Diary of One Month in Honolulu/Day 22
Went down town shopping this morning and bought some perfectly beautiful embroideries and laces. The little shops where they keep those things are irresistible. I wasn't nearly through—but my pocketbook was—when I had to meet Jack for luncheon. I am having some frocks made by a Chinaman, too, at such a low price that Jack wants to come here to live.
After luncheon we motored out to Pearl Harbor and went over the Naval Station. Saw the divers at work at the drydocks, and Jack learned all about dredging and construction and a lot of other things. Then, as we were wise enough to have gotten a permit, we went to the mouth of Pearl Harbor and looked through the fortifications, called Fort Kamehameha. Jack says that the work done and planned out there is tremendous. We might have gone from Honolulu by railroad to Puuloa and then taken a hack over the ground, but didn't know it until afterward. But that way we would have missed some beautiful road and curious foreign settlements.
This evening wrote letters for tomorrow's boat.