Cross of Christ the Christian's glory
Cross of Christ
Christian's Glory.
That in Chriſt's Croſs we have the richeſt proviſion for our ſpiritual wants, a foundation of the ſublimeſt hope, and a fountain of the moſt exuberant joy.
Preached at the Viſitation of the Reverend Mr. John Brown.
By the Rev. Mr. JAMES HERVEY,
Miniſter of the Goſpel.
Gal. vi. 14. God forbid that I ſhould glory ſave in the croſs of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt. Rev. vii. 14.15--Theſe are they which came out of great tribulation, and have waſhed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne.
Printed in the Year MDCC
[Price One Penny.]
The CROSS of CHRIST the Chriſtian's Glory.
Gal. vi. 14. God forbid that I ſhould glory, ſave in the croſs of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt.
THE croſs of Chriſt, was the favourite topic of St. Paul's contemplation.—The croſs of Chriſt was the choſen ſubject of his ſermons, and the grand theme of his writings.—At all times, and in every capacity, he profeſſed, he avowed, he gloried in the croſs of Chriſt—Nay, what is very remarkable, he gloried in nothing elſe—And what is ſtill more obſervable, he abhorred the thought of glorying in any thing elſe. He ſpeaks of ſuch a practice, in the language of deteſtation and dread; accounting it a high degree both of folly and of wickedneſs, God forbid that I ſhould glory, ſave in the croſs of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt.
It may, therefore, be an employ worthy of our preſent attention, to enquire into the nature, the reaſonableneſs, and the wiſdom, of this reſolution. All which, I hope, will appear, if we conſider,
I. In what the apoſtle would not glory.
II. In what he did glory.
III. What reaſon he had, to glory in the croſs of Chriſt.
Theſe points being briefly diſpatched, I ſhall beg leave to add a word of Application; ſuggeſted by the tenor of the diſcourſe, and adapted to the circumſtances of my ſeveral hearers. And may that adorable Jeſus, who has exchanged his croſs for an heavenly crown, accompany all with his divine bleſſing.
Let us then enquire.
I. In what the apoſtle did not glory? -Not in the greatneſs of his learning as a ſcholar. He was brought up at the ſect of Gamaliel; educated by the moſt famous tutor of the age. Nor was his genius, or his induſtry, inferior to the other advantages of
his education. Yet all theſe advantages, with their correſpondent acquiſitions, he accounted no better than pompous ignorance, or refined folly.
Not in the ſtrictneſs of his life, as a Jew. —In this reſpect he profited above his equals: Was taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, Acts xxii. 3. after the ſtricteſt ſect of their religion, he lived a Phariſee, Acts xxvi. 5. Was zealous, exceedingly zealous, of the whole ceremonial law, and of all the traditional conſtitutions. Which accompliſhments muſt finish his character among his countrymen; muſt open his way to ſome of the firſt honours of the nation; and give him a name among thoſe worthles who were reputed the excellent of the earth. But what others counted gain, this he counted loſs for Chriſt.
Not in the eminency of his gifts, not in the extent of his uſefulneſs, as a chriſtian miniſter. —He had been caught up into the third heaven; had heard the words of God, and ſeen the viſion of the Almighty: had wrought all manner of wonders, and ſigns, and mighty deeds— What was ſtill more valuable, he had planted churches, and converted ſouls. His labours had gone out into all lands, and his words unto the ends of the earth. —Yet all theſe acquirements, before the infinite God, were defective; all theſe performances, in point of juſtification, were inſufficient. Therefore, in none of theſe he gloried. —Which reminds me of the ſecond enquiry.
II. In what the apoſtle did glory. -He gloried in a croſs. Strange! What ſo ſcandalous as a croſs? On a croſs rebellious ſlaves were executed. The croſs was execrable among men, and accurſed even by God, Gal. iii. 13. Yet the apoſtle glories in the croſs.- Crucifixion not being uſed among us, the expreſſion does not ſound ſo harſh; neither is the idea so horrid. But to the ear of a Galatian, it conveyed much the ſame meaning, as if the apoſtle had gloried in a halter; gloried in the gallows, gloried in a gibbet.[1] "Stupid creature! (perhaps ſome may reply) To undervalue the moſt ſubſtantial endowments, and glory in infamy itſelf" -But ſtop a moment, and hear the apoſtle farther. He glories in the croſs of Chriſt; that illuſtrious perſon, who was anointed to be the all-inſtructing Prophet, the all-atoning Prieſt, and the all-conquering King of the church. —In the croſs of Chriſt Jeſus; who, by the diſcharge of all thoſe important offices, ſhould ſave his people from the dominion of ſin, and from the damnation of hell. -In the croſs of Chriſt Jeſus, our Lord; and not ours only, but Lord of all; who doth according to his will, in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth. Dan. iv. 35. Who hath on his veſture, and on his thigh, a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev. xix. 16.
