Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology/Index
- Aberrations of Marriage (Michaelis), 365
- Abreaction, 242
- Abstraction, 293
- Accoucheur, the analyst as, 268, 374
- Acts, symptomatic (Freud), 281
- Adaptation to father, 127, 160, 175
- Adaptation to„ mother, 125, 159, 171, 232
- Adler, viii, ix, 191, 223, 260–61, 290, 297–98, 330, 340, 343–44, 349
- Alcohol, influence of, 12
- Altruism, 269
- Ambitendency, 200
- Ambivalency, 200, 269
- Amnesia of Ivenes, 68
- Amnesia„ periodic, 9
- Amnesic disturbances, 66–7
- Anæsthesia, systematic, 68
- Analysis not a reasoning method, 208
- Analysis„ prejudices against, 206–07
- Analysis„ sexualistic conception of, vii
- Analysis„ v. interpretation, 219
- Analyst as accoucheur, 268, 374
- Analyst„ must be analysed, 244
- Analytical psychology, moral effect of, 375–76
- Anamnesis not psychoanalysis, 207
- Anna, little, 132–54
- Anxiety dreams, 160, 372
- Apollo, Introversion, 295
- Archaic view of life, x
- Aschaffenburg, 352
- Assimilation by analogy, 223
- Association, co-ordinance to father, 157
- Association,„ familiar, 120–32, 159
- Association,„ method, 80
- Association-concordance (Kerner), 92
- Association„ test, calculation in, 109
- Association„ test,„ guilt complex, 107
- Attack, hysterical (Ivenes) ætiology of, 74
- Attention, dispersion of, 46–8
- Attitudes passionelles, 18
- Augur, medical, 244
- Authority, faith in, 277
- Auto-hypnosis, 77, 240
- Automatic personalities (Ivenes), 82
- Automatic„ table movements, 49, 53, 57
- Automatic„ writing, 27, 49, 54, 57
- Automatism, motor cryptomnesia, 91
- Automatisms, 13, 47, 49, 54
- Automatisms,„ of S. W., 20
- Autonomous complexes, 375
- Auto-suggestion, 51, 53, 61
- Azam, case of Albert X., 9
- Azam,„ case of„ Felida, 66
- Baptism, the rite analysed, 215
- Bayle, 315
- Bergson, 231, 274, 293, 315, 348, 357
- Bernheim, 237
- Binet, 2, 12, 47, 56, 59, 60, 85, 289, 353
- Binet’s definition of somnambulism, 49
- Biological duties, 274
- Bircher, 250
- Birth, theories of child, 134
- Bleuler, 5, 14, 201, 312, 354
- Bleuler’s theory of negativism, 201
- Boileau’s case, 9
- Bonamaison’s case, 76
- Bourne, Ansel, case of, 9
- Bourru and Burot, 66
- Bresler’s case, 89
- Breuer, 236, 241
- Breuer’s case, 356–358
- Brill, 175
- Burgholzi, cases of mental disease analysed, 316
- Burgholzi,„ cases of„ dementia præcox, 322, 328–35
- Calculation in association test, 109
- Camuset, 66
- Case, Azam’s, 9, 66
- Case,„ Boileau’s, 9
- Case,„ Bonamaison’s, 76
- Case,„ Bresler’s, 89
- Case,„ Breuer’s, 356–58
- Case,„ Dyce’s, 84
- Case,„ Flournoy’s, 69
- Case,„ Hoefelt’s, 66
- Case,„ Janet’s, 55
- Case,„ Kalk’s, 65
- Case,„ Macnish’s, 11
- Case,„ Mesnet’s, 10–11
- Case,„ Naef’s, 8
- Case,„ Pronst’s, 9, 11
- Case,„ Renaudin’s, 67
- Case,„ Schreber’s, 343–46
- Case,„ Weir Mitchell’s, 64–5, 84
- Case of Albert X. (Azam), 9
- Case of„ Elise K., 3–7
- Case of„ Felida (Azam), 66
- Case of„ Helen Smith (Flournoy), 69
- Case of„ little Anna, 132–54
