Cotton MS Domitian A IX
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Elenchus Contentorum
in hoc codice
- Aldhelmi ep̄ta declamatoria contra Scotorum artes ad Heahfridum
- Chaldæorum litera
- Ep̄ta Dionysij Exigui ad Bonifacium primicerium Notariorum
- Fragmentum historicum de Rege quodam Saxonum et deinde de Sc͏͞o Augustino Archiep̄o Saxonicè
- Alphabetum Norwegicum. ib.
- Item aliud alphabetum.
- Voces saxonicæ Latinè redditæ
- Tabula calendaria carmine cum quibusdam Historicè adnotatis et sequenti eiusdem declaratione.
- Regum Angliæ cathalogus cum numero annorum quibus regnarens.
- Experientia optima pro minutione sanguinis
- Quædam carmine, quædam aliter observata de Regibus Angliæ
- Versus prognostici de die s͏͞ci Pauli
- Indulgentiæ Clementis 5ti pro quibusdam orationibus
- Quidam rythmi Monachales
- Revelatio B. Hildegaris
- Prophetia cuiusdam regularis canonici [1] rythmica cum commentario scripta infra primum annum regni Regis Edwardi, de 14narvan et 14m.
- De nominibus Regis qui sis inventurus sanctam crucim secundum diversas prophetias Authenticas
- Nota Nativitatis Regis Edwardi 4ti.
- Literæ Pij Papæ ad Edw. 4tum congratulantes ei accessum ad regnum Angliæ
- Nomina honorum et insignium pertinentium ad Duces Eboracenses
Enodiienchiridion ad Laurentium.
- ↑ Iohannis de Bridlington
Chapters (not listed in original)
- Aldhelm's declamatory letter against the Scottish arts, to Heahfridum
- Chaldæan letters
- Letter from Dionysius Exiguus to Boniface, primicerius of the Notaries
- Historical fragment on certain Saxon Kings and then on St Augustine the Saxon Bishop
- Norwegian alphabet
- Another alphabet
- Saxonic voices translated from Latin
- Table of calendars annotated with various historical poems followed by a clarification
- Catalogue of the Kings of England with the number of years of their reign.
- The best experience for bloodletting
- Various poems, and various other observations regarding the Kings of England
- Prognostic verses for Saint Paul's Day
- Indulgences of Clement V for various prayers
- Various monastic poems
- Revelations of B. Hildegard
- Prophesies of the Canon Regular[1] in rhyme, with commentary written during the first year of the reign of King Edward, the (?) 14th.
- On the names of Kings who discovered the holy cross according to various Authentic prophecies
- Note on the birth of King Edward IV
- Letter from Pope Pius to Edward IV congratulating him on ascending the English throne
- Honorifics and insignias appropriate to the Dukes of York
- Enchiridion to Laurence
- ↑ John of Bridlington
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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