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Compendium of US Copyright Office Practices, II (1984)/INDEX/A

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- A -
Abandonment of copyright or claim 1500-22
Abbreviated title 1600-11
Abbreviation by which name can be recognized 1000-2, 1000-3,1000-9,1000-11,1000-15
Abbreviation "Copr. 1000-2, 1000-4, 1000-5
Abbreviation or alternative designation 1000-11
Abbreviation, variants of 1000-4, 1000-11
Abridgment {musical) 400-11
Abridgment of sound recordings as new matter 400-44
Abridgments 300-7
Abstract art 500-2
Abstract choreography 400-18
Abstract designs 500-13
Acceptable statements of nationality,domicile, and nation of first pub­lication 1100-13
Acceptable variants 1000-4, 1000-5, 1000-6
Acceptability of currency 700-9
Access (unrestricted public) to copy or phonorecord 900-4
Accompanying music to dramatic works 700-3
Accompanying sounds to audiovisual works 700-3
Accompanying texts {pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work with) 1000-2, 1000-7
Accompanying words to musical works 700-3
Account books 200-3, 300-2, 500-18
Accounts (Deposit) 700-9, 1200-12
Acknowledgment, certificate of 1600-15
Acquisitions and processing Division, 800-43, 800-44,1500-19
Copyright Office, Chief of Acquisitions and processing Division,Deposit and Acquisitions Section of 800-39
Act (a work) 900-6
Act of 1909, importation under 1200-9
Act of 1909, manufacturing clause of 1200-1
Acting version of play 1200-4
Action (plan of) or concept 500-18
Actions (court), notification of filing and determination of 1600-1
Actual receipt, date of 1300-5
Actual signature of individual 1600-5
Ad interim copyright 1200-1, 1200-2, 1200-3, 1200-9, 1300-12, 1300-13, 1300-14, 1300-15
Ad interim term of five years 1200-2
Adaptation {musical) 400-10
Addenda and errata sheets 1500-18
Addendum to document 1600-13
Addition of missing information by annotation 1500-23
Addition of music as derivative work 400-11
Addition of subtitle 1500-14
Addition or correction of copyright notice 1500-19
Additional authors or claimants 1500-10
Additional basic registrations 1500-2
Additional fees for title indexing 1600-21
Additional 500 copies, importation of 1200-9
Additional information previously omitted 1500-3
Additional material (unpublished works) 800-4
Additional names in notice 1000-12
Additional recorded material in sound recordings 400-41
Additions (nonchoreographic) to choreographic work 400-21
Address and full name typewritten or printed legibly 1600-25
Address and name of copyright claimant 700-1
Address book 200-3, 300-2
Address (last known) of grantee or successor in title 1600-22, 1600-25
Address or name of author or claimant, error in 1500-12
Addresses 800-5
Administrative classes. authority of Register of Copyrights to specify 800-2
Administrative classification of works 700-1
Administrative notice of matters of general knowledge 100-5
Administrative purposes only, classification for 700-7
Administrative rulings 200-8, 300-5
Administrator 1300-19
Administrator cum testamento annexo 1300-21
Administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo (d.b.n.c.t.a.) 1300-21
Administratrix. see Administrator.  
