Fleuron from 'Cutter of Coleman-street' by Abraham Cowley, published in 1663
At Court.
The Madness of your People, and the Rage,You've seen too long upon the Publique Stage,'Tis time at last (great Sir) 'tis time to seeTheir Tragique Follies brought to Comedy.If any blame the Lowness of our Scene,We humbly think some Persons there have beenOn the Worlds Theatre not long ago,Much more too High, than here they are too Low.And well we know that Comedy of old,Did her Plebeian rank with so much Honour hold,That it appear'd not then too Base or Light,For the Great Scipio's Conquering hand to Write.How e're, if such mean Persons seem too rude,When into Royal presence they intrude,Yet we shall hope a pardon to receiveFrom you, a Prince so practis'd to forgive;A Prince, who with th' applause of Earth and Heaven,The rudeness of the Vulgar has Forgiven.