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Constitution of the Polish People's Republic (1976)

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Constitution of the Polish People's Republic (1976)
translated by Barbara Z. Kielar

English translation from the Sejm Library. Amended version of the Constitution of the Polish People's Republic as of 16 February 1976.

4393166Constitution of the Polish People's Republic1976Barbara Z. Kielar



The Polish People's Republic follows the finest progressive traditions of the Polish Nation and gives effect to the liberation ideas of the Polish working masses.

The Polish working people under the leadership of the heroic working class, and on the basis of an alliance of workers and peasants, for many decades fought for the liberation from the enslavement imposed upon the Nation by the Prussian, Austrian and Russian oppressors and colonizers, in the same way as they fought for the elimination of their exploitation by the Polish capitalists and landlords. During the occupation, the Polish Nation fought heroically and unflinchingly against the brutal Nazi invasion. The historic victory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics over Fascism liberated Polish soil, enabled the Polish working people to seize power, and provided conditions for the national restoration of Poland within her new and just frontiers. The Regained Territories were permanently restored to Poland. By carrying out the memorable directives of the Manifesto issued by the Polish Committee of National Liberation on July 22, 1944, and by developing its programme, the People's Authorities have accomplished great social changes due to the selfless and creative efforts of the Polish working people in the fight against the bitter resistance put up by the remnants of the former capitalist-landlords system. As a result of revolutionary struggles and transformations, the rule of the capitalists and landlords has been overthrown, the State of People's Democracy has been firmly established, and a new social system has been evolving and growing in power, according to the interests and aspirations of the broadest masses.

The legal principles of this system are laid down in the Constitution of the Polish People's Republic.

The present Government of the people in Poland rests on the alliance of workers and working peasants. In this alliance the leading role belongs to the workers, who are the leading class of society, rooted in the revolutionary achievements of the Polish and international working class movement, and profiting by the historic experience of the victorious building of socialism in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the first State of workers and peasants.

Implementing the will of the Polish Nation, the Legislative Diet of the Polish Republic, in accordance with its purposes, solemnly adopts the present Constitution as the fundamental law by which the Polish Nation and all organs of authority of the Polish working people shall be guided in order

  • to consolidate the People's State as the fundamental force which ensures the fullest development of the Polish Nation, its independence and sovereignty,
  • to accelerate the political, economic and cultural development of the Country and the growth of its potential,
  • to strengthen the patriotic feelings, the unity and solidarity of the Polish Nation in the struggle to further improve social conditions, to completely eliminate the exploitation of man by man, and to put into effect the great ideas of socialism,
  • to consolidate friendship and co-operation between Nations, based on the alliance and brotherhood which today link the Polish Nation with the peace-loving Nations of the world, for the attainment of their common objective: to prevent aggression and to strengthen world peace.

