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Devil Worship (Joseph)/Bibliography

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A manuscript containing the Sacred Book of the Yezidis and their traditions.

Two other manuscripts containing the history of the Yezidis.

Aš-Šahrastani: Kitab Al-Milal wa, n-Niḥal (ed. Wm. Eureton, London, MDCCCXLIII, vol. I, p. 101 seq).

Yasin Al-Ḫatib Al ‘Omari Al-Mauṣili: Al Der al Maknûn fi-l-Miâter Al-Maḍiyat min Al-Ḳerûn, "Šeiḫ ‘Adî."

Mohammed Al-‘Omari Al-Mauṣili: Manhal-al-Uliya wa Masrab ul Asfiya, "Šeiḫ ‘Adi."

Ibn Ḫallikan: Wafaiyat-el-‘Aiyan (Cairo A. H. 1310, A. D. 1894), Vol. I, p. 316.

Fihrist: ed Flügel: The Religion of Ḥauran, p. 190 seq.

Yakout: Lališ. Vol. IV, p. 373.

Abu-l-Ḳasim Ibn Hauḳal: Kitab Al-Masalik Wal-Mamalik (ed. M. J. De Goeje, 1873, Lyden) Hakkari, p. 144.

Anistase: Al-Mašriḳ, vol. II.

Tabari on Sabeans: The Sixth Session of the Oriental Congress. Leide, 1883, pp. 300-340.

p. 214



A manuscript containing an abstract about the History of the Yezidis.



Yezidis Songs and Prayers, in manuscript.



Vital Cunet: Translation of La Turquie d’Asie, Constantinople.

Turkish Reader (Constantinople, A. 13. 1318), Second Part, p. 20 seq.



G. P. Badger: The Nestorians and Their Rituals, Vol. I.

Layard: Nineveh and Its Remains, Vol. II.

Layard: Nineveh and Babylon.

Ainsworth: Travels and Researches in Asia Minor.

H. Southgate: A Tour Through Armenia, Persia, and Mesopotamia, vol. II.

J. B. Fraser: Mesopotamia and Persia.

C. J. Rich: Residence in Kurdistan, Vol. II, 1836.

Fletcher: Notes From Nineveh, 1850.

F. Parrot: Journey to Ararat.

J. S. Buckingham: Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia.

p. 215

F. Millingen: Wild Life Among the Kurds, 1870.

Hormuzd Rassam: Asshur and the Land of Nimrod.

O. H. Parry: Six Months in a Syrian Monastery.

F. D. Greene: The Armenian Crisis in Turkey.

A. V. Williams Jackson: Persia, Past and Present.

A. V. Williams Jackson: J. A. O. S., 25, 178 seq.

A. V. Williams Jackson: The Article, "Yezidis," in New Inter. Enc., vol. 17, p. 939.

Victor Dingelstedt: Scottish Geog. Mag., Vol. z4, p. 295.

Ainsworth: Transactions of the Ethnographical Society, vol. I, 1861.

Forbes: J. R. G. Sc., Vol. LX, p. 409; Account of Yezidis of Jabal Sinjar.

Tylor: Journal of Geographical Society, 1868.

Haxtheusen: Transcaucasia: Account of Yezidis in Russia.

Ainsworth: Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Ch. XXXI.

Transactions of the Syro-Egyptian Society, 1855, the article, "Yezidis."

A. N. Andrus: Missionary Ency. Art. "Yezidis."

The Independent, January 17, 1895.

R. Gottheil: Mandeans in J. U. Cycl.

R. Gottheil: Sabeans in J. U. Cycl.

K. Kessler: Mandeans, Enc. Brit.

E. H. Bunbury: Sabeans, Enc. Brit.

T. P. Hughes: Muslin Sect, in Dict. of Islam.

p. 216



Menant: Les Yezidis.

Niebuhr: Voyage en Arabie, 1776.

Olivier: Voyage dans l’Empire Othoman, T. 2, p. 342.

Ernest Chantre: Le Tour du Monde, de Beyrouth a Tiflis, p. 184.

Nuchel Febore: Theatre de la Turque, Paris, 1682.

Vital Cunet: La Turquie d’Asie, p. 772.

Eugene Bore: Dict. des Religions, T. IV, Yezidis.

Eugene Bore: Correspondence d’Orient, T. I, p. 401; T. II, pp. 188, 272.

Siouffi: Journal Asiatique, 1885, p. 78, and 1882, p. 252.

J. B. Chabot: Journal Asiatique, 1896, p. 100.

M. Tcheraz: Le Museon, T. LX No. 2, p. 194.

M. Garzoni: Sylvestre de Sacy, 1809, pp. 105, 191.

E. Reclus: Nouvelle Geographie, T. LX, p. 432.

Spiro: Bulletin Soc. Neuchatel Geog., Tope 12, p. 275.

Annales des Rois d’Assyria, sall II, No. 39.

Receu du Monde Musulman, August, 1908.



Schwolsohn: Dies Sabien, Vol. II, p. 201.

Hugo Makas: Kurdische Studien, p. 35.

M. Lidzbarski: Z. D. M. G., vol. 51, p. 592.

C. Brockelmann: Z. D. M. G., vol. 55, p. 388.

p. 217

C. Brockelmann: Z. A., Vol. 16, p. 399.

Archie fur Anthropologie, Vol. 27, p. 3-

Das Ausland, 50 Jahrgang, No. 39 und 40 Stutgart 1886, p. 790.



Assemani: Bibliotheca Orientalis, Clementino-Vatican, Vol. III, p. 493.

T. Hyde: Historia Religionis vetrum Persarum, 1760.