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Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology/Index

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  1. Aberrations of Marriage (Michaelis), 365
  2. Abreaction, 242
  3. Abstraction, 293
  4. Accoucheur, the analyst as, 268, 374
  5. Acts, symptomatic (Freud), 281
  6. Adaptation to father, 127, 160, 175
  7. Adaptation to mother, 125, 159, 171, 232
  8. Adler, viii, ix, 191, 223, 260–61, 290, 297–98, 330, 340, 343–44, 349
  9. Alcohol, influence of, 12
  10. Altruism, 269
  11. Ambitendency, 200
  12. Ambivalency, 200, 269
  13. Amnesia of Ivenes, 68
  14. Amnesia periodic, 9
  15. Amnesic disturbances, 66–7
  16. Anæsthesia, systematic, 68
  17. Analysis not a reasoning method, 208
  18. Analysis prejudices against, 206–07
  19. Analysis sexualistic conception of, vii
  20. Analysis v. interpretation, 219
  21. Analyst as accoucheur, 268, 374
  22. Analyst must be analysed, 244
  23. Analytical psychology, moral effect of, 375–76
  24. Anamnesis not psychoanalysis, 207
  25. Anna, little, 132–54
  26. Anxiety dreams, 160, 372
  27. Apollo, Introversion, 295
  28. Archaic view of life, x
  29. Aschaffenburg, 352
  30. Assimilation by analogy, 223
  31. Association, co-ordinance to father, 157
  32. Association, familiar, 120–32, 159
  33. Association, method, 80
  34. Association-concordance (Kerner), 92
  35. Association test, calculation in, 109
  36. Association test, guilt complex, 107
  37. Attack, hysterical (Ivenes) ætiology of, 74
  38. Attention, dispersion of, 46–8
  39. Attitudes passionelles, 18
  40. Augur, medical, 244
  41. Authority, faith in, 277
  42. Auto-hypnosis, 77, 240
  43. Automatic personalities (Ivenes), 82
  44. Automatic table movements, 49, 53, 57
  45. Automatic writing, 27, 49, 54, 57
  46. Automatism, motor cryptomnesia, 91
  47. Automatisms, 13, 47, 49, 54
  48. Automatisms, of S. W., 20
  49. Autonomous complexes, 375
  50. Auto-suggestion, 51, 53, 61
  51. Azam, case of Albert X., 9
  52. Azam, case of Felida, 66
  53. Baptism, the rite analysed, 215
  54. Bayle, 315
  55. Bergson, 231, 274, 293, 315, 348, 357
  56. Bernheim, 237
  57. Binet, 2, 12, 47, 56, 59, 60, 85, 289, 353
  58. Binet’s definition of somnambulism, 49
  59. Biological duties, 274
  60. Bircher, 250
  61. Birth, theories of child, 134
  62. Bleuler, 5, 14, 201, 312, 354
  63. Bleuler’s theory of negativism, 201
  64. Boileau’s case, 9
  65. Bonamaison’s case, 76
  66. Bourne, Ansel, case of, 9
  67. Bourru and Burot, 66
  68. Bresler’s case, 89
  69. Breuer, 236, 241
  70. Breuer’s case, 356–358
  71. Brill, 175
  72. Burgholzi, cases of mental disease analysed, 316
  73. Burgholzi, cases of dementia præcox, 322, 328–35
  74. Calculation in association test, 109
  75. Camuset, 66
  76. Case, Azam’s, 9, 66
  77. Case, Boileau’s, 9
  78. Case, Bonamaison’s, 76
  79. Case, Bresler’s, 89
  80. Case, Breuer’s, 356–58
  81. Case, Dyce’s, 84
  82. Case, Flournoy’s, 69
  83. Case, Hoefelt’s, 66
  84. Case, Janet’s, 55
  85. Case, Kalk’s, 65
  86. Case, Macnish’s, 11
  87. Case, Mesnet’s, 10–11
  88. Case, Naef’s, 8
  89. Case, Pronst’s, 9, 11
  90. Case, Renaudin’s, 67
  91. Case, Schreber’s, 343–46
  92. Case, Weir Mitchell’s, 64–5, 84
  93. Case of Albert X. (Azam), 9
  94. Case of Elise K., 3–7
  95. Case of Felida (Azam), 66
  96. Case of Helen Smith (Flournoy), 69
  97. Case of little Anna, 132–54
