Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians/Index
- A
- “About the Licenses” (Creative Commons), 59
- “About the Open Publication License” (Wiley), 59
- “Academic Libraries and Open Access” (Tay), 127
- accessibility
- of CC-licensed work, 72
- of OER, 114, 118, 121
- Actualham website, 103
- adaptations
- CC licensor choice about, 42
- of CC-licensed works, 79–81
- characteristics of, 52
- collections vs., 81–83
- copyright of, 20
- as exclusive right of creator, 19–20
- indication of work as, 67
- NoDerivatives term, 52
- of OER, 115–116
- public domain, CC0 for, 53
- rules/scenarios for, 83–84
- ShareAlike licenses, 53
- adapter’s license
- for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 83–84
- chart of, 84
- license compatibility, 85–86
- advocacy, OER, 128
- “all rights reserved” copyright
- approach of, 13
- remixing, 115–116
- American University Washington College of Law, 36
- Aoki, Keith, 37
- ARL (Association of Research Libraries), 95
- article processing charge (APC), 97
- “Article Processing Charge” (Wikipedia), 97
- Ashcroft, Eldred v., 4, 9–10
- assessment, of OER, 114–115
- Association of College & Research Libraries, 128
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL), 95
- attribution
- for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 83
- CC license, enforcement of, 55
- for collection, 82
- for remix of CC-licensed work, 79
- for reuse of CC-licensed works, 76, 77–78
- Attribution element, 42–43, 73
- Attribution license
- See CC BY (Attribution) license
- Attribution-NoDerivatives license
- See BY-ND (Attribution-NoDerivatives) license
- Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license
- See BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) license
- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license
- See BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license
- Attribution-ShareAlike license
- See BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike) license
- authors
- control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
- copyright for works of original authorship, 18
- credit for works in public domain, 30
- exclusive rights of, 15–16, 19–21
- Open Access publishing, 95–97
- publishing rights, educating about, 97–98
- scholarly publishing today, 93–95
- See also creators
- Authors Alliance, 98
- author’s rights, 17, 18
- “Author’s Rights” (Wikipedia), 36
- automatic copyright, 16, 24
- automation, of attribution, 78
- Azzam, Amin, 104
- B
- BC Campus
- on CC licenses for OER, 120
- MARC records for OER, 117
- BC Open Textbook Project
- for examples of open textbooks, 107
- notice in footer of, 65
- Benkler, Yochai, 11
- Berkeley Library Scholarly Communication Services, 126
- Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
- on derivate work, 19
- on fair use, 33
- on moral rights, 20
- revisions/amendments to, 24–25
- on works that cannot be copyrighted, 28–29
- world map showing parties to, 25
- “Best Practices for Attribution” (Creative Commons), 78
- best practices, for OER accessibility, 121
- Blake, David, 10
- Blogs and Wikis: a fictitious debate (video), 104
- Bollier, David
- on commons, 7
- “The Commons Short and Sweet,” 10
- The Wealth of the Commons: A World beyond Market and State, 10–11
- books
- CC license rights for, 48
- exclusive rights, 19
- Statute of Anne on, 17
- Bound by Law? Tales from the Public Domain (Aoki, Boyle, & Jenkins), 37
- Boundless, 11
- Boyle, James, 37
- Buranyi, Stephen, 127
- BY condition, 49
- BY licenses
- for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
- description of, 50–51
- icons for, 50
- license compatibility, 85
- BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) license
- for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
- function of, 50
- license compatibility, 85
- BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) license
- choice of, 84
- function of, 51
- NoDerivatives term, 52
- BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license
- for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
- CC license legal cases, 120
- function of, 50
- ShareAlike requirement of, 53
- BY-ND (Attribution-NoDerivatives) license
- choice of, 84
- function of, 51
- NoDerivatives term, 52
- BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike) license
- for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 84
