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Cotton MS Domitian A IX

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Cotton MS Domitian A IX

This collection of medieval Old English and Latin manuscripts, many of which are fragments, were bound together in the early modern period, and are currently stored in the British Library as part of the Cotton Manuscript collection.

3800720Cotton MS Domitian A IX

Elenchus Contentorum
in hoc codice

  1. Aldhelmi ep̄ta declamatoria contra Scotorum artes ad Heahfridum
  2. Chaldæorum litera
  3. Ep̄ta Dionysij Exigui ad Bonifacium primicerium Notariorum
  4. Fragmentum historicum de Rege quodam Saxonum et deinde de Sc͏͞o Augustino Archiep̄o Saxonicè
  5. Alphabetum Norwegicum. ib.
  6. Item aliud alphabetum.
  7. Voces saxonicæ Latinè redditæ
  8. Tabula calendaria carmine cum quibusdam Historicè adnotatis et sequenti eiusdem declaratione.
  9. Regum Angliæ cathalogus cum numero annorum quibus regnarens.
  10. Experientia optima pro minutione sanguinis
  11. Quædam carmine, quædam aliter observata de Regibus Angliæ
  12. Versus prognostici de die s͏͞ci Pauli
  13. Indulgentiæ Clementis 5ti pro quibusdam orationibus
  14. Quidam rythmi Monachales
  15. Revelatio B. Hildegaris
  16. Prophetia cuiusdam regularis canonici [1] rythmica cum commentario scripta infra primum annum regni Regis Edwardi, de 14narvan et 14m.
  17. De nominibus Regis qui sis inventurus sanctam crucim secundum diversas prophetias Authenticas
  18. Nota Nativitatis Regis Edwardi 4ti.
  19. Literæ Pij Papæ ad Edw. 4tum congratulantes ei accessum ad regnum Angliæ
  20. Nomina honorum et insignium pertinentium ad Duces Eboracenses
  21. Enodii enchiridion ad Laurentium.
  1. Iohannis de Bridlington

Chapters (not listed in original)

  1. Aldhelm's declamatory letter against the Scottish arts, to Heahfridum
  2. Chaldæan letters
  3. Letter from Dionysius Exiguus to Boniface, primicerius of the Notaries
  4. Historical fragment on certain Saxon Kings and then on St Augustine the Saxon Bishop
  5. Norwegian alphabet
  6. Another alphabet
  7. Saxonic voices translated from Latin
  8. Table of calendars annotated with various historical poems followed by a clarification
  9. Catalogue of the Kings of England with the number of years of their reign.
  10. The best experience for bloodletting
  11. Various poems, and various other observations regarding the Kings of England
  12. Prognostic verses for Saint Paul's Day
  13. Indulgences of Clement V for various prayers
  14. Various monastic poems
  15. Revelations of B. Hildegard
  16. Prophesies of the Canon Regular[1] in rhyme, with commentary written during the first year of the reign of King Edward, the (?) 14th.
  17. On the names of Kings who discovered the holy cross according to various Authentic prophecies
  18. Note on the birth of King Edward IV
  19. Letter from Pope Pius to Edward IV congratulating him on ascending the English throne
  20. Honorifics and insignias appropriate to the Dukes of York
  21. Enchiridion to Laurence
  1. John of Bridlington

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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