Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Porto Rico
PORTO RICO, the most easterly of the Greater Antilles Islands of the West Indies, a territorial possession of the United States. It has an area of 3,606 square miles. The island is roughly rectangular in shape. It is about 100 miles in length. The coast line is about 360 miles long, with comparatively few important indentations. A broken irregular range of hills passes across the island from east to west, ranging in height from 2,000 to 3,000 feet.
The annual range of temperature is from 90° to 50°, with an average of 76°. Rail falls almost daily, the annual precipitation being nearly 77 inches.
The island is famous for the number and size of its trees, which include several species of palms. There are also several varieties of hard wood useful in building. Although several metals occur on the island there is little or no mining. Gold, carbonate, and sulphide of copper have been found. No systematic survey of the mineral resources of the island has been made.
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The chief industry of the people is
agriculture. The principal crops are
sugar cane, coffee, tobacco, and fruit.
Of sugar, there were in 1918 256,431
acres under cultivation, and the total
production was 453,796 tons. The
production in 1919 was 406,002 tons. The
exports of sugar in 1919 amounted to
351,910 tons, valued at $48,132,419. The
exports of leaf and scrap tobacco in
1919 were valued at $8,420,538. The
coffee production decreased from 37,618,613
pounds in 1918 to 27,897,971 pounds
in 1919.
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© Newman Traveltalks and Brown & Dawson | |
In 1918-1919 1,307 American and
foreign vessels entered Porto Rico from
the United States and foreign countries.
The harbor of San Juan, chief port and
naval station, has been improved and
has an entrance of 600 yards square and
30 feet deep. There are about 1,100
miles of road on the island and about
339 miles of railway. The railway system
nearly encircles the island and also
penetrates the interior.
The total enrollment in the public schools in 1919 was 160,794. The total number of children of school age was about 440,000. There were enrolled in the rural schools about 98,000 pupils, and in the elementary schools about 54,000. Great advances have been made in education since the American occupation of the island.
Health conditions have greatly improved under the American administration, owing to the installation of sanitary systems in the larger cities and to more careful attention to sanitation in all parts of the island.
The total receipts for the fiscal year 1918-1919 amounted to $13,578,608, and the disbursements to $13,017,734. There was a balance on hand on July 1, 1919, of $5,022,316.
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© E. M. Newman | |
Government.—Porto Rico is governed
in accordance with the terms of the Act
of Congress of 1917. American citizenship
was granted to the people. There
is a representative government, the
franchise being restricted to citizens of
the United States, 21 years of age or
over. The executive power resides in a
governor, appointed by the President of
the United States. There is a legislature
of two elective houses. The Senate
is composed of 19 members and the
House of Representatives of 39
members. There is a resident commissioner
to the United States who has a seat in
Congress. There are six heads of
departments which form a council to the
governor known as the executive council.
There is a Supreme Court of five
members, appointed by the President,
and seven district judges appointed by
the governor. There are also municipal
courts, the judges and officials of which
are appointed by the governor.
History.—Porto Rico was discovered by Columbus on his second voyage, in 1493, and was afterward visited by other Spanish explorers. Ponce de Léon occupied the island with a large military force and maintained headquarters there for ten years. The Spaniards remained in control of the island until 1898. It was visited often by pirates. San Juan was sacked in 1595 by Sir Francis Drake. Other attacks by English forces were defeated. Porto Rico was created a province of Spain in 1869, and slavery was abolished in 1873, The fortifications of San Juan were bombarded by a fleet under Admiral Sampson, in July, 1898, and a military expedition under General Miles took possession without opposition. By the Treaty of Paris, in 1898, Porto Rico was ceded to the United States. With the exception of political struggles, the American administration was without important event. In 1912 laws were passed providing for sanitary reform, a bureau of labor, and the minority representation. The inhabitants of Porto Rico were granted citizenship on March 2, 1917. Prohibition was voted by the people on July 16 of the same year. During 1918 officers' training camps were opened on the island and a large number of young men were trained for military service. In 1918-1919 a new election law was passed. Amendments were also made to the labor laws. The population of Porto Rico in 1910 was 1,118,012; in 1920, 1,297,772. The chief towns are San Juan, Ponce, and Mayaguez.
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Copyright, L. L. Poates Eng. Co., 1921 |