- function of, 50
- license compatibility, 85
- ShareAlike requirement of, 53
- C
- call-to-action, 123
- Cape Town Open Education Declaration, 107
- Cards Against Humanity, 71
- CC
- See Creative Commons
- CC Australia, 63, 64
- CC buttons, 8
- common deeds for, 41
- legal code of, 40
- CC BY 2.0 (Attribution 2.0 Generic), xi
- CC BY 3.0 (Attribution 3.0 Unported), xi
- CC BY 4.0 (Attribution 4.0 International), xi
- CC BY (Attribution) license
- function of, 50
- icon of, 61
- for OER, 120
- Open Access publishing under, 96–97
- CC BY-NC 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International), xi
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International), xi
- CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International), xi
- CC BY-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International), xi
- CC BY-SA 3.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported), xi
- CC BY-SA 4.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International), xi
- CC Certificate
- CC licenses resources recommended by participants, 59–60, 89
- copyright law resources recommended by participants, 37
- purpose of, viii
- resources recommended by participants in, 12
- CC Global Network
- people participating in, 8
- porting of CC licenses, 57
- CC license chooser
- for CC license choice, 68
- for code identifying CC license, 65
- image of, 66
- CC License Compatibility Chart, 85
- CC license deed, 63, 65
- CC licenses
- See Creative Commons (CC) licenses
- CC Search
- for automation of attribution, 78
- for finding CC-licensed works, 76–77
- for finding OER, 113–114
- CC0 Public Domain Dedication tool
- applying, considerations before, 61–63
- applying license, 65
- attribution not required in, 77
- for dedication of work to public domain, 29
- finding works in public domain, 30–31
- function of, 44
- icon for, 29
- for MARC records for OER, 117
- three-pronged legal approach of, 53
- URL for, xi
- CC-licensed works
- CC License Compatibility Chart, 117
- CC licensing, considerations after, 69–76
- changing legal terms on, 70–71
- charging for, 71–72
- control of use of, 73
- finding/reusing, 76–78
- legal cases on, 73–75
- marking, 67–68, 88
- remixing, 79–86, 115–116
- Center for the Study of Public Domain (Duke Law School), 37
- City University of New York, 124
- Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care (open textbook), 109
- collections
- adaptations/remixes vs., 81–83
- as not adaptations, 52
- OER collection, 107, 113
- commons
- CC’s organizational strategy and, 9
- economic model of, 7
- resources on, 10–11
- commons deeds, 40–41
- “The Commons Short and Sweet” (Bollier), 10
- Communia, 36–37
- compatibility
- CC License Compatibility Chart, 117
- license compatibility, 85–86
- resources on license compatibility, 88
- “Compatible Licenses” (Creative Commons), 88
- compulsory licensing schemes, 34
- The Conversation website, 8
- copies
- attribution when reusing CC-licensed works, 77–78
- as exclusive right of creator, 19
- legal case on CC licenses, 74–75
- Copy (aka copyright) Tells the Story of His Life (video), 18
- copyright
- adaptations of CC-licensed works and, 80
- CC license scope and, 45–49
- CC licenses work on top of, 40
- collections and, 82–83
- control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
- Creative Commons, creation of, 2–6
- expansion of, vii
- expiration of, 28
- licensing/transfer, 35
- Open Access publishing and, 96
- open copyright licenses of CC, 1
- open pedagogy, restriction of, 103
- ownership of copyright, for CC license application, 62–63
- publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
- scholarly publishing and, 94
- “Copyright and Exceptions” (Kennisland), 36
- “Copyright Basics” (U. S. Copyright Office), 35
- “Copyright for Educators & Librarians” (Coursera), 35
- copyright holder
- automatic copyright/registration of copyright, 16
- journals as, 94
- ownership of copyright, for CC license application, 62–63
- copyright infringement
- CC license enforcement and, 55–56
- liability and remedies, 34–35
- copyright law
- “all rights reserved” approach, 13
- exceptions/limitations to, 31–34
- fundamentals of, 15–16
- global aspects of, 23–27
- history of, 17
- how it works, 18–22
- importance of, 14
- intellectual property, types of, 22
