Destitute Persons Act 1846/Section 9

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Putative father may make composition.

9.It shall be lawful for the putative father of any illegitimate child, who by virtue of the provisions of this Ordinance shall become liable to contribute towards its support, to pay such a sum of money for that purpose, not less than ten pounds and not more than fifty pounds, in lieu of and as a compensation for such weekly payment as aforesaid as the said Justices shall deem reasonable: Provided always that in case the putative father or the mother as the case may be shall consent to place such child at any school which for the purposes of this present provision may be afforded by the Governor, it shall be lawful for the said Justices to receive from such putative father or the mother, as the case may be, any sum of money which may be sufficient to provide for the maintenance and education of such child therein, although the sum may not amount to the sum of ten pounds. For every sum of money so paid as such composition or as last aforesaid the putative father or the mother as the case may be shall be entitled to a receipt from the person to whom the same shall be paid, and every such payment shall be deemed and taken to be in full satisfaction and discharge of all liability on the part of such father or mother as the case may be for the future maintenance and support of any such child.

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