Crown Recognition Act (Ireland) 1692
An Act of Recognition, of their Majesties undoubted Right to the Crown of Ireland.
Forasmuch as
Ireland is annexed and united to the imperial crown of England and by the laws and statutes of this kingdom is declared to be justly and rightfully depending upon, and belonging, and for ever united to the same; and the Kings and Queens of England are by undoubted right Kings and Queens of this realm, and ought to enjoy the stile, title, majesty, power, preheminence, jurisdiction, prerogative and authority of Kings and Queens of the same: and whereas our soveraign liege lord and lady,King William and Queen Mary, since their happy accession to the crown of England, with great expence of blood and treasure, and the extream hazard of his Majesties royal person, have delivered this their kingdom from the miseries and calamities of an intestine war, and most horrid rebellion, raised up amongst us by the Irish papists, and instigated, abetted and supported by the power of the French King; thereby securing us against the danger of popery and arbitrary power, with which we were threatned in a most eminent manner, and have most happily reduced this their kingdom to a state of peace and order, and restored to us our laws and liberties, and the free and impartial administration of justice:
I. We the lords spiritual and temporal and commons in this present Parliament assembled, in the name of all the people of this kingdom, do, from the bottom of our hearts, with all possible thankfulnessacknowledgment of God’s goodness therein.acknowledge the goodness of Almighty God, in raising up their Majesties to deliver us and to reign over us, of whose goodness, wisdom and courage, we have already found such happy and blessed effects.
II. And to the intent and purpose, that we may publickly and unanimously own and assert our faith and true allegiance to their Majesties, and that the same may remain as a memorial to all posterity amongst the records of Parliament in this kingdom: we the lords spiritual and temporal and commons in Parliament assembled, as we are in duty bound, do recognize and acknowledge, that Ireland, and all titles, stiles, royalties, jurisdictions, rights, privileges, prerogatives, and preheminences-royal thereunto belonging, are most rightfully and lawfully vested in their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, and that their most excellent Majesties were, are, and of right ought to be King and Queen of England, Ireland, Scotland, and France, and the dominions and territories thereunto belonging; in and to whose princely persons the royal state, crown, and dignity of the said realms, with all honours, stiles, titles, regalities, prerogatives, powers, jurisdictions, and authorities to the same belonging and appertaining, are more fully, rightfully and intirely invested and incorporated, united and annexed
III. And we do beseech their most excellent Majesties to accept of this our humble recognition and submission, as the first fruits in this present Parliament of our faith and duty to their Majesties; and do pray that the same may be published, declared, and enacted in this high court of Parliament; and the same are by their said Majesties, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, declared, enacted, and established accordingly.
[edit]Short title given by Short Titles Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 (c. 1)
[edit]- Taken from the Statute Law Database from the Department of Justice (see notes above)
Official text of the statute as amended and in force today within the United Kingdom, from the UK Statute Law Database
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