- public domain, 27–31
- purpose of, 17–18/
- resources on, 34–37
- copyright term
- Berne Convention’s standards for, 25
- copyright expiration, 28
- expansion of, 17
- length of, 16
- worldwide map of copyright term length, 26
- “Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States” (Cornell University Library’s Copyright Information Center), 36
- “Copyright Term” article (Wikipedia), 25
- “CopyrightX” (Harvard Law School), 35
- Cornell University Library’s Copyright Information Center, 36
- countries
- exceptions and limitations to copyright, 33–34
- international copyright laws, 24–25
- Coursera, 35
- court cases
- additional details on, 86–87
- CC license legal cases in Open Education, 120
- on CC licenses, 55–56, 73–75
- creation, of OER, 119–122
- Creative Commons (CC)
- on adaptations, 80
- on CC license enforcement, 55
- CC licenses, vii–viii
- copyright law and, 13–14
- creation of, vii
- definition of, 1
- goal of, viii
- licenses, list of, xi
- “Marking Your Work with a CC License,” 65, 67
- Open Education/Open Access policies, enforcement of, 125
- public domain guidelines, 30
- public domain icon, 29
- public domain tools, 30–31
- resources for OER search, 113–114
- resources on, 9–12
- resources on CC licenses, 87–89
- search tool, 77
- story of, 2–6
- Termination of Transfer tool, 98
- today, 6–9
- Creative Commons (CC) licenses
- CC License Compatibility Chart, 117
- CC-licensed works, finding/reusing, 76–78
- CC-licensed works, remixing, 79–86
- choosing/applying, 61–69
- court cases, details on, 86–87
- Creative Commons’ organizational work, 9
- enforceability of, 54–58
- exceptions and limitations to copyright and, 34
- idea behind, 4
- license design/terminology, 39–44
- license scope, 45–49
- license types, 49–54
- license versions, 56
- licensor considerations after CC
- licensing, 69–76
- list of, xi
- moral rights/similar rights, coverage of, 20–21
- number of CC-licensed works worldwide, growth in, 5
- number of, success of, vii–viii
- for OER, 105, 107
- for OER, choice of, 119–120
- overview of, 7–8
- prevalence of, 6
- resources on, 10, 59–60, 88–89
- resources on CC licenses, 59
- resources on court cases on, 86–87
- resources on license compatibility, 88
- resources on marking licensed works, 88
- resources on modifying licenses, 87
- scholarship about, 88–89
- search for works via, 77
- “some rights reserved” approach, 13
- Creative Commons (CC) licenses, choosing/applying
- applying CC license, steps for, 63, 65, 67–68
- CC license chooser, 66
- choice of license, flowchart for, 64
- choice of license, questions for consideration, 63
- considerations before applying, 61–63
- marking works created by others, 69
- Creative Commons Certificate, 1
- “Creative Commons License” (Wikipedia), 59
- “Creative Commons Licenses Legal Pitfalls: Incompatibilities and Solutions” (Dulong de Rosnay), 88
- Creative Commons movement, 8
- Creative Commons NZ, 124
- Creative Commons Open Education Platform, 91–92
- creativity, 8, 14
- creators
- attribution for reuse of CC-licensed works, 76, 77–78
- CC license scope and, 45–49
- CC licenses and, 39
- CC-licensed work, accessibility of, 72
- CC-licensed work, charging for, 71–72
- copyright grants exclusive rights to, 15–16
- copyright law, purpose of, 17–18
- copyright rights of, 2
- exclusive rights of, 19–21
- public domain, dedication of work to, 29
- term of copyright, 17
- what is copyrightable, 18–19
- See also licensors
- credit
- See attribution
- Crews, Kenneth, 33
- Crowdsourcing, 8
- CTEA (Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act), 3
- culture, 8
- customization, of CC licenses, 70
- D
- “Debunking the Tragedy of the Commons” (On the Commons), 11
- “Defining Noncommercial” (Creative Commons), 57–58
- “Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy” (Wiley & Hilton), 102
- derivative works
- adaptations of CC-licensed works, 79–81
- CC licensor choice about, 42
- description of, 19
- NoDerivatives term, 52
- See also adaptations
- DeRosa, Robin
- Actualham website, 103
- A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students, 102
- design, of CC licenses, 39–44
- digital rights management (DRM), 72
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), 97
- discovery, OER, 111, 112–113
- disposable assignment, 103
- Doctorow, Cory, 10
- DRM (digital rights management), 72
