Daphnis and Chloe (Thornley translation)/Book 1
A Summary of the First Book
[edit]THE Sophist sees a picture of curious Interpretation in the Island Lesbos. And he describes it in four Books. The Situation of Mitylene (the Scene of the Story,) is drawn. Lamo a Goat-herd following a Goat that neglected her kid, finds an Infant-boy Exposed, with fine Accoutrements about him, takes him away, keeps him, and names him Daphnis. Two years after, Dryas a Shepherd, looking for a sheep of his, found in the Cave of the Nymphs a Girle of the very same fortune; brings her up, and calls her Chloe. Dryas and Lamo, warned by dreams, send forth the Exposed children together, to keep their flocks. They are joyfull, and play away their time. Daphnis running after a hee-goat, falls unawares together with him into a Trapditch made for a Wolf: but is drawn up alive, and well. Dorco the Herdsman asks of Dryas, Chloe for his wife; but all in vain.
Therefore disguised in a Woolfs-skin, he thinks to seize her from a Thicket, and carry her away by force; but the flock-doggs fall upon him.
Daphnis and Chloe are variously affected. Daphnis tells the Tale of the Stock-dove. The Tyrian Pyrats plunder the fields, and carry away Daphnis. Chloe not knowing what to do, runs up to Dorco, whom she finds a dying of his wounds; he gives her a Pipe of wonderful powers; she playes on it, and the Oxen and Cowes, that were carried away, turn over the Vessell; They and Daphnis swim to the Land, while the armed Pyrats drown. Then they bury poor Dorco, and return to their wonted game.
The First Book
[edit]WHEN I was hunting in Lesbos, I saw in the Grove of the Nymphs, a Spectacle, the most beauteous, and pleasing of any, that ever yet I cast my eyes upon. It was an Icon, or varied picture, reporting a History of Love. The Grove indeed was very pleasant, thick set with trees, and starr'd with flowers every where; and water'd all from one Fountain, with divers Mæanders and Rills. But that picture, as having in it, not onely an excellent, and wonderfull piece of Fortune, but also the Art of Ancient Love, was far more amiable. And therefore many foreigners enchanted by the fame of it, came as much to see that, as in devotion to the Nymphs. There were figured in it, young women in the posture of teeming their babes: there were others swaddling children that were exposed, children which by the destiny of the draught, did then tend their flocks of Sheep and Goats; there were many Shepherds slain; young men banded together; Incursions of Theeves; Impressions of Enemies; Inroads of armed men. When I had seen with admiration these, and many other Things, but all belonging to the sweet, or to the dangerous affairs of Love; I had a mighty Instigation to write something, as to answer that Picture. And therefore, when I had carefully sought, and found an Interpreter of the Image, I drew up these four Books; A Perpetuall Oblation to Love; an everlasting Anathema, Sacred to Pan and the Nymphs; and a Delightful Possession, even for all men. For this will cure him that is sick; and rouze him that is in dumps; one that has loved, it will remember of it; one that has not, it will instruct. For there was never any yet that wholly could escape Love, and never shall there be any: never, so long as beauty shall be; never, so long as eyes can see. -- But help me God to write with wisdom and proportion, the Passions, and wonderfull fortunes of others; and while I write of their Loves, keep me in my own right Wits.
