Annals of astrophysical observatory of the Smithsonian Institution.

——. 19132. The variation of the sun. Astroph. Jour. 38: 181, September 1913.

——. 1918. On periodicity in solar variation. Smith. Misc. Coll. 69: No. 6, June 1918.

Anqot, Alfred. 1903. The simultaneous variations of the sunspots and terrestrial atmospheric temperatures. Ann. Soc, Met. France, June 1903. Transl. Mon. Wea. Rev., August 1903: 371.

Antevs, Ernst. 1917. Die Jahresringe der Holzgewächse und die Bedeutung deraelben als klimatischer Indikator. Progressus Rei Botanicae, Fünfter Band.

Arctowski, H. 1909. L'Enchatnement des variations climatique. Soc. Belg. Astron. 1909.

——. 1912. Studies on climates and crops; corn crops in the United States. Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc, Vol. XLIX: 745–760. October 1912.

——. 1913. On some climatic changes recorded in New York City. Studies on climates and crops. Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc, Vol. XLV: 117–131. February 1913.

——. 1914. About climatic variations. Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXXVII: 305–315, April 1914.

——. 19142. A study of the changes in the distribution of temperature in Europe and North America during the years 1900–1909. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. XXIV: 39–113.

——. 1915. On storm frequency changes in the United States. Mon. Wea. Rev., August 1915, 43: 379–389.

——. 19152. Notices sur quelques relations numériques entre facules et taches solaires. Mem. Soc. Spett. italiani, Vol. IV, Serie 2, 1915: 181–184.

——. 19153. Recherches sur les variations du rapport entre facules et taches solaires. Mem. Soc Spett. italiani, Vol. IV, Serie 2, 1915: 185–190.

——. 19154. Sur les facules solaires. Comptes Rendus, t. 161, page 434, séance du octobre 1915.

——. 19155. Sur les variations du rapport entre facules et taches solaires. Comptes Rendus, t. 161, page 485, séance du 26 octobre 1915.

——. 1916. Les variations de la latitude héliographique moyenne des taches solaires. Comptes Rendus, t. 162, page 501, séance du 3 avril 1916.

——. 19162. De l'influence de la terre sur la frèquence et la latitude héliographique moyenne des taches solaires. Comptes Rendus, t. 162, page 593, séance du 17 avril 1916.

Bakke, A. L. 1913. The effect of smoke and gases on vegetation. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. XX: 169–188.

Bigelow, F. H. 1903. Studies on the circulation of the atmospheres of the sun and the earth—II. Synchronism of the variations of the solar prominences with the terrestrial barometric pressures and the temperature. Mon. Wea. Rev., November 1903, Vol. 31: 509.

——. 19032. Studies of the circulation of the atmospheres of the sun and earth—V. The variable action of the sun and its effect on terrestrial weather conditions. U. S. Weather Bureau.

——. 1909. Important problems in climatology. Mon. Wea. Rev., 1909, 37: 979–982.

——. 1910. Studies on the general circulation of the earth's atmosphere. Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXIX, April 1910: 277–292.

——. 19102. The circulations of the atmospheres of the earth and of the sun. Pop. Sci. Monthly, May 1910: 437–461.

——. 19103. The inversion of temperature amplitudes and departures in the United States. Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXX, August 1910: 115–127.

Bogue, E. E. 1905. Annual rings of tree-growth. Mon. Wea. Rev., 33: 250. June 1905.

Brückner, E. 1890. Klima-Schwankungen seit 1700. Wien, 1890.

Buchan, A. 1903. The rainfall of Scotland in relation to sunspots. Jour. Scot. Met. Soc, 12: 117. 1903.

Carpenter, F. A. 1914. Clouds of California. Los Angeles. U. S. Weather Bureau Office, 1914.

Clayton, H. H. 1884–85. A lately discovered cycle. Amer. Met. Jour., I, 130, 528.

——. 1915. A study of the moving waves of weather in South America. Quart. Jour. Roy. Met. Soc., Vol. XLI, No. 175, July 1915: 202–208.

Clements, Frederic E. 1916. Plant succession: An analysis of the development of vegetation. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 242.

