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Code of Federal Regulations/Title 30/1959/Chapter I/Part 1

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From the U.S. Government Printing Office on Google Books, revised as of January 1, 1959. (Commons file)

4553953Code of Federal RegulationsChapter I, Part 1—Production and Sale of Heliumthe United States Government

Part 1—Production and Sale of Helium


1.1 Definitions.

1.2 Purchase price of helium.

1.3 Service charges.

1.4 Settlements under existing contracts.

1.5 Applications.

1.6 Advances, deposits, bonds.

1.7 Initial advance for purchase of helium.

1.8 Initial advance and guarantee for containers.

1.9 Adjustment of accounts.

1.10 Shipping containers.

1.11 Repurchase rights of Government.

1.12 Reservations with respect to sales and deliveries.

1.13 Determinations of purity and quantity.

1.14 Special restrictions.

1.15 Power of inspection.

1.16 Implied agreements.

1.17 Violations and penalties.

1.18 Purchaser's bonds.

1.19 Cancellation and assignment of contracts.

1.20 Federal agencies not affected.

1.21 Forms.

AUTHORITY: § § 1.1 to 1.21 issued under sec. 8, 43 Stat. 1111, as amended; 60 U. S, C. 164.

SOURCE: § § 1.1 to 1.21 appear at 14 F. R. 7760, Dec. 20, 1949; 15 F. R. 5, Jan. 4, 1950, except as otherwise noted.

§ 1.1 Definitions. (a) "Act" means the act authorizing the conservation, production, exploitation, and sale of helium gas, approved September 1, 1937

(50 Stat. 885; 50 U. 8. C, 181, 163-166).

(b) "Special helium-production fund" means the fund referred to in subsection (C) of section 3 of this act,

(c) "Bureau" means the Bureau of Mines of the Department of the Interior.

(d) "Purchaser" means a person, firm, corporation, association or political authority, other than an agency of the United States Government, purchasing helium from the Bureau for medicai, scientific, or commercial use, or using helium containers supplied by the Bureau.

(e) "Purity of helium" means the percentage by volume of the gaseous element, helium, in a mixture of that element and other gases.

(f) "Contained helium" means the actual quantity, by volume, of helium in a mixture of that element and other gases. The volume of the contained helium bears the same proportion to the volume of the mixture that the purity of the helium bears to 100 percent.

(g) "Unit of helium" means 1,000 cubic feet of contained helium measured at, or reduced to, a pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute and a temperature of 70° Fahrenheit.

(h) "Standard-type cylinder" means a cylinder of approximately 1.5 cubic feet internal volume, designed for a filling pressure of 1,800 pounds per square inch gauge or more, which will stand vertically without external support with the center of the valve outlet not less than 50½ inches nor more than 58½ inches above the floor, equipped with a standard-type cylinder valve and valve-protective cap, or a similar cylinder acceptable to the Bureau as a standard type,

(i) "Standard-type cylinder valve" means a valve acceptable to the Bureau in all respects, having an outlet con- forming to following specifications: U. 8. standard form left-hand threads, 14 threads per inch, threaded portion ⅝ inch in length; major diameter not more than 0.830 nor less than 0.824 inch; pitch diameter not more than 0.784 nor less than 0.780 inch; outlet opening drilled to have a diameter of not more than 0.504 nor less than 0.500 inch and a depth of not less than ⅜ nor more than ½ inch; inside edge of opening rounded out to a radius of 1/16 inch to permit insertion of a male connection tapered at an angle of 0 degrees: Provided, That at the Bureat's option valves with outlets conforming to other specifications may be accepted as alternative standards. Each cylinder valve shall be equipped with an outlet-port cap.

(j) "Helium tank car" means a railroad car of the type used by the Army and Navy for transporting helium, on which cylinders designed to hold helium under high pressure are mounted permanently.

(k) "Helium semi-trailer" means & vehicle without motive power of & type used by the Army or Navy for transportation of helium by road, on which cylinders designed to hold helium under high pressure are mounted permanently.

(l) "Free time" means the following periods or parts thereof included within the time between the placement of a helium tank car on the purchaser's track or in other specified discharge position, and removal therefrom by the carrier for return shipment:

(1) The first Sunday following placement; the first legal national, state, or municipal whole-day holiday following placement; and the Monday following any such holiday that falls on Sunday.

(2) The period between placement and the end of the first 48-hour period (exelusive of any period falling within a Sunday, legal national, state, or municipal whole-day holiday, or Monday following such a holiday that falls on Sunday) after the first 7:00 a. m. subsequent to the placement.

