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Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians/Index

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Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians
3307472Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians


  1. A
  2. “About the Licenses” (Creative Commons), 59
  3. “About the Open Publication License” (Wiley), 59
  4. “Academic Libraries and Open Access” (Tay), 127
  5. accessibility
  6. of CC-licensed work, 72
  7. of OER, 114, 118, 121
  8. Actualham website, 103
  9. adaptations
  10. CC licensor choice about, 42
  11. of CC-licensed works, 79–81
  12. characteristics of, 52
  13. collections vs., 81–83
  14. copyright of, 20
  15. as exclusive right of creator, 19–20
  16. indication of work as, 67
  17. NoDerivatives term, 52
  18. of OER, 115–116
  19. public domain, CC0 for, 53
  20. rules/scenarios for, 83–84
  21. ShareAlike licenses, 53
  22. adapter’s license
  23. for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 83–84
  24. chart of, 84
  25. license compatibility, 85–86
  26. advocacy, OER, 128
  27. “all rights reserved” copyright
  28. approach of, 13
  29. remixing, 115–116
  30. American University Washington College of Law, 36
  31. Aoki, Keith, 37
  32. ARL (Association of Research Libraries), 95
  33. article processing charge (APC), 97
  34. “Article Processing Charge” (Wikipedia), 97
  35. Ashcroft, Eldred v., 4, 9–10
  36. assessment, of OER, 114–115
  37. Association of College & Research Libraries, 128
  38. Association of Research Libraries (ARL), 95
  39. attribution
  40. for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 83
  41. CC license, enforcement of, 55
  42. for collection, 82
  43. for remix of CC-licensed work, 79
  44. for reuse of CC-licensed works, 76, 77–78
  45. Attribution element, 42–43, 73
  46. Attribution license
  47. See CC BY (Attribution) license
  48. Attribution-NoDerivatives license
  49. See BY-ND (Attribution-NoDerivatives) license
  50. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license
  51. See BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) license
  52. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license
  53. See BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license
  54. Attribution-ShareAlike license
  55. See BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike) license
  56. authors
  57. control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
  58. copyright for works of original authorship, 18
  59. credit for works in public domain, 30
  60. exclusive rights of, 15–16, 19–21
  61. Open Access publishing, 95–97
  62. publishing rights, educating about, 97–98
  63. scholarly publishing today, 93–95
  64. See also creators
  65. Authors Alliance, 98
  66. author’s rights, 17, 18
  67. “Author’s Rights” (Wikipedia), 36
  68. automatic copyright, 16, 24
  69. automation, of attribution, 78
  70. Azzam, Amin, 104
  71. B
  72. BC Campus
  73. on CC licenses for OER, 120
  74. MARC records for OER, 117
  75. BC Open Textbook Project
  76. for examples of open textbooks, 107
  77. notice in footer of, 65
  78. Benkler, Yochai, 11
  79. Berkeley Library Scholarly Communication Services, 126
  80. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
  81. on derivate work, 19
  82. on fair use, 33
  83. on moral rights, 20
  84. revisions/amendments to, 24–25
  85. on works that cannot be copyrighted, 28–29
  86. world map showing parties to, 25
  87. “Best Practices for Attribution” (Creative Commons), 78
  88. best practices, for OER accessibility, 121
  89. Blake, David, 10
  90. Blogs and Wikis: a fictitious debate (video), 104
  91. Bollier, David
  92. on commons, 7
  93. “The Commons Short and Sweet,” 10
  94. The Wealth of the Commons: A World beyond Market and State, 10–11
  95. books
  96. CC license rights for, 48
  97. exclusive rights, 19
  98. Statute of Anne on, 17
  99. Bound by Law? Tales from the Public Domain (Aoki, Boyle, & Jenkins), 37
  100. Boundless, 11
  101. Boyle, James, 37
  102. Buranyi, Stephen, 127
  103. BY condition, 49
  104. BY licenses
  105. for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
  106. description of, 50–51
  107. icons for, 50
  108. license compatibility, 85
  109. BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) license
  110. for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
  111. function of, 50
  112. license compatibility, 85
  113. BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) license
  114. choice of, 84
  115. function of, 51
  116. NoDerivatives term, 52
  117. BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license
  118. for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
  119. CC license legal cases, 120
  120. function of, 50
  121. ShareAlike requirement of, 53
  122. BY-ND (Attribution-NoDerivatives) license
  123. choice of, 84
  124. function of, 51
  125. NoDerivatives term, 52
  126. BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike) license
  127. for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
