Cutter of Coleman-street/Act 3 Scene 11
Scene 11.
Enter Aurelia, (after Puny.)
Aur.What ha' you done already? you'r a sweet Husband indeed.
Pun.Oh! my little Pimp of honour! here, here's the five hundred Marigolds; hold thy hand Dido— yonders my Wife, by Satan; how a Devil did that little Mephistophilus get hither before me?
Aur.To her Puny; never conceal the mystery any longer, 'tis too good a Jest to be kept close.
Trum. s.For your sake I will then, Colonel; Come prethee, Dick, be cheerfull.———
Trum. j.I beseech you,— Sir—
Trum. s.Look you there Colonel, now he should do what I would have him, now hee's a beseeching——— 'tis the proudest stubborn'st Coxcomb———
[to Jolly.Pun.And now my noble Uncle— nay, neverbe angry at a Marriage i'the way of wit——— My fair Egyptian Queen, come to thine Antony.
Luc.What would this rude fellow have?
Trum. j.I am drown'd in wonder!
Pun.'Twas I, my dear Philoclea, that marri'd thee e'en now in the dark room, like an amorous Cat; you may remember the Damask Bed by a better Token of Two than a bow'd Philip and Mary.
Luc.I call Heaven to witness, Which will protect and justifie the Innocent, I understand not the least word he utters, But as I took him always for a Fool, I now do for a Mad-man.
Aur.She's angry yet to have mistook her Man. [to Jolly'Tis true, Sir, all that Mr. Puny says, I mean forthe Marriage, for the rest, she's best able to answer for her self.
Luc.True, Cousin, then I see 'tis some conspiracy t'ensnare my Honor and my Innocence.
Aur.The Parson, Mr. Soaker, that married 'em is still within.
Will.He's i'th' Buttery, shall I call him, Sir?
Joll.I, quickly.
Trum. j.'Tis the sight of me, no doubt, confounds her with a shame to confess any thing; It seems that sudden fit of raging lust, that brought her to my Chamber, could not rest till it was satisfi'd, it seems I know not what.
Enter Mr. Soaker.
Joll.Mr. Soaker, did you marry my Niece this after-noon to Mr. Puny in the Matted Chamber?
Soak.Yes, Sir, I hope your Worship wo'nt be angry, Marriage, your Worship knows, is honorable.
Luc.Hast thou no conscience neither?