Decisive Battles Since Waterloo/Index
Abba Island (Nile), 454
Abbas Pasha, 454
Abu Dynma, 457
Abu Klea Wells, 471
Abu Nafki, 472
Abu-Zea, 459
Ackerman, Convention of, 48
Acqua Fredda, 202
Adam Kurulgan, 373
Adramyti, 37
Adrianople, 62
Afghanistan, 118
Ahirwan, 160
Aibugir Lake, 369
Aidos Pass, 61
Airy, Sir Richard, 146
Akhal oasis, the, 424
Akhal Tekkes, the, 429
Akhaltiskh, 62
Akhtiar (Tartary), 133
Alaman, an, 417
Alameda, the, 115
Alamo fort, 98
Aldic, 234
Alexander I. (Russia), 31
Alexandria, 450, 466
Alfonso Ugarte Fort, 448
Algiers, siege of, 73, 74; assault and capture, 74; terms of capitulation, 74
Aliwal, 122
Allahabad, 159
Alma, battle of the, 133
Alompra dynasty, the, 28
Alouba, 461
Altai Mountains, 415
Alty-Kuduk, 374
Amanvillers, 332
Ambukol, 471
Amelia C.-H., 300
Amherst, Lord, 19
Amou Darya, 423
Amoy, 89
Ananta, 12
Andaman Islands, 19
Anting Gate (Pekin), 194
Antofagasta, Company, 432; port, 432, 435
Arabi Pasha, 455, 466
Aral Sea, 376, 415
Ardennes, the, 345
Arequipa Fort (S. Am.), 15
Argos, 37
Arica port, 436, 440
Arkansas, Post, 267; River, 268
Arracan, 18, 24
Arracourt, 329
Ars-sur-Moselles, 333
Arystan-Bel-Kuduk Well, 372
Aspinwall, 289
Assam, 10, 26
Atacama, 431
Atbara River, 450
Até, 445
Atlanta, 291
Atlas Mountains, 70
Atrek River, 423
Ava, 26
Ayacucho, battle-field, 10; army, 12; capitulation of Royalists at, 14; terms, 14
Azoteas, the, 99
Baggara Arabs, 455
Baker Pasha (Valentine), 470
Bakum Kothi, 172
Balaklava, 136
Balan, Port de, 350, 359, 362
Balkans, the, 389
Baltimore, 236; turnpike, 252
Bami, 422
Bara, 456
Baraba Steppe, 415
Barrackpore, 155
Bashi-Bazouks, 383; their recruitment, 386; their occupation, 386; in the Soudan, 458
Bassein, 27
Batoum, 414
Battilly, 337
Bau St. Martin, 332
Bayon, 329
Bayou, Pierre River, 274
Bayunda Desert, 471
Bazardjik, 54
Bazeilles, 345
Beas River, 155
Beaufort, N. C., 226
Beaumont, 346
Belgium, 17
Belmont, Missouri, 261
Benatek (Bohemia), 313
Bengal, 19
Benner's Hill, 246
Berair, 460
Berber, 462, 468, 473, 477
Bernecourt, 329
Bexar, San Antonio de (Texas), 92
Biela, 389
Big Black River valley, 274
Biled-es-Soudan, 450
Bistritz River, 313
Bitheer, 160
Blue Ridge Mountains, 231; at Chester Gap, 234
Bolivia, 431
Bourgas, 62
Bozzaris, Marco, 37
Brailov (Turk), 49
Brandy Station, 233
Brindisi, 469
Brinkerhoff's Ridge, 253
Bruce, Sir Richard, 190
Bruinsburg, 275, 287
Brussels, 468
Bucharest, 49, 387
Bucktails, the, 240
Buena Vista, 114
Bukali, 372
Bukova, 390
Bulgaria, 383, 412
Bull Run Mountains, 234
Burhampore, 155
Cairo, 260, 453, 454, 471
Calama, 440
Calcutta, 18
Callao, 7, 9
Canta, 448
Canton (China), 89, 178; (No. Am.), 278
Capo D'Istria, Count of, 31, 46
Caraccas, 2
Caracoles, 432, 435
Carignan, 356
Carlisle, 235
Carpendolo (Ft.), 201, 204
Carriano (Ft.), 201, 203
Casa Mata (Mexico), 104
Casa Morino (Ft.), 202
Casanuova (Ft.), 207