- Duke Law School, 37
- Dulong de Rosnay, Melanie, 88
- duration of copyright
- See copyright term
- Dylan, Jesse, 4
- E
- education
- Open Educational Resources, 104–110
- open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
- opening up your institution, 122–126
- See also Open Education
- educators
- OER, creating/sharing, 119–122
- OER, finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
- OERs and, 104–110
- open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
- opening up your institution, 122–126
- See also faculty
- Eisen, Michael, 129
- Eldred, Eric, 3–4
- Eldred v. Ashcroft, 4, 9–10
- Electronic Frontier Foundation, 33
- “Elinor Ostrom’s 8 Principles for Managing a Commons” (On the Commons), 11
- employer
- CC license, rights covered by, 48
- “work for hire” doctrine, 15
- “Enclosure” (Wikipedia article), 11
- enforceability, of CC licenses, 54–58
- evaluation, of OER, 114–115
- exceptions and limitations to copyright
- overview of, 32–34
- resources on, 36, 59
- rights to use copyrighted works without permission, 21
- why it matters, 31–32
- exclusive rights
- copyright law, purpose of, 17–18
- of creator or owner of copyright, 18
- of creators, granted by copyright, 15–16
- granted by copyright, 19–20
- moral rights, 20
- of patent holders, 22
- similar and related rights, 20–21
- expression, of idea, 16
- F
- faculty
- copyright rights of, 15–16
- OER, creating/sharing, 119–122
- OER, finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
- OERs and, 104–110
- open access practices/policies at university, 99–100
- Open Access to scholarship, 92–101
- open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
- opening up your institution, 122–126
- publishing rights, educating about, 97–98
- Faden, Eric, 36
- Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR), 100
- fair dealing
- CC license application and, 46
- concept of, 21
- overview of, 32–33
- fair use
- CC license application and, 46
- concept of, 21
- importance of, 31
- overview of, 32–33
- Philpot vs. Media Research Center, 75
- Fair Use Evaluator (online tool), 36
- A Fair(y) Use Tale (Faden), 36
- fallback license, 53
- FASTR (Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act), 100
- FedEx Office, Great Minds vs.
- central question in, 74–75
- details on, 86
- OER decision, 120
- “Field Guide to Misunderstandings about Open Access” (Suber), 101
- film, 48
- 5R permissions, 106–107
- #FixCopyright, 18
- format, 72
- Free Culture Game (Molle Industria), 11
- Free Culture (Lessig), 10
- funding
- current funding cycle for research articles, 93–94
- of OER content, 123
- Open Access public policy and, 100
- Open Education/Open Access policies and, 125
- optimized funding cycle for research articles, 96
- for scholarly research, 95
- G
- global aspects of copyright
- exceptions and limitations to copyright, 33–34
- international laws, 24–25
- national laws, 26–27
- why it matters, 23–24
- worldwide map of copyright term length, 26
- Gold OA, 97
- Advanced Search for general OER search, 113
- exceptions and limitations to copyright example, 31
- grants
- OER grant program, 123
- Open Education/Open Access policies, enforcement of, 125
- for research, 94
- Great Minds vs. FedEx Office
- details on, 86
- OER decision, 120
- overview of, 74–75
- Great Minds vs. Office Depot
- details on, 86–87
- OER decision, 120
- overview of, 74–75
- Green, Toby, 127
- Green OA, 97
- A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students (DeRosa & Jhangiani), 102
- H
- Harvard Law School, 35
- Harvard Open Access Project, 99–100
- Helfrich, Silke, 10–11
- higher education, OER in, 108–109
- Hilton, John Levi, 102
- history, CC, 9–10
- How Can I Find OER? (video), 112
- How Does the Commons Work (video), 10
- “How I Lost the Big One” (Lessig), 9
- How to Register a Trademark (Canada): Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights – What’s the Difference? (video), 22
- “HowOpenIsIt? A Guide for Evaluating the Openness of Journals” (SPARC), 126
- human readable terms, 40–41
- I
- icons
- for CC BY license, 50, 61
- of CC license elements, 42–43
- idea, 16
- impact factor, 98
- independent contractors, 15
- intellectual property, 22
- international laws
- copyright laws, commonalities among, 15
- copyrights treaties/agreements, 24–25
- world map showing parties to Berne Convention, 25