Chapter 1. Political System

Article 1.
1. The Polish People's Republic shall be a socialist State.
2. In the Polish People's Republic authority shall be vested in the working people of town and country.
Article 2.
1. The working people shall wield State authority through their representatives elected to the Diet (Sejm) of the Polish People's Republic and to the People's Councils on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
2. The people's representatives to the Diet of the Polish People's Republic and to the People's Councils shall be accountable to their constituents and may be recalled by them.
Article 3.
1. The Polish United Workers' Party shall be the guiding political force of society in building socialism.
2. The co-operation of the Polish United Workers' Party, the United Peasants' Party and the Democratic Party shall constitute foundations of a National Unity Front.
3. The National Unity Front shall constitute a common platform on which social organizations of the working people operate and all the citizens - members of the Party and political organizations and persons with no party adherence, irrespective of their attitute toward religion - patriotically unite to promote interests of the Polish People's Republic.
Article 4.
In the Polish People's Republic it shall be the primary objective of the State activity to develop socialist society in all its aspects, to expand creative forces of the Nation and of each person and to meet the needs of citizens more and more adequately.
Article 5.
The Polish People's Republic –
(1) shall safeguard and expand the socialist achievements of the Polish working people of town and country, their authority and freedom;
(2) shall ensure that citizens participate in government, and shall promote various form of self-government by the working people;
(3) shall develop the productive forces of the country and the national economy through a planned use and increase of its material resources, sound work organization, and continuous progress of science and technology;
(4) shall strengthen social property as the mainstay of the economic power of the country and of national welfare;
(5) shall implement the principles of social justice, eliminate the exploitation of man by man, and counteract any infringements of the principles of community life;
(6) shall provide conditions conducive to a steady rise in the living standard and to a progressive obliteration of distinctions between town and country, between manual and non-manual labour;
(7) concerned about national development, shall protect the family, motherhood and the education of the young generation;
(8) shall take care of public health;
(9) shall promote and spread education;
(10) shall ensure the all-round development of science and national culture.
Article 6.
In its policy the Polish People's Republic -
(1) shall be guided by the interests of the Polish Nation, its sovereignty, independence and security, by the will for peace, and co-operation among nations;
(2) shall follow the noble traditions of solidarity with the forces of liberty and progress, shall consolidate friendship and co-operation with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and other socialist States;
(3) shall base its relations with States of different social systems on the principles of peaceful co-existence and co-operation.
Article 7.
The Polish People's Republic shall implement and develop a socialist democracy.
Article 8.
1. The laws of the Polish People's Republic shall express the interests and the will of the working people.
2. Strict observance of the law shall be the fundamental duty of every organ of State and of every citizen.
3. All the organs of State authority and administration shall work on the basis of the law.
Article 9.
In their work all the organs of State authority and administration shall rest upon the conscious and active support of the broadest masses and shall have the duty -
(1) to account to the people for their work;
(2) to examine carefully and comply with reasonable proposals, complaints and suggestions, in keeping with the law;
(3) to explain to the working people principal objectives and guiding principles of the policy pursued by the people's authority in various fields of State, economic and cultural activity.
Article 10.
The Armed Forces of the Polish People's Republic shall safeguard the sovereignty and independence of the Polish Nation, its security and peace.

Chapter 2. Socio-economic System

Article 11.
1. The socialist economic system, based on socialized means of production and socialist production relations, shall constitute foundations of the socio-economic system of the Polish People's Republic.
2. The Polish People's Republic shall develop the economic and cultural life of the country in accordance with the national socio-economic plan.
3. It shall be the principal objective of socio-economic policy of the Polish People's Republic to steadily improve the standard of living and social and cultural facilities of society, to constantly develop the productive forces of the country, to strengthen and increase the power, defence capacity and independence of the Country.
4. The State shall have the monopoly of foreign trade.
Article 12.
1. The all-national property, especially mineral deposits, primary sources of energy, State-owned land, waters. State forests, mines, State industrial, farming and commercial enterprises. State-owned public utilities, banks, State stock of housing, roads. State-owned means of transport and communications, radio, television and film, State welfare, educational, scientific, and cultural institutions - shall be an object of special care and protection by the State and by all citizens.
2. The Polish People's Republic shall ensure the protection and proper shaping of the natural environment, which is an all-national asset.
Article 13.
State enterprises, economically managing the part of all national property entrusted to them, shall implement economic and social tasks according to plan. Workers shall take part in running their enterprises.
Article 14.
1. The Polish People's Republic shall strengthen, in a planned way, the economic union of town and country, founded on the brotherly co-operation between workers and peasants.
2. For this purpose, the Polish People's Republic shall secure a continuous increase in the output of State industry, serving to meet the needs of the rural population in every respect, both as producers and consumers; at the same time the State shall seek to stimulate in a planned manner a steady increase in marketable agricultural production, which supplies industry with raw materials, and the urban population with foodstuffs.
Article 15.
The Polish People's Republic, anxious to ensure an adequate level of nutrition:
(1) shall enable agriculture a steady increase in agricultural production, promoting socialist transformations in country and a higher standard of living for farmers;
(2) shall see to the proper use of land, which is an all-national asset;
(3) shall protect the individual farms of working peasants, and assist them to increase productivity and to raise the technological level of agriculture, promote the expansion of farming self-management, especially of farming associations and their co-operatives; shall promote co-operation and specialized production; shall expand the links connecting individual farms with the socialist national economy;
(4) shall give support and aid to collective farms set up on the principle of voluntary membership, especially to co-operative farms;
(5) shall develop and strengthen State farms, which are a form of highly efficient socialist economy in agriculture, and which promote new techniques in fanning and the development of the whole agriculture.
Article 16.
The Polish People's Republic shall promote the expansion of various forms of the co-operative movement in town and country, and give it every help in the fulfilment of its task; co-operative property as a form of social property shall be an object of special care and protection.
Article 17.
The Polish People's Republic shall recognize and protect - on the basis of the law - individual property and the right to inherit land, buildings and other means of production owned by peasants, craftsmen and home-workers.
Article 18.
The Polish People's Republic shall guarantee to citizens full protection of personal property and the right to inherit such property.
Article 19.
1. Work shall be the right, the duty, and a matter of honour for every citizen. By their work, by the observance of work discipline, by competitive efforts in work and improving its methods, the working people of town and country shall increase the power of the Country, raise the prosperity of the people and accelerate the full implementation of the socialist system.
2. Work champions and veterans of labour shall enjoy the respect of the whole Nation.
3. The Polish People's Republic shall progressively put into practice the principle: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work".