- Case of„ little Hans, 132
- Case of„ Lucie (Janet), 55
- Case of„ Mary Reynolds (Weir-Mitchell), 64–5, 84
- Case of„ S. W., 16–45
- Cases of dementia præcox, 322, 328–35
- Cases of„ mental disease analysed (Burgholzi’s), 316
- Catalepsy (Ivenes), 28
- Catharsis, 374
- Catholic Church, 271
- Causal principle in science, 339
- Casual„ view (Freud), 261
- Cellini, Benvenuto, 63
- Change in character (Azam’s case), 66
- Change in„ character„ (Hoefelt’s case), 66
- Change in„ character„ (Ivenes), 84
- Change in„ character„ (Kalk’s case), 65
- Change in„ character„ (Mary Reynolds), 64
- Change in„ character„ (S. W.), 69
- Charcot, 8, 356, 361
- Charcot,„ classification of somnambulic states, 8
- Charcot,„ trauma theory, 361
- Chevreul, 50
- Christ, religion of, 366
- Christian science, 126, 207, 244, 249
- Civilisation and neurosis, 224, 374
- Claparède, 188, 232, 348
- Claparede,„ (footnote), 287
- Clark lectures, 94–156
- Classification of dreams, 310
- Comparison of dream-symbols with somnambulic personalities, 59
- Compensation, unconscious, 201, 236, 280, 284, 285
- Complex, concealment, 117
- Complex,„ Electra, 228
- Complex,„ incompatibility, 202
- Complex,„ Kern, 228
- Complex,„ Œdipus, 228, 232
- Complex,„ resistance, 201
- Complex,„ sensibility, 203
- Complexes, physicians’ own, 216, 243, 257
- Comprehension by analogy, 223
- Conflict moral, 225, 242, 247, 251
- Content, manifest and latent of dream, 372
- Conscious invention v. dream, 178
- Conscious material, use of in analysis, 216
- Consciousness alternating, 11
- Consciousness„ double, 1
- Constellation, parental, 160–75
- Constellations, familiar, 119–132
- Converted libido, 141
- Cook, Miss Florence, 37
- Correspondence of Jung and Loÿ, 236–77
- Creative work of unconscious, additional, 85
- Crucial points in Psychoanalysis, 236–77
- Cryptomnesia, 78, 86, 87, 199
- Cryptomnesia,„ Nietzsche example, 87
- Cryptomnesic hallucinations, 91
- Cryptomnesic„ motor-automatism, 91
- Darkness, effect of, on suggestibility, 59
- Dawson Williams, Dr., 278
- Deception, Ivenes’ wilful, 44
- Deception,„ of doctor by patient, 260, 266–67
- “Deep” Psychology, 354
- Deficiency, emotional, 2
- Deficiency,„ intellectual, 2
- Deficiency,„ mental, 2
- Deficiency,„ neurasthenic, 14
- Deficiency,„ psychopathic, 3, 13
- Definition of libido, 156, 288
- Delbruck, 70
- Delirium, hysterical, 7
- Dementia præcox, 129, 143, 149, 151, 182, 201, 283, 312–18
- Depreciation by introverted type, 289
- Depressions of puberty, 127
- Dessoir, 85
- Diagnosis of facts, 106–13
- Diehl, 14
- Dionysus, 183
- Dionysus,„ extraversion, 295
- Dionysian orgies, 366
- Distortion produced by resistances, 285
- Dogma, 224
- Double consciousness, 1, 84
- Dream-analysis the real instrument of the unconscious, 209, 373
- Dreams, anxiety, 160, 372
- Dreams,„ association method, 302
- Dreams,„ classification of, 310
- Dreams,„ comparative study of, 215
- Dreams,„ conception of differing from Freud, 222
- Dreams,„ content, manifest and latent, 372
