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Diary of Joseph Smith, Jr. (1835-1836)

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Joseph Smith Diary (1835–1836)
by Joseph Smith, Jr.

original in Joseph Smith Collection, LDS Church Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah. Published in: Dean Jessee, Personal Writings of Joseph SmithTemplate:Dead link. (Note: insertions are indicated like this and deletions are indicated like this.)

85803Joseph Smith Diary (1835–1836)Joseph Smith, Jr.

/Sketch Book for the use of Joseph Smith, jr.

22 September 1835 • Tuesday


This day Joseph Smith, Jr. labored with Oliver Cowdery, in obtaining and writing blessings. We were thronged a part of the time with company, so that our labor, in this thing, was hindered; but we obtained many precious things, and our souls were blessed. O Lord, may thy Holy Spirit be with thy servants forever. Amen.

23 September 1835 • Wednesday


This day Joseph Smith, Jr. was at home writing blessings for my most beloved Brotheren I have been hindered by a multitude of visitors but the Lord has blessed our Souls this day. May Godd grant to continue his mercies unto my house, this night day for Christ sake. This day my Soul has desired the salvation of Brother Ezra, Thayr [Thayer]. Also Brother Noah, Packard. Came to my house and let the Chappel Committee have one thousand dollers, by loan, for the building the house of the Lord; Oh may God bless him with an hundred fold! even of the things of Earth, for this ritious act. My heart is full of desire to day, to be blessed of the God, of Abraham; with prosperity, untill I will be able to pay all my depts; for it is the delight of my soul to be honest. Oh Lord that thou knowes[t] right well! help me and I will give to the poor.

This day Brothers William, Tibbets John, and Joseph Tibbits [Tippets] Started for Mosoura the place designated for Zion or the Saints gathering they Came to bid us farewell the Brotheren Came in to pray with them and Brother David Whitmer acted as spokesman he prayed in the spirit a glorious time succeded his prayr Joy filled our hearts and we page 1 blessed them and bid them God speed and and promiced them a safe Journy and took them by the hand and bid them farewell for a season Oh! may God grant them long life and good days these blessings I ask upon them for Christ sake Amen

24 September 1835 • Thursday


This day the high Council met at my house to take into conside[r]ation the redeemtion of Zion and it was the voice of the spirit of the Lord that we petition to the Governer that is those who have been driven out should to do so to be set back on their Lands next spring and we go next season to live or dy to this end so the dy is cast in Jackson County we truly had a good time and Covena[n]ted to strugle for this thing u[n]till death shall desolve this union and if one falls that the rest be not dis ha discouraged but pe[r]sue this object untill it is acomplished which may God grant u[n]to us in the name of Christ our Lord

This day drew up an Article of inrollment for the redemtion of Zion that we may obtain volenteers to go me next Spring to Mo - I ask God in the name of Jesus that we may obtain Eight hundred men or one thousand well armed and that they may acomplish this great work even so Amen page 2

/ 25 September 1835 • Friday


This day I remained at home: nothing of note transpired. The twelve all returned from the east to day.

26 September 1835 • Saturday


This evening, the twelve having returned from the east this morning, we met them, and conversed upon some matters of difficulty which ware existing between some of them, and president Rigdon, and all things were settled satisfactorily.

27 September 1835 • Sunday


Attended meeting: brethren, Thomas B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball preached and broke bread. The Lord poured out his Spirit, and my soul was edified.

28 September 1835 • Monday


High council met and tried brother Gladden Bishop: he was reproved, repented, and was reordained. The next was Lorenzo L. Lewis for fornication: he was cut off from the Church.

29 September 1835 • Tuesday


High Council met to-day and tried brother Allen Avery: he was acquited from any charge. Also Brother Phineas H. Young who was also acquited: also bro. Lorenzo Young, who confessed his error and was forgiven. In all these I acted on the part of the defence for the accused to plead for mercy. The Lord blessed my soul, and the council was greatly blessed, also. Much good will no doubt, result from our labors during the two days in which we were occupied on the business of the CCh Church.

30 September 1835 • Wednesday


Stayed at home and visited many who came to enquire after the work of the Lord.

1 October 1835 • Thursday


This after noon labored on the Egyptian alphabet, in company with brsr. O. Cowdery and W. W. Phelps: The system of astronomy was unfolded.

2 October 1835 • Friday


To-day wrote a letter to be published in the Messenger and Advocate. page 3

/ 23 October 1835 • Saturday


held a high council on the case of Elder John Gould for giving credence to false and slanderous reports instigated to Injure bro Sidney Rigdon and also Dean Gould for thretning bro Sidney Rigdon and others in authority of the Elders. after due deliberation the[y] both confessed and wer[e] acquited. In the afternoon waited on the twelve most of them at my house and exhibited to them the ancient reccords in my possession and gave explanation of the same thus the day passed off with the blessings of the Lord

4 October 1835 • Sunday


started early in the morning with brother J. Carrell [John Corrill] to hold a meeting in Perry [Geauga County, Ohio] when about a mile from home we saw two Dears playing in the field which diverted our minds by giving an impatus to our thoughts upon the subject of the creation of God we conversed upon many topicks and the day passed off in a very agreeable manner and the Lord blessed our souls when we arived at Perry we were disappointed of a meeting through misarangements but conversed freely upon with Bro John Correls relatives which allayed much prejudice as we trust may the lord have mercy on their souls

5 October 1835 • Monday


returned home being much fatiegued riding in the rain spent the remainder of the day in reading and meditation &c and page 4 in the evening attend[ed] a high councel of the twelve apostles. had a glorious time and gave them many instruction[s] concerning their duties for time to come. told them that it was the will of God they should take their families to Missouri next season, also attend this fall the solemn assembly of the first Elders for the organization of the school of the prophets, and attend to the ordinence of the washing of feet and to prepare the[i]r hearts in all humility for an endowment with power from on high to which they all agreed with one accord, and seamed to be greatly rejoiced may God spare the lives of the twelve with one accord to a good old age for christ the redeemers sake amen

6 October 1835 • Tuesday


At home father or Elder Stevens came to my house and loaned F G Williams and Co six hundred Dollars which greatly releaved us out of our present difficulties may God bless and preserve his soul for

ever Afternoon called to visit my father who was very sick with a fever some better towards evening spent the rest of the day in reading and meditation

7 October 1835 • Wednesday


went to visit my fathe[r] find him very low administered some mild herbs agreeable to the commandment may God grant to restore him immediately to health for christ the redeemers sake Amen This day bro N K Whitney and Bro Hyrum Smith started for buffalo [New York] to purchase good[s] to replenish the committe store by land in the stage may God grant in the name of Jesus that their lives may page 5 be spared and they have a safe Journey and no accident or sickness of the least kind befall them that they may return in health and in safety to the bosom of their families

Blessed of the lord is bro [Newel] Whitney even the bishop of the church of the latter day saints, for the bishoprick shall never be taken away from him while he liveth and the time cometh that he shall overcome all the narrow mindedness of his heart and all his covetous desires that so easily besetteth him and he shall deal with a liberal hand to the poor and the needy the sick and the afflicted the widow and the fatherless and marviously and miraculously shall the Lord his God provide for him, even that he shall be blessed with all the the a fullness of the good things of this earth and his seed after him from generation to generation and it shall come to pass that according to the measure that he meeteth out with a liberal hand unto the poor so shall it be measured to him again by the hand of his God even an hundred fold Angels shall guard his house and shall guard the lives of his posterity, and they shall become very great and very numerous on the earth, whomsoever he blesseth they shall be blessed. whomsoever he curseth they shall be cursed. and when his enemies seek him unto his hurt and distruction let him rise up and curse and the hand of God shall be upon his enemies in Judgment page 6 they shall be utterly confounded and brought to dessolation, therefor he shall be preserved unto the utmost and his life day shall be precious in the sight of the Lord he shall rise up and shake himself as a lion riseth out of his nest and roareth untill he shaketh the hills and as a lion goeth forth among the lesser beasts, so shall the goings forth of him be whom the Lord hath anointed to exalt the poor and to humble the rich, therefore his name shall be on high and his rest among the sanctified this afternoon recommenced translating the ancient reccords

/8 October 1835 • Thursday


at home nothing of note transpired of as we now recollect. I attended on my Father with feelings of great anxiety

9 October 1835 • Friday


at home nothing worthy of note transpired on this day waited on my Father

10 October 1835 • Saturday


at home, visited the house of my Father found him failing very fast

11 October 1835 • Sunday


visited my Father again who was verry sick in secret prayer in the morning the Lord said my servant thy father shall live I waited on him all this day with my heart raised to god in the name of Jesus Christ that he would restore him to health again, that I might be blessed with his company and advise esteeming it one of the greatest earthly blessings, to be blessed with the society of Parents, whose mature years and experience renders them capable of administering the most wholsom advice; at Evening Bro. David Whitmer came in we called on the Lord in mighty prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and laid our hands on him, and rebuked the diseas[e] and God heard and answered our prayers to the great Joy and satisfaction of our souls, our aged Father arose and dressed himself shouted and praised the Lord called page 7 Br Wm Smith who had retired to rest that he might praise the Lord with us by joining in Songs of praise to the most High

12 October 1835 • Monday


rode to Willoughby in company with my wife to purchase some goods at W[indsor P]. Lyons Store on our return we found a Mr. Bradly lying across the road he had been thrown from from his waggon [and] was much injured by the fall

13 October 1835 • Tuesday


visited my Father who was verry much recovered from his sickness indeed, which caused us to marvel at the might power and condesension of our Heavenly Father in answering our prayers in his behalf

14 October 1835 • Wednesday


at home

15 October 1835 • Thursday


Laboured in Fathers orchard gathering apples

16 October 1835 • Friday


was called into the printing office to settle some difficulties in that department, at evening on the same day I baptised Ebenezer Robinson the Lord poured out his spirit on us and we had a good time

17 October 1835 • Saturday


called my family together and aranged my domestick concerns and domestic dismissed my boarders

18 October 1835 • Sunday


attended meeting in the chapel confirmed several who had been baptised and blessed several blessings children with the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant Elder Parley P. Pratt preach[e]d in the fore noon, and Elder John F. Boynton in the after noon, we had an interesting time

19 October 1835 • Monday


at home, exibited the records of antiquity to a number who called to see them

20 October 1835 • Tuesday


at home preached at night in the School-house.

21 October 1835 • Wednesday


at home nothing page 8 of note transpired

22 October 1835 • Thursday


at home attending to my domestick concerns—

23 October 1835 • Friday


at home attended the prayer meeting see page 50

24 October 1835 • Saturday


Mr Goodrich and his lady called called to see the antient Records also called at Doct. F G. Williams to see the mummies, Brs. Hawks & Carpenter from Michigan visited us & taried over Sunday and attended meeting

25 October 1835 • Sunday


attended meeting President Rigdon preached in the fore noon, Elder Lyman Johnson in the afternoon, after which Elder S. Bronson [Seymour Brunson] joined Br. Wm Perry & Sister Eliza Brown in matrimony, and I blessed them with long life and prosperity in the name of Jesus Christ, at evening I attended Prayer meeting opened it and exorted the brethren & Sister[s] about one hour, the Lord pourd out his spirit and some glorious things were spoken in the gift of toungs, and interp[r]eted concerning the redemption of Zion

26 October 1835 • Monday


went to Chardon to attend the county Court in company with Brs Hyrum Samuel & Carloss Smith, Br. Samuel was called in question before this Court for not doing military duty, and was fined because we had not our conference minuets with us for testimony to prove that F G. Williams was clerk of the conference this testimony we should have carried with us had it not been for the neglect of our Council, or Lawyer, who did not put us in possession of this information this we feel was a want of fidelity to his client, and we concider it a base insult practised upon us on the account of our faith, that the ungodly might have unlawful power over us and trample us under their unhallowed feet; & in consequence of this neglect a fine was imposed on Br Samuel page 9 of $20. including costs, for which Lawsuit he was obliged to sell his cow, to defray the expenses of the same, and I say in the name of Jesus Christ that the money that they have thus unjustly taken shall be a testimony against them and canker & eat their flesh as fire

27 October 1835 • Tuesday


in the morning I was called to visit at Br Samuel Smiths his wife was confined and in a verry dangerous situation, Br. Carloss [Don Carlos Smith] took one of my horses and went to Chardon after Doct. [Frederick] Williams I went out into the field and bowed before the Lord and called upon him in mighty prayer in her behalf the word of the Lord came unto me saying my Servant Fredrick shall come and shall have wisdom given him to deal prudently and my handmaden shall be delivered of a living child & be spared, he come in a bout one hour after that and in the course of about 2 hours she was delivered and thus what God had manifested to me was fulfilled every whit, on the night of the same day I preached in the School house to a crowded congregation

28 October 1835 • Wednesday


at home attending to my family concerns &c

29 October 1835 • Thursday


Br W. Parish [Warren Parrish] commenced writing for me. Father & Mother Smith visit[ed] us and while we set writing Bishop Partrige [Edward Partridge] passed our window just returned from the East Br Parish commenced writing for me at $15.00 pr month I paid him $16.00 in advance out of the committee Store Br Parrish agrees to board himself, for which I agree to allow him four Dollars more pr. month making $19.00. I was then called to appear before the high Council which was page 10 setting to give my testimony in an action brought against Br. David Eliot for whiping his Daughter unreasonably my testimony was in his favour, returned to our writing room, went to Dr. Williams after my large Journal, made some observations to my Scribe concerning the plan of the City which is to be built up hereafter on this ground consecrated for a stake of Zion while at the Doct[or's] Bishop E Pa[r]trige came in, in company with President Phelps, I was much rejoiced to see him, we examined the mumies, returned home and my scribe commenced writing in my Journal a history of my life, concluding President Cowdery[Ôs 2d] letter to W. W. Phelps, which president Williams had begun Bishop Whitney & his wife with his Father & Mother called to Visit us, his parents having lately arived here from the East called to make enquiry concerning the coming forth of the book of Mormon, Bishop Partrige & some others came in I then set down and taught related to them the history of the coming forth of the book the administration of the Angel to me the rudiments of the gospel of Christ &c they appeared well satisfied & I expect to baptise them in a few days, or this is my feelings upon the subject altho they have not made any request of this Kind at present, went to the council, the Presidency arose and adjourned on my return Elder Boynton observed that long debates were bad. I replyed that it was generally the case that to[o] much altercation was generally indulged in, on both sides and their debates protracted to an unprofitable length; we were seated called to super, after being seated around the table Bishop Whitney observed to Bishop Partrige that the thought had just occured to his mind that perhaps in about one year from this time they might be seated together around a table in on the land of Zion page 11 Sister Emma my wife observed that she hoped it might be the case that not only they but the rest of the company present might be seated around her table in the land of promise; the same sentiment was reciprocated from the company round the table and my heart responded amen God grant it, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, after super I went to the high council in company with my wife and some others that belong to my house hold I was solicited to take a seat with the presidency and preside in a case of Sister Eliots I did so my Mother was called as testimony and began to relate circumstances that had been brought before the church and settled I objected against such testimony the complainant Br. William Smith arose and accused me of invalidating or doubting My mothers testimony which I had not done nor did I desire to do I told him he was out of place & asked him to set down he refused I repeated my request he become enraged I finally ordered him to set down he said he would not unless I knocked him down I was agitated in my feeling on the account of his stubournness and was about to call leave the house, but my Father requ[e]sted me not to do so I complyed the house was brought to order after much debate upon the subject and we proceded to buisness & br. Eliot & his wife were both cleared from the charges prefered against them

30 October 1835 • Friday


at home Mr. Fransis Porter called from Jefferson Co. New York a member of the Methodist Church, called to make some inquiry about lands in this place whether there is any farmes for sale that are valuable and whether page 12 a member of our church could move into this vicinity and purchase lands and enjoy his own possessions & property without making it common Stock, he had been requested to do so by some brethren who live in the town of Leroy Jeff[erson] Co N. Y I replyed that I had a valuable farm joining the Temple Lot that I would sell & that there is other lands for sale in this place and that we have no common stock business among us, that every man enjoys his own property, or can if he is disposed, consecrate liberally or illiberally to the support of the poor & needy, or the building up of Zion, he also enquired how many members there are in this church I told him that there is about five or six hundred who commune at our chapel and perhaps a thousand in this vicinity; at evening I was presented with a letter from Br. Wm Smith the purport of which is that he is censured by the brethren on the account of what took place at the council last night and wishes to have the matter settled to the understanding of all, that he may not be censured unjustly, concidering that his cause was a just one, and that he had been materially injured; I replied that I thought we parted with the best of feelings, that I am not to blame on the account of the dissatisfaction of others. I invited him to call and talk with me, and that I would give talk with him in the spirit of meekness and give him all the satisfaction I could this reply was by letter copy retained

31 October 1835 • Saturday


in the morning br. Hyram Smith came in and said he had been much troubled all night and had not slept any page 13 that something was wrong while talking br. Wm Smith came in according to my requ[e]st last night br. Hyram observed that he must go to the Store I invited him to stay he said he would go and do his business & return he did so while he was gone br. William introduced the subject of our difficulty at the council, I told him I did not want to converse upon the subject untill Hyrum returned, he soon came in I then proposed to relate the occurrences of the council before named and wherein I had been out of the way I would confess it and ask his forgivness, and then he should relate his story and make confession wherein he had done wrong he said he had not done wrong and then leave it to br. Hyrum Smith & br. Parish to decide the matter between us and I would agree to the decission & be satisfyed there with; he observed that he had not done wrong, and that I was always determined to carry my points whether right or wrong and there fore he would not stand an equal chance with me; this was an insult, but I did not reply to him in a harsh manner knowing his inflamatory disposition, but tryed to reason with him and show him the propriety of a complyance with my request, I finally succeeded with the assistance of br. Hyrum in obtaining his assent to the proposition that I had made. I then related my story and wherein I had been wrong I confessed it and asked his forgivness after I got through he made his statements jusifying himself throughout in transgressing the order of the council & treating the authority of the Presidency with contempt; after he had got through br. Hyrum began to make page 14 some remarks, in the spirit of meekness, he became enraged, I joined my brother in trying to calm his stormy feelings, but to no purpose he insisted that we intended to add abuse to injury, his passion increased, he arose abruptly and declared that he wanted no more to do with them us or the church and said we might take his licence for he would have nothing to do with us, he rushed out at the door we tryed to prevail on him to stop, but all to no purpose, he went away in a passion, and soon sent his licence to me, he went home and spread the levvin of iniquity among my brethren and especially prejudiced the mind of br. Samuel as I soon learned that he was in the street exclaiming against me, which no doubt our enemys rejoice at, and where the matter will end I know not, but I p[r]ay God to forgiv[e] him and th[e]m, and give them humility and repentance, the feelings of my heart I cannot express on this occasion. I can only pray my heavenly Father to open their eyes that they may discover where they stand, that they may extricate themselves from the snare they have fallen into after dinner I rode out in company with my wife and children, br. carloss & some others, we went to visit br. Roundy & family who live near Willoughby, we had an interesting visit at br. Roundy[Ôs] as soon as I returned I was called upon to baptise Samuel Whitney & his Wife and Daughter after baptism we returned to their house and offered Our thanks, in prayer I obtained a testimony that Br. William Would return and to the church and repair the wrong he had done page 15

1 November 1835 • Sunday


Verily thus Saith the Lord unto me, his servant Joseph Smith jr min[e] anger is kindle[d] against my servant Reynolds Cahoon because of his iniquities his covetous and dishonest principles in himself and family and he doth not purge them away and set his house in order therefore if he repent not chastisment awaiteth him even as it seemeth good in my sight therefore go and declare unto him these words I went imediately and del[i]vired this message according as the Lord commanded me I called him in & read what the Lord had said concerning him, he acknowledged that it was verily so & expressed much humility I then went to meeting Elder Carrill [John Corrill] preached a fine discourse, in the afternoon President Phelps continued the servises of the day by reading the 5th chapt. of Mathew also the laws regulating the High Council and made some remarks upon them after which sacrament was administered I then confirmed a number who had been baptised & blessed a number of children in the name of Jesus Christ with the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant, notice was then given that the Elders School wou[1]d commence on the morrow, I then dismissed the meeting.

2 November 1835 • Monday


was engaged in regulating the affairs of the School, I then had my team prepared & Sidney Oliver Frederick and my scribe and a number of others went to Willoughby to Hear Doct[or] Piexotto [Daniel Peixotto] deliver a lecture on the profession theory & practice of Physic [medicine] page 16 we called at Mr. [Nathan] Cushmans, had our horses put in the Stable took dinner, attended the lecture was treated with great respect throughout; returned home Lyman Wight came from Zion to day; George & Lyman Smith also from the East the question was agitated whether Frederick G. Williams or Oliver Cowdery Should go to New York to make arangements respecting a book bindery they refered to me for a decision, and thus cam[e] the word of the Lord unto me saying it is not my will that my servant Frederick should go to New York, but inasmuch as he wishes to go and visit his relatives that he may warn them to flee the wrath to come let him go and see them, for that purpose and let that be his only business, and behold in this thing he shall be blessed with power while to overcome their prejudices, Verily thus saith the Lord Amen.

3 November 1835 • Tuesday


Thus came the word of the Lord unto me saying concerning the Twelve saying behold they are under condemnation, because they have not been sufficiently humble in my sight, and in consequence of their covetous desires, in that they have not dealt equally with each other in the division of the moneys which came into their hands, nevertheless some of them dealt equally therefore they shall be rewarded, but verily I say unto you they must all humble themselves before me, before they will be accounted worthy to receive an endowment to go forth in my name unto all nations, as for my Servant William let the Eleven humble themselves in prayer and in faith page 17 and wait on me in patience and my servant William shall return, and I will yet make him a polished shaft in my quiver, in bringing down the wickedness and abominations of men and their shall be none mightier than he in his day and generation, nevertheless if he repent not spedily he shall be brought low and shall be chastened sorely for all his iniquities he has commited against me. nevertheless the sin which he hath sined against me is not even now more grevious than the sin with which my servant David W. Patten and my servant Orson Hyde and my servant Wm E. McLellen have sinned against me, and the residue are not sufficiently humble before me, behold the parable which I spake concerning a man having twelve Sons, for what man amon[g] you having twelve Sons and is no respecter to them and they serve him obediantly and he saith unto the one be thou clothed in robes and sit thou here, and to the other be thou clothed in rags and sit thou there, and looketh upon his sons and saith I am just, ye will answer and say no man, and ye answer truly, therefore Verely thus saith the Lord your God I appointed these twelve that they should be equal in their ministry and in their portion and in their evangelical rights, wherefore they have sin[n]ed a verry grevious sin, in asmuch as they have made themselves unequal and have not hearkned unto my voice therfor let them repent speedily and prepare their hearts for the solem[n] assembly page 18 and for the great day which is to come Verely thus saith the Lord Amen.

I then went to assist in organizing the Elders School called to order and I made some remarks upon the object of this School, and the great necessity there is of our rightly improving our time and reigning up our minds to the a sense of the great object that lies before us, viz, that glorious endowment that God has in store for the faithful I then dedicated the School in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. after the School was dismissed I attended a patriarchal meeting at Br Samuel Smiths, his wifeses parents were blessed also his child & named Susanah, at evening I preach[e]d at the Schoolhouse to a crowded congregation

4 November 1835 • Wednesday


in morning, at home attended school all during the school hours, made rapid progress in our studies, in the evening, lectured on grammar, at home on this day King Follet arived at this place from Zion

5 November 1835 • Thursday


attended School all day Isaac Morley came in from the east this morning I was called to visit Thomas Burdick who was sick, I took my scribe with me and we p[r]ayed for and laid our hands on him in the name of the Lord Jesus and rebuked his affliction Wm E. McLellen & Orson Hyde came in and desired to hear the revelation concerning the Twelve, my scribe read to him them they expressed some little dissatisfaction but after examining their own hearts, they acknowledged it to be the word of the Lord page 19 and said they were satisfied; after School Brigham Young came in and desired also to hear, it read also after hearing it he appeared perfectly satisfied; in the evening lectured on Grammar

6 November 1835 • Friday


at home. attended School during the school hours returned and spent the evening at home I was this morning introduced to a man from the east, after hearing my name he replied remarked that I was nothing but a man: indicating by this expression that he had supposed that a person, to whom the Lord should see fit to reveal his will, must be something more than a man, he seems to have forgotten the saying that fell from the lips of St. James, that Elias was a man of like passions like unto us, yet he had such power with God that He in answer to his prayer, shut the heavens that they gave no rain for the space of three years and six months, and again in answer to his prayer the heavens gave forth rain and the earth brought forth fruit; and indeed such is the darkness & ignorance of this generation that they look upon it as incredible that a man should have any intercourse with his Maker.

7 November 1835 • Saturday


spent the day at home attending to my domestic concerns; The word of the Lord came to me saying, behold I am well pleased with my servant Isaac Morley and my servant Edward Partridge, because of the integrity of their harts in laboring in my vinyard for the salvation of the souls of men, Verely I say unto you their sins are page 20 forgiven them, therefore say unto them in my name that it is my will that they should tarry for a little season and attend the school, and also the solem assembly for a wise purpose in me, even so amen

8 November 1835 • Sunday


went to meeting in the morning at the us[u]al hour, Z[erubbabel]. Snow preached a verry interesting discourse, in the after noon J[oseph]. Young preached; after preaching Isaac Hill came forward to make some remarks by way of confession, he had been previously excommunicated from the church for lying & for an attempt to seduce a female; his confession was not satisfactory to my mind Uncle John Smith arose and made some remarks respecting the dealings of the high council on the case of the said Hill, that is that he should make a public confession of his crime and have it published in the messenger and Advocate, he proposed that Mr Hill should now make his confession before the congregation and then immediately observed that he had forgiven Mr Hill, which was in contradiction to the sentiment he first advanced, this I attributed to an error in Judgment not in design President Rigdon then arose and verry abruptly militated against the sentiment of Uncle John, which had a direct tendency to destroy his influence and bring him into disrepute in the eyes of the church, which was not right, he also misrepresented Mr Hills case wh and spread darkness rather than light upon the subject a vote was then called of the church was then called on his case and he was restored without any further confession; that he should page 21 be received into the church by babtism which was administered acordingly. after I came home I took up a labour with uncle John and convinced him that he was wrong & he made his confession to my satisfaction; I then went and laboured with President Rigdon and succeded in convincing him also of his error which he confessed to my satisfaction.

