Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States/Book 3/Index
A. | ||
ACADEMY, Military | iii. 155 | |
ACCOUNTS, Public, to be published | iii. 213, 214 | |
ACCUSATION, Self, Criminals not bound to | iii. 656–660 | |
ADJOURNMENT of Congress, by whom | iii. 293, 294, 297 | |
of each House | ii. 303–330 | |
ADMIRALTY, Jurisdiction. (See Judiciary) | iii. 525–536 | |
ADMISSION of new States into the Union | iii. 184–192 | |
ALIENS, who are | iii. 570, 571 | |
suits by, and against | iii. 568–572 | |
ALIEN ACT, whether constitutional | iii. 164–166 | |
AMBASSADORS, appointment of | iii. 354, 372, 373, 380 | |
Receiving of | iii. 412, 414 | |
Dismission of | iii. 418, 419 | |
Protection, and rights of | iii. 519–525 | |
Suits by and against | iii. 519–525 | |
AMENDMENTS OF CONSTITUTION, how made | iii. 685–690 | |
APPEAL, Nature and Effect of | iii. 626–651 | |
APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (See Judiciary) | iii. 572, 576, 626–651 | |
APPOINTMENTS, to office by president, and senate | iii. 372–386 | |
By congress, and heads of departments | iii. 354, 382–386 | |
When discretionary in congress | iii. 354, 382–386 | |
When complete | iii. 397–408 | |
When the party is in office | iii. 408–409 | |
In case of vacancies | iii. 409–412 | |
APPORTIONMENT, of Representatives | ii. 103–114, 137–158 | |
of Direct Taxes | ii. 420, 462–465 | |
APPROPRIATIONS, of Money | iii. 64, 213, 214 | |
for Internal Improvements | iii. 149–153 | |
ARMS, right to bear | iii. 746 | |
ARMY AND NAVY, power to create and regulate | iii. 64–80 | |
ARREST of Members of Congress | iii. 318–325 | |
ARTS AND SCIENCE, Promotion of | iii. 48–52 | |
ATTAINDER, Prohibition of Bills of, by congress | iii. 209–211 | |
by States | iii. 238–239 | |
Effect of, in Treason | iii. 169–173 | |
AUTHORS, Copyright of | iii. 48–52 | |
AYES AND NOES, Call of, in congress | ii. 301–303 | |
B. | ||
BAIL, excessive, Prohibition of | iii. 750, 751 | |
BANK OF UNITED STATES, Constitutionality of | iii. 127, 149 | |
States cannot tax | ii. 486–501 | |
BANKRUPTCY, Power of congress over | iii. 4–15 | |
BILL OF RIGHTS, Propriety of | iii. 713–722 | |
BILLS OF ATTAINDER, Prohibition of by congress | iii. 209–211 | |
by States | iii. 217, 238 | |
BILLS OF CREDIT, Prohibition of | iii. 220–237 | |
What are | iii. 227–237 | |
BILLS OF EXCHANGE, Purchase of, by U. States | iii. 153 | |
BORROW MONEY, Power of congress to | ii. 503, 504 | |
C. | ||
CANALS AND ROADS, Power of congress as to | ii. 149–153 | |
CAPITATION TAX, Power to lay | ii. 424–458, 462 | |
CAPTURES, Regulation of | iii. 59–64 | |
CAROLINAS, Origin and Settlement of | i. 117–128 | |
CASES, What are within the judicial power | iii. 499–519 | |
CENSUS, when to be taken | ii. 103, 114–118 | |
CESSIONS, for Seat of Government | iii. 101–103 | |
for Forts, Arsenals, &c. | iii. 103–108 | |
of Foreign Territory | iii. 156–161 | |
CHARTER Governments, what | i. 145–146 | |
CHARTERS, Whether contracts, protected by constitution | iii. 258–264 | |
CITIZENS, who are | iii. 564–567 | |
Privileges and Immunities of, in each State | iii. 673–675 | |
COINAGE, Power of congress, over | iii. 16–22 | |
Counterfeiting | iii. 21 | |
Prohibition upon the States | iii. 217, 219, 220 | |
COLONIES, AMERICAN, Origin and Settlement of | i. 1–132 | |
Title of Territory | i. 1–20 | |
General Review of | i. 132–183 | |
Common Law in | i. 132–141 | |
Governments in | i. 142–147 | |
Rights of | i. 142–165, 171–176 | |