(3) Any period during which the car is ready for removal and the carrier has been notified that it is ready for removal, and the time of removal.

(4) Any period during which the car cannot be unloaded or moved because of unserviceable conditions not caused by any fault of the purchaser.

§ 1.2 Purchase price of helium. (a) The purchase price per unit of helium, at a helium plant to be selected by the helium of normal purity of 99.5 percent or more delivered at pressures not exceeding the normal plant pressure of approximately 2,500 pounds per square inch gage, shall be $19.00.

(b) Minimum charge. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the minimum charge for the helium delivered under any one contract shall be $380.00.

[19 F. R. 788, Feb. 11, 1954]

§ 1.3 Service Charges. The following charges for services and for use of equipment supplied by the Bureau shall be paid by the purchaser, in addition to the purchase price:

(a) For filling standard-type cylinders. $2 per unit of helium delivered.

(b) For work performed on standard-type cylinders supplied by the purchaser.

(1) For hydrostatic testing and stenciling test date: $1.30 per cylinder.

 (2) Sealing cylinder valves: $0.05 per cylinder.

(3) Stenciling serial numbers: $0.10 per letter or figure.

(4) Installing valves supplied by purchaser in cylinders received without valves: $0.25 per cylinder.
(5) Resetting valves, or removing valves and replacing with valves supplied by purchaser: $0.50 per cylinder.

(c) For extraordinary expenses. Such expenses incurred in connection with any contract or delivery, including costs of repairing, cleaning, painting, or drying purchasers' containers, filling containers of types other than those referred to in § 1.1 (h), (j), and (k), compressing or purifying helium beyond normal plant pressure or purity, delivering helium at a point other than a helium plant selected by the Bureau, and unusual handling, transportation and communications, may be determined by the Bureau, on the basis of the cost of rendering the services, making due allowance for contingencies, overhead expense, commercial common- carrier rates, and intangible factors, and charged to the purchaser as they arise.

(d) For use of helium containers supplied by the Bureau. (1) Standard-type cylinders: $0.45 per cylinder per month or fraction of month; or, in lots of 500 or more, $3 per cylinder per year: Provided, That upon the written approval of the Bureau, purchasers may themselves give such cylinders the quinquennial hydrostatic test required by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and for each cylinder so tested will be allowed a credit of $0.75 on the rental charge: And provided further, That the minimum net charge under any one container contract shall be $45.

(2) For each round trip of a helium tank car:

(i) A fixed charge of $88, plus

(ii) A charge of $0.11 for each whole mile, or major fraction thereof, of the total round-trip mileage between the helium plant at which the car is filled and the helium delivery destination, according to the official mileage tariffs of the railroads concerned and via the shortest rail route by which the car could be routed between the two terminals in accordance with established routing practices and with proper regard to clearance and weight limitations, whether the car actually travels that route or a longer route, plus

(iii) A charge of $ 22 per day or fraction thereof for the time between placement on the purchaser's tracks or in other specified discharge position, and removal therefrom by the carrier for return shipment, less "free time" as defined in § 1.1 (1).

(3) For each helium semi-trailer: $10 for the first two days or part thereof, and $5 for each day or part thereof in excess of two days.

(e) For use of tractor. For a tractor with driver and fuel supplied by the Bureau for transportation of a helium semitrailer: $40 for each day or part thereof plus $0.20 for each mile traveled pulling the semi-trailer and $0.12 for each mile traveled by the tractor without the semitrailer.

(f) Computation of time periods. The time periods of days, months, or years. referred to in paragraph (d)(1) and (3) and paragraph (e) of this section, shall begin the day following that in which the standard-type cylinder, semitrailer, or tractor is placed in service for the purchaser, and shall end the day it is returned to the Bureau's service, except in the case of such containers or tractors placed in a purchaser's service and returned to the Bureau's service the same day. Any fractional period, including the period of use of a standard-type cylinder, semi-trailer or tractor placed in a purchaser's service and returned to the Bureau's service the same day, shall count as a whole period: Provided, That if a standard-type cylinder used at the annual rate is returned on the Bureau's demand pursuant to § 1.10 (b) (3), or is returned at the purchaser's option after it has been in the purchaser's continuous service for more than one year, a fractional year shall be prorated on a basis of months, each month or fractional month being charged for at $0.25. A standard-type cylinder, semi-trailer, or tractor shall not be considered to be returned to the Bureau's service until it is returned to the Bureau's point of origin or some other point designated by the Bureau, and, in the case of a standard-type cylinder used in making repeated shipments to the same purchaser, until it is released from that service. Seven o'clock, a. m. standard time, is the dividing line between days. The charge for the use of a standard-type cylinder, semi-trailer, or tractor shall abate during any period when it is out of service because of unserviceable condition not caused by any fault of the purchaser.