The word of the Lord cam[e] unto me saying that President Phelps & President J[ohn] Whitmer are under condemnation before the Lord, for their errors for which they made satisfaction the same day; I also took up a labour with John Carrill [Corrill] for leaving the meeting before not partaking of the sacrament, he made his confession; also my wife for the same leaving the meeting before sacrament she made no reply, but manifested contrition by weeping

9 November 1835 • Monday


after breckfast Sister Mary Whitcher came in and wished to see me, she I granted her request she gave a relation of her griveances which were, unfathomable at present, and if true sore indeed, and I pray my heavenly Father to bring the truth of her case to light, that the reward due to evil doers may be given them, and that the afflicted & oppressed may be delivered; while setting in my house between the hours of ten & 11 this morning a man came in, and introduced himself to me, calling himself by the name of Joshua the Jewish minister [Robert Matthias], his appearance was some thing singular, having a beard about 3 inches in length which is quite grey, also his hair is long and considerably silvered with age page 22 I should think he is about 50 or 55 years old, tall and strait slender built of thin visage blue eyes, and fair complexion, he wears a sea green frock coat, & pantaloons of the same, black fur hat with narrow brim, and while speaking frequently shuts his eyes with a scowl on his countinance: I made some enquiry after his name but received no definite answer; we soon commenced talking upon the subject of religion and after I had made some remarks concerning the bible I commenced giving him a relation of the circumstances connected with the coming forth of the book of Mormon, as follows being wrought up in my mind, respecting the subject of religion and looking at the different systems taught the children of men, I knew not who was right or who was wrong and I considered it of the first importance that I should be right, in matters that involve eternal consequ[e]nces; being thus perplexed in mind I retired to the silent grove and bow[e]d down before the Lord, under a realising sense that he had said (if the bible be true) ask and you shall receive knock and it shall be opened seek and you shall find and again, if any man lack wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men libarally and upbradeth not; information was what I most desired at this time, and with a fixed determination to obtain it, I called upon the Lord for the first time, in the place above stated or in other words I made a fruitless attempt to p[r]ay, my toung seemed to be swolen in my mouth, so that I could not utter, I heard a noise behind me like some person walking towards me, I strove again to pray, but could not, the noise of walking seemed to draw nearer, I sprung up on my feet, and page 23 and looked around, but saw no person or thing that was calculated to produce the noise of walking, I kneeled again my mouth was opened and my toung liberated, and I called on the Lord in mighty prayer, a pillar of fire appeared above my head, it presently rested down upon me head, and filled me with Joy unspeakable, a personage appeard in the midst of this pillar of flame which was spread all around, and yet nothing consumed, another personage soon appeard like unto the first, he said unto me thy sins are forgiven thee, he testified unto me that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; and I saw many angels in this vision I was about 14 years old when I received this first communication; When I was about 17 years old I saw another vision of angels in the night season after I had retired to bed I had not been a sleep, when but was meditating upon my past life and experience, I was verry concious that I had not kept the commandments, and I repented hartily for all my sins and transgression, and humbled myself before Him whose eyes are over all things, all at once the room was iluminated above the brightness of the sun an angel appeared before me, his hands and feet were naked pure and white, and he stood between the floors of the room, clothed with in purity inexpressible, he said unto me I am a messenger sent from God, be faithful and keep his commandments in all things, he told me of a sacred record which was written on plates of gold, I saw in the vision the place where they were deposited, he said the Indians were the literal descendants of Abraham he explained many things of the prophesies to page 24 me, one I will mention which is this in Malachi 4 chapt. behold the day of the Lord cometh &c. also that the Urim and Thumim, was hid up with the record, and that God would give me powre to translate it, with the assistance of this instrument he then gradually vanished out of my sight, or the vision closed, while meditating on what I had seen, the angel appeard to me again and related the same things and much more, also the third time bearing the same tidings, and departed; during the time I was in this vision I did not realize any thing else around me except what was shown me in this communication: after the vision had all passed, I found that it was nearly day-light, the family soon arose, I got up also: on that day while in the field at work with my Father he asked me if I was sick I replyed, I had but little strenght, he told me to go to the house, I started and went part way and was finally deprived deprived of my strength and fell, but how long I remained I do not know; the Angel came to me again and commanded me to go and tell my Father, what I had seen and heard, I did so, he wept and told me that it was a vision from God to attend to it I went and found the place, where the plates were, according to the direction of the Angel, also saw them, and the angel as before; the powers of darkness strove hard against me. I called on God, the Angel told me that the reason why I could not obtain the plates at this time was because I was under transgression, but to come again in one year from that time, I did so, but did not obtain them page 25 also the third and the fourth year, at which time I obtained them, and translated them into the english language, by the gift and power of God and have been preaching it ever since.

While I was relating this brief history of the establishment of the Church of Christ in these last days, Joshua seemed to be highly entertained after I had got through I observed that, the hour of worship & time to dine had now arived and invited him to tarry, which he concented to,

After dinner the conversation was resumed and Joshua proceded to make some remarks on the prophesies, as follows:

He observed that he was aware that I could bear stronger meat than many others, therefore he should open his mind the more freely: Daniel has told us that he is to stand in his proper lot, in the latter days according to his vision he had a right to shut it up and also to open it again after many days, or in the latter times; Daniels Image whose head was gold, and body, armes, legs and feet was composed of the different materials described in his vision represents different governments, the golden head was to represent Nebuchadnazer King of Babylon, the other parts other kings & forms of government, which I shall not now mention in detail, but confine my remarks, more particularly to the feet of the Image: The policy of the wicked spirit, is to separate what God has joined togather and unite what He has separated, which he has succeded in doing to admiration, in the present state of society, which is like unto Iron and clay, there is confusion in all things, both page 26 both Political and religious, and notwithstanding all the efforts that are made to bring about a union, society remains disunited, and all attempts to unite her are as fruitless, as to attemp[t] to unite Iron & Clay.

The feet of the Image, is the government of these united States, other Nations & Kingdoms are looking up to her, for an example, of union freedom and equal rights, and therefore worship her, like as Daniel saw in the vision, although they are begining to loose confidence in her, seeing the broils and discord that distract, her political & religious horizon; this Image is characteristic of all governments and institutions or most of them; as they begin with a head of gold and terminate in the contemp[t]ible feet of Iron & clay: making a splendid appearance at first, proposing to do much more than the[y] can perform, and finally end in degradation and sink, in infamy; we should not only start to com[e] out of Babylon but leav[e] it entirely lest we are overthrown in her ruins, we should keep improving and reforming; twenty-four hours for improvement now, is worth as much as a year, a hundred years ago; the spirit of the Fathers that was cut down, or those that were under the altar, are now rising, this is the first resurection the Elder that falls first, will rise last; we should not form any opinion only for the present, and leave the result of futurity with God: I have risen up out of obscurity, but was looked up to when but a youth, in temporal things: It is not necessary that God should give us all things at first or in his first commission to us, but in his second. John saw the angel deliver the gospel in the last days, which would not be necessary if page 27 it was already, in the world, this expression would be inconsistent, the small lights that God has given, is sufficient to lead us out of babylon, when we get out we shall have the greater light. I told Jo[s]hua that I did not understand him concerning the resurection and wishd him to be more explanitory on the subject; he replied that he did not feel impressed by the spirit to unfold it further at present, but perhaps he might at some other time. I then withdr[e]w to do some buisness with another gentleman that called to see me. He [Joshua] informed my Scribe that he was born in Washington County Town of Cambridge New York. he says that all the railroads canals and other improvements are performed by spirits of the resurection.

The silence spoken of by John the Revelator which is to be in heaven for the space of half an hour, is between 1830 & 1851, during which time the judgments of God will be poured out after that time there will be peace.

Curiosity to see a man that was reputed to be a Jew, caused many to call during the day and more particularly at evening Suspicions were entertained that said Joshua was the noted [Robert] Mathias of New York, spoken so much of in the public prints on account of the trials he underwent in that place before a court of justice, for murder manslaughter comtempt of court whiping his Daughter &c for the two last crimes he was imprisoned, and came out about 4 months page 28 since, after some, equivocating he confessed that he was realy Mathias: after supper I proposed that he should deliver a lecture to us, he did so sitting in his chair; he commenced by saying God said let there be light and there was light, which he dwelt upon through his discource, he made some verry exelent remarks but his mind was evidently filled with darkness, after he dismissed his meeting, and the congregation disperced, he conversed freely upon the circumstances that transpired in New York. His name is Robert Mathias, he say[s] that Joshua, is his priestly name.

During all this time I did not contradict his sentiments, wishing to draw out all that I could concerning his faith; the next morning

10 November 1835 • Tuesday


I resumed the conversation and desired him to enlighten my mind more on his views respecting the resurection, he says that he posses[ses] the spirit of his fathers, that he is a litteral decendant of Mathias the Apostle that was chosen in the place of Judas that fell and that his spirit is resurected in him, and that this is the way or schem[e] of eternal life, this transmigration of soul or spirit from Father to Son: I told him that his doctrine was of the Devil that he was in reality in possession of [a] wicked and depraved spirit, although he professed to be the spirit of truth, itself, & he said also that he possesses the soul of Christ; he tarried until Wednesday 11th, after breckfast I told him, that my God told me that his God is the Devil, and I could not keep him any longer, and he must depart, and so I for once cast out the Devil in bodily shape, & I believe a murderer page 29 on monday th[e] 9th Mr. Beeman [Alvah Beman] of N. Y came here to ask advice of me concerning purchasing lands, whether it is best for him to purchase in this vicinity and move into this church, or not, he says that he cannot arrange his buisness so as to go to the Missouri next spring; I advised him to come here, and settle untill he could move to Zion

11 November 1835 • Wednesday


at home attended School during school Hours, returned home and spent the evening, around my fire-side, teaching my family the science of grammar; it commensed snowing this afterno[o]n, the wind is verry heavy indeed

12 November 1835 • Thursday


attended School again, during school Hours, rain & snow is still falling, it is about one inch in dept[h], the wind is verry heavy, and the weather extremly unpleasant, the labour[er]s who commenced finishing the out side of the house Chappel were oblieged to brake off from their buisness at the commencement of this storm viz on the 11th they commenced plasturing and finishing the outside on monday the 2. Inst. this job is let to A[rtemus]. Millet & L[orenzo] Young, at $1,000 they have progressed rapidly since they commenced.

J[acob]. Bump has the job of plastering the inside of the house through out at $15.00, he commenced on Monday the 9th and is continueing it notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. This evening viz the 12th at 6 oclock met with the council of 12. by their request, 9 of them were present page 30 council opened by singing & prayer, and I made some remarks as follows: I am happy in the enjoyment of this opportunity of meeting with this council on this occasion, I am satisfyed that the spirit of the Lord is here, and I am satisfied with all the breth[r]en present, and I need not say that you have my utmost confidence, and that I intend to uphold, you to the uttermost, for I am well aware that you do and delight in so doing have to sustain my character my character against the vile calumnies and reproaches of this ungodly generation and that you delight in so doing: darkness prevails, at this time as it was, at the time Jesus Christ was about to be crucified, the powers of darkness strove to obscure the glorious sun of righteousness that began to dawn upon the world, and was soon to burst in great blessings upon the heads of the faithful, and let me tell you brethren that great blessings awate us at this time and will soon be poured out upon us if we are faithful in all things, for we are even entitled to greater blessings than they were, because the[y] had the person of Christ with them, to instruct them in the great plan of salvation, his personal presence we have not, therefore we need great faith on account of our peculiar circumstances and I am determined to do all that I can to uphold you, although I may do many things inadvertently that are not right in the sight of God; you want to know many things that are before you, that you may know how how to prepare your selves for the page 31 great things that God is about to bring to pass; but there is on[e] great deficiency or obstruction, in the way that deprives us of the greater blessings, and in order to make the foundation of this church complete and permanent, we must remove this obstruction, which is to attend to certain duties that we have not as yet attended to; I supposed I had established this church on a permanent foundation when I went to the Missouri and indeed I did so, for if I had been taken away it would have been enough, but I yet live, and therefore God requires more at my hands: The item to which I wish the more particularly to call your attention to night is the ordinance of washing of feet, this we have not done as yet but it is necessary now as much as it was in the days of the Saviour, and we must have a place prepared, that we may attend to this ordinance, aside from the world; we have not desired much from the hand of the Lord, with that faith and obediance that we ought, yet we have enjoyed great blessings, and we are not so sensible of this as we should be: when or wher[e] has God suffered one of the witnesses or first Elders of this church to fall? never nor nowhere amidst all the calamities and judgments that have befallen the inhabitants of the earth his almighty arm has sustained us, men and Devils have raged and spent the[ir] malice in vain. page 32 we must have all things prepared and call our solem assembly as the Lord has commanded us, that we may be able to accomplish his great work: and it mu[s]t be done in Gods own way, the house of the Lord must be prepared, and the solem assembly called and organized in it according to the order of the house of God and in it we must attend to the ordinance of washing of feet; it was never intended for any but official members, it is calculated to unite our hearts, that we may be one in feeling and sentiment and that our faith may be strong, so that satan cannot over throw us, nor have any power over us, the endowment you are so anxious about you cannot comprehend now, nor could Gabriel explain it to the understanding of your dark minds, but strive to be prepared in your hearts, be faithful in all things that when we meet in the solem assembly that is such as God shall name out of all the official members, will meet, and we must be clean evry whit, let us be faithful and silent brethren, and if God gives you a manifestation, keep it to yourselves, be watchful and prayerful, and you shall have a prelude of those joys that God will pour out on that day, do not watch for iniquity in each other if you do you will not get an endowment for God will not bestow it on such; but if we are faithful and live by every word that procedes forth from the mouth of God I will venture to prophesy that we shall get a page 33 blessing that will be worth remembering if we should live as long as John the Revelator, our blessings will be such as we have not realized before, nor in this generation. The order of the house of God has and ever will be the same, even after Christ comes, and after the termination of the thousand years it will be the same, and we shall finally roll into the celestial Kingdom of God and enjoy it forever: you need an endowment brethren in order that you may be prepared and able to over come all things, and those that reject your testimony will be damned the sick will be healed the lame made to walk the deaf to hear and the blind to see through your instrumentality; But let me tell you that you will not have power after the endowment to heal those who have not faith, nor to benifit them, for you might as well expect to benefit a devil in hell as such an one, who is possessed of his spirit and are willing to keep it for they are habitations for devils and only fit for his society but when you are endowed and prepared to preach the gospel to all nations kindred and toungs in there own languages you must faithfully warn all and bind up the testimony and seal up the law and the destroying angel will follow close at your heels and execute his tremendeous mission upon the children of disobediance, and destroy page 34 the workers of iniquity, while the saints will be gathered out from among them and stand in holy places ready to meet the bride groom when he comes.—

I feel disposed to speak a few words more to you my brethren concerning the endowment, all who are prepared and are sufficiently pure to abide the presence of the Saviour will see him in the solem assembly.

The brethren expressed their gratification for the instruction I had given them, we then closed by prayer. - I then returned home and retired to rest

13 November 1835 • Friday


attended school during school hours, returned home after School; Mr Messenger of Bainbridge Chenango Co. N[ew] Y[ork] came in to make some enquiry about H[ezekiah]. Peck's family he is a Universalian Minister we entered into conversation upon religious subjects, we went to President Rigdon's and spent the evening in conversation, we preachd the gospel to him, and bore testimony to him of what we had seen and heard, he attempted to raise some objections but the force of truth bore him down, and he was silent, although unbelieving; returned home and retired to rest

14 November 1835 • Saturday


Thus came the word of the Lord unto me saying: verily thus saith the the Lord unto my servant Joseph concerning my servant Warren [Parrish] behold [p.35] his sins are forgiven him because of his desires to do the works of righteousness therefore in as much as he will continue to hearken unto my voice he shall be blessed with wisdom and with a sound mind even above his fellows, behold it shall come to pass in his day that he shall see great things shew forth themselves unto my people, he shall see much of my ancient records, and shall know of hiden things, and shall be endowed with a knowledge of hiden languages, and if he desires and shall seek it at my hand, he shall be privileged with writing much of my word, as a scribe unto me for the benefit of my people, therefore this shall be his calling until I shall order it otherwise in my wisdom and it shall be said of him in a time to come, behold Warren the Lords Scribe, for the Lords Seer whom he hath appointed in Israel: Therefore if he will keep my commandments he shall be lifted up at the last day, even so Amen

A Gentleman called this after noon by the name of Erastus Holmes of Newbury Clemon [Newberry, Clermont] Co. Ohio, he called to make enquiry about the establishment of the church of the latter-day Saints and to be instructed more perfectly in our doctrine &c I commenced and gave him a brief relation of my experience while in my page 36 juvenile years, say from 6 years old up to the time I received the first visitation of Angels which was when I was about 14. years old and also the visitations that I received afterward, concerning the book of Mormon, and a short account of the rise and progress of the church, up to this, date he listened verry attentively and seemed highly gratified, and intends to unite with the Church he is a verry candid man indeed and I am much pleased with him.

15 November 1835 • Sunday


he went with me to meeting, which was held in the School-house on account of the Chappel not being finished plastering. President Rigdon preached on the subject of men's being called to preach the gospel and their qualifications &c we had a fine discourse it was verry interesting indeed. Mr. Holmes was well satisfied, he came home with me and dined.

Said Holmes has been a member of the Methodist Church, and was excommunicated for receiving, the Elders of the church of the latter-day Saints into his house

Went to meeting in the afternoon, before partaking of the sacrament Isaac Hills case was agitated again, and settled after much controversy, and he retained in the church by making an humble acknowled[g]ement before the church, and concenting to have his confession published in the Messenger and advocate, after which the ordinance of the Lord[Ôs] Supper was administered, and the meeting closed, verry late, returned home and spent the evening. page 37

16 November 1835 • Monday


at home, dictated a letter for the Advocate, also one to Harvey Whitlock. Father [Alvah] Beeman called to council with me Elder [Elial] Strong and some others

/ Copy of the Letter from Harvey Whitloc[k:]

Dear sir having a few leisure moment[s] I have at last concluded to do what my own Judgment has long dictated would be right but the allurements of many vices has long retarded the hand, that would wield the pen to make intelligent the communication that I wish to send to you: And even now that ambition which is a prevaling and predominent principles among the great mass of natural men even now forbids that plainness of sentiment with which I wish to unbosom my feelings write. For know assuredly sir to you I wish to unbosom my feelings, and unravil the secrets of my heart: as before the omnicient Judge of all the earth.

Be not surprised when I declare unto you, as the spirit will bear record that my faith is firm and unshaken in the things of the everlasting gospel as it is proclaimed by the servants of the latter-day saint[s].

Dear brother Joseph (If I may be allowed the expression) when I considder the happy times and peaseful moments, and pleasant seasons I have enjoyed with you, and and this people; contrasted with my now degraded state; together with the high, and important station I have held before page 38 God: and the abyss into which I have fallen, is a subject that swells / my heart to big for utterance, and language is overwhelmed with feeling, and looses its power of description. and as I desire to know the will of God concerning me; Believing it is my duty to make known unto you my real situation.

I shall therefore, dispasionately procede to give a true and untarnished relation; I need not tell you that in former times, I have preached the word; and endeavored to be instant in season [and] out of season, to reprove rebuke exhort and faithfully to discharge that trust reposed in me. But oh! with what grief & lamentable sorrow and anguish do I have to relate that I have fallen, from that princely station where unto our God has called me. Reasons why are unnecessary. May the fact suffice; and believe me when I tell you, that I have sunk myself, (since my last separation from this boddy) in crimes of the deepest dye, and that I may the better enable you to understand what my real sins are, I will mention (although pride forbids it) some that I am not guilty of, my hands have not been stained with inocent blood; neither have I lain couched around the cottages of my fellow men to seize and carry off the booty; nor have I slandered my neighbor, nor bourn fals testimony, nor taken unlawful hire, nor oppressed the widdow nor fatherless, neither have I persecuted the Saints. But my hands are swift to do iniquity, and my feet are fast running in the paths of vice and folly; and my heart page 39 quick to devise wicked imaginations: nevertheless I am impressed with the sure thought that I am fast hastning into a whole world of disembodied beings, without God & with but one hope in the world; which is to know that to er[r] is human, but to forgive is divine: much I might say in relation to myself and the original difficulties with the church, which I will forbear, and in asmuch as I have been charged with things that I was not guilty of I am now more than doubly guilty. and am now willing to forgive and forget only let me know that I am within the reach of mercy; If I am not I have no reflections to cast, but say that I have sealed my own doom and pronounced my own sentence. If the day is passed by with me may I here beg leave to entreat of those who are still toiling up the ruged assent to make their way to the realms of end less felicity, and delight, to stop not for anchors here below, follow not my example. but steer your course onward in spite of all the combined powers of earth and hell, for know that one miss step here is only retrievable by a thousand groans and tears before God. Dear Brother Joseph, let me entreat you on the reception of this letter, as you regard the salvation of my soul, to enquire at the hand of the Lord in my behalf; for I this day in the presence of God, do covenant to abide the word that may be given, for I am willing to receive any page 40 chastisement that the Lord sees I deserve.

Now hear my prayer and suffer me to break forth in the agony of my soul. O ye Angels! that surround the throne, of God Princes of heaven, that excell in strength, ye who are clothed with transcendant brightness, plead O plead for one of the most wretched of the sons of men. O ye heavens! whose azure arches rise immensely high and strech immeasurably wide, grand ampitheater of nature, throne of the eternal God bow to hear the prayer of a poor wretched bewildered way wanderer to eternity. O thou great Omnicient & omnipresent Jehovah, thou who siteth upon the throne, before whom all things are present, thou maker moulder & fashioner of all things visible and invisable breath o breath into the ears of thy servant the Prophet, words suitably adapted, to my case, and situation, speak once more, make known thy will concerning me, which favours I ask in the name of the Son of God amen

N.B I hope you will not let any buisiness prevent you from answering this letter in hast[e]

Yours Respectfully
Harvey Whitlock

to Joseph Smith page 41

Copy of a Letter sent Harvy Whitlock in answer to his

Kirtland Nov. 16th 1835
Bro Harvey Whitlock

I have received your letter of the 28th Sept. 1835, and I have read it twice, and it gave me sensations that are better imagined than discribed; let it suffice, that I say the verry flood-gates of my heart were broken up: I could not refrain from weeping. I thank God, that it has entered into your heart, to try to return to the Lord, and to his people; if it so be, that he will have mercy upon you.

I have inquired of the Lord concerning your case, these words came to me

Verily thus saith the Lord unto you: let him who was my servant Harvey, return unto me; - and unto the bosom of my Church, and forsake all the sins wherewith he has offended against me and persue from hence forth a virtuous and upright life, and remain under the direction of those whom I have appointed to be pillars, and heads of my church, and behold, saith the Lord, your God; his sins shall be blotted out from under heaven, and shall be forgotten from among men, and shall not come up in mine ears, nor be recorded as a memorial against him, but I will lift [p.42] him up as out of deep mire, and he shall be exalted upon the high places, and shall be counted worthy to stand ammong princes, and shall yet be made a polished shaft in my quiver, of bringing down the strong holds of wickedness, among those who set themselves up on high, that they may take council against me, and against annointed ones in the last days.

Therefore let him prepare himself speedily and come unto you; even to Kirtland and inasmuch as he shall harken unto all your council from henceforth he shall be restored unto his former state, and shall be saved unto the uttermost, even as the Lord your God livith Amen.

Thus you see my dear Brother the willingness of our heavenly Father to forgive sins and restore to favour all those who are willing to humble themselves before him, and confess their sins and forsake them, and return to him with full purpose of heart (acting no hypocrisy) to serve him to the end.

Marvle not that the Lord has condescended to speak from the heavens and give you instructions whereby you may learn your duty: he has heard your prayers, and witnessed your humility; and holds forth the hand of paternal affection, for your return; the angels rejoice over you, while the saints are willing to receive you again into fellowship.

I hope on the recept of this, you will not loose any no time in coming to page 43 Kirtland: for if you get here in season, you will have the privilege of attending the School of the prophets, which has already commenced and, also receive instruction in doctrine, and principle, from those whom God has appointed whereby you may be qualified to go forth, and declare the true doctrines of the Kingdom according to the true doctrines of the mind and, will of God. and when you come to Kirtland, it will be explained to you why God has condescended to give you a revelation according to your request.

Please give my respects to your family, and bee assured I am yours in the bonds of the new and everlasting covenant

Joseph Smith Jun

on this evening, viz the 16th [November 1835] a council was called at my house to council with Father Alva Beeman on the subject of his mooving to the Missourie; I had previously told him that the Lord had said that he had better go to the Missourie, next Spring: however he wished a council, called, the council met President D[avid] Whitmer arose and said the spirit manifested to him that it was his duty to go; also others bore the same testimony.

The same night that I received the word of the Lord on Mr. H[o]lmes case, he had desired that I would inquire at the hand of the Lord whether it was page 44 his duty to be baptised here, or wait until he returned home: - The word of the Lord came unto me saying, that Mr. Holmes had better not be baptised here, and that he had better not return by water, also that there were three men that were seeking his destruction, to be ware of his ene[m]ys

17 November 1835 • Tuesday


exibited the Alphabet some of the ancient records to Mr. Holmes and some others, went with him to F G. Williams to see the Mumies, we then took the parting hand, and he started for home, being strong in the faith of the gospel of Christ and determined to obey the requirements of the same.