- Dreams,„ Freud’s conception of, 222
- Dreams,„ instances of analysed, 147, 193, 217, 219, 303
- Dreams,„ many-sided, 217
- Dreams,„ no arbitrary interpretation, 218
- Dreams,„ no fixed symbols, 218, 221, 265, 308
- Dreams,„ number, 191, 193, 197
- Dreams,„ St. Augustine’s, 307
- Dreams,„ symbolism of, 308
- Dreams,„ typical themes of, 310
- Dualism in Ivenes’ sub-conscious personalities, 79
- Dubois, 208, 243, 255
- Duplication of attributes, 182
- Duty to children, parental, 153
- Duties biological, 274
- Eccentricities pre-exist illness, 282, 289
- Ecstasy, 15, 20
- Ecstasy„ (Bettina Brentano), 75
- Ego-complex, 81, 86
- Ego„ complex,„ (Ivenes), 83
- Ego, second (Dessoir), 85
- Ego„ somnambulic (Ivenes), 76
- Elan vital, 231
- Electra-complex, 228
- Empiricism, 291, 301
- Energic view point, 231
- Entoptic phenomena, 61
- Enuresis nocturna, 170, 237, 239, 246
- Epilepsy, 1
- Epileptoid attacks, 14
- Erler, 71
- Erotic conflict, 364–65, 370
- Esquirol, 315
- Etat second, 8
- Exhaustive states, 13
- Experiments by Dr. Fürst, 157–58
- Extraversion, 288, 347
- Extraversion„ regressive, 288
- Familiar associations, 120–32, 159
- Familiar„ constellations, influence of, 127
- Fanaticism, 283
- Father, adaptation to, 127, 160, 175
- Father-complex, 270
- Faust analysed, 338–41
- Fechner, 352
- Felida, case of, 84
- Féré, 12
- Feuerbach, 346
- Final view (Adler), 261
- Finck (types), 296
- Fixation, Freud’s view of, 227
- Fixation,„ infantile, 228
- Flournoy, 60, 78, 199, 345–46
- Flournoy,„ case of Helen Smith, 69
- Folie circulaire, 67
- Forel, 70, 261
- Forel, The Sexual Question, 365
- Frank, 236, 245, 249
- Freud, 59, 73, 82, 104, 132–33, 156, 170, 191, 227, 241, 281, 297–98, 305–08, 319, 343–44, 349, 354–55, 359, 371, 373
- Freudian investigations, 133
- Freud’s case of paranoid dementia, 336–37
- Freud’s„ conception of dreams, 222
- Freud’s„ method, 339
- Freud’s„ psychology of dreams, 300
- Freud’s„ publications, opposition to, 355
- Freud’s„ theory, 261
- Freud’s„ theory,„ of infantile sexuality, 172
- Frobenius, 310
- Fürst’s experiments, 119, 157–58
- Future character (Felida), 84
- Future„ character„ (Mary Reynolds), 84
- Gall, 315
- Genesis of dreams, 212
- Genius, 1
- Gley, 50
- Glossolalia, 89–91
- Glossolalia,„ instances of, 28
- Goethe, 12, 339
- Goethe,„ psychic stimulation of, 75
- Grandfathers I. and II. (Ivenes), 80
- Grebelskaja, 337
- Gross, 348
- Gross,„ (types), 296–97
- Guilt complex, association test, 107
- Guinon and Waltke, experiment of, 10, 47
- Hallucination, cryptomnesia, 91
- Hallucination,„ hypnosis in production of, 58
- Hallucination téléologique, 84
- Hallucinations, 11, 15, 49, 58, 282
- Hallucinations„, Helen Smith’s, 63, 64
- Hallucinations„, hypnagogic, 13, 23, 62
- Hallucinations„, hypnopompic, 23, 62
- Hallucinations„, in somnambulism, 60
- Hallucinations„, intuitive, 64
- Hallucinations„, negative, 68
- Hallucinatory persons, why separated, 83
- Hans, little, 132
- Hecker, 64
- Hedonism, viii
- Hegel, 290