§ 1.4 Settlements under existing contracts. Uncompleted portions of contracts for the purchase of helium and for the use of containers in effect when the regulations in this part become effective may be performed and settled under the regulations in this part, by written agreement between the Bureau and the purchase: but in the absence of such agreement shall be performed and settled under the terms of such contracts and of the regulations as they were in effect at the time such contracts were entered into.

§ 1.5 Applications―(a) Applications to purchase helium. Sales of helium will be made only upon a written application. signed by the applicant, setting forth all of the information and conditions required by the Bureau's form entitled "Application to Purchase Helium".[1] Such forms will be furnished by the Bureau upon request. If the application is deemed sufficient by the Bureau for that purpose, and the requirements for cash advance and bond (if required) are complied with, it shall become the con- tract of sale upon the written acceptance thereof by the Bureau.

(b) Applications to use helium containers. If a purchaser desires that containers be supplied by the Bureau, be may make application therefor on the Bureau's form entitled "Application to Use Helium Containers".[1] Such forms will be furnished by the Bureau upon re- quest. If the desired containers are available, and if said application is deemed sufficient by the Bureau for that purpose, and the requirements for cash advance and deposit or bond are com- plied with, it shall become the contract for use of containers upon the written acceptance thereof by the Bureau.

§ 1.6 Advances, deposits, bonds―(a) Advances and bonds for purchase of helium. No helium will be delivered or services performed under the regulations in this part except against cash paid in advance on account of the purchase price and services, and, when applicable, & bond or bonds as provided in § 1.8, 1.14 and 1.18.

(b) Advances, deposits, bonds for use of containers. No containers or tractors will be furnished by the Bureau under the regulations in this part except against cash paid in advance on account of their use and, unless waived by the Bureau, a cash deposit or bond to guarantee the return of all Government owned containers in satisfactory condition, or the repair or replacement of, or payment for, any containers lost or damaged, and payment of any other charges that may become due.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Filed with the federal register Division as part of the original document.

(c) Purchaser to maintain adequate credits and bonds. The purchaser shall at all times maintain with the Bureau & cash credit sufficient to cover all or as much as the Bureau may require of the purchase price of the helium together with such charges for services and use of containers or tractors as may accrue. and, unless waived by the Bureau, a cash deposit or bond adequate to save the Bureau harmless from loss of or damage to containers and to guarantee payment of all charges.

(d) Initial and supplemental advances, deposits, bonds. Applicants for helium and for use of containers or tractors may estimate the amounts of the total and initial cash advances and deposits or bonds from the Bureau's established purchase prices, service charges, and container values, and make the necessary payments with their application, or may await a determination and statement of these items by the Bureau after the filing of the application. If the Bureau at any time deems any advance. deposit, or bond insufficient, it may require that it be made suficient as a condition to further deliveries of helium or use of containers or tractors.

(e) Computation of cash advance when method of shipment is uncertain. If the type of container in which helium is to be shipped has not been decided at the time an application is made, the cash advance shall include the service charge for filling standard-type cylinders u specified in § 1.3 (a), but in adjusting accounts pursuant to § 1.9, filling charges will not be made for units shipped in helium tank cars or helium semi-trailers.

(f) Form of checks for advances and deposits. All cash advances, deposits, and additions thereto shall be made in the form of certified checks or cashier's checks payable to the Treasurer of the United States, unless this requirement is waived by the Bureau. A separate check shall be furnished for the amount due under each contract.

(g) Advances and deposits to be credited to special helium-production fund. All cash advances, deposits, and other moneys received under the regulations in this part shall be credited to and deposited in the special helium-production fund.
§ 1.7 Initial advance for purchase of helium. The initial cash advance for purchase of helium may be computed as follows:

(a) On account of purchase price. (1) With applications for 500 units of helium or less: The full purchase price (not less than $380).

(2) With applications for more than 500 units of helium: $9,500, but the Bureau may require more.

(b) On account of services. The full amount of the estimated charges for the services to be rendered, not including charges for use of containers or tractors furnished by the Bureau.

