Demise of the Crown Act 1702

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Demise of the Crown Act 1702 (1702)

The Demise of the Crown Act 1702 is an Act of the Parliament of England. It is partly still in force. It abolished the rule that all legal proceedings automatically came to an end on the death of the monarch.

2894071Demise of the Crown Act 17021702

1702 CHAPTER 2 1 Ann
An Act for explaining a Clause in an Act made at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the Two and twentieth of November in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King William the Third intituled An Act for the better Security of His Majesties Royal Person and Government
Recital of Stat.7 & 8 W.III. c. 27. § 20.
Whereas by an Act of Parliament made at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the Two and twentieth Day of November in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Third intituled An Act for the better Security of His Majesties Royal Person and Government It was among other Things enacted That no Commission either Civil or Military should cease determine or be void by reason of the Death or Demise of His said Majesty or of any of His Heirs or Successors Kings or Queens of this Realm but that every such Commission should be continue and remain in full force and vertue for the space of Six Months next after any such Death or Demise unless in the mean time superseded determined or made void by the next and immediate Successor to whom the Imperial Crown of this Realm according to the Act of Settlement in the same recited Act mentioned is limited and appointed to go remain or descend And forasmuch as some Doubt may be concieved concerning the extent of that Clause therefore for the avoiding of any Dispute or Question that may arise concerning the Construction thereof.
IV The like Enactment as to Writs and Proceedings in Time to come.
No Writ Plea or Process or any other Proceeding upon any Indictment or Information for any Offence or Misdemeanor or any Writ Process or Proceeding for any Debt or Account that shall be due or to be made to Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors for or concerning any Lands Tenements or other Revenue that shall belong to Her or Them that shall be depending at the Time of Her Majesties Demise (whom God long preserve) or of any of Her Heirs or Successors shall be discontinued or put without Day by reason of Her or any of Their Deaths or Demises but shall continue and remain in full Force and Virtue to be proceeded upon notwithstanding any such Death or Demise
X1This Act and the said Stat. 7 & 8 W. III. c.27. extended to Ireland, &c. All and singular the Provisions Matters Clauses and Things whatsoever contained in this Act . . . F1 shall extend and be construed to extend to the Kingdom of Ireland to the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey and to all Her Majesties Dominions in America and elcewhere

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