- worldwide map of copyright term length, 26
- Internet
- CC creation and, vii, 4–6
- copyright law and, 14
- global aspects of copyright and, 23–24
- OERs and, 105
- sharing capability with, 2
- “Is the Staggeringly Profitable Business of Scientific Publishing Bad for Science?” (Buranyi), 127
- “It’s Time to Protect the Public Domain” (Wikimedia Foundation), 37
- J
- Japan
- exceptions and limitations to copyright in, 33
- similar and related rights in, 21
- Jenkins, Jennifer, 37
- Jhangiani, Rajiv, 102
- JISC, 114
- joint ownership, 16
- journals
- in Open Access publishing process, 96
- publishing in OA journals, 97
- scholarly publishing in, 94–95
- K
- Kennisland, 36
- knowledge, 8
- Kreutzer, Till, 88–89
- L
- Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) (film), 27
- learners
- copyright rights of, 15–16
- OER, benefits of, 107–108
- OER information for, 124
- open pedagogy, copyright restriction of, 103
- open pedagogy, examples of, 103–104
- legal cases
- additional details on, 86–87
- CC license legal cases in Open Education, 120
- on CC licenses, 55–56, 73–75
- resolving, 57–58
- legal code, 40
- legal tools, 7–8
- Lessig, Lawrence
- challenge of copyright expansion, vii, 3–4
- Creative Commons, creation of, 4
- “How I Lost the Big One,” 9
- liability and remedies
- knowledge of, 21–22
- resources on, 34–35
- LibGuides, 122
- librarians
- LibGuides on Creative Commons, 122
- OER, creating/sharing, 119–122
- OER, finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
- open access policies, crafting of, 99–100
- publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
- library resources, 108
- license compatibility
- of adaptation of CC-licensed work, 83
- chart of, 85
- choice of license and, 85
- overview of, 85–86
- resources on, 88
- “License Compatibility” (Wikipedia), 88
- licenses
- See Creative Commons (CC) licenses
- licensing and transfer
- knowledge of, 21–22
- options for creators, 35
- licensors
- CC license, choice of/applying, 61–69
- CC license scope, 45–49
- CC licenses, choices for, 42–43
- CC licensing, considerations after, 69–76
- control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
- enforceability of CC licenses, 54–58
- reuse, expectations about, 58
- limitations
- See exceptions and limitations to copyright
- Lumen Learning, 11
- M
- machine readable layer, 41
- Mann, Jonathan, 7
- MARC records, 116–117
- Maricopa County Community College, 123
- marking
- CC license marking, steps for, 67–68
- resources on, 88
- work with CC license, 63, 65
- works created by others, 67–68, 69
- “Marking Your Work with a CC License” (Creative Commons), 65, 67
- “Marking/Creators/Marking Third Party Content” (Creative Commons), 88
- Media Research Center, Philpot vs., 75
- Merkley, Ryan, vii–viii, 10
- metadata, 116–117
- Mickey Mouse Protection Act, 3
- modifications
- control of use of CC-licensed work, 73
- resources on modification of CC licenses, 87
- “Modifying the CC Licenses” (Creative Commons), 70, 87
- Molle Industria, 11
- moral rights
- as feature of many countries’ copyright laws, 20
- types of, 18
- of works in public domain, 28
- movement, Creative Commons as, 8
- Murray, J. B., 104
- myths, of open access publishing, 100–101
- “Myths about Open Access Publishing” (University of Minnesota), 101
- N
- National Institutes of Health (NIH), 100
- national laws, 26–27
- Nature (journal), 98
- Nature Research, 98
- NC license
- See Noncommercial (NC) license
- ND license
- See NoDerivatives (ND) license
- neighboring rights, 20–21
- New Zealand, 124
- Next System Project, 10
- NIH (National Institutes of Health), 100
- “No, Really—Stop Saying ‘High Quality’” (Wiley), 115
- NoDerivatives (ND) license
- adaptation of CC-licensed work under, 80, 81, 83
- icon for, 43
- as not OER compatible, 119
- Noncommercial (NC) license
- icon for, 43
- legal cases on CC licenses, 74–75
- overview of, 51
- reusing CC-licensed works and, 78
- nonprofit organization, 6
- O
- OA
- See Open Access
- See Open Educational Resources
- “OER and Advocacy: What Can Librarians Do?” (University of Toronto), 128
- OER Commons, 77
- OER Policy Development Tool, 123
- OER Policy Registry, 123
- OER World Map, 113
- OER-enabled pedagogy
- cost to learners/legal permissions of, 108
- definition of, 102
- examples of, 103–104
- Office Depot, Great Minds vs.
