Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974/Title III
[edit]Sec. 300. Timetable.
[edit]- The timetable with respect to the congressional budget process for any fiscal year is as follows:
On or before: | Action to be completed: |
November 10 | President submits current services budget. |
15th day after Congress meets | President submits his budget. |
March 15 | Committees and joint committees submit reports to Budget Committees. |
April 1 | Congressional Budget Office submits report to Budget Committees. |
April 15 | Budget Committees report first concurrent resolution on the budget to their Houses. |
May 15 | Committees report bills und resolutions authorizing new budget authority. |
May 15 | Congress completes action on first concurrent resolution on the budget. |
7th day after Labor Day | Congress completes action on bills and resolutions providing new budget authority and new spending authority. |
September 15 | Congress completes action on second required concurrent resolution on the budget. |
September 25 | Congress completes action on reconciliation bill or resolution, or both implementing second required concurrent resolution. |
October 1 | Fiscal year begins. |
Sec. 301. Adoption of First Concurrent Resolution.
[edit]- (a) Action to be Completed by May 15.—
- On or before May 15 of each year, the Congress shall complete action on the first concurrent resolution on the budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1 of such year. The concurrent resolution shall set forth—
- (1) the appropriate level of total budget outlays and of total new budget authority;
- (2) an estimate of budget outlays and an appropriate level of new budget authority for each major functional category, for contingencies, and for undistributed intragovernmental transactions, based on allocations of the appropriate level of total budget outlays and of total new budget authority;
- (3) the amount, if any, of the surplus or the deficit in the budget which is appropriate in light of economic conditions and all other relevant factors;
- (4) the recommended level of Federal revenues and the amount, if any, by which the aggregate level of Federal revenues should be increased or decreased by bills and resolutions to be reported by the appropriate committees;
- (5) the appropriate level of the public debt, and the amount, if any, by which the statutory limit on the public debt should be increased or decreased by bills and resolutions to be reported by the appropriate committees; and
- (6) such other matters relating to the budget as may be appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Act.
- (b) Additional Matters in Concurrent Resolution.—
- The first concurrent resolution on the budget may also require—
- (1) a procedure under which all or certain bills and resolutions providing new budget authority or providing new spending authority described in section 401(c)(2)(C) for such fiscal year shall not be enrolled until the concurrent resolution required to be reported under section 310(a) has been agreed to, and, if a reconciliation bill or reconciliation resolution, or both, are required to be reported under section 310(c), until Congress has completed action on that bill or resolution, or both; and
- (2) any other procedure which is considered appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Act. Not later than the close of the Ninety-fifth Congress, the Committee on the Budget of each House shall report to its House on the implementation of procedures described in this subsection.
- (c) Views and Estimates of Other Committees.—
- On or before March 15 of each year, each standing committee of the House of Representatives shall submit to the Committee on the Budget of the House, each standing committee of the Senate shall submit to the Committee on the Budget of the Senate, and the Joint Economic Committee and Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation shall submit to the Committees on the Budget of both Houses—
- (1) its views and estimates with respect to all matters set forth in subsection (a) which relate to matters within the respective jurisdiction or functions of such committee or joint committee; and
- (2) except in the case of such joint committees, the estimate of the total amounts of new budget authority, and budget outlays resulting therefrom, to be provided or authorized in all bills and resolutions within the jurisdiction of such committee which such committee intends to be effective during the fiscal year beginning on October 1 of such year.
- The Joint Economic Committee shall also submit to the Committees on the Budget of both Houses, its recommendations as to the fiscal policy appropriate to the goals of the Employment Act of 1946. Any other committee of the House or Senate may submit to the Committee on the Budget of its House, and any other joint committee of the Congress may submit to the Committees on the Budget of both Houses, its views and estimates with respect to all matters set forth in subsection (a) which relate to matters within its jurisdiction or functions.