Clevenger, J. F. 1913. The effect of soot in smoke on vegetation. Mellon Institute of Industrial Research and School of Specific Industries. Smoke Investigation Bull. No. 7.

Clough, H. W. 1905. Synchronous variations in solar and terrestrial phenomena. Astroph. Jour., 22: 42-75. July 1905.

Cortie, A. L. 1913. The mode of propagation of the sun's influence in magnetic storms. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc, 73: 539. May 1913.

Douglass, A. E. 1909. Weather cycles in the growth of big trees. Mon. Wea. Rev., une 1909: 225-237.

——. 1914. Method of estimating rainfall by the growth of trees. Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc., Vol. XLVI: 321-335, May 1914.

——. 19142. A photographic periodogram of the sunspot numbers. Astroph. Jour., Vol. XL, No. 3; 326-331, October 1914.

——. 19143. A method of estimating rainfall by the growth of trees. The climatic factor as illustrated in arid America, by E. Huntington. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 192, Chapter XI: 101-121.

——. 1915. An optical periodograph. Astroph. Jour., Vol. XLI, No. 3: 173-186. April 1915.

——. 19152. The Callendar sunshine recorder and some of the world-wide problems to which this instrument can be applied. Proc. 2d Pan-Amer. Sci. Cong., Sec. II: 570-579.

——. 1917. Climatic records in the trunks of trees. Amer. Forestry, December 1917: 732-735.

Evershed, John, Thomas Royds, and S. Sitarama Ayyer. 1912. On the relative numbers of prominences observed on the eastern and western limbs. Kodaikanal Bull. 28: 509-516. 1912.

——. 1913. The apparent effect of planets on the distribution of prominences. Kodaikanal Bull. 35:37-43. 1913.

Gibb, David. 1914. The periodogram analysis of the variations of SS Cygni. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc, 74: 678. June 1914.

Greely, A. W. 1891. Irrigation and water storage in the arid regions. Report of the Chief Signal Officer to the House of Representatives.

Hale, G. E. 1908. Solar Vortices. Astroph. Jour., 28: 100, reprinted in Cont. Mt. Wilson Sol. Obs. No. 26.

——. 19082. The study of stellar evolution. The University of Chicago Press.

——. 19083. On the probable existence of a magnetic field in sunspots. Astroph. Jour., 28: 363.

——. 1913. Preliminary researches of an attempt to detect the general magnetic field of the sun. Astroph. Jour., 38, July 1913, reprinted in Cont. Mt. Wilson Sol. Obs. No. 71.

——. and Ferdinand Ellerman, S. B. Nicholson, and A. H. Joy. 1919. The magnetic polarity of sunspots. Astroph. Jour., 49: 153, April 1919.

Hann, J. 1902. Die Schwankungen der Niederschlagsmengen in grosseren Zeiträumen.

Hellmann, G. 1906. Die Niederschläge in den norddeutschen Stromgebieten.

Herbette, F. 1914. Le problème du desséchement de I'Asie intérieure. Annales Géographie, 15 janvier 1914: 1-30.

Humphreys, W. J. 1910. Solar disturbances and terrestrial temperatures. Astroph. Jour., 32: 97.

Huntington, E. 1905. Explorations in Turkestan, by Raphael Pumpelly. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 26.

——. 1911. Palestine and its transformation.

——. 1912. The secret of the big trees. Harpers, July 1912: 292-302.

——. 1914. The climatic factor as illustrated in arid America. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 192.

——. 1918. The evolution of the earth and its inhabitants. Climate and the evolution of civilization. Yale University Press.

Kapteyn, J. C. 1916. Tree-growth and meteorological factors.

Kimball, H. H. 1908. Pyroheliometer and polarimeter observations. Bull. Mt. Weather Obsv., Vol. I, 2-4; Vol. II, 2.

——. 1910. Solar radiation, atmospheric absorption, and sky polarization at Washington, D. C. Bull. Mt. Weather Obsv., Vol. III, 2.

——. 1912. The dense haze of June 10-11, 1912. Bull. Mt. Weather Obsv., Vol. V, part 3: 161-165.

——, and Miller, E. R. 19122. The influence of clouds on the distribution of solar radiation. Bull. Mt. Weather Obsv., Vol. V, part 3: 166-183.

