Cowie's Printer's Pocket-Book and Manual/Physical Signs and Abbreviations
℞ Stands for Recipe, or Take |
ā aa, of each a like quantity |
℔ a pound |
℥ an ounce |
ʒ a drachm |
℈ a scruple |
j stands for one; ij for 2; and so on |
ß signifies semi, or half |
gr. denotes a grain
One pound makes 12 ounces |
One ounce contains 8 drachms |
One drachm is equal to 3 scruples |
One scruple consists of 20 grains |
One grain has the weight of a barley-corn |
P. stands for particula, a little part, and means so much as can be taken betwixt the ends of two fingers |
P. æq. stands for partes æquales, or equal parts |
q. s. quantum sufficit, or as much as is sufficient |
q. p. quantum placit, or as much as you please |
s. a. secundem artem, or according to art. |