I returned home and spent the day dictating and comparing letters.

This has been a fine pleasant day although cool, this Evening at early candlelight I pr[e]ached at the School house, returned home and retired to rest,

18 November 1835 • Wednesday


at home in the fore noon, untill about 11 oclock. I then went to Preserved Harris's, to preach his fathers funeral Sermon, by the request of the family I preached on the subject of the resurection, the congregation were verry attentive My wife my mother and my scribe went with me to the funeral, we rode in a waggon, had a pleasant ride, the weather was pleasant, when we went, but cloudy and cool when we returned page 45 at evening Bishop Whitney his wife Father and Mother, and Sister in law, came in and invited me and my wife to go with them & visit Father Smith & family my wife was unwell and could not go; however I and my Scribe went, when we got there, we found that some of the young Elders, were about engaging in a debate, upon the subject of miracles, the q[u]estion was this; was or was it not the design of Christ to Establish his gospel by miracles.

After an interesting debate of three hours or more, during which time much talent was displayed, it was desided by the presidents of the debate in the negative; which was a righteous descision I discovered in this debate, much warmth displayed, to much zeal for mastery, to much of that enthusiasm that characterizes a lawyer at the bar, who is determined to defend his cause right or wrong. I therefore availed myself of this favorable opportunity, to drop a few words upon this subject by way of advise, that they might improve their minds and cultivate their powers of intellect in a proper manner, that they might not incur the displeasure of heaven, that they should handle sacred things verry sacredly, and with due deference to the opinions of others and with an eye single to the glory of God. page 46

19 November 1835 • Thursday


went in company with Doct. Williams & my scribe to see how the workmen prospered in finishing the house; the masons on the inside had commenced puting on the finishing coat of plastureing. on my return I met Loyd [Lloyd] & Lorenzo Lewis and conversed with them upon the subject of their being disaffected. I found that they were not so, as touching the faith of the church but with some of the members:

I returned home and spent the day in translating the Egyptian records: on this has been a warm & pleasant day

20 November 1835 • Friday


in morning at home: the weather is warm but rainy, we spent the day in translating, and made rapid progress

At Evening, President Cowdery returned from New York, bringing with him a quantity of Hebrew books for the benefit of the school, he presented me with a Hebrew bible, lexicon & grammar, also a Greek Lexicon and Websters English Lexicon.

President Cowdery had a prosperous journey, according to the prayers of the saints in Kirtland

21 November 1835 • Saturday


at home, spent the day in examining my books and studying the my hebrew alphabet, at evening met with our hebrew class to make some arrangments about a Teacher, it was decided by the voice of the School to send [p.47] to N. York for a Jew to teach us the language, if we could get released from the engagement we had made with Doct. Piexotto [Peixotto] to teach the language, having asertained that he was not qualified to give us the knowledge we wish to acquire

22 November 1835 • Sunday


went to meeting at the us[u]al hour. Simeon Cater [Carter] preached from the 7th Chapt of Mathew; President Rigdon's brother in Law & Some other relatives were at meeting, in the after noon the meeting was held in the Schoolhouse also in the evening had a meeting, and Elder [Andrew Jackson] Squires who had withdrawn from the Church made application, to return after giving him a severe chastisment, he was recieved, and his licence restored to him; when the case of Elder Squires was introduced, we organized into a regular council. Sylvester Smith was chosen Clerk and after conciderable altercation upon the subject & keen rebuke he was restored by the voice of the council & church & the clerk ordered to give him his licence as above stated. On this night we had a snow storm

23 November 1835 • Monday


several brethren called to converse with me, and see the records; rec'd a letter from Jared Carter, spent the day in conversing, and in studying, the hebrew, language

This has been a stormy day page 48

24 November 1835 • Tuesday


at home, spent the fore noon instructing those that called to inquire concerning the things of God, in the last days: in the afternoon, we translated some of the Egyptian, records; I had an invitation to attend a wedding at Br. Hiram Smith's in the evening also to solemnize the matrimonial ceremony, between Newell Knight & Lydia Goldthwaite I and my wife, went, when we arrived a conciderable company, had collected, the bridegroom & bride came in, and took their seats, which gave me to understand that they were ready. I requested them to arise and join hands. I then remarked that marriage was an institution of h[e]aven instituted in the garden of Eden, that it was necessary that it should be Solemnized by the authority of the everlasting priesthood, before joining hands however, we attended prayers. I then made the remarks above stated; The ceremony was original with me it was in substance as follows. You covenant to be each others companions through life, and discharge the duties of husband & wife in every respect to which they assented. I then pronounced them husband & Wife in the name of God and also pronounced the blessings that the Lord confered upon adam & Eve in the garden of Eden, that is to multiply and replenish the earth, with the addition of long life and prosperity; dismissed them and returned home. The weather is freezing cold, some snow on the ground page 49

25 November 1835 • Wednesday


spent the day in Translating. Today [David] Harvey Redfield & Jesse Hitchcock arived here from Missourie; the latter says that he has no doubt, but that a dose of poison was administered to him in a boll of milk but God delivered him

26 November 1835 • Thursday


at home, we spent the day in transcribing Egyptian characters from the papyrus. I am severely afflicted with a cold. Today Robert Rathbone [Rathbun] and George Morey arrived from Zion

27 November 1835 • Friday


much afflicted with my cold, yet able to be about and I am determined to overcom in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, spent the day in stud reading Hebrew at home.

The weather continues cold and unpleasant. Br. Parrish my scribe being afflicted with a cold, asked me to lay my hands on him in the name of the Lord I did so, and in return I asked him to lay his hands on me & we were both relieved.

See page 9th Copy of a prayer offered up on the 23d day of Oct 1835, by the following individuals, at 4 oclock P.M. viz. Joseph Smith Jn, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Hirum Smith John Whitmer, Sidn[e]y Rigdon, Samuel H. Smith, Frederick G. Williams, and Wm. W. Phelps, assembled and united in prayer, with one voice before the Lord for the following blessings:

That the Lord will give us means sufficient to deliver us from all our afflictions and difficulties, wherein we are placed by means of our debts; that he will open the way and deliver Zion in the appointed page 50 time and that without the shedding of blood; that he will hold our lives precious, and grant that we may live to the common age of man, and never fall into the hands nor power of the mob in Missourie nor in any other place; that he will also preserve our posterity, that none of them fall even to the end of time; that he will give us the blessings of the earth sufficient to carry us to Zion, and that we may purchase inheritances in that land, even enough to carry on and accomplish the work unto which he was appointed us; and also that he will assist all others who desire, according to his commandments, to go up and purchase inheritances, and all this easily and without perplexity, and trouble; and finally, that in the end he will save us in his Celestial Kingdom. Amen.

Oliver Cowdery Clerk

28 November 1835 • Saturday


at home, spent the morning in compareing our journal.

This Elder Josiah Clark called this morning to see me, he lives in Cam[pb]el County K[entucky] about three miles above Cincinate.

I am conciderably recovered from my cold, & I think I shall be able in a few days to translate again, with the blessing of God. The weather is still cold and stormy, the snow is falling, & winter seems to be closing in verry fast, all nature shrinks before the chilling blasts of rigid winter.

Elder Clark above mentioned, has been biten by a mad dog some three or four page 51 years since, has doctered much, and received some benefit by so doing, but is much afflicted notwithstanding, he came here that he might be benefited by the prayers of the church, accordingly we prayed for and layed our hands on him, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and anointed him with oil, and rebuked his affliction, praying our heavenly Father to hear and answer our prayers according to our faith

29 November 1835 • Sunday


went to meeting at the us[u]al hour Elder Morley preachd and Bishop Partridge in the afternoon; their discourses were well adapted to the times in which we live, and the circumstances under which we are placed, their words were words of wisdom, like apples of gold in pitchers of silver, spoken in the simple accents of a child, yet sublime as the voice of an angels, the saints, appeared to be much pleased with the beautiful discourses of these two fathers in Israel; after these servises closed, three of the Zion brethren came forward and recieved their blessing

Solon Foster was ordained to the office of an Elder; the Lord's supper was then administered, and the meeting closed. returned home and spent the evening. The storm continues, the weather is verry cold page 52

30 November 1835 • Monday


yet the snow is falling and is sufficiently deep for slay sleighing, this is an uncommon storm for this country, at this season of the year spent the day in writing a letter for the Messenger & Advocate on the Subject of the Gathering; this afternoon, Henry Capron called to see me, he is an old acquaintance of mine, from Manchester New York, shewed him the Egyptian records

1 December 1835 • Tuesday


at home spent the day in writing, for the M & Advocate, the snow is falling and we have fine sleighing.

2 December 1835 • Wednesday


a fine morning I made preparation, to ride to Painsvill[e], with my wife and children family, also my Scribe, we had our sleigh and horses prepared and set out, when we arived were passing through Mentor Street, we overtook a team with two men on the sleigh. I politely asked them to let me pass, they granted my request, and as we passed them, they bawled out, do you get any revelation lately, with an adition of blackguard that I did not understand, this is a fair sample of the character of Mentor Street inhabitants, who are ready to abuse and scandalize, men who never laid a straw in their way, and in fact those whos faces they never saw, and cannot bring an acusation, against, either page 53 of a temporal or spir[i]tual nature; except our firm belief in the fulness of the gospel and I was led to marvle that God at the long suffering and condescention of our heavenly Father, in permitting, these ungodly wretches, to possess, this goodly land, which is the indeed as beautifully situated and its soil as fertile, as any in this region of country, and its inhabitance, as wealthy even blessed, above measure, in temporal things, and fain, would God bless, them with, with spiritual blessings, even eternal life, were it not for their evil hearts of unbelief, and we are led to cry in our hearts mingle our prayers with those saints that have suffered the like treatment before us, whose souls are under the altar crying to the Lord for vengance upon those that dwell upon the earth and we rejoice that the time is at hand when, the wicked who will not repent will be swept from the earth with the besom of destruction and the earth become an inheritance for the poor and the meek.

when we arived at Painsvill[e] we called at Sister Harriet How[e']s, and left my wife and family to visit her while we rode into Town to do some business, returned called and visited H. Kingsbury Returned and dined with Sister How[e], and returned home, had a fine ride the sleighing is fine good and weather pleasant page 54

3 December 1835 • Thursday


at home, wrote a letter to David Dort, Rochester Michigan, another to Almyra Scoby [Almira Mack Scobey Covey] Liberty Clay co., Mo. at home all day, at evening, was invited with my wife, to attend, at Thomas Caricoes, to join W[arren] Parrish & Martha H. Raymond in mattrimony, we found a verry pleasant and respectable company waiting when, we arived, we opened our interview with singing & prayer, after which, I delivered an address, upon the subject of matrimony, I then invited the parties couple to arise, who were to be joined in wedlock, and, solemnized the institution in a brief manner, and pronounced them husband and wife in the name of God according to the articles, and covenants of the Church of the latter day saints, closed by singing and prayer, took some refreshment, and retired; having spent the evening, agreeably

4 December 1835 • Friday


to day, in company with Vinson Knights, we drew, three hundred and fifty Dollars, out of Painsvill[e] Bank, on three months credit, for which we gave, the names of F G. Williams & Co N. K. Whitney John Johnson, & Newel Vinson Knights, I also settled with Br. Hiram Smith, and V. Knights, and paid said [K]nights $2045 two hundred and forty five dollars, I also paid, or have it in my power to pay, J. Lewis for which, blessing, I feel hartily, to thank my heavenly Father, and ask him, in the name of Jesus Christ, to enable us to extricate page 55 ourselves, from all the embarasments whatever that we may not be brought into disrepute, in any respect, that our enemys may not have any power over us; spent the day at home, devoted some time in studying the hebrew language. this has been a warm day with, some rain; our snow is melting verry fast, This evening, a Mr. John Holister of Portage County Ohio called to see me on the subject of religion, he is a member of the close communion baptise Church, he said he had come to enquire concerning the faith of our church having heard many reports of the worst character about us, he seemed to be an honest enqui[r]er after truth. I spent the evening in talking with him, I found him to be an honest candid man, and no particular peculiarities about him, only his simplisity, he tarried over night with me, and acknowledged in the morning that although he had thought he knew something about religion he was now sensible that he knew but little, which was the greatest, trait of wisdom that I could discover in him

5 December 1835 • Saturday


the weather is cold and freezing, and the snow is falling moderately, and there is a prospect of sleighing again, spent the forenoon in studying, hebrew with Doct. Williams & President Cowdery, I am labouring under some indisposition of health. laid down and slept a while, and page 56 and arose feeling tolerable well through the blessings of God. I received a letter to day from Reuben McBride, Vilanova [Chautauqua Co.] N. Y also another from Parley Pratts mother in law from Herkimer Co. N. Y of no consequence as to what it contained, but cost me 25 cents for postage, I mention this as it is a common occurence, and I am subjected to a great deal of expence in this way, by those who I know nothing about, only that they are destitute of good manners, for if people wish to be benefited with information from me, common respect and good breeding wou[1]d dictate, them to pay the postage on their letters.

6 December 1835 • Sunday


went to meeting at the us[u]al hour. G. Carter preached a splendid discourse, in the after noon we had an exortation, and communion. Br. Draper insisted on leaving the meeting, some 2 or 3 weeks since, before communion, and would not be prevailed upon to tarry a few moments although, we invited him to do so as we did not wish to have the house thrown into confusion, he observed that he would not if we excluded him from the church, to day, he attempted to make a confession, but it was not satisfactory to me, and I was constrained by the spirit to deliver him over to the bufetings of satan untill he should humble himself, and repent, of his sins, and make a satisfactory confession before the church page 57

7 December 1835 • Monday


received a letter from Milton Holmes, and was much rejoiced to hear from, him, and of his prosperity in proclaiming the gospel, wrote him a letter requesting, him to return to this place,

Spent the day in reading the hebrew. Mr. John Hollister called and to take the parting hand with me, and remarked that he had been in darkness all his days, but had now found the light and intended to obey it. also a number of brethren called this Evening to see the records. I exibited and explained them to their satisfaction. We have fine sleighing

8 December 1835 • Tuesday


at holm spent the day in reading hebrew in company with, President Cowdery Doct. Williams Br. H[yrum]. Smith & O[rson]. Pratt.

In the evening I preached, as us[u]al at the School House, had great liberty in speaking the congregation, were attentive, after the servises closed the brethren proposed to come and draw wood for me

9 December 1835 • Wednesday


at home, the wind is strong and chilly, from the south, and their is a prospect of a storm Elder [Noah] Packard came in this morning and made me a present, of 12 dollars which he held in a note against me, may God bless him for his liberality, also James Aldrich, sent me my note by the hand of Jesse Hitchcock, on which page 58 there was 12 dollars due, and may God bless him for his kindness to me also the brethren whose names are written below opened their hearts in great liberality and payed me at the committee Store the sums set oposite their respective names

John Corrill $5.00
Levi Jackman 3.25
Elijah Fordham 5.25
James Em[m]ett 5.00
Newel Knight 2.00
Truman Angell 3.00
Wm Felshaw 3.00
Emer Harris 1.00
Truman Jackson 1.00
Samuel Rolph 1.25
Elias Higbee 1.00
Albert Brown 3.00
Wm F. Cahoon 1.00
Harlow Crosier .50
Salmon Gee .75
Harvey Stanley 1.00
Zemira Draper 1.00
George Morey 1.00
John Rudd .50
Alexander Badlam 1.00
with the adition of the 2 notes above 24.00

My heart swells with gratitude inexpressible when I realize the great condescention of my heavenly Fathers, in opening the hearts of these, my beloved brethren page 59 to administer so liberally, to my wants and I ask God in the name of Jesus Christ, to multiply, blessings, without number upon their heads, and bless me with much wisdom and understanding, and dispose of me, to the best advantage, for my brethren, and the advancement of thy cause and Kingdom, and whether my days are many or few whether in life or in death I say in my heart, O Lord let me enjoy the society of such brethren

To day Elder Tanner brought me the half of a fat[e]ned hog for the be[ne]fit of my family.

And a few days since Elder S[hadrach] Roundy brought me a quarter of beef and may all the blessings, that are named above, be poured upon their heads, for their kindness toward me

10 December 1835 • Thursday


a beautiful morning indeed, and fine sleighing, this day my brethren meet according, to previous arangement, to chop and haul wood for me, and they have been verry industrious, and I think they have supplyed me with my winters wood, for which I am sincerely grateful to each and every, one of them, for this expression of their goodness towards me And in the name of Jesus Christ I envoke the rich benediction of heav[e]n to rest upon them even all and their families, and I ask my heavenly Father page 60 to preserve their health's and those of their wives and children, that they may have strength of body to perform, their labours, in their several ocupations in life, and the use and activity of their limbs, also powers of intellect and understand-ing hearts, that they may treasure up wisdom, and understanding, until and inteligence, above measure, and be preserved from plagues pestilence,and famine, and from the power of the adversary, and the hands of evil designing, men and have power over all their enemys; and the way be prepared before them, that they may journey to the land of Zion and be established, on their inheritances, to enjoy undisturbe[d] peace and happiness for ever, and ultimately to be crowned with everlasting life in the celestial Kingdom of God, which blessings I ask in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen

I would remember Elder Leonard Rich who was the first one that proposed to the brethren to assist me, in obtaining wood for the use of my family, for which I pray my heavenly Father, to bless him with all the blessings, named above, and I shall ever remember him with much gratitude, for this testimony, of benevolence and respect, and thank the great I am, for puting into his heart to do me this kindness, and I say in my heart, I will trust in thy goodness, and mercy, forever, for thy wisdom and benevolence O Lord is unbounded and beyond the comprehension of men and all of thy ways cannot be found out page 61

This afternoon, I was called in company with President David Whitmer, to visit Sister Angeline Works, who lives at Elder Booths we found her verry sick, and so much deranged, that She did not recognize her friends, and intimate acquaintences we prayed for and layed hands on her her in the name of Jesus Christ, and commanded her in his name to receive he[r] senses, which was immediately restored to her we also asked a healing blessing prayed that she might be restored to health, she said she was better. On our return we found the brethren engaged, in putting out the board kiln which had taken fire, and after labouring for about one hour, against this distructive, element they succeded in conquering it, and, probably will save about one fourth part of the lumber, that was in it, how much loss the committee have sustained by this fire I do not know but it is conciderable as there was much lumber in the kiln

There was about 200 brethren engaged on this occasion and displayed, much activity, and interest, for which they deserve much credit.

This evening I spent at hom[e], a number of brethren called to see the records which I exibited to them, and they were much pleased with their interview page 62

11 December 1835 • Friday


a fire broke out in a shoe-makers shop owned by Orson Johnson, but was soon, extinguished, by the active exertions of the brethren, but the family were much alarmed, the shop being connected with their dwelling house, they carryed their furniture into the street, but not much damage was sustained. This is a pleasant morning, and their is a prospect of a thaw

Spent the day at home, in reading, and instructing those who called for advise. today Elder Dayly & his wife left for home.

12 December 1835 • Saturday


at home, spent the fore noon in reading, at about 12 0 clock a number of young person[s] called to see the records Egyptian records I requested my Scribe to exibit them, he did so, one of the young ladies, who had been examining them, was asked if they had the appearance of Antiquity, she observed with an air of contempt that they did not, on hearing this I was surprised at the ignorance she displayed, and I observed to her that she was an anomaly in creation for all the wise and learned that had ever examined them, without hesitation pronounced them antient, I further remarked that, it was downright wickedness ignorance bigotry and superstition that caused her to make the remark, and that I would put it on record, and I have done so because it is a fair sample of the prevailing spirit of the times page 63 showing that the victims of priestcraft and superstition, would not believe though one should rise from the dead.

At evening attended a debate, at Br. Wm. Smiths, the question proposed to debate upon was, as follows. was it necessary for God to reveal himself to man, in order for their happiness. I was on the affirmative and the last one to speak on that side of the question, but while listning, with interest to the, ingenuity displayed, on both Sides of the qu[e]stion, I was called, away to visit, Sister Angeline Work[s], who was suposed to be dangerously sick, Elder Corrill & myself went and prayed for and layed hands on her in the name of Jesus Christ, She appeard to be better, returned home

13 December 1835 • Sunday


at the us[u]al hour for meeting viz. at 10 ocl[o]ck attended meeting, at the School house on the flats, Elder J[esse]. Hitchcock preachd a verry feeling discourse indeed, in the afternoon Elder Peter Whitmer, related his experiance, after which President F G. Williams related his also, they both spoke of many things connected with the rise and progress of this church, which were interesting, and the Saints, listened with much attention, after these serv[ic]es closed, the sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered, under the superintendance of President D. Whitmer, who presided over the meeting during the day. I then made som[e] remarks respecting prayer meetings and our meeting was brought to a close, by invoking the blessings of heaven.

We then returned home. I ordered my horse saddled and myself and Scribe, rode to Mr. E[benezer]. Jennings, where I joined Eb[e]nezer Robinson and Angeline Works, in matrimony, according to previous arangements. Miss Works had so far recoverd from her illness, that she was able to sit in her easy chair while I pronounced the mariage ceremony.

We then rode to Mr. [Isaac] McWithy's a distance of about 3 miles from Town, where I had been Solicited, to attend and solemnize, the matrimonial covenant betwen Mr. E[dwin]. Webb & Miss E[liza]. A. McWithy, the parents and many of the connections of both parties were present, with a large and respectable company of friends, who were invited as guests; and after making the necessary arangements the company come to order, and the Groom & bride, with the attendants politely came forward, and took their seats, and having been requested, to make some preliminary remarks upon the subject of matrimony, touching the design of the All Mighty in this institution, also the duties of husbands & wives towards eac[h] other, and after opening our interview with singing and prayer, I delivered a lecture of about 40 minuits in length, during this time all seemed to be interested, except one or two individuals, who manifested, a spirit of grovling contempt, which I was constrained to reprove and rebuke sharply, after I had been closed my remarks. I sealed the matrimonial [p.65] ceremony in the name of God, and pronounced the blessings of heaven upon the heads of the young married couple we then closed by returning thanks.

A sumptuous feast was then spread and the company were invited to seat themselves, at the table by pairs, male & female commencing with the oldest, and I can only say that the interview was conducted with propriety and decorum, and our hearts were made to rejoice, while together, and all cheerfulness prevailed, and after spending the evening agreeably untill 9, oclock, we pronounc[e]d a blessing, upon the company and withdrew, and returned home

To day the board kiln, took fire again

14 December 1835 • Monday


this morning a number of brethren from New York call[ed] to visit me, and see the Egyptian records. Elder [Martin] Harris also returned this morning from Palmyra N. York. Br. Frazier Eaton, of the same place called and paid me a visit, a verry fine man also Sister Harriet How[e] called to pay us a visit

After dinner we went to attend the funeral of Sylvester Smiths youngest child. in the evening meet according to notice previously given to make arangements to guard against fire, and organized a company for this purpose, counciled also on other affairs of a temporal nature.

To day Samuel Branum [Brannan] came to my house, much afflicted with a swelling on his left arm, which was occasioned by a bruise page 66 on his elbow, we had been called to pray for him and anoint him with oil, but his faith was not sufficient to effect a cure, and my wife prepared a poultice of herbs and applyed to it and he tarryed with me over night

Spent the day at home reading hebrew, and visiting friends who called to see me.

To day I received a letter form Elder Orson Hyde from his own hand

15 December 1835 • Tuesday


spent the day at home, and as us[u]al was blessed with much company, some of which called to see the records Samuel Brannum [Brannan], is verry sick in consequence of his arm, it being much inflamed

This afterno[o]n Elder Orson Hyde, handed me a Letter, the purport of which is that he is dissatisfyed with the committee, in their dealings, with him in temporal affairs, that is that they do not deal as liberally in with him as they do with Elder William Smith, also requested me to reconcile the revelation, given to the 12, since their return from the East,

That unless these things and others named in the letter, could be reconciled to his mind his honour would not stand united with them. this I believe is the amount of the contents of the letter although much was written, my feelings on this occasion, were much laserated, knowing that I had dealt in righteousness with him in all things and endeavoured to promote his happiness and well being, as much as lay in my power, and I feel that these reflections are page 67 ungrateful and founded in jealousy and that the adversary is striving with all his subtle devises and influence to destroy him by causing a division amon[g] the twelve that God has chosen to open the gospel Kingdom in all nations, but I pray my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus of Nazareth that he may be delivered from the power of the destroyer, and that his faith fail not in this hour of temptation, and prepare him and all the Elders to receive an endument [endowment], in thy house, even according to thine own order from time to time as thou seeest them worthy to be called into thy Solemn Assembly page 68

16 December 1835 • Wednesday


the weather is extremely cold, this morning I went to the council room, to lay before the presidency the letter that I received yesterday from Elder O. Hyde, but when I arived, I found that I had lost said letter, but I laid the substance of it as far as I could recollect before the council, but they had not time to attend to it on the account of other buisness, accordingly we adjourned untill Monday Evening the 20th Inst.

Returned home Elder McLellen Elder B. Young and Elder J[ared] Carter called and paid me a visit, with which I was much gratified. I exibited and explaind the Egyptian Records to them, and explained many things to them concerning the dealings of God with the ancients and the formation of the planetary System, they seemed much pleased with the interview.

This evening according to adjournment I went to Br. Wm. Smiths, to take part in the debate that was commenced on Saturday evening last. after the debate was concluded, and a desision given in favour of the affirmative of the question, some altercation took place, upon the impropr[i]ety of continueing the school fearing that it would not result in good.