Mitylene is a City in Lesbos, and by ancient Titles of honour, it is the Great, and Fair Mitylene. For it is distinguisht, and divided (the Sea flowing in) by a various Euripus, and is adorn'd with many Bridges built of white and polisht Marble. You would not think you saw a City, but an Iland in an Iland. From this Mitylene some twenty furlongs, there lay a Mannor of a certain rich Lord, the most sweet and pleasant prospect under all the Eyes of Heaven. There were Mountains, stored with wild Beasts for Game; there were Hills, and Banks that were spread with Vines; the Fields abounded with all sorts of Corn; the Valleys with Orchards, and Gardens, and purles from the Hills; The Pastures with Sheep, and Goats, and Kine; the Sea billows dashed to the shore as it lay extended along in an open horizon, with a soft and glittering sand. In this sweet Countrey, the field and farm of Mitylene a Goat-herd dwelling, by name Lamo, found an Infant- boy exposed; by such a chance (it seems) as this. There was a Laun, and in it a place of thick Groves, and many brakes, all lined with wand'ring Ivie, the inner ground furred over with a finer sort of grasse, and on that the Infant lay. A Goat coming often hither, neglecting still her own Kid, to attend the wretched child. Lamo observes her frequent outs and Discursations, and pittying that the Kid should be so forsaken, follows her even at high-noon; and anon he sees the Goat walking carefully about the child, holding up, and setting down her feet softly, lest she should chance to tread upon it, or to hurt it with her hooves; and the Infant drawing milk as from the breast of a kind mother. And wondering at it, (as well he might) he comes nearer, and finds it a manchild, a lusty boy, and beautifull; with pretious accoutrements about him, the monuments and admonitions of a secret noble Stem. His mantle, or little Cloak was purple, fastened with a Golden button; and by his side, a little dagger, the handle polisht Ivory. He thought at first to take away the fine Things, and take no thought about the child. But afterwards conceiving shame within himself if he should not imitate the kindnesse and philanthropy that he had seen in that Goat, waiting till the night came on, he brings all to Myrtale his Wife, the boy, his pretious Trinkets, and the Goats. But Myrtale all amazed at This, What (quoth she) do Goats cast boyes? Then he fell to tell her all; namely, how he had found him Exposed; how suckled, how overcome by meer shame he could not leave the sweet child to dye in that forsaken thicket. And therefore when he discerned Myrtale was of his mind, the things exposed together with him, are laid up carefully and hid; they say the boy's their own child, and put him to the Goat to nurse. And that his name might be indeed a Shepherds name, they agreed to call him Daphnis. And now when two years time was past, a shepherd of the neighbouring fields, had the luck to see such sights and find such rarities as Lamo did. There was a Nymphæum, a solitary, sacred Cave of the Nymphs, a huge rock, hollow and vaulted within, but round without. The Statues, or Images of the Nymphs were cut out most curiously in stone, barefooted, and bare-legg'd; their arms naked up to the shoulders; all their hair loose and playing carelessly, their eyes and lips smiting the Mœdiama, the proper sweetnesse of the Nymphs; their vests, and lawnie-petticoats tied, and tuckt up at the waste. The whole presence made a figure as of a divine ammusing Dance, or Masque. The mouth, and sieling of the Cave reacht the midst of that great rock. And from below out of the Chasme, gusht a strong Chrystal Fountain into a fair current or brook, and made before the holy Cave, a fresh green, and flowery Mead. There were hanged up, and consecrated there, the milking-pailes of fair Maids; Shepherds-pipes, ho-boyes, whistles, and reeds, the Gifts and Anathema's of the ancient Shepherds. To this Cave the often gadding of an Ewe, made the Shepherd often think, that she undoubtedly was lost. Desiring therefore to correct the straggler, and reduce her to her rule; of a green With, he made a snare, and lookt to catch her in the Cave. But when he came there, he saw things he never dreamed of. For he saw her giving suck from her duggs in a very humane manner; and an Infant, without crying, greedily to lay, first to one dugge, then the t'other, a most neat and fair mouth: for when the Child had suckt enough, the careful Nurse lickt it still, and trimmed it up. That Infant was a Girle, and