- Herd-animal, man a, 263
- Hoch, 289
- Hoche, 355
- Hoefelt, spontaneous somnambulism, 66
- Homosexual tendencies, 165, 172
- Hypermnesia (footnote), 86
- Hypnagogic activities, 23, 71, 204
- Hypnagogic„ flashes, 22
- Hypnopompical dreams, 23
- Hypnosis in production of hallucination, 58
- Hypnotic treatment, 6, 237
- Hypnotic„ treatment„ diametrically opposed to psychoanalysis, 207
- Hypnotism, essential character of, 243
- Hypnotism„ in automatic writing, 54, 56
- Hysteria, 1, 7
- Hysteric, extreme sensibility of, 85
- Hysterical attack (Ivenes), ætiology of, 74
- Hysterical„ deafness and paralysis (Breuer), 356
- Hysterical„ delirium, 71
- Hysterical„ dissociation, 81, 287
- Hysterical„ forgetfulness, 72
- Hysterical„ identification, 71
- Hysterical„ somnambulism (case of Elise K.), 3
- Hystero-epilepsy (Janet), 81
- Hystero-epileptic attacks, 81
- Hystero-hypnosis (Ivenes), 79
- Importance of the unconscious, 278
- Importance„ of„ types, 348
- Incest-barrier, 230
- Individual, the, a changing identity, ix
- Individual,„ metaphysical needs of, 223
- Infantile fixation, 228
- Infantile„ milieu, influence of, 131
- Infantile„ transference, 298
- Infantility in primitive people, 230
- Inspiration, 15
- Instances of dreams analysed, 217, 219
- Intelligence-complex, 114
- Interpolations in dreams, 176
- Interpolations„ in rumour, 176
- Interpolations„ v. analysis, 219
- Interpretation of Viennese school, one-sided, 217
- Introversion, 137, 140, 288, 347
- Introversion,„ neurosis in child, 140
- Intuitive hallucinations, 64
- Itten, 337
- Ivenes, 33–34, 68–84
- Ivenes,„ journeys on other side, 34
- Ivenes,„ mystic character, 69
- Ivenes,„ oracular sayings, 36
- Ivenes,„ race-motherhood, 39
- James, William, 290-92
- James„, William„ pragmatism, 348
- Janet, 46, 74, 81, 104, 232, 234
- Janet„ automatic writing (case of Lucie), 55
- Janet„ Lucie and Léonie, 66
- Janet„ Léonie, 69
- Janus face, 174
- Jeanne d’Arc, 63, 84
- Jeanne„ d’Arc,„ visions of, 63
- Jung, correspondence with Loÿ, 236–277
- K., Miss Elise, case of, 15
- Kalk’s case, 65
- Kant, 278, 303, 339
- Katatonic dementia præcox, 324
- Katatonic„ negativism, 202
- Kern-complex, 228
- Kerner, 87, 88
- Kerner’s book, 27, 35, 93
- Kerner’s„ Prophetess of Prevorst, 27, 69
- Kraepelin, 352
- Kraepelin-Aschaffenburg scheme, 157
- Kraft-Ebing, 7
- Lapses (case of S.W.), 20–23
- Legrand du Saulle, 66
- Lehmann, 50, 51
- Leibniz, 278
- Lethargy hysterical (Ivenes), 74
- Lethargy„ hysterical„ (Loewenfeld), 76
- Libido, 231, 347–48
- Libido,„ canalisation of, 260, 274
- Libido,„ defined, 156, 288
- Libido,„ stored-up, 234
- Life, archaic view of, x
- Literature of psychoanalysis, 154–55
- Little Anna, 132–54
- Little Hans, 132
- Loewenfeld, 74-76
- Loÿ’s correspondence with Jung, 236–77
- Lumpf-theory, 147
- Lying, pathological, 15, 70, 71
- Macario, 64
- Macnish’s case, 11
- Maeder, 337
- Man a herd animal, 263, 269
- Martian language (Helen Smith), 90
- Masochism, 165
- Materia medica of filth, 243–44