COLONIES, Legislative powers of | i. 171, 172 | |
COLUMBIA, District of | iii. 96–101 | |
Taxes in | iii. 462–469 | |
Legislation in | iii. 102–108 | |
COMMERCE, Power of congress to regulate (See Taxes) | ii. 503–543 | |
Foreign | ii. 510 | |
Domestic | ii. 510 | |
with Indians | ii. 510, 539–541 | |
Exclusive power in Congress | ii. 512 | |
Encouragement of Manufactures | ii. 519–538 | |
COMMON LAW IN COLONIES, Introduction of | i. 132–137, 141 | |
COMMON DEFENCE, Taxes for | ii. 366, 368, 429, 444, 458 | |
COMPACTS, by States | iii. 270, 271 | |
COMPENSATION (See President, Judges) | iii. 337–339 | |
iii. 490–498 | ||
for Property taken for Public uses | iii. 656–661 | |
CONTEMPTS OF CONGRESS, how punishable | iii. 298, 305–317 | |
CONTEMPTS OF COURTS, punishable | iii. 650 | |
CONFEDERATION, Origin and Formation of | i. 209–216, 141 | |
Articles of | i. 217–223 | |
Decline and Fall of | i. 224–252 | |
CONGRESS, Adjournment of | ii. 293, 294, 297 | |
Quorum of | ii. 294, 297 | |
Rules of | ii. 298, 299 | |
Ayes and Noes | ii. 301–303 | |
Compensation of | ii. 318–324 | |
Disqualifications of members of | ii. 330–337 | |
Qualifications of Representatives | ii. 46, 88–103 | |
of Senators | ii. 204–208 | |
Organization and modes of Proceeding | ii. 337–365 | |
Division into two Branches | ii. 26–45 | |
House of Representatives | ii. 46–172 | |
Senate | ii. 173–280 | |
Elections of | ii. 280–297 | |
Elections of | i. 420–435 | |
Meetings of | ii. 280–297 | |
Privileges of | ii. 297–327 | |
Journals of, to be kept | ii. 301, 302 | |
Contempts of | ii. 298, 305–317 | |
Mode of passing laws | ii. 338–342, 357–365 | |
Impeachments by and before | ii. 159–171, 214–279 | |
Power to Lay Taxes | ii. 366–502 | |
Borrow Money | ii. 503, 504 | |
Regulate Commerce | ii. 504–543 | |
Naturalization | iii. 1–3 | |
Bankrupt Laws | iii. 4–15 | |
Coin Money | iii. 16–20 | |
Weights and Measures | iii. 20, 21 | |
Counterfeiting Coin | iii. 21 | |
Post-offices and Post-roads | iii. 22–47 | |
Promotion of Science and Arts | iii. 48–52 | |
Piracy and Felonies on the High Seas | iii. 52–53 | |
Offences against the Law of Nations | iii. 52–58 | |
War and Captures | iii. 59–64 | |
Army and Navy | iii. 64–80 | |
Militia | iii. 81–95 | |
Seat of Government | iii. 96–101 | |
Forts, Arsenals, Dock-yards, &c. | iii. 101–108 | |
Incidental Powers | iii. 109–126 | |
Resulting Powers | iii. 111–124 | |
Bank of United States | iii. 127–148 | |
Vacancy in Presidency | iii. 334–337 | |
Establishment of Judiciary | iii. 449–456, 648–650 | |
Appropriations of Money | iii. 64 | |
Internal Improvements | iii. 149–153 | |
Embargoes | ii. 509, iii. 161–164 | |
Alien and Sedition Act | iii. 164–166 | |
Treason, punishment of | iii. 169–173 | |
State Records, proof and effect of | iii. 174–183 | |
Admission of new States | iii. 184–192 | |
Government of Territories | iii. 193–201 | |
CONNECTICUT, Origin and Settlement of | i. 72–80 | |
CONQUEST, Laws of, as to Colonies | i. 133 | |
CONSCIENCE, Rights of | iii. 702–705 | |
Origin and Adoption of | i. 252–258 | |
General objections to | i. 259–278 | |
Whether a Compact or League | i. 279–343 | |
Formed by the People, and not by States | i. 318–322, 448 | |
General objections to | i. 344–382 | |
Rules of Interpretation of | i. 383–442 | |
Preamble, Exposition of | i. 443–494 | |
Division of powers, Legislative, Executive, Judicial | ii. 1–26 | |
Legislative power, Division into two Branches | ii. 26–45 | |
The House of Representatives. (See Representatives.) | ii. 46–172 | |