And is it poſſible for any human heart, to contemplate the croſs of ſo divine a Being, and not to glory? Is it poſſible to ſay, 'Angels he rules over you; but he died on a croſs for me;' and not exult in ſuch tranſporting beneficence? -This will be more evident, if we examine,
III. What reaſon the apoſtle had, to glory in the croſs of Chriſt. -The croſs, tho' in itſelf an ignominious tree, yet being the croſs of Chriſt, is infinitely ennobled. It becomes the tree of life. It bears the divineſt fruit. Its cluſters are all ſpiritual and heavenly bleſſings. Two or three of thoſe cluſters, you will permit me to ſelect; and may the God of all mercy, make them better than a feaſt to every humble ſoul!
One bleſſing is the pardon of ſin. The pardon of all ſin, original and actual: ſin that is remember'd, and ſin that is forgotten: ſin, however circumſtanced, or however aggravated. The pardon of all was purchaſed by the death of Chriſt, completely purchaſed; —ſo that, againſt the true believer, ſin ſhall never riſe up in judgment; ſhall not ſo much as be mentioned unto him; Ezek. xviii. 22. ſhall be done away, as though it had never been. For thus faith the embaſſador of the Prince of peace; Be it known unto you, men and brethren, that thro' this man is preached unto you the forgiveneſs of ſins: and by him all that believe are juſtified from all things, Acts xiii. 38. —Oh my ſoul! my guilty ſoul! what are all the kingdoms of the world, and the glories of them, compared with this ineffable bleſſing! Yet this is but one among a multitude.
Another benefit, accruing from the croſs of Chriſt, is, reconciliation with God. —When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, Rom. v. 10. Not pardoned only, but accepted from a ſtate of enmity, reſtored to a ſtate of favour, even that favour which is better than life, Pſalm lxiii. 4.— A privilege of ſuch ſuperlative excellency, that it was celebrated in the hymns of angels. When the heavenly hoſt uttered a ſong, this was the ſubject of their harmonious joy: Glory be to God in the higheſt; and on earth peace; goodwill towards men, Luke ii. 14. “By the birth of this wonderful child, and the death he ſhall ſuſtain, peace is made between heaven and earth. And not peace only, but a divine friendſhip [2] commences. God regards the poor apoſtate race of men, not only without indignation, but with complacency and delight. He rejoices over them, to do them good, Deut. xxviii. 63 [3]
Another benefit is holineſs: Or, if you pleaſe the true the Chriſtian morality. -Let none think, the believer in Jeſus diſparages true morality. True morality is the image of the bleſſed God. It is moſt charmingly delineated throughout the whole Bible. It is the beginning of heaven in the human ſoul. And its proper origin is from the croſs of our divine Maſter. For, through the merits of his death, ſinners are made partakers of the holy Spirit; who writes upon their hearts, and makes (illegible text)egible in their converſation, what was antiently written upon the mitre of the high-prieſt, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. -And oh! what a motive is the croſs of Christ to the exerciſe of every virtue! He died: my Lord, my Judge, my King, died; to redeem me from all iniquity, and make me zealous of good works. How powerfully, far beyond my naked inſtructions, or abſtract reaſonings, do ⟨such⟩ conſiderations invite us - urge us - conſtrain us, to renounce all ungodlineſs, and adorn the ⟨gospel⟩ of God our Saviour! [4] 2 Cor. v. 14.