  98. Case of little Hans, 132
  99. Case of Lucie (Janet), 55
  100. Case of Mary Reynolds (Weir-Mitchell), 64–5, 84
  101. Case of S. W., 16–45
  102. Cases of dementia præcox, 322, 328–35
  103. Cases of mental disease analysed (Burgholzi’s), 316
  104. Catalepsy (Ivenes), 28
  105. Catharsis, 374
  106. Catholic Church, 271
  107. Causal principle in science, 339
  108. Casual view (Freud), 261
  109. Cellini, Benvenuto, 63
  110. Change in character (Azam’s case), 66
  111. Change in character (Hoefelt’s case), 66
  112. Change in character (Ivenes), 84
  113. Change in character (Kalk’s case), 65
  114. Change in character (Mary Reynolds), 64
  115. Change in character (S. W.), 69
  116. Charcot, 8, 356, 361
  117. Charcot, classification of somnambulic states, 8
  118. Charcot, trauma theory, 361
  119. Chevreul, 50
  120. Christ, religion of, 366
  121. Christian science, 126, 207, 244, 249
  122. Civilisation and neurosis, 224, 374
  123. Claparède, 188, 232, 348
  124. Claparede, (footnote), 287
  125. Clark lectures, 94–156
  126. Classification of dreams, 310
  127. Comparison of dream-symbols with somnambulic personalities, 59
  128. Compensation, unconscious, 201, 236, 280, 284, 285
  129. Complex, concealment, 117
  130. Complex, Electra, 228
  131. Complex, incompatibility, 202
  132. Complex, Kern, 228
  133. Complex, Œdipus, 228, 232
  134. Complex, resistance, 201
  135. Complex, sensibility, 203
  136. Complexes, physicians’ own, 216, 243, 257
  137. Comprehension by analogy, 223
  138. Conflict moral, 225, 242, 247, 251
  139. Content, manifest and latent of dream, 372
  140. Conscious invention v. dream, 178
  141. Conscious material, use of in analysis, 216
  142. Consciousness alternating, 11
  143. Consciousness double, 1
  144. Constellation, parental, 160–75
  145. Constellations, familiar, 119–132
  146. Converted libido, 141
  147. Cook, Miss Florence, 37
  148. Correspondence of Jung and Loÿ, 236–77
  149. Creative work of unconscious, additional, 85
  150. Crucial points in Psychoanalysis, 236–77
  151. Cryptomnesia, 78, 86, 87, 199
  152. Cryptomnesia, Nietzsche example, 87
  153. Cryptomnesic hallucinations, 91
  154. Cryptomnesic motor-automatism, 91
  155. Darkness, effect of, on suggestibility, 59
  156. Dawson Williams, Dr., 278
  157. Deception, Ivenes’ wilful, 44
  158. Deception, of doctor by patient, 260, 266–67
  159. “Deep” Psychology, 354
  160. Deficiency, emotional, 2
  161. Deficiency, intellectual, 2
  162. Deficiency, mental, 2
  163. Deficiency, neurasthenic, 14
  164. Deficiency, psychopathic, 3, 13
  165. Definition of libido, 156, 288
  166. Delbruck, 70
  167. Delirium, hysterical, 7
  168. Dementia præcox, 129, 143, 149, 151, 182, 201, 283, 312–18
  169. Depreciation by introverted type, 289
  170. Depressions of puberty, 127
  171. Dessoir, 85
  172. Diagnosis of facts, 106–13
  173. Diehl, 14
  174. Dionysus, 183
  175. Dionysus, extraversion, 295
  176. Dionysian orgies, 366
  177. Distortion produced by resistances, 285
  178. Dogma, 224
  179. Double consciousness, 1, 84
  180. Dream-analysis the real instrument of the unconscious, 209, 373
  181. Dreams, anxiety, 160, 372
  182. Dreams, association method, 302
  183. Dreams, classification of, 310
  184. Dreams, comparative study of, 215
  185. Dreams, conception of differing from Freud, 222
  186. Dreams, content, manifest and latent, 372
  187. Dreams, Freud’s conception of, 222