in such manner as before, was trickt and harnessed out with fine and rich advertisements of her origin and Extraction: on her head she wore a Mitre embroider'd with Gold; her shoes were Gilded; her blankets and Mantle cloth of Gold. Wherefore Dryas thinking with himself that this could not come about without the providence of the Gods, and learning mercy from the Sheep, takes her up into his arms, puts her Monuments into his Scrip, and prayes to the Nymphs he may happily preserve, and bring up, their Suppliant, and Votary. Now therefore when it was time to drive home his flocks, he comes to his Cottage, and tells all, that he had seen, to his Wife; shews her what he had found; bids her think she is her daughter; and however, nurse her up, though uncertain, though unknown. Nape, that was her name, began presently to be a Mother, and with a kind of Jealousie would appear to love the Child, lest that Ewe should get more praise; and all in haste gives her the pastoral Name of Chloe, to assure us, it's their own. These Infants, grew up apace, and still their beauty appeared too excellent to suit with rusticks, or derive at all from Clowns. And Daphnis now is fifteen, and Chloe younger two years. Upon a night Lamo and Dryas had their visions in their sleep. They thought they saw those Nymphs, the Goddesses of the Cave, out of which the Fountain gusht out into a stream; and where Dryas found Chloe; That they delivered Daphnis and Chloe to a certain young boy, very disdainfull, very fair; one that had wings at his shoulders, wore a bowe, and little darts; and that this boy did touch them both with the very self-same dart; and commanded it from thenceforth, one should feed his flock of Goats; the other keep her flock of sheep. This dream being dreamed by both, they could not but conceive grief, to think that Daphnis and Chloe should be nothing but Goat-herds like themselves, when they had read them better fortune from their Infant Swaddling cloaths; and for that cause, had both allowed them bolted bread, with a finer sort of meat, and bin at charge to teach them to read a ballad in the Lesbian Tongue; and whatsoever things were passing brave, among the rurall Swains and Girls. Yet neverthelesse it seemed fit, that the Mandats of the Gods concerning them, who by their providence were saved, should be attended, and obeyed. And having told their dreams to one another, and sacrificed in the cave of the Nymphs to that winged boy (for his name they knew not yet:) They set them out Shepherds with their flocks; and to every thing instructed: how to feed before high- noon, and when the scorching Glare declined; when to drive their flocks to water; when to bring them to the folds; what cattell was disciplin'd with the Crook; what commanded by the Voice. And now this pretty pair of young Shepherds, are as jocund in themselves as if they had got some great Empire, while they sit looking over their goodly flocks; and with more than usual kindnesse, treated both the Sheep and Goats. For Chloe thankfully referred her preservation to a Sheep: and Daphnis had not forgot to acknowledge his to a Goat.
It was the beginning of Spring, and all the flowers of the Launs, Meadowes, Valleyes, and Hills, were now blowing; all was fresh, and green, and odorous. The Bee's humming from the flowers, the Bird's warbling from the groves, the Lamb's skipping on the hills, were pleasant to the ear, and eye. And now when such a fragrancy had filled those blest and happy fields, both the old men and the young, would imitate the pleasant things they heard, and saw; and hearing how the birds did chant it, they began to carroll too; and seeing how the Lambs skipt, tript their light and nimble measures; then to emulate the Bees, they fall to cull the fairest flowers. Some of which in toysome sport they cast in one anothers bosoms, and of some plaited Garlands for the Nymphs. And always keeping near together, had, and did all things in common: for Daphnis often gathered in the straggling sheep; and Chloe often drove the bolder ventrous Goats from the crags, and precipices; and sometimes to one of them, the care of both the flocks was left, while the other did intend some pretty knack, or Toysome play. For all their sport, were sports of children, and of Shepherds. Chloe scudding up and down, and here and there picking up the windlestrawes; would make in plats, a Trap to catch a Grasshopper; and be so wholly bent on that, that she was carelesse of her flocks. Daphnis on the other side, having