The Senate. (See Senate.) | ii. 173–280 | |
Mode of passing Laws | ii. 338–342, 357–365 | |
President's negative | ii. 343–356, 421 | |
Powers of congress. (See Congress.) | ii. 366 to iii. 217 | |
Executive department. (See President.) | iii. 277–424 | |
Judicial department. (See Judiciary.) | iii. 425–456 | |
Supremacy of Constitution, Treaties and Laws | iii. 693–701 | |
CONSTRUCTION, Rules of,—of Constitution | i. 383–442 | |
CONSULS, Appointment of | iii. 354, 372 | |
Suits, by and against | iii. 519–525 | |
CONTEMPTS OF CONGRESS, how punishable | ii. 298, 305–317 | |
whether pardonable by President | iii. 353, 354 | |
CONTEMPTS OF COURTS, | iii. 650 | |
CONTRACTS, Impairing, prohibition of | iii. 240–268 | |
of the United States, how interpreted | iii. 200, 201 | |
CONVEYANCES, of Land under Colonial Governments | i. 160, 161 | |
COPYRIGHT, of Authors | iii. 48–52 | |
CORPORATION, composed of citizens, when entitled to sue | iii. 556 | |
Foreign, when it may sue | iii. 571 | |
CORRUPTION of Blood, in Treason | iii. 169–173 | |
COUNSEL, Right to, in criminal cases | iii. 664–666 | |
COURTS. (See Judiciary.) | iii. 425–456 | |
State, appellate jurisdiction, over | iii. 572, 576–612 | |
CRIMES, how prosecuted and tried | iii. 652–656 | |
CRIMINALS, Fugitive | iii. 675–677 | |
not bound to accuse themselves | iii. 656–660 | |
Trial of | iii. 652–656 | |
not to be twice tried | iii. 656–659 | |
CROWN, Rights and Prerogatives of, in the Colonies | iii. 132–137 | |
D. | ||
DEBTS in Colonies, a charge on land | i. 167, 168 | |
Revolutionary, provided for | iii. 691, 692 | |
of United States, priority of payment | iii. 153, 154 | |
DEBT, PUBLIC, stock not taxable by a State | iii. 495–501 | |
Old, declared valid | iii. 691, 692 | |
DEFENCE, Common, power to tax for | iii. 366–502 | |
DELAWARE, Origin and Settlement of | i. 115–117 | |
DESCENT, Rules of, in Colonies | i. 165, 166 | |
DIRECT TAXES, What are | ii. 424–428, 462–469 | |
How apportioned | ii. 103, 420, 424 | |
DISCOVERY, Right of, to America | i. 3–20 | |
Effect of, on Indian Title | i. 132–138 | |
DISQUALIFICATION and Disability to hold office | iii. 330–337 | |
of Electors | iii. 329, 330 | |
DISTRICT of Columbia | iii. 96–101 | |
Taxes on | iii. 462–469 | |
Legislation in | iii. 102–108 | |
DIVISION of Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers, Reasons for | ii. 1–26 | |
of Legislative, Reasons for | ii. 26–45 | |
DUTIES, Power to lay | ii. 367–440 | |
Meaning of | ii. 419, 421, 423 | |
to be uniform | ii. 367, 419–428 | |
Prohibitions on States | ii. 471, 486. iii. 270 | |
E. | ||
ELECTIONS of Representatives | ii. 46–88, 280–292 | |
of Senators | ii. 173–203, 280–292 | |
of President and Vice-President | iii. 311–330 | |
ELECTORS of President and Vice-President | iii. 311–330 | |
Time of choice of | iii. 330–332 | |
of Representatives and Senators. (See Elections.) | ii. 46–88, 280–292 | |
Disqualifications of | ii. 329, 330 | |
EMBARGO, power to lay | ii. 509. iii. 161–163 | |
What constitutional | iii. 164–166 | |
ERROR, Writ of, Nature and Effect of | iii. 626–629 | |
EXCISES, What are. (See Duties.) | ii. 367, 423, 424 | |
EXCLUSIVE, what powers of congress are, or not | i. 420–435 | |
EXECUTIVE department, Organization of | iii. 277–280 | |
EXECUTIVE, Unity of, Reasons for | iii. 281–291 | |
Duration of office | iii. 278, 291–302 | |
Re-eligibility. (See President.) | iii. 302–308 | |
EXPORTS, Prohibition of Duties on | ii. 422, 469–471 | |