Another bleſſing is, victory over death. ⟨This⟩ alſo is the fruit of that once deteſted, but now ⟨ever⟩ beloved tree. For thus it is written; That through death he might deſtroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil: and deliver them who through fear of death, were all their life-time ſubject to bondage, Heb. ii. 14, 15. The devil is ſaid have the power of death; becauſe, by tempting too ſucceſsfully, our firſt parents, he brought (illegible text)eat into the world; becauſe by tempting their poſterity to ſin, and too often prevailing, he arrays death in horror; he arms death with its ſting. But Chriſt, by expiating our guilt, has diſarmed the laſt enemy: has taken away its ſting; and made not loſs but gain to die, Phil. i. 21. -The gay and the healthy, know not how to form an ⟨eſtimate⟩ of this deliverance. Nor can any words of mir(illegible text) deſcribe it, with proper energy. Go to dying beds there you will learn its true worth. Aſk ſome agonizing friend; he, and he alone, can tell you, ⟨what⟩ a bleſſing it is to have the king of terrors converted into a meſſenger of peace.
One bleſſing more I would mention, and earneſtly with it, in due time, to all my hearers; An entrance into heaven. This too is the produce of ⟨our⟩ Redeemer's croſs. -St. John ſaw a bright ⟨aſſembly⟩ of happy beings, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands: rejoicing before the ⟨throne⟩ of God. Theſe, ſaid one of the venerable elders are they who came out of great tribulation, and have waſhed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne Rev. vii. 9, 14, 15.-They came out of great tribulation: They ſuffered, it is probable, in the ſervice of Chriſt. Perhaps they laid down ⟨their⟩ lives for his ſake. But this was not their ⟨paſſport⟩ into the regions of bliſs -They waſhed their ⟨robes⟩ in the blood of the Lamb: They had applied to their own ſouls, the merits and atonement of the crucified Jeſus. By this means, they were preſented without ſpot and blameleſs. On this account, they were admitted to ſee the king of heaven in his beauty, Iſa. xxxii, 17. and to be ever, ever, with the Lord.
Since then the croſs of Chriſt, was demonſtrative of ſuch ſtupenduous love: ſince it is productive of benefits, Innumerable, invaluable, and eternal; was there not a cauſe, for the apoſtle to glory on this behalf? -Nay, might not the very ſtones have cried out, to reproach him with inſenſibility and ingratitude, if he had neglected to glory in the croſs of Chriſt?--And since this love was ſhewed: theſe benefits were procured; not for him only, but for us, and for all generations: does not this afford me an opportunity, of applying the doctrine to each particular hearer?
I. Let me addreſs, or rather let me congratulate, my brethren in the miniſtry. Though you cannot controul the laws of nature: though you cannot ſee into the ſecrets of futurity: you have the ſame cauſe of glorying, with the very chiefeſt of the apoſtles. A cauſe of glorying, which that holy man of God eſteemed, for above all ſuch miraculous abilities. You have the croſs of Chriſt,
For your ſtudy, as men:
For your hope, as Chriſtians:
For your preaching, as miniſters.
For your ſtudy, as men. Here the reaſoning faculties may exert themſelves, with everlaſting improvement, and everlaſting delight. -Here, we contemplate the wonders, the unparalleled wonders of a God made man: dying, as a pattern of patience: as a martyr for truth; as an all-perfect ſacrifice for ſin. -Here the Lord Jehovah hath fully granted, what his ſervant Moſes ſo earneſtly requeſted, Exod. xxxii. 18. He hath made all his glory to paſs before the aſtoniſhed eyes of angels, and of men. ———Here juſtice has ſet her moſt awful terrors in array: even while goodneſs appears, with inexpreſſible lovelineſs, and the moſt attractive beauty. Here, truth, more unſhaken than a rock, takes her immoveable ſtand; and mercy, tenderer than the mother's tear, yearns with bowels of everlaſting pity.———In a word; the croſs of Chriſt is a conſpicuous theatre, on which all the divine perfections unite, and harmonize, and ſhine forth with tranſcendent luſtre.