Adopted children. 1300-17
Advance notice of termination and service 1600-22
Adverse claims 100-5
Adverse renewal claims 1300-29
Advertisements 500-1, 500-13, 700-3
Advertising copy 700-2
Advertising matter in periodicals 300-10
Aesthetic appeal or commercial Value 500-3
Aesthetic merit 200-1, 500-3,500-5
Aesthetic merit of work 200-1
Aesthetic merit of works of art 500-2, 500-12, 500-13
Affidavit 1300-2, 1300-3, 1300-7; 1300-9
Affidavit or signed statement, recordation 1500-8
Affidavit (Renewal) for U.C.C work. 1300-7
Affixation and position of notice 1000-17
Affixation (improper) of notice 1000-17
Agencies (specialized) of United Nations 1100-6
Agency or subdivision (governmental) 1100-3
Agent (duly authorized) 100-8, 100-9, 1200-10, 1200-12, 1300-8, 1500-7, 1600-2, 1660-5, 1600-24, 1600-25, 1600-27
Agent (duly authorized) of renewal claimant 1300-8
Agent (duly authorized) or successor 1n interest 1500-7
Agent (duly authorized) termination of grant by 1600-25
Agent (United states) 800-39
Agents as applicants 100-9
Agreement (Motion Picture) 400-31. 800-39ff
Agreement (Motion Picture) termination of 800-42
Agreement of employment for hire. 1300-27
Agreement (Supplemental Property) 800-42
Agreements (license) and royalty payments voluntarily negotiated 1600-1
Agreements (work-for—hire}. signatures required on 1600-10
Alqorithm 300-27
"All Rights Reserved" 1000-5
Allegiance (permanent). 1100-2
Allocation of ownership 1500-10
Alternative designation. 1000-2, 1000-3, 1000-9, 1000-11, 1000-15
Alternative forms of publication 900-5
Alternative position of notice on contributions to collective works 1000-20
Alternative titles 1600-21
Alternative titles of work 700-1
Ambiguity or error on renewal appli­cation 1300-10
Ambiguity (patent), error, ormission 1300-6
Ambiguous terms relating to sound recordings subject to question 400-44
Amendment after deadline 1300-4
Amendment, document returned for 1600-13
Amendments in document submitted for recordation 1600-17
American Samoa 1100-4
American States, Organization of 1100-6
Amount of dramatic content required 400-15
Amounts of $5 or less, refunds of 700-8
Amounts of less than $1, refunds of 700-8
Amplification and correction on Form CA, single form sufficient for 1500-25
Amplification of information in registration 700-4
Amplification or correction of Copy­right Office records by recordation of document 1600-16
Amplification space on Form CA. 1500-24
Amplification (supplementary regis­trations) 1550-3
Amplifications and corrections of Copyright Office records 1500-1fff.
Amplifications or corrections by recordation 1500-7
Amplifying or correcting information in another supplementary registra­tion 1500-4
Anatomical models 500-7
Ancillary executor 1300-18
Annotation, addition of missing infor­mation by 1500-23
Annotation (Copyright Office) 1300-4
Annotation of application 800-44, 1000-4, 1000-7, 1000-8
Annotation of earlier basic regis­tration 1500-9
Annotation of renewal application 1300-4, 1300-6, 1300-13, 1300-16
Annotation on application or catalog entries of basic registration 1500-14
Annotation, recordation as condition of 1600-3
Annotation when special relief granted 800-4
Annuals 700-3
Anonymous and pseudonymous works, copyright term of 900-8
Anonymous and pseudonymous works, duration of copyright for 1000-4
Anonymous and pseudonymous works, eligibility of 1100-11
Anonymous and pseudonymous works, statements regarding identity of authors of 1600-1
Anonymous author, nationality or domicile of 700-1
Anonymous or pseudonymous, work other than 700-1
Answer material and published tests 800-28
Answer material for tests 300-12
Antedated notice 1300-7, 1000-14, 1300-3, 1300-6, 1500-17
Anthology 1000-2
Apostille procedure for certification 1600-16
Apparel (wearing) 800-32
Apparent inconsistency of document 1600-7
Appeal (aesthetic) or commerical value 500-3
Appearance (incomplete) of deposited copies 900-12
Appearance of copy or phonorecord deposited 900-2
Appellation of work as title 1600-19
Appendix (Best Edition Statement) 800-46
Appendix to document 1600-13
Appliances (household) 500-11
Applicable deposit requirements not met 1500-17
Applicable notice requirements for supplementary registration 1500-17
Applicant (statement of), information at variance with 900-2
Application, annotation of 800-44, 1000-4, 1000-7, 1000-8
Application (basic) forms 700-2
Application (certified) 700-5
Application (duplicate) for renewal 1300-29
Application for renewal (late) 1300-13
Application for supplementary registration 1300-16
Application for supplementary registration, person entitled to submit 1500-6
Application form for computer program 300-32ff.
