Coshocton Tribune/1930/Boy Makes New Round Trip Mark

Boy Makes New Round Trip Mark. Eddie Schneider Now Holds Coast-to-Coast Round Trip Junior Flight Record. Beats Goldsborough's. Cuts One Hour, 36 Minutes From Time Of Young Flyer Recently Killed In Vermont. Roosevelt Field, New York; August 25, 1930. "Hello, Pop, I made it." That was the greeting to his father by happy Eddie Schneider, who today holds the coast-to-coast round trip junior flight record, as he ended this final leg of his trip. The 18-year old pilot landed here Sunday shortly after 4 p.m. as a crowd of 2,000 cheered. He completed the flight from Los Angeles in 27 hours, 19 minutes and made a round trip record of 57 hours and 41 minutes. His record broke by one hour and 36 minutes the round-trip time of Frank Goldsborough, the boy flyer who was killed when his plane crashed in Vermont. Bucking strong winds, Schneider flew from Columbus to New York in a single day. He was not tired, he said, but hungry, having gone without food on the entire last leg of his trip. He plans to fly today to Chicago, where he will compete in the national air races. Young Schneider said he was impressed with the vast wastes in the west where he flew for more than 100 miles without sighting signs of habitation. He also was surprised, he said, at the large number of air hitch-hikers. He refused rides to scores. The young pilot brought with him a letter from the Mayor of Los Angeles to Mayor Walker of New York and one to Mayor Hague of Jersey City, Schneider's home town.