cut the slender reeds, and bored the quils, or intervals between the joynts, and with his soft wax joyned and fitted one to another; took no care but to practise, or devise some tune, even from morning, to the twilight. Their wine, and their milk, and whatever was brought from home to the fields, they had still in common. And a man might sooner see all the Cattel separate from one another, then he should Chloe and Daphnis, asunder. But while they are thus playing away their time, to sweeten pleasure, afterwards Love procures them these Cares: A Wolf that had a kennel of whelps, came often ravenous upon the fields, and bore away many cattel, because she needed much prey, to keep her self and those cubs. The Villagers therefore meet together, and in the night they dig a ditch of a propor-tinall Length, and Depth, and Breadth; the earth flung up they scatter all abroad at a good distance, by handfulls; and laying over-crosse the Chasm, long, dry, and rotten sticks, they strow them over with that earth which did remain: that if a Hare did but offer to run there, she could not choose but break those rods, that were as brittle as the stubble; and then would easily make it known, that that indeed was not true, but only Counterfeited Soil. Many such Trap-ditches were digg'd in the Mountains, and the fields; yet they could not take this Wolf, (for she could perceive the Sophi-stick, and commentitious ground:) but many of the Sheep and Goats were there destroyed; and there wanted but a little, that Daphnis too was not slain; and it was on this chance: Two he-goats were exasperated to fight, and the shock was furious. One of them, by the violence of the very first Butt, had one of his horns broke; upon the pain and grief of that, all in a fret and mighty chase, he betakes himself to flight: but the victor pursuing him close, would not let him take breath. Daphnis was vext to see the horn broke, and that kind of malepertnesse of the Goat; up he catches his club and pursues the pursuer. But, as it frequently happens when one hastes away as fast as possibly he can, and the other with ardency pursues; there was no certain prospect of the things before them, but into the Trapditch both fall, first the Goat, then Daphnis. And indeed it was only this that served to save poor Daphnis, that he flunder'd down to the bottome of the ditch a cock- horse on the rough Goat. There in a lamentable case he lay, waiting, if perchance it might be some body to draw him out. Chloe seeing the accident, away she flyes to weep over Daphnis his grave, and found he was alive, though buried there, and calls for help to a herdsman of the adjoyning fields. When he was come, he bustled about for a long Cord: but finding none, Chloe in a tearing haste, pulls off her hair- lace and her fillet, gives him them to let down; and standing on the pit brim, both began to draw and hale; and Daphnis holding fast by it, nimbly followed Chloe's line, and so ascended to the Top. They drew up too the wretched Goat, which now had both his horns broke (so fiercely did the revenge of the victor pursue him,) and they gave him to the herdsman as a reward of the rescue, and redemption of their lives. And if any body mist him at home, they would say it was the Invasion of the Wolf: and so returned to their Sheep and Goats. And when they had found that all were feeding orderly, according to the precepts of Lamo and Dryas; sitting down upon the Trunk of an Oak, they began curiously to search, whether he had hurt any limb in that terrible fall; but nothing was hurt, nothing bloodied; onely his head, his bosome, and some other parts, were durtied by the soil which covered over, and hid the Trap. And therefore they thought it best before the accident was made known to Lamo and Myrtale, that he should wash himself in the Cave of the Nymphs. And coming three together with Chloe, he gives her his Scrip, his Jacket, and his Shirt to hold while he washt. But it happened that in an Agonie that one kisse had cast him into, he fell to mutter with himself, such fancies as these. Whither, in the name of the Nymphs, will that kisse of Chloe drive me? Her lips are softer than Roses, and sweeter than the honeycombs of the Launs, and Meadowes; but her kisse stings like a Bee. I have often kist the young kids; I have kist a pretty whippet, the whelp of Melampo; and that Calf which Dorco gave me; but this kisse is a new thing. My heart leaps up to my lips; my spirit sparckles, and my soul melts; and yet I am mad to kisse her again. Oh