Cashmere, 119
Cashtown, 239
Cassel, 362
Castiglione, 201
Castile, 91
Cathcart Hill, 134
Cavour, 197
Cawnpore, 154; assault of, 173; fall of, 176
Cedarville, 234
Cemetery Hill, 238
Cemetery Ridge, 238
Ceresano, 202
Cesekwitz, 312
Ceylon, 456
Chacabuco, 6
Chalco, 98, 116
Châlons, 342, 344
Chambersburg, 235
Champenois, 332
Champion Hill, 279
Chancellorsville, 258
Chapon, 417
Chapultepec, 99; description of citadel, 109; siege, 110; storming of, 112; capture, 113
Charleroi, 81
Charles Albert, 197
Charleston, 291
Chattanooga, 264, 291
Cheduba, 18
"Cheese-box on a raft," the Monitor, 222
Chenab River, 118
Chernavoda Fort, 53
Chicamauga, 291
Chickasaw Bayou, 266
Chiese River, 200
Chilca, 443
Chili, 431, 436, 437
Chillianwallah, 124
Chinhut, 164
Chios (Scio), 37
Chittagong, 17
Chorillos, 444
Churubusco, 99; battle of, 100
Clinton, 277
Cobija, 432
Cochrane, Lord, 7
Coldwater River, 269
Coles, Capt. Cowper, 227
Colombia, 3
Columbus, Ky., 260
Columbus Heights, 261
Condorcanqui, 12
Conflans, 333
Congo River, 468
Constantinople, 382
Contreras, 99
Corinth (Gr.), 17; (Am.), 278
Cornwallis, port of, 19
Cossacks, the Yaik or Ural, 366; irreg. troops, their organization, etc., 386
Courcelles, 328
Cox Road, 292
Cradoch, Col., 40
Cress Ridge, 257
Culpepper, 231
Culp's Hill, 238
Curayaco, 443
Cushing, Caleb, 227
Custozza, 197
Cuzco, 15
Czernitz, 34
Daigny, 345, 356
Danube River, 49
Danville, 300
Darfur, 454
Davis, Jefferson, 289
Delhi, 155
Des Arc, 268
Des Carrières, 332
Devil's Den, 246
Dilkusha Park, 168
Dinwiddie C.-H., 292
Djizzak. 372
Dockyard Creek, 139
Dohalicha, 314
Dohelnitz, 314
Dombasle, 329
Donchery, 348, 357
Doncourt, 336
Donelson, 261
Donghil-Tepe, 428
Dongola, 454, 471
Donoobu, 23
Douz-Aloum, 423
Douzay, 354
Dover, 236
Dranesville, 236
Drewry's Bluff, 226
Dub, 314
Duem, 459
Duval's Bluff, 268
Dwárah, 125
Eads, James B., 212
East India Company, 165, 176
Edwards Station, 276
Einville, 329
Eleusis, priests of, 32
Elgin, Lord, 66
El Mahdi, 454, 468
El Obeid, 455
El Peñon, 99
Elyas, 455
Emmettsburg, 236
Esenta, 201
Eupatoria, 134
Exmouth, Lord, 66
Fairfax Court-House, 234
Farmville, 301
Fashoda, 454
Fayetteville, 236
Fellaheen, 457
Feragh Pasha, 476
Fitz-Roy, Lieut., 42, 44
Five Forks, 296
Ferozepore, 121
Fleetwood Hill, 232
Floing, 345, 357
Forbach, 327
Ford Road, 298
Fontana, 201
Foochow, 89
Francheval, 356
Franklin's Crossing, 232
Fredericksburg, 231
Frizzelburg, 238
Fulton, Robert, 211
Futtyghvr, 159
Gadkul Wells, 471
Gaeta, 209
Galatz, 49, 387
Ganges River, 165
Gitschin, 309
Giudizzolo, 207
Givonne, 345, 356; Fonde de, 359
Gnachus, the, of South America, 386
Gobi Desert, 180
Goffredo Castel, 202
Goito, 197
Goliad, 92
Gravelly Church, 298
Gregory, Patriarch of Constantinople, 35; Patriarch of Adrianople, 36
Grenada, 264
Grivizza Heights, 390
Gros, Baron, 178
Guamanga, 12
Guano deposits in Chili, 431