EX POST FACTO LAWS, prohibition of, by congress | iii. 212, 213 | |
by a state | iii. 238, 239 | |
F. | ||
FELONIES, What are | iii. 52–56 | |
On High Seas | iii. 52–56 | |
FINES and FORFEITURES, Pardon of by President | iii. 353, 354 | |
Prohibition of, excessive | iii. 750–751 | |
FLORIDA, Purchase of | iii. 160, 161 | |
FREEDOM of the Press | iii. 722, 731, 744 | |
of Speech | iii. 722, 731, 735 | |
of Religion | iii. 722 | |
FUGITIVE, Criminals | iii. 675–677 | |
Slaves | iii. 675–677 | |
G. | ||
GENERAL WELFARE, Power to Tax for | ii. 366, 368, 444, 458, 502 | |
GEORGIA, Origin and Settlement of | iii. 128–131 | |
GOVERNMENT, Republican form of, guarantied | iii. 679–684 | |
GRAND JURY, in Crimes | iii. 655–659 | |
GUARANTY of Republican form of Government | iii. 679–684 | |
H. | ||
HABEAS CORPUS WRIT, Privilege of | iii. 206–209 | |
Suspension of | iii. 206–209 | |
HIGH SEAS, what is | iii. 52–58 | |
Crimes on | iii. 52–58 | |
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (See Representatives.) | ii. 46–172 | |
I. | ||
IMPAIRING CONTRACTS, Prohibition of | iii. 240–268 | |
IMPEACHMENT, Power of, in House of Representatives | ii. 159–171, 214 | |
Trial of in Senate | ii. 214–279 | |
of President and Vice-President | ii. 247, 255, 278 | |
Proceedings on | ii. 250, 273–277 | |
who are liable to | ii. 255, 257 | |
for what offences | ii. 262–271 | |
IMPLIED POWERS OF CONGRESS | iii. 109–126, 752, 756 | |
of Courts | iii. 650 | |
IMPLIED EXEMPTIONS from State Power | iii. 125 | |
IMPORTS, a State cannot tax | iii. 474–486 | |
IMPOSTS, Meaning of. (See Duties.) | ii. 419–422 | |
INCIDENTAL POWERS OF CONGRESS | iii. 109–126, 752, 756 | |
INDEPENDENCE, Declaration of | i. 190–192 | |
INDIANS, Title to Territory, | i. 7, 132, 135–138 | |
Commerce with | ii. 510, 539–543 | |
INDICTMENT, when necessary | iii. 656–659 | |
INFERIOR OFFICERS, who are in sense of Constitution | iii. 382, 386, 387 | |
INFORMATION, in Criminal Cases | iii. 659 | |
INJUNCTIONS, to or by State Courts | iii. 624–626 | |
to or by United States Courts | iii. 624–626 | |
INSOLVENT LAWS, how far constitutional | iii. 252–256 | |
INSPECTION LAWS, what are | ii. 472, 473 | |
INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, Power of Congress. (See Appropriation.) | iii. 149–153 | |
INVENTIONS, Patents for | iii. 48–52 | |
J. | ||
JEOPARDY of life or limb, in crimes | iii. 656–659 | |
JOURNALS of each House to be published | ii. 301, 302 | |
JUDGES, Appointment of | iii. 456, 457 | |
Tenure of Office | iii. 457–489 | |
Duties of, none but Judicial | iii. 651 | |
Compensation of | iii. 490–497 | |
Impeachment of. (See Judiciary.) | ii. 255, 257 | |
JUDICIARY, Organization and Powers of | iii. 425–652 | |
Importance of | iii. 425–436 | |
Appointment of Judges | iii. 456, 457 | |
Tenure of Office | iii. 457–489 | |
Compensation of | iii. 490–497 | |
Establishment of Courts | iii. 437–449 | |
Jurisdiction of Courts | iii. 499–651 | |
When exclusive or not | iii. 613–622 | |
Power of Congress over | iii. 51, 449–456 | |
Whether Congress can vest Power in State Courts | iii. 619–624 | |
Original Jurisdiction | iii. 572–576 | |
Appellate Jurisdiction | iii. 572, 576–590, 626–651 | |
from State Courts | iii. 576–612 | |
Cases, what are | iii. 499–519 | |
JUDICIARY, Parties in suits | iii. 499, 549–560 | |
when a State a party | iii. 549–560 | |
Suits by and against Ambassadors | iii. 519–525 | |
Admiralty Suits | iii. 525–536 | |
Suits by United States | iii. 536–542 | |