what a mischievous Victory is this! Oh what a disease, whose name I know not! Did Chloe take poyson before she kist me? How then is she not dead? How sweetly sing the Nightingales, while my pipe hangs on yonder pine? How wantonly the Kids skip, and I lie still upon the ground? How sweetly do the flowers grow, and I neglect to make garlands? So it is, the Violet, Hyacinth, and the Cowslips flourish; but alas, Daphnis, Daphnis withers! And will it come at length to this, that Dorco shall appear hereafter handsomer then I to Chloe? These Passions and Complaints the good Daphnis felt, and murmured to himself, as now first beginning to taste of the works and language of Love. But Dorco the Herdsman observing when Dryas planted his Scyons near the palmits or spreading branches of the Vines, came to him with certain cheeses, and his wooing and wedding Pipes about him: the Cheeses he presented him withall, as one who had long been his acquaintance and friend, when he himself tended Cattel. And taking his rise from thence, he cast in words about the marrying of Chloe, and if he might have her to his Wife, promised many and great Gifts, according to the Estate of Herdsmen; a yoake of Oxen for the plough, four hives of Bees; fifty choyse young Appletrees; a good Bull-Hide to make Shooes; every year a weaned Calf: so that it wanted but a little, that, allured by these Gifts, Dryas did not promise Chloe. But when he had recollected himself, and found the Maid deserved a better husband; and likewise, that he had reason to fear, lest at any time being deprehended to have taken away the exposed Child, he should fall into a mischief, from which he could no way then escape; he desires to be excused, denyes the Marriage, rejects the Gifts. But Dorco falling from his hope, and losing his Cheeses, resolves with himself to lay his clutches upon Chloe, if ever he could catch her alone. And having observed, that every day, sometimes Daphnis, sometimes the Girle, drove the flocks to watering; he practised a Trick not unbecoming one that tended a herd of Cattel. He took the skin of a huge Wolf, which formerly the Bull, fighting for the herd, had killed with his horns, and flung it o're his back, and it dangled down to his feet; so that the fore-feet were drawn on his hands, the hinder, over his thighs to his heels; and the Gaping of the mouth covered his head, like the helmet of an armed man. When he was got into this Lycanthropy, as well as possibly he could; he makes to the Fountain where the flocks, after their feeding, used to drink. But that Fountain lay in a Bottom, and about it all the place, was rough with bushes, thorns, brakes, thistles, and the brush Juniper; so that indeed, a true Wolf might very well lye lurking there. Therefore when he had hid himself, he waited the time when the Cattel were driven thither to drink, and conceived no small hope, that in the habit of a Wolf (a beast that scares our voice away;) he should snap the poor Chloe. After a while she left Daphnis shaking down green leaves for the Goats, and drove her flocks down to the Fountain. But the flock- dogs following Chloe, and barking at Dorco, who had moved himself and rusled in the brakes, because he perceived they were hot on the Sent; fell on him furiously as on a Wolf; and before he could wholly rise from the lurk, because of the suddain consternation, all-to-towsed the Wolf-Dorco, and gave him many a sharp nip. However, fearing lest he should be manifestly discovered, blamed, and shamed, guarding himself as he could, with the skin, he lay close and still in the thicket. But when Chloe was feared at the first sight of she knew not what, and cryed out to Daphnis for help; the doggs soon tore his vizard off, tattered the skin, and bit him soundly. Then he roared and cried out amain, and begged for help of Daphnis and Chloe. They rated off the doggs with their usual known recalls; and lead Dorco, who was torn in the shoulder and the Thigh to the Fountain, &c., where they found the doggs had left the print of their teeth. There sweet Chloe gently washt, and chewing in her mouth, the green ryne of the Elme, applyed it softly to his wounds. Now, because of their unskilfulnesse in amorous adventures, they thought Dorco's disguising, and hiding of himself, was nothing else but a Pastoral pranck, and were not at all moved at it; but endeavouring first, to cheer and erect him with the gentle language of pitty, and leading him by the hand some part of his way, they bid him farewell, and dismist him.
