Dealings with the Dead/Advertisements
I take this method of informing my numerous friends and the public that I am still manufacturing my great curatives, but during the past eight years have, by the aid of the highest procurable chemical assistance, been enabled to bring them to a state of perfection that leaves nothing to be desired in that direction. Now, as in years past, I devote myself to one speciality, viz.: the treatment of nervous and scrofulous diseases. In addition to my own system, that of Dr. P. B. Randolph has been transferred to me by special deed, and the public well know that amongst the thousands of cases of an especial nature treated by him, not two per cent, out of the entire number but were perfectly cured. The combined system is the result of twenty years of profound study. The diseases I treat are those whose ravages are indeed fearful, but which are seldom understood, and still more seldom cured by ordinary medical practitioners. My system and my remedies are known only to myself, and, it is needless to state, have, for the last ten years, stood alone and unequalled, and are alike adapted to the wants of either sex. In accordance with my system of Positive Medicine, in every case I furnish just what Nature, the only great Physician, needs, in order to be enabled to effect a cure. There is no guess-work at all about the matter, but I proceed with geometrical precision to a certain and foreseen result, and that too, not by Herb teas, or deleterious compounds of any sort, but by means of an Entirely New Glass of curative agents. Every one of these compounds is elegant in appearance, delicious to the taste, steady and uniform in its effects, and absolutely Positive in curative results, a desideratum never before attained in the history of medicine. For instance: Chemical research has enabled us to bring to light a hitherto supposed unattainable combination of proximate principles, with certain ultimate elements. The First of which is named
It is the only remedy extant for Spermatorrhea or Seminal losses; is the most efficient agent yet discovered in cases of Atony and morbidity of the vital apparatus in either sex. In Leucorrhea, it stands alone. It is the agent for the cure, not only of the Habit, but of the disastrous effects of ignorance, even where insanity has resulted; because it supplies that whereof the body has been drained, and therefore is indicated in all affections of the Brain, Nervous System and Heart.
There are those who prefer to have written formulas to prepare their own medicines. To such I send them at $5 per case. The Second Medicine, my
is a certain cure for Ovarian, Uterine, Prostatic and Vaginal Ulcerations, as well as for Ulcers in the Stomach, Liver and Intestines. There can be no question of the great medicinal value of the ferro-manganic preparations. This syrup is used with success in anaemic cases, scrofulous, syphilitic, and cancerous affections. Bach fluid ounce of the syrup contains fifty grains of the mixed Iodides. Dose, from 10 drops to a fluid drachm.
The diseases herein named, which I treat, exist, and therefore ought to be cured. It is my business to do this, and this is my only apology for advertising in this manner. Knowing my power over them, I feel religiously impelled to use it for the benefit of those who need my skill.
The two medicines, used conjointly with the third, is a certain and positive cure for Scrofula, Fits, Tape-Worm, Epilepsy, Consumption, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liver Disease, Gravel, Canker, Rheumatism, Insanity, Ulcers, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, and the various affections of the Stomach, Brain, Lungs and Heart, Piles and Fistula, and all diseases of the blood, all of which morbid conditions can only be removed by vacating the body and blood of all deleterious substances and humors, and by supplying the elements whereof it stands in need. That physician is a fool who claims or expects to cure two men of opposite temperament of the same disease, with one medecine. It cannot be done, and never will be, else Science is at fault; which cannot be the case, seeing that she absolutely demonstrates that each of the above diseases indicates the absence from the body of one, two, and, in certain cases, no less than seven of the prime elements of the body.. My remedies supply these elements of the system, and thus effect the cure. Remedy No. 3 is the
Its name suggests its use and office, either alone or in combination with the others. It will, to quote the language of a patient, restored by its use, "Put life in hoary age, and fire in the veins of ice!" not by mere stimulations, but by permanent invigoration. Persons who have become exhausted by folly, study, over-working of the brain, sedentary habits and excess, have herein their only remedy. No. 4,
certain, positive and invaluable. No. 5,
for the cure of diseases of either sex, arising from colds and derangements of the natural system. They are prepared as ordered only, owing to the high cost of their materials. They are sent in courses at six, ten, twenty and twenty-five dollars—sufficient for one case—except desperate ones, and at these prices are the cheapest medicines in the world; for they do their work, and do it thoroughly and well. In connection with this subject, allow me to state that these remedies are sure and certain; they are not mere catch-pennies—are sold at high prices because they cost high to manufacture. One ingredient alone, in numbers one and three, is imported at the cost of 80 cents a drachm. In this connection also, let me state that all persons, sick or well, should read my pamphlet called:
Diseases arising from perverted, inverted, retroverted, frozen and fevered love and passion, and how to cure them. Price 25 cents. The work will be re-written, improved and enlarged every six months.
"It Isn't All Right." A scorching review of Dr. A. B. Child's new theory that "Whatever is, is Right"—murder, robbery, rape, war, falsehood, and all the modern abominations included. The pamphlet rips the horrible fabric all to shreds. Price, 15 cents.
The Unveiling of Modern Spiritualism. By the Converted Medium. No man ever had a more thrilling and terrific experience of certain phases of Spiritualism than the author of this pamphlet. It reveals the secret workings of the modern theurgy fuller and better than any work extant, besides a thorough refutation of the assertion that some men are not immortal. Price, 25 cents.
In preparation: Hashish; Its Uses and Abuses. Being the experience of three souls during their illumination by means of this terrible drug. The thrilling revelations of this pamphlet exceed anything of the kind ever written. It details the curious effects of Hashish—its clairvoyance power, and what several souls learned while under its wierd and awful influence—How a soul lives a thousand years in a moment of time—Where the Hashish world is. It will contain the only solution of this mystery ever attempted. and the true one. Sold to subscribers at 50 cents a copy, a limited number only will be printed. Issued Sept. 1, 1861. Address as above.