  128. function of, 50
  129. license compatibility, 85
  130. ShareAlike requirement of, 53
  131. C
  132. call-to-action, 123
  133. Cape Town Open Education Declaration, 107
  134. Cards Against Humanity, 71
  135. CC
  136. See Creative Commons
  137. CC Australia, 63, 64
  138. CC buttons, 8
  139. CC BY
  140. common deeds for, 41
  141. legal code of, 40
  142. CC BY 2.0 (Attribution 2.0 Generic), xi
  143. CC BY 3.0 (Attribution 3.0 Unported), xi
  144. CC BY 4.0 (Attribution 4.0 International), xi
  145. CC BY (Attribution) license
  146. function of, 50
  147. icon of, 61
  148. for OER, 120
  149. Open Access publishing under, 96–97
  150. CC BY-NC 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International), xi
  151. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International), xi
  152. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International), xi
  153. CC BY-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International), xi
  154. CC BY-SA 3.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported), xi
  155. CC BY-SA 4.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International), xi
  156. CC Certificate
  157. CC licenses resources recommended by participants, 59–60, 89
  158. copyright law resources recommended by participants, 37
  159. purpose of, viii
  160. resources recommended by participants in, 12
  161. CC Global Network
  162. people participating in, 8
  163. porting of CC licenses, 57
  164. CC license chooser
  165. for CC license choice, 68
  166. for code identifying CC license, 65
  167. image of, 66
  168. CC License Compatibility Chart, 85
  169. CC license deed, 63, 65
  170. CC licenses
  171. See Creative Commons (CC) licenses
  172. CC Search
  173. for automation of attribution, 78
  174. for finding CC-licensed works, 76–77
  175. for finding OER, 113–114
  176. CC0 Public Domain Dedication tool
  177. applying, considerations before, 61–63
  178. applying license, 65
  179. attribution not required in, 77
  180. for dedication of work to public domain, 29
  181. finding works in public domain, 30–31
  182. function of, 44
  183. icon for, 29
  184. for MARC records for OER, 117
  185. three-pronged legal approach of, 53
  186. URL for, xi
  187. CC-licensed works
  188. CC License Compatibility Chart, 117
  189. CC licensing, considerations after, 69–76
  190. changing legal terms on, 70–71
  191. charging for, 71–72
  192. control of use of, 73
  193. finding/reusing, 76–78
  194. legal cases on, 73–75
  195. marking, 67–68, 88
  196. remixing, 79–86, 115–116
  197. Center for the Study of Public Domain (Duke Law School), 37
  198. City University of New York, 124
  199. Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care (open textbook), 109
  200. collections
  201. adaptations/remixes vs., 81–83
  202. as not adaptations, 52
  203. OER collection, 107, 113
  204. commons
  205. CC’s organizational strategy and, 9
  206. economic model of, 7
  207. resources on, 10–11
  208. commons deeds, 40–41
  209. “The Commons Short and Sweet” (Bollier), 10
  210. Communia, 36–37
  211. compatibility
  212. CC License Compatibility Chart, 117
  213. license compatibility, 85–86
  214. resources on license compatibility, 88
  215. “Compatible Licenses” (Creative Commons), 88
  216. compulsory licensing schemes, 34
  217. The Conversation website, 8
  218. copies
  219. attribution when reusing CC-licensed works, 77–78
  220. as exclusive right of creator, 19
  221. legal case on CC licenses, 74–75
  222. Copy (aka copyright) Tells the Story of His Life (video), 18
  223. copyright
  224. adaptations of CC-licensed works and, 80
  225. CC license scope and, 45–49
  226. CC licenses work on top of, 40
  227. collections and, 82–83
  228. control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
  229. Creative Commons, creation of, 2–6
  230. expansion of, vii
  231. expiration of, 28
  232. licensing/transfer, 35
  233. Open Access publishing and, 96
  234. open copyright licenses of CC, 1
  235. open pedagogy, restriction of, 103
  236. ownership of copyright, for CC license application, 62–63
  237. publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
  238. scholarly publishing and, 94
  239. “Copyright and Exceptions” (Kennisland), 36
  240. “Copyright Basics” (U. S. Copyright Office), 35
  241. “Copyright for Educators & Librarians” (Coursera), 35
  242. copyright holder
  243. automatic copyright/registration of copyright, 16
  244. journals as, 94
  245. ownership of copyright, for CC license application, 62–63
  246. copyright infringement
  247. CC license enforcement and, 55–56
  248. liability and remedies, 34–35
  249. copyright law
  250. “all rights reserved” approach, 13
  251. exceptions/limitations to, 31–34
  252. fundamentals of, 15–16
  253. global aspects of, 23–27
  254. history of, 17
  255. how it works, 18–22
  256. importance of, 14
  257. intellectual property, types of, 22
  258. public domain, 27–31
  259. purpose of, 17–18/
  260. resources on, 34–37
  261. copyright term
  262. Berne Convention’s standards for, 25