Gubat, 475
Guirgevo, 387
Habonville, 337
Hagerstown, 235
Haines' Bluff, 264
Hampton Roads, 219
Hanover, 236
Hankinson's Ferry, 276
Hard Times, 274
Hariwald, 126
Harper's Ferry, 234
Harrisburg, 234
Hasheen Wells, 472
Hatcher's Run, 292
Havelock, Gen., 160; his march to Cawnpore, 160; entry, 164; his death, 166
Haymarket, 235
Hazar-Asp fort, 378; gate, 378
Heidlersburg Road, 241
Henning, 329
Henry, Cape, 219; fort, 261
Hetaira, the, 31
Hindman Fort, 267
Hlaing, 23
Hoehnewasser, 309
Holly Springs, 264
Holstein, 308
Hong Kong, 178
Horrmuck, 126
Horwitz, 310
Hunterstown, 253
Hydra Island, 31
Ibrahim Bey, 476
Igdy Wells, 421
Illy River, 345, 358
Imambara River, 168
Indus River, 118
Inkerman, 136
Ipsara Island, 31
Ipsilanti, Prince Alex, of, 24
Iquique, 441
Irrawaddy River, 19
Islay, 441
"Italia irridenta," 209
Jackson, 276
James River, 226, 292
Jebel River, 457
Jerusalem plank road, 298
Jetersville, 301
Jhelum River (Ind.), 118
Kaisar Bagh Palace, 167, 175
Kalas, 425
Kalrā, 125
Kamtjik, 61
Kara Kum Desert, 424
Kashar, 26
Kassala, 468
Kawa, 458
Kayuk (boat), 375
Kazala, 372
Kâzelah Stream, 125
Khala-Ata, 372, 373
Kirghese, the, their location, country, and characteristics. 415, 416
Khiva, location, 366; advance of, Russians, 370; slave-market, 416
Khodshom-Kala, 423
Khoree Pass, 130
Kinderley Bay, 368
Kizil-Arvat, 421
Knoxville, 292
Kokan, 417
Kommenitz, 310
Kopet-Dag Hills, 424
Kordofan, 454
Korka, 454
Korniloff bastion, 146
Korti, 471
Kouleftscha, 55
Kowloon, 196
Krasnovodsk, 420, 425
Krishin heights, 401
Kuldja, 422
Kuna-Urgench, 367
Kungrad, 369, 378
Kusgan, 52
Kymyindaing, 20
La Chesse, 346
Lago Garda, 203
La Guayra, 2
Lahore, 118
La Hoya, 98
La Rulle, 354
La Serna, Viceroy, 14
Leesburg, 234
Leipsic plateau, 334
"Leopard" 464
Liebenau, 309
Liefkenshoek Fort, 34
Lieven, Prince, 38
Lillo Fort, 84
Lima, 7, 9
Lincoln assassinated, 289
Liniers, Viceroy, 3
"Lion," 124
Lipa, 314
Loftcha forts, 399
Lom River, 408
Lynchburg, 300
MacAllister Hills, 254
Machi Bawan, 172
Madiffa River, 70
Magenta, 197
Mahone Fort, 298
Mairy, 350
Manassas, 232
Manchester, 243
Mantua, 203
Marabieh, 454
Marie-aux-Chenes, 337
Marne River, 328
Mars-la-Tour, 328
Martaban, 23
Martinière, la, 167
Maryland, 233
Maypu, plains of, 7
McPherson's wood, 241
Medola, 201
Meerut, 155
Mejillones, 436
Mendoza, 6
Memphis, 261
Mergui, 23
Metz, 328
Meurthe River, 329
Meuse River, 344
Middleburg, 234
Miletin, 310
Millerstown Road, 251
Milliken's Bend, 267
Milowitz, 310
Mincio River, 200
Missolonghi, 37
Mixcoac, 102
Mobile, 290
Mockrowens, 313
Modon, 46
Molino del Rey, its strength, 102; storming of, 104; fall of, 107
Molodyetz (good-fellows, Russ.), 427
Moncelle, 344, 350
Montebello, 97
Monterey, 114
Monte Sacre, 204
Monteville, 355
Montichiero, 203
Montigny-la-Grange, 332, 337
Moodkee, 121
Mooltan, 118
Morales, Hacienda, 107