Br. Wm opposed these measures and insisted on having another question proposed, and at length become much enraged particularly at me and used page 69 violence upon my person, and also upo[n] Elder J. Carter and some others, for which I am grieved beyond expression, and can only pray God to forgive him inasmuch as he repents of his wickedness, and humbles himself before the Lord

17 December 1835 • Thursday


at home. quite unwell. This morning Elder Orson Hyde called to see me, and presented me with a copy of the letter that he handed me on Tuesday last, which I had lost The following is a copy

Dec. 15th 1835

President Smith

Sir you may esteem it a novel circumstance to receive a written communication from me at this time.

My reasons for writing are the following. I have some things which I wish to communicate to you, and feeling a greater liberty to do it by writing alone by myself, I take this method; and it is generally the case that you are thronged with buisness and not convenient to spend much time in conversing upon subjects of the following nature. Therefore let these excuses paliate the novelty of the circumstance and patiently hear my recital.

After the committee had received their stock of fall and winter goods, I went to Elder Cahoon and told him that I was destitute of a cloak and wanted him to trust me until Spring for materials to make one. He told me that page 70 he would trust me until January, but must then have his pay as the payments for the goods become due at that time. I told him that I know not from whence the money would come and I could not promise it so soon.

But in a few weeks after I unexpectedly obtained the money to buy a cloak and applyed immediately to Elder C for one and told him that I had the cash to pay for it, but he said that the materials for cloaks were all sold and that he could not accommodate me, and I will here venture a guess that he has not realized the cash for one cloak pattern.

A few weeks after this I called on Elder Cahoon again and told him that I wanted cloth for some shirts to the amount of 4 or 5 Dollars I told him that I would pay him in the spring and sooner if I could.

He told me let me have it not long after, my school was established and some of the hands who laboured on the house attended and wished to pay me at the Committee Store for their tuition. I called at the Store to see if any negotiation could be made and they take me off where I owed them, but no such negotiation could be made. These with some other circumstances of like character called forth the following reflections.

In the first place I gave the committee $275 in cash besides some more and during the last season have traveled thro the middle and Eastern states to suport and uphold the store and in so doing have reduced myself to nothing in a pecuniary point. Under [p.71] these circumstances this establishment refused to render me that accomodation which a worldlings establishment would have gladly done, and one too, which never received a donation from my me nor in whose favour I never raised my voice or exerted my influence.

But after all this, thought I, it may be right and I will be still Un[t]il not long since I asertained that Elder Wm Smith could go to the store and get whatever he pleased, and no one to say why do ye so, until his account has amounted to seven Hundred Dollars or there abouts and that he was a silent partner in the conce[r]n, yet not acknowledged as such fearing that his creditors would make a hawl upon the Store.

While we were abroad this last season we strain[e]d every nerve to obtain a little something for our familys and regularly divided the monies equally for ought that I know, not knowing that William had such a fountain at home from whence he drew his support. I then called to mind the revelation in which myself, McLellen and Patten were chastened and also the quotation in that revelation of the parable of the twelve sons: as if the original meaning referd directly to the twelve apostles of the church of the Latter day Saints. I would now ask if each one of the twelve has not an equal right to the same accomodations from that Store provided they are alike faithful. If not, with such a combination page 72 mine honor be not thou united.

If each one has the same right, take the baskets off from our noses or put one to Williams nose or if this cannot be done, reconcile the parable of the twelve sons with the superior priveleges that William has.

Pardon me if I speak in parables or parody.

A certain shepherd had twelve sons and he sent them out one day to go and gather his flock which were scattered upon the mountains and in the vallies afar off they were all obedient to their fathers mandate, and at Evening they returned with the flock, and one son received wool enough to make him warm and comfortable and also rec[eive]d of the flesh and milk of the flock, the other eleven received not so much as one kid to make merry with their friends

These facts with some others have disqualified my mind for studying the Hebrew Language at present, and believing, as I do, that I must sink or swim, or in other words take care of myself, I have thought that I should take the most efficient means in my power to get out of debt, and to this end I p[r]oposed taking the school, but if I am not thought competent to take the charge of it, or worthy to be placed in that station, I must devise some other means to help myself; altho having been ordained to that office under your own hand with a p[r]omise that it should not be taken from me. page 73 Conclusion of the whole matter is sutch I am willing to continue and do all I can provided we can share equal benefits one with the other, and upon no other principle whatever. If one has his suport from the "publick crib" let them all have it. But if one is pinched I am willing to be, provided we are all alike.

If the principle of impartiality and equality can be observed by all I think that I will not peep again—

If I am damned it will be for doing what I think is right. There have been two applications made to me to go into business since I talked of taking the school, but it is in the world and I had rather remain in Kirtland if I can consistently All I ask is Right I Am Sir with Respect Your obt. servt.

Orson Hyde

To President J. Smith jn

Kirtland Geauga Co. Ohio page 74

Elder O. Hyde called and read the foregoing letter himself and, I explained upon the objections, he had set forth in it, and satisfied his mind upon every point, perfectly and he observed after I had got through, that he was more than satisfied, and would attend the hebrew school, and took the parting hand with me with every expression of friendship that a gentleman, and a Christian could manifest, which I felt to reciprocate, with the cheerfulness and entertain, the best of feeling for him, and most cheerfully forgive him the ingratitude which was manifisted in his letter, knowing that it was for want of corect information, that his mind was disturbed as far as his reflections related to me.

But on the part of the committe, he was not treated, right in all thing[s], however all things, are settled amicably, and no hardness exists between us or them

My Father & Mother called this evening to see me upon the subject of the difficulty, that transpired at their house on wednesd[a]y evening between me and my Br. William, they were sorely afflicted in mind on the account of that occurrence. I conversed with them, and showed convinced them that I was not to blame in taking the course I did, but had acted in righteousness, in all thing[s] on that occasion

I invited them to come and live with me, they concented to do so as soon as it is practicable page 75

18 December 1835 • Friday


at home Br. Hyrum Smith called to see me and read a letter to me that he received from William, in which he asked, his [ - ] for- forgivness for the abuse he offered to him, at the debate, he tarried, most of the fore noon, and conversed freely with me, upon the subject, of the difficulty, existing between me and Br. William, he said that he was, perfectly satisfied, with the course I had taken, with him, in rebuking, him in his wickedness, but he is wounded to the verry soul, with the conduct of William, and altho he feels the tender feelings of a brother, toward him yet he can but look upon his conduct as an abomination in the sight of God

And I could pray in my heart that all my brethren were like unto my beloved brother Hyrum, who posseses the mildness of a lamb, and the integrity of a Job and in short the meekness and humility of Christ, and I love him with that love that is stronger than death; for I never had occasion to rebuke him, and nor he me which he declared when he left me to day page 76

18th Inst. [December 1835]

Copy of a letter from Br. William Smith

Br. Joseph

Though I do not know but I have forfeited all right and title to the word brother, in concequence of what I have done, for I concider myself, that I am unworthy to be called one, after coming to myself and concidering upon what I have done I feel as though it was a duty, to make a humble confession to you for what I have done or what took place the other evening but leave this part of the subject at present. I was called to an account by the 12, yesterday for my conduct; or they desired to know my mind or determination and what I was going to do I told them that on reflection upon the many difficulties that I had had with the church and the much disgrace I had brought upon myself in concequence of these things and also that my health would not permit me to go to school to make any preperations for the endument [endowment] and that my health was such that I was not able to travel, I told them that it would be better for them to appoint one in the office that would be better able to fill it, and by doing this they would throw me into the hands of the church, and leave me where I was before I was chosen

Then I would not be in a situation page 77 to bring so much disgrace upon the cause, when I fell into temptation, and perhaps by this I might obtain Salvation you know my passions and the danger of falling from so high a station, and thus by withdrawing from the office of the apostleship while their is salvation for me, and remaining a member in the church; I feel a fraid if I do'nt do this it will be worse for me, some other day

And again my health is poor and I am not able to travel and it is necessary that the office should not be idle And again I say you know my passions and I am afraid it will be worse for me, by and by

do so if the Lord will have mercy on me and let me remain as a member in the church, and then I can travel and preach, when I am able do not think that I am your enemy for what I have done, perhaps you may say or ask why I have not remembered the good that you have done to me When I reflect upon the ingury I have done you I must confess that I do not know what I have been doing about I feel sorry for what I have done and humbly ask your forgiveness I have not confidence as yet to come and see you for I feel ashamed of what I have done, and as I feel now I feel as though [p.78] all the confessions that I could make verbally or by writing would not be sufficient to atone for the transgression be this as it may I am willing to make all the restitution you shall require. If I can stay in the church as a member I will try to make all the satisfaction possible yours with respect

William Smith

Do not cast me off for what I have done but strive to save me in the church as a member I do repent of what I have done to you and ask your forgiveness I concider the transgression the other evening of no small magnitude, but it is done and I cannot help it now I know brother Joseph you are always willing to forgive.

But I sometimes think when I reflect upon the many inguries I have done you I feel as though a confession was not hardly sufficient but have mercy on me this once and I will try to do so no more

The 12, called a council yesterday and sent over after me and I went over

This council rem[em]ber was called together by themselves and not by me

Wm S page 79

Kirtland Friday Dec 18th 1835

Answer to the foregoing Letter from Br. William Smith a Copy

Br. William having received your letter I now procede to answer it, and shall first procede, to give a brief naration of my feelings and motives, since the night I first came to the knowledge, of your having a debating School, which was at the time I happened in with, Bishop [Newel K.] Whitney his Father and Mother &c which was the first that I knew any thing about it, and from that time I took an interest in them, and was delighted with it, and formed a determination, to attend the School for the purpose of obtaining information, and with the idea of imparting the same, through the assistance of the spirit of the Lord, if by any means I should have faith to do so; and with this intent, I went to the school on last Wednesday night, not with the idea of braking up the school, neither did it enter into my heart, that there was any wrangling or jealousy's in your heart, against me;

Notwithstanding previous to my leaving home there were feelings of solemnity, rolling across my breast, which were unaccountable to me, and also these feelings continued by spells to depress my feelings spirit and seemed to manifest that all was not right, even after the debate school commenced, and during the debate, yet I strove to believe that all would work together for good; I was pleased with the power of the arguments, that were aduced, and did page 80 not feel to cast any reflections, upon any one that had spoken; but I felt that it was my the duty of old men that set as presidents to be as grave, at least as young men, and that it was our duty to smile at solid arguments, and sound reasoning, and be impresed with solemnity, which should be manifest in our countanance, when folly and that which militates against truth and righteousness, rears its head

Therefore in the spirit of my calling and in view of the authority of the priesthood that has been confered upon me, it would be my duty to reprove whatever I esteemed to be wrong fondly hoping in my heart that all parties, would concider it right, and therefore humble themselves, that satan might not take the advantage of us, and hinder the progress of our School.

Now Br. William I want you should bear with me, notwithstanding my plainness

I would say to you that my feelings, were grieved at the interuption you made upon Elder McLellen, I thought, you should have concidered your relation, with him, in your apostle ship, and not manifest any division of sentiment, between you, and him, for a surrounding multitude to take the advantage of you: Therefore by way of entreaty, on the account of the anxiety I had for your influence and wellfare, I said, unto you, do not have any feeling, or something to that amount, why I am thus particular, is that if you, have misconstrued, my feelings, toward you, you may be corrected. page 81 But to procede after the school was closed Br. Hyrum, requested the privilege, of speaking, you objected, however you said if he would not abuse the school, he might speak, and that you would not allow any man to abuse the school in your house.

Now you had no reason to suspect that Hyrum, would abuse the school, therefore my feelings were mortified, at those unnecessary observations, I undertook to reason, with you but you manifested, an inconciderate and stubourn spirit, I then dispared, of benefiting you, on the account of the spirit you manifested, which drew from me the expression that you was as ugly as the Devil.

Father then commanded silence and I formed a determination, to obey his mandate, and was about to leave the house with the impression, that you was under the influence of a wicked spirit you replyed that you, would say what you pleased in your own house, Father replyed, say what you please, but let the rest hold their toungs, then a reflection, rushed through my mind, of the, anxiety, and care I ha[d] had for you and your family, in doing what I did, in finishing your house and providin[g] flour for your family &c and also father had possession in the house, as well, as your self; and when at any time have I transgressed, the commandments of my father? or sold my birthright, that I should not have the privilege of speaking in my fathers house, or in other words in my fathers family, or in your house, page 82 (for so we will call it, and so it shall be,) that I should not have the privilege of reproving a younger brother, therefore I said I will speak, for I built the house, and it is as much mine as yours, or something to that effect, (I should have said that I helped finish the house,) I said it merely to show that it could not be, the right spirit, that would rise up for trifling matters, and undertake to put me to silence, I saw that your indignation was kindled against me, and you made towards me, I was not then to be moved, and I thought, to pull off my loose coat, least it should tangle me, and you be left to hurt me, but not with the intention, of hurting You, but you was to soon for me, and having once fallen into the hands of a mob, and now been wounded in my side, and now into the hands of a brother, my side gave way, after having been rescued, from your grasp, I left your house, with feelings that were indiscriba[b]le, the scenery had changed, and all those expectations, that I had cherished, when going to your house, of brotherly kindness, charity forbearance and natural affection, that in duty binds us not to make each others offenders for a word.

But alass! abuse, anger, malice, hatred, and rage with a lame side with marks, of violence heaped upon my body me by a brother, were the reflections of my disapointment, and with these I returned home, not able to sit down, or rise up, without help, but through the blessings of God I am now better. page 83 I have received your letter and purused it with care. I have not entertained a feeling of malice, against you, I am, older than you and have endured, more suffering, have been mar[r]ed by mobs, the labours of my calling, a series of persecution, and injuries, continually heaped upon me, all serve to debilitate, my body, and it may be that I cannot boast of being stronger, than you, if I could, or could not, would this be an honor, or dishonor to me, if I could boast like David of slaying a Goliath, who defied the armies of the living God, or like Paul, of contending with Peter face to face, with sound arguments, it might be an honor, But to mangle the flesh or seek revenge upon one who never done you any wrong, can not be a source of sweet reflection, to you, nor to me, neither to an honorable father & mother, brothers, and sisters, and when we reflect, with what care our parents and with what unremiting diligence our parents, have strove to watch over us, and how many hours, of sorrow, and anxiety, they have spent over our cradles and bedsides, in times of sickness, how careful we ought to be of their feelings in their old age, it cannot be a source of swe[e]t reflection to us to say or do any thing that will bring their grey hairs down with sorrow to the grave.

In your letter you asked my forgivness, which I readily grant, but it seems to me, that you still retain an idea, that I have given you reasons to be angry or disaffected with me.

Grant me the privilege of saying then, page 84 that however hasty, or harsh, I may have spoken, at any time to you, it has been done for the express purpose of endeavouring, to warn exhort, admonish, and rescue you, from falling into difficulties, and sorrows which I foresaw you plunging into, by giving way to that wicked spirit, which you call your passions, which you should curbe and break down, and put under your feet, which if you do not you, never can be saved, in my view, in the Kingdom of God.

God requires the will of his creatures, to be swallowed up in his will.

You desire to remain in the church, but forsake your apostleship, this is a stratigem of the evil one, when he has gained one advantage, your he lays a plan for another but by maintaining your apostleship in rising up, and making one tremendious effort, you may overcome your passions, and please God and by forsaking your apostleship, is not to be willing, to make that sacrafice that God requires at your hands and is to incur his displeasure, and without pleasing God do not think, that it will be any better for you, when a man falls one step he must regain that step again, or fall another, he has still more to gain, or eventually all is lost.

I desire brother William that you will humble yourself, I freely forgive you and you know, my unshaken and unshaken unchangable disposition I think know in whom I trust, I stand upon page 85 the rock, the floods cannot, no they shall not overthrow me, you know the doctrine I teach is true, and you know that God has blessed me, I brought salvation to my fathers house, as an instrument in the hand of God, when they were in a miserable situation, you know that it is my duty to admonish you when you do wrong this liberty I shall always take, and you shall have the same privilege, I take the privilege, to admonish you because of my birthright, and I grant you the privilege because it is my duty, to be humble and to receive rebuke, and instruction, from a brother or a friend.

As it regards, what course you shall persue hereafter, I do not pretend to say, I leave you in the hands of God and his church. Make your own desision, I will do you good altho you mar me, or slay me, by so doing my garments, shall be clear of your sins, and if at any time you should concider me to be an imposter, for heavens sake leave me in the hands of God, and not think to take vengance on me your self.

Tyrany ursurpation, and to take mens rights ever has and ever shall be banished from my heart.

David sought not to kill Saul, although he was guilty of crimes that never entered my heart.

And now may God have mercy upon my fathers house, may God take page 86 away enmity, from betwen me and thee, and may all blessings be restored, and the past be forgotten forever, may humble repentance bring us both to thee O God and to thy power and protection, and a crown, to enjoy the society of father mother Alvin Hyrum Sophron[i]a Samuel Catharine Carloss Lucy the Saints and all the sanctified in peace forever, is the prayer of This from Your brother

Joseph Smith Jun

To William Smith

19 December 1835 • Saturday


at home wrote the above letter to Br. Wm. Smith I have had many sollam solemn feelings this day Concerning my Brothe[r] William and have prayed in my heart to fervently that the Lord will not him cast him off but he may return to the God of Jacob and magnify his apostleship and calling may this be his happy lot for the Lord of Glorys Sake Amen

20 December 1835 • Sunday


At home all day and took solid Comfort with my Family had many serious reflections also Brothers [Ambrose] Palmer and Tailor [Jonathan Taylor] Came to see me I showed them the sacred record to their Joy and sati[s]faction O may God have mercy upon these men and keep them in the way of Everlasting life in the name of Jesus Amen page 87

21 December 1835 • Monday


At home Spent this [day] in indeavering to treasure up know[1]edge for the be[n]ifit of my Calling the day pas[s]ed of[f] very pleasantly for which I thank the Lord for his blessings to my soul his great mercy over my Family in sparing our lives O Continue thy Care over me and mine for Christ sake

22 December 1835 • Tuesday


At home this Continued my studys O may God give me learning even Language and endue me with qualifycations to magnify his name while I live I also deliv[er]ed an address to the Church this Evening the Lord blessed my Soul, my scribe also is unwell O my God heal him and for his kindness to me O my soul be thou greatful to him and bless him and he shall be blessed </>of for ever of God forever I believe him to be a faithful friend to me therefore my soul delighteth in him Amen

Joseph Smith Jr

/ 23 December 1835 • Wednesday


In the forenoon at home stud[y]ing the greek Language and also waited upon the brethren who came in and exhibiting to them the papirus, in the afternoon visited brother Leonard Rich with the relatives of bro Oliver Cowdery had not a very agreeable visit for I found them page 88 filled with prejudice against the work of the Lord and their minds blinded with superstition & ignorence &c

24 December 1835 • Thursday


At home in the forenoon in the afternoon assisted in running out a road across my farm by the commissionor[s] who were appoint[e]d by the court for the same

25 December 1835 • Friday


At home all this day and enjoyed myself with my family it being Christmas day the only time I have had this privilege so satisfactorily for a long time

26 December 1835 • Saturday


commenced studeing the Hebrew Language in company with bros [Warren] Parrish & [Frederick G.] Williams in the mean time bro Lyman Sherman came in and requested to have the word of the lord through me for said he I have been wrought upon to make known to you my feelings and desires and was promised to have that I should have a revelation and which should make known my duty

last evening a brother from the east called upon me for instruction whose name is Jonathan Crosby also in the course of the day two gentlemen called upon me while I was cutting wood at the door and requested an interview with the head of the church which I agreed to grant them on Sunday morning the 27 Inst page 89 The following is a revelation given to Lyman Sherman this day 26 Dec 1835

Verily thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Lyman your sins are forgiven you because you have obeyed my voice in coming up hither this morning to receive councel of him whom I have appointed

Therefore let your soul be at rest concerning your spiritual standing, and resist no more my voice, and arise up and be more careful henceforth in observing your vows which you have made and do make, and you shall be blessed with exceding great blessings. Wait patiently untill the time when the solemn assembly shall be called of my servants then you shall be numbered with the first of mine elders and receive right by ordination with the rest of mine elders whom I have chosen

Behold this is the promise of the father unto you if you continue faithful and it shall be fulfilled upon you in that day that you shall have right to preach my gospel wheresoever I shall send you from henceforth from that time. Therefore strengthen your brethren in all your conversation in all your prayers, and in all your exhortations, and in all your doings, and behold and lo I am with you to bless you and deliver you forever Amen

27 December 1835 • Sunday


at the us[u]al hour, attended meeting at the School house, President Cowdery delivered a verry able and interesting discourse in the after part of the day Br. page 90 Hyrum Smith & Bishop Partridge, delivered each a short and interesting lecture, after which the sacrament of the Lords supper was administered and dismissed our meeting

Those Gentlemen that proposed to have an interview with me on this morning, did not come, and I conclude they were trifling characters

28 December 1835 • Monday


having prefered a charge against Elder Almon Babbit for traducing my character, he was this morning called before the High Council, and I attended, with my witnesses, and substantiated my charge against him and he in part acknowledged his fault but not satisfactory to the council, and after parleying with him a long time, and granting him every indulgence, that righteousness require the council adjourned without obtaining a full confession from him

On this day the council of the seventy met to render an account of their travels and ministry, since they were ordained to that apostleship, the meeting was interesting indeed, and my heart was made glad while listning to the relations of those that had been labouring, in the vinyard of the Lord with such marvelous success, and I pray God to bless them with an increas[e] of faith, and power, and keep them page 91 all with the indurance of faith in the name of Jesus Christ, to Amen the end

29 December 1835 • Tuesday


at home untill about 10. oclock I then went to attend a blessing meeting at Oliver Olneys, in company with my wife, & father and mother who had come to live with me, also my scribe went with us a large company assembled and Father Smith arose and made some preliminary remarks, which were verry applicable, on occasions of this kind, after which he opened the meeting by a hymn was sung and he opened the meeting by prayer about 15 persons then received a patriarchal blessing under his hands the servises were then dismissed, as they commenced, viz. by singing and prayer. a table was then spread and crowned with the bounties of nature, and after invoking the benediction of heaven upon the rich repast, we fared sumptuously, and suffice it to say that we had a glorious meeting, through out and I was much pleased with the harmony and decorum that existed among the brethren and sisters, we returned home and spent the evening at early candlelight I went and preached at the school house to a crowded congregation, who listened page 92 with attention, while I delivered a lecture of about 3, hours in length, I had liberty in speaking, some presbyterians were present, as I after learned, and I expect that some of my sayings set like a garment that was well fited, as I exposed their abominations in the language of the scriptures, and I pray God that it may be like a nail in a sure place, driven by the master of assemblies. Col. Chamberlains Son called to day

30 December 1835 • Wednesday


spent the day in reading hebrew at the council room, in company with my scribe which gave me much sattisfaction, on the account of his returning health, for I delight in his company

31 December 1835 • Thursday


at home, after attending to the duties of my family, retired to the council room, to persue my studies, the council of the 12 convened in the upper room in the printing office directly over the room where we were convened, in our studies, they sent for me and the presidency, (or part of them,) to receive council from us on the subject of the council, which is to be held on Saturday next

In the after noon I attended at the Chapel to give directions, concerning page 93 the upper rooms, and more especially the west room which I intend ocupying, for a translating room, which will be prepared this week

1 January 1836 • Friday


this being the beginning of a new year, my heart is filled with gratitude to God, that he has preserved my life and the lives of my family while another year has rolled away, we have been, sustained and upheld in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation, and exposed to all, the afflictions temptations and misery that are incident to human life, for which I feel to humble Myself in dust and ashes, as it were before the Lord but notwithstanding, the gratitude that fills my heart on retrospecting the past year, and the multiplyed blessings that have crowned our heads, my heart is pained within me because of the difficulty that exists in my father's family, the Devil has made a violent attack on Br. Wm [Smith] and Br Calvin [Stoddard] and the powers of darkness, seeme lower over their minds and not only theirs but cast a gloomy shade over the minds of my my parents and some of my brothers and sisters, which prevents them from seeing things as they realy are, and the powers of Earth & hell seem combined to overthrow us and the church by page 94 causing a division in the family, and indeed the adversary is bring[ing] into requisition all his subtlety to prevent the Saints from being endowed, by causing division among the 12, also among the 70, and bickerings and jealousies among the Elders and official members of the church, and so the leaven of iniquity foments and spreads among the members of the church.