  188. Dreams, instances of analysed, 147, 193, 217, 219, 303
  189. Dreams, many-sided, 217
  190. Dreams, no arbitrary interpretation, 218
  191. Dreams, no fixed symbols, 218, 221, 265, 308
  192. Dreams, number, 191, 193, 197
  193. Dreams, St. Augustine’s, 307
  194. Dreams, symbolism of, 308
  195. Dreams, typical themes of, 310
  196. Dualism in Ivenes’ sub-conscious personalities, 79
  197. Dubois, 208, 243, 255
  198. Duplication of attributes, 182
  199. Duty to children, parental, 153
  200. Duties biological, 274
  201. Eccentricities pre-exist illness, 282, 289
  202. Ecstasy, 15, 20
  203. Ecstasy (Bettina Brentano), 75
  204. Ego-complex, 81, 86
  205. Ego complex, (Ivenes), 83
  206. Ego, second (Dessoir), 85
  207. Ego somnambulic (Ivenes), 76
  208. Elan vital, 231
  209. Electra-complex, 228
  210. Empiricism, 291, 301
  211. Energic view point, 231
  212. Entoptic phenomena, 61
  213. Enuresis nocturna, 170, 237, 239, 246
  214. Epilepsy, 1
  215. Epileptoid attacks, 14
  216. Erler, 71
  217. Erotic conflict, 364–65, 370
  218. Esquirol, 315
  219. Etat second, 8
  220. Exhaustive states, 13
  221. Experiments by Dr. Fürst, 157–58
  222. Extraversion, 288, 347
  223. Extraversion regressive, 288
  224. Familiar associations, 120–32, 159
  225. Familiar constellations, influence of, 127
  226. Fanaticism, 283
  227. Father, adaptation to, 127, 160, 175
  228. Father-complex, 270
  229. Faust analysed, 338–41
  230. Fechner, 352
  231. Felida, case of, 84
  232. Féré, 12
  233. Feuerbach, 346
  234. Final view (Adler), 261
  235. Finck (types), 296
  236. Fixation, Freud’s view of, 227
  237. Fixation, infantile, 228
  238. Flournoy, 60, 78, 199, 345–46
  239. Flournoy, case of Helen Smith, 69
  240. Folie circulaire, 67
  241. Forel, 70, 261
  242. Forel, The Sexual Question, 365
  243. Frank, 236, 245, 249
  244. Freud, 59, 73, 82, 104, 132–33, 156, 170, 191, 227, 241, 281, 297–98, 305–08, 319, 343–44, 349, 354–55, 359, 371, 373
  245. Freudian investigations, 133
  246. Freud’s case of paranoid dementia, 336–37
  247. Freud’s conception of dreams, 222
  248. Freud’s method, 339
  249. Freud’s psychology of dreams, 300
  250. Freud’s publications, opposition to, 355
  251. Freud’s theory, 261
  252. Freud’s theory, of infantile sexuality, 172
  253. Frobenius, 310
  254. Fürst’s experiments, 119, 157–58
  255. Future character (Felida), 84
  256. Future character (Mary Reynolds), 84
  257. Gall, 315
  258. Genesis of dreams, 212
  259. Genius, 1
  260. Gley, 50
  261. Glossolalia, 89–91
  262. Glossolalia, instances of, 28
  263. Goethe, 12, 339
  264. Goethe, psychic stimulation of, 75
  265. Grandfathers I. and II. (Ivenes), 80
  266. Grebelskaja, 337
  267. Gross, 348
  268. Gross, (types), 296–97
  269. Guilt complex, association test, 107
  270. Guinon and Waltke, experiment of, 10, 47
  271. Hallucination, cryptomnesia, 91
  272. Hallucination, hypnosis in production of, 58
  273. Hallucination téléologique, 84
  274. Hallucinations, 11, 15, 49, 58, 282
  275. Hallucinations, Helen Smith’s, 63, 64
  276. Hallucinations, hypnagogic, 13, 23, 62
  277. Hallucinations, hypnopompic, 23, 62
  278. Hallucinations, in somnambulism, 60
  279. Hallucinations, intuitive, 64
  280. Hallucinations, negative, 68
  281. Hallucinatory persons, why separated, 83
  282. Hans, little, 132
  283. Hecker, 64
  284. Hedonism, viii
  285. Hegel, 290
  286. Herd-animal, man a, 263