Morro Solar, 444
Moscow plateau (Metz), 334
Moselle River, 329
Mouzon, 346
Mummatburg Road, 241
Munnipore, 18
Munchengratz, 309
Myedee, 24
Nancy, 329
Nankin, 89, 177
Nesselrode, Count, 35, 38
New Carthage, 270
New Orleans, 260, 262
Newport News, 220
Nicolaieff, 146
Nicopolis, 389
Nile River, 452
Ningpo, 89
Nizam, the, 387
Novara, 197
Nubia, 452
Nueces, Las, 94
Number Ten Island, 261
Oak Hill, 238; Ridge, 239
O'Donovan, Edmund, 462
Union.—Ayres, 246, 295; Banks, 267; Barlow, 241; Barnes, 249; Bartlett, 250; Baxter, 240; Biddle, 240; Biglow, 249; Birney, 243; Blair, 278; Boomer, 282; Brook, 249; Buell, 261; Buford, 232; Burbank, 249; Burbridge, 285; Burling, 250; Butler, 261; Caldwell, 246; Candy, 250; Carr, 279; Carroll, 253; Chamberlain, Col., 249; Churchill, Gen., 267; Clark, 249; Crawford, 249, 295; Crocker, 279; Cross, 249; Cushing, 256; Custer, 299; Cutler, 240; Davis, 256, 296; Day, 249; Devin, 296; Dole, 241; Doubleday, 239; Duffie. Col., 234; Eustis, Gen., 256; Farnsworth, 254; Geary, 246, 253; Gibbon, 246; von Gilsa, 241; Graham, 243, 248; Grant, 261; Green, 251; Gregg, 232, 253; Griffin, 295; Hall, 256; Halleck, 278; Hancock, 243; Harrow, 256; Hay, 250; Herron, F. J., 287; Hazlett, 248; Hooker, 231; Hovey, 264; Howe, 232; Howard, 239, 240, 253; Humphreys, 246, 294; Jones, 252; Kane, 256; Kelly, 249; Kilpatrick, 232, 234; Lawler, 281; Lockwood, 250; Logan, 261; Lyon, 261; McCandless, 249; McClernand, 267; McGilvery, 250; McKenzie, 297; McPherson, 275; McReynolds, 233; Meade, 232, 294; Meagher, 249; Meredith, 239; Merritt, 296; Milroy, 233; Morgan, 264; Neill, 253; Nevin, 250; Ord, 299; O'Rorke, 248; Osterhaus, 280; Perry, 253; Pleasanton, 232; Pope, 261; Prentiss, 261; Robinson, 239, 253; Rosecrans, 259; Rowley, 239; Ruger, 254; Schurz, 240; Schimmelpfennig, 240; Seymour, Col., 298; Shaler, Gen., 253; Sheridan, 292; Sickles, 243; Slocum, 246; Smith, J. A., 282; Stannard, 253; Steele, 278; Von Steinwehr, 243; Stone, 240; Stoneman, 292; Sweitzer, 246; Sykes, 246; Thayer, 266; Tilton, 247; de Trobriand, 246; Vincent, Col., 248; Ward, Gen., 243, 246; Warren, 246, 294; Washburne, 264; Webb, 251, 256; Weed, 246; Weitzel, 299; Willard, 250; Williams, 249, 267; Wilson, 293; Winslow, 248; Zook, 249
In Mexico.—Armstrong, Capt., 108; Chase, 110; Childs, Col., 98; Clarke, Gen., 108; Duncan, Col., 106; Dunn, Capt., 114; Fannin, Col., 92; Garland, Gen., 102; Hooker, 110; Howard, Capt., 111; Johnston, Lt.-Col., 110; McIntosh, 104; McKenzie, 111; Pillow, 98; Quitman, 98; Ransom, Col., 92; Rogers, Lt., 111; Scott, Martin, Lt.-Col., 106; Scott, Winfield, 91; Selden, Lt., 111; Seymour, Maj., 113; Smith, Lt., 111; Smith, Persifer, 99; Sumner, Maj., 107; Taylor, Zachary, 94; Travis, Capt., 92; Twiggs, 98; Waite, Maj., 106; Worth, 98; Wright, Maj., 102