Chapter 3. Supreme Organs of State Authority

Article 20.
1. A Diet (Sejm) of the Polish People's Republic shall be the highest organ of State authority.
2. Diet as the highest representative of the will of the working people of town and country shall give form to the sovereign rights of the Nation.
3. The Diet shall pass laws, shall adopt resolutions which define basic lines of State activity, and shall exercise control over the work of other organs of State authority and administration.
Article 21.
1. The Diet shall be composed of 460 deputies.
2. The validity of the election of a deputy shall be confirmed by the Diet.
3. No deputy may be prosecuted or arrested without the consent of the Diet, and when the Diet is not holding its meetings, without the consent of the Council of State.
Article 22.
1. The Diet shall meet in sessions. A session of the Diet shall be convened by the Council of State at least twice a year. The Council of State shall also convene a session on a written motion by one-third of the total number of deputies.
2. The first session of a newly-elected Diet shall be convened within a month from the date of the election.
Article 23.
1. The Diet shall elect from among its members a Speaker (Marszałek), his Deputies and Committees.
2. The Speaker or his Deputy shall preside over the debates and supervise the course of the work of the Diet.
3. The debates of the Diet shall be open to the public. The Diet may vote the holding of a secret meeting should this be required in the interests of the State.
4. The order of work of the Diet, the type and number of Committees shall be defined by rules of procedure adopted by the Diet.
Article 24.
1. The Diet shall adopt the national socio-economic plans for a period of several years.
2. The Diet shall annually adopt a State budget.
3. The Diet shall grant approval to the Government regarding the execution of the State budget and of the national socio-economic plan for the preceding year.
Article 25.
1. The right to propose legislation shall be vested in the Council of State, the Government and the deputies.
2. Acts passed by the Diet shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Council of State. Such acts shall be published in the Journal of Laws (Dziennik Ustaw) by order of the Chairman of the Council of State.
Article 26.
The Diet may appoint a commission to examine a specified matter. The terms of reference and procedure of the commission shall be established by the Diet.
Article 27.
The Premier or individual ministers shall answer an interpolation put up by a deputy within the time-limit and in the manner fixed by the Diet.
Article 28.
1. The Diet shall be elected for a term of four years.
2. The Council of State shall make orders to hold elections not later that one month before the expiry of the term of office of the Diet, the polling day to be fixed on a day free of work within two months after the expiry of the Diet's term of office.
Article 29.
1. At its first sitting the Diet shall elect, from among its members, a Council of State composed of -
the Chairman of the Council of State four vice-Chairmen
the Secretary of the Council of State eleven Members.
2. The Speaker and Deputy Speakers of the Diet may be elected to the Council of State as vice-Chairmen or as Members.
3. After the expiry of the term of office of the Diet, the Council of State shall act until the election of a Council of State by the newly-elected Diet.
Article 30.
1. The Council of State shall have power -
(1) to make orders to hold elections to the Diet,
(2) to convene sessions of the Diet,
(3) to watch over the constitutionality of laws,
(4) to establish universally binding interpretation of laws,
(5) to issue law-decrees,
(6) to appoint and to recall plenipotentiary representatives of the Polish People's Republic in other States,
(7) to receive letters of credence and of recall of diplomatic representatives of other States accredited to the Council of State,
(8) to ratify and denounce international treaties,
(9) to appoint to civilian and military posts specified by law,
(10) to award orders and decorations, and to confer titles of honour,
(11) to exercise the right of pardon,
(12) to exercise other functions vested in the Council of State by the Constitution or assigned to it by other laws.
2. The Council of State shall be accountable to the Diet for all its work.
3. The Council of State shall act as a body.
4. The Council of State shall be represented by its Chairman or a vice-Chairman.
Article 31.
1. In the intervals between sessions of the Diet, the Council of State may issue law-decrees. The Council of State shall submit such law-decrees for approval to the Diet at its next session.
2. Law-decrees issued by the Council of State shall be signed by the Chairman of the Council of State and its Secretary. Law-decrees shall be published in the. Journal of Laws by order of the Chairman of the Council of State.
Article 32.
The Council of State shall exercise ultimate supervision over the People's Councils. Specific powers of the Council of State in this respect shall be defined by law.
Article 33.
1. A decision concerning the declaration of a state of war may be adopted only in the event of armed aggression having been committed against the Polish People's Republic, or when, in pursuance of international agreements, joint defence against aggression should be necessary. Such a decision shall be adopted by the Diet, or, when the Diet is not holding its meetings - by the Council of State.
2. The Council of State may proclaim martial law in parts or in the entire territory of the Polish People's Republic, should this be required by considerations of the defence or security of the State. For similar reasons the Council of State may proclaim partial or general mobilization.

