Department of Defense and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States Act, 2002/Division B/Chapter 4

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Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Protective Clothing and Breathing Apparatus
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for protective clothing and breathing apparatus, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, $7,144,000, of which $922,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $4,269,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $1,500,000 is for the Department of Health, and $453,000 is for the Department of Public Works.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Specialized Hazardous Materials Equipment
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for specialized hazardous materials equipment, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, $1,032,000, for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Chemical and Biological Weapons Preparedness
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for chemical and biological weapons preparedness, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, $10,355,000, of which $205,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $258,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, and $9,892,000 is for the Department of Health.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Pharmaceuticals for Responders
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for pharmaceuticals for responders, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, $2,100,000, for the Department of Health.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Response and Communications Capability
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for response and communications capability, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, $14,960,000, of which $7,755,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $5,855,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $113,000 is for the Department of Public Works Division of Transportation, $58,000 is for the Office of Property Management, $60,000 is for the Department of Public Works, $750,000 is for the Department of Health, $309,000 is for the Department of Human Services, and $60,000 is for the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Search, Rescue and Other Emergency Equipment and Support
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, for search, rescue and other emergency equipment and support, $8,850,000, of which $5,442,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $208,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $398,500 is for the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, $1,178,500 is for the Department of Public Works, $542,000 is for the Department of Human Services, and $1,081,000 is for the Department of Mental Health.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Equipment, Supplies and Vehicles for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, for equipment, supplies and vehicles for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, $1,780,000.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Hospital Containment Facilities for the Department of Health
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, for hospital containment facilities for the Department of Health, $8,000,000.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for the Office of the Chief Technology Officer
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, for the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, $45,494,000, for a first response land-line and wireless interoperability project, of which $1,000,000 shall be used to initiate a comprehensive review, by a non-vendor contractor, of the District's current technology-based systems and to develop a plan for integrating the communications systems of the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police and Fire and Emergency Medical Services Departments with the systems of local, regional and Federal law enforcement agencies, including but not limited to the United States Capitol Police, United States Park Police, United States Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Protective Service, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police: Provided, That such plan shall be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives no later than June 15, 2002.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Emergency Traffic Management
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, for emergency traffic management, $20,700,000, for the Department of Public Works Division of Transportation, of which $14,000,000 is to upgrade traffic light controllers, $4,700,000 is to establish a video traffic monitoring system, and $2,000,000 is to disseminate traffic information.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Training and Planning
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, for training and planning, $9,949,000, of which $4,400,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $990,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $1,200,000 is for the Department of Health, $200,000 is for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, $500,000 is for the Office of Property Management, $500,000 is for the Department of Mental Health, $469,000 is for the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, $240,000 is for the Department of Public Works, $600,000 is for the Department of Human Services, $100,000 is for the Department of Parks and Recreation, and $750,000 is for the Division of Transportation.
Federal Payment to the District of Columbia for Increased Facility Security
For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, for increased facility security, $25,536,000, of which $3,900,000 is for the Emergency Management Agency, $14,575,000 is for the public schools, and $7,061,000 is for the Office of Property Management.
Federal Payment to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
For a Federal payment to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to meet region-wide security requirements, a contribution of $39,100,000, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, of which $5,000,000 shall be used for protective clothing and breathing apparatus, $2,200,000 shall be for completion of the fiber optic network project, $15,000,000 shall be for a chemical emergency sensor program, and $16,900,000 shall be for increased employee and facility security.
Federal Payment to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
For a Federal payment to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to enhance regional emergency preparedness, coordination and response, $5,000,000, to be obligated from amounts made available in Public Law 107-38 and to remain available until September 30, 2003, of which $1,500,000 shall be used to contribute to the development of a comprehensive regional emergency preparedness, coordination and response plan, $500,000 shall be used to develop a critical infrastructure threat assessment model, $500,000 shall be used to develop and implement a regional communications plan, and $2,500,000 shall be used to develop protocols and procedures for training and outreach exercises.

Division of Expenses
The following amounts are appropriated for the District of Columbia for the current fiscal year out of the general fund of the District of Columbia and shall remain available until September 30, 2003.
For Protective Clothing and Breathing Apparatus, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $7,144,000, of which $922,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $4,269,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $1,500,000 is for the Department of Health, and $453,000 is for the Department of Public Works.
For Specialized Hazardous Materials Equipment, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $1,032,000, for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department.
For Chemical and Biological Weapons Preparedness, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $10,355,000, of which $205,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $258,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, and $9,892,000 is for the Department of Health.
For Pharmaceuticals for Responders, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $2,100,000, for the Department of Health.
For Response and Communications capability, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $14,960,000, of which $7,755,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $5,855,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $113,000 is for the Department of Public Works Division of Transportation, $58,000 is for the Office of Property Management, $60,000 is for the Department of Public Works, $750,000 is for the Department of Health, $309,000 is for the Department of Human Services, and $60,000 is for the Department of Parks and Recreation.
For search, rescue and other emergency equipment and support, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $8,850,000, of which $5,442,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $208,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $398,500 is for the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, $1,178,500 is for the Department of Public Works, $542,000 is for the Department of Human Services, and $1,081,000 is for the Department of Mental Health.
For equipment, supplies and vehicles, to remain available until September 30, 2003, for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, $1,780,000.
For hospital containment facilities, to remain available until September 30, 2003, for the Department of Health, $8,000,000.
For the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $45,494,000 is for a first response land-line and wireless interoperability project, of which $1,000,000 shall be used to initiate a comprehensive review by a non-vendor contractor of the District's current technology-based systems and to develop a plan for integrating the communications systems of the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police and Fire and Emergency Medical Services Departments with the systems of local, regional and Federal law enforcement agencies, including, but not limited to the United States Capitol Police, United States Park Police, United States Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Protective Service, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police: Provided, That such plan shall be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives no later than June 15, 2002.
For emergency traffic management, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $20,700,000 is for the Department of Public Works Division of Transportation, of which $14,000,000 is to upgrade traffic light controllers, $4,700,000 is to establish a video traffic monitoring system, and $2,000,000 is to disseminate traffic information.
For training and planning, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $9,949,000, of which $4,400,000 is for the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, $990,000 is for the Metropolitan Police Department, $1,200,000 is for the Department of Health, $200,000 is for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, $500,000 is for the Office of Property Management, $500,000 is for the Department of Mental Health, $469,000 is for the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, $240,000 is for the Department of Public Works, $600,000 is for the Department of Human Services, $100,000 is for the Department of Parks and Recreation, and $750,000 is for the Division of Transportation.
For increased facility security, to remain available until September 30, 2003, $25,536,000, of which $3,900,000 is for the Emergency Management Agency, $14,575,000 for the public schools, and $7,061,000 for the Office of Property Management.



SEC. 401.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia may transfer up to 5 percent of the funds appropriated to the District of Columbia in this chapter between these accounts: Provided, That no such transfer shall take place unless the Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia notifies in writing the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives 30 days in advance of such transfer.

SEC. 402.

The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, the Chief Financial Officer of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority and the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments shall provide quarterly reports to the President and the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the use of the funds under this chapter beginning no later than March 15, 2002.

SEC. 403.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all amounts under this chapter shall be apportioned quarterly by the Office of Management and Budget: Provided, That all such funds shall be made available no later than September 30, 2002.

SEC. 404.

In the Fiscal Year 2002 District of Columbia Appropriations Act under the heading `Administrative Provisions, Payments for Representation of Indigents' under subsection (c), strike all after `March 1, 2002.' through `3600'.'.