——. 1913. The meteorological aspect of the smoke problem. Mellon Institute of Industrial Research and School of Specific Industries. Smoke Investigation Bull. No. 5.

——. 1914. The relation between solar radiation intensities and the temperature of the air in the northern hemisphere in 1912-13. BuU.Mt. Weather Obsv., Vol. VI, part 5: 205-220.

Kimura, H. 1913. On the harmonic analysis of sunspot relative numbers. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc, 73: 543, May 1913. {[nop}} Livingston, G. J. 1909. An annotated bibliography of evaporation. Mon. Wea. Rev., June, September, November, 1908; February, March, April, May, June, 1909.

Lockyer, W. J. S. 1902. On some phenomena which suggest a short period of solar and meteorological changes. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 70: 500–503.

——. 1905. The flow of the river Thames in relation to British pressure and rainfall changes. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 76: 494–506. 1905.

——. 1906. Barometric pressures of long duration over large areas. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 78: 43–60. 1906.

——. 19062. Some world weather problems. Science Progress No. 2, October 1906.

——. 1908. Monthly rainfall averages for 37 stations. Solar Physics Obsv., South Kensington.

——. 1909. Discussion of Australian meteorology. Solar Physics Obsv., South Kensington.

——. 1910. Southern hemisphere surface air circulation. Solar Physics Obsv., South Kensington.

—— 19102. The behavior of the short-period atmospheric pressure variation over the earth's surface. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 73: 457–470.

——, and Norman Lockyer. 1908. Monthly mean values of barometric pressures for 73 stations. Solar Physics Obsv., South Kensington, 1908.

Maunder, E. W. 1909. Notes on cyclones of the Indian Ocean, 1856–67, and their association with solar rotation. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 70, No. 1, November 1909.

——. 1913. Distribution of sunspots in heliographic latitude, 1874–1913. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 74: 112. December 1913.

Michaelson, A. A. 1913. Determination of periodicities by the harmonic analyzer with an application to the sunspot cycle. Astroph. Jour., 38: 268. 1913.

Mill, H. R. 1915. Tree-growth as a measurement of rainfall. Symons's Met. Mag., March 1915: 21–23.

Miller, D. C. 1916. The science of musical sounds.

——. 19162. The Henrici harmonic analyzer and devices for extending and facilitating its use. Jour. Franklin Institute, September 1916: 285–322.

Miller, E. R. 1912. See Kimball, H. H. 19123.

McAdie, A. 1903. Climatology of California. W. B. Bull. L.

McClatchie, A. J., and J. E. Coit. 1909. Relations of weather to crops and varieties adapted to Arizona conditions. Univ. of Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 61.

Moore, W. L. 1910. The influence of forests on climate and on floods. Report to House Com. on Agr.

Nordmann. 1903. Periodicity of sunspots and the variations of the mean annual temperatures of the atmosphere. Comptes Rendus. June 1903. Transl. Mon. Wea. Rev., August 1903: 371.

Pearson, G. A. 1918. Studies of the yield and reproduction of western yellow pine in Arizona and New Mexico. Jour. of Forestry, March 1918: 273–293.

Penck, A. 1914. The shifting of the climatic belts. Scot. Geog. Mag., 30:281, No. 6. June 1914.

Petterson, Otto. 1912. The connection between hydrographical and meteorological phenomena. Qtly. Jour. Roy. Met. Soc., 38, No. 163, July 1912.

Pickering, W. H. 1910. The orbits of meteorites. Pop. Astr., No. 175: 1–15.

——. 19102. Two types of comets' tails. Pop. Astr., No. 175.

——. 19103. The size of meteors. Astroph. Jour., Vol. XXI, No. 1: 88. January 1910.

Poskin, P. 1910. Cycles du temps dans l'accroissement des grands arbres. Ciel et Terre. Bull. Soc beige d'Astron., November 5, 1910.

Roever, W. H. 1914. Design and theory of mechanism for illustrating certain systems of lines of force and stream lines. Bull. Mt. Wea. Obsv., 6: 195. August 1914.