  263. copyright expiration, 28
  264. expansion of, 17
  265. length of, 16
  266. worldwide map of copyright term length, 26
  267. “Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States” (Cornell University Library’s Copyright Information Center), 36
  268. “Copyright Term” article (Wikipedia), 25
  269. “CopyrightX” (Harvard Law School), 35
  270. Cornell University Library’s Copyright Information Center, 36
  271. countries
  272. exceptions and limitations to copyright, 33–34
  273. international copyright laws, 24–25
  274. Coursera, 35
  275. court cases
  276. additional details on, 86–87
  277. CC license legal cases in Open Education, 120
  278. on CC licenses, 55–56, 73–75
  279. creation, of OER, 119–122
  280. Creative Commons (CC)
  281. on adaptations, 80
  282. on CC license enforcement, 55
  283. CC licenses, vii–viii
  284. copyright law and, 13–14
  285. creation of, vii
  286. definition of, 1
  287. goal of, viii
  288. licenses, list of, xi
  289. “Marking Your Work with a CC License,” 65, 67
  290. Open Education/Open Access policies, enforcement of, 125
  291. public domain guidelines, 30
  292. public domain icon, 29
  293. public domain tools, 30–31
  294. resources for OER search, 113–114
  295. resources on, 9–12
  296. resources on CC licenses, 87–89
  297. search tool, 77
  298. story of, 2–6
  299. Termination of Transfer tool, 98
  300. today, 6–9
  301. Creative Commons (CC) licenses
  302. CC License Compatibility Chart, 117
  303. CC-licensed works, finding/reusing, 76–78
  304. CC-licensed works, remixing, 79–86
  305. choosing/applying, 61–69
  306. court cases, details on, 86–87
  307. Creative Commons’ organizational work, 9
  308. enforceability of, 54–58
  309. exceptions and limitations to copyright and, 34
  310. idea behind, 4
  311. license design/terminology, 39–44
  312. license scope, 45–49
  313. license types, 49–54
  314. license versions, 56
  315. licensor considerations after CC
  316. licensing, 69–76
  317. list of, xi
  318. moral rights/similar rights, coverage of, 20–21
  319. number of CC-licensed works worldwide, growth in, 5
  320. number of, success of, vii–viii
  321. for OER, 105, 107
  322. for OER, choice of, 119–120
  323. overview of, 7–8
  324. prevalence of, 6
  325. resources on, 10, 59–60, 88–89
  326. resources on CC licenses, 59
  327. resources on court cases on, 86–87
  328. resources on license compatibility, 88
  329. resources on marking licensed works, 88
  330. resources on modifying licenses, 87
  331. scholarship about, 88–89
  332. search for works via, 77
  333. “some rights reserved” approach, 13
  334. Creative Commons (CC) licenses, choosing/applying
  335. applying CC license, steps for, 63, 65, 67–68
  336. CC license chooser, 66
  337. choice of license, flowchart for, 64
  338. choice of license, questions for consideration, 63
  339. considerations before applying, 61–63
  340. marking works created by others, 69
  341. Creative Commons Certificate, 1
  342. “Creative Commons License” (Wikipedia), 59
  343. “Creative Commons Licenses Legal Pitfalls: Incompatibilities and Solutions” (Dulong de Rosnay), 88
  344. Creative Commons movement, 8
  345. Creative Commons NZ, 124
  346. Creative Commons Open Education Platform, 91–92
  347. creativity, 8, 14
  348. creators
  349. attribution for reuse of CC-licensed works, 76, 77–78
  350. CC license scope and, 45–49
  351. CC licenses and, 39
  352. CC-licensed work, accessibility of, 72
  353. CC-licensed work, charging for, 71–72
  354. copyright grants exclusive rights to, 15–16
  355. copyright law, purpose of, 17–18
  356. copyright rights of, 2
  357. exclusive rights of, 19–21
  358. public domain, dedication of work to, 29
  359. term of copyright, 17
  360. what is copyrightable, 18–19
  361. See also licensors
  362. credit
  363. See attribution
  364. Crews, Kenneth, 33
  365. Crowdsourcing, 8
  366. CTEA (Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act), 3
  367. culture, 8
  368. customization, of CC licenses, 70
  369. D
  370. “Debunking the Tragedy of the Commons” (On the Commons), 11
  371. “Defining Noncommercial” (Creative Commons), 57–58
  372. “Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy” (Wiley & Hilton), 102
  373. derivative works
  374. adaptations of CC-licensed works, 79–81
  375. CC licensor choice about, 42
  376. description of, 19
  377. NoDerivatives term, 52
  378. See also adaptations
  379. DeRosa, Robin
  380. Actualham website, 103
  381. A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students, 102
  382. design, of CC licenses, 39–44
  383. digital rights management (DRM), 72
  384. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), 97
  385. discovery, OER, 111, 112–113
  386. disposable assignment, 103
  387. Doctorow, Cory, 10
  388. DRM (digital rights management), 72
  389. Duke Law School, 37
  390. Dulong de Rosnay, Melanie, 88
  391. duration of copyright
  392. See copyright term
  393. Dylan, Jesse, 4
  394. E
  395. education
  396. Open Educational Resources, 104–110
  397. open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