As Chriſtians, we have, in the croſs of Chriſt, the richeſt proviſion for our ſpiritual wants. This is a foundation of the ſublimeſt hope, and a fountain of the moſt exuberant joy. This affords matter for the deepeſt humility, and yields fuel for the moſt flaming love. Faith in our crucified Jeſus, is an ever-active principle of the moſt cheerful and exact obedience: is an ample and inexhauſtible magazine, from which we may fetch arms to conquer; abſolutely conquer, the allurements of the world, the ſolicitations of the fleſh, and the temptations of the devil.———By this, a way is opened for us unto the holy of holies; and what may we not venture to aſk, what may we not venture to receive, who have the blood of the everlaſting covenant to plead, in all our approaches to the throne of grace?———Having, therefore, ſuch an High-prieſt: having in his croſs, unſearchable riches: Who ſhall make our glorying void? What ſhall hinder us from rejoicing? and ſaying, "Bleſſed be God, for theſe opening beauties of ſpring! Bleſſed be God, for the expected fruits of autumn! Bleſſed be God, for ten thouſand thouſand gifts of his indulgent providence! But, above all, Bleſſed be God, for the croſs of Chriſt!"
As miniſters of the goſpel, we are not left to ſet before our hearers, ſyſtem of refined Heatheniſm: or to entertain them with cold, ſpiritleſs lectures of virtue. No: we have the infinitely tender love, the immenſely free grace, of the bleeding, dying Immanuel, to diſplay — to improve — to enforce. And Is there a topic in the whole compaſs of oratory is there an argument, amidst all the ſtores of reaſon, ſo admirably calculated to touch the fineſt movements of the ſoul? To ſtrike all the inmoſt ſprings of action, with the moſt perſuaſive, the moſt commending energy?———Would we alarm the ſupine, or intimidate the preſumptuous? We may call them to behold God's own Son, weltering in blood; God's own Son, transfixed with the arrows of juſtice. We may bid them conſider, if judgment begins with the immaculate Mediator, where ſhall the irreclaimable ſinner appear? How will he eſcape the ſtroke, how bear the weight, of God's everlaſting vengeance!—Would we comfort the diſtreſſed? We may point them to an atonement, whoſe merits are infinite, and able to ſave to the very uttermoſt, Heb. vii. 25. We may lead them to a righteouſneſs, whoſe efficacy is unbounded, and ſufficient to juſtify the ungodly. And what balm can be ſo ſovereign, for a wounded conſcience?———Are we to ſupport the weak, and animate the doubting? Here, we may ſhew them promiſes; free, promiſes[5]; exceeding great and precious promiſes; ratified by the oath of Jehovah, and ſealed by the blood of his Son. And what cordials can be ſo reſtorative, to the drooping Chriſtian?
In ſhort; the doctrine of the croſs, is ſuited to anſwer all the great ends of our miniſtry, and promote all the truly valuable intereſts of our people. By this, the holy Spirit delights to work. And this, O Satan, ſhall be thy plague: This O ſin, ſhall be thy deſtruction, Hoſ. xii. 14. -However, therefore, the croſs might be to the Jews a ſtumbling block, and to the Greeks fooliſhneſs; God forbid, that we ſhould glory in any thing elſe - Let this be the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending[6], of all our public miniſtrations. Let us leave a favour of this knowledge, which is far better than precious ointment, in every private company. -Let it appear, from all our converſation; That the affections of our heart, and the labours of our life, are devoted, wholly devoted, to our adored Redeemer's croſs. -Happy the people, who are under the care of ſuch miniſters! and bleſſed the miniſters, who walk according to this rule.
II. Let me exhort all true believers. Thoſe who are vile in their own eyes, and to whom Chriſt alone is precious. -Remember, brethren, what is written in the Prophet: It is a deſcription of your ſtate: It is a direction for your conduct. In the Lord, the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, ſhall all the ſeed of Iſrael be juſtified, and in him ſhall they glory, Iſa. xlv. 25. Let none ſay, that religion is a gloomy or uncomfortable ſtate: I call upon you, this day to rejoice.—Let none ſay, that religion in a mean or deſpicable thing: I call upon you, this day, to glory. And have the divine authority for both. —You will diſhonour the bleſſed Jeſus; you will diſparage his ſurpaſſing excellency: if you do not confide in him, and make your boaſt of him.—Chriſt is King of heaven; Chriſt is judge of the world; Chriſt is God over all. And of ſuch a Saviour ſhall we not glory? Yes, verily: And in all circumſtances, and on every occaſion.