- details on, 86–87
- OER decision, 120
- overview of, 74–75
- official translations, 57
- On the Commons, 11
- online platforms, 113
- Open Access Explained! (video), 96
- Open Access (OA)
- CC licenses for, 91
- description of, 92
- movement, 8
- myths about, 100–101
- Open Access publishing, 95–97
- policies, enforcing, 125
- practices/policies, 99–100
- publishing options, 97
- publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
- resources on, 126–128
- scholarly publishing, existing approach to, 93–95
- “Open Access Overview: Focusing on Open Access to Peer-Reviewed Research Articles and Their Preprints” (Suber), 127
- “Open Access Overview” (University of Minnesota Libraries), 126
- Open Access publishing
- myths about, 100–101
- practices/policies, 99–100
- process of, 95–97
- resources on emerging models of, 128–129
- “Open Access Publishing: A New Model Based on Centuries of Tradition” (University of Washington Libraries), 126
- “Open Access Publishing” (Berkeley Library Scholarly Communication Services), 126
- Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, 120
- “Open Access: The True Cost of Science Publishing” (Van Noorden), 127
- open courseware, 107
- Open Data, 8
- Open Education
- CC license legal cases in, 120
- discussion lists, 113
- OER, creating/sharing, 118–122
- OER, open textbooks, open courses, 104–110
- OER resources, finding/evaluating, adapting, 110–117
- Open Access to scholarship, 92–101
- open pedagogy/practices, 101–104
- opening up your institution, 122–126
- overview of chapter on, 91–92
- policies, enforcing, 125
- resources on, 126–129
- terms of, 102
- timeline of OERs, 109–110
- Open Education Consortium, 107
- Open Education Matters: Why Is It Important to Share Content? (video), 119
- Open Education Platform, 91–92
- Open Education Task Force, 123
- Open Educational Practices, 102, 103–104
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- benefits of, 107
- CC licenses and, 91
- creating/sharing, 118–122
- definition of, 106
- finding/evaluating/adapting, 110–117
- 5R permissions, 106–107
- free library resources vs., 108
- importance of, 105–106
- legal cases on CC licenses, 74–75
- movement around, 8
- OER-enabled pedagogy, 103–104
- in primary/secondary/higher education, 108–109
- purpose of/shift towards, 104–105
- resources on OER advocacy, 128
- terms of open education, 102
- timeline of, 109–110
- “Open in Order to… Accelerate Research and Scientific Discoveries” (Vollmer), 128
- Open Innovation, 8
- open licensing
- policy, 123
- resources on, 10
- open movement
- CC’s programs for support of, 9
- description of, 6
- players in, 8
- resources on, 11
- Open Pedagogy Notebook website, 104
- open pedagogy/practices
- copyright restriction of pedagogy, 103
- definition of, 102
- examples of, 103–104
- importance of, 101–102
- terms of, 102
- Open Science movement, 8
- “Open Textbook Community Advocates CC BY License for Open Textbooks” (BC Campus), 119–120
- Open Textbook Library, 107, 117
- open textbooks
- Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care, 109
- definition of, examples of, 107
- MARC records/metadata for OER, 116–117
- Open Washington network, 113, 121
- open-source software, 8, 48
- OpenStax, 107
- organization, 8–9
- orphan works, 16
- Out of Copyright: Determining the Copyright Status of Works (website), 36
- P
- patent law, 22
- pedagogy
- See open pedagogy/practices
- peer review
- of OER, 115
- of scholarly articles, 94, 95
- performance, 19
- permissions
- CC license scope, 46
- CC licenses for OER, choice of, 119–120
- 5R permissions for OERs, 106–107
- granted by CC licenses, 40, 75
- licensor choices about, 42–43
- for remixing/adapting OER, 115–116
- “Persistent Myths about Open Access Scientific Publishing” (Taylor), 101
- philosophies of copyright, 35–36
- “Philosophy of Copyright” (Wikipedia), 35
- Philpot, Larry, 75
- Philpot vs. Media Research Center, 75
- PLOS Biology, 97
- policies
- Creative Commons NZ, 124
- open access policies, 99–100
- Open Education/Open Access policies, enforcement of, 125
- open licensing policy, 123
- “The Political Economy of the Commons” (Benkler), 11
- porting, of CC licenses, 57
- Poynder, Richard, 129
- primary education, OER in, 108–109
- privacy rights, 47
- Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (American University Washington College of Law), 36
- Project Management for Instructional Designers (Wiley), 103