Chapter 4. Supreme Board of Control

Article 34.
1. The Supreme Board of Control shall be appointed to supervise the economic, financial, organizational, and administrative activities of the central and local organs of State administration, of social and co-operative organizations and of the units subordinate to them, as regards legality, the implementation of the socio-economic plan, efficient management, expediency, and fair dealing.
2. The Supreme Board of Control shall also inspect units of non-socialized economy with respect to the tasks commissioned to them by State organs, or by units of socialized economy; it shall also check whether the activities of such units are consistent with the law and public interest.
Article 35.
1. The Supreme Board of Control shall serve the Diet, the Council of State, and the Council of Ministers, in the exercise of their functions.
2. The Premier shall supervise the Supreme Board of Control.
3. The Supreme Board of Control shall perform control as ordered by the Diet and by the Council of State, inform about its findings, and submit periodical reports to the Council of State.
Article 36.
1. The Chairman of the Supreme Board of Control shall be appointed and recalled by the Diet on the recommendation of the Premier with the concurrence of the Chairman of the Council of State.
2. The structure and mode of work of the Supreme Board of Control shall be defined by law.

Chapter 5. Supreme Organs of State Administration

Article 37.
1. The Diet shall appoint and recall the Government of the Polish People's Republic - the Council of Ministers or its individual members.
2. In the intervals between sessions of the Diet, the Council of State, on the recommendation of the Premier, shall appoint or recall members of the Council of Ministers. The Council of State shall submit its decision for approval to the Diet at its next session.
Article 38.
1. The Council of Ministers shall be the supreme executive and administrative organ of State authority.
2. The Council of Ministers shall be responsible and accountable for its work to the Diet, or, when the Diet is not holding its meetings, to the Council of State.
Article 39.
1. The Council of Ministers shall be composed of
the Premier, who presides,
the vice-Premiers,
the Chairman of the Supreme Board of Control,
Chairmen of Boards and Committees specified by law, who exercise the functions of the supreme organs of State administration.
2. The Premier and vice-Premiers shall constitute the Government Presidium. The Council of Ministers may appoint its other members ' to join the Government Presidium.
Article 40.
1. The Premier shall direct the work of the Council of Ministers and of the Government Presidium.
2. The Premier shall issue orders and regulations in pursuance of laws and for their execution.
Article 41.
The Council of Ministers -
(1) shall co-ordinate the activities of ministries and other bodies under its jurisdiction, and issue directives as to their work;
(2) shall annually adopt and submit to the Diet State budget estimates, adopt and submit to the Diet a draft of the national socio-economic plan for a period of several years;
(3) shall adopt annual socio-economic plans;
(4) shall ensure the execution of laws;
(5) shall supervise the execution of the national socio-economic plan and the State budget;
(6) shall submit to the Diet an annual report on the execution of the State budget;
(7) shall ensure the protection of public order, of the State interests, and of the rights of citizens;
(8) - in pursuance of laws and in order to put them into effect - shall issue regulations, adopt decisions, and supervise their execution;
(9) shall exercise general guidance in the sphere of relations with other States;
(10) shall exercise general guidance as to the defence capacity of the country and the organization of the Armed Forces of the Polish People's Republic, and specify the annual contingent of citizens to be called for military service;
(11) shall direct the work of the local organs of administration.
Article 42.
1. Ministers shall direct relevant branches of State administration.
A ministerial office shall be set up by statute.
2. Ministers shall issue orders and regulations in pursuance of laws and for their execution.
3. The Council of Ministers may rescind an order or a regulation issued by a minister.