by or against States | iii. 543–549 | |
by citizens of different States | iii. 543, 561–564 | |
under grants of different States | iii. 543, 567, 568 | |
by or against Foreigners or Foreign States | iii. 543, 568–571 | |
Trial of Crimes | iii. 652–656 | |
Original | iii. 572–576 | |
Appellate. (See Judiciary.) | iii. 572, 576–612, 626–651 | |
over Cases from State Courts | iii. 562, 576–571 | |
Regulation of, by Congress | iii. 648–650 | |
Removal of Suits from State Courts | iii. 608–611 | |
When exclusive, or concurrent | iii. 613–622 | |
As to facts | iii. 626–650 | |
By Appeal | iii. 627–629 | |
By Writ of Error | iii. 627–629 | |
JURY, TRIAL BY, in Criminal Cases | iii. 652–656 | |
in Civil Cases | iii. 628–648 | |
Grand Jury | iii. 655–659 | |
K. | ||
KING, Rights and Prerogatives of, in Colonies | i. 161–170 | |
L. | ||
LANDS PUBLIC, Power of Congress over | iii. 184–191 | |
LAWS OF UNITED STATES, Supremacy of | iii. 693–701 | |
LAW OF NATIONS, offences against | iii. 52–58 | |
LAW OF THE LAND, Meaning of | iii. 656–661 | |
LEGISLATION, when exclusive in Congress. (See Commerce.) | i. 420–433; ii. 420–425 | |
in ceded places | iii. 96–102 | |
on high seas | iii. 56–58 | |
when not exclusive. (See Taxes.) | i. 420–425, 433 | |
LEGISLATURE. (See Congress, Senate, Representatives.) | ||
LETTERS OF MARQUE AND REPRISAL, Power of Congress | iii. 59–64 | |
Prohibition on States to issue | iii. 218, 219 | |
LIBERTY of the Press | iii. 722–731, 744 | |
of Speech | iii. 722–731, 744 | |
in Congress | ii. 318 | |
LOUISIANA, Purchase of | iii. 156–160 | |
M. | ||
MAINE, Origin and Settlement of | i. 64–71 | |
MANUFACTURES, Power of Congress to encourage | ii. 429–440, 519–538 | |
MARYLAND, Origin and Settlement of | i. 92–97 | |
MASSACHUSETTS, Origin and Settlement of | i. 44–63 | |
MEASURES AND WEIGHTS, Power of Congress as to | iii. 20, 21 | |
MILITIA, Power of Congress over | iii. 81–95 | |
Discipline and Government of | iii. 83–88 | |
Calling forth by Government | iii. 88–94 | |
Command of | iii. 93–95 | |
Right to bear arms | iii. 746, 747 | |
MINISTERS, PUBLIC, Appointment of | iii. 372, 373 | |
Receiving of, by Executive | iii. 414–419 | |
Violations of Rights of | iii. 522 | |
Right to sue | iii. 519–525 | |
MONEY, Coinage of | iii. 16–22 | |
Power to borrow | iii. 503 | |
Bills, or Revenue Bills | ii. 338–343 | |
N. | ||
NATIONAL BANK, Constitutionality of | iii. 127–149 | |
NATURALIZATION, Power of | iii. 1–3 | |
NAVIGATION, Regulation of | iii. 507–510 | |
NAVY AND ARMY, Power to establish | iii. 64–79 | |
Regulation of | iii. 79, 80 | |
"NECESSARY AND PROPER," Meaning of, as to powers of Congress | ii. 109–126 | |
NEGATIVE of President on Laws | ii. 343–356, 421 | |
NEW-ENGLAND, Origin and Settlement of | i. 34–43 | |
NEW-HAMPSHIRE, Origin and Settlement of | i. 64–68 | |
NEW-HAVEN COLONY, Origin and Settlement of | i. 73, 74 | |
NEW-JERSEY, Origin and Settlement of | i. 104–108 | |
NEW-YORK, Origin and Settlement of | i. 98–103 | |
NOBILITY, Prohibition of Titles of by Congress | iii. 215, 216 | |
by the States | iii. 269 | |
NORTH CAROLINA, Origin and Settlement of | i. 117–127 | |
O. | ||
OATH OF OFFICE, by Officers of United States | iii. 155, 702 | |
of Senators and Representatives | iii. 155, 702 | |
of President | iii. 339 | |
(See Impeachment.) | ii. 247, 255, 278 | |
by State Officers | iii. 702–705 | |
OBLIGATION OF A CONTRACT, what it is | iii. 243, 244 | |
OFFICE, Tenure of, by Judges. (See Judiciary.) | iii. 457–485 | |