  287. Hoch, 289
  288. Hoche, 355
  289. Hoefelt, spontaneous somnambulism, 66
  290. Homosexual tendencies, 165, 172
  291. Hypermnesia (footnote), 86
  292. Hypnagogic activities, 23, 71, 204
  293. Hypnagogic flashes, 22
  294. Hypnopompical dreams, 23
  295. Hypnosis in production of hallucination, 58
  296. Hypnotic treatment, 6, 237
  297. Hypnotic treatment diametrically opposed to psychoanalysis, 207
  298. Hypnotism, essential character of, 243
  299. Hypnotism in automatic writing, 54, 56
  300. Hysteria, 1, 7
  301. Hysteric, extreme sensibility of, 85
  302. Hysterical attack (Ivenes), ætiology of, 74
  303. Hysterical deafness and paralysis (Breuer), 356
  304. Hysterical delirium, 71
  305. Hysterical dissociation, 81, 287
  306. Hysterical forgetfulness, 72
  307. Hysterical identification, 71
  308. Hysterical somnambulism (case of Elise K.), 3
  309. Hystero-epilepsy (Janet), 81
  310. Hystero-epileptic attacks, 81
  311. Hystero-hypnosis (Ivenes), 79
  312. Importance of the unconscious, 278
  313. Importance of types, 348
  314. Incest-barrier, 230
  315. Individual, the, a changing identity, ix
  316. Individual, metaphysical needs of, 223
  317. Infantile fixation, 228
  318. Infantile milieu, influence of, 131
  319. Infantile transference, 298
  320. Infantility in primitive people, 230
  321. Inspiration, 15
  322. Instances of dreams analysed, 217, 219
  323. Intelligence-complex, 114
  324. Interpolations in dreams, 176
  325. Interpolations in rumour, 176
  326. Interpolations v. analysis, 219
  327. Interpretation of Viennese school, one-sided, 217
  328. Introversion, 137, 140, 288, 347
  329. Introversion, neurosis in child, 140
  330. Intuitive hallucinations, 64
  331. Itten, 337
  332. Ivenes, 33–34, 68–84
  333. Ivenes, journeys on other side, 34
  334. Ivenes, mystic character, 69
  335. Ivenes, oracular sayings, 36
  336. Ivenes, race-motherhood, 39
  337. James, William, 290-92
  338. James, William pragmatism, 348
  339. Janet, 46, 74, 81, 104, 232, 234
  340. Janet automatic writing (case of Lucie), 55
  341. Janet Lucie and Léonie, 66
  342. Janet Léonie, 69
  343. Janus face, 174
  344. Jeanne d’Arc, 63, 84
  345. Jeanne d’Arc, visions of, 63
  346. Jung, correspondence with Loÿ, 236–277
  347. K., Miss Elise, case of, 15
  348. Kalk’s case, 65
  349. Kant, 278, 303, 339
  350. Katatonic dementia præcox, 324
  351. Katatonic negativism, 202
  352. Kern-complex, 228
  353. Kerner, 87, 88
  354. Kerner’s book, 27, 35, 93
  355. Kerner’s Prophetess of Prevorst, 27, 69
  356. Kraepelin, 352
  357. Kraepelin-Aschaffenburg scheme, 157
  358. Kraft-Ebing, 7
  359. Lapses (case of S.W.), 20–23
  360. Legrand du Saulle, 66
  361. Lehmann, 50, 51
  362. Leibniz, 278
  363. Lethargy hysterical (Ivenes), 74
  364. Lethargy hysterical (Loewenfeld), 76
  365. Libido, 231, 347–48
  366. Libido, canalisation of, 260, 274
  367. Libido, defined, 156, 288
  368. Libido, stored-up, 234
  369. Life, archaic view of, x
  370. Literature of psychoanalysis, 154–55
  371. Little Anna, 132–54
  372. Little Hans, 132
  373. Loewenfeld, 74-76
  374. Loÿ’s correspondence with Jung, 236–77
  375. Lumpf-theory, 147
  376. Lying, pathological, 15, 70, 71
  377. Macario, 64
  378. Macnish’s case, 11
  379. Maeder, 337
  380. Man a herd animal, 263, 269
  381. Martian language (Helen Smith), 90
  382. Masochism, 165
  383. Materia medica of filth, 243–44
  384. Maury, 62
