Dear meal (1816-1831)/Dear meal
ASSIST me ye muses till I do repeat
⟨These lines⟩ which I ⟨study'd⟩ early and late,
For ⟨to gain a living the truth I will tell,⟩
It is very hard since the ⟨dearth⟩ of the Meal.
There's fatherless children, and widows likewise
⟨Must seek for⟩ their living with tears in their eyes;
For the loss of their husbands their hearts are opres'd
Tho' in far distant counties their bodys at rest.
You soldiers and sailors wherever you be,
Stand true to your colours by land and by sea;
Like ⟨heroes⟩ undaunted your enemies pursue,
And well boldly huzza for the Orange and Blue!
When the wars are all o'er as presently they be
Young lasses their sweethearts once more will see
And women their husbands that's l—g been away
Facing their enemies by land and by sea.
Then Jenny will get Johnny one kiss for to ⟨steal,⟩
She take no more thought of the ⟨dearth⟩ of the Meal
She will ⟨hilt⟩ her coats she will drink sing & dance
And still pray for peace with great ⟨Britain & France.⟩
Then plenty in our country once more we will ⟨get,⟩
When the meal mongers open ⟨the meats of the sack⟩
The ⟨rope thats about them themselves in't will swing⟩
For extortioning the poor, not ⟨true to their king.⟩
For the Meal in ship loads is sent far away,
While our enemy is supported by land and by sea;
The ⟨truth which⟩ I tell you ⟨you⟩ know very well,
No matter such ⟨villians⟩ should hang all themselves.
So now to conclude I will made an end,
Your patience not to weary, not tire my pen,
Some more in a short time I mean for to ⟨sing⟩,
But no more at present, but long live the King!