English.—Banks, Maj., 164; Brasyer, 172; Campbell, Col., 128; Campbell, Sir Arch., 19; Campbell, Sir Colin, 165; Clive, Lord, 154; Cotton, Willoughby, 23; Douglas, Capt., 128; Dundas, 124; Earle, Gen., 471; Farquhar, Maj., 457; Franks, Brig.-Gen., 169; Gilbert, Capt., 124; Gordon, Chas. G., 468; Gough, Lord, 128; Havelock, Gen., 160; Hicks, Col., 457; Hope, 172; Inglis, Maj., 164; Malleson, Col., 124; Outram, Sir James, 165; Simpson, Gen., 146; Stuart, Herbert, 471; Walpole, 170; Wheeler, Sir Hugh, 156; Whish, Capt., 124; Wilson, Sir A., 169; Wilson, Sir Charles, Col., 475; Windham, 166; Wolseley, Lord, 470; Wood, Col., 169
French.—Auger, 208; Baraguey d'Hilliers, 201; Bazaine, Marshal, 202, 328; Berthezone, 71; Bourbaki, 328; Bourmont, 70; Canrobert. Marshal, 202, 328; Decaen, 206; Dieu, Gen., 208; Douay, Felix, 208, 327; Ducrot, 350; Failly, 328; Forey, 204; Frossard, 328; Gérard, 78; L'Admirault, 208, 328; La Motte-Rouge, 206; L'Artignes, 355; Lovedo, 71; Luy, 202; MacMahon, Marshal, 203, 344; Maneque, 202; Niel, 202; Noël, 206; Pelissier, Marshal, 145; Trochu, 207; Wimpffen, de, 206, 350
German.—Crown Prince of Prussia, 309, 327, 344; Crown Prince of Saxony, 348; King William of Prussia, 313, 327, 349; Prince Frederick Charles, 309, 327; Prince Franseky, 312; Herwarth von Bittenfeld, 309; Von Moltke, 327, 349; Von Rhetz, 319; Von Steinmetz, 327; Von der Tann, 351; Zastrow, 337
Austrian.—Archduke Albrecht, 309; Benedek, F. Marshal, 203, 309; Stick, Gen., 204
Italian.—Della Marmora, 145; Mollard, 203
Dutch.—Chassé, Gen., 78; Morré, Capt., 83
Russian.—Berg, 37; Diebistch, 49; Gaidaroff, 427; Gourko, 389; Grand Duke Nicholas, 368; Grodekoff, 421; Imeretinsky, 399; Kaufmann, 367; Koselkoff, 425; Krassowsky, 55, 56, 59; Krudener,
Baron, 389; Kryloff, 400; Kuropatkin, 422; Lazareff, 294, 422; Lomakin, 422; Loris Melikoff, 430; Markusoff, 368, 421; Paskievitch, 49; Perovsky, 367; Petrussovitch, 422; Radetsky, 412; Ross, 60; Roth, 50; Rudiger, 61; Samur, 428; Schilder-Schuldner, 390; Shahofskoy, Prince, 395; Skobeleff, Col., 379, 393, 421; Skobeleff, Gen., 393; Stolietoff, 421; Tergukasoff, 422; Verevkin, 368; Zimmermann, 388; Zotoff, 399
Roumania.—Charles, Prince, 399
South American and Mexican.—Alvarez, 102; Barragan, 107; Caceres, 446; Canterac, 13; Cordova, 12; Davila, 446; Echeagaraz, 104; Iglesias, 446; Lagos, 445; La Mar, 12; Lara, 12; La Serna (Viceroy) 14; Liniers, 3; Lynch, 445; Martinez, Col., 445; Miller, 12; Monet, 13; Morales, 96; Olaneta, 13; Perez, 107; Pierola, 442; Rincon, 100; Rodel, 15; Santa Anna, 92; San Martin, 6; Sotomayor, 445; Suarez, 446; Sucre, 9; Torres, 113; Valdez, 13; Villalobolos, 13; Valencia, 99
Indian.—Bala Ras, 160; Dhuleep Singh, 131; Surajah Dowlah, 154; Nana Sahib, 158; Runjeet Singh, 118; Shere Singh, 124
Turkish.—Abdul Kerim Pasha, 389; Hussein Pasha, 58; Ibrahim Pasha, 38; Mehemet Ali, 398; Mohammed Pasha, 56; Osman Pasha, 390; Redschid Pasha, 38, 58; Suleiman Pasha, 398
