Department Executive Order No. 8 (1917)
No. 8 |
Pursuant to the provisions of section 2616 of the Administrative Code, and upon the recommendation of the Provincial Governor of Davao, the territory in the Province of Davao, not included in any of the municipalities therein existing, is hereby organized into eight municipal districts constituted as follows, Executive Order No. 28, series of 1914, being hereby repealed:
1. The Municipal District of Guiañga shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at a point due west of Bureau of Lands, municipal boundary monument at the intersection of the provincial road and the Inuayan River; at the meridian 125° 28′ 30″ east of Greenwich; thence due north following said meridian to its intersection with latitude 7° 05′ north; thence due east following said parallel to its intersection with the meridian 125° 33′ east of Greenwich; thence due north following said meridian to its intersection with latitude 7° 40′ north; thence due west along said latitude to its intersection with the provincial boundary line of the Province of Davao and Cotabato; thence in a southeasterly direction along said provincial boundary line to a point at the junction of the same with the northern boundary line of the Municipality of Santa Cruz; thence in a general easterly direction to the point of beginning at a point due west of Bureau of Lands’ municipal boundary monument at the intersection of the provincial road and the Inuayan River at the meridian 125° 28′ 30″ east of Greenwich.
The Municipal District of Guiañga shall consist of the seven barrios of Guiañga, Biao, Margos, Taglun-o, Tagapan, Duyan and Bayabas.
2. The Municipal District of Malita shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at a point on the Gulf of Davao at the point Sibalatan; thence in a straight line following the southern boundary line of the Municipality of Santa Cruz to Mt. Magolo on the provincial boundary line of the Provinces of Davao and Cotabato; thence in a meandering, southerly direction along said provincial boundary
line to its termination at the Sarangani Straits; thence along the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, in a meandering, northerly course to the point of beginning at the point Sibalatan on the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, and including the Saragani Islands.
The Municipal District of Malita shall consist of the seven barrios of Malita, Lais, Sarangani, Butulan, Lawayan, Kalian and Lakaran.
3. The Municipal District of Monkayo shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Municipality of Cateel, on the eighth parallel of north latitude, thence in a southerly course, along the western boundary lines of the Municipalities of Cateel, Baganga, Caraga, and Manay to Mt. Tagopo; thence along the crest of the range of mountains forming the western watershed of the headwaters of the Agusan River, in a general direction approximating N. 45° W., to the range of hills forming the watershed and dividing line between the Hijo and Agusan Rivers; thence along the crest of said watershed, in a general direction approximating N. 10° W., to the eighth parallel; thence along said eighth parallel N. 90° E. to the point of beginning.
The Municipal District of Monkayo shall consist of the eight barrios of Monkayo, Agamitan, Inugtan, Babag, Compostela, Maa, Cateel and
4. The Municipal District of Pantukan shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at the center line of the outlet, on the Gulf of Davao, of the Kuabo River; thence due east along the northern boundary line of the Municipal District of Sigaboy to the western boundary of the Municipality of Mati; thence in a northerly direction along the western boundary lines of the Municipalities of Mati and Manay to Mt. Tagopo; thence in a northwesterly direction, along the western boundary line of the Municipal District of Monkayo, to the
southern boundary of the Municipal District of Tagum; thence due west, along the southern boundary line of the Municipal District of Tagum, to the Gulf of Davao; thence in a southerly direction along the shore line of the Gulf of Davao, to the point of beginning, at the outlet of the Kuabo River. Including the Island of Kopia.
The Municipal District of Pantukan shall consist of the six barrios of Pantukan, Matiao, Piso, Pendisaan, Tañganan and Sumlug.
5. The Municipal District of Samal shall consist of the Island of Samal, the Island of Talikud, and the Liggett Islands.
The Municipal District of Samal shall consist of the eight barrios of Sama!, Peñaplata, San José, Kaputian, Lisub, Tagpupuñgan, Libuak
and Babak.
6. The Municipal District of Saug shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at a point on the northwestern corner of the Municipal District of Monkayo on the eighth parallel of north latitude; thence due west along the said parallel of north latitude to its intersection with the provincial boundary line of the Provinces of Davao and Bukidnon, approximately 125° 19′ of longitude east of Greenwich; thence in a southwesterly direction following the said provincial boundary line of the Provinces of Davao and Bukidnon to its intersection with the provincial boundary line of the Provinces of Davao and Cotabato; thence in a southwesterly direction along said provincial boundary of the Provinces of Davao and Cotabato to its intersection with 7° 40′ of parallel of north latitude; thence due east to the intersection of this parallel of north latitude with the meridian of longitude 125° 42′ 30″ east of Greenwich; thence due south following this meridian of longitude to its intersection with parallel of latitude 7° 30′ north; thence southeast to the intersection of meridian of longitude 125° 45′ east with parallel of north latitude 7° 25′ 30″; thence due east to its intersection with the western boundary line of the Municipal District of Monkayo; thence in a northerly direction to the point of beginning on the northwestern corner of the municipal district of Monkayo on the eighth parallel of north latitude.
The Municipal District of Saug shall consist of the eight barrios of Saug, Kabanogoy, Limban, Mapuñgas, Kamansa, Makgum, Kanatan and Buan.
7. The Municipal District of Sigaboy shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at the center line of the outlet, on the Gulf of Davao of the Kuabo River; thence due east to the crest of the range of mountains forming the watershed and likewise the Western boundary line of the municipality of Mati; thence south in a meandering course along said boundary line of the Municipality of Mati to point San Agustin; thence along the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, in a meandering northwesterly course, to the point of beginning.
The Municipal District of Sigaboy shall consist of the five barrios of Sigaboy, Tiblawan, Luzon, La Union and Surup.
8. The Municipal District of Tagum shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at Bureau of Lands’ monument at the mouth of the Lasañg River at the junction of the same with the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, approximately 7° 15′ of north latitude; thence northeast in a meandering direction following the coast line to the mouth of the Hijo River; thence southeast in a meandering direction
following the coast line to the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Pantukan; thence in an easterly direction to the intersection
with the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Pantukan and the western boundary line of the Municipal District of Monkayo; thence
north following the western boundary line of the said Municipal District of Monkayo to the intersection with parallel 7° 27′ 30″ of north latitude; thence due west along said parallel to a point at the intersection of latitude 7° 27′ 30″ north with longitude 125° 45′ east of Greenwich; thence northwesterly direction to a point at the intersection of latitude 7° 30′ north longitude with 125° 42′ 30″ east of Greenwich; thence due north following said meridian to its intersection with latitude 7° 40′ north; thence due west along said parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 125° 33′ east of Greenwich; thence due south along said meridian of longitude to parallel of latitude 7° 15′ north; thence due east along said parallel of latitude to the point of beginning at the mouth of the Lasañg River, on the coast line of the Gulf of Davao.
The Municipal District of Tagum shall consist of the nine barrios of Tagum, Tuganay, Madaum, Hijo, Libaganon, Lawaan, La Paz, Pagsabañgan, and Lasañg.
The form of government of such municipal districts shall be that prescribed in Executive Order Numbered Ten, series of Nineteen hundred and fourteen, as amended by Executive Order Numbered Two, series of Nineteen hundred and sixteen.
The above changes in the political subdivisions of the Municipal Districts of the Province of Davao shall take effect as of January 1, 1917.