Chapter 6. Local Organs of State Authority and Administration

Article 43.
1. The People's Councils in communes, towns, urban districts of larger cities, and in provinces (województwo), shall be local organs of State authority and basic organs of social self-government of the working people of town and country.
2. A joint People's Council may be an organ of State authority and of social self-government in two units of territorial division at the same level.
3. The term of office of the People's Councils at particular levels shall be defined by law.
Article 44.
The People's Councils shall express the will of the working people and shall develop their creative initiative and activeness in order to increase the power, welfare and culture of the Nation.
Article 45.
The People's Councils shall consolidate the links between State authorities and the working people of town and country, drawing increasing numbers of the working people to participate in governing the State, and shall co-operate with the inhabitants' self-government.
Article 46.
The People's Councils shall direct the over-all socio-economic and cultural development and exert an influence on all the units of administration and economy in their areas, initiate and co-ordinate the activities of such units and exercise control over them. The People's Councils shall connect local needs with all-national objectives and targets.
Article 47.
The People's Councils shall constantly attend to everyday needs and interests of the population, shall combat any manifestations of an arbitrary or bureaucratic attitude toward citizens, shall exercise and promote social control over the activities of offices, enterprises, establishments, and institutions.
Article 48.
The People's Councils shall ensure the maintenance of public order and watch over the observance of the people's rule of law, shall protect social property, shall safeguard the rights of citizens, and shall co-operate in strengthening the defence capacity and security of the State.
Article 49.
1. The People's Councils shall make full use of all local resources and potentialities to attain the all-round economic and cultural development of their area, to meet to an increasing degree the needs of the population as regards supply with goods and services, and to expand institutions and facilities in the field of public utilities, education, culture, sanitation, and sports.
2. On the motion of respective local organs of administration, the People's Councils shall adopt socio-economic plans and budgets for provinces, towns, urban districts and communes.
Article 50.
1. The People's Councils shall meet in sessions.
2. The People's Councils shall elect, from among their members, presidia to direct the preparation of sessions and to conduct the business of the assembly, to co-ordinate the work of committees and to aid councillors in their work.
Article 51.
Chief Executive Officers in provinces, does, towns, urban district of larger cities, and communes, shall be local organs of State administration as well as executive and administrative organs of respective People's Councils.
A local organ of State administration shall be responsible to the competent body of State administration of a higher level; it shall be accountable to the competent People's Council as regards the performance of tasks assigned by the Council.
Article 52.
1. The Chief Executive Officers in provinces, dries, town, urban districts of larger cities, and communes, shall exercise State administration on the basis of the law and directives issued by relevant superior organs.
2. The Chief Executive Officers in provinces and in the cities with the status of a province shall be representatives of the Government in their respective areas.
Article 53.
The People's Councils shall appoint committees for particular spheres of their activity. The committees of the People's Councils shall maintain regular and close links with the population, shall stimulate the people to co-operate in the implementation of the Council's tasks, shall exercise social control on behalf of the Council and shall submit proposals to the Council or its organs.
Article 54.
The People's Council shall rescind a decision of a People's Council at a lower level if such a decision is contrary to the law or incompatible with the basic line of State policy.
Article 55.
Particulars of the composition, terms of reference and rules of procedure of the People's Councils and their organs shall be established by law.