- (d) Hearings and Report.—
- In developing the first concurrent resolution on the budget referred to in subsection (a) for each fiscal year, the Committee on the Budget of each House shall hold hearings and shall receive testimony from Members of Congress and such appropriate representatives of Federal departments and agencies, the general public, and national organizations as the committee deems desirable. On or before April 15 of each year, the Committee on the Budget of each House shall report to its House the first concurrent resolution on the budget referred to in subsection (a) for the fiscal year beginning on October 1 of such year. The report accompanying such concurrent resolution shall include, but not be limited to—
- (1) a comparison of revenues estimated by the committee with those estimated in the budget submitted by the President;
- (2) a comparison of the appropriate levels of total budget outlays and total new budget authority, as set forth in such concurrent resolution, with total budget outlays estimated and total new budget authority requested in the budget submitted by the President;
- (3) with respect to each major functional category, an estimate of budget outlays and an appropriate level of new budget authority for all proposed programs and for all existing programs (including renewals thereof), with the estimate and level for existing programs being divided between permanent authority and funds provided in appropriation Acts, and each such division being subdivided between controllable amounts and all other amounts;
- (4) an allocation of the level of Federal revenues recommended in the concurrent resolution among the major sources of such revenues;
- (5) the economic assumptions and objectives which underlie each of the matters set forth in such concurrent resolution and alternative economic assumptions and objectives which the committee considered;
- (6) projections, not limited to the following, for the period of five fiscal years beginning with such fiscal year of the estimated levels of total budget outlays, total new budget outlays, total new budget authority, the estimated revenues to be received, and the estimated surplus or deficit, if any, for each fiscal year in such period, and the estimated levels of tax expenditures (the tax expenditures budget) by major functional categories;
- (7) a statement of any significant changes in the proposed levels of Federal assistance to State and local governments; and
- (8) information, data, and comparisons indicating the manner in which, and the basis on which, the committee determined each of the matters set forth in the concurrent resolution, and the relationship of such matters to other budget categories.
Sec. 302. Matters to be Included in Joint Statement of Managers; Reports by Committees.
[edit](a) Allocation of Totals.—The joint explanatory statement accompanying a conference report on a concurrent resolution on the budget shall include an estimated allocation, based upon such concurrent resolution as recommended in such conference report, of the appropriate levels of total budget Outlays and total new budget authority among each committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate which has jurisdiction over bills and resolutions providing such new budget authority.
(b) Reports by Committees.—As soon as practicable after a concurrent resolution On the budget is agreed to—
(1) the Committee on Appropriations of each House shall, after consulting with the Committee on Appropriations of the other House, (A) subdivide among its subcommittees the allocation of budget outlays and new budget authority allocated to it in the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on such concurrent resolution, and (B) further subdivide the amount with respect to each such subcommittee between controllable amounts and all other amounts; and
(2) every other committee of the House and Senate to which an allocation was made in such joint explanatory statement shall, after consulting with the committee or committees of the other House to which all or part of its allocation was made, (A) subdivide such allocation among its subcommittees or among programs over which it has jurisdiction, and (B) further subdivide the amount with respect to each subcommittee or program between controllable amounts and all other amounts. Each such committee shall promptly report to its House the subdivisions made by it pursuant to this subsection.
(c) Subsequent Concurrent Resolutions.—In the case of a concurrent resolution on the budget referred to in section 304 or 310, the allocation under subsection (a) and the subdivisions under subsection (b) shall be required only to the extent necessary to take into account revisions made in the most recently agreed to concurrent resolution on the budget.
Sec. 303. First Concurrent Resolution on the Budget must be Adopted before Legislation Providing New Budget Authority, New Spending Authority, or Changes in Revenues or Public Debt Limit is Considered.
[edit](a) In General.—It shall not be in order in either the House of Representatives or the Senate to consider any bill or resolution (or amendment thereto) which provides—
(1) new budget authority for a fiscal year;
(2) an increase or decrease in revenues to become effective during a fiscal year;
(3) an increase or decrease in the public debt limit to become effective during a fiscal year; or
(4) new spending authority described in section 401(c)(2)(C) to become effective during a fiscal year;
until the first concurrent resolution on the budget for such year has been agreed to pursuant to section 301.
(b) Exceptions.—Subsection (a) does not apply to any bill or resolution—
(1) providing new budget authority which first becomes available in a fiscal year following the fiscal year to which the concurrent resolution applies; or
(2) increasing or decreasing revenues which first become effective in a fiscal year following the fiscal year to which the concurrent resolution applies.
