Democracy in America (Reeve)/Advertisement (Publisher)
In issuing this complete edition of M. de
Tocqueville's Democracy in America, the Publisher avails
himself of the opportunity to state the advantages
which the present possesses over previous editions of
the work. Besides incorporating the additional notes
and emendations contained in the recent Paris edition,
it includes an original and copious analytical Index.
The sale of six large impressions of the first portion
of the work in this country, and a much larger
circulation of it in England and France, sufficiently attest
the high estimation with which it has been regarded.
The entire work is now stereotyped, having been
carefully collated, and passed under a thorough revision,
with a view of rendering it as perfect as possible, and
more befitting its character as the standard philosophical
work on the genius of democracy, and for, what it
is believed it will speedily become, a text-book of the
schools, and a classic of the age.
This edition is complete in one large volume, and reduced one-third in price.