Chapter 7. Courts and the Public Prosecutor's Office

Article 56.
1. The administration of justice in the Polish People's Republic shall be carried out by the Supreme Court, Province Courts, Divisional Courts, and special Courts.
2. Boards for the Adjudication of Petty Offences shall settle judicially the cases of petty offences.
3. The structure, jurisdiction and procedure of the Courts and of the Boards for the Adjudication of Petty Offences shall be defined by law.
Article 57.
The Courts shall pronounce judgement in the name of the Polish People's Republic.
Article 58.
The Courts shall be custodians of the social and political system of the Polish People's Republic, they shall protect the achievements of the Polish working people, they shall safeguard the people's rule of law, social property and the rights of citizens; they shall punish offenders.
Article 59.
1. People's lay-judges shall take part in the hearing of cases and in the pronouncement of judgement, except in so far as regulations provide otherwise.
2. When adjudicating upon cases in Courts, the people's lay-judges shall have the same rights as professional judges.
3. People's lay-judges shall be elected by relevant People's Councils.
4. The mode of the election of people's lay-judges in Province, Divisional and Special Courts and their respective terms of office shall be defined by law.
Article 60.
1. Judges shall be appointed and recalled by the Council of State.
2. The mode of the appointment and recall of judges shall be defined by law.
Article 61.
1. The Supreme Court shall be the highest judicial organ and shall supervise the work of all other Courts with respect to the pronouncement of judgement.
2. The mode of exercising supervision by the Supreme Court shall be defined by law.
3. The supreme Court shall be appointed by the Council of State for a term of five years.
4. From among the Supreme Court judges, the Council of State shall appoint the First President and Presidents of the Supreme Court. It may also recall them.
Article 62.
Judges shall be independent and subject only to the law.
Article 63.
1. Cases in all Courts of the Polish People's Republic shall be heard in public. The law may specify exceptions to this rule.
2. The accused shall be guaranteed the right to defence. The accused may have defence counsel, either of his own choice, or appointed by the Court.
Article 64.
1. The Public Prosecutor General of the Polish People's Republic shall safeguard the people's rule of law; shall watch over the protection of social property; shall ensure that the rights of citizens be respected.
2. The Public Prosecutor General shall, in particular, supervise the prosecution of offences which endanger the social and political system, security and independence of the Polish People's Republic.
3. The scope and mode of activity of the Public Prosecutor General shall be defined by law.
Article 65.
1. The Public Prosecutor General shall be appointed and recalled by the Council of State.
2. The mode of appointing and recalling Public Prosecutors subordinate to the Public Prosecutor General and the principles of organization and procedure of the organs of the Public Prosecutor's Office shall be defined by law.
3. The Public Prosecutor General shall be accountable to the Council of State for the activity of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
Article 66.
The organs of the Public Prosecutor's Office shall be subordinate to the Public Prosecutor General of the Polish People's Republic and in the exercise of their functions they shall be independent of local organs.