- Maury, 62
- Mayer, 231
- Medical augur, 244
- Medium, S.W. as, 18
- Mental balance, 282
- Mental deficiency (neurasthenic), 14
- Mesnet’s case, 10–11
- Metaphysical needs of individual, 223
- Method of association, 370
- Meynert, 316
- Mind the, a Becoming, 341
- Mirror-writing, 54
- Misreading, 17, 46, 48
- Mithras, religion of, 366
- Moral conflict, 225, 242, 247, 251
- Moral effect of analytical psychology, 375–76
- Mörchen, 14
- Mother, adaptation to, 125, 159, 171, 232
- Myers, automatic writing, 54
- Mystic science, S. W., 40–44
- Mythology, 226
- Naef’s case, 8
- Naïve and sentimental types, 294
- Nancy school, 356
- Nebuchadnezzar’s dream discussed, 281
- Necessity, vital, ix, 375
- Negativism, 200–201
- Negativism,„ causes of (Bleuler), 202
- Negativism,„ katatonic, 202
- Negativism,„ schizophrenic, 200
- Nelken, 337
- Neumann, 353
- Neurasthenia, 1, 129
- Neurosis, 256, 370, 375
- Neurosis,„ ætiology of, 234
- Neurosis,„ and civilisation, 224, 374
- Neurosis,„ cause of, 232
- Neurosis,„ cause of,„ outbreak of, 229
- Neurosis,„ counter-argument against husband, 129–31
- Neurosis,„ failure in adaptation, 234
- Neurosis,„ Freud’s theory of, 227
- Neurosis,„ introversion in child, 140
- Neurosis,„ psychogenic in essence, 356
- Neurosis,„ sexual ætiology of too narrow, 231
- Neurosis,„ the cause in present, 232
- Neurotic, a bearer of social ideals, 271, 277
- Neurotic’s faith in authority, 268
- Neurotic’s„ special task, 233
- Nietzsche, 87, 88, 295–96, 310, 326, 343
- Nucleus-complex, 228
- Number dreams, 292
- Occultism’s premature conclusions, 85
- Occultist literature, gnostic systems, 93
- Œdipus-complex, 228, 232
- Opposition to Freud’s publications, 355
- Ostwald, 292
- Paranoia, 128, 313
- Paranoid dementia, Freud’s case, 336–37
- Parental duty to children, 153
- Parental„ constellation, 160–75
- Parties supérieures (Janet), 232
- Pathological cheat, psychology of, 70
- Pathological„ dreaming of saints, 70
- Patient and doctor, personal relation, 216–219
- Patients’ resistances, 117, 202–05, 216
- Personality of doctor, 238, 243, 259
- Persuasion methods, 237
- Phales, 183
- Phantasies, sexual, 228
- Phenomena, entoptic, 61
- Phenomena„ of double consciousness as character formations, 84
- Philosophy world, 350
- Physician’s own complexes, 243, 257
- Pick, 70, 71
- Pinel, 315
- Power, evaluation, 274
- Power,„ evaluation,„ (Adler), 340
- Power standpoint, Adler on, viii, ix
- Predicate type, 125
- Predisposition to neurosis, 233, 359
- Press of ideas, 203
- Preyer, 51
- Prism, parable of, 252
- Problems of the day, sexual, 276, 367–77
- Projection on doctor, 273
- Prophetess of Prevorst, 27, 37, 69, 91–93
- Proust’s case, 9–11
- Prudishness, 154
- Prudishness,„ case of, 119
- Pseudologia phantastica, 72
- Pseudological representation, 71
- Psychic life of child, 132–56
- Psychic„ material unconscious, 279
- Psychoanalysis a high moral task, 235
- Psychoanalysis„ defined, 206, 256
- Psychoanalysis„ literature of, 154–55