But Daphnis and Chloe had much ado to get together, before it was late in the evening, their scattered, straggling Sheep and Goats. For they were terrified with the wolfskin, and the fierce barking, and baying of the dogs; and some ran up the steeps crags; some ran on rucks, and hurried down to the seashore: although they were taught, not only to obey the voice, and be quieted by the pipe, but to be driven up together, even by the clapping of the hands. But fear had cast in an oblivion of all: so that at length with much stir, following their steps, like Hares by the foot; they drave them home to their own folds. That night alone Daphnis and Chloe slept soundly, and found, that weariness was some kind of remedy for the passion of Love. But as soon as the day appeared, they fell again to these fits. When they saw one another, they were passing joyful; and sad, if it chanced, that they were parted; in their grief they were voluntiers, and yet they knew not what they would have. Only this one thing they knew, that kissing had destroyed Daphnis, and bathing had undone Chloe. Now besides this, the season of the year inflamed and burnt them. For now the cooler spring was ended, and the Summer was ended, and the Autumn was come on, and all things were got to their highest flourishing akme and, vigour; the tree with their fruits, the fields with standing Corn. Sweet then, was the singing of the Grasshoppers; sweet was the odour of the fruits; and not unpleasant, the very bleating of the sheep. A man would have thought that the very rivers by their gentle gliding away, did sing; and that the softer gales of wind, did play, and whistle on the pines; that the Cattel, as languishing with love, lay down and slumbered on the ground; and that the Sun, as a lover of beauty, unvailed, did strive to undresse, and turn the ruralls all naked. By all these was Daphnis inflamed; and therefore often he goes to the Rivers and Brooks, there to bathe and cool himself, and often he drinks of the clear purls, as thinking by that, to quench his inward Caum, and scorching. When Chloe had spent much time, because the flyes were importune, and vexatious, to milk the Sheep, and the Goats, and to curdle, and presse it into smaller Cheeses; she washt her self, and crowned her head with pineboughes; and when she had girt her Kidskin about her, she took a piggin, and with wine and milk, she made a Sillibub for her dear Daphnis and herself. When it grew towards noon, they fell to their fascination, or catching of one another, by their eyes. For Chloe seeing Daphnis naked, thought she had fallen on the most sweet and florid beauty, and therefore could not choose but melt, as being not able to find in him the least moment to dislike or blame. Daphnis again if he saw Chloe in her Kidskin, and her Pine coronet, give him the Sillibub to drink, thought he saw one of the Nymphs, the fairest of the holy Cave. Therefore taking off her pine, he would put it on his own head; and when he had kist it o're and o're, set it upon hers again. And Chloe, when he was naked and bathing, would take up his vest, and when she kist it, put it on upon her self. Sometimes they flung apples at one another, sometimes they drest, and distinguisht one anothers hair, into curious trammels, and locks. And Chloe likened Daphnis his hair, to the Myrtle, because it was black: Daphnis again, because her face was white and ruddy, compared it to the fairest Apple. He taught her too, to play on the pipe, and always when she began to blow, would catch the pipe away from her lips, and run it presently o're with his: he seemed to teach her when she was out, but with that specious pretext, by the pipe, he kist Chloe. But it happened, when he played on his pipe at noon, and the Cattel took shade, that Chloe fell unawares asleep. Daphnis observed it, and laid down his Pipe; and without any shame or fear, was bold to view her all over, and every limb, insatiably; and withall, spoke softly thus:
