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Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Nashville

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1934236Collier's New Encyclopedia — Nashville

NASHVILLE, a city, port of delivery, and the capital of the State of Tennessee; on the Cumberland river, and on the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis, the Louisville and Nashville and the Tennessee Central railroads; 233 miles E. N. E. of Memphis. This city is regarded as the most important educational center in the South, and in population is the largest city in Tennessee. It is built on undulating grounds with the exception of Capitol Hill, which is very abrupt.

Business Interests.—Nashville occupies a foremost place among the manufacturing centers of the country. It is the largest hardwood flooring and flour-mixing market in the world and has the largest stove, commercial fertilizer, live stock and printing market south of the Ohio river. Other large manufacturing industries include boots and shoes, candies, cotton and burlap bags, hosiery, overalls, work shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, furniture, bricks, saddles, harness, burial caskets, and butter; and large jobbing interests, covering practically all lines. Bank clearings for 1915, $322,901,654.15; for 1919, $863,911,695.91. About $100,000,000 of live stock handled in 1919.

Public Interests.—The city has an area of 10 square miles; an excellent street system, and modern water and sewer systems. There is a public school enrolment of over 20,000, and annual expenditures for public education of over $450,000. The annual cost of maintaining the city government is nearly $2,000,000. Nashville is the seat of Vanderbilt University, Fisk University, George Peabody College for Teachers, Ward-Belmont College, Knapp School of Country Life, Meharry Medical College, and State Normal School for negroes. There are 22 city parks and playgrounds, and 41 hospitals, homes, and asylums.

History.—Nashville was settled in 1780; received its city charter in 1806; was the capital of the State in 1812-1815 and in 1826-1843; and in the latter year was made the permanent State capital. It was occupied by Union troops in 1862, and was the scene of a noted battle in 1864. In 1897 the Tennessee Centennial Exposition was held near West End Park, and some of the handsome buildings were left standing. About 12 miles E. of Nashville is The Hermitage, the home of Andrew Jackson, which contains the log cabin in which he was born, and near by it his tomb. Pop. (1900) 80,865; (1910) 110,364; (1920) 118,342.