  398. opening up your institution, 122–126
  399. See also Open Education
  400. educators
  401. OER, creating/sharing, 119–122
  402. OER, finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
  403. OERs and, 104–110
  404. open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
  405. opening up your institution, 122–126
  406. See also faculty
  407. Eisen, Michael, 129
  408. Eldred, Eric, 3–4
  409. Eldred v. Ashcroft, 4, 9–10
  410. Electronic Frontier Foundation, 33
  411. “Elinor Ostrom’s 8 Principles for Managing a Commons” (On the Commons), 11
  412. employer
  413. CC license, rights covered by, 48
  414. “work for hire” doctrine, 15
  415. “Enclosure” (Wikipedia article), 11
  416. enforceability, of CC licenses, 54–58
  417. evaluation, of OER, 114–115
  418. exceptions and limitations to copyright
  419. overview of, 32–34
  420. resources on, 36, 59
  421. rights to use copyrighted works without permission, 21
  422. why it matters, 31–32
  423. exclusive rights
  424. copyright law, purpose of, 17–18
  425. of creator or owner of copyright, 18
  426. of creators, granted by copyright, 15–16
  427. granted by copyright, 19–20
  428. moral rights, 20
  429. of patent holders, 22
  430. similar and related rights, 20–21
  431. expression, of idea, 16
  432. F
  433. faculty
  434. copyright rights of, 15–16
  435. OER, creating/sharing, 119–122
  436. OER, finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
  437. OERs and, 104–110
  438. open access practices/policies at university, 99–100
  439. Open Access to scholarship, 92–101
  440. open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
  441. opening up your institution, 122–126
  442. publishing rights, educating about, 97–98
  443. Faden, Eric, 36
  444. Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR), 100
  445. fair dealing
  446. CC license application and, 46
  447. concept of, 21
  448. overview of, 32–33
  449. fair use
  450. CC license application and, 46
  451. concept of, 21
  452. importance of, 31
  453. overview of, 32–33
  454. Philpot vs. Media Research Center, 75
  455. Fair Use Evaluator (online tool), 36
  456. A Fair(y) Use Tale (Faden), 36
  457. fallback license, 53
  458. FASTR (Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act), 100
  459. FedEx Office, Great Minds vs.
  460. central question in, 74–75
  461. details on, 86
  462. OER decision, 120
  463. “Field Guide to Misunderstandings about Open Access” (Suber), 101
  464. film, 48
  465. 5R permissions, 106–107
  466. #FixCopyright, 18
  467. format, 72
  468. Free Culture Game (Molle Industria), 11
  469. Free Culture (Lessig), 10
  470. funding
  471. current funding cycle for research articles, 93–94
  472. of OER content, 123
  473. Open Access public policy and, 100
  474. Open Education/Open Access policies and, 125
  475. optimized funding cycle for research articles, 96
  476. for scholarly research, 95
  477. G
  478. global aspects of copyright
  479. exceptions and limitations to copyright, 33–34
  480. international laws, 24–25
  481. national laws, 26–27
  482. why it matters, 23–24
  483. worldwide map of copyright term length, 26
  484. Gold OA, 97
  485. Google
  486. Advanced Search for general OER search, 113
  487. exceptions and limitations to copyright example, 31
  488. grants
  489. OER grant program, 123
  490. Open Education/Open Access policies, enforcement of, 125
  491. for research, 94
  492. Great Minds vs. FedEx Office
  493. details on, 86
  494. OER decision, 120
  495. overview of, 74–75
  496. Great Minds vs. Office Depot
  497. details on, 86–87
  498. OER decision, 120
  499. overview of, 74–75
  500. Green, Toby, 127
  501. Green OA, 97
  502. A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students (DeRosa & Jhangiani), 102
  503. H
  504. Harvard Law School, 35
  505. Harvard Open Access Project, 99–100
  506. Helfrich, Silke, 10–11
  507. higher education, OER in, 108–109
  508. Hilton, John Levi, 102
  509. history, CC, 9–10
  510. How Can I Find OER? (video), 112
  511. How Does the Commons Work (video), 10
  512. “How I Lost the Big One” (Lessig), 9
  513. How to Register a Trademark (Canada): Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights – What’s the Difference? (video), 22
  514. “HowOpenIsIt? A Guide for Evaluating the Openness of Journals” (SPARC), 126
  515. human readable terms, 40–41
  516. I
  517. icons
  518. for CC BY license, 50, 61
  519. of CC license elements, 42–43
  520. idea, 16
  521. impact factor, 98
  522. independent contractors, 15
  523. intellectual property, 22
  524. international laws
  525. copyright laws, commonalities among, 15
  526. copyrights treaties/agreements, 24–25
  527. world map showing parties to Berne Convention, 25
  528. worldwide map of copyright term length, 26
  529. Internet
  530. CC creation and, vii, 4–6
  531. copyright law and, 14
  532. global aspects of copyright and, 23–24
  533. OERs and, 105
  534. sharing capability with, 2
  535. “Is the Staggeringly Profitable Business of Scientific Publishing Bad for Science?” (Buranyi), 127