  385. Mayer, 231
  386. Medical augur, 244
  387. Medium, S.W. as, 18
  388. Mental balance, 282
  389. Mental deficiency (neurasthenic), 14
  390. Mesnet’s case, 10–11
  391. Metaphysical needs of individual, 223
  392. Method of association, 370
  393. Meynert, 316
  394. Mind the, a Becoming, 341
  395. Mirror-writing, 54
  396. Misreading, 17, 46, 48
  397. Mithras, religion of, 366
  398. Moral conflict, 225, 242, 247, 251
  399. Moral effect of analytical psychology, 375–76
  400. Mörchen, 14
  401. Mother, adaptation to, 125, 159, 171, 232
  402. Myers, automatic writing, 54
  403. Mystic science, S. W., 40–44
  404. Mythology, 226
  405. Naef’s case, 8
  406. Naïve and sentimental types, 294
  407. Nancy school, 356
  408. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream discussed, 281
  409. Necessity, vital, ix, 375
  410. Negativism, 200–201
  411. Negativism, causes of (Bleuler), 202
  412. Negativism, katatonic, 202
  413. Negativism, schizophrenic, 200
  414. Nelken, 337
  415. Neumann, 353
  416. Neurasthenia, 1, 129
  417. Neurosis, 256, 370, 375
  418. Neurosis, ætiology of, 234
  419. Neurosis, and civilisation, 224, 374
  420. Neurosis, cause of, 232
  421. Neurosis, cause of, outbreak of, 229
  422. Neurosis, counter-argument against husband, 129–31
  423. Neurosis, failure in adaptation, 234
  424. Neurosis, Freud’s theory of, 227
  425. Neurosis, introversion in child, 140
  426. Neurosis, psychogenic in essence, 356
  427. Neurosis, sexual ætiology of too narrow, 231
  428. Neurosis, the cause in present, 232
  429. Neurotic, a bearer of social ideals, 271, 277
  430. Neurotic’s faith in authority, 268
  431. Neurotic’s special task, 233
  432. Nietzsche, 87, 88, 295–96, 310, 326, 343
  433. Nucleus-complex, 228
  434. Number dreams, 292
  435. Occultism’s premature conclusions, 85
  436. Occultist literature, gnostic systems, 93
  437. Œdipus-complex, 228, 232
  438. Opposition to Freud’s publications, 355
  439. Ostwald, 292
  440. Paranoia, 128, 313
  441. Paranoid dementia, Freud’s case, 336–37
  442. Parental duty to children, 153
  443. Parental constellation, 160–75
  444. Parties supérieures (Janet), 232
  445. Pathological cheat, psychology of, 70
  446. Pathological dreaming of saints, 70
  447. Patient and doctor, personal relation, 216–219
  448. Patients’ resistances, 117, 202–05, 216
  449. Personality of doctor, 238, 243, 259
  450. Persuasion methods, 237
  451. Phales, 183
  452. Phantasies, sexual, 228
  453. Phenomena, entoptic, 61
  454. Phenomena of double consciousness as character formations, 84
  455. Philosophy world, 350
  456. Physician’s own complexes, 243, 257
  457. Pick, 70, 71
  458. Pinel, 315
  459. Power, evaluation, 274
  460. Power, evaluation, (Adler), 340
  461. Power standpoint, Adler on, viii, ix
  462. Predicate type, 125
  463. Predisposition to neurosis, 233, 359
  464. Press of ideas, 203
  465. Preyer, 51
  466. Prism, parable of, 252
  467. Problems of the day, sexual, 276, 367–77
  468. Projection on doctor, 273
  469. Prophetess of Prevorst, 27, 37, 69, 91–93
  470. Proust’s case, 9–11
  471. Prudishness, 154
  472. Prudishness, case of, 119
  473. Pseudologia phantastica, 72
  474. Pseudological representation, 71
  475. Psychic life of child, 132–56
  476. Psychic material unconscious, 279
  477. Psychoanalysis a high moral task, 235
  478. Psychoanalysis defined, 206, 256
  479. Psychoanalysis literature of, 154–55
