Collected Physical Papers/Index

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A- & D-reactions, in plant response, 330

electric concomitants of, 326, 327, 329, 330

indications of, 321

, unmasking of, 330

After effect, permanence of, by over strain, 212

Air, transparency of liquid, to electric radiation, 88

Allotropic changes, effect on conductivity of, 142

modifications, effect of visible radiation on, 141

Anaesthetics, effect of, on electric response, 315

Analyser and Polariser, book form of, 104

, crystals for, 97

Anisotropic conductivity, polarising substance and, 73

Apatite, polarisation of electric ray by, 8

Arsenic receiver, effect of heat and mechanical vibration on, 159

variation of resistance of, by electric radiation, 136, 148, 155

Artificial retina, 269

Assimilation. Automatic Recorder for, 333

, effect of traces of chemicals on, 335

, hourly variation of, 334

Balance, determination of electric excitability by, 281

Balanced Crescograph, see Crescograph.

Barytes, polarisation of electric ray by, 9

Beryl, polarisation of electric ray by, 8

Block. method of, for response of metals, 266, 278

,plants, 310

Book, as electric polariser and analyser, 105

, polarisation of electric ray by, 76

Bubbler, for photosynthesis, 332

Cardiac pulsation, characteristics of, in fish, frog and tortoise, 371

, effects of depressants and stimulants on, 373

Cardiograph, Resonant, 370

Chemical reagents, effect of, on response of metals, 258, 273, 274, 299, 300

, effects of, on response of living tissues, 315, 335, 337

, opposite effects of small and large dose, on inorganic response, 302

Chrysotile, polarisation of electric ray by, 73, 97

Coherence, definition of, 128 , non-discriminative character of, 163

, two classes of, 128

, untenability of theory of, 128, 179

Coherer, self-recovering types of, 128, 163

, systematic study of, 120

Comparator, Electric, 282

Conductivity hysteresis, exhibited by single and multiple contacts, 241

Conductivity Recorder, 169, 230

Conductivity variation, effect of allotropic change on, 142

,continuous radiation on, 175, 189

,cyclic variation of, E. M. F. on, 240

,external changes on, 244

, relation of, with intensity of radiation, 178

Continuous electric radiation, effect of, on Ag′ 203

stimulation, effect of, on tin-cell, 202, 203

,, on Silver cell, 202

,, on Ni-cell, 202, 203

, reversal produced by, 204, 215

visible radiation, effect of, on AgBr, 203

Crescograph, High Magnification, 347

, Balanced form of, 351

, records of growth by, 349

, Magnetic, 357

, Demonstration form of, 358

Crystals. different system, for electric polarisation, 95

"Dark Cross", electro magnetic, 114

, concentric wood for, 114

, minerals for, 115

Decoherence, phenomenon of, 128

Desmodium gyrans, effects of, stimulants and depressants on pulsation of, 373

Dextrose and levulose, electric analogues of, 109

Double absorption and double conductivity, exhibited by chrysotile, 73; epidote, 74; nemalite, 73

Double conductivity, its relation to double absorption, 73

Double refraction of electric ray, 95

Efficiency, photosynthetic of green leaves, 336

Electric radiation, electromotive variation induced by, 183

Electric radiation and mechanical stimulation, similarity of effects of, 204

Electric radiation and visible radiation, similarity of effects of, 187

Electric rays, complete polarisation of by, book, 99; chrysotile, 98; epidote, 9; jute cell, 17; nemalite, 9; serpentine, 16

Electric rays, polarisation, of by books, 99; crystals, 8, 95; gratings, 2; human hair, 96; strained dielectric, 20; vegetable fibres, 17

Electric rays, lens for parallel beams of, 5

, partial reflection of, by air-film, 53

, partial transmission of, by air film, 53

, total reflection of, 44

Electric Refraction, index of, by total reflection, 27

Response, by method of relative depression or exaltation, 285

, in metals, 266

, universal applicability of, test of, 285

Reversal, induction of, under sub-minimal stimulus, 203

, in Ag′ receiver. 180

Touch, 127

, sign of, 144

Waves, optical properties of, 87-92

Electro-molecular Explorer, 287

Electromotive variation, response by, method of, 251

wave accompanying stimulation of metal, 277

Eectro-polariscope, 11

Energy, determination of distribution of, in solar spectrum, 362

Epidote, electric polarisation by, 75

Excitation, determination of velocity of, 369

, Effect of temperature on velocity of transmission of, 369

Fatigue, effect of, in AgBr cell, 190

,, in tin, 269

, in metals, 268, 269

, in plants, 312

, in receiver, 180, 182

Fatigued substance, effect of heat and mechanical disturbance on, 157, 158

, effect of mechanical stimulation on, 156

, restoration of sensitiveness of, 156

Formaldehyde. stimulating effect of minute traces of, on assimilation, 335

Fish, frog, see cardiograph.