Application form inappropriate 700-7
Application form, most appropriate 700-5
Application form prescribed by Register of Copyrights 700-1
Application forms 700-1
Application forms, legibility of 700-5
Application forms, quality of 700-5
Application forms, repetitive information on 700-5
Application, name as claimant on 1000-10
Application, no date of publication given in 900-11
Application or catalog entries of basic registation, annotation on 1500-14
Application received after renewal year 1300-6
Application received before renewal year 1300-6
Application (renewal) 700-4
Application (renewal), annotation of 1300-4, 1300-6, 1300-13, 1300-16
Application (renewal), error or ambiguity on 1300-10
Application (single renewal) for two editions 1300-12
Applications and fees 700-1ff.
Applications, carbon copies of 700-5
Applications completed in pencil 700-5
Applications (illegible) 700-5
Applications (inaccurate) 700-5
Applications (incomplete) 700-5
Applications (informal) for renewal 1300-2
Applications (separate renewal) 1300-13
Applicants for registration 100-8
Applied art 500-1
Applied art, works of 700-3
Appropriate application form 700-5
Approximate date of first publication 900-8
Arabic numerals 1000-7
Architectural blueprints 500-17, 800-4
Architectural drawings 500-1, 500-17
Architectural models 500-17
Archival quality standards 400-32, 700-5, 800-9, 800-39, 800-41, 800-42
Archival record of deposit 300-12
Areas (territorial) of the United States 1100-11, 1200-6
Arrangement of compilations 300-8
Arrangement or disposition of persons, scenery, or other subjects depicted in phototograph 500-15
Arrangements (musical) 400-8
Arrangements (musical) made under compulsory license 400-5
Arrangers 1300-16
Arrow 500-3, 500-9
Art (abstract) 500-2
Art (applied) 500-1
Art (fine) 500-1
Art (fine), works of 700-3
Art (naturalistic) 500-2
Art (representational) 500-2
Art reproductions 500-1, 700-3
Art reproductions as derivative works 500-14
Art (stylized) 500-2
Art, works of 500-1
Article (useful) 500-11
Article (useful), label not considered 1000-7
Articles (two and three-dimensional useful) 500-1
Articles (useful) 1000-2, 1000-7
Articles (useful), separability test for 500-11
Articles (useful three-dimensional) 800-12
Artistic craftsmanship, three-dimensional works of 500-9
Artistic craftsmanship, works of 500-1
Artistic features 500-12
Artistic merit and style 500-2
Artistic work (preexisting) 500-14
Arts (applied), works of 700-3
Arts (performing), works of the 700-3
Arts (visual), works of the 700-3
"As a Whole" criterion used to judge derivative musical work 400-11
Assembler 300-16, 300-27
Assembly language 300-27
Assignee 1300-32
Assignment of renewal interests 1300-32
Assistant Librarian of Congress for Copyright Services 100-1
Assumed name in notice 1000-12
Astronomical charts 500-17
Atlases (terrestrial) 500-16
Attached material not essential to recorded document 1600-13
Attached material unavailable for recordation 1600-13
Attachments to document 1600-13
Attesting authenticity of person's mark 1600-9
Attorney-in-fact 1300-32
Attorney-in-fact, bond signed by 800-40
Attorney-in-fact for depositor 800-40
Attorney-in-fact or legal repre­sentative 1600-8
Attorneys as applicants 100-9
Audible defects (motion pictures) 800-8, 800-36, 800-37
Audience, direct or indirect perfor­mance before 700-3
Audience presentation not required for registration of choreography 400-18
Audio cassette accompanying filmstrip 700-3
Audio tapes 400-35
Audiovisual multimedia works 400-46
Audiovisual work, aurally perceptible authorship of 400-24
Audiovisual work, motion picture as 400-23
Audiovisual work, nonsequential showing of individual images of 900-6
Audiovisual work published in filmstrip edition and set of slides 800-9
Audiovisual work, recorded sounds accompanying 1000-1
Audiovisual work, sounds accompanying 400-23