  480. Psychoanalysis prejudices against, 206–07
  481. Psychoanalysis technique of, 257
  482. Psychoanalyst, education of, 244, 258, 266
  483. Psychographic communications, 25
  484. Psychological types, study of, 287–98
  485. Psychology, deep (Bleuler), 354
  486. Psychology, of dreams, 299–311
  487. Psychology, of pathological cheat, 70
  488. Psychology, of rumour, 176
  489. Psychocatharsis, 237
  490. Puberty, changes in character at, 67
  491. Puberty, dreams of, 74, 178
  492. Puberty, of psychopathic, 68
  493. Puberty, somnambulic attacks at, 84
  494. Puberty, want of balance at, 45
  495. Race-motherhood (Ivenes), 39
  496. Rapport effective with hysterics, 81, 287
  497. Reaction-times, 98–102
  498. Reaction-type, 157
  499. Reaction type, hysterical, 97
  500. Reaction type, normal, 96
  501. Reasoning method of Dubois, 208
  502. Reconstruction of life, 236
  503. Reincarnation (Ivenes), 37–9
  504. Regression, 230, 232
  505. Regressive extraversion, 288
  506. Regressive introversion, 289
  507. Renaudin’s case, Folie circulaire, 67
  508. Repressed thoughts, independent growth of, 82
  509. Reproduction experiment, 116
  510. Resistances, patients’, 117, 202–05, 216
  511. Resistances, productive of distortion, 285
  512. Revenge, unconscious, 190
  513. Reynolds, Mary, case of (change of character), 65
  514. Ribot, 66
  515. Richer, 66
  516. Richet, 92
  517. Richet, definition of somnambulism, 49
  518. Rieger, 66
  519. Riegl, 293
  520. Riklin, 149
  521. Rumour, case of, 176
  522. Rumour, interpolations in, 176
  523. Rumour, not conscious invention, 178
  524. S. W., case of, 16–45
  525. Saints, pathological dreaming of, 70
  526. Schiller, 294
  527. Schizophrenia, 201, 312
  528. Schizophrenia, Bleuler’s summary, 203
  529. Schizophrenic introversion, 204
  530. Schizophrenic splitting, 201
  531. Scholasticism, 340, 352, 373
  532. School, the Zürich, 355
  533. School, the Nancy, 356
  534. Schoolmaster view, 264
  535. Schopenhauer, 295, 368
  536. Schreber case, 343, 346
  537. Schüle, 61
  538. Semi-somnambulic states, 23
  539. Semi-somnambulism (S.W.), 23, 37, 48–9
  540. Sexual enlightenment of children, 152, 247
  541. Sexual phantasies, 228
  542. Sexual problems of the day, 277, 367–77
  543. Sexual question, Forel, 365
  544. Sexual surrogates, 172
  545. Sexuality, importance of infantile, 172
  546. Sexuality, primitive man’s view of, 306
  547. Sexualisation of thought, 204
  548. Significance of the father, 156
  549. Significance of the father, case 1...160
  550. Significance of the father, case 2...162
  551. Significance of the father, case 3...165
  552. Significance of the father, case 4...170
  553. Significance of number dreams, 191
  554. Slips of tongue, 179
  555. Smith, Helen, case of, 61, 63–64, 72, 91
  556. Socrates, 332, 374
  557. Somnambulic attacks, S.W., 28
  558. Somnambulic attacks, origin of, 75
  559. Somnambulic dialogues, 18
  560. Somnambulic personalities, 30–33
  561. Somnambulism, 2, 8, 16, 18, 240
  562. Somnambulist’s suggestibility, 92
  563. Somnambulist’s thought in plastic images, 60
  564. Spielrein, 337
  565. Standpoint, causal, final, viii
  566. Stanley Hall, Dr., 94
  567. Star-dwellers, 35, 36
  568. Stekel, 191, 259, 261
  569. Stereotypic acts, 282
  570. Stimulus word, 101
  571. Stimulus word, repetition of, 105
  572. Study of psychological types, 287–98
