Constitutions of 1975 and of 1989/Constitution of 1989/Consular Laws
Consular Laws
§ 1.Consular officials (professional consular officials and consular officials by title) are appointed
§ assist in the cooperation between the Principality of Sealand and the host countries,
§ offer Sealanders as well as artificial Sealandic persons advice and assistance.
§ 2.In performance of their duties, the consular officials have to protect and promote the prestige and interests of the Principality of Sealand.
§ 3.In legal matters, consular officials shall make use of the advice and assistance of a person of their confidence, resident in the host country while performing their duties (usually a person authorized by the law of the host country to give professional legal advice.)
§ 4.
The consular officials shall perform duties and rights conferred on them by special regulations, while taking over the consular activity. These may be:§ 4.1.matters of Nationality,
§ 4.2.matters of passports and visa,
§ 4.3.matters of shipping,
§ matters,
§ 4.6.supervision of contracts,
§ 4.7.assistance to Sealanders,
§ 4.8.assistance in cases of disasters,
§ 4.9.assistance to Sealandic prisoners on trial and convicts,
§ 4.10.acceptance of declarations for use in Sealand,
§ 4.11.legalization of foreign documents,
§ 4.12.legalizations in general.
§ 5.Professional consular officials are members of the Foreign Ministry of the Principality of Sealand and always nationals.
§ 6.Consuls by title are honorary officials who are entrusted with the performance of consular duties. They may be Sealanders as well as foreigners.
§ 7.The authorization to perform consular duties may be restricted or cancelled at any time. Claims for compensation for consular officials may be directed to the Foreign Ministry but there does not exist a legal claim to the receipt of any fees or compensation and all fees received by any consular official from a third party are the property of Sealand.
§ 8.All consular officials have to be recorded in a register established for this purpose.
§ 9.This law comes into force the day this document is signed by the Sovereign.
17th May 1976 , Roy of Sealand