  536. “It’s Time to Protect the Public Domain” (Wikimedia Foundation), 37
  537. J
  538. Japan
  539. exceptions and limitations to copyright in, 33
  540. similar and related rights in, 21
  541. Jenkins, Jennifer, 37
  542. Jhangiani, Rajiv, 102
  543. JISC, 114
  544. joint ownership, 16
  545. journals
  546. in Open Access publishing process, 96
  547. publishing in OA journals, 97
  548. scholarly publishing in, 94–95
  549. K
  550. Kennisland, 36
  551. knowledge, 8
  552. Kreutzer, Till, 88–89
  553. L
  554. Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) (film), 27
  555. learners
  556. copyright rights of, 15–16
  557. OER, benefits of, 107–108
  558. OER information for, 124
  559. open pedagogy, copyright restriction of, 103
  560. open pedagogy, examples of, 103–104
  561. legal cases
  562. additional details on, 86–87
  563. CC license legal cases in Open Education, 120
  564. on CC licenses, 55–56, 73–75
  565. resolving, 57–58
  566. legal code, 40
  567. legal tools, 7–8
  568. Lessig, Lawrence
  569. challenge of copyright expansion, vii, 3–4
  570. Creative Commons, creation of, 4
  571. “How I Lost the Big One,” 9
  572. liability and remedies
  573. knowledge of, 21–22
  574. resources on, 34–35
  575. LibGuides, 122
  576. librarians
  577. LibGuides on Creative Commons, 122
  578. OER, creating/sharing, 119–122
  579. OER, finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
  580. open access policies, crafting of, 99–100
  581. publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
  582. library resources, 108
  583. license compatibility
  584. of adaptation of CC-licensed work, 83
  585. chart of, 85
  586. choice of license and, 85
  587. overview of, 85–86
  588. resources on, 88
  589. “License Compatibility” (Wikipedia), 88
  590. licenses
  591. See Creative Commons (CC) licenses
  592. licensing and transfer
  593. knowledge of, 21–22
  594. options for creators, 35
  595. licensors
  596. CC license, choice of/applying, 61–69
  597. CC license scope, 45–49
  598. CC licenses, choices for, 42–43
  599. CC licensing, considerations after, 69–76
  600. control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
  601. enforceability of CC licenses, 54–58
  602. reuse, expectations about, 58
  603. limitations
  604. See exceptions and limitations to copyright
  605. Lumen Learning, 11
  606. M
  607. machine readable layer, 41
  608. Mann, Jonathan, 7
  609. MARC records, 116–117
  610. Maricopa County Community College, 123
  611. marking
  612. CC license marking, steps for, 67–68
  613. resources on, 88
  614. work with CC license, 63, 65
  615. works created by others, 67–68, 69
  616. “Marking Your Work with a CC License” (Creative Commons), 65, 67
  617. “Marking/Creators/Marking Third Party Content” (Creative Commons), 88
  618. Media Research Center, Philpot vs., 75
  619. Merkley, Ryan, vii–viii, 10
  620. metadata, 116–117
  621. Mickey Mouse Protection Act, 3
  622. modifications
  623. control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
  624. resources on modification of CC licenses, 87
  625. “Modifying the CC Licenses” (Creative Commons), 70, 87
  626. Molle Industria, 11
  627. moral rights
  628. as feature of many countries’ copyright laws, 20
  629. types of, 18
  630. of works in public domain, 28
  631. movement, Creative Commons as, 8
  632. Murray, J. B., 104
  633. myths, of open access publishing, 100–101
  634. “Myths about Open Access Publishing” (University of Minnesota), 101
  635. N
  636. National Institutes of Health (NIH), 100
  637. national laws, 26–27
  638. Nature (journal), 98
  639. Nature Research, 98
  640. NC license
  641. See Noncommercial (NC) license
  642. ND license
  643. See NoDerivatives (ND) license
  644. neighboring rights, 20–21
  645. New Zealand, 124
  646. Next System Project, 10
  647. NIH (National Institutes of Health), 100
  648. “No, Really—Stop Saying ‘High Quality’” (Wiley), 115
  649. NoDerivatives (ND) license
  650. adaptation of CC-licensed work under, 80, 81, 83
  651. icon for, 43
  652. as not OER compatible, 119
  653. Noncommercial (NC) license
  654. icon for, 43
  655. legal cases on CC licenses, 74–75
  656. overview of, 51
  657. reusing CC-licensed works and, 78
  658. nonprofit organization, 6
  659. O
  660. OA
  661. See Open Access
  662. OER
  663. See Open Educational Resources
  664. “OER and Advocacy: What Can Librarians Do?” (University of Toronto), 128
  665. OER Commons, 77
  666. OER Policy Development Tool, 123
  667. OER Policy Registry, 123
  668. OER World Map, 113
  669. OER-enabled pedagogy
  670. cost to learners/legal permissions of, 108
  671. definition of, 102
  672. examples of, 103–104
  673. Office Depot, Great Minds vs.
  674. details on, 86–87
  675. OER decision, 120
  676. overview of, 74–75
  677. official translations, 57
  678. On the Commons, 11
  679. online platforms, 113
  680. Open Access Explained! (video), 96
  681. Open Access (OA)
  682. CC licenses for, 91
  683. description of, 92
