Crainquebille, Putois, Riquet and other profitable tales/The Meditations of Riquet
EN, beasts and stones grow great as they come near and loom enormous when their are upon me. It is not so with me. I remain equally great wheresoever I am.
When my master places for me beneath the table the food which he was about to put into his own mouth, it is in order that he may tempt me and that he may punish me if I yield to temptation. For I cannot believe that he would deny himself for my sake.
My master keeps me warm when I lie behind him in his chair. It is because he is a god. In front of the fire-place is a hot stone. That stone is divine.
I speak when I please. From my master's mouth proceed likewise sounds which make sense. But his meaning is not so dear as that expressed by the sounds of my voice. Every sound that I utter has a meaning. From my master's lips come forth many idle noises. It is difficult but necessary to divine the thoughts of the master.
To eat is good. To have eaten is better. For the enemy who lieth in wait to take your food is quick and crafty.
All is flux and reflux. I alone remain.
I am in the centre of all things; men, beasts and things, friendly and adverse, are ranged about me.
In sleep one beholdeth men, dogs, horses, trees, forms pleasant and unpleasant. When one awaketh these forms have vanished.
Reflection. I love my master, Bergeret, because he is powerful and terrible.
An action for which one has been beaten is a bad action. An action for which one has received caresses or food is a good action.
At nightfall evil powers prowl round the house. I bark in order that my master may be warned and drive them away.
Prayer. O my master, Bergeret, god of courage, I adore thee. When thou art terrible, be thou praised. When thou art kind be thou praised. I crouch at thy feet: I lick thy hands. When, seated before thy table spread, thou devourest meats in abundance, thou art very great and very beautiful. Very great art thou and very beautiful when, striking fire out of a thin splint of wood, thou changest night into day. Keep me in thine house and keep out every other dog. And thou, Angélique, the cook, divinity good and great, I fear thee and I venerate thee in order that thou mayest give me much to eat.
A dog who lacketh piety towards men and who scorneth the fetishes assembled in his master's house liveth a miserable and a wandering life.
One day, from a broken pitcher, filled with water which was being carried across the parlour, water ran on to the polished floor. A thrashing must have been the punishment of that dirty pitcher.
Men possess the divine power of opening all doors. I by myself am only able to open a few. Doors are great fetishes which do not readily obey dogs.
The life of a dog is full of danger. If he would escape suffering he must be ever on the watch, during meals and even during sleep.
It is impossible to know whether one has acted well towards men. One must worship them without seeking to understand them. Their wisdom is mysterious.
Invocation. O Fear, Fear august and maternal, Fear sacred and salutary, possess me, in danger fill me, in order that I may avoid that which is harmful, lest, casting myself upon the enemy, I suffer for my imprudence.
Vehicles there are which horses pull through the street. They are terrible. Other vehicles there are which move of themselves breathing loudly. These are also fearful. Men in rags are detestable, likewise such as carry baskets on their heads or roll casks. I do not love children who utter loud cries and flee from and pursue each other swiftly in the streets. The world is full of hostile and dreadful things.