But I am determined that nothing on my part shall be lacking to adjust and amicably dispose of and settle all family difficulties, on this day, that the ensuing year, and years, be they many or few may be spent in righteousness before God, and I know that the cloud will burst and satans kingdom be laid in ruins with all his black designs, and the saints come forth like gold seven times tried in the fire, being made perfect throug[h] sufferings, and temptations, and the blessings of heaven and earth multiplyed upon our heads which may God grant for Christ sake Amen

Br. William came to my house and Br. Hyrum, also, Uncle John Smith, we went into a room in company with father, and Elder Martin Harris, and father, Smith then opened our interview by prayer after which, he expressed his feelings on the ocasion in a verry feeling and pathetic manner even with all the sympathy of a father whose feeling[s] were wounded deeply on the page 95 account of the difficulty that was existing in the family, and while he addressed us the spirit of God rested down upon us in mighty power, and our hearts were melted Br. William made an humble confession and asked our my forgiveness for the abuse he had offered me and wherein I had been out of the way I asked his forgivness, and the spirit of confession and forgiveness, was mutual among us all, and we covenanted with each other in the sight of God and the holy angels and the brethren, to strive from hence forward to build each other up in righteousness, in all things and not listen to evil reports concerning each other, but like brethren, indeed go to each other, with our grievances in the spirit of meekness, and be reconciled and thereby promote our own happiness and the happiness of the family and in short the happiness and well being of all. my wife and mother, Uncle John & my scribe was then called in and we repeated the covenant to them that we had entered into, and while gratitude swelled our bosoms, tears flowed from our ey[e]s. I was then requested to close our interview which I did with prayer, and it was truly a jubilee and time of rejoiceing page 96

2 January 1836 • Saturday


acording to previous arangement, I went to council at 9 oclock. this council was called, to set in judgment, on a complaint, prefered against Br. William, by Elder Orson Johnson the council organized and opened by prayer and proceded to buisness, but before entering on the trial Br. William arose and humbly confessed the charges prefered against him and asked the forgivness of the council and the whole congregation a vote was then called to know whether his confession was satisfactory, and whether the brethren would extend the hand of fellowship to him again, with cheerfulness the whole congregation raised their hands to receive him

Elder Almon Babbit also confessed his the charges which I prefered against him in a previous council, and was received into fellowship, and some other buisness was transacted, in union and fellowship and the best of feelings seemed to prevail among the brethren, and our hearts were made glad on the occasion, and there was joy in heaven, and my soul doth magnify the Lord for his goodness and mercy endureth forever council adjourned with prayer as usual

3 January 1836 • Sunday


went to meeting at the us[u]al hour President Rigdon, delivered a fine lecture upon the subject of revelation, in the afternoon I confirmed about 10 or 12 persons who page 97 had been baptised, among whom was M[arvel] C. Davis who was baptized at the intermission to day Br William Smith made his confession to the church to their satisfaction, and was cordially received into fellowship again, the Lords supper was administered, and br. William gave out an appointment to preach in the evening, at early candlelight, and preach[e]d a fine discourse, and this day has been a day of rejoicing to me, the cloud that has been hanging over us has burst with blessings on our heads, and Satan has been foiled in his attempts to destroy me and the church, by causing jealousies to arise in the hearts of some of the brethren, and I thank my heavenly father for, the union and harmony which now prevails in the Church

4 January 1836 • Monday


meet and organized our hebrew School according to the arangements that were made on saturday last, we had engaged Doct[or] Piexotto [Peixotto] to teach us in the hebrew language, when we had our room prepared. we informed him that we were ready and our room prepared and he agreed to wait on us on this day and deliver his introductory lecture yesterday he sent us word that he page 98 could not come untill wedensday next a vote was called to know whether we would, submit to such treatment or not and carried in the negative, and Elder Sylvester Smith appointed as clerk to write him on the subject and inform him that his servises, were not wanted, and Elders Wm E McLellen & Orson Hyde Johnson despached to Hudson Semenary, to hire a teacher, they were appointed by the voice of the School, to act for in their behalf however we concluded to go on with our school and do the best we can untill we can obtain a teacher, and by the voice of the school I concented, to render them all the assistance I am able to, for the time being we are ocupying the translating room for the use of the School untill another room can be prepared, this is the first day that we have ocupied it this room which is the west room in the upper part of the Chappel, which was concecrated this morning by prayer offered up by father SmithThis is a rainy time and the roads are extremely mudy meet this evening at the Chapel to make arangements for a Singing School after some altercation, a judicious arangement was made, a comittee of 6 was chosen, to take charge of the singing department, page 99

5 January 1836 • Tuesday


attended the Hebrew School, divided them into classes, had some debate with Elder Orson Pratt, he manifested a stubourn spirit, which I was much grieved at

6 January 1836 • Wednesday


attended School again, and spent most of the fore noon in setling, the unplesant feelings that existed in the breast of Elder O. Pratt and after much controversy, he confessed his fault and asked the forgivness of the whol[e] school and was cheerfully forgiven by all

Elder McLellen returned from Hudson, and reported to the school that he had hired a Teacher, to teach us the term of 7. weeks for $320. that is 40. Schollars for that amount, to commence in about 15. days hence. he is highly celebrated as a hebrew schollar, and proposes to give us sufficient knowledge in the above term of time to read and translate the language page 100

Conference Minuits


at a conference held at the School house on Saturday the 2d Jan 1836 the following individuals were appointed by the voice of the conference to be ordained to the office of Elders in the church of the latter day saints under the hands of President Joseph Smith Jr Sidney Rigdon Clerk

Vincent [Vinson] Knight
Thomas Grover
Elisha [Elijah] Fordham Eldrs
Hyram Dayton
Samuel James
John Herrott [Herritt]

7 January 1836 • Thursday


attended a sumptuous feast at Bishop N K. Whitneys this feast was after the order of the Son of God the lame the halt and blind wer[e] invited according to the in[s]truction of the Saviour

our meeting was opened by singing and prayer offered up by father Smith, after which Bishop Whitneys father & mother were bless[ed] and a number of others, with a patriarchal blessing, we then received a bountiful refreshment, furnished by the liberality of the Bishop the company was large, before we parted we had some of the Songs of Zion sung, and our hearts were made glad while partaking of an antipast of those page 101 Joys that will be poured upon the head of the Saints w[h]en they are gathered together on Mount Zion to enjoy each others society forever more even all the blessings of heaven and earth and where there will be none to molest nor make us afraid

returned home and spent the evening

8 January 1836 • Friday


Spent the day in the hebrew School, and made rapid progress in our studies

9 January 1836 • January


attended School in the fore noon at about 11. oclock received the following note

Thus saith the voice of the spirit to me, if thy Brother Joseph Smith jn will attend the feast at thy house this day (at 12 ocl) the poor & lame will rejoice at his presence & also think themselves honored Yours in friendship & Love

N[ewel] K W[hitney]

9th Jany 1836


I dismissed the School in order to attend to this polite invitation, with my wife father & mother

We attended the feast, a large congregation assembled a number was blessed under the hands of father Smith, and we had a good page 102 time, returned home and spent the evening

10 January 1836 • Sunday


went to the meeting at the us[u]al hour Elder Wilber Denton & Elder [Wilkins] J[enkins] Salisbury, preached in the fore noon, in the after noon Br. Samuel & Br. Carloss Smith, they all did well concidering their youth, and bid fair to make useful men in the vinyard of the Lord, administered the sacrament and dismissed

at the intermission to day 3, were baptised by Elder Martin Harris

returned home and spent the evening

11 January 1836 • Monday


at home There being no school I spent the day at home, many brethren called to see me, among whom was Alva Beamon from New York Genesee Co. he has come to attend the Solemn Assembly I delight in the society of my friends & brethren, and pray that the blessings of heaven and earth may be multiplyed upon their heads

12 January 1836 • Tuesday


at home, this day I called on the presidency of the church, and made arangements to meet tomorrow at 10, oclock A.M page 103 to take into concideration the subject of the Solemn Assembly This after noon, a young man called to see the Egyptian manuscripts, and I exibited them to him, he expressed great satisfaction, and appeared verry anxious to obtain a knowledge of the translation. also a Man was introduced to me by the name of Russel We[a]ver from Cambria Niagary Co. N. Y. this man is a preacher, in the church that is called Christian or Unitarian, some he remarked that he had but few minuits to spend with me, we entered into conversation, and had som[e] little controversy upon the subject of prejudice, but soon come to the an understanding, he spoke of the gospel and said he believed it, adding that it was good tidings of great joy I replyed that it was one thing, to proclaim good tidings and another to tell what those tidings are, he waived the conversation and withdrew he was introduced by Joseph Rose

13 January 1836 • Wednesday


at 10, oclock A. M meet in council with all the presidency of Kirtland and Zion that together with all their councilors that could be found in this place however some of the councellors were absent, both of Kirtland and Zion The presidency of the Seventy were also present, and many more page 104 of the Elders of the church of the latterday Saints come to order, sung Adam-ondi-ahman and opened by prayer offered up by Joseph Smith Sen

I President John Smith presided on the occasion

After the council was organized and opened President Joseph Smith jr I made some verry pertinent remarks in my introductory lecture before the authority of the church, this morning, in general terms, laying before them, the buisness of the day which was to suply some deficiencies in the council Bishop[Ôs] coun[c]il in this place also in the high council after some altercation upon the most proper manner of proc[e]ding Elder Vinson Knight was nominated by the Bishop and seconded by the presidency vote called of that body and caried vote was then called from the high council of Zion and carried vote was then called from the twelve and carried vote then called from the council of the Seventy and carried vote then called from the Bishop and his council from Zion and carried Elder Knight was received by the universal voice and concent of all the authority of the Church as a councilor in the Bishops council in this place, to fill the place of Elder Hyrum Smith, who is ordained to the page 105 Presidency of the high council of Kirtland

He was then ordained under the hands of Bishop N K. Whitney to the office of a councillor also to that of high priest

Council adjourned for one hour by singing the song, come let us rejoice in the day of Salvation

council assembled at one oclock P. M organized and proceded to buisness The first buisness this afternoon was to supply some deficiencies in the high council in Kirtland, the stake of Zion John P. Greene was nominated and seconded by the presidency vote taken and carried in his favour by the unanimous voice of the all the authority of the church he supplyes the place of President O. Cowdery who is elected to the presidency of the high council in this place

Elder Thomas Grover was nominated to supply the place of Luke Johnson who is chosen and ordained one of the twelve Apostles the nomination was seconded and vote carried in his favour by all the authority present and he is received as a councilor in the high council in Kirtland

Elder Noah Packard was next nominated and seconded to supply the place of Sylvester Smith who is ordained to the presidency of the Seventy vote called and carried page 106 in his favour and Elder Packard was received by the unanimous vote of all the authority present as a high councilor in Kirtland

Elder John Page was nominated, but was not present and his name droped

Elder Joseph Kingsbury was nominated and seconded, to fill the place of Orson Hyde, who is chosen and ordained one of the twelve, vote called and carried unanimously and Elder Kingsbury was received as a hi[g]h councilor in Kirtland

Elder Samuel James, was nominated and seconded to fill the place of Joseph Smith Sen vote called and carried unanimously in his favour and Elder James was received as a high councilor in Kirtland

The new elected councilors were then called forward in order as they were elected, and ordained under the hands of President's Rigdon, Joseph Smith Sen and Hyrum Smith to the office of High Priests and councilors in this place, viz. Kirtland the Stake of Zion. many great and glorious blessings were pronounced upon the heads of thes[e] councilors by president S. Rigdon who was spokesman on the occasion

Next proceded to supply the deficiencies in the Zion high council page 107 which were two viz. Elder's John Murdock and Solomon Hancock who were absent Elder's Alva Bemon and Isaac McWithy were nominated and seconded, to s[u]pply their place for the time being vote taken of the whole assembly and carried in their favour, to serve as councilors in the high council of Zion, for the present

Elder Nathaniel Miliken and Thomas Carrico, were nominated and seconded to officiate as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord, vote called and carried, by the unanimous voice of the assembly

President's Joseph Smith Jn S. Rigdon W. W. Phelps D. Whitmer H. Smith, were nominated and seconded to draft rules and regulation[s] to govern the house of the Lord vote called and carried by the unanimous voice of the whole assembly

The question was agitate[d] whether whispering, should be allowed in our councils and assemblys

A vote was called from the whole assembly and carried in the negative, that no whispering shall be allowed nor any one allowed (except he is called upon or asks permission,) to speak page 108 loud in our councils or assemblies, upon any concideration whatever, and no man shall be interupted while speaking unless he is speaking out of place, and every man, shall be allowed to speak in his turn Elder Miliken objected to officiate in the house of the Lord as door keeper on account of his health, and was released by the voice of the assemblyThe minuits of the council were then read, and council adjourned untill Friday the 15th Inst. at 9. ocl A. M. at the west school room in the upper part of the Chapel

President S. Rigdon made a request to have some of the presidency lay their hands upon him and rebuke a severe affliction, in his face which troubles him most at night Eldr's H. Smith and D. Whitmer by my request laid hands upon him and prayed for him and rebuked his disease in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the whole assembly said responded Amen

Elder D W. Patten also made a request in behalf of his wife for our prayers for her, that she might be healed. I offered up a pray[er] for her recovery, the assembly responded Amen page 109

President Rigdon then arose and made some verry appropriate remarks touching the enduement, and dismissed the assembly by prayer

W Parrish Scribe

This has been one of the best days that I ever spent, there has been an entire unison of feeling expressed in all our p[r]oceedings this day, and the Spirit of the God of Israel has rested upon us in mighty power, and it has been good for us to be here, in this heavenly place in Christ Jesus, and altho much fatiegued with the labours of the day, yet my spiritual reward has been verry great indeed

Returned home and spent the evening

14 January 1836 • Thursday


at 9. oclock, meet the hebrew class at the school room in the Chapel, and made some arangements, about our anticipated Teacher Mr J. Sexias [Joshua Seixas] of Hudson, Ohio

I then retired to the council room in the printing office, to me[e]t, my colleagues who were appointed, with my self to draft rules and regulations to be observed in the house of the Lord in Kirtland built by the Church of the latter day saints, in the year of our Lord 1834 which are as follows page 110

1st It is according to the rules and regulations of all regular and legal organized bodies to have a president to keep order.

2nd The body thus organized are under obligation to be in subjection to that authority

3rd When a congregation assembles in this house they shall submit to the following rules, that due respect may be payed to the order of worship viz.

1st no man shall be interupted who is appointed to speak by the presidency of the church, by any disorderly person or persons in the congregation, by whispering by laughing by talking by menacing Jestures by getting up and running out in a disorderly manner or by offering indignity to the manner of worship or the religion or to any officer of said church while officiating in his office in any wise whatever by any display of ill manners or ill breeding from old or young rich or poor male or female bond or free black or white believer or unbeliever and if any of the above insults are offered such measures will be taken as are lawful to punish the aggressor or aggressors and eject them out of the house

2nd An insult offered to the presiding Elder of said church, shall be considered an insult to the whole page 111 body, also an insult offered to any of the officers of said church while officiating shall be considered an insult to the whole body

3rd All persons are prohibited from going up the stairs in times of worship

4th All persons are prohibited from exploring the house except waited upon by a person appointed for that purpose

5th All persons are prohibited from going into the several pulpits except the officers who are appointed to officiate in the same6th All persons are prohibited from cutting marking or maring the inside or outside of the house with a knife pencil or any other instrument whatever, under pain of such penalty as the law shall inflict

7th All children are prohibited from assembling in the house above or below or any part of it to play or for recreation at any time, and all parents guardians or masters shall be ameneable for all damage that shall accrue in consequence of their children

8th All persons whether believers or unbelievers shall be treated with due respect by the authorities of the Church page 112

9th No imposition shall be practised upon any member of the church by depriving them of their rights in the house council adjourned sini di [sine die]

returned home and spent the after no[o]n, towards evening President Cowdery returned from Columbus, the capital of this State, I could not spend much time with him being under obligation to attend at Mrs. Wilcox[']s to join Mr. John Webb and Mrs Catharine Wilcox in matrimony also Mr. Thos Carrier [Carrico] and Miss Elizabeth Baker at the same place, I found a large company assembled, the house was filled to overflowing, we opened our interview by singing and prayer suited to the occasion after which I made some remarks in relation to the duties that are incumbent on husbands and wives, in particular the great importance there is in cultivating the pure principles of the institution, in all its bearings, and connexions with each other and Society in general

I then invited them to arise and join hands, and pronounced the ceremony according to the rules and regulations of the Church of the latter day Saints

Closed after which I pronounced such blessings upon their heads as the Lord put into my heart even the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, and dismissed by singing and prayer

we then took some refreshment page 113 and our hearts were made glad with the fruit of the vine, this is according to pattern, set by our Saviour himself, and we feel disposed to patronize all the institutions of heaven

I took leave of the congregation and retired

15 January 1836 • Friday


at 9 oclock A.M meet in council agreeably to the adjournment, at the council room in the Chapel organized the authorities of the church agreeably to their respective offices in the same, I then made some observation respecting the order of the day, and the great responsibility we are under to transact all our buisness, in righteousness before God, inasmuch as our desisions will have a bearing upon all mankind and upon all generations to come

Sung the song Adam-ondi-ahman and open[ed] by prayer & proceeded to buisness, by reading the rules and regulations to govern the house of the Lord in Kirtland, The vote of the presidency was called upon these rules, and carried passed by the unanimous voice of this presidency viz. of the high council, some objections were raised by president Cowdery, but waived, on an explination

The privilege of remarking upon the rules above named, was next granted page 114 to the high councillors of Kirtland, and after much altercation, their vote was called and unanimously passed, in favour of them

The investigation was then thrown before the the high council of Zion, some objections or inquiry, was made upon some particular items, which were soon settled, and their vote called called and passed unanimously in favour of them

The twelve next investigated the subject of these rules, and their vote called and passed unanimously in favour of them Counsel adjourned for an hour 1 oclock P. M in council, come to order, and proceded to buisness

The subject of the rules to govern the house of the Lord, come next in order before the counsel of the Seventy, their vote called and carried unanimously

The vote of the Bishop of Zion and his counsillors was then called, and after some debate was passed unanimously

The question was then thrown before the Bishop in Kirtland and his counsellors their vote called and carried in their favour The above rules hav[e] now passed through the several quorums, in their order, and passed by the unanimous vote of the whole, and are therefore received and established as a law to govern the house of the Lord in this place, In the investigati[o]n of this subject, I found that many who had deliberated upon this subject page 115 were darkened in their minds, which drew forth, some remarks from me, respecting the privileges of the authorities of the church, that they should, each speak in his turn, and in his place, and in his time and season, that their may be perfect order in all things, and that every man, before he, makes an objection to any, item, that is thrown before them for their concideration, should be sure that they can throw light upon the subject rather than spread darkness, and that his objections be founded in righteousness which may be done by applying ourselves closely to study the mind and will of the Lord, whose Spirit always makes manifest, and demonstrates to the understanding of all who are in possession, of his Spirit

Elder Carloss Smith was nominated and seconded, to be ordained to the high priesthood also to officiate as president to preside over that body in this place Kirtland The vote was called of the respective quorums in their order and passed through the whole house by their unanimous voice

Elder Alva Beemon [Alvah Beman], was nominated and seconded to officiate as president of the Elders in Kirtland Elder Beemon arose and asked permission to speak, and made the following remarks Brethren you page 116 know that I am young and I am old and ignorant and kneed much instructions, but I wish to do the will of the Lord The vote of the several authorities was then called and carried unanimously

William Cowdery was nominated and seconded to officiate as president over the priests of the Aaronic priesthood in Kirtland, the vote of the assembly was called, beginning at the Bishops council and passing through the several authorities untill it come to the presidency of the high counsil in Kirtland and received their sanction having been carried, unanimously in all the departments, below

Oliver Olney was nominated and seconded to preside over the teachers in Kirtland and The vote of the assembly was called and passed unanimously

Ira Bond was nominated and seconded to preside over the deacons in Kirtland vote called and passed unanimously

Eld[e]r Carloss Smith was called forward to the seat of the presidency and ordained to the office's whereunto he was elected and many blessings pronounced page 117 upon his head, by Joseph Smith Jr. S. Rigdon and Hyrum Smith who were appointed to ordain him

Also Eld[e]r Beemon received his ordination under the hands of the same, to the office whereunto he had been elected, and many blessings pronounced upon his head

Bishop Whitney and his counselors then proceded to ordain Wm. Cowdery to the office whereunto he had been called, viz. to preside over the priests of the Aaronic priesthood in Kirtland, many blessings were sealed upon his head

also Oliver Olney to preside over the teachers, in Kirtland with many blessings also Ira Bond to preside over the deacons in Kirtland, with many blessings upon his head

next proceeded to nominated doorkeepers in the house of the Lord the officers of the several quorums were nominated seconded and carried that each should serve in their turn as doorkeepers,- also that Nathaniel Miliken Thomas Carrico Samuel Rolph and Amos R. Orton were elected to the office of doorkeepers page 118

nominated and seconded that the presidency of the high counsel hold the keys of the outer and inner courts of the Lords house in Kirtland, except one of the vestries keys which is to be held by the Bishopric of the Aaronic Priesthood

the vote of the assembly called and carried unanimously

nominated and seconded that John Carrill [Corrill] be appointed to take charge of the house of the Lord in Kirtland immediately The vote of the assembly called and passed unanimously

President Rigdon then arose and delivered his charge to the assembly, his remarks were few and appropriate adjourned by singing and prayer

W. Parrish Scribe

16 January 1836 • Saturday


by request I meet with the council of the 12 in company with my colleagues F G Williams and S. Rigdon

Council organized and opened by singing and prayer offered up by Thomas B. Marsh president of the 12

He arose and requested the privilege in behalf of his colleagues of speaking, each in his turn without being interupted; which was granted them Elder Marsh proceeded page 119 to unbosom his feelings touching the mission of the 12, and more particularly respecting a certain letter which they received from the presidency of the high council in Kirtland, while attending a conference in the East State of Maine also spoke of being plased in our council, on Friday last below the council's of Kirtland and Zion having been previously placed next [to] the presidency, in our assemblies also observed that they were hurt on account of some remarks made by President H. Smith on the trial of Gladden Bishop who had been previously tried before the council of the 12, while on their mission in the east, who had by their request thrown his case before the high council in Kirtland for investigation, and the 12 concidered that their proceedings with him were in some degree, discountenanced

The remaining Elder Marsh then gave way to his brethren and they arose and spoke in turn untill they had all spoken acquiessing in the observations of Elder Marsh and mad[e] some additions to his remarks which are as follows That the letter in question which they received from the presidency, in which two of their numbers were suspended, and the rest severely chastened, and that too upon testimony which was unwarantable, and particularly stress was laid upon a certain letter which the presidency had received from Dr. page 120 W[arren] A. Cowdery of Freedom New York in which he prefered charges against them which were false, and upon which they we (the presiders) had acted in chastning them and therefore, the 12, had concluded that the presidency had lost confidence in them, and that whereas the church in this place, had carressed them, at the time of their appointment, to the appostleship they now treated them coolly and appear to have lost confidence in them also

They spoke of their having been in this work from the beginning almost and had born[e] the burden in the heat of the day and passed through many trials and that the presidency ought not to have suspect their fidelity nor loose confidence in them, neither have chastised them upon such testimony as was lying before before them also urged the necessity of an explanation upon the letter which they received from the presidency, and the propriety of their having information as it respects their duties, authority &c that they might come to an understanding in all things, that they migh[t] act in perfect unison and harmony before the Lord and be prepared for the endument [endowment] also that they had prefered a charge against O Cowdery for his unchristian conduct which the presidency had disregarded also that President O. Cowdery on a certain occasion had made use of language to one of the page 121 twelve that was unchristian and unbecoming any man, and that they would not submit to such treatment

The remarks of all the 12 were made in a verry forcible and explicit manner yet cool and deliberate, / I arose

I observed that we had heard them patiently and in turn should expect to be heard patiently also; and first I remarked that it was necessary that the 12 should state whether they were determined to persevere in the work of the Lord, whether the presidency are able to satisfy them or not; vote called and carried in the affirmative unanimously; I then said to them that I had not lost confidence in them, and that they had no reason to suspect my confidence, and that I would be willing to be weighed in the scale of truth today in this matter, and risk it in the day of judgment; and as it respects the chastning contained in the letter in question which I acknowledge might have been expressed in too harsh language; which was not intentional and I ask your forgiveness in as much as I have hurt your feelings; but nevertheless, the letter that that Elder Mclellen wrote back to Kirtland while the twelve were at the east was harsh also and I was willing to set the one against the other; I next proceeded to explain the subject of the duty of the twelve; and their authority which is next to the present presidency, and that the arangement of the assembly in this place on the 15 inst / in placing the high councils of Kirtland and next the presidency was because the buisness to be transacted was buisness that related to that body in particular which was to page 122 fill the several quorum's in Kirtland; not beca[u]se they were first in office, and that the arangement was most Judicious that could be made on the occasion also the 12, are not subject to any other than the first presidency; viz. myself S. Rigdon and F G. Williams I also stated to the 12, that I do not continue countinanc[e] the harsh language of President Cowdery to them neither in myself nor any other man, although I have sometimes spoken to harsh from the impulse of the moment and inasmuch as I have wounded your feelings brethren I ask your forgivness, for I love you and will hold you up with all my heart in all righteousness before the Lord, and before all men, for be assured brethren I am willing to stem the torrent of all opposition, in storms in tempests in thunders and lightning by sea and by land in the wilderness or among fals[e] brethren or mobs or wherever God in his providence may call us and I am determined that neither hights nor depths principalities nor powers things present or to come nor any other creature shall separate me from you; and I will now covenant with you before God that I will not listen too nor credit, any derogatory report against any of you nor condemn you upon any testimony beneath the heavens, short of that testimony which is infalible, untill I can see you face to face and know of a surity page 123 and I do place unlimited confidence in your word for I believe you to be men of truth, and I ask the same of you, when I tell you any thing that you place equal confidence in my word for I will not tell you I know anything which I do not know but I have already consumed more time than I intended to when I commenced and I will now give way to my colleagues

President Rigdon arose next and acquiessed in what I had said and acknowledged to the 12, that he had not done as he ought, in not citing Dr. Cowdery to trial on the charges that were put into his hands by the 12, that he had neglected his duty in this thing, for which he asked their forgiveness, and would now attend to it if they desired him to do so, and Elder Presdt Rigdon also observed to the 12 that if he he might had spoken, or reproved too harshly, at any time and had injured their feelings by so doing he asked their forgivness.