- Psychoanalysis„ prejudices against, 206–07
- Psychoanalysis„ technique of, 257
- Psychoanalyst, education of, 244, 258, 266
- Psychographic communications, 25
- Psychological types, study of, 287–98
- Psychology, deep (Bleuler), 354
- Psychology,„ of dreams, 299–311
- Psychology,„ of pathological cheat, 70
- Psychology,„ of rumour, 176
- Psychocatharsis, 237
- Puberty, changes in character at, 67
- Puberty,„ dreams of, 74, 178
- Puberty,„ of psychopathic, 68
- Puberty,„ somnambulic attacks at, 84
- Puberty,„ want of balance at, 45
- Race-motherhood (Ivenes), 39
- Rapport effective with hysterics, 81, 287
- Reaction-times, 98–102
- Reaction„-type, 157
- Reaction„ type,„ hysterical, 97
- Reaction„ type,„ normal, 96
- Reasoning method of Dubois, 208
- Reconstruction of life, 236
- Reincarnation (Ivenes), 37–9
- Regression, 230, 232
- Regressive extraversion, 288
- Regressive„ introversion, 289
- Renaudin’s case, Folie circulaire, 67
- Repressed thoughts, independent growth of, 82
- Reproduction experiment, 116
- Resistances, patients’, 117, 202–05, 216
- Resistances,„ productive of distortion, 285
- Revenge, unconscious, 190
- Reynolds, Mary, case of (change of character), 65
- Ribot, 66
- Richer, 66
- Richet, 92
- Richet,„ definition of somnambulism, 49
- Rieger, 66
- Riegl, 293
- Riklin, 149
- Rumour, case of, 176
- Rumour,„ interpolations in, 176
- Rumour,„ not conscious invention, 178
- S. W., case of, 16–45
- Saints, pathological dreaming of, 70
- Schiller, 294
- Schizophrenia, 201, 312
- Schizophrenia,„ Bleuler’s summary, 203
- Schizophrenic introversion, 204
- Schizophrenic„ splitting, 201
- Scholasticism, 340, 352, 373
- School, the Zürich, 355
- School,„ the„ Nancy, 356
- Schoolmaster view, 264
- Schopenhauer, 295, 368
- Schreber case, 343, 346
- Schüle, 61
- Semi-somnambulic states, 23
- Semi-somnambulism (S.W.), 23, 37, 48–9
- Sexual enlightenment of children, 152, 247
- Sexual„ phantasies, 228
- Sexual„ problems of the day, 277, 367–77
- Sexual question, Forel, 365
- Sexual surrogates, 172
- Sexuality, importance of infantile, 172
- Sexuality,„ primitive man’s view of, 306
- Sexualisation of thought, 204
- Significance of the father, 156
- Significance„ of the„ father,„ case 1...160
- Significance„ of the„ father,„ case„ 2...162
- Significance„ of the„ father,„ case„ 3...165
- Significance„ of the„ father,„ case„ 4...170
- Significance„ of number dreams, 191
- Slips of tongue, 179
- Smith, Helen, case of, 61, 63–64, 72, 91
- Socrates, 332, 374
- Somnambulic attacks, S.W., 28
- Somnambulic„ attacks,„ origin of, 75
- Somnambulic„ dialogues, 18
- Somnambulic„ personalities, 30–33
- Somnambulism, 2, 8, 16, 18, 240
- Somnambulist’s suggestibility, 92
- Somnambulist’s„ thought in plastic images, 60
- Spielrein, 337
- Standpoint, causal, final, viii
- Stanley Hall, Dr., 94
- Star-dwellers, 35, 36
- Stekel, 191, 259, 261
- Stereotypic acts, 282
- Stimulus word, 101
- Stimulus„ word,„ repetition of, 105
- Study of psychological types, 287–98