Amidſt your manifold infirmities, glory in Chriſt. For, though he was crucified in weakneſs, he hath all power in heaven and earth. And it is written before him; It is one of his immutable decrees; Sin ſhall not have dominion over you, Rom. vi. 14. ———Amidſt your various failings, glory in Chriſt. For, his righteouſneſs covers all your imperfections: his righteouſneſs ſecures you from wrath and condemnation: and, though deficient in yourſelves, you are complete in him, Col. ii. 10. —Under the preſſure of tribulations, lift up your heads, and glory in the croſs. Becauſe the captain of your Salvation, was made perfect through ſufferings. If you ſuffer with him, you ſhall alſo reign with him. And the ſufferings of this preſent time, are not worthy to be compared with the happineſs, which Chriſt has purchaſed with his agonies, and will quickly beſtow on his people. —When death approaches; death, that cuts off the Spirit of Princes, and is terrible among the Kings of the earth: do you ſtill glory in the croſs. Adhering to this banner, you may boldly ſay: O death where is thy ſting ? O grave where is thy victory? 1Cor.xv.55. When that great, tremendous day ſhall come, which puts an end to time and terreſtrial things: when that awful, that majeſtic voice, is heard, which commands all the race of Adam to appear at the bar; then, my dear brethren in Chriſt, then alſo ſhall you glory in the croſs. When others, in an agony of terror, call upon the rocks to fall on them, and mountains to overwhelm them: This shall be your ſedate appeal: rather this ſhall be your heroic challenge: Who ſhall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that juſtifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Chriſt that died, Rom. viii. 33, 34. -Then ſhall you enter the harbour of eternal reſt; not like ſhipwreck'd mariner, cleaving to ſome broken plank, and hardly eſcaping the raging waves; but like ſome ſtately veſſel, with all her ſails expanded, and riding before a proſperous gale[7].
III. Let me caution the ſelf-righteous. Thoſe, who more frequently think of their own piety than of Chriſt's obedience; are more apt to cry out with the Phariſee, I am no extortioner, no adulterer; than to confeſs with the publican, God be merciful to me a ſinner. -What ſhall I ſay to theſe perſons? Let me not be thought cenſorious, when my only aim is to be faithful. Beware, I beſeech you beware, leſt you build for eternity, not on a rock, but on the ſand. However you may appear in your own fight, before the adorable majeſty of the everlaſting God, before the conſummate perfection of his holy law, you are leſs than nothing; you are worſe than nothing. You are, indeed you are, deficiency and ſin. Renounce, therefore, renounce all dependence on ſelf. Truſt no longer in a refuge of lies: Left all your admired attainments, at the day of final retribution, be like ſtraw, and hay, and ſtubble in Nebuchadnezzar's burning fiery furnace. —Imitate the bleſſed penman of my text. Are you blameleſs in your external carriage? So was he. Are you exemplary in many points? So was he. Yet all this righteouſneſs he accounted but dung, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jeſus his Lord, Phil. iii. 8. ———Be this your pattern. Write emptineſs upon your own duties: emptiness upon your own works; and you ſhall be filled with all the fulneſs of God your Saviour. Every other cauſe of glorying will be like the morning cloud, or the early dew which paſſeth away, Hoſ. vi. 5. But this cauſe of glorying, will ſtand fast for evermore as the moon, and as the faithful witneſs in heaven, Pſalm. lxxxix. 36.
Can I conclude, without adding a word of admonition to the wicked? Thoſe I mean, who are enemies to the croſs of Chriſt; who mind earthly things: but neither hunger nor thirſt after righteouſneſs. ———My ſoul remembers the wormwood and the gall of ſuch a ſtate and cannot but tenderly pity theſe unhappy people. ——— Alas! my friends, what have you to glory in? The devil and his angels expect, ere long, to glory in your deſtruction. Thoſe malignant fiends are eying you, as their prey, and are impatient to begin your torment. Great inexpreſſibly great, is your danger. The Lord Almighty open your eyes to diſcern it? —Nevertheleſs your caſe is not deſperate. You may yet be delivered, as a bird out of the ſnare of the fowler. Look unto the crucified Jeſus. Why does he hang on that bloody tree? Why are his hands pierced with iron? Why is his body racked with pain? Why his heart torn with anguiſh; It is for you, ſinners for you. That blood is poured out, to cleanſe you from guilt. Thoſe wounds are ſuſtained, to heal your confidences. That anguiſh is endured, to obtain reſt for your ſouls.———In that mangled body dwells all the fulneſs of the Godhead, Col. ii. 9. Great, beyond imagination great, is the merit of thoſe ſufferings. Why then, O! why will you die? Why will you periſh for ever; who have an all-ſufficient propitiation in the croſs of Chriſt? Fly to this ſanctuary. Fly, before it be too late. Fly without a moment’s delay. ’Tis an inviolable ſanctuary. None ever periſhed, that fled by faith to the compaſſionate, the divinely compaſſionate Redeemer.—His death ſhall be a full ſatisfaction for your iniquities. A ſenſe of his immenſely rich goodneſs ſhall win your affections; ſhall incline (what all the threatnings of damnation could never effect), ſhall incline you, to lothe your ſins, and to love his ſervice; ſhall ſmooth your path, and expedite your progreſs, to the regions of immortal honour and joy.