Chapter 8. Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens

Article 67.
1. The Polish People's Republic, by consolidating and multiplying the achievements of the working people, shall strengthen and extend the rights and liberties of citizens.
2. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall have equal rights irrespective of sex, birth, education, trade or profession, nationality, race, religion, social origin and status.
3. It shall be the duty of the citizens of the Polish People's Republic to conscientiously perform their duties toward the Country and contribute to its development.
Article 68.
1. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall have the right to work: that is, the right to employment paid in accordance with the quantity and quality of the work done.
2. The right to work shall be ensured by: the socialist economic system, the planned growth of productive forces, economical use of all factors in production, a steady promotion of scientific and technological progress in the national economy, the system of education and raising of professional qualifications. Proper implementation of the right to work shall be ensured by the socialist labour legislation.
Article 69.
1. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall have the right to rest and leisure.
2. The right to rest and leisure shall be assured to workers by the statutory reduction of work time through the application of the eight-hour working day or shorter work time in cases specified by law, by statutory days free of work, and annual paid holidays.
3. The organization of workers' holiday schemes, the development of tourism, health resorts, sports facilities, community centres, clubs, recreation rooms, parks, and other leisure time facilities shall provide opportunities for sound recreation to an increasing number of working people in town and country.
Article 70.
1. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall have the right to health protection and to aid in the event of sickness or disability to work.
2. This right shall be put into effect on an increasing scale through -
(1) the development of social insurance to cover sickness, old age and disability to work, and of various forms of social assistance;
(2) the development of State-organized protection of health and the raising of-health standards of the population, free medical service for all working people and their families, a steady improvement of safety conditions, protection and hygiene of work, extensive prevention and treatment of diseases, and care for the disabled;
(3) the development of hospitals, sanatoria, out-patient clinics, medical aid centres, and sanitation facilities.
Article 71.
Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall have the right to benefit from the natural environment and it shall be their duty to protect it.
Article 72.
1. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall have the right to education.
2. The right to education shall be ensured on an ever increasing scale by -
(1) free education,
(2) universal and compulsory elementary education,
(3) spreading of secondary education,
(4) the development of higher education,
(5) the aid of the State in raising the skills of citizens employed in industrial establishments and other places of employment in town and country,
(6) the scheme of State scholarships, the development of hostels, boarding schools and students' hostels, as well as other forms of material aid for the children of workers, working peasants and intelligentsia.
Article 73.
1. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall have the right to benefit from cultural achievements and to creatively participate in the development of national culture.
2. This right shall be ensured, on an increasing scale, by developing and making available to the working people of town and country libraries, books, press, radio, cinemas, theatres, museums and exhibitions, community centres, clubs, and recreation rooms; by the extensive promotion of the cultural creative activity of the people and by the stimulation of creative talents.
Article 74.
The Polish People's Republic shall foster the all-round development of science based on the achievements of the most advanced thought of mankind and of progressive Polish thought, that is, science in the service of the Nation.
Article 75.
The Polish People's Republic shall promote the development of literature and arts which express the needs and aspirations of the people, and which are in keeping with the best progressive traditions of Polish literary and artistic output.
Article 76.
The Polish People's Republic shall extend comprehensive protection to the veterans of struggles for national and social liberation.
Article 77.
The Polish People's Republic shall extend special protection to the creative intelligentsia - to those working in the field of science, education, literature and an, as well as to pioneers of technological progress, rationalizers and inventors.
Article 78.
1. Women in the Polish People's Republic shall have equal rights with men in all the fields of public, political, economic, social, and cultural life.
2. The equality of rights of women shall be guaranteed by -
(1) equal rights with men to work and pay according to the principle "equal pay for equal work", the right to rest and leisure, to social insurance, to education, to honours and decorations, to hold public offices;
(2) mother-and-child care, protection of expectant mothers, paid leave before and after confinement, the development of a network of maternity clinics, creches and nursery schools, the extension of a network of service establishments, restaurants and canteens.
3. The Polish People's Republic shall consolidate the position of women in society, especially of gainfully-employed mothers and women.
Article 79.
1. Marriage, motherhood and family shall be safeguarded and protected by the Polish People's Republic. The State shall extend special protection to families with several children.
2. It shall be the parents' duty to bring up their children to become law-abiding citizens of the Polish People's Republic, aware of then-duties.
3. The Polish People's Republic shall ensure the implementation of the rights and obligations of maintenance.
4. Children born out of wedlock shall have equal rights with those born in wedlock.
5. Regardful of the interests of the family, the Polish People's Republic shall strive to improve housing conditions, and in co-operation with citizens it shall develop and promote various forms of house building, especially those conducted by co-operative societies; importance shall be attached to proper management of the housing resources.
Article 80.
The Polish People's Republic shall pay special attention to the education of youth and shall afford it great opportunities of development and provide conditions for active participation of the young generation in public, political, economic, and cultural life, teaching the youth to be co-responsible for the progress of the Country.
Article 81.
1. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic, irrespective of nationality, race or religion, shall enjoy equal rights in all fields of public, political, economic, social, and cultural life. Infringement of this principle by any direct or indirect preferences or restrictions of rights on account of nationality, race or religion shall be punishable.
2. The spreading of hatred or contempt, the provocation of disputes, or humiliation of man on account of national, racial or religious differences, shall be prohibited.
Article 82.
1. The Polish People's Republic shall guarantee freedom of conscience and religion to its citizens. The Church and other religious societies and organizations shall freely exercise their religious functions. Citizens shall not be prevented from taking part in religious activities and rites. No one may be compelled to participate in religious activities or rites.
2. The Church shall be separated from the State. The principles of the relationship between Church and State, and the legal and patrimonial position of religious societies shall be defined by law.
Article 83.
1. The Polish People's Republic shall guarantee its citizens freedom of speech, of the press, of meetings and assemblies, of processions and demonstrations.
2. To put these freedoms into effect, the working people and their organizations shall be given the use of printing shops, stocks of paper, public buildings and halls, means of communication, the radio, and other necessary material means.
Article 84.
1. In order to promote the political, social, economic, and cultural activities of the working people of town and country, the Polish People's Republic shall guarantee to its citizens the right of association.
2. Political organizations, trade unions, associations of working peasants, co-operative associations, youth, women's, sports and defence organizations, cultural, technical and scientific societies, as well as other social organizations of the working people, shall unite citizens for their active participation in political, social, economic, and cultural life.
3. It shall be prohibited to set up and to participate in associations whose objective or activities menace the socio-political system or the legal order of the Polish People's Republic.
Article 85.
Trade Unions shall play an important pan in the Polish People's Republic as a mass organization which takes pan in the formulation and implementation of tasks aimed at the socio-economic advancement of the country; the Trade Unions shall represent the interests and rights of the working people, and shall be the school of civic activeness and involvement in the building of socialist society.
Article 86.
1. Citizens of the Polish People's Republic shall participate in exercising social control, in consultations and discussions on key issues concerning the development of the country, and shall submit their suggestions.
2. Citizens shall have the right to approach all organs of the State with appeals, complaints and grievances.
3. Appeals, complaints and grievances of citizens shall be examined and settled without delay and justly. Those guilty of protraction or an indifferent and bureaucratic attitude, shall be called to account.
Article 87.
1. The Polish People's Republic shall guarantee to its citizens the inviolability of the person. A citizen may be deprived of his freedom only in cases specified by the law. A detained person shall be set free unless a warrant of arrest issued by the Court or by Public Prosecutor has been served on him within forty-eight hours from the moment of his detention.
2. The inviolability of the home and the privacy of correspondence shall be protected by law. The home may by searched only in cases specified by law.
3. Property may be confiscated only in cases specified by law, by virtue of a final judgement.
Article 88.
The Polish People's Republic shall grant asylum to nationals of other countries persecuted in connection with defending the interests of the working people, the struggle for social progress, activities in defence of peace, the struggle for national liberation, or as a result of scientific activities.
Article 89.
Polish citizens staying abroad shall enjoy the protection of the Polish People's Republic.
Article 90.
It shall be the duty of every citizen of the Polish People's Republic to abide by the provisions of the Constitution and laws, to maintain socialist work discipline, to respect the principles of community life, and to do his duty toward the State conscientiously.
Article 91.
It shall be the duty of every citizen of the Polish People's Republic to safeguard social property and to strengthen it as the firm foundations of the State's development and a source of the wealth and power of the Country.
Article 92.
1. It shall be the sacred duty of every citizen to defend the Country.
2. Military service shall be an honourable patriotic duty of citizens of the Polish People's Republic.
Article 93.
1. It shall be the duty of every citizen of the Polish People's Republic to exercise vigilance against enemies of the Nation and to guard State secrets carefully.
2. High treason: espionage, subverting the Armed Forces, desertion to the enemy - shall be punished as the gravest of crimes, with all severity of law.

