Curtis's Botanical Magazine/Volume 53/2671
[ 2671 ]
Banksia Æmula. Rival Banksia.
Class and Order.
Tetandria Monogynia.
Generic Character.
Cor. 1-petala. Stamina apicibus concavis corollæ im-
mersa. Squamulæ hypogynæ 4. Folliculus ligneus, bilo-
cularis: loculis 1-spermis; dissepimento libero, bifido.
Amentum flosculorum paribus tribracteatis. Brown
Specific Character and Synonyms.
Banksia æmula; foliis lato-linearibus elongatis truncatis
profunde serratis: subtus reticulatis glabriusculis,
perianthiis sericeis, stigmate capitato exsulco nitido
apice tetragono styli duplo crassiore, caule fruticos.
Brown Prodr. 395. Lin. Trans. 10. p. 210. Roem.
et Sch. Syst. Veg. 3. p. 442. Sprengel Syst. Veg. 1.
p. 485
Banksia serrata. White Voy. 222. tab. tertia?
Banksia serratifolia. Salisb. Prodr. 51?
Banksia serræfolia. Knight et Salisb. Prot. 112?

Our drawing of this rare species of Banksia, was taken
at the Count de Vandes garden, at Bayeswater, in January,
1825. The gardener informed us he had the name from
Mr. Brown, and it appears to correspond with the Cha-
racter given in his Prodomus. Banksia æmula has a near
relation to serrata, but differs in the leaves being more
deeply serrate, and especially in the size and form of the
stigma. Its flowering in the winter season may perhaps
have occasioned the colour to be greater, than it might
have been, had the plant had the enjoyment of more sun.
Our synonyms above quoted are entirely taken from
Mr. Brown.