- Subconscious personality, how constructed, 55
- Subconscious„ personalities, Grandfather I. and II., 80
- Subjective roots of dreams, 73
- Sublimation, 140
- Sucking as sexual act, 231
- Suggestibility, influence of darkness on, 59
- Suggestibility,„ somnambulist’s, 92
- Suggestion, analysis not a method of, 207
- Suggestion,„ by analyst, 261, 265, 266
- Superstition, scientific dread of, 211
- Superstition,„ unconscious, 280
- Swedenborg, 37
- Swedenborg,„ visions of, 63
- Symbol interpreted semiotically, vii
- Symbol„ not fixed, 218, 221, 265, 308
- Symbol„ psychological, two aspects of, viii
- Symbol„ value of religious, xi
- Symbolic meaning of sexual phantasies, 222
- Symbolism, 198, 224
- Symbolism,„ an experience, 222
- Symbolism,„ book of Tobias, 174
- Symbolism,„ chestnuts, meaning of, 183
- Symbolism,„ God and devil, 174
- Symbolism,„ of dreams, 59, 218, 308
- Symbolism,„ value of religious, 224
- Sympathy (extraversion), 293
- Symptomatic acts, 46, 179, 281
- Systematic anæsthesia, 68
- Table movements, 85
- Table-turning, 17, 24, 50
- Tachypnœa (case of S.W.), 19
- Teleology, meaning in double consciousness, 84
- Telepathic thought-reading, 266
- Tender-minded and tough-minded, 290
- Thought pressure, 204
- Thought-reading, 85–92
- Thought, somnambulic, in plastic images, 60
- Thought,„ transference, 24, 51, 56
- Tongue, slips of, 179
- Transference, 245–46, 270, 289
- Thought,„ infantile, 298
- Thought,„ positive and negative, 270–72
- Trauma, sexual, 227, 242, 358, 361–62
- Trauma,„ theory (Charcot), 361
- Trumbull Ladd, 62
- Truth, what is it, 252, 256
- Twilight states, 71, 81
- Type, complex, 114
- Type,„ definition, 114
- Type,„ extraverted, 288
- Type,„ introverted, 288
- Type,„ objective, 11
- Type,„ predicate, 115 Types (Finck), 296
- Types„ (Gross), 296–97
- Types„ importance of, 348
- Types„ naïve and sentimental, 294
- Tough and tender-minded, 290
- Typical themes of dreams, 310
- Unconscious, an extension of the individual, vi
- Unconscious„ compensation, 284
- Unconscious„ importance of the, 278
- Unconscious„ personalities (Ivenes), 77
- Unconscious„ psychic material, 279
- Unconscious„ superstition, 280
- Understanding, prospective, 338
- Understanding,„ retrospective, 338
- Value of religious symbolism, 224
- Viennese school, one-sided interpretations of, 217
- Visions, Benvenuto Cellini, 63
- Visions,„ hypnagogic, 63, 71
- Visions,„ of Jeanne d’Arc, 63
- Visions,„ of S.W., 21
- Visions,„ of Swedenborg, 63
- Visual images, 60
- Visual„ v. auditory hallucinations, 61
- “Vital necessity,” ix
- Voisin, 66
- Volitional meaning of dreams, 222
- Vischer, 348–49
- Wandering impulse, cases of, 9
- Warringer, 293–94
- Washing mania, 246
- Wernicke, 316
- Westphal, 13
- Witch-sleep, 75
- Word predicate, type defined, 158
- Word-presentation, 53
- Works of the Zürich school, 345–46
- World-philosophy, 350
- Wundt, 352
- Zschokke, 92
- Zürich school, 355
- Zürich„ school,„ works of, 345–46
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