by President and Vice-President | iii. 278, 291–302 | |
Appointments to. (See Appointmeints.) | iii. 354, 372–386 | |
Disqualifications to hold | ii. 330–337. iii. 331–334 | |
Whether Commission necessary to | iii. 397–408 | |
Foreign, Prohibition to hold | iii. 215, 216 | |
When Appointee is in | iii. 408, 409 | |
OFFICERS, who are inferior in sense of Constitution | iii. 382, 386 | |
ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. (See Judiciary.) | iii. 572–576 | |
P. | ||
PAPER MONEY, Prohibition of (See Tender.) | iii. 220–236 | |
PARDONS AND REPRIEVES, by President | iii. 340, 343–354 | |
Whether extending to Contempts | iii. 353 | |
not extending to Impeachments | iii. 340, 351, 353 | |
PARLIAMENT, Powers and Rights of, over Colonies | i. 172–183 | |
PARTIES TO A SUIT, who are, and when a State | iii. 549–560 | |
PENNSYLVANIA, Origin and Settlement of | i. 109–114 | |
PEOPLE, Constitution framed by | i. 318–322, 446 | |
PETITION, Right of | iii. 745, 746 | |
PIRACY, Power to define | iii. 52–58 | |
PLANTATIONS AND COLONIES, General Law Governing | i. 132–141 | |
PLYMOUTH COLONY, Origin and Settlement of | i. 36–43 | |
POLL TAXES | ii. 444–458 | |
POST-OFFICE AND POST-ROADS, Power respecting | iii. 22–47 | |
POST-MASTER GENERAL, Suits by | iii. 154 | |
his Patronage an anomaly | iii. 387, 388 | |
POWERS OF CONGRESS, Incidental | iii. 109–126 | |
Express. (See Congress.) | ||
Implied | iii. 109, 126, 752, 759 | |
When exclusive, or not | i. 420–435 | |
POWERS, reserved to States or People | iii. 751, 754 | |
PREAMBLE OF CONSTITUTION, Exposition of | i. 448–494 | |
PRESS, Liberty of the | iii. 722, 731, 744 | |
PRESENTMENT, what it is | iii. 657 | |
PRESIDENT, Negative on Laws | ii. 343–355, 421 | |
Mode of Choice of | iii. 311–330 | |
Re-eligibility of | iii. 302–308 | |
Duration and Tenure of Office | iii. 278, 291–302 | |
Non-election of | iii. 335, 336,337 | |
Vacancy of Office of | iii. 334–337 | |
Powers of | iii. 340–424 | |
Incidental | iii. 418, 419,420 | |
Duties of | iii. 412–414 | |
Appointments by | iii. 372–386 | |
when complete | iii. 397, 408 | |
Removals by | iii. 388–397 | |
Power to require Opinions of Departments | iii. 340, 343 | |
Calling forth Militia | iii. 88–95 | |
Making Treaties (See Treaties.) | iii. 354–372 | |
Command of Militia | iii. 93–95 | |
Resignation of | iii. 334–337 | |
Pardon and Reprieves by | iii. 340, 343–354 | |
Qualifications of | iii. 331–334 | |
Compensation of | iii. 337–339 | |
Oath of office | iii. 339, 340 | |
Commander of Army and Navy | iii. 340–342 | |
Power to Convene and Adjourn Congress | iii. 412–414 | |
Receiving Ambassadors | iii. 414–420 | |
Resignation of Office | iii. 334, 335, 337 | |
Impeachment of | ii. 247, 255, 278. iii. 421 | |
Veto | ii. 343–356. iii. 343–356, 421 | |
PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. (See Vice-President.) | ii. 208–211 | |
PRESENTS FROM FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS, Prohibition of | iii. 215, 216 | |
PROCESS, Due, of Law, what is | iii. 656, 661 | |
PROCLAMATIONS, BY PRESIDENT, when proper | iii. 419, 429 | |
of Neutrality | iii. 419, 420 | |
PROHIBITIONS on the United States | iii. 202–216 | |
on the States. (See States.) | iii. 217–269 | |
PROPERTY taken for Public Use, Compensation for | iii. 656, 661 | |
PROPERTY OF UNITED STATES, Power of Congress over | iii. 193–198 | |
PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENTS, what | i. 144, 145 | |
