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Destitute Persons Act 1846/Section 17

From Wikisource

Recovery of payments in arrear.

17.In case the sum directed to be paid by any order made in pursuance of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be in arrear or unpaid for the space of one calendar month or upwards, it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, on the application of the person entitled to receive the same, by warrant to cause any person making such default to be brought before any two Justices, and if such person shall fail to make payment of such arrears, the amount then due shall be determined by the said Justices and shall be recovered in a summary way: Provided always that if the sum to be paid in pursuance of any such order shall have been allowed by the person entitled to receive the same to be in arrear for more than thirteen weeks without making such application as aforesaid, the person liable to pay the same shall not be compelled to pay more than the amount due for thirteen weeks in discharge of the whole debt, and no warrant

of distress shall be issued for more than the amount of arrears for thirteen weeks' payment in discharge of the whole arrears.

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