What sweet Eyes are those that sleep? How sweetly breathes that rosie mouth? The Apples smell not like to it, nor the flowery launes, and thickets. But I am afraid to kisse her. For her Kisse stings to my heart, and makes me mad, like new honey. Besides, I fear, lest a Kisse should chance to wake her. O ye prating Grasshoppers, ye make a noyse to break her sleep! And the Goats beside are fighting, and they clatter with their hornes. Yee Wolves, worse dastards then the Foxes, come and ravish them away. While he was muttering this passion, a Grasshopper that fled from a Swallow, took Sanctuary in Chloe's bosome, and the pursuer could not take her; but her wing, by reason of her close pursuit, flapt the girle upon the cheek; but she not knowing what was done, cryed out, and started from her sleep. But when she saw the Swallow flying near by, and Daphnis laughing at her fear, she began to give it over, and rub her eyes that yet were sleeping. The Grasshopper sang out of her bosome, as if her suppliant were now giving thanks for the protection. Therefore Chloe again squeakt out; but Daphnis could not hold laughing, nor passe the opportunity, to put his hand into her bosome, and draw forth the Grasshopper, which still did sing even in his hand. When Chloe saw it, she was pleased, and put it in her bosome again, and it prattled all the way. But besides these, the Stock-dove did delight them too; and sang from the Woods, her bucolic's. But Chloe desiring to know, askt Daphnis what that complaint of the Stock-dove meant; and he told her the tradition of the ancient Shepherds. The Stock-dove ( Chloe) was once a very fair Maid, as thou thy self now art; and in the flower of her age, kept her herds, as thou dost thine. She was skilfull in Musick, and her herds were so taken with her voice and pipe, that they needed not the discipline of the staffe, or goad: but sitting under a pine, and wearing, a coronet of the same, she would sing of Pan and Pitys, and her cowes, would never wander out of her voyce. There was a Youth that kept his herd not far off; and he was fair, and Musical, and not inferiour to the maid: but, as he tryed with all his skill, to emulate her notes and tones; he played a higher strain, as a male, and yet sweet, as being a boy; and so allured, from the maids Herd, eight of her best Cowes, to his own. She took it ill that her herd was so diminisht, and in very deep disdain, that she was his inferiour at the art; and presently prayed to the gods, that she might be transformed to a Bird, before she did return home. The gods consent, and turn her into a mountain-bird, because the Maid did haunt there; and Musicall, as she had been: And singing still, to this day, she publishes her heavy chance, and demands her Cowes again. Such delights and pleasures as these, the Summer time entertained them withall. But when Autumme was come in, and the grapes were ripe, the Tyrian Pyrats, in a Carian Vessel, lest perchance they should seem to be Barbarrians, sailed up to the fields; and coming ashore, armed with swords, and half-corslets, fell to rifle, plunder, and carry away the best of all that came to hand; the fragrant wines, great store of grain, the most pretious of the honey-combs. Some oxen too they drove away from Dorco's herd, and took Daphnis as he wandered near the Sea. For Chloe, as a Maid, was fearfull of the fierce and surly Shepherds; and therefore, till it was somewhat later, drove not out the flocks of Dryas. And when they saw the young man was proper and handsome, and of a higher price than any of their other prey, they thought it not worth their staying longer about the Goats, or other fields, and hall'd him aboard, lamenting, and not knowing what to do, and calling loud and often, on the name of Chloe. But they, when they had loosed from the shore, and cast in their Oars, when Chloe had brought out her sheep, and with her, a new pipe, that was sent to Daphnis, made in haste away to Sea. When Chloe saw the Goats in a hurry, and heard Daphnis louder and louder call Chloe, she presently casts off all care of her flocks, flings the pipe on the ground, and runs amain for help to Dorco But he being cruelly wounded by the theeves, and breathing yet a little, his blood gushing out, was laid along upon the ground. Yet seeing Chloe, and a little spark of his former love being awakened in him; Chloe, (said he) I shall now presently dye: for, alas, those cursed Theeves, as I fought for my Herd, have kill'd me, like an Oxe. But do thou preserve our Daphnis, and in their sudden destruction, take vengeance for me, on the Rogues. I have accustomed my Herd to follow the sound of this Pipe, and to obey the charm of it, although they feed a good way off me. Come hither then, and take the pipe, and blow that tune, which I heretofore taught Daphnis, and Daphnis thee, and call'd it Dorco. Leave the care of what shall follow, to the pipe, and Cowes alone. And to thee, Chloe, I give this Pipe; this Pipe, by which I have often conquered many Herdsmen, many Goatherds. But, for this, come, and kisse me, (sweet Chloe) while I am yet awhile alive; and when I am dead, weep a tear or two o're me: and if thou seest some other tending my Herd, upon these Hills, I pray thee, then remember Dorco.