PROTECTIVE DUTIES. (See Taxes.) | ii. 429–446 | |
PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS, what | i. 143, 144 | |
PUBLIC LANDS | iii. 184–191 | |
PUNISHMENTS, CRUEL, not to be inflicted | iii. 750, 751 | |
PURCHASE by the United States of Foreign Territory | iii. 156–161 | |
of Bills of Exchange | iii. 153 | |
Q. | ||
of House of Representatives | ii. 46, 88–103 | |
of Senate | ii. 46, 204–208 | |
of President | iii. 331–334 | |
QUARTERING TROOPS | iii. 747, 748 | |
QUORUM OF EACH HOUSE | ii. 294, 295 | |
R. | ||
RATIFICATION OF CONSTITUTION, how made | i. 256, 257. iii. 709–712 | |
RECORDS AND LAWS OF STATES, how proved | iii. 174–183 | |
Effect of Proof | iii. 174–183 | |
of Colonies, effect of | iii. 176, 177 | |
RELIGIOUS TEST, Prohibition of | iii. 702, 705, 731 | |
RELIGION, Freedom of | iii. 722–731 | |
REMITTANCES, how United States may make | iii. 153 | |
Whether the Concurrence of the Senate ought to be required | iii. 388–397 | |
REMOVAL of Suits from State Courts | iii. 608–611 | |
REPRESENTATIVES, House of, in Colonies | i. 149, 150 | |
first Colonial, in Virginia | i. 25, 26 | |
in Congress | ii. 46–172 | |
How chosen | ii. 45–88 | |
Term of Service | ii. 47, 67–88 | |
Qualifications of | ii. 46, 88–103 | |
Apportionment of | ii. 103–114, 137–158 | |
Speaker of House of | ii. 151–156 | |
Impeachment by | ii. 159–171 | |
Disqualifications of | ii. 330–337 | |
REPRIEVES AND PARDONS, Power of President | iii. 340, 343–354 | |
REPRISAL, Letters of Marque and Reprisal. (See Letters of Marque.) | iii. 59–64 | |
RESERVED Powers and Rights of the People | iii. 751–754 | |
RETROSPECTIVE LAWS | iii. 268–269 | |
REVENUE, Bills to raise | ii. 338–343 | |
REVENUE BILLS, what | ii. 338–343 | |
REVOLUTION, AMERICAN, Origin and History of | i. 171, 184–208 | |
Powers of Government
during the |
i. 184–208 | |
RHODE-ISLAND, Origin and Settlement of | i. 81–92 | |
RIGHTS RESERVED to the States and People | iii. 751–754 | |
ROADS AND CANALS, Power as to | iii. 149, 153 | |
S. | ||
SEARCH AND SEIZURE OF PERSONS AND PAPERS, Prohibition of | iii. 748–750 | |
SEAT OF GOVERNMENT | iii. 96–101 | |
Power of Legislation over | iii. 102–108 | |
SEAT OF GOVERNMENT | iii. 164–166, 743, 744 | |
SENATE, Organization of | ii. 173–184 | |
How chosen | ii. 173–184 | |
Number of | ii. 184–186 | |
Term of Service | ii. 187–203 | |
Vacancies in, how supplied | ii. 203 | |
Qualifications of | ii. 204–208 | |
President of | ii. 208–211 | |
Power to try Impeachments. (See Impeachments.) | ii. 214–279 | |
Disqualifications of | ii. 330–337 | |
SLAVES, Representation off | ii. 107–114 | |
Migration and Importation of | iii. 330–337 | |
Fugitive | iii. 675–677 | |
SLAVERY, Restriction of, in Territories | iii. 184, 191, 192 | |
SLAVE TRADE, Prohibition of | iii. 202–206 | |
SOLDIERS, Quartering of, prohibited | iii. 747, 748 | |
SOUTH-CAROLINA, Origin and Settlement of | i. 117, 127 | |
SPEECH, Liberty of, in Congress | ii. 318 | |
STATES, Admission of new | iii. 184–192 | |
Prohibitions on. (See Prohibitions.) | iii. 217–276 | |
Treaties, Alliances, Compacts | iii. 217, 218, 270–272 | |
Letters of Marque and War | iii. 218, 276 | |
Coining Money | iii. 219, 220 | |
Bills of Credit | iii. 220–238 | |
Tender Laws | iii. 236, 237 | |
Impairing Contracts | iii. 240–266 | |
Bills of Attainder | iii. 217, 237 | |
Ex post facto Laws | iii. 238, 239 | |
Titles of Nobility | iii. 269 | |
Keeping Army or Navy | iii. 272 | |
Laying Duties or Imposts | iii. 474–486 | |