(c) Waiver in the Senate.—
(1) The committee of the Senate which reports any bill or resolution to which subsection (a) applies may at or after the time it reports such bill or resolution, report a resolution to the Senate (A) providing for the waiver of subsection (a) with respect to such bill or resolution, and (B) stating the reasons why the waiver is necessary. The resolution shall then be referred to the Committee on the Budget of the Senate. That committee shall report the resolution to the Senate within 10 days after the resolution is referred to it (not counting any day on which the Senate is not in session) beginning with the day following the day on which it is so referred, accompanied by that committee's recommendations and reasons for such recommendations with respect to the resolution. If the committee does not report the resolution within such 10-day period, it shall automatically be discharged from further consideration of the resolution and the resolution shall be placed on the calendar.
(2) During the consideration of any such resolution, debate shall be limited to one hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the majority leader and minority leader or their designees, and the time on any debatable motion or appeal shall be limited to twenty minutes, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the mover and the manager of the resolution. In the event the manager of the resolution is in favor of any such motion or appeal, the time in opposition thereto shall be controlled by the minority leader or his designee. Such leaders, or either of them, may, from the time under their control on the passage of such resolution, allot additional time to any Senator during the consideration of any debatable motion or appeal. No amendment to the resolution is in order.
(3) If, after the Committee on the Budget has reported (or been discharged from further consideration of) the resolution, the Senate agrees to the resolution, then subsection (a) of this section shall not apply with respect to the bill or resolution to which the resolution so agreed to applies.
Sec. 304. Permissible Revisions of Concurrent Resolutions on the Budget.
[edit]At any time after the first concurrent resolution on the budget for a fiscal year has been agreed to pursuant to section 301, and before the end of such fiscal year, the two Houses may adopt a concurrent resolution on the budget which revises the concurrent resolution on the budget for such fiscal year most recently agreed to.
Sec. 305. Provisions Relating to the Consideration of Concurrent Resolutions on the Budget.
[edit]Sec. 306. Legislation Dealing with Congressional Budget must be Handled by Budget Committees.
[edit]Sec. 307. House Committee Action on All Appropriation Bills to be Completed Before First Appropriation Bill is Reported.
[edit]Sec. 308. Reports, Summaries, and Projections of Congressional Budget Actions.
[edit]Sec. 309. Completion of Action on Bills Providing New Budget Authority and Certain New Spending Authority.
[edit]Sec. 310. Second Required Concurrent Resolution and Reconciliation Process.
[edit]Sec. 311. New Budget Authority, New Spending Authority, and Revenue Legislation must be Within Appropriate Levels.
[edit]- (a) Legislation Subject to Point of Order.—
- After the Congress has completed action on the concurrent resolution on the budget required to be reported under section 310(a) for a fiscal year, and, if a reconciliation bill or resolution, or both, for such fiscal year are required to be reported under section 310(c), after that bill has been enacted into law or that resolution has been agreed to, it shall not be in order in either the House of Representatives or the Senate to consider any bill, resolution, or amendment providing additional new budget authority for such fiscal year, providing new spending authority described in section 401(c)(2)(C) to become effective during such fiscal year, or reducing revenues for such fiscal year, or any conference report on any such bill or resolution, if—
- (1) the enactment of such bill or resolution as reported;
- (2) the adoption and enactment of such amendment; or
- (3) the enactment of such bill or resolution in the form recommended in such conference report;
- would cause the appropriate level of total new budget authority or total budget outlays set forth in the most recently agreed to concurrent resolution an the budget for such fiscal year to be exceeded, or would cause revenues to be less than the appropriate level of revenues set forth in such concurrent resolution.
- (b) Determination of Outlays and Revenues.—
- For purposes of subsection (a), the budget outlays to be made during a fiscal year and revenues to be received during a fiscal year shall be determined on the basis of estimates made by the Committee on the Budget of the House of Representatives or the Senate, as the case may be.
- For purposes of subsection (a), the budget outlays to be made during a fiscal year and revenues to be received during a fiscal year shall be determined on the basis of estimates made by the Committee on the Budget of the House of Representatives or the Senate, as the case may be.