Thus spake Dorco, and received his last Kisse; and together with the Kisse, and his voyce, breathed out his Soul. But Chloe taking the pipe, and putting it to her lips, began to play and whistle, as loud as possibly she could: The Cowes aboard the Pyrats presently hear, and acknowledge the Musick; and with one bounce, and a huge bellowing, shoot themselves impetuously into the Sea. By that violent bounding on one of her sides, the Pinnace toppled, and the Sea gaping from the bottom, by the fall of the Cowes in, the Surges on a suddain return, and sink her down, and all that were in her, but with unequal hope of escape. For the Theeves. had their Swords on, with their sealed, and nailed Corslets, and were booted up to the middle of their thighs. But Daphnis was barefoot, as he was wont to go in the fields, it being yet the heat of Summer. Wherefore they when they had swom a little while, were carried by their arms to the bottom. Daphnis on the other side, easily got off his clothes; and yet was much puzzled to swim, because he had been used before onely to the brooks and Rivers. But at length, being taught by Necessity what was best for him to do, he rushes into the midst of the Cowes, and on his right, and left, laid hold on two of their horns; and so without trouble or pain, was carried between them to the Land, as if he had driven a falcked Chariot. And thus poor Daphnis was preserved, escaping beyond hope, two dangers at once, ship-wrack, and latrociny. When he was out, he found Chloe laughing, and crying; and, casting himself into her arms, askt her what she meant, when she piped and whistled so loud. Then she told him all that had happened; how she scutled up to Dorco; how the Cowes, had been accustomed; how she was bidden to play on the pipe; and that their friend Dorco was dead; onely for shame she told him not of that Kisse. They thought then that it was their duty to honour their great benefactor, who so highly had obliged them; and there-fore they lamented, and buried the unfortunate Dorco, with all the Rites and Ceremonies of the ancient Shepherds. By the name Dorco, thrice they call'd upon his Ghost; then laid good store of Earth upon the Coarse. On his Grave they set abundance of the most fragrant, lasting, sative plants, and flowers; and vowed an Anniversary suspension to him of some of the first fruits of the year. Besides, they poured on the ground a libation of milk, and pressed with their hands the fairest bunches of the grapes, and then with eyes cast on the ground, broke many shepherds pipes o're him. There were heard miserable groans, and bellowings of the Cowes, and Oxen; and together with them, certain incomposed cursations, and freques, were seen. The Cattel of the Herd amongst themselves, as well as the Goatherds, and the Shepherds, had a kind of lamentation, for the death, and losse of their keeper. When the Funeral of Dorco was done, Chloe brought Daphnis to the Cave of the Nymphs, and washed him stark naked with her own hands; and she her self, Daphnis then first of all, looking and gazing on her, washed her naked limbs before him; her limbs, which for their perfect and most excellent beauty, needed neither wash nor dresse: and when they had done, they gathered flowers, to crown the Statues of the Nymphs, and hang'd up Dorco's charming pipe, for an Anathema in the phane. Then coming away, they looked what became of their Sheep and Goats; and found, that they neither fed, nor blated, but were all laid upon the ground, as wanting Daphnis and Chloe, that had been so long out of their sight. When they saw this, and had call'd, and whistled, as they were wont; they rose up presently, and fell to feed; and the mantling Goats skipt and leapt, as rejoycing at the safety of their familiar Goat-herd. But Daphnis for his life could not be merry, because he had seen Chloe naked, and that Venus of her beauty, which before was not unvailed. His heart was gnawed, as with a secret poyson; and had deep sentiments of grief and anguish: insomuch, that sometimes he puffed and blowed thick and short, as if some body had been in a close pursuit of him: sometimes again, he breathed so faintly, as if he had been quite spent in running. That washing seemed to him more dangerous and formidable, then the Sea: And he thought his life was still in the hands, and at the dispose of the Tyrian Pyrats, as being but a young Rustick, and yet unskill'd in the Assassinations and Robberies of Love.
The end of the First Book.