- public, rights of, 21
- public domain
- author credit and, 30
- CC license application and, 46
- CC license for work in, 59
- CC public domain tools, 44
- definition of, 27
- end of copyright term, 3
- finding works in, 30–31
- how works enter, 28–29
- remixing of works in, 115
- resources on, 36–37
- what you can do with work in, 29
- why it matters, 28
- Public Domain Manifesto (Communia), 36–37
- Public Domain Mark tool
- function of, 44
- purpose of, 30–31
- Public Domain Review (journal), 37
- public domain tools
- functions of, 44
- moral rights/similar rights, coverage of, 20–21
- Public Knowledge, 47
- public policy, on Open Access, 100
- publishing
- educating authors about their publishing rights, 97–98
- of educational materials, 105
- OA practices/policies, 99–100
- OA publishing, myths about, 100–101
- Open Access publishing, 95–97
- resources on Open Access publishing, 128–129
- scholarly publishing today, 93–95
- publishing agreements, 98
- Q
- “Q&A with PLOS Cofounder Michael Eisen” (Poynder), 129
- R
- registration, of copyright, 16
- Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP), 99
- remixing
- adaptations of CC-licensed works, 79–81
- adaptations/remixes vs. collections, 81–83
- adapter’s license, choice of, 84
- care with, 79
- CC licenses and, 4, 5
- CC-licensed works, 70
- collections vs. remixes, 81–83
- license compatibility, 85–86
- OER, 115–116
- rules/scenarios for, 83–84
- “Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians” (Suber), 127
- renewable assignments, 103–104
- repository, 97
- research articles
- current funding cycle for, 93–94
- open access practices/policies, 99–100
- Open Access publishing, 95–97
- optimized funding cycle for, 96
- resources
- on adaptations, 80
- on CC licenses, 59–60
- on copyright law, 34–37
- on court cases on CCL licenses, 86–87
- on Creative Commons, 9–12
- for finding OER, 113
- on license compatibility, 88
- on marking licensed works, 88
- on modifying licenses, 87
- on OER advocacy, 128
- on Open Access, 126–128
- on Open Access Publishing models, 128–129
- on open education, 126–129
- on public domain works, 30
- on scholarship about CC licenses, 88–89
- See also videos
- reusers
- CC license marking and, 67
- CC license scope and, 47
- finding/reusing CC-licensed works, 76–78
- irrevocable nature of CC license/CC0, 62
- of NC-licensed content, 58
- NoDerivatives icon and, 43
- remixing CC-licensed works, 79–86
- right of paternity, 18
- right to protect the work’s integrity, 18
- rights
- See exclusive rights; moral rights
- ROARMAP (Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies), 99
- ROARMAP: Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (School of Electronics and Computer Science), 128
- Ruben, Lexi, 128
- rule of territoriality, 26–27
- S
- sale, of CC-licensed work, 71–72
- Schofield, Brianna, 128
- scholarly communication, 93
- “Scholarly Communication Toolkit: Scholarly Communication Overview” (Association of College & Research Libraries), 128
- “Scholarly Communication” (Wikipedia), 93
- scholarly literature
- open access practices/policies at university, 99–100
- Open Access publishing, 95–97
- Open Access to, 92–101
- publishing rights, educating authors about, 97–98
- scholarly publishing today, 93–95
- Scholars Copyright Addendum Engine, 98
- School of Electronics and Computer Science at University of Southampton, 128
- search
- finding works in public domain, 30–31
- finding/reusing CC-licensed works, 76–78
- for OER, 111, 112–113
- secondary education, OER in, 108–109
- self-archiving, 97
- ShareAlike (SA) element
- CC licenses with requirement of, 53
- icon for, 43
- licensor requirement for, 42
- ShareAlike (SA) licenses
- for adaptations of CC-licensed work, 81, 83
- license compatibility, 85
- A Shared Culture (video), 4
- sharing
- of adaptations of CC-licensed work, 80, 83
- CC licenses reflect belief in, 8
- CC’s power of, viii
- Creative Commons, creation of, 2, 4
- of OER, 119–122, 124
- of OER, rewarding, 125
- of OERs, 105, 106
- “Sharing OER” (Open Washington network), 121
- Shen, Rachael, 128
- similar and related rights, 20–21, 47
- Similar Rights, 21, 47
- Simply Said: Understanding Accessibility in Digital Learning Materials (video), 120
- smartphones, 101
- software, 48
- “some rights reserved” approach, 13, 40
- Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA), 3
- on academic publishing system, 94–95
- “HowOpenIsIt? A Guide for Evaluating the Openness of Journals,” 126