  684. movement, 8
  685. myths about, 100–101
  686. Open Access publishing, 95–97
  687. policies, enforcing, 125
  688. practices/policies, 99–100
  689. publishing options, 97
  690. publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
  691. resources on, 126–128
  692. scholarly publishing, existing approach to, 93–95
  693. “Open Access Overview: Focusing on Open Access to Peer-Reviewed Research Articles and Their Preprints” (Suber), 127
  694. “Open Access Overview” (University of Minnesota Libraries), 126
  695. Open Access publishing
  696. myths about, 100–101
  697. practices/policies, 99–100
  698. process of, 95–97
  699. resources on emerging models of, 128–129
  700. “Open Access Publishing: A New Model Based on Centuries of Tradition” (University of Washington Libraries), 126
  701. “Open Access Publishing” (Berkeley Library Scholarly Communication Services), 126
  702. Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, 120
  703. “Open Access: The True Cost of Science Publishing” (Van Noorden), 127
  704. open courseware, 107
  705. Open Data, 8
  706. Open Education
  707. CC license legal cases in, 120
  708. discussion lists, 113
  709. OER, creating/sharing, 118–122
  710. OER, open textbooks, open courses, 104–110
  711. OER resources, finding/evaluating, adapting, 110–117
  712. Open Access to scholarship, 92–101
  713. open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
  714. opening up your institution, 122–126
  715. overview of chapter on, 91–92
  716. policies, enforcing, 125
  717. resources on, 126–129
  718. terms of, 102
  719. timeline of OERs, 109–110
  720. Open Education Consortium, 107
  721. Open Education Matters: Why Is It Important to Share Content? (video), 119
  722. Open Education Platform, 91–92
  723. Open Education Task Force, 123
  724. Open Educational Practices, 102, 103–104
  725. Open Educational Resources (OER)
  726. benefits of, 107
  727. CC licenses and, 91
  728. creating/sharing, 118–122
  729. definition of, 106
  730. finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
  731. 5R permissions, 106–107
  732. free library resources vs., 108
  733. importance of, 105–106
  734. legal cases on CC licenses, 74–75
  735. movement around, 8
  736. OER-enabled pedagogy, 103–104
  737. in primary/secondary/higher education, 108–109
  738. purpose of/shift towards, 104–105
  739. resources on OER advocacy, 128
  740. terms of open education, 102
  741. timeline of, 109–110
  742. “Open in Order to… Accelerate Research and Scientific Discoveries” (Vollmer), 128
  743. Open Innovation, 8
  744. open licensing
  745. policy, 123
  746. resources on, 10
  747. open movement
  748. CC’s programs for support of, 9
  749. description of, 6
  750. players in, 8
  751. resources on, 11
  752. Open Pedagogy Notebook website, 104
  753. open pedagogy/practices
  754. copyright restriction of pedagogy, 103
  755. definition of, 102
  756. examples of, 103–104
  757. importance of, 101–102
  758. terms of, 102
  759. Open Science movement, 8
  760. “Open Textbook Community Advocates CC BY License for Open Textbooks” (BC Campus), 119–120
  761. Open Textbook Library, 107, 117
  762. open textbooks
  763. Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care, 109
  764. definition of, examples of, 107
  765. MARC records/metadata for OER, 116–117
  766. Open Washington network, 113, 121
  767. open-source software, 8, 48
  768. OpenStax, 107
  769. organization, 8–9
  770. orphan works, 16
  771. Out of Copyright: Determining the Copyright Status of Works (website), 36
  772. P
  773. patent law, 22
  774. pedagogy
  775. See open pedagogy/practices
  776. peer review
  777. of OER, 115
  778. of scholarly articles, 94, 95
  779. performance, 19
  780. permissions
  781. CC license scope, 46
  782. CC licenses for OER, choice of, 119–120
  783. 5R permissions for OERs, 106–107
  784. granted by CC licenses, 40, 75
  785. licensor choices about, 42–43
  786. for remixing/adapting OER, 115–116
  787. “Persistent Myths about Open Access Scientific Publishing” (Taylor), 101
  788. philosophies of copyright, 35–36
  789. “Philosophy of Copyright” (Wikipedia), 35
  790. Philpot, Larry, 75
  791. Philpot vs. Media Research Center, 75
  792. PLOS Biology, 97
  793. policies
  794. Creative Commons NZ, 124
  795. open access policies, 99–100
  796. Open Education/Open Access policies, enforcement of, 125
  797. open licensing policy, 123
  798. “The Political Economy of the Commons” (Benkler), 11
  799. porting, of CC licenses, 57
  800. Poynder, Richard, 129
  801. primary education, OER in, 108–109
  802. privacy rights, 47
  803. Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (American University Washington College of Law), 36
  804. Project Management for Instructional Designers (Wiley), 103
  805. public, rights of, 21
  806. public domain
  807. author credit and, 30
  808. CC license application and, 46
  809. CC license for work in, 59
  810. CC public domain tools, 44
  811. definition of, 27
