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Cyclopedia of Painting/Advertisements

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2424690Cyclopedia of Painting — AdvertisementsGeorge D. Armstrong


To the many workmen who are purchasing the publications under the authorship of Fred T. Hodgson, And who we feel sure have been benefited by his excellent treatises on many Carpentry and Building subjects, we desire to Inform them that the following list, of books have been published since 1903, thereby making them strictly upto-date in every detail. All of the newer books bearing the imprint of Frederick J. Drake & Co. are modern in every respect and of a purely self-educatlonal character, expressly Issued for Home Study.

PRACTICAL USES OF THE STEEL SQUARE, two volumes, over 500 pages, Including 100 perspective views and floor plans of medium priced houses. Cloth, two volumes, price $2.00. Half leather, price $3.00.
MODERN CARPENTRY AND JOINERY, 300 pages, Including 50 house plans, perspective views and floor plans of medium and low-cost houses. Cloth, price $1.00. Half leather, price $1.00.
BUILDERS' ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING SELF-TAUGHT, over 350 pages, including 50 house plans. Cloth, price $2.00. Half leather, price $3.00.
MODERN ESTIMATOR AND CONTRACTORS' GUIDE, for pricing builders' work, 350 pages, Including 50 house plans. Cloth, price $1.60. Half leather, price $2.00.
MODERN LOW-COST AMERICAN HOMES, over 200 pages. Cloth, price $1.00. Half leather, price $1.60.
PRACTICAL UP-TO-DATE HARDWOOD FINISHER, over 300 pages. Cloth, price $1.00. Half leather, price $1.50.
COMMON SENSE STAIR BUILDING AND HANDRAILING. over 250 pages, including perespective views and floor plans of 50 medium-priced houses. Cloth, price $1.00. Half leather, price $1.60.
STONEMASONS' AND BRICKLAYERS' GUIDE, over 200 pages. Cloth, price $1.60. Half leather, price $2.00.
PRACTICAL WOOD CARVING, over 200 pages. Cloth, price $1.60. Half leather, price $2.00.

Sold by booksellers generally, or sent, all charges paid, upon receipt of price, to any address in the world.


Chicago, U. S. A.





George B. Clow

Over 150


A PRACTICAL up-to-date work on Sanitary Plumbing, comprising useful information on the wiping and soldering of lead pipe joints and the installation of hot and cold water and drainage systems into modern residences. Including the gravity tank supply and cylinder and tank system of water heating and the pressure cylinder system of water heating. Connections for bath tub. Connections for water closet. Connections for laundry tubs. Connections for wash-bowl or lavatory. A modern bath room. Bath tubs. Lavatories. Closets. Urinals. Laundry tubs. Shower baths. Toilet room in office buildings. Sinks. Faucets. Bibb-cocks. Soil-pipe fittings. Drainage fittings. Plumber's tool kit, etc., etc.

256 pages, 180 illustrations.

12 Mo. Cloth $1.50

Sold by Booksellers generally or sent postpaid to

any address upon receipt of price by the Publishers


Chicago, U.S.A.

and Gas


A MODERN treatise on Hot Water, Steam and Furnace Heating, and Steam and Gas Fitting, which is intended for the use and information of the owners of buildings and the mechanics who install the heating plants in them. It gives full and concise information with regard to Steam Boilers and Water Heaters and Furnaces, Pipe Systems for Steam and Hot Water Plants, Radiation, Radiator Valves and connections, Systems of Radiation, Heating Surfaces, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Damper Regulators, Fitters' Tools, Heating Surface of Pipes, Installing a Heating Plant and Specifications. Plans and Elevations of Steam and Hot Water Heating Plants are shown and all other subjects in the book are fully illustrated.

256 pages, 121 illustrations, 12 mo, cloth, price, $1.50

Sold by Booksellers generally or sent postpaid to

any address upon receipt of price by the Publishers



Modern Carpentry Vol.


By Fred C. Hodgson

This is a continuation of Mr. Hodgson's first volume on Modern Carpentry and is intended to carry the student to a higher plane than is reached by the first volume. The first volume of this series

may be considered as the alphabet of the science of carpentry and joinery, while the present volume leads the student into the intricacies of the art and shows how certain difficult problems may be solved with a minimum of labor. Every progressive workman—and especially those who have purchased the first volume of this series-cannot afford to be without this volume, as it contains so many things necessary the advanced workman should know, and that is likely to crop up at any time during his daily labors. The work is well illustrated with over 100 diagrams, sketches and scale drawings which are fully described and explained in the text. Many puzzling working problems are shown, described and solved. This is truly a valuable aid and assistant for the progressive workman.

300 pages, fully illustrated.12mo, cloth, price,$1.50

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any address upon receipt of price by the Publishers



The Signist's Book of

Modern Alphabets

by F.

Large oblong
octavo, 208
pages, 100
Price, $1.50

N. B.—We guarantee this book to be the largest and best work of this kind published

PLAIN and Ornamental, ancient and mediæval, from the Eight to the Twentieth Century, with numerals. Including German, Old English, Saxon, Italic, Perspective, Greek, Hebrew, Court Hand, Engrossing, Tuscan, Riband, Gothic, Rustic, and Arabesque, with several Original Designs and an Analysis of the Roman and Old English Alphabets, Large, Small, and Numerals, Church Text, Large and Small; German Arabesque; Initials for Illumination, Monograms, Crosses, etc., for the use of Architectural and Engineering Draughtsmen, Surveyors, Masons, Decorative Painters, Lithographers, Engravers, Carvers, etc.