Having now, with great plainneſs of ſpeech, addreſſed my brethren in the miniſtry; having exhorted believers: cautioned the ſelf-righteous; and warned the wicked: let me commend the whole to your ſerious recollection, and to God’s gracious benediction.———And, “O Lord moſt holy! O God moſt mighty! O holy and merciful Saviour! by thine agony and bloody ſweat—by thy croſs and paſſion”—let not the word, now ſpoken, he in vain in the Lord! Amen, and Amen.FINIS.
- ↑ Some perſons, I am informed, were diſguſted at theſe words, halter, gallows, gibbet, they are ſo horridly contemptible! —To whom I would reply: That the croſs in point of ignominy and torment, included all thiſ and more... Unleſs the Engliſh reader form to himſelf ſome ſuch image, he will never be able to apprehend the ſcandalous nature, and ſhocking circumſtances of his divine Master's death. The words, I muſt confeſs, were diverſified, and the ſentiment was reiterated, on purpoſe to affect the mind with this aſtoniſhing truth. Neither can I prevail upon myſelf to expunge the expreſſions; unless I could ſubſtitute others of a more ignominious and execrable import. Only I would beg of the ſerious reader, to ſpend a moment in the following reflection:- "Is it ſo? that a polite and delicate ear, can hardly endure ſo much as the ſound of the words? How amazing then was the condeſcenſion! How charming and adorable the goodneſs of God's illuſtrious Son; to bear all that is ſignified by theſe intolerably vile terms! Bear it willingly, bear it chearfully, for us men, and our ſalvation!"
- ↑ There ſeems to be a beautiful gradation in this angelic hymn. Good-will is more expreſſive, and denotes a richer bleſſing than Peace.—The original (illegible text), is a word of the moſt amiable and noble meaning. It ſignifies a very high eſteem, and a very tender benevolence. By a word of the ſame import, the Almighty Father expreſſes his infinite ſatisfaction, in the perſon and undertaking of his beloved Son; Matth. iii. 17.
- ↑ Would my reader have the livelieſt paraphraſe on this paſſage. Or ſee the actings of this divine ⟨complacency⟩, deſcribed with inevitable delicacy? Let him attend to the prophet Zephaniah: The Lord thy God, in ⟨the⟩ midſt of thee, is mighty, He will ſave: He will (illegible text) over thee with joy. He will reſt in his love: He will joy over thee with ſinging, chap. iii, 17.
- ↑
Religion! Thou the ſoul of happineſs;
And groaning Calvary, of Thee! There ſhine
The nobleſt truths, there ſtrongeſt motives ſting!
There, ſacred violence aſſaults the ſoul;
There, nothing but compulſion is forborn.
Night Thoughts, N. 4 - ↑ To man the bleeding croſs has promiſed all:
The bleeding croſs has ſworn eternal grace:
Who gave his life, what grace will he deny?
Night Thoughts, N. 4. - ↑ The Author, who could write the ſpirited and
weighty lines which follow, muſt doubtleſs have this
conviction deep on his heart:
-Thou, my All! My theme! my inſpiration! and my crown!
My ſtrength in age! my riſe in low eſtate!
My foul's ambition, pleaſure, wealth! -my world!
My light in darkneſs and my life in death!
My boaſt through time! bliſs through eternity!
My ſacrifice! my God! What things are theſe!
Night Thoughts, N. 4 - ↑ A ſhip wafted into the port, tinder the full influence of wind and tide, ſeems to afford the fineſt repreſentation of a large, a rich, an abundant entrance; 2 Pet. i. II.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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