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Curtis's Botanical Magazine/Volume 50/2406

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131154Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Volume XXXVIII — 2406. Banksia latifolia.John Sims

[ 2406 ]

Banksia latifolia. Broad-leaved

Class and Order.

Tetandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.
Cor. 1-petala. Stam. apicibus concavis corollæ immersa.
Squamulæ hypogynæ. Folliculus ligneus, 2-locularis:
loculis 1-spermis; dissepimento libero, bifido. Amentum
flosculorum paribus tribracteatis. Br.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

Banksia latifolia; foliis obovato-oblongis spinuloso-ser-
ratis basi acutis subtus costatis reticulatis cinereo-
tomentosis: corrollæ unguibus sericeis: laminis glabri
caule fruticoso. Brown in Lin. Soc. Transac. 10. p.
208. Prodr. 394. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 1. p. 217.
Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 3. p. 441

Banksia Robur. Cavan. ic. 6. p. 29. t. 543.
Banksia Dilleniæfolia. Knight et Salisb. Prot. 113.
Banksia uncigera. Knight et Salisb. Prot. 112.

M. Cavanilles describes this shrub as a tree thirty feet
high, in which he is followed by Mr. Salisbury; but we
are informed by Mr. Brown, in his Prodomus, that it is
only a low shrub, growing plentifully in the marshes
near Sidney, New South Wales. This mistake respecting
its height originated with Mr. Neé, whose observations,
however, with regard to altitude, texture, and utility of
its timber, belong, Mr. Brown observes, to Banksia serrata.

At the time of publication of Aiton's Hortus Kew-
ensis it appears not to have flowered in this country. In
the fine conservatory belonging to Edward Gray, Esq. at
Haringay House, where our drawing was taken, it flowered
last August.