President Williams arose and acquiessed in the above sentiments expressed by myself and President Rigdon, in full and said many good things

The President of the 12, then called a vote of that body to know whether they were perfectly satisfied with the page 124 explenation which we had given them and whether they would enter into the covenant we had proposed to them, which was most readily manifested in the affirmative by raising their hands to heaven, in testimony of their willingness and desire to enter into this covenant and their entire satisfaction with our explanation, upon all the difficulties that were on their minds, we then took each other by the hand in confirmation of our covenant and their was a perfect unison of feeling on this occasion, and our hearts over flowed with blessings, which were pronounced upon each others heads as the Spirit gave us utterance my scribe is included in this covenant with and blessings with us, for I love him, for the truth and integrity that dwelleth in him and may God enable us all, to perform our vows and covenants with each other in all fidelity and rightiousness before Him, that our influence may be felt among the nations of the earth in mighty power, even to rend the Kingdom of darkness in sunder, and triumph over priestcraft and spiritual wickedness in high places, and brake in pieces all other Kingdoms that are opposed to the Kingdom of Christ, and spread the light and truth of the everlasting gospel from the rivers to the ends of the earth

Elder Beemon call[ed] for council upon the subject of his returning home he wished to know whether it was best for him to return before the Solemn Assembly page 125 or not, after taking it into concideration the council advised him to tarry we dismissed by singing and prayer and retired

W. Parrish Scribe

17 January 1836 • Sunday


/ Attended meeting at the schoolhouse at the usual hour a large congregation assembled; I proceeded to organize the several quorums present; first, the presidency; then the twelve, and the seventy all who were present also the counsellors of Kirtland and Zion. President Rigdon then arose /and observed that instead of preaching the time would be occupied, by the presidency and twelve in speaking each in their turn untill they had all spoken, the Lord poured out his spirit upon us, and the brethren began to confess their faults one to the other and the congregation were soon overwhelmed in tears and some of our hearts were too big for utterance, the gift of toungs, come upon us also like the rushing of a mighty wind, and my soul was filled with the glory of God.

In the after noon I joined three couple in matrimony, in the publick congregation, whose names are as follows Wm F. Cahoon and Maranda [Miranda] Gibbs Larona Cah Harvy Stanly [Harvey Stanley] and Larona Cahoon also Tunis Rap[p]leye and Louisa Cutler, We then administered the Lord[Ôs] supper and dismissed the congregation; which was so dense that it was page 126 verry unpleasant for all we were then invited to Elder Cahoons to a feast which was prepared on the occasion, and had a good time while partaking of the rich repast that was spread before us, and I verily realized that it was good for brethren to dwell together in unity, even like the dew upon the mountains of Israel, where the Lord commands blessings, even life for ever more,

Spent the evening at home

18 January 1836 • Monday


attended the hebrew school, This day the Elders School was removed into the Chapel in the room adjoining ours nothing very special transpired

Copy of a Letter
Willoughby January 5th 1836
To Elder W. Parrish

Sir I have received an open note from Mr. Sylvester Smith informing me that your School concidered itself dissolved from all ingagements with me, for this I was not unprepared. But he adds that I must excuse him for saying that I appear to be willing to trifle with you in regard to appointments time, &c

This insinuation is unworthy of me beneath my sence of honour, and I page 127 could hope unwaranted by any mean suspicion of your whole body I wrote for books to New York by Mr. Cowdery - not but I could I could not have taught the rudiments without them - but because I wished to make my instruction philosophically availing as well as mere elementary. ln this object I thought myself confirmed by you, my books have not come as yet & are probably lost of the pecuniary value I seek not. I borowed a book of Elder Boynton, & told him, believing him to be responsible that Wednesday would be best for me to deliver a publick lecture owing to my engagements here. I here was officially informed when the School was to be opened by me.

The addition of insult to wrong may be gratifying to small minds mine is above it, scorns and repud[i]ates it. I am verry respectfully Your verry ob. Servt.

Daniel L M. Piexotto [Peixotto]

/The Answer
Kirtland Jan 11th 1836
Dr. Piexotto,

Sir, I received yours of the 5th Inst in which you manifested much indignation and considered your hounour highly insulted by us as a body, if not by me as an individual, and deprecated our conduct because we informed you that you appear[e]d willing to trifle with us, as it page 128 respects our engagement with you to teach our Hebrew class I have acted in this matter as agent for the School; the time agreed upon for you to commence, was not to be protracted, at farthest later than Dec 15th and the class have ever till now, considered themselves bound by the engagement I made with you. When Elder Cowdery and myself called, you set a time that you would come over to Kirtland and have our agreement committed to writing, but did not come, some were displeased, I excused you; some days passed without our hearing from you: at length Dr Williams called and you specified another time that you would come, (which is some 2 or 3 weeks since) the class were again disappointed, I again plead an excuse for you; on last saturday week, or in other words on the 2 Inst our class met and agreed to organize the on Monday morning the 4 Inst, at 9 oclock A.M. and by the voice of the school I was appointed to wait on you, and advertize your honour that we were ready, and should expect you to attend at that hau hour; presuming that you would be ready at this late period to fulfill your engagement if you ever intended to; and accordingly I called, and informed you of the arangements we had made, but on account of your arangements at the Medical University I was willing to exceed my instructions, and let you name the hour that you would wait on us on that day, which was at 4 oclock P.M.

Sunday the 3 inst, I learned from Elder Boyanton [Boynton] that it would be most convenient for you to call on Wedensday, the school knew nothing of this as a body, on Monday morning we met, and I was called upon to report which I did; I also stated what I had page 129 heard from Elder Boyanton, the voice of the class was called to know, whether they considered themselves any longer under obligation to you, and whether they would wait any longer for you, and carried in the negative.

Now sir, what could I say in your behalf? I answer, nothing; I should have considered it an insult to have asked 40 men who had laid by every other consideration to attend this school, to lay upon their oars 3 days longer with the impression on their minds, (and justly too) that it would be altogether uncertain whether you would come then or not.

With these things lying before us, we are told by your honour that it may be gratifying to small minds to add insult to wrong; and you also informed me in your note, that you was not unprepared for the inteligence it contained, which is virtually saying that you intended the abuse you have heaped upon us.

I assure you sir that I have ever entertained the best of feelings towards you, and have recognized you as a friend in whom I could repose unlimited confidence and with whom I have acted in good faith, and I am not a little surprized on this occasion, that you should treat us with such marked contempt and then upbraid us with adding insult to wrong; small as you may consider our minds, we have sufficient discernment to discover this insult, although offered by your honour, and sufficient good manners not to insult or wrong any man.

Respectfully your most obedient humble servant Warren Parrish

P. S. The note that we sent you, was well sealed when it was put into the hands of the messenger; which you informed me you recieved open, yours

W. P. page 130

/Monday morning the 18th at 9 oclock, attended the hebrew school, nothing special transpir[e]d on this day spent the evening at home with my family

19 January 1836 • Tuesday


spent the day at school, the Lord blessed us in our studies. this day we commenced reading in our hebrew bibles with much success, it seems as if the Lord opens our minds, in a marvelous manner to understand his word in the original language, and my prayer is that God will speedily endue us with a knowledge of all languages and toungs, that his servants may go forth for the last time, to bind up the law and seal up the testimony

Form of Marriage Certificate

I hereby certify that agreeably to the rules and regulations of the Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints, on matrimony, were joined in marriage Mr. William F. Cahoon and Miss Nancy M. Gibbs, both of this place, on Sabbath the 17th instant.

Joseph Smith Jun

Kirtland Ohio Jan. 18th 1836 Presiding Elder of said Church page 131

20 January 1836 • Wednesday


attended school at the us[u]al hour, and spent the day in reading and lecturing, and made some advancement in our studies, At evening I attended at John Johnsons with my family, on a matrimonial occasion, having been invited to do so, and to join President John F. Boynton and Miss Susan Lowell in marriage, a large and respectable company assembled, and were seated by Eldr's O. Hyde & W. Parrish in the following order The presidency and their companions in the first seats the twelve apostles in the second the 70, in the third, and the remainder of the congregation seated with their companions

After the above arangments were made Eldr Boynton & his Lady with their attendants, came in and were seated in front of the presidency a hymn was sung, after which I adressed a throne of grace, I then arose and read aloud a licence granting any minister of the gospel the priviledge of solemnizing the rights of matrimony, and after calling for objection if any there were, against the anticipated alliance between Eldr Boynton & Miss Lowell and waiting sufficient time, I observed that all forever after this must hold their peace

I then envited them to join hands and I pronounced the ceremony according to the rules and regulations of the church of the Latter-day Saints, in the name of page 132 God, and in the name of Jesus Christ I pronounced upon them the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and such other blessings as the Lord put into my heart, and being much under the influence of a cold I then gave way and President S. Rigdon arose and delivered a verry forcible address, suited to the occasion, and closed the servises of the evening by prayer. Eldr O. Hyde Eldr L. Johnson & Eldr W. Parrish who served on the occasion, then presented the presidency with three servers filled with glasses of wine, to bless, and it fell to my lot to attend to this duty, which I cheerfully discharged, it was then passed round in order, then the cake, in the same order, and suffise it to say our hearts were made cheerful and glad, while partaking of the bounty of the earth, which was presented, untill we had taken our fill, and Joy filled every bosom, and the countenances of old, and young, alike, seemed to bloom with the cheerfulness and smiles of youth and an entire unison of feeling seemed to pervade the congregation, and indeed I doubt whether the pages of history can boast of a more splendid and inocent wedding and feast than this for it was conducted after the order of heaven, who has a time for all thing[s] and this being a time of rejoicing, we hartily embraced it, and conducted ourselves accordingly Took leave of the page 133 company and returned home.

21 January 1836 • Thursday


This morning a minister from Conneticut by the name of John W. Olived called at my house and enquired of my father if Smith the pro[p]het live's here he replied that he did not understand him. Mr. Olived asked the same question again and again and recieved the same answer. he finally asked if Mr. Smith lives here, father replyed O yes Sir I understand you now. father then stept into my room, and informed me that a gentleman had called to see me, I went into the room where he was, and the first question he asked me, after passing a compliment, was to know how many members we have in our church, I replyed to him, that we hav[e] about between 15 hundred and 2,000 in this branch. He then asked me wherein we differ from other christian denomination[s] I replyed that we believe the bible, and they do not. however he affirmed that he believed the bible, I told him then to be baptised, he replied that he did not realize it to be his duty But when [I] laid him before him the principles of the gospel, viz. faith and repentance and baptism for the remission of sins and the laying on of hands for the reseption of the Holy Ghost he manifested much surprise I then observed that the page 134 hour for school had arived, and I must attend The man seemed astonished at our doctrine but by no means hostile

At about 3. oclock P. M I dismissed the school and the presidency, retired to the loft of the printing office, where we attended to the ordinance of washing our bodies in pure water, we also perfumed our bodies and our heads, in the name of the Lord at early candlelight, I met with the presidency, at the west school room in the Chapel to attend to the ordinance of annointing our heads with holy oil also the councils of Zion Kirtland and Zion, met in the two adjoining rooms, who waited in prayer while we attended to the ordinance, I took the oil in my left right hand, father Smith being seated before me and the rest of the presidency encircled him round about. we then streched our right hands to heaven and blessed the oil and concecrated it in the name of Jesus Christ we then laid our hands on our aged father Smith, and invoked, the blessings of heaven, I then annointed his head with the concecrated oil, and sealed many blessings upon him, head, the presidency then in turn, laid their hands upon his head, beginning at the eldest, untill they had all laid their hands on him, and pronounced such blessings, upon his head as the Lord put into their hearts all blessing him to be our patriarch, and to annoint our page 135 heads, and attend to all duties that pertain to that office. I then took the seat, and father annoint[ed] my head, and sealed upon me the blessings, of Moses, to lead Israel in the latter days, even as moses led him in days of old, also the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. all of the presidency laid their hands upon me and pronounced upon my head many prophesies, and blessings, many of which I shall not notice at this time, but as Paul said, so say I, let us come to vissions and revelations, The heavens were opened upon us and I beheld the celestial Kingdom of God, and the glory thereof, whether in the body or out I cannot tell, I saw the transcendant beauty of the gate that enters, through which the heirs of that Kingdom will enter, which was like unto circling flames of fire, also the blasing throne of God, whereon was seated the Father and the Son, I saw the beautiful streets of that Kingdom, which had the appearance of being paved with gold I saw father Adam, and Abraham and Michael and my father and mother, my brother Alvin that has long since slept, and marvled how it was that he had obtained this an inheritance in that Kingdom, seeing that he had departed this life, before the Lord had set his hand to gather Israel the second time and had not been baptised for the remission of sins Thus said came the voice of the Lord unto me saying all who have page 136 died with[out] a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it, if they had been permited to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial Kingdom of God also all that shall die henseforth, without a knowledge of it, who would have received it, with all their hearts, shall be heirs of that Kingdom, for I the Lord will judge all men according to their works according to the desires of their hearts and again I also beheld the Terrestial Kingdom I also beheld that all children who die before they arive to the years of accountability, are saved in the celestial Kingdom of heaven I saw the 12, apostles of the Lamb, who are now upon the earth who hold the keys of this last ministry, in foreign lands, standing together in a circle much fatiegued, with their clothes tattered and feet swolen, with their eyes cast downward, and Jesus standing in their midst, and they did not behold him, the Saviour looked upon them and wept- I also beheld Elder McLellen in the south, standing upon a hill surrounded with a vast multitude, preaching to them, and a lame man standing before him, supported by his crutches, he threw them down at his word, and leaped as an hart, by the mighty power of God

Also Eld[er] Brigham Young standing in a strange land, in the far southwest, in a desert place, upon a rock in the midst of about a dozen men of colour, who, appeared hostile page 137 He was preaching to them in their own toung, and the angel of God standing above his head with a drawn sword in his hand protec[t]ing him, but he did not see it, and I finally saw the 12 in the celestial Kingdom of God, I also beheld the redemption of Zion, and many things which the toung of man, cannot discribe in full.- Many of my brethren who received this ordinance with me, saw glorious visions also,- angels ministered unto them, as well as my self, and the power of the highest rested upon, us the house was filled with the glory of God, and we shouted Hosanah to the God and the Lamb

I am mistaken, concerning my receiving the holy anointing first after father Smith, we received it in turn according to our age, (that is the presidency,)

My Scribe also recieved his anointing with us and saw in a vision the armies of heaven protecting the Saints in their return to Zion & many things that I saw

The Bishop of Kirtland with his counsellors and the Bishop of Zion with his counsellors, were present with us, and received their, annointing under the hands of father Smith and confirmed by the presidency and the glories of heaven was unfolded to them also

We then invited the counsellors of Kirtland and Zion and Kirtland into our room, and President Hyrum page 138 Smith annointed the head of the president of the counsellors in Kirtland and President D. Whitmer the head of the president, of the counsellors of Zion

The president of each quorum then annointed the heads of his colleagues, each in his turn beginning, at the eldest

The vision of heaven was opened to these also, some of them saw the face of the Saviour, and others were ministered unto by holy angels, and the spirit of prop[h]esy and revelation was poured out in mighty power, and loud hosanahs and glory to God in the highest, saluted the heavens for we all communed with the h[e]avenly host's, and I saw in my vision all of the presidency in the Celestial Kingdom of God, and, many others who were present

Our meeting was opened by singing and prayer offered up by the head of each quorum, and closed by singing and invoking the benediction of heaven with uplifted hands, and retired between one and 2. oclock in the morning page 139

22 January 1836 • Monday


attended at the school room at the us[u]al hour.- But insted of persuing our studies /we commenced spent the time in rehearsing to each other the glorious scenes that transpired on the preceding evening, while attending to the ordinance of holy anointing.- At evening we met at the same place, with the council of the 12 and the presidency of the 70 who were to receive this ordinance; the high councils of Kirtland and Zion were present also: we called to order and organized; the Presidency then proceeded to consecrate the oil; we then laid our hands upon Elder Thomas B. Marsh who is the president of the 12 and ordained him to the authority of anointing his brethren, I then poured the concecrated oil upon his head in the name of Jesus Christ and sealed such blessings upon him as the Lord put into my heart; the rest of the presidency then laid their hands upon him and blessed him each in their turn beginning at the eldest; he then anointed and blessed his brethren from the oldest to the youngest, I also laid my hands upon them and prounounced many great and glorious [blessings] upon their heads; the heavens were opened and angels ministered unto us.

The 12 then proceeded to anoint and bless the presidency of the 70 and seal upon their heads power and authority to anoint their brethren; the heavens were opened upon Elder Sylvester Smith and he leaping up exclaimed, The horsemen of Israel and the chariots thereof. President Rigdon arose /Br. Carloss Smith was also, annointed and ordained blessed to preside over the high priesthood. President Rigdon, arose to conclude the servises of the evening page 140 by invoking the benediction of heaven of heaven upon the Lords anointed which he did in an eloquent manner the congregation shouted a loud hosannah the gift of toungs, fell upon us in mighty pow[e]r, angels mingled themselves their voices with ours, while their presence was in our midst, and unseasing prases swelled our bosoms for the space of half an hour, I then observed to the brethren that it was time to retire, we accordingly closed our interview and returned home at about 2. oclock in the morning /& the spirit & visions of God attended me through the night

23 January 1836 • Saturday


attended at the school room as usual & we came together filled with the spirit as on the past evening & did not fe[e]1 like studying but commenced conversing upon heavenly things & the day was spent agreably & profitably- Elder & other Alvah Beaman had been tempted to doubt the things which we recd. on saturday evening & he made an humble confession & asked forgiveness of the school whi[c]h was joyfully given- & the old man said he would try to resist Satan in [the] future

24 January 1836 • Sunday


Met the several quorems in the room under the printing office & after organizing & op[e]ning by prayer called upon the High council of Kirtland to proceede and confess their sins as th[e]y might be directed by the spirit- & they occupied the first part of the day and confessed & exhorted as the spirit led.- P.M. attended again & saw the Bread & wine administered to the quorems & brethren who were present

In the evening met the Presidency in the room over the printing room & counseled on the subject of endowment & the preperation necessary for page 141 the solemn Assembly which is to be called when the House of the Lord is finished

25 January 1836 • Monday


Recd a line from my scribe informing me of his ill health as follows

Brother Joseph, My great desire to be in your company & in the Assembly of the Saints where God opens the heavens & exhibits the treasures of eternity is the only thing that has stimulated me for a number of days past to leave my house; for be assured, dear brother, my bodily affliction is severe; I have a violent cough more especially nights, which deprives me of my appetite, & my strength fails, & writing has a particular tendency to injure my lungs while I am under the influence of such a cough I therefore, with reluctance send your journal to you untill my health improves Yours in haste

Warren Parrish

P. S. Brother Joseph, pray for me, & ask the prayers of the class on my account also.

Appointed Elder Sylvester Smith acting Scribe for the time being or till Eld[er] Parrish shall recover his health- spent the day at home receiving visiters &c

26 January 1836 • Tuesday


Mr. Seixas arived from Hudson to teach the hebrew Langu[a]ge & I attended upon the organizing of the class for the purpose of receiving his lectures in hebrew grammar- his hours of instruction are from ten to eleven A.M. & from two to three P.M.</a> his introduction pleased me much. I think he will be a help to the class in learning the hebrew

27 January 1836 • Wednesday


attended school as usual & other matters which came before me to attend to page 142

28 January 1836 • Thursday


attended school at the usual hours In the evening met the quorems of High Priests in the west room of the upper loft of the Lord,s house & in company with my council of the presidency- consecrated & anointed the cou[n]sellors of the President of the High priesthood & having instructed them & set the quorem in order I left them to perform the holy anointing- & went to the quorem of Elders in the other end of the room. I assisted in anointing the counsellors of the President of the Elders & gave them the instruction necessary for the occasion & left the President & his council to anoint the Elders while I should go to the adjoining room & attend to organizing & instructing of the quorem of the Seventy—

I found the Twelve Apostles assembled with this quorem & I proceeded with the quorem of the presedincy to instruct them & also the seven presidents of the seventy Elders to call upon God with uplifted hands to seal the blessings which had been promised to them by the holy anointing As I organized this quorem with the presedincy in this room, Pres. Sylvester Smith saw a piller of fire rest down & abide upon the heads of the quorem as we stood in the midst of the Twelve.

When the Twelve & the seven were through with their sealing prayers I called upon Pres. S. Rigdon to seal them with uplifted hands & when he he had done this & cried hossannah that all [the] congregation should join him & shout hosannah to God & the Lamb & glory to God in the highest- It was done so & Eld[er] Roger page 143 Orton saw a flaming mighty Angel riding upon a horse of fire with a flaming sword in his hand followed by five others- encircle the house & protect the saints even the Lords anointed from the power of Satan & a host of evil spirits which were striving to disturb the saints—

Pres. Wm Smith one of the Twelve saw the h[e]avens op[e]ned & the Lords host protecting the Lords anointed. Pres. Z Coltrin one of the seven saw the saviour extended before him as upon the cross & [a] little after crowned with a glory upon his head above the brightness of the sun after these things were over & a glorious vision which I saw had passed I instructed the seven presidents to proceede & anoint the seventy & returned to the room of the High Priests & Elders & attended to the sealing of what they had done with uplifted hands, the Lord had assisted my bro. Carloss the Pres. of the High Priests to go forward with the anointing of the High priests so that he had performed it to the acceptance of the Lord, notwithstanding he was verry young & inexperienced in such duties & I f[e]lt to praise God with a loud hossannah for his goodness to me & my fathers family & to all the children of men praise the Lord all ye his saints praise his holy name after these quorems were dismissed I retired to my home filled with the spirit & my soul cried hossannah to God & the Lamb through the silent watches of the night & while my eyes were closed in sleep the visions of the Lord were sweet unto me & his glory was round about me praise the Lord. page 144

29 January 1836 • Friday


attended school & read hebrew- recd the following line from the Presidency of the Elders

Kirtland Jany. 29. AD. 1836

To the Presidents of the Church of Latter day saints. Beloved Bret[hren] feeling ourselves amenable to you for our proceedings as the presidency of the first quorem of Elders in Kirtland, & believing that we are to be govorned by you; we desire to know if we are to receive all those who are recommended to us by Elders for ordaination, or shall we receive none only those who have written recommendations from you. please answer our request

Alvah Beman Pres.
E. M. Green Clk
Reuben Hadlock [Hedlock] Counsel

John Morton

Answered the above verbally & attended to various duties. P.M. I called in all my father,s family & made a feast & related my feeling towards them My father pronounced the following Patriarchial blessings

Henry Garrett, born in Deerfield, Onieda Co. N. Y. Sept 5. A D. 1814 Bro. I bless thee by the authority of the Priesthood Lord had eye upon thee, Satan seek destruction relatives also I seal thee unto life. power to tread the adversa[r]y under thy feet & be useful reclaim friends. be a son of God, an heir jointly with Jesus Christ. stand on the earth if faithful till thou hast recd all the desires of thy heart which are in righteousness, the Lord shall bless thy chil[dren] after thee with the blessings of Abraham Isaac & Jacob, shall walk with companion to the page 145 House of God & see his glory fill the house & thou shalt receive all the blessings which thy heart can desire I seal these blessings upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen—

Charles H. Smith born in Potsdam St. Lawrence Co Ny. April 16. 1817 Thou art in thy youth- satan will lay many snares for thee but I secure thee by the power of the holy priesthood from his grasp, thou hast no father an orphan. The Lord shall watch over thee & keep thee & thou shalt receive the priesthood & be mighty in word, save fathers house receive all the blessings of the Earth even of A[braham] I[saac] & Jacob stand on earth till Redeamer com[es] & do all that the power of the holy priesthood can qualify thee for. I seal these blessings upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen

Marietta Carter born in Benson, Rutland Co. Vt. April 1. AD. 1818 Thou art an orphan & the Lord shall bless thee more than thy own father could do if he had not been taken from thee thy name is written in the Book of life become a companion & a mother Lord bless thy children & some of them shall prophecy thy father laid down his life for the redemption of Zion his spirit watches over thee thy heart shall be filled with light not sleep in the dust see thy Redeamer come in the clouds of heaven. & be caught up to meet him & be ever with him these blessings I seal upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen page 146

Angeline Carter born in Benson Rutland Co. V.t. Aug[u]st 26 1823 Thou art a child - thy heart is pure & Satan shall have no power over thee because of thy blessing God shall be thy father, an heir with Jesus observe the words of thy friends who care for thee & seek to please them. The Lord will give thee children & wisdom to teach them righteousness, & they shall be blest of the Lord & call thee blessed, a daughter of Abraham live till satisfied with life. I seal the[e] up unto eternal life in the name of Jesus Amen

Joanna Carter born in Putnam Ny Nov. 26. AD. 1824 I seal the blessings of a father, thy father is no more. blessings of Abraham Isaac & Jacob. strength health healed of all infirmities. Satan have no power to afflict Lord guard thee by his holy Angels name written in heaven eyes opened to see visions Angels minister unto thee a companion lead thee to the house of God see the glory of God fill the house see the end of this generation have power to stand against all the power of satan & overcome through the faith which is in Jesus. I seal thee up unto eternal life in the name of the Lord Jesus Amen

Nancy Carter born in Benson Rutland Co. V.t. Feby. 26 AD. 1827 Thou art a child the Lord loves thee Satan shall seek in vain to destroy thee Lord raise friends for thee which shall guard thee from the destroyer. thy name is written in heaven live to see the winding up of this generation page 147 Angels shall watch over thee in thy youth Eyes op[e]ned see thy God raise children in righteousness & they shall be blest & call thee blessed because of thy diligence in teaching them the doctrine of the kingdom. I seal all these blessings upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen Written & recorded by

Sylvester Smith scribe

This was a good time to me & all the family rejoiced together we continued the meeting till about eight oclock in the evening & related the goodness of God to us in op[e]ning our eyes to see the visions of heaven & in sending his holy Angels to minister unto us the word of life we sang the praise of God in animated strains & the power of love & union was felt & enjoyed—

30 January 1836 • Saturday


Attended school as usual, & waited upon several visiters & showed them the record of Abraham Mr Seixas our hebrew teacher examined them with deep interest & pronounced them to be original beyound all doubt, he is a man of excellent understanding & has a knowledge of many languages which were spoken by the Ancients he is an honorable man so far as I can judge as yet in the evening went to the upper rooms of the Lord's house & set the different quorems in order instructed the Presidents of the seventy concerning the order of their anointing & requested them to proceed & anoint the seventy having set all the quorems in order I returned page 148 to my house being weary with continual anxiety & labour in puting all the Authorities in & in striving to purify them for the solemn assembly according to the commandment of the Lord

31 January 1836 • Sunday


Attended divine service in the schoolhouse organized the several quorems of the Authoraties of the church appointed door keepers to keep order about the door because of the crowd & to prevent the house from being excessively crowded The high council of Zion occupied the first part of the day in speaking as they were led & relating experi[e]nces trials &c. P.M. house came to order as usual & Pres. Sidney Rigdon delivered a short discours[e] & we attended to the breaking of bread the season was as interesting as usual In the evening my father attended to the blessing of three Brethren at Pres. O. Cowderies spent the evening at home

1 February 1836 • Monday


attended scholl as usual & in company with the other committe organized another class of 30 to receive Mr Seixas Lectures on the hebrew in the evening attended to the organizing of the quorems of High priests Elders Seventy & Bishops in the uper rooms of the house of the Lord & after blessing each quorem in the name of the Lord I left them & returned home had an other interview with Mr. Seixas our hebrew teacher & related to him some of the dealings of God to me & gave him some of the evidences of the work of the latter days he listned candidly & did not oppose page 149

2 February 1836 • Tuesday


Attended school as usual & various duties went to the schoolhouse in the evening & heard an animated discourse delivered by Pres. S. Rigdon he touched the outlines of our faith showed the scattering & gathering of lsrael from the scriptures & the stick of Joseph in the hands of Eaphraim & The law of Eaphraim aside from that of Moses It was an interesting meeting the spirit bore record that the Lord was well pleased!