Russell, H. C. 1876. Notes on climate of New South Wales. Jour. Roy. Soc. N. S. W., 10: 151.

Sampson, R. A. 1914. On Professor Turner's theory of a sunspot swarm of meteors associated with the Leonids. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 75: 82. December 1914.

Schotte, G. 1917. Larken. Och. dess betydelse for svensk skogshushallning. Skogsvârdsforeningens Tidskrift.

Schreiber, P. 1903. Die Schwankungen der jährlichen Niederschlagshöhen und deren Beziehungen zu den Relativzahlen für die Sonnenflecken. Heft. VII, Das Klima des Kön. Sachsen." Chemnitz.

Schuster, A. 1897. On lunar and solar periodicities of earthquakes. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 61: 455–465.

——. 1898. On the investigation of hidden periodicities with application to a supposed 26-day iieriod of meteorological phenomena. Ter. Mag., 3, March 1898: 13–41.

——. 1899. On the periodogram of magnetic declination at Greenwich. Camb. Philos. Soc. Trans., 18: 107–135.

Schuster, A., 1906. The periodogram and its optical analogy. Proc. Roy. Soc. A., Vol. 77: 136–140

——. 19062. On the periodicities of the sunspots. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. A., Vol. 206: 69–100.

Shreve, Forrest. 1915. The vegetation of a desert mountain range as conditioned by climatic factors. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 217.

Spillman, W. J. 1915. A theory of gravitation and related phenomena, Washington, D. C. September.

Stockman, W. B. 1905. Periodic variation of rainfall in the arid region. Wea. Bur. Bull. N. W. B. No. 326.

Stratton, F. J. M. 1911. On possible phase relations between the planets and sunspot phenomena. (Papers of the I. U. S. R. Computing Bureau, No. VII.) Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc. 72: 9. November 1911.

St. John, Charles E. 1913. Radial motion in sunspots. Astroph. Jour., 37: 322, reprinted in Cont. Mt. Wilson Sol. Obs. No. 69; continued in Astroph. Jour., vol. 38; reprinted in Cont. Mt. Wilson Sol. Obs. No. 74.

Störmer, Carl. 1916. Researches on solar vortices. Astroph. Jour., vol. 43. reprinted Cont. Mt. Wilson Sol. Obs. No. 109.

Turner, H. H. 1913. On the harmonic analysis of Wolf's sunspot numbers, with special reference to Mr. Kimura's paper. (Papers of the I. U. S. R. Computing Bureau, No. IX.) Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 73: 549, May 1913.

——. 19132. On the expression of sunspot periodicity as a Fourier sequence, and on the general use of a Fourier sequence in similar problems. (Papers of the I. U. S. R. Computing Bureau, No. X.) Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 73: 714. November 1913.

——. 19133. Further remarks on the expression of sunspot periodicity as a Fourier sequence. (Papers of the I. U. S. R. Computing Bureau, No. XII.) Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 74: 16. November 1913.

——. 19134. On a simple method of detecting discontinuities in a series of recorded observations, with an application to sunspots, suggesting that they are caused by a meteor swarm due to successive encounters of the Leonids with Saturn, which has been more than once considerably perturbed by the Leonid swarm. (Papers of the I. U. S. R. Computing Bureau, No. XIII.) Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 74: 82. December 1913.

——. 1915. Reply to Professor Sampson's objections to the hypothesis of a sunspot swarm. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 75: 138. January 1915.

Vail, C. E. 1917. Lithologic evidence of climatic pulsations. Science, N. S., Vol. XLVI, No. 1178: 90–93. July 27, 1917.

Vert, F. W. 1898. The variation of solar radiation. Astroph. Jour., Vol. VII, No. 4: 255–272.

——. 1901. The solar constant. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Wea. Bur., No. 254.

——. 1904. The absorption of radiation by the solar atmosphere and the intrinsic radiation of that atmosphere. Astroph. Jour., Vol. XIX, 2.

Vinson, A. E. 1914. The effect of climatic conditions on the rate of growth of date palms. Bot. Gaz., Vol. LVII, No. 4: 324–327.

Wolfer, A. 1917. Astronomische Mitteilungen gegründet von Dr. Rudolf Wolf. No. CVI.