Sold by Booksellers generally or send postpaid to

any address upon receipt of price by the Publishers

Frederick J. Drake & Company



Or Oil and Water Color Painting without the Aid of a Teacher :: :: :: ::


¶ The aim of this book is to instruct the student in the fundamental principles underlying those branches of art of which it treats and to teach the application of those principles in a clear and concise manner. The knowledge it contains is available, alike to the amateur whose only desire it is to beautify the home and to pass pleasant hours at agreeable work and also to those talented ones who lack the opportunities afforded by art schools and teachers who are out of reach. To the latter, this work contains elements that will quicken the germ of talent or genius into life and send it well on its road to success. ¶ This very late and most complete work on amateur art gives thorough instructions in nine branches of decorative art. Each part is the product of the pen of a famous teacher and lecturer who has made that branch his especial life study. ¶ Unlike other works on the market, it is brought up-to-date—no obsolete branches being dragged in, to fill out space. ¶ Each chapter contains a complete list of materials and equipment, and instruction enough to develop natural ability to a point where the student may continue, independent of further aid, and trusting to his own individuality of style.

200 pages, fully illustrated price $1.00

Sold by Booksellers generally or sent postpaid to
any address upon receipt of price by the Publishers



Concretes, Cements,



How to Make and
How to Use Them


Fred T. Hodgson


THIS is another of Mr. Hodgson's practical works that appeals directly to the workman whose business it is to make and apply the materials named in the title. As far as it has been possible to avoid chemical descriptions of limes, cements and other materials, and theories of no value to the workman, such has been done, and nothing has been admitted into the pages of the work that does not possess a truly practical character.

Concretes and cements have received special attention, and the latest methods of making and using cement building blocks, laying cement sidewalks, putting in concrete foundations, making cement casts and ornaments, are discussed at length. Plastering and stucco work receive a fair share of consideration and the best methods of making and using are described in the usual simple manner so characteristic of Mr. Hodgson's style. The book contains a large number of illustrations of tools, appliances and methods employed in making and applying concretes, cements, mortars, plasters and stucco, which will greatly assist in making it easy for the student to follow and understand the text

300 pages fully illustrated.

12 Mo. Cloth, Price, $1.50

Sold by Booksellers generally or sent postpaid to any
address upon receipt of price by the Publishers

Frederick J. Drake & Co.


The Builder and
Contractor's Guide

TO CORRECT MEASUREMENTS of areas and cubic contents in all matters relating to buildings of any kind. Illustrated with numerous diagrams, sketches and examples showing how various and intricate measurements should be taken :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

By Fred T. Hodgson, Architect, and W. M. Brown, C.E. and Quantity Surveyor

THIS is a real practical book, showing how all kinds of odd, crooked and difficult measurements may be taken to secure correct results. This work in no way conflicts with any work on estimating as it does not give prices, neither does it attempt to deal with questions of labor or estimate how much the execution of certain works will cost. It simply deals with the questions of areas and cubic contents of any given work and shows how their areas and contents may readily be obtained, and furnishes for the regular estimator the data upon which he can base his prices. In fact, the work is a great aid and assistant to the regular estimator and of inestimable value to the general builder and contractor.

12mo, cloth, 300 pages, fully illustrated, price $1.50

Sold by Booksellers generally or sent postpaid to
any address upon receipt of price by the Publishers



Easy Electrical Experiments and How to Make Them


This is the very latest and most valuable work on Electricity for the amateur or practical Electrician published. It gives in a simple an easily understood language every thing you should know about Galvanometers, Batteries, Magnets, Introduction, Coils, Motors, Voltmeters, Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Simple and Practical Telephones, Telegraph Instruments, Rheostat, Condensers, Electrophorous, Resistance, Electro Plating, Electric Toy Making, etc.

The book is an elementary hand book of lessons, experiments and inventions. It is a hand book for beginners, though it includes, as well, examples for the advanced students. The author stands second to none in the scientific world, and this exhaustive work will be found an invaluable assistant to either the Student or mechanic.

Illustrated with hundreds of fine drawings; printed on a superior quality of paper.

12mo Cloth. Price, $1.25.

Sent postpaid to any address upon receipt of price.

FREDERICK J. DRAKE & CO., Publishers.


The Practical Gas & Oil Engine HAND-BOOK

A MANUAL of useful information on the care, maintenance and repair of Gas and Oil Engines.

This work gives full and clear instructions on all points relating to the care, maintenance and repair of Stationary, Portable and Marine, Gas and Oil Engines, including How to Start, How to Stop, How to Adjust, How to Repair, How to Test.

Pocket size, 4 x 6½. Over 200 pages. With numerous rules and formulas and diagrams, and over 50 illustrations by L. Elliott Brookes, author of the "Construction of a Gasoline Motor," and the "Automobile Hand-Book."

This book has been written with the intention of furnishing practical information regarding gas, gasoline and kerosene engines, for the use of owners, operators and others who may be interested in their construction, operation and management.

In treating the various subjects it has been the endeavor to avoid all technical matter as far as possible, and to present the information given in a clear and practical manner.

  1. 16mo. Popular Edition—Cloth. Price
  2. Edition de Luxe—Full Leather Limp. Price

Sent Postpaid to any Address In the World upon Receipt of Price