3 February 1836 • Wednesday


attended our hebrew lecture P. M. & studied with O. Cowdery & Sylvester Smith P. M. received many visiters & showed the records of Abraham my father blest three with a patriarchial blessing Eld[er] A[lvah] Beman handed in the names of seventy of his quorem designed for another seventy if God will—

4 February 1836 • Thursday


attended school & assisted in forming a class of 22 to read at 3.o clock P.M. the other 23 reads at 11 o.clock the first class recit[e]s at a quarter before 10 AM & the second at a quarter before 2-P.M. we have a great want of books but are determined to do the best we can

 may the Lord help us to obtain this language that we may read the scriptures in the language in which they were given

5 February 1836 • Friday


Attended school & assisted the committe to make arangements for supplying the third & fourth classes with books concluded to divide a bible into several parts for the benefit of said classes continued my studies in the hebrew rec[eive]d several visiters & attended various duties page 150

6 February 1836 • Saturday


called the anointed together to receive the seal of all their blessings. The High Priests & Elders in the council room as usual The Seventy with the Twelve in the second room & the Bishop in the 3 I laboured with each of these quorems for some time to bring [them] to the order which God had shown to me which is as follows first part to be spent in solemn prayer before god without any talking or confusion & the conclusion with a sealing prayer by Pres. Sidney Rigdon when all the quorems are to shout with one accord a solemn hosannah to God & the Lamb with an Amen amen & amen & then all take seats & lift up their hearts in silent prayer to God & if any obtain a prophecy or vision to rise & speak that all may be edified & rejoice together I had considerable trouble to get all the quorems united in this order I went from room to room repeatedly & charged each separately assuring them that it was according to the mind of God yet notwithstanding all my labour while I was in the east room with the Bishops quorems I f[e]lt by the spirit that something was wrong in the quorem of Elders in the west room & I immediately requested Pres. O. Cowdery & H. Smith to go in & see what was the matter The quorem of Elders had not observed the order which I had given them & were reminded of it by Pres. Carloss Smith & mildly requested to observe order & continue in prayer & requested some of them replied that they had a teacher of their own & did not wish to be troubled by others this caused the spirit of the Lord to withdraw page 151 This interrupted the meeting & this quorem lost th[e]ir blessing in a great measure

the other quorems were more careful & the quorem of the seventy enjoyed a great flow of the holy spirit many arose & spok[e] testifying that they were filled with the holy spirit which was like fire in their bones so that they could not hold their peace but were constrained to cry hosannah to God & the Lamb & glory in the highest. Pres. Wm Smith one of the twelve saw a vision of the Twelve & seven in council together in old England & prophecied that a great work would be done by them in the old co[u]ntries & God was already beginning to work in the hearts of the p[e]ople Pres. Z. Coltrin one of the seven saw a vision of the Lords Host & others were filled with the spirit & spake in tongues & prophecied This was a time of rejoicing long to be remembered! praise the Lord

/ 7 February 1836 • Sunday


attended the meeting at the us[u]al hour the quorums, were seated according to their official standing in the church, The Bishop of Zion and his counsellors ocupied the fore noon in confession and exortation The Bishop of Kirtland and his counsellors, occupied, the stand in the after noon, the discourses of these two quorums were verry interesting, a number of letters of commendation were presented and read, a vote called and all received into the church in Kirtland. bread was broken and blessed, and while, it was passing President Rigdon, commenced speaking from Acts 2d [chapter] and continued about 15, minuits. his page 151 reasoning was cogent, the wine was then blessed and passed after which meeting, dismissed at evening meet with the presidency in the loft of the Printing-office, in company with the presidency of the 70, to chose other 70. also Blessed one of the Zion brethren, dismissed and retired—

8 February 1836 • Monday


attended School at the us[u]al hour. nothing worthy of note transpired in the afternoon lectured in upper room of the printing office with some of the brethren, at evening Mr visited Mr Seixas, in company with President's Rigdon & Cowdery, he converses freely, is an interesting man This day Elder Parrish my scribe, received my journal again, his health is so much improved that he thinks he will be able, with the blessing of God to perform this duty

9 February 1836 • Tuesday


spent the day in studying the hebrew language, we have pleasant weather and fine sleighing—

Spent the evening at home

10 February 1836 • Wednesday


at home at 10. oclock met at School room to read hebrew

In the afternoon, read in the upper room of the printing-office at 4. oclock called at the School room in the chapel, to make some arrangments, concerning the classes on my return home I was informed that Br. Hyrum Smith had cut himself page 152 I immediately repaired to his house and found him badly wounded in his left arm, he had fallen on his axe, which caused a wound about 4 or 5 inches in length Dr. Williams was sent for immediately and who when he came in sewed it up and dressed it, and I feel to thank God that it is no worse, and I ask my heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ to heal my brother hyrum Smith of his wound, and bless my fathers family one and all, with peace and plenty, and ultimately eternal life

/ February 1836 • Monday


Met in council, meeting opened with prayer by President Hyrum Smith; Levi Jackson supplied the place of of Joseph Coe.

Sister [blank] entered a complaint against Joseph Keeler, after hearing the testimony the Councillors proceeded to give their council after which Pres. Hyrum Smith arose and made some remarks, the same was agreed to by President David Whitmer after which the Presidency gave room for the parties to speak both of which made a few remarks, the Pres[ident] then decided that Joseph Keeler be acquited a vote of the council was called, the council agreed to the decision of the Presidency

Jesse Hitchcock Clerk.

/ February 1836 • Thursday


at home attended the School and read hebrew with the morning Class spent the afternoon in reading, and exibiting the Egy[p]tian records to those who called to see me and heavens blessings have attended me. page 153

12 February 1836 • Friday


spent the day in reading hebrew, and attending to the duties of my family, and the duties of the church, nothing very special transpired meet this evening to make arangements concerning ordinations

13 February 1836 • Saturday


spent the fore noon in reading Hebrew. at noon I prepared a horse and sleigh, for Professer Seixas, to go to Hudson to visit his family

14 February 1836 • Sunday


attended to the ordinance of baptism, before meeting at the us[u]al hour attended meeting, the presidents of the 70, expressed their feelings, on the occasion, and their faith in the book of Mormon, and the revelations, also their entire confidence in all the quorums that are organized in the church of Latter day Saints had a good time. the spirit of God rested upon the congregation; administered the Sacrament and confirmed, a number who had been baptised, and dismissed

12 February 1836 • Friday


I met in the School room in the chapel in company with the several quorums to take into concideration the subject of ordinations, as mentioned at the top of this page

opened by singing and prayer I then arose and made some remarks upon the object of our meeting, which were as follows first that many are desiring to be ordained to the ministry, who are page 154 not called and consequ[e]ntly the Lord is displeased Secondly, many already have been ordained who ought [not] to hold official stations in the church because they dishonour themselves and the church and bring persecution swiftly upon us, in consequence of their zeal without k[n]owledge I requested the quorum's to take some measures to regulate the same. I proposed some resolutions and remarked to the brethren that the subject was now before them and open for discussion

The subject was taken up and discussed by President's S. Rigdon O. Cowdery Eldr M. Harris and some others, and resolutions drafted, by my scribe who served as clerk on the occasion read and rejected it was then proposed that I should indite resolutions which I did as follows

1st Resolved that no one be ordained to any office in the church in this stake of Zion at Kirtland without the unanimous voice of the several quorums bodies that constitute this quorum who are appointed to do church buisness in the name of said church viz the presidency of the church & council [of] the 12. apostles of the Lamb and 12 high counsellors of Kirtland the 12, high counsellors of Zion, the Bishop of Kirtland & his counsellors the Bishop of Zion and his counsellors the 7 presidents of the Seventies; untill otherwise ordered by the said quorums. page 155

2nd And further resolved that no one be ordained in the branches of said church abroad unless they are recommended by the church voice of the respective branches of the church to which they belong to a general conference appointed by the heads of the church, and from that conference receive their ordination

15 February 1836 • Monday


attended the Hebrew School at the usual hour, spent the afternoon in reading hebrew, and receiving and waiting upon visitors on this day we commenced translating the Hebrew language, under the instruction of professor Seixas, and he acknowledg's that we are the most forward of any class he ever taught, the same length of time

16 February 1836 • Tuesday


atten[d]ed School at the usual hour and resumed our translating and made rapid progress many called to day to see the House of the Lord, and to visit me and see the Egy[p]tian manuscripts we have page 156 extremely cold weather and fine sleighing

17 February 1836 • Wednesday


attend[ed] the school and read and translated with my class as usual, and my soul delights in reading the word of the Lord in the original, and I am determined to persue the study of languages untill I shall become master of them, if I am permitted to live long enough, at any rate so long as I do live I am determined to make this my object, and with the blessing of God I shall succed to my sattisfaction, this evening Elder Coe called to make some arangements about the Egyptian records and the mummies, he proposes to hire a room at J[ohn] Johnsons Inn and exibit them there from day to day at certain hours, that some benefit may be derived from them I complied with his request, and only observed that they must be managed with prudence and care especially the manuscripts

18 February 1836 • Thursday


spent the day as usual in attending to my family concerns, and receiving and waiting upon those who called for instruction and attending to my studies,

19 February 1836 • Friday


attended with the morning class and translated professor Seixas page 157 handed me the names of a few whom he had selected from the first class, and requested us to meet together this afternoon and lecture, which we did in the upper room of the printing-office The names are as follows President's S. Rigdon O. Cowdery W. W. Phelps Bishop E. Partridge Eldr's [William] E. McLellen O. Hyde O. Pratt Sylvester Smith myself and Scribe these professor Seixas requested to meet one hour earlyer on the following morning I conversed with Mr. Seixas upon the subject of religion, at my house this afternoon, he listened with attention and appeared interested with my remarks, and I believe the Lord is striving with him, by his holy spirit, and that he wiIl eventually embrace the new and everlasting covenant, for he is a chosen vessel unto the Lord to do his people good, but I forbear lest I get to prophesying upon his head this evening President Rigdon and myself called at Mr. Seixas lodgings and conversed with him upon the subject of the School, had a pleasant interview

20 February 1836 • Saturday


at home attending to my domestick concerns, at 9 oclock attended the school and translated with the morning class spent the after-noon with my class in the printing-office spent the evening at home page 158

21 February 1836 • Sunday


Spent the day at home, in reading meditation and prayer I reviewed my lessons in Hebrew On this day some 3 or 4 persons were baptised and the powers of darkness seem to be giving way on all sides. many who have been enemies to the work of the Lord are beginning to enquire in to the faith of the Latter day Saints and are friendly

22 February 1836 • Monday


translated Hebrew with the 1st class in the morning returned home and, made out my return to the county clerk on 11. marriages which I have solemnized within 3. months past 8, by license from the clerk of the court of common pleas in Geauga county Ohio, and 3, by publishment, sent them to chardon by Elijah Fuller I baptised John O. Waterman. I spent the afternoon translating at with my scribe Eldr W. Parrish at his house at 4. oclock. meet [met], Professor Seixas and the school committee at [the] printing office to make some arangements for the advancement of the several classes

The lower room of the chapel is now prepared for painting—

This afternoon the sisters met to make the veil of the Temple

Father Smith presided over them and gave them much good instruction, closed by singing & prayer page 159

23 February 1836 • Tuesday


read and translated Hebrew This afternoon the sisters met again at the chapel to work on the ve[i]1 toward the close of the day I met with the presidency & many of the brethren in the house of the Lord I made some remarks from the pulpit upon the rise and progress of the church of Christ of Latter day Saints and pronounced a blessing upon the Sisters for the liberality in giving their servises so cheerfully to make the veil for the Lord's house also upon the congregation and dismissed

24 February 1836 • Wednesday


attended to my studies as usual at evening met the quorums at the school-room in the chapel to take into concideration the propriety or impropriety of ordaining a large number of individuals who wish to be ordained to official stations in the church each individuals nam[e] was presented and the voice of the assembly called and all of them except 7. were rejected Their ordinations defered untill another time O. Hyde O. Cowdery and Sylvester Smith were nominated and seconded to draft and make regulations concerning licenses vote of the assembly called and unanimously passed

Thomas Burdick nominated and seconded to officiate as clerk to record licenses, and receive pay for his servises accordingly page 160 vote called and passed unanimously also nominated and seconded that the 12, and presidents of the 70, be see that the calls for preaching in the region round about Kirtland be attended to, and filled by judicious Elders of this church

adjourned, and closed by singing and prayer

25 February 1836 • Thursday


attended to my studies as usual, and made some proficiency. in the afternoon I was called upon by President Rigdon to go and visit his wife who was verry sick, I did so in company with my scribe, we prayed for her and annointed her in the name of the Lord and she began to recover from that verry hour Returned home and spent the evening

26 February 1836 • Friday


attended and read hebrew with the first class in the morning spent the afternoon in the printing office settled som[e] misunderstanding between Br. Wm Smith and professor Seixas—

27 February 1836 • Saturday


I prepared my horse and sleigh for Mr Seixas to ride to Hudson to visit his family, he is to return on monday next attended with my class at the printing office page 161 both in the fore and afternoon, and lectured on, and translated Hebrew we have cold weather and fine sleighing

28 February 1836 • Sunday


This morning two gentlemen late from Scotland called to see me, to make inquiry about the work of the Lord in these last days, they treated me with respect, and the interview was pleasing to me, and I presume interesting to them, they attended our meeting, with me, and expressed a satisfaction in what they heard

They spoke of Irvin the oriental reformer and his prop[h]esies after meeting, I returned home and spent the after part of the day and evening in reading and translating the Hebrew

29 February 1836 • Monday


spent the day in studying as usual. A man called to see the house of the Lord in company with another gentleman, on entering the door they were politely invited by the gent[1]eman who has charge of the house to take of[f] their hats one of them complyed with the request unhesitatingly while the other observed that he would not take of[f] his hat nor bow to Jo Smith but that he had made Jo bow to him at a certain time he was immediately informed by Eldr Morey the keeper of the house that his first buisness was to leave it the house for when page 162 a man imposed upon me he was imposed upon himself, the man manifested much anger, but left the house. for this independence and resolution of Eldr Morey I respect him and for the love he manifests toward me, and may Israels God bless him and give him an ascendency over all his enemies

This afternoon Professor Seixas returned from Hudson, and brought a few more bibles and one grammar of his 2d edition. the weather is warm & our sleighing is failing fast

1 March 1836 • Tuesday


attended School, in the fore noon in the afternoon at the printing office and read and translated with my class untill 4. oclock returned home and attended to my domestic concerns

We have fine sleighing which is uncommon in this country at this season of the Year

2 March 1836 • Wednesday


persued my studies as usual at 7 oclock in the evening, the first class met, agreeably to the request of Mr. Seixas at Eldr O. Hydes to spend one hour in translating, dismissed and returned home

3 March 1836 • Thursday


attended to my studies in the hebrew. some misunderstanding, took place between page 163 Professor Seixas and some of the schollars respecting the sale of some Bibles, his feelings were much hurt appearantly, he made some remarks concerning it to each class at noon he called on the school committee with his feelings much depressed we gave him all the satisfaction we could in righteousness, and his feelings were measurbly allayed

/This evening the several quorums met agreeably to adjour[n]ment and were organized according to their official standing in the church.

I then arose and made some remarks on the object of our Meeting which are as follows.

1st To receive or reject certain resolutions that were drafted by a commitee chosen for that purpose at a preceeding meeting respecting licenses for elders and other official members.

2nd To sanction by the united voice of the quorum[s] certain resolutions respecting ordaining members; that had passed through each quorum seperately for without any alteration or amendment excepting in the quorum of the twelve.

The council opened by singing and prayer. President O. Cowdery then arose and read the resolutions respecting licenses (Kirtland Council Minutes, 3 March 1836). three times, the third time he read the article resolutions he gave time and oppertunity after reading each article for objections to be made if any there were; no objections were made I then observed that these resolutions must needs pass through each quorum seperately begining at the presidency / and concequently it must first be thrown into the hands of the president of the Deacon[s] & his council as equal rights & privileges are my motto, and one page 164 man is as good as another, if he behaves as well, and that all men should be esteemed alike, without regard to distinction's of an official nature, the resolutions passed through the quorum of the Deacons by their unanimous voice

It was then thrown before the president of the Teachers and his council and passed unanimously—

Next into the hands of the President of the priests & his council and passed unanimously

Then into the hands of the Bishop's council of Kirtland & passed unanimously

from them to the Bishop of Zion & his council & passed unanimously—

Next into the hands of the president of the high priests & his Elders & his council & passed unanimously

From them into the hands of the president of the High-Priests & his council and passed unanimously

Next into the hands of the presidents of the 70. & passed unanimously

from them to the high council of Zion Kirtland & passed unanimously—

from them to the high council of Kirtland & passed unanimously & Lastly in and then into the hands of the 12, & passed unanimously

& lastly into the hands of the presidency of the Church & all

the quorums and rec[eive]d their sanction. having now passed through all the quorums, the resolutions are received as a Law to govern the Church page 165

I was nominated & seconded for a standing chairman & F. G. Williams for clerk to issue licenses to the official members of the church S. Rigdon for chairman protem & O. Cowdery clerk vote called from the several quorums in their order & passed unanimously

I then made some remarks on the amendment of the 12. upon the resolutions recorded on pages 155 & 156. President T. B. Marsh made some observations after me, & then called a vote of his quorum, to asertain whether they would repeal their amendment or not 9. of the 12. vote[d] in the affirmative & 3. in the negative, and the original bill was passed, which is recorded on the pages above named dismissed by prayer & retired 1/2 past 9. oclock

4 March 1836 • Friday


attended school as usual The sleighing is failing fast, the icy chains of winter seem to be giving way under the influence of the returning Sun, & spring will soon open to us with all his charms

5 March 1836 • Saturday


Attended School in the afternoon the board kiln to[ok] fire & the lumber principally consumed this is the 5 or 6 time it has burnt this winter if my memory serves me corectly

6 March 1836 • Sunday


Spent the day at home in the enjoyment of the society of my family, around the social fireside page 166

7 March 1836 • Monday


Spent the day in attending to my studies

At Evening met with my class at Professor Seixas[Ôs] Room, & translated the 17th chapter of Genesis, after the class was dismissed I was requested to tarry with the rest of the School committee, to make some arangements about paying Mr. Seixas for his tuition instruction, & to engage him for another q[uarte]r we did not arive at any thing definite upon this point, however he Mr Seixas has agreed to stay teach us 3, weeks longer, after having a vacation of 2, weeks at the expiration of this course, & perhaps a q[uarte]r

8 March 1836 • Tuesday


Attended school & translated most of the 22. chapter of Gen. after my class were dismissed, retired to the printing office and translated 10. verses of Ex 3d [chapter] which with the 1st & 2nd Psalms are our next lesson

9 March 1836 • Wednesday


Attended School as usual This day the snow is falling

10 March 1836 • Thursday


Attended School, in the morning, in the afternoon, read Hebrew in the office at evening went down to [the] Professor[Ôs] room to be instructed by him, in the language on the account of the storm the class did not meet. page 167

11 March 1836 • Friday


meet with the morning class,.at 9. oclock, at 10. went into the office and made a divission of our class for private studies for our better accommodation, & advancement in the language we are persuing

Presidents Rigdon Phelps & Cowdery and myself meet at the printing office Eldr's O. Pratt Sylvester Smith & Bishop Partri[d]ge, at L[uke] Johnson's

Eldr's McLellen O. Hyde & W. Parrish on the flats this evening our class met at Mr Seixas[Ôs] room & spent an hour in our studies, class dismissed & retired except the school committee, who tarried and made some arangements with Mr Seixas about continuing longer with us & bringing his family to this place

This has been a very stormy day and the snow is, still falling fast, & the prospect is fair for another run of sleighing which is uncommon for this country at this season of the Year

12 March 1836 • Saturday


engaged a team to go to Hudson after Mr Seixas[Ôs] family & goods also a Horse and cutter for himself & wife, we have cold weather & fine sleighing I was informed to day that a man by the name of Clark froze to death last night near this place, who was under the influence of ardent spirits: O my God how long will this monster intemperance page 168 find it's victims on the earth, me thinks until the earth is swept with the wrath and indignation of God, and Christ's Kingdom becomes universal. O come Lord Jesus and cut short thy work in rightieousness.