Audiovisual work, to make audible sounds accompanying 400-23
Audiovisual work (untitled) of sixty seconds or less 1000-21
Audiovisual work, visually perceptible authorship of 400-24
Audiovisual work with accompanying sounds and sound recording distin­guished 400-33
Audiovisual works 400-22ff., 700-3, 800-5, 800-12
Audiovisual works (derivative) 400-24
Audiovisual works, forms of embodiment 400-24
Audiovisual works, notice on 1000-21
Aurally perceptible authorship (audiovisual work) 400-24
Authenticity of person's mark attested 1600-9
Author and title of each work 1660-23
Author (anonymous), nationality or domicile of 700-1
"Author" as meaning individual person and not employer 1300-11
Author, citizenship of 1300-8
Author (deceased), estate of 1300-19
Author, definition of 1100-1
Author, deletion of name of 1500-14
Author, domicile of 1300-8
Author domiciled outside United States 1200-7
Author (employer of) not U.S. national or domiciliary 1200-8
Author having more than one nationality, nationality or domicile of 1100-9
Author (intestate) 1300-19
Author, legatees of 1300-18
Author not U.S. national or domiciliary 1200-7
Author of motion picture, employer as 400-28
Author, omission of name of 1500-14
Author or claimant, error in name or address of 1500-12
Author (pseudonymous), nationality or domicile of 700-1
"Author" (renewal) defined 1300-16
Author (stateless) 1100-11
Author still living 1300-15
Author, termination of grant executed by someone other than the 1600-25
Author, termination of transfers and licenses granted in 1978 or there­after by 1600-27
Author, termination of transfers and licenses granted under extended renewal terms by 1600-22
Author who predeceases creation of work 300-14
Authority of copyright owner 1000-1, 1000-7, 1000-13, 1000-15
Authority of Register of Copyrights to specify administrative classes 800-2
Authority (sovereign) of a foreign nation 1100-3, 1100-5
Authority (sovereign) of a foreign nation, definition of 1100-3
Authority to sign 1600-8
Authorization by copyright owner 900-1
Authorized (duly) agent 100-8, 100-9, 1200-10, 1200-12, 1300-8, 1500-7, 1600-2, 1600-5, 1600-6, 1600-24, 1600-25, 1600-27
Authorized (duly) agent of renewal claimant 1300-8
Authorized (duly) agent, termination of grant executed by 1600-25
Authors and their successors 1300-15
Authors (deceased): dates of death 700-1
Authors (multiple), nationality or domicile of 1100-9
Author's name omitted in records of original registration 1300-15
Authors of anonymous and pseudonymous works, statements regarding identity of 1600-1
Authors (one or more), termination of grant executed by 1600-25
Authors or claimants (additional) 1500-10
Authors, statements relating to death of 1600-1
Author's will 1300-18
Authorship 200-1
Authorship, change in statement of nature or extent of 1500-15
Authorship, cinematographic 400-26
Authorship claimed, nature of 700-5
Authorship, classification involving two or more categories of 700-6
Authorship, human origin essential to 200-2, 500-8
Authorship in compilation of sound recordings 400-44
Authorship in form of copyrightable sound engineering 400-38
Authorship (joint) and common design 1300-24
Authorship (joint) reflecting common design indistinguishably merged into single entity 1300-24
Authorship (non-human) 500-8
Authorship of holography 500-16
Authorship of performer of sound recording 400-38
Authorship (photographic) 500-15
Authorship of producer of sound recording 400-38
Authorship (reproduction) not regis­trable 500-15
Authorship (separately registrable works of) fixed in film, videotape, or the like 800-38
Authorship (sound recording), use of Form SR obligatory for 700-7
Authorship of sound recordings, types of copyrightable 40-3
Automated data bases 300-35, 800-34
Automatic extension of copyright 1300-1
Automobiles 500-11
Averment that U.S. copyright subsists 1300-8