  812. end of copyright term, 3
  813. finding works in, 30–31
  814. how works enter, 28–29
  815. remixing of works in, 115
  816. resources on, 36–37
  817. what you can do with work in, 29
  818. why it matters, 28
  819. Public Domain Manifesto (Communia), 36–37
  820. Public Domain Mark tool
  821. function of, 44
  822. purpose of, 30–31
  823. Public Domain Review (journal), 37
  824. public domain tools
  825. functions of, 44
  826. moral rights/similar rights, coverage of, 20–21
  827. Public Knowledge, 47
  828. public policy, on Open Access, 100
  829. publishing
  830. educating authors about their publishing rights, 97–98
  831. of educational materials, 105
  832. OA practices/policies, 99–100
  833. OA publishing, myths about, 100–101
  834. Open Access publishing, 95–97
  835. resources on Open Access publishing, 128–129
  836. scholarly publishing today, 93–95
  837. publishing agreements, 98
  838. Q
  839. “Q&A with PLOS Cofounder Michael Eisen” (Poynder), 129
  840. R
  841. registration, of copyright, 16
  842. Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP), 99
  843. remixing
  844. adaptations of CC-licensed works, 79–81
  845. adaptations/remixes vs. collections, 81–83
  846. adapter’s license, choice of, 84
  847. care with, 79
  848. CC licenses and, 4, 5
  849. CC-licensed works, 70
  850. collections vs. remixes, 81–83
  851. license compatibility, 85–86
  852. OER, 115–116
  853. rules/scenarios for, 83–84
  854. “Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians” (Suber), 127
  855. renewable assignments, 103–104
  856. repository, 97
  857. research articles
  858. current funding cycle for, 93–94
  859. open access practices/policies, 99–100
  860. Open Access publishing, 95–97
  861. optimized funding cycle for, 96
  862. resources
  863. on adaptations, 80
  864. on CC licenses, 59–60
  865. on copyright law, 34–37
  866. on court cases on CCL licenses, 86–87
  867. on Creative Commons, 9–12
  868. for finding OER, 113
  869. on license compatibility, 88
  870. on marking licensed works, 88
  871. on modifying licenses, 87
  872. on OER advocacy, 128
  873. on Open Access, 126–128
  874. on Open Access Publishing models, 128–129
  875. on open education, 126–129
  876. on public domain works, 30
  877. on scholarship about CC licenses, 88–89
  878. See also videos
  879. reusers
  880. CC license marking and, 67
  881. CC license scope and, 47
  882. finding/reusing CC-licensed works, 76–78
  883. irrevocable nature of CC license/CC0, 62
  884. of NC-licensed content, 58
  885. NoDerivatives icon and, 43
  886. remixing CC-licensed works, 79–86
  887. right of paternity, 18
  888. right to protect the work’s integrity, 18
  889. rights
  890. See exclusive rights; moral rights
  891. ROARMAP (Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies), 99
  892. ROARMAP: Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (School of Electronics and Computer Science), 128
  893. Ruben, Lexi, 128
  894. rule of territoriality, 26–27
  895. S
  896. sale, of CC-licensed work, 71–72
  897. Schofield, Brianna, 128
  898. scholarly communication, 93
  899. “Scholarly Communication Toolkit: Scholarly Communication Overview” (Association of College & Research Libraries), 128
  900. “Scholarly Communication” (Wikipedia), 93
  901. scholarly literature
  902. open access practices/policies at university, 99–100
  903. Open Access publishing, 95–97
  904. Open Access to, 92–101
  905. publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
  906. scholarly publishing today, 93–95
  907. Scholars Copyright Addendum Engine, 98
  908. School of Electronics and Computer Science at University of Southampton, 128
  909. search
  910. finding works in public domain, 30–31
  911. finding/reusing CC-licensed works, 76–78
  912. for OER, 111, 112–113
  913. secondary education, OER in, 108–109
  914. self-archiving, 97
  915. ShareAlike (SA) element
  916. CC licenses with requirement of, 53
  917. icon for, 43
  918. licensor requirement for, 42
  919. ShareAlike (SA) licenses
  920. for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 81, 83
  921. license compatibility, 85
  922. A Shared Culture (video), 4
  923. sharing
  924. of adaptations of CC-licensed work, 80, 83
  925. CC licenses reflect belief in, 8
  926. CC’s power of, viii
  927. Creative Commons, creation of, 2, 4
  928. of OER, 119–122, 124
  929. of OER, rewarding, 125
  930. of OERs, 105, 106
  931. “Sharing OER” (Open Washington network), 121
  932. Shen, Rachael, 128
  933. similar and related rights, 20–21, 47
  934. Similar Rights, 21, 47
  935. Simply Said: Understanding Accessibility in Digital Learning Materials (video), 120
  936. smartphones, 101
  937. software, 48
  938. “some rights reserved” approach, 13, 40
  939. Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA), 3
  940. SPARC
  941. on academic publishing system, 94–95
  942. “HowOpenIsIt? A Guide for Evaluating the Openness of Journals,” 126
  943. OER Mythbusting Guide, 114–115
  944. Statute of Anne, 17