Soudanese.—Abd-el-Kader Pasha, 458; Abbas Pasha, 454; Ala-ed-Deen, 456; Arabi Pasha, 455, 466; Baker Pasha (Valentine), 470; El-Mahdi (Moh. Achmet), 454; Faragh Pasha, 476; Ibrahim Bey, 476; Ismail Khedive, 452; Ismail Pasha, 465; Mek Nemr, "the Leopard," 465; Mohammed Ali Pasha, 465; Raouf Pasha, 455; Said Pasha, 354; Suleiman Nyasi, 456; Suleiman Pasha, 459; Tahier Bey, 459; Zubair Pasha, 469; Yussuf Pasha, 455
Burmese.—Maha Bandula, 18
Khivan.—Said Emir Ul-Umer, 378
Turcoman Chiefs.—Tekme Sarda, 425; Makdum Kali, 428
Algerine.—Aga Ibrahim, 69; Ahmed, Bey of Constantine, 71; Beys of Oran and Tittery, 69; Hussein Pasha, Dey, 68
Ohio River, 260
Omdurman, 473
Orenburg, 367, 415, 417
Ossola, 203
Oude, 155
"Outside Barbarians," 181
Pacocha, 441
Pandu River, 160
Pardubitz, 320
Parga, 33
Pastrenga, 197
Patras, Gulf of, 39
Pechele, Gulf of, 180
Pedregal, the, 99
Pegu, 19, 21
Perote, 98
Peschiera Fortress, 203
Petersburg, 289, 298
Pillow Fort, 262
Pisagua, 441
Pisco, 443
Pittsburg Landing, 262
Plappeville, 331
Plateau d'Algérie, 357
Podall, 309
Point de Jour, 331
Polar Star, 279
Pont-a-Mousson, 331
Poolesville, 235
Porte, the, 33, 34, 35, 48, 133, 383
Port Hudson, 287
Port Said, 467
Porze, 328
Potomac River, 233, 234, 290
Poutiatine, Count, 180
Power Hills, 254
Pozzolengo, 201
Pravadi Fort, 58
Pristan, 310
Providence Lake, 269
Psauch, 312
Puebla, 98
Pugan, 26
Punjaub, the, 40
Quinua, 12
Quito, 4
Radischevo, 401
Radisova, 394
Rahad, 461
Rangoon, 19
Rappahannock River, 232
Rassova, 52
Ravee River, 118
Razghib, 462
Rio Grande, 94
Rivoltella, 201, 203
Rock Creek Stream, 238
Rockville, 236
Romilly, 334, 351
Roncourt, 338
Round Top Hill, 238; Round Tops, 246
Rustchuck, 388
Ryogos, 45
Sadowa (see Königgrätz), 320; Sadowa Wood, 314
Sailor's Creek, 301
Salwan River, 26
Samarcand, 417
Samos, 17
Sarakhna, 460
Sarakhs, 429
Sarawa, 23
Savannah, 290
Schatt, 459
Scheldt River, 78
Scinde, 89
Scio, 31
Sempolatinsk, 417
Sennaar, 452
Sewall's Point, 225
Shebacat Wells, 475
Sheik-arik, 376
Shenandoah Valley, 231, 292; Shenandoah River, 231, 292
Shendy, 464
Shiloh, 264
Shipka Pass, 399
American.—Antelope, 182; Arkansas, ram, 263; City of Vicksburg, 269; Congress, 220; Cumberland, 220; Merrimac, 214; Minnesota, 182, 220; Monitor, Roanoke, 220; St. Lawrence, 220
Chilian.—Almirante Cochrane, 434; Blanco Encalada, 434
English.—Albion, 182; Asia, 39; Brisk, Bustard, Calcutta, 182; Cambrian, Cormorant, Coromandel, 182; Dartmouth, 40; Fury, 18; Genoa, 40; Glasgow, 40; Larne, Leven, 182; Liffey, 19; Mosquito, 40; Nimrod, 182; Opossum, 182; Philomel, 40; Pigul, 182; Rose, 40; Sophia, 19; Slaney, 19; Staunch, 182; Surprise, 182; Talbot, 40
French.—Aleyone, 41; Armide, Avalanche, 184; Breslau, 40; Daphne, 40; Dragonne, 182; Fridens, 40; Fusee, 182; Scipion, 40; Siréne, 40