- OER Mythbusting Guide, 114–115
- Statute of Anne, 17
- “Stop Saying ‘High Quality’” (Wiley), 115
- Suber, Peter
- “Field Guide to Misunderstandings about Open Access,” 101
- on Open Access literature, 95
- “Open Access Overview: Focusing on Open Access to Peer-Reviewed Research Articles and Their Preprints,” 127
- on open access policies, 99
- “Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians,” 127
- “A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access,” 126
- T
- TASL approach
- for attribution, 78
- example of marking image with, 68
- for marking your work, 67
- Tay, Aaron, 127
- Taylor, Mike, 101
- teachers
- copyright rights of, 15–16
- OERs and, 104–110
- See also educators; faculty
- technical format, 72
- technology, copyright law and, 14
- Tennant, Jon, 98
- termination of copyright transfers and licenses
- knowledge of, 21–22
- mechanisms for, 35
- Termination of Transfer tool, 98
- terminology, of CC licenses, 42–44
- 3D printing, 47
- “three-step” test, 33
- time
- See copyright term
- timeline, of OER, 109–110
- trade agreements, 24–25
- trademark
- protection as independent of copyright protection, 30
- purpose of, 22
- trademark law, 22
- “The Tragedy of the Commons” (Boundless & Lumen Learning), 11
- translations, 57
- treaties, 24–25
- U
- “Understanding Open Access: When, Why, and How to Make Your Work Openly Accessible” (Rubow, Shen, & Schofield), 128
- UNESCO Ljubljana OER Action Plan, 107
- UNESCO Paris OER Declaration, 107
-, 116
- universities
- OER in, 108–109
- open access policies of, 99–100
- open access, promotion of, 101
- opening up your institution, 122–126
- University of California Open Access Policy, 99
- University of Minnesota Libraries
- “Myths about Open Access Publishing,” 101
- “Open Access Overview,” 126
- University of Toronto, 128
- University of Washington Libraries, 126
- U. S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, 86
- U. S. Constitution, 3
- U. S. Copyright Office, 35
- U. S. District Court for the Central District of California, 86–87
- U. S. Supreme Court, vii, 4
- “User-Related Drawbacks of Open Content Licensing” (Kreutzer), 88–89
- Utilitarian purpose, 17
- V
- Van Noorden, Richard, 127
- Version 4.0, 56, 58
- “A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access” (Suber), 126
- videos
- Copy (aka copyright) Tells the Story of His Life, 18
- How Can I Find OER? 112
- How Does the Commons Work, 10
- How to Register a Trademark (Canada): Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights – What’s the Difference? 22
- Open Access Explained! 96
- Open Education Matters: Why Is It Important to Share Content? 119
- A Shared Culture, 4
- Simply Said: Understanding Accessibility in Digital Learning Materials, 120
- Why OER? 106
- Why Open Education Matters, 6
- Won’t Lock It Down, 7
- Vollmer, Timothy, 128
- W
- waiver, of creator rights, 53
- “We Copy like We Breath” (Doctorow), 10
- “We Need to Talk about Sharing” (Merkley), 10
- The Wealth of the Commons: A World beyond Market and State (Bollier & Helfrich), 10–11
- website
- CC license deed link on, 63, 65
- terms of service, 70
- “We’ve Failed: Pirate Black Open Access Is Trumping Green and Gold and We Must Change Our Approach” (Green), 127
- “Why CC BY?” (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association), 120
- Why OER? (video), 106
- Why Open Education Matters (video), 6, 10
- “Wiki/CC License Compatibility” (Creative Commons), 88
- Wikimedia Commons, 113
- Wikimedia Foundation, 37
- Wikipedia
- “Article Processing Charge,” 97
- “Author’s Rights,” 36
- CC license choice and, 63
- “Copyright Term,” 25
- “Creative Commons License,” 59
- “Enclosure,” 11
- learner assignments for open pedagogy, 104
- “License Compatibility,” 88
- listing of sources of CC material, 77
- “Philosophy of Copyright,” 35
- “Scholarly Communication,” 93
- Wiley, David
- “About the Open Publication License,” 59
- “Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy,” 102
- on OER, 106–107, 115
- Project Management for Instructional Designers, 103
- Won’t Lock It Down (video), 7
- work created by others, 67–68
- “work for hire” doctrine, 15
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 24–25, 33
- World Trade Organization (WTO), 24
- WorldCat, 116–117
- worldwide community
- See global aspects of copyright
- Y
- Year of Open (website), 102
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