  945. “Stop Saying ‘High Quality’” (Wiley), 115
  946. Suber, Peter
  947. “Field Guide to Misunderstandings about Open Access,” 101
  948. on Open Access literature, 95
  949. “Open Access Overview: Focusing on Open Access to Peer-Reviewed Research Articles and Their Preprints,” 127
  950. on open access policies, 99
  951. “Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians,” 127
  952. “A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access,” 126
  953. T
  954. TASL approach
  955. for attribution, 78
  956. example of marking image with, 68
  957. for marking your work, 67
  958. Tay, Aaron, 127
  959. Taylor, Mike, 101
  960. teachers
  961. copyright rights of, 15–16
  962. OERs and, 104–110
  963. See also educators; faculty
  964. technical format, 72
  965. technology, copyright law and, 14
  966. Tennant, Jon, 98
  967. termination of copyright transfers and licenses
  968. knowledge of, 21–22
  969. mechanisms for, 35
  970. Termination of Transfer tool, 98
  971. terminology, of CC licenses, 42–44
  972. 3D printing, 47
  973. “three-step” test, 33
  974. time
  975. See copyright term
  976. timeline, of OER, 109–110
  977. trade agreements, 24–25
  978. trademark
  979. protection as independent of copyright protection, 30
  980. purpose of, 22
  981. trademark law, 22
  982. “The Tragedy of the Commons” (Boundless & Lumen Learning), 11
  983. translations, 57
  984. treaties, 24–25
  985. U
  986. “Understanding Open Access: When, Why, and How to Make Your Work Openly Accessible” (Rubow, Shen, & Schofield), 128
  987. UNESCO Ljubljana OER Action Plan, 107
  988. UNESCO Paris OER Declaration, 107
  989. UnGlue.it, 116
  990. universities
  991. OER in, 108–109
  992. open access policies of, 99–100
  993. open access, promotion of, 101
  994. opening up your institution, 122–126
  995. University of California Open Access Policy, 99
  996. University of Minnesota Libraries
  997. “Myths about Open Access Publishing,” 101
  998. “Open Access Overview,” 126
  999. University of Toronto, 128
  1000. University of Washington Libraries, 126
  1001. U. S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, 86
  1002. U. S. Constitution, 3
  1003. U. S. Copyright Office, 35
  1004. U. S. District Court for the Central District of California, 86–87
  1005. U. S. Supreme Court, vii, 4
  1006. “User-Related Drawbacks of Open Content Licensing” (Kreutzer), 88–89
  1007. Utilitarian purpose, 17
  1008. V
  1009. Van Noorden, Richard, 127
  1010. Version 4.0, 56, 58
  1011. “A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access” (Suber), 126
  1012. videos
  1013. Copy (aka copyright) Tells the Story of His Life, 18
  1014. How Can I Find OER? 112
  1015. How Does the Commons Work, 10
  1016. How to Register a Trademark (Canada): Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights – What’s the Difference? 22
  1017. Open Access Explained! 96
  1018. Open Education Matters: Why Is It Important to Share Content? 119
  1019. A Shared Culture, 4
  1020. Simply Said: Understanding Accessibility in Digital Learning Materials, 120
  1021. Why OER? 106
  1022. Why Open Education Matters, 6
  1023. Won’t Lock It Down, 7
  1024. Vollmer, Timothy, 128
  1025. W
  1026. waiver, of creator rights, 53
  1027. “We Copy like We Breath” (Doctorow), 10
  1028. “We Need to Talk about Sharing” (Merkley), 10
  1029. The Wealth of the Commons: A World beyond Market and State (Bollier & Helfrich), 10–11
  1030. website
  1031. CC license deed link on, 63, 65
  1032. terms of service, 70
  1033. “We’ve Failed: Pirate Black Open Access Is Trumping Green and Gold and We Must Change Our Approach” (Green), 127
  1034. “Why CC BY?” (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association), 120
  1035. Why OER? (video), 106
  1036. Why Open Education Matters (video), 6, 10
  1037. “Wiki/CC License Compatibility” (Creative Commons), 88
  1038. Wikimedia Commons, 113
  1039. Wikimedia Foundation, 37
  1040. Wikipedia
  1041. “Article Processing Charge,” 97
  1042. “Author’s Rights,” 36
  1043. CC license choice and, 63
  1044. “Copyright Term,” 25
  1045. “Creative Commons License,” 59
  1046. “Enclosure,” 11
  1047. learner assignments for open pedagogy, 104
  1048. “License Compatibility,” 88
  1049. listing of sources of CC material, 77
  1050. “Philosophy of Copyright,” 35
  1051. “Scholarly Communication,” 93
  1052. Wiley, David
  1053. “About the Open Publication License,” 59
  1054. “Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy,” 102
  1055. on OER, 106–107, 115
  1056. Project Management for Instructional Designers, 103
  1057. Won’t Lock It Down (video), 7
  1058. work created by others, 67–68
  1059. “work for hire” doctrine, 15
  1060. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 24–25, 33
  1061. World Trade Organization (WTO), 24
  1062. WorldCat, 116–117
  1063. worldwide community
  1064. See global aspects of copyright
  1065. Y
  1066. Year of Open (website), 102

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