Peruvian. —Huascar(turret), 434; Independencia, 434; O'Higgins, 436
Russian.—Alexander, Asoff, Castor, Constantine, Exekiel, Hanhoudd, Helena, Provounoy, 41
Turkish.—Capitan Bey, Moharem Bey, 42
Aguirre, Admiral, 438; Buchanan, Admiral, 214, 220; Codrington, Admiral, 39; Duperré, Admiral, 69; Carbajal, Capt., 438; Grant, Commodore, 19; Heiden, Admiral, 39; Hope, Admiral, 190; Greene, S. D., Lt., 218; Grau, Admiral, 436; Jones, Catesby, Lt., 215; Latorre, Capt., 437; de Rigny, Admiral, 39; Worden, John L., Lt., 218; comparison between ironclads and wooden ships, 228; construction of floating batteries, 211; "the wooden walls," 210
Siazeray, 330
Sidi-Ferruch, 69
Sikander Bagh, 173
Sinkat, 407
Sinope, 134
Slobodka (Russian, poor suburb), 139
Sobraon 122
Spicheren, 328
Stewart, Col., 469
Stonne, 246
Stony Creek, 295
Streselitz, 320
Suakim, 464, 477
Sumbora River, 423
Surajah Dowlah, 154
Susquehanna River, 236
Sutlej River, 118
Syr Daria River, 368
Systemenoi, the (Bachelors), 32
Tacna, 440
Tacubaya, 112
Takoo, 181
Talcahuano, 7
Tallahatchie River, 264
Taneytown, 237
Tang-Tin-Siang, 182
Tara Kothi, 174
Tarapaca, 432, 446
Tashkend, 422
Tavoy, 24
Tchesmé, Bay of, 32
Tchikishlar, 423
Tebes, 446
Teheran, 417
Tejend River, 429
Tekkes, the, 421; their kibitkas and strength, 424; their characteristics, 424; their change, 429
"Temple of the Earth," 194
Tenasserim, 23
Tennessee, 291
Texas, 91
Thionville Fortress, 328
Thornton's Gap, 233
Ticino River, 198
Tien-Tsin, treaty of, 190
Timby, Theodore R., 227
Tirnova, 386
Tocapilla, 432
Tokar, 470
Toledo bastion, 84
Torpedoes, 387, 438
Toul, fortress, 329
Toulon, 68
Transparent Blue Button, the, 181
Trautenau, 309
Tripolitza, 38
Trostle House, 250
Trouville, 333
Tullohoma, 275
Tungchow, 191
Turnau, 309
Union, 343
Upperville, 234
Ural Mountains, 365
Vadelincourt, 346
Varna Fortress, 58
Venloo, 87
Verdun, 329, 333
Vermilion pencil (Emp. of China), 180
Verneville, 334
Versailles, 362
Vicksburg, 259, 261
Victoria-Nyanza Lake, 454
Vid River, 389
Villafranca, treaty of, 208
Villers Cernay, 356
Vionville, 328
Visano, 202
Vitry, 345
Vizetelly, Frank, 462
Vladimiruko, Theodore, 34
Volta, 200, 201
Walnut Hills, 281
Warfield Ridge, 247, 254
Warrenton, 232
Wattington, 25
Westminister, 243
White Oak, 295
Wilhelmshöhe, 362
Williamsport, 234
Willoughby Run Stream, 238
Wilmington, 290
Winchester, 234
Windham, General, 166
Wissenburg, 327
Woerth, 327
Wolf's Hill, 243
Xochimilco Lake, 98
Yandabo, 26
Yanghi-Kala River, 425
Yantra River, 389
Yazoo City, 261
Yazoo River, 261
Yellow Sea, 180
Yeni Zagra, 398
Yermak, Cossack chief, 365
Ylo, 441
Young's Point, 261
Yuen-Min-Yuen, 173
Yuh, Prime-Minister, 180
Yussuf Pasha, 456
Zareba, 473, 475
Zeigler's grove, 244
Zeraig, 460
Zubair Pasha, 469
- ↑ Where a name occurs many times only the first reference is given.