Chapter 9. Principles of Electoral Law

Article 94.
Elections to the Diet and to the People's Councils shall be universal, equal, direct, and by secret ballot.
Article 95.
Every citizen who has attained the age of eighteen years, irrespective of sex, nationality and race, religion, education, length of residence, social origin, profession or property, shall have the right to vote.
Article 96.
Every citizen who has attained the age of eighteen years shall be qualified to be elected to the People's Council, and every citizen who has attained the age of twenty-one years shall be qualified to be elected to the Diet.
Article 97.
Women shall have all electoral rights on equal terms with men.
Article 98.
Citizens serving in the Army shall have all electoral rights on equal terms with civilians.
Article 99.
Electoral rights shall be denied to persons of unsound mind, and to persons deprived of public rights by a Court decision.
Article 100.
Candidates to the Diet and candidates to the People's Councils shall be nominated by political and social organizations in town and country.
Article 101.
It shall be the duty of Deputies to the Diet and of members of the People's Councils to report to the electors on their work and on the activity of the body to which they have been elected.
Article 102.
The procedure for the nomination of candidates and for holding elections, as well as the procedure for the recall of Deputies to the Diet and members of People's Councils, shall be defined by law.

Chapter 10. Coat-of-arms, Colours, National Anthem, and Capital of the Polish People's Republic

Article 103.
1. The image of a white eagle on a red field shall be the coat-of-arms of the Polish People's Republic.
2. White and red shall be the colours of the Polish People's Republic.
3. Dąbrowski's Mazurka shall be the national anthem of the Polish People's Republic.
4. Particulars shall be specified by law.
Article 104.
The coat-of-arms, colours, and national anthem of the Polish People's Republic shall enjoy respect and be an object of special protection.
Article 105.
Warszawa, the city which embodies the heroic traditions of the Polish Nation, shall be the capital of the Polish People's Republic.

Chapter 11. Procedure for Amending the Constitution

Article 106.
The Constitution may be amended only by an Act passed by the Diet of the Polish People's Republic by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes, not less than half the total number of Deputies being present.