Laying Taxes | iii. 471, 475–501 | |
Tax on Bank of United States | iii. 486–495 | |
on Public Debt | iii. 495–501 | |
Tax on Importations | ii. 474–486 | |
Tonnage Duties | iii. 270 | |
Declaring War | iii. 272, 273 | |
Suits by and against. (See Judiciary.) | iii. 543, 545–560 | |
When a party to a Suit | iii. 549–560 | |
Courts of, Appeals from | iii. 572, 576–612 | |
SUPREMACY of Constitution, Laws, and Treaties | iii. 693–701 | |
T. | ||
TAXES, Power of Congress to lay | ii. 366–534 | |
Extent of power | ii. 366–502 | |
Whether to regulate Commerce | ii. 430–434, 529–534 | |
or encourage Manufactures | ii. 429–440 | |
for Common Defence and General Welfare | ii. 367, 368, 429, 444–458 | |
for Internal Improvements | iii. 149–153, 440, 458 | |
(See Appropriation.) | ii. 440–448 | |
Direct, what | ii. 424–428, 442 | |
Indirect, what | ii. 419–424 | |
Power not exclusive | ii. 411, 412 | |
Restrictions on Power | ii. 469–471 | |
Prohibitions on the States, as to | ii. 471, 475–501 | |
on District of Columbia | ii. 462–469 | |
TENDER LAWS, Prohibition of | iii. 236–238 | |
TERRITORIES OF UNITED STATES, Government of | iii. 193–202 | |
Restriction of Slavery in | iii. 184, 191, 192 | |
Law of Conquered | i. 133, 134, 194 | |
Law of Plantations. (See United States.) | i. 133, 134 | |
TEST, Religious, Prohibition of | iii. 702, 705 | |
TESTIMONY OF CRIMINALS, not compulsive | iii. 656–660 | |
TONNAGE DUTIES, by United States | ii. 469 | |
Prohibition on States | ii. 471, 474, iii. 270 | |
TREASON, Definition of | iii. 667–670 | |
Evidence of | iii. 667–671 | |
Effect of Conviction | iii. 169, 170 | |
Punishment of | iii. 169–173 | |
TREATIES, Prohibition on States to form | iii. 217, 218, 270, 271 | |
Power of President and Senate to make | iii. 354–372 | |
TRIAL OF CRIMES, in what place | iii. 652–655 | |
by Jury, in Criminal Cases | iii. 652–656 | |
in Civil Cases | iii. 628–648 | |
TROOPS, Quartering, Prohibition of | iii. 747, 748 | |
U. | ||
UNITED COLONIES, Powers of, during Revolution | i. 184, 208 | |
UNION, Importance of | i. 451–463 | |
UNITED STATES. (See Constitution.) | ||
Supremacy of Laws of | iii. 693–701 | |
Priority of Debts to | iii. 153, 154 | |
Right to Sue | iii. 154, 155 | |
Right to Contract and Grant | iii. 154, 155 | |
Right to Purchase Foreign Territory | iii. 156–161 | |
Right to Acquire Domestic Territory | iii. 184–192
(See Prohibitions.) | |
UNITY OF EXECUTIVE, Reasons | iii. 281–291 | |
V. | ||
VACANCIES, Appointments by State Executives to Senate | ii. 203 | |
Appointments by President in recess of Congress | iii. 409–412 | |
in Office of President and Vice-President | iii. 334–337 | |
VETO, President's | ii. 342–356. iii. 421, note | |
VICE-PRESIDENT, How chosen | iii. 311–330 | |
Reasons for Creation of | iii. 308–311 | |
President of Senate | ii. 208, 211. iii. 309, 310 | |
Powers and Duties | ii. 208. iii. 334, 335 | |
Vacancy of Office of | iii. 334, 337 | |
Impeachment of | iii. 247, 255, 278 | |
Duration of Office of | iii. 308, 309 | |
Resignation of | iii. 334–337 | |
VIRGINIA, Origin and Settlement of | i. 21–33 | |
W. | ||
WARRANTS, General, Prohibition of | iii. 748–750 | |
WAR, Power of Congress to Declare | iii. 59–64 | |
Prohibition on the States | iii. 270, 272 | |
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Power of Congress as to | iii. 20, 21 | |
WITNESSES, Criminals not bound to be | iii. 656, 660 | |
in Criminal Cases | iii. 656–662 | |
WRIT OF ERROR, Nature and Effect of | iii. 626, 629 |