  573. Subconscious personality, how constructed, 55
  574. Subconscious personalities, Grandfather I. and II., 80
  575. Subjective roots of dreams, 73
  576. Sublimation, 140
  577. Sucking as sexual act, 231
  578. Suggestibility, influence of darkness on, 59
  579. Suggestibility, somnambulist’s, 92
  580. Suggestion, analysis not a method of, 207
  581. Suggestion, by analyst, 261, 265, 266
  582. Superstition, scientific dread of, 211
  583. Superstition, unconscious, 280
  584. Swedenborg, 37
  585. Swedenborg, visions of, 63
  586. Symbol interpreted semiotically, vii
  587. Symbol not fixed, 218, 221, 265, 308
  588. Symbol psychological, two aspects of, viii
  589. Symbol value of religious, xi
  590. Symbolic meaning of sexual phantasies, 222
  591. Symbolism, 198, 224
  592. Symbolism, an experience, 222
  593. Symbolism, book of Tobias, 174
  594. Symbolism, chestnuts, meaning of, 183
  595. Symbolism, God and devil, 174
  596. Symbolism, of dreams, 59, 218, 308
  597. Symbolism, value of religious, 224
  598. Sympathy (extraversion), 293
  599. Symptomatic acts, 46, 179, 281
  600. Systematic anæsthesia, 68
  601. Table movements, 85
  602. Table-turning, 17, 24, 50
  603. Tachypnœa (case of S.W.), 19
  604. Teleology, meaning in double consciousness, 84
  605. Telepathic thought-reading, 266
  606. Tender-minded and tough-minded, 290
  607. Thought pressure, 204
  608. Thought-reading, 85–92
  609. Thought, somnambulic, in plastic images, 60
  610. Thought, transference, 24, 51, 56
  611. Tongue, slips of, 179
  612. Transference, 245–46, 270, 289
  613. Thought, infantile, 298
  614. Thought, positive and negative, 270–72
  615. Trauma, sexual, 227, 242, 358, 361–62
  616. Trauma, theory (Charcot), 361
  617. Trumbull Ladd, 62
  618. Truth, what is it, 252, 256
  619. Twilight states, 71, 81
  620. Type, complex, 114
  621. Type, definition, 114
  622. Type, extraverted, 288
  623. Type, introverted, 288
  624. Type, objective, 11
  625. Type, predicate, 115 Types (Finck), 296
  626. Types (Gross), 296–97
  627. Types importance of, 348
  628. Types naïve and sentimental, 294
  629. Tough and tender-minded, 290
  630. Typical themes of dreams, 310
  631. Unconscious, an extension of the individual, vi
  632. Unconscious compensation, 284
  633. Unconscious importance of the, 278
  634. Unconscious personalities (Ivenes), 77
  635. Unconscious psychic material, 279
  636. Unconscious superstition, 280
  637. Understanding, prospective, 338
  638. Understanding, retrospective, 338
  639. Value of religious symbolism, 224
  640. Viennese school, one-sided interpretations of, 217
  641. Visions, Benvenuto Cellini, 63
  642. Visions, hypnagogic, 63, 71
  643. Visions, of Jeanne d’Arc, 63
  644. Visions, of S.W., 21
  645. Visions, of Swedenborg, 63
  646. Visual images, 60
  647. Visual v. auditory hallucinations, 61
  648. “Vital necessity,” ix
  649. Voisin, 66
  650. Volitional meaning of dreams, 222
  651. Vischer, 348–49
  652. Wandering impulse, cases of, 9
  653. Warringer, 293–94
  654. Washing mania, 246
  655. Wernicke, 316
  656. Westphal, 13
  657. Witch-sleep, 75
  658. Word predicate, type defined, 158
  659. Word-presentation, 53
  660. Works of the Zürich school, 345–46
  661. World-philosophy, 350
  662. Wundt, 352
  663. Zschokke, 92
  664. Zürich school, 355
  665. Zürich school, works of, 345–46


Ballière, Tindall & Cox, 8, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.