Eldr Solomon Hancock received a letter to day, from Missouri bearing the painful inteligence, of the death of his wife. May the Lord bless him and comfort him in this hour of affliction

13 March 1836 • Sunday


met with the presidency & some of the 12, and counseled with them upon the subject of removing to Zion this spring, we conversed freely upon the importance of her redemption, and the necessity of the presidency removing to that place, that their influence, might be more effectually, used in in gathering the saints to that country, and we finally come to the resolution to emigrate on or before the 15th of May next, if kind providence smiles, upon us and openes the way before us

14 March 1836 • Monday


Attended School as usual Professor Seixas returned from Hudson with his family

15 March 1836 • Tuesday


At School in the forenoon in the afternoon, met in the printing office, recd, and waited upon those who caIled to see me, and attended to my domestick concerns at evening met in the printing office & recd a lecture, on grammar page 169

16 March 1836 • Wednesday


persued my studies in the Hebrew language, at evening met the quorum of singers in the chapel, they performed admirably, concidering the advantages they have had

17 March 1836 • Thursday


At school in the morning, in the afternoon in the office at evening, met with the quorums in the west school-room of the Lord's House to receive or reject certain individuaIs whose names were presented for ordination's a number were received by the united voice of the assembly

18 March 1836 • Friday


attended School with the morning class. at 10. oclock, went to the school house to attend the funeral of Susan Johnson, daughter of Ezekiel Johnson, she is a member of the church of Latter day Saints & remained strong in the faith, untill, her spirit, took it's exit from time to eternity

May God bless and comfort her afflicted parents, family connexions, and friends President Rigdon delivered a fine discourse on the occasion, and much solemnity prevailed

19 March 1836 • Saturday


Read Hebrew with the morning class. Spent the day in attending page 170 to my domestick concerns, and the affairs of the church

20 March 1836 • Sunday


attended the house of worship, as usual the quorum of high priests, delivered short addresses to the congregation, in a very feeling, and impressive manner, at the intermission at noon one individual was baptised in the afternoon, administered the Lords Supper, as we are wont to do on every Sabath, and the Lord blessed our souls with the out pouring of his spirit, and we were made to rejoice in his goodness,

21 March 1836 • Monday


at school in the morning after school went to the printing office and prepared, a number of Elders licences, to send by Elder [Ambrose] Palmer to the court [in] Medina County in order to obtain licenses to marry, as the court in this county will not grant us this privelege To day 10 persons were baptized, in this place

22 March 1836 • Tuesday


read Hebrew with the morning class, to day 5, young men were received into the church by baptism, in this place This is a stormy day, the snow is nearly a foot deep, an uncommon storm, for this season of the year page 171

23 March 1836 • Wednesday


attended School This is a pleasant day and fine sleighing

2, more were received into the church by baptism

24 March 1836 • Thursday


attended School as usual in the evening, met with my class at the printing office, and recd a lecture from Professor Seixas upon the Hebrew language

After we were dismissed, we called at the School-room to hear the choir quire of Singers perform, which they did admirably

On this day 5. more were recd into the Church by baptism

25 March 1836 • Friday


attend[ed] School with the morning class also at 5 oclock P.M and recd a lecture upon the Hebrew Grammar We have pleasant weather and good sleighing—

26 March 1836 • Saturday


At home attending to my domestick concerns in the morning after brekfast met with the presidency to make arangements for the solemn assembly which occupied the remainder of the day

27 March 1836 • Sunday


The congregation began to assemble at the chapel at about 7 oclock one hour earlier than the doors were to be opened many brethren had come in from the region's page 172 round about to witness the dedication of the Lords House and share in his blessings and such was the anxiety on this occasion that some hundreds, (probably five or six,) assembled collected before the doors were opened

The presidency entered with the door ke[e]pers and aranged them at the inner and outer doors also placed our stewards to receiv[e] donations from those who should feel disposed to contribute something to defray the expenses of building the House of the Lord we also dedicated the pulpits & consecrated them to the Lord The doors were then opened President Rigdon President Cowdery and myself seated the congregation as they came in, we received about and according to the best calculation we could make we received between 9 hundred and 10,00 which is as many as can be comfortably situated we then informed the door keepers that we could rec[e]ive no more, and a multitude were deprived of the benefits of the meeting on account of the house not being sufficiently capacious to receive them, and I felt to regret that any of my brethren and sisters should be deprived of the meeting, and I recommended them to repair to the School-house and hold a meeting which they did and filled that house also and yet many were left out

The assembly were then organized in the following manner. viz. page 173

West end of the. house

Presdt. F G. Williams Presdt. Joseph Smith, Sen and Presdt. W W. Phelps occupied the 1st pulpit for the Melchisedic priesthood Presdt. S. Rigdon myself and Presdt Hyrum Smith in the 2nd Presdt. D. Whitmer Presdt. O. Cowdery and Presdt. J. Whitmer in the 3d The 4th was occupied by the president of the high-priests and his counsellors, and 2 choiresters The 12. Apostles on the right in the 3 highest seats The presdt of the Eld[e]rs his clerk & counsellors in the seat immediatly below the 12- The high council of Kirtland consisting of 12, on the left in the 3, first seats the 4th seat below them was occupied by the presidency's Eldr's W A. Cowdery & W. Parrish who served as scribes. The pulpits in the east end of the house for the Aaronic priesthood were occupied as follows. The Bishop of Kirtland and his counsellors in the 1st pulpit. The Bishop of Zion and his counsellors in the 2nd The presdt. of the priests and his counsellors in the 3d The presdt. of the Teachers and his counsellors & one choirister in the 4th The high council of Zion consisting of page 174 12 counsellors on the right The presdt of the Deacons and his counsillors in the seat below them The 7 presdts of the Seventies on the left The choir of singers were seated in the 4 corners of the room in seats prepared for that purpose rec[eive]d by contribution $960.00

9 oclock A. M the servises of the day were opened by Presdt S. Rigdon by reading 1st the 96 Psalm secondly the 24th Psalm the choir then sung hymn on the 29th page of Latter day Saints collection of hymn's prayer by Presdt Rigdon choir then sung hymn on 14th page Presdt Rigdon then read the 18, 19, & 20, verses of the 8th Chapter of Mathew and preached more particularly from the 20th verse. his prayer and address were very forcible and sublime, and well adapted to the occasion. after he closed his sermon, he called upon the several quorums commenceing with the presidency, to manifest by rising up, their willingness to acknowledge me as a prophet and seer and uphold me as such by their p[r]ayers of faith, all the quorums in their turn, cheerfully complyed with this request he then called upon all the congregation of Saints, also to give their assent by rising on their feet which they did unanimously

After an intermission of 20, minutes the servises of the day were resumed, by singing Adam ondi ahman. /I then made a short address and called upon the several quorums, and all the congregation of saints to acknowledge the Presidency as Prophets and Seers, and uphold them by their prayers, they all covenanted to do so by rising; I then called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge the 12 page 175 Apostles who were present as Prophets and Seers and special witnesses to all the nations of the earth, holding the keys of the kingdom, to unlock it or cause it to be done among all nations them; and uphold them by their prayers, which they assented to by rising, # I then called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge the high council of Kirtland in all the authorities of the Melchisedec priesthood and uphold them by their prayers which they assented to by rising. I then called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge and uphold by their prayer's the Bishops of Kirtland and Zion and their counsellors, the Presidents of the Priests in all the authority of the Aaronic priesthood, which they did by rising. I then called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge the high-council of Zion, and uphold them by their prayers in all the authority of the high priesthood which they did by rising. I next called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge the Presidents of the seventys who act as their represent[at]ives as Apostles and special witnesses to the nations to assist the 12 in opening the gospel kingdom, among all people and to uphold them by their prayer's which they did by rising I then called upon the quorums and all the saints to acknowledge [the] president of the Elders and his counsellors and uphold them by their prayers which they did by rising The quorums and congregation of saints were then called upon to acknowledge and uphold by their prayers the Presidents of the Priests, Teachers, and Deacons and their counsellors, which they did by rising.

  1. N. B. The Presidents were of the seventy's were acknowledged first after the 12 Apostles page 176

The hymn on the hundred and 14 page was then sung, after which I offered to God the following dedication prayer.


At the dedication of the Lord's House in Kirtland Ohio March 27, 1836. by Joseph Smith, jr. President of the Chnrch of the Latter Day Saints.

Thanks be to thy name, O Lord God of Israel, who keepest covenant and shewest mercy unto thy servants, who walk uprightly before thee with all their hearts; thou who hast commanded thy servants to build an house to thy name in this place. (Kirtland.) And now thou beholdest, O Lord, that so thy servants have done, according to thy commandment. And now we ask the[e], holy Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of thy bosom, in whose name alone salvation can be administered to the children of men: we ask the[e], O Lord, to accept of this house, the workmanship of the hands of us, thy servants, which thou didst command us to build; for thou knowest that we have done this work through great tribulation: and out of our poverty we have given of our substance to build a house to thy name, that the Son of Man might have a place to manifest himself to his people.

And as thou hast said, in a revelation given unto us, calling us thy friends, saying Call your solemn assembly, as I have commanded you; and as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom: Seek learning; even by study, and also by faith, Organize yourselves; prepare every thing needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house [of] fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning page 177 a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God: that your incomings may be in the name of the Lord, that your outgoings may be in the name of the Lord: that all your salutations may be in the name of the Lord, with uplifted hands to the Most High.

And now, Holy Father, we ask thee to assist us, thy people with thy grace in calling our solemn assembly, that it may be done to thy honor, and to thy divine acceptance, and in a manner that we may be found worthy in thy sight, to secure a fulfilment of the promises which thou hast made unto us thy people, in the revelatio[n]s given unto us: that thy glory may rest down upon thy people, and upon this thy house, which we now dedicate to thee; that it may be sanctified and consecrated to be holy, and that thy holy presence may be continually in this house; and that all people who shall enter upon the threshold of the Lord's house may feel thy power and be constrained to acknowledge that thou hast sanctified it, and that it is thy house, a place of thy holiness.

And do thou grant, holy Father, that all those who shall worship in this house, may be taught words of wisdom out of the best books, and that they may seek learning, even by study, and also by faith, as thou hast said; and that they may grow up in thee and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost, and be organized according to thy laws, and be prepared to obtain every needful thing and that this house may be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of glory, and of God, even thy house: that all the incomings of thy people, into this house, may be in the name of the Lord; that all their outgoings, from this house, may be in the name of the Lord; that all their salutations may be in the name of page 178 [the] Lord, with holy hands uplifted to the Most High; and that no unclean thing shall be permitted to come into thy house to pollute it.

And when thy people transgress, any of them, they may speedily repent and return unto thee, and find favour in thy sight, and be restored to the blessings which thou hast ordained, to be poured out upon those who shall reverance thee in this thy house.

And we ask, holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house, armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them, and from this place they may bear exceeding great and glorious tidings, in truth, unto the ends of the earth, that they may know that this is thy work, and that thou hast put forth thy hand, to fulfil that which thou hast spoken by the mouths of thy prophets concerning the last days.

We ask the[e], holy Father, to establish the people that shall worship and honorably hold a name and standing in this thy house, to all generations, and for eternity that no weapon formed against them shall prosper; that he who diggeth a pit for them shall fall into the same himself; that no combination of wickedness shall have power to rise up and prevail over thy people, upon whom thy name shall be put in this house: and if any people shall rise against this people, that thine anger be kindled against them: and if they shall smite this people, thou wilt smite them thou wilt fight for thy people as thou didst in the day of battle, that they may be delivered from the hands of all their enimies.

We ask thee, holy Father, to confound, and astonish and bring to shame, and confusion, all those who have page 178 spread lying reports abroad over the world against thy servant or servants, if they will not repent when the everlasting gospel shall be proclaimed in their ears, and that all their works may be brought to nought, and be swept away by the hail, and by the judgments, which thou wilt send upon them in thine anger, that their may be an end to lyings and slanders against thy people: for thou knowest, O Lord, that thy servants have been innocent before thee in bearing record of thy name for which they have suffered these things, therefore we plead before thee for a full and complete deliverence from under this yoke. Break it off O Lord: break it off from the necks of thy servants, by thy power, that we may rise up in the midst of this generation and do thy work!

O Jehovah, have mercy upon this people, and as all men sin, forgive the transgressions of thy people, and let them be blotted out forever. Let the anointing of thy ministers be sealed upon them with power from on high: let it be fulfilled upon them as upon those on the day of Pentacost: let the gift of tongues be poured out upon thy people, even cloven tongues as of fire, and the interpretation thereof. And let thy house be filled, as with a rushing mighty wind, with thy glory.

Put upon thy servants the testimony of the covenant that where they go out and proclaim thy word, they may seal up the law, and prepare the hearts of thy saints for all those judgements thou art about to send, in thy wrath, upon the inhabitants of the earth because of their transgressions, that thy people may not faint in the day of trouble. page 179

And whatever city thy servants shall enter, and the people of that city receive their testimony let thy peace and thy salvation be upon that city, that they may gather out from that city the righteous, that they may come forth to Zion, or to her stakes, the places of thine appointment, with songs of everlasting joy, and until this be acomplished let not thy judgements fall upon that city.

And whatever city thy servants shall enter, and the people of that city receive not their testimony of thy servants, and thy servants warn them to save themselves from this untoward generation let it be upon that city according to that which thou hast spoken, by the mouths of thy prophets; but deliver thou, O Jehovah, we beseech thee, thy servants from their hands, and cleanse them from their blood. O Lord, we delight not in the destruction of our fellow men: their souls are precious before thee; but thy word must be fulfilled: help thy servants to say, with thy grace assisting them, thy will be done, O Lord, and not ours.

We know that thou hast spoken by the mouth of thy prophets, terrible things concerning the wicked in the last days, that thou wilt pour out thy judgements, without measure; therefore, O Lord, deliver thy people from the calamity of the wicked, enable thy servants to seal up the law and bind up the testimony, that they may be prepared against the day of burning.

We ask thee, holy Father, to remember those who have been driven by the inhabitants of Jackson county Missouri, from the lands of their inheritance, and break off, O Lord, this yoke of affliction page 180 that has been put upon them. Thou knowest, O Lord, that they have been greatly oppressed and afflicted, by wicked men, and our hearts flow out in sorrow because of their grevious burdens. O Lord, how long wilt thou suffer this people to bear this affliction, and the cries of the innocent ones to ascend up in thine ears, and their blood to come up in testimony before thee and not make a display of thy power in their behalf?

Have mercy, O Lord, upon that wicked mob, who have driven thy people, that they may cease to spoil, that they may repent of their sins, if repentance is to be found; but if they will not, make bare thine arm, O Lord, and redeem that which thou didst appoint a Zion unto thy people, And if it cannot be otherwise, that the cause of thy people may not fail before thee, may thine anger be kindled and thine indignation fall upon them that they may be wasted away, both root and branch from under heaven; but inasmuch as they will repent, thou art gracious and merciful, and will turn away thy wrath, when thou lookest upon the face of thine anointed.

Have mercy, O Lord, upon all the nations of the earth: have mercy upon the rulers of our land may those principles which were so honorably and nobly defended: viz, the constitution of our land, by our fathers, be established forever. Remember the kings, the princes, the nobles, and the great ones of the earth, and all people; and the churches: all the poor, the needy and the afflicted ones of the earth, that their hearts may be softened when thy servants shall go out from thy house, O page 181 Jehovah, to bear testimony of thy name, that their prejudices may give way before the truth, and thy people may obtain favour in the sight of all, that all the ends of the earth may know that we thy servants have heard thy voice, and that thou hast sent us, that from among all these thy servants, the sons of Jacob, may gather out the righteous to build a holy city to thy name, as thou hast commanded them.

We ask thee to appoint unto Zion other stakes besides this one, which thou hast appointed, that the gathering of thy people may roll on in great power and majesty, that thy work may be cut short in righteousness.

Now these words, O Lord, we have spoken before thee, concerning the revelations and commandments which thou hast given unto us, who are i[de]ntified with the Gentiles; But thou knowest that we have a great love for the children of Jacob who have been scattered upon the mountains; for a long time in a cloudy and dark day.

We therefore ask thee to have mercy upon the children of Jacob, that Jerusalem, from this hour, may begin to be redeemed; and the yoke of bondage may begin to be broken off from the house of David, and the children of Judah may begin to return to the lands which thou didst give to Abraham, their father, and cause that the remnants of Jacob, who have been cursed and smitten, because of their transgression, to be converted from their wild and savage condition, to the fulness of the everlasting gospel, that they may lay down their weapons of bloodshed and cease their rebellions. And may page 182 all the scattered remnants of Israel, who have been driven to the ends of the earth, come to a knowledge of the truth, believe in the Messiah, and be redeemed from oppression, and rejoice before thee.

O Lord, remember thy servant Joseph Smith jr. and all his afflictions and persecutions, how he has covenanted with Jehovah and vowed to thee O mighty God of Jacob, and the commandments which thou hast given unto him, and that he hath sincerely strove to do thy will. Have mercy, O Lord, upon his wife and children, that they may be exalted in thy presence, and preserved by thy fostering hand. Have mercy upon all their immediate connexions, that their prejudices may be broken up, and swept away as with a flood, that they may be converted and redeemed with Israel and know that thou art God.

Remember, O Lord, the presidents, even all the presidents of thy church, that thy right hand may exalt them with all their families, and their immediate connexions, that their names may be perpetuated and had in everlasting remembrance from generation to generation.

Remember all thy church, O Lord, with all their families, and all their immediate connexions, with all their sick and afflicted ones, with all the poor and meek of the earth, that the kingdom which thou hast set up without hands, may become a great mountain and fill the whole earth, that thy church may come forth out of the wilderness of darkness, and shine forth fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners, and be adorned as a bride for that day when page 183 thou shalt unveil the heavens, and cause the mountains to flow down at thy presence, and the valleys to be exalted, the rough places made smooth, that thy glory may fill the earth. That when the trump shall sound for the dead, we shall be caught up in the cloud to meet thee, that we may ever be with the Lord, that our garments may be pure, that we may be clothed upon with robes of righteousness, with palms in our hands, and crowns of glory upon our heads, and reap eternal joy for all our sufferings.

O Lord, God Almighty, hear us in these our petitions, and answer us from heaven, thy holy habitation, where thou sittest enthroned, with glory, honour, power majesty, might, dominion, truth, justice judgement, mercy and an infinity of fulness, from everlasting to everlasting.

O hear, O hear, O hear us, O Lord, and answer these petitions, and accept the dedication of this house, unto thee, the work of our hands, which we have built unto thy name; and also this church to put upon it thy name. And help us by the power of thy spirit, that we may mingle our voices with those bright shining seruphs, around thy throne with accumu[la]tions of praise, singing hosanna to God and the Lamb: and let these thine anointed ones be clothed with salvation, and thy saints shout aloud for joy. Amen and Amen.

/Sung Hosanah to God and the Lamb after which the Lords supper was administered

I then bore testimony of the administering of angels. Presdt Williams also arose and testified that while Presdt Rigdon was making page 184 his first prayer an angel entered the window and took his seated himself between father Smith, and himself, and remained their during his prayer Presdt David Whitmer also saw angels in the house

We then sealed the proceedings of the day by a shouting hosanah to God and the Lamb 3 times sealing it each time with Amen, Amen, and Amen and after requesting all the official members to meet again in the evening we retired met in the evening and instructed the quorums respecting the ordinance of washing of feet which we were to attend to on wednesday following

28 March 1836 • Monday


Attended school nothing worthy of note transpired

29 March 1836 • Tuesday


Attended school, which was the last day of our course of lectures in Hebrew by Professor Seixas, After we dismissed made some arrangements for our meeting on the morrow; attended to my domestick concirns, nothing very special transpired

At evening I met with the presidency in the Temple of the Lord and the Lord commanded us to tarry and san[c]tify ourselves by washing our feet

At 11 oclock A. M. Presidents Joseph Smith Jun Frederick G. Williams, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, and Oliver Cowdery met in the most holy place in the Lords house and sought for a revelation from Him to teach us concerning our going to Zion, and other impage 185portant matter[s] after uniting in prayer, the voice of the Spirit was that we should come into this place three times, and also call the other presidents, the two Bishops and their councils (each to stand in his place) and fast through the day and also the night and that during this, if we would humble ourselves, we should receive further communication from Him.

After this word was received, we immediately sent for the other brethren who came. The presidency proceeded to ordain George Boosinger to the high priesthood and annoint him.

This was in consequence of his having administered unto us in temporal things in our distress. And also because he left the place just previous to the dedication of the Lords house to bring us the temporal means previously named.

Soon after this, the word of the Lord came to us through Presdt J. Smith Jun that those who had entered the holy place must not leave the house untill morning but send for such things as were necessary, and also, that during our stay we must cleans[e] our feet and partake of the sacrament that we might be made holy before Him, and thereby be qualified to officiate in our calling upon the morrow in washing the feet of the Elders.

Accordingly we proceeded and cleansed our faces and our feet, and then proceeded to wash each others feet. president S. Rigdon first washed presdt J. Smith jun and then in page 186 turn was washed by him after which president Rigdon washed presdt J. Smith Sen. and Hyrum Smith prsdt J. Smith Jun washed presdt F. G Williams, and then pres. Hyrum Smith washed president David Whitmer's feet and president Oliver Cowdery's, then pres D. Whitmer washed pres. W. W. Phelps feet and in turn pres Phelps washed pres John Whitmers feet.

The Bishops and their councils were then washed: After which we partook of the bread and wine. The Holy S[p]irit rested down upon us and we continued in the Lords house all night prophesying and giving glory to God

/30 March 1836 • Wednesday


According to appointment the presidency, the 12, the seventies, the high councils councils, the Bishops and their entire quorums, the Elders, and all the official members in this stake of Zion amounting to about 300 met in the temple of the Lord to attend to the ordinance of washing of feet, I ascended the pulpit and remarked to the congregation that we had passed through many trials and afflictions since the organization of this church and that this is a year of Jubilee to us and a time of rejoicing, and that it was expedient for us to prepare bread and wine sufficient to make our hearts glad, as we should not probably leave this house until morning; to this end we should call on the brethren to make a contribution, the stewards passed round and took up a liberal contribution and messengers were dispatched for bread and wine, tubs [of] water and towels were prepared and I called the house to order, and the presidency proceeded to wash the feet of the 12 pronouncing many prophecy's and blessings upon them in the name of the Lord Jesus, the brethren began to prophesy page 187 upon each others heads, and cursings upon the enimies of Christ who inhabit Jackson county Missouri continued prophesying and blessing and sealing them with Hosanna and Amen until nearly 7 oclock P.M. the bread & wine was then brought in, and I observed that we had fasted all the day, and lest we faint; as the Saviour did so shall we do on this occasion, we shall bless the bread and give it to the 12 and they to the multitude, after which we shall bless the wine and do likewise; while waiting for the wine I made the following remarks, that the time that we were required to tarry in Kirtland to be endued would be fulfilled in a few days, and then the Elders would go forth and each must stand for himself, that it was not necessary for them to be sent out two by two as in former times; but to go in all meekness in sobriety and preach Jesus Christ & him crucified not to contend with others on the account of their faith or systems of religion but pursue a steady course, this I delivered by way of commandment, and all that observe them not will pull down persecution upon your their heads, while those who do shall always be filled with the Holy Ghost, this I pronounced as a prophesy sealed with a Hosanna & amen. Also that the seventies are not called to serve tables or preside over churches to settle difficulties, but to preach the gospel and build them up, and set others who do not belong to these quorums to preside over them who are high priests the twelve also are not to serve tables, but to bear the keys of the kingdom to all nations, and unlock them and call upon the seventies to follow after them and assist them. The 12 are at liberty to go wheresoever they will page 188 and if one shall say, I wish to go to such a place let all the rest say Amen.

The seventies are at liberty to go to Zion if they please or go wheresoever they will and preach the gospel and let the redemtion of Zion be our object, and strive to affect it by sending up all the strength of the Lords house whereever we find them, and I want to enter into the following covenant, that if any more of our brethren are slain or driven from their lands in Missouri by the mob that we will give ourselves no rest until we are avenged of our enimies to the uttermost, this covenant was sealed unanimously by a hosanna and Amen I then observed to the quorums that I had now completed the organization of the church and we had passed through all the necessary ceremonies, that I had given them all the instruction they needed and that they now were at liberty after obtaining their lisences to go forth and build up the kingdom of God, and that it was expedient for me and the presidency to retire, having spent the night previous in waiting upon the Lord in his temple, and having to attend another dedication on the morrow, or conclude the one commenced on the last sabbath for the benifit of those of my brethren and sisters who could not get into the house on the former occasion but that it was expedient for the brethren to tarry all night and worship before the Lord in his house I left the meeting in the charge of the 12 and retired at about 9 o clock in the evening; the brethren continued exhorting, prophesying and speaking in tongues until 5 o clock in the morning the Saviour made his appearance to some, while angels minestered unto others, and it was a penticost and enduement indeed, long to be remembered for the sound shall go forth from this place into all the page 189 world, and the occurrences of this day shall be hande[d] down upon the pages of sacred history to all generations, as the day of Pentecost, so shall this day be numbered and celebrated as a year of Jubilee and time of rejoicing to the saints of the most high God.

31 March 1836 • Thursday


This day being set apart to perform again the ceremonies of the dedication for the benifit of those who could not get into the house on the preceeding sabbath I repaired to the temple at 8 o clock A.M. in company with the presidency, and arranged our door-keepers and stewards as on the former occasion, we then opened the doors and a large congregation entered the house and were comfortably seated, the authorities of the church were seated, in their respective order and the services of the day were commenced prosecuted and terminated in the same manner as at the former dedication and the spirit of God rested upon the congregation and great solemnity prevailed.

/ April 1836 • Friday


At home most of the day, many brethren called to see me, some on temporal & some on spiritual buisiness, among the number was Leeman [Leman] Copley, who testified against me in a suit I brought against Doctor P. Hulbut for threatning my life, he confessed that he bore a fals[e] testimony against me, in that suit but verily thought at the time that he was right but on calling to mind all all the circumstances connected the with the things that transpired at the time he was page 190 convinced that he was wrong, and humbly confessed it and asked my forgivness, which was readily granted, he also wished to be received into the church again by baptism, and was received according to his desire, he gave me his confession in writing

/ 2 April 1836 • Saturday


Transacted business (although of a temporal nature), in company with S. Rigdon, O. Cowdery, J. Whitmer F. G. Williams, D. Whi[t]mer & W. W. Phelps, which was to have a bearing upon the redemption of Zion. The positive manner in which he [Joseph Smith] expressed himself on this, his favorite theme, was directly calculated to produce conviction in the minds of those who heard him, that his whole soul was engaged in it, notwithstanding on a superficial view of the same subject they might differ from him in judgement. lt was determined in council, after mature deliberation, that he and O. Cowdery should act in concert in raising funds for the accomplishment of the aforesaid object. As soon as the above plan was settled, he and O. Cowdery set out together, and their success was such in one half day, as to give them pleasing anticipations, and assure them that they were doing the will of God and that his work prospered in their hands

3 April 1836 • Sunday


He attended meeting in the Lords House, assisted the other Presidents of the Church in seating the congregation and then became an attentive listener to the preaching from the Stand. T. B. Marsh & D. W. Patten spoke in the A.M. to an attentive audience of about 1000 persons. In the P.M. he assisted the other Presidents in distributing the elements of the Lords Supper to the church, receiving them from the Hands "Twelve" whose privilige it was to officiate in the sacred desk this day. After having performed this service to his brethren, he retired to the pulpit, the vails being dropped, page 191 and bowed himself with O. Cowdery, in solemn, but silent prayer to the Most High. After rising from prayer the following vision was opened to both of them.

The vail was taken from their minds and the eyes of their understandings were opened. They saw the Lord standing upon the breast work of the pulpit before them, and under his feet was a paved work of pure gold, in color like amber: his eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was like the pure snow, his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun, and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters, even the Voice of Jehovah, saying, I am the first and the last, I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain. I am your Advocate with the Father. Behold your sins are forgiven you. You are clean before me, therefore, lift up your heads and rejoice, let the hearts of your brethren rejoice and let the hearts of all my brethren people rejoice, who have with their might, built this house to my name. For behold I have accepted this house and my name shall be here; and I will manifest myself to my people, in mercy, in this House, yea I will appear unto my servants and speak unto them with mine own voice, if my people will keep my commandments and do not pollute this Holy House. Yea the hearts of thousands and tens of thousands shall greatly rejoice in consequence of the blessings which shall be poured out, and the endowment with which my servants have already been endowed and shall hereafter be endowed in this House. And the fame of this House shall spread to foreign lands, and this is the beginning of the blessing, which shall page 192 be poured out upon the heads of my people. even so Amen.

After this vision closed, the Heavens were again opened unto them and Moses appeared before them and committed unto them the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the Earth and the leading of the ten tribes from the Land of the North. After this Elias appeared and committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, saying, that in them and their seed all generations after them should be blessed. After this vision had closed, another great and glorious vision burst upon them, for Elijah, the Prophet, who was taken to Heaven without tasting death, also stood before them, and said, behold the time has fully come which was spoken of by the Mouth of Malachi, testifying, that he should be sent before the great and dreadful day of the Lord come, to turn the hearts of the Fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers, lest the whole earth be smitten with a curse. Therefore, the keys of this dispensation are committed into your hands, and by this ye may know that the great and the dreadful day of the Lord is near, even at the doors page 193