Galena, universal receiver, 187. 269

Galvanograph, 342

Glass, electric index of, refraction for, 41

Growth, determination of, absolute rate of, 349

, by balance, 352

, effect of chemical agents on, 351

, effect of CO2 on, 353 , effect of variation of temperature on rate of, 350, 358

effect of wireless stimulation on, 354, 356

Hydrilla Electric response of, 329

, Photosynthetic activity of, 330

Hysteresis, of conductivity exhibited by single and multiple contacts, 241

, under cyclic variation of stimulation, 297

Index of refraction, by method of total reflection, for electric ray, 46

by method of total reflection, for light, 56

for light, effect of variation or strength of solution on, 66

Index of refraction for light, effect of temperature on, 67

, for different rays, 68

Inductoscripts, 221

Inorganic matter, response of, by conductivity variation, 253

,, by electromotive variation, 266

Invisible image, relapse of, 212

Iron-filings-receiver, effect of heat and mechanical vibration on, 158

, characteristic curve of, 233, 240

Leaf, response of, to light, by electromotive variation, 325

,,, by resistivity variation, 319

Light, conductivity variation induced by, 189

, continuity of effect of, and electric radiation an inorganic receiver, 163

, effect in allotropic modification of, 141

,of continuous action of, 189

,balanced by mechanical vibration, 206

,short exposure of, on AgBr cell, 188

, response of leaf to increasing intensity and duration of, 320

, reversal in AgBr cell by, 190

, electromotive variation curve due to, 213

Magnesium, radio-molecular oscillation produced in, 152

Magnetic Crescograph and Radiometer, 357, 359

Mass action, 133

Mechanical Wave, model for, 78

Lever Recorder, 261

stimulation, electromotive force accompanying, 277

Molecular action, 134

arrest, effect of poison on, 303

oscillation, 153, 154, 155

receiver, transition of from non-recovering to self-recovering, 170

Photographic action, theories of, 209

Photo-chemical induction, 215

, effect of intermittence in modifying the law of, 216

, modification by time-rate of, 218

Photo-electric cell, vegetable form of, 323

Photosynthetic Recorder, 331 Poison, effect of, on inorganic response, 274, 301

,, on plant response, 315

Plane of polarisation, rotation by twisted structure of, 107

Polarisation apparatus, for electric ray, 2, 91

Potassium receiver, negative response given by, 151

Quadrant Method, response of leaf by, 317

Radiator, electric, 3, 79

Radiograph, self-recording, 338

, diurnal record of light by, 344, 345

Receivers, automatic for electric radiation, 125, 161

, galena, universal type of, 269

Recorder, Mechanical lever, 261

, Magnetic, 263

, Photographic, 308

, Resonant, 364, 366, 368

, Conductivity, 169, 230

, Crescographic, 347

, Crescographic Magneto, 357

,Balanced, 351

Refraction, electric index for glass, 41

,sulphur, 30

Response, electric, of metals, 266

, effect of increasing intensity of stimulus on, 295

, effect of variation of temperature on, 257

, effect of chemical reagents on, 274

, effect of poison on, 274

Retina, artificial, 269

Rhythmic tissue in plant and animal, 372

Selective conductivity, exhibition of, by crystals, 71

Self-recovering receiver, perfect type of, 173

, negative response exhibited by, 172

, effect of cyclic E. M. F. variation on, 248

Silver, characteristic curve of positive type given by, 246

, two varieties of, 146

, variation of current and resistance with increasing E. M. F. in, 247

Steam, effect of, in abolishing response of plant, 314

Stimuli, effect of superposition of, in living tissues, 313

,, in metals, 201

Stimulus, opposite effects of strong and feeble, on electromagnetic receivers, 135, 181

, on response of metals, 302

, on response of plants, 256

, similarity of effect of, on living and non-living, 253

, Subminimal, effect of, 181, 203, 297

Stimulants, effect of, on inorganic response, 274, 300, 301

, on response of leaf, 321

Strain cell, effect of single stimulus on, 198

, effect of continuous stimulation on, 202

, irreversible molecular effect of torsion on, 197

Strained dielectric, polarisation of electric ray by, 19

Stratified rocks, polarisation of electric ray by, 20

Sulphur, electric index of refraction for, 30

Tejometer, 270

Tetanus, in muscle, 268

, in inorganic response, 256, 268

Thermal dawn and noon, 345

Times lag, effect of, in iron-receiver, 238, 239

Total reflection, of electric ray, influence of wave length on, 48

, of electric ray, influence of thickness of air-space on, 48

, of electric ray, influence of angle of incidence on, 44

Vision, binocular alternation of, 271

Wireless stimulation on plant, 354