[19 F. R. 788, Feb. 11, 1954]

§ 1.8 Initial advance and guarantee for containers. Unless the Bureau indicates some other or different requirements, the initial cash advance and the deposit or bond for use of containers may be determined as follows:

(a) Cash advance for use of containers. (1) $1.35 for each standard -type cylinder, but not less than $135 for cylinders contracted for on a monthly basis.

(2) $3 for each standard-type cylinder, but not less than $1,500 for cylinders contracted for on an annual basis.

(3) $300 for each round trip by & helium tank car.

(4) $50 for each round trip by a helium semi-trailer.

(5) $200 for each round trip by a tractor, if supplied by the Bureau to haul a helium semi-trailer.

(b) Cash deposit or bond as guarantee for containers and charges. (1) $25 for each of the first 500 standard-type cylinders, $10 for each of the second 500 of such cylinders, and $2 for each cylinder in excess of 1000.

(2) $50,000 for one helium tank car; or $100,000 for more than one but fewer than five helium tank cars, and an additional $10,000 for each helium tank car in excess of four, to be in the purchaser's service at any one time.

(3) $10,000 for one helium semitrailer; or $20,000 for more than one but fewer than five hellum semitrailers, and an additional $2,000 for each helium semi-trailer in excess of four, to be in the purchaser's service at any one time.

§ 1.9 Adjustment of accounts―(a) Delivery which fulfills contract. The delivery of a quantity of helium within plus or minus five percent of that contracted for shall constitute performance on the part of the Bureau, but payments for the helium shall be on the basis of the number of units delivered.

(b) Refunds to purchasers. As contracts of sale are performed by the Bureau by the delivery of helium, and as contracts for use of containers are performed by the purchaser by the return of containers and other equipment furnished by the Bureau, the Bureau may make refunds from time to time to the purchaser, from any credits to the purchaser's account in the special helium production fund, to the extent that the Bureau deems such credit or credits to be in excess of the amounts that may be required to secure the performance of any outstanding contract or contracts of that purchaser; and , in any event, upon full performance by both the Bureau and the purchaser of any contract of sale or contract for use of containers, the Bureau shall refund to the purchaser any balance left to the purchaser's credit on account of such contract: Provided, That the Bureau, at its option, may transfer any such credit or any debit remaining on account of any particular contract to the account of any uncompleted contract with the same purchaser.

§ 1.10 Shipping containers―(a) Containers may be provided by the purchaser or the Bureau. The applicant may provide containers, as indicated by the Application to Purchase Helium, or may request the Bureau to provide them, as indicated by the Application to Use Helium Containers. Containers provided by the applicant must be satisfactory to the Bureau in all respects, must be free internally from oil or water, and shall comply with the requirements for shipment in interstate commerce. The Bureau will not use or fill any container which in its opinion is unsafe or unsuitable.

(b) Provisions applicable to all types of containers supplied by the Bureau. (1) Agencies of the Federal Government requisitioning helium from the Bureau will have preference in the use of containers.

(2) The purchaser shall make every effort to prevent loss of or damage to containers supplied by the Bureau; shall not use such containers for any purpose other than transportation or storage of helium purchased from the Bureau; and shall not permit any substance to be compressed or injected into such containers without the Bureau's written consent.

(3) The purchaser shall keep account of all containers supplied by the Bureau (by serial number if a container is so numbered and if the Bureau makes written request for such record) and shall return such containers (including attached valves and other parts) to the helium plant or other point from which they were shipped to the purchaser, or to such other point as may be specified in writing by the Bureau, at no greater cost to the purchaser. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the regulations in this part, the purchaser shall return standard-type cylinders within 80 days and shall return helium tank cars and helium semi-trailers within 30 days after receipt of notice that their return is required.

(4) The purchaser shall not, without written approval of the Bureau of Mines, remove, obliterate or obscure any of the Government's stamped or painted markings on such containers, nor stamp, paint or otherwise apply permanent markings on the metal of such containers, except records of hydrostatic tests stamped into the metal thereof in the manner prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission if the making of such tests by the purchaser is authorized by the Bureau: Provided, That the purchaser may place temporary markings on said containers if such markings are applied in a manner that will in no way affect the metal of or paint on said containers or attached fittings, but any such temporary markings not authorized by the Bureau in writing shall be removed before return of the containers to the Bureau.

(5) Title to all containers supplied to purchasers under the regulations in this part shall remain in the United States. Payment by the purchaser for a container rendered unserviceable or not returned shall not vest title to such container in the purchaser.

(6) The purchaser shall pay to the carrier all transportation charges and demurrage fees resulting from shipment of the containers and their contents to the purchaser and return of the containers to the Bureau, unless the Bureau has agreed in writing to pay such transportation charges and fees.

(7) In the event that the Bureau pays any transportation costs (other than haulage of a helium semi-trailer by a tractor furnished by the Bureau ) on containers in the service of a purchaser, the purchaser shall reimburse the Bureau for such transportation at commercial common-carrier rates for the kind of transportation used, whether or not the transportation was by common carrier, or the cost incurred by the Bureau, whichever shall be the higher.

(8) The purchaser shall not remove containers furnished by the Bureau from the continental limits of the United States without specific permission of the Bureau, except for continuous passage through Canada en route between locations in the United States, which passage shall be in accordance with all laws and regulations applying to such passage through Canada.

(9) Any use or operation by the purchaser of containers furnished by the Bureau shall be in full compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws.

(10) The purchaser shall completely Indemnify the Government and hold it harmless from any loss or expense arising from claims of third persons in connection with personal injuries or damage to property or otherwise arising from any Government-owned container while in the service or custody of the purchaser. (c) Provisions applicable to standard type cylinders supplied by the Bureau.

(1) If any standard-type cylinder supplied by the Bureau is not returned within 80 days after receipt of notice that its return is required, or is rendered unserviceable by defects or failure to pass a quinquennial hydrostatic test as a result of mistreatment or damage beyond the effects of ordinary wear, tear, and age, occurring during the period commencing with the delivery or shipment of such cylinder to the purchaser and ending with the return of such cylinder to the Bureau, the purchaser shall be charged and shall pay to the Bureau, or cause to be paid to the Bureau, the value thereof as determined by the Bureau, which value, however, shall not be more than $30 nor less than $15. The entry of such charge on account of any cylinder not returned shall terminate the charge for the use thereof as of the end of the current month or year for which charge is made pursuant to § 1.3 (d), but if said cylinder subsequently is returned in serviceable condition, the Bureau shall credit or refund to the purchaser, from the special helium-production fund, the amount charged for the cylinder less $0.45 for each month or part thereof if the charge for use of the cylinder was on a monthly basis, or less $0.25 for each month or part thereof if the charge for the use of the cylinder was on a yearly basis, during the period from the date when the use charge was terminated to the date of the return of the cylinder.

(2) The purchaser shall be charged with and shall pay to the Bureau, or cause to be paid to the Bureau, the cost of repairing the damage (as estimated by the Bureau if immediate repair is not made) to any returned cylinder which, although serviceable, has suffered damage beyond that attributable to ordinary wear, tear, and age, during the period while it was in the service of the purchaser.

(d) Provisions applicable to helium tank cars supplied by the Bureau. (1) All movements of helium tank cars, full and empty, shall be under such Shipment Orders and in accordance with such route Orders as the Bureau may direct.

(2) The purchaser shall be charged with any excess empty mileage of helium tank cars for which the purchaser is responsible and which has been paid by or charged to the Federal Government.

(3) At the discretion of the Bureau, the purchaser may be charged the amount of any bill received by the Bureau or other Government agency from a railroad for repair of damage incurred by a helium tank car at a discharge terminal while in the custody of the purchaser.

(e) Provisions applicable to helium tank cars and helium semi-trailers supplied by the Bureau. (1) Bills of lading issued by the purchaser for shipment of helium tank cars and helium semi - trailers shall be in such form and shall bear such notations as the Bureau may direct.

(2) The purchaser shall not remove the cylinders of helium tank cars or helium semi -trailers from their mountings without specific authority of the Bureau in each case.

(3) The purchaser shall make good or cause to be made good, to the Government, by replacement of materials or by financial reimbursement, as may be appropriate and satisfactory to the Bureau, all losses and damages, not caused by any fault or negligence of the Government, to any helium tank car or helium semitrailer during any period when such car or semi-trailer is in the service or custody of the purchaser. Financial reimbursement shall be satisfactory to the Bureau and to any other Governmental agency having jurisdiction over the equipment lost or damaged, but shall not exceed the purchase price for which the Government purchased the equipment and its parts, including costs of assembly.

§ 1.11 Repurchase rights of Government. The Government shall have the right to repurchase helium that has been sold by the Bureau and that has not been lost or dissipated, when needed for Government use, upon the following terms and conditions:

(a) Price for repurchase. The price to be paid by the Government per unit of helium, for delivery at the place of use or storage, for helium of 99.5 percent purity or better, shall be the higher of either of the following:

(1) The price at which said helium was purchased from the Bureau, less one-half of one percent of said price for each month or fraction thereof since the said helium was purchased from the Bureau, or

(2) The highest price per unit for helium purchased from the Bureau for commercial use during the fiscal year immediately preceding the repurchase.

(b) Adjustment for purity. For repurchased helium of less than 99.5 percent purity the unit price to be paid by the Government shall be the price as above determined less one percent thereof for each one percent that the purity is below 99.5 percent.

§ 1.12 Reservations with respect to sales and deliveries. The Bureau reserves the absolute right and discretion to limit or defer sales and deliveries under contracts to conform to the needs and requirements of the Government, and to give such preferences as between sales for medical, scientific, and commercial use, and requisitions by Government agencies, as it deems proper : Provided, That in all cases requirements for Government use shall have first preference. All furnishing of services and supplying of containers and tractors under the regulations in this part shall be at the Bureau's option.

§ 1.13 Determinations of purity and quantity. Determinations of purity and quantity of helium shall be by methods prescribed by or acceptable to the Bureau.
§ 1.14 Special restrictions―(a) Sales for the inflation of airships. Helium produced by the Bureau shall not be sold or used for the inflation of airships except such airships as operate in or between the United States and its territories and possessions, or between the United States or its territories and possessions and foreign countries. Helium produced by the Bureau shall not be sold or used for the inflation of any airship operating between two foreign countries notwithstanding such airship may also touch at some point in the United States. Any application for the purchase of helium for the purpose of inflating any airship shall show that fact on the face of the application.

(b) Exportation of helium. The act places certain restrictions and conditions upon the exportation of helium, and neither the regulations in this part nor any sale or contract of sale pursuant to the regulations in this part is intended to authorize or shall be construed as authorizing the exportation of helium. Any application for the purchase of helium for exportation shall show that fact on the face of the application.

(c) Liquidated damages. The Bureau may require in any contract for the purchase of helium a provision for the payment by the purchaser of liquidated damages, in an amount to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, in the event of failure by the purchaser faithfully to comply with the act and the regulations in this part and with the terms of the contract; if such a provision is required, the contract shall be accompanied by a domestic corporate surety bond, satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior, in like amount conditioned upon faithful compliance by the purchaser with the act and the regulations in this part and with the terms of the contract. Such bond shall continue in force as long as any of the helium delivered under such contract shall remain in captivity, or for a period of three years whichever shall be the longer.

§ 1.15 Power of inspection. Authorized representatives of the United States may enter and inspect at all reasonable times the place (including places in foreign countries) where any helium produced by the Bureau is stored or used, to the extent reasonably necessary to ascertain whether it is being used or is likely to be used in violation of restrictions in the act or the regulations in this part on the exportation of helium or its use for the inflation of airships.

§ 1.16 Implied agreements. Every purchaser and every re-purchaser, possessor, or user of helium produced by the Bureau, shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed to comply with and be bound by the act and the regulations in this part, including the power of inspection provided for in § 1.15, all restrictions on the exportation of helium and its use for the inflation of airships, and the Government's right of repurchase set out in § 1.11.

§ 1.17 Violations and penalties. For violation of any of the provisions of the act or of the regulations in this part, the Bureau, in addition to any other penalties provided by law, may cancel all future deliveries and forfeit all deposits under existing contracts of purchasers responsible for or in any manner aiding or participating in such violations, and may deny all pending or future applications from applicants who are or have been responsible for or who have participated in or in any way aided such violations. Likewise, any liquidated damages provided for on account of such violations shall become due and payable.

§ 1.18 Purchaser's bonds. As a condition to the acceptance of any application for the purchase of helium, the Bureau may require the applicant to give a domestic corporate surety bond upon the condition that none of the helium applied for shall be used in violation of the regulations in this part or the act, in such amount and upon such further terms and conditions as the Bureau may deem suitable.

§ 1.19 Cancellation and assignment of contracts. Contracts for the purchase of helium or for the use of containers may not be canceled, assigned or otherwise transferred without the written consent of the Bureau.

§ 1.20 Federal agencies not affected. The regulations in this part have no application to requisitions of helium by agencies of the Federal Government, nor to the use of helium by such agencies.

§ 1.21 Forms. Forms of applications and contracts for purchase of helium and for use of helium containers will be furnished by the Bureau upon request. The